
By David Andrew

Published on Apr 7, 2023


That night when they went out in the small boats again Mark was with the Germans. He sat on the little rotating seat watching the wildlife, but he couldn't shake what Al had been saying from his mind. His brain was churning so fast he wasn't even sure of exactly what had been said. 'Did I actually agreed to allow Al to use a sambok?' he wondered. 'Or did I just say that maybe I'd let him? Or that I'd think about it?' At the end of the ride it came as a surprise to find that they were approaching the houseboat again. Now the houseboat meant one thing: sex inextricably intermingled with pain. The two twisted together, and the strangest thing was that he wouldn't have wanted one without the other. The evening cocktail hour dragged on for ever, dinner took even longer, and with his stomach in a tightening knot Mark didn't want to eat. At one point he felt he was losing his grip on reality. "Please..." he wanted to scream at Al, "Take me down to the fucking cabin and do it. Just do it!" But of course he said nothing, couldn't even take part in the small talk.

"Vots ze matter?" asked the ambassador's wife solicitously. "Too much zun maybe? You shoult be inside in ze hot hours."

"Oh maybe just a bit of a tummy..." Mark said rubbing his gut. 'Well that's no lie,' he thought ruefully, his stomach really was beginning to ache, but the ache wasn't caused by anything he'd eaten.

Even after the meal had been cleared away everyone sat on drinking Stella after Stella. The twins were the first to leave, but the Germans sat on engaged in the liveliest conversation with Al and the captain. Mark simply sweated. Eventually Mawemba and the cabin boys had finished clearing away the empties, and they disappeared too. Still Al didn't make a move. Finally the Germans left.

"So boy? Are you ready?" Al asked.

"Yes Sir!" Mark managed to leave it at that although he wanted to scream.

"Good...I've been waiting for the longest time. Let's go see what's happening in the twin's cabin...then I'm going to whip you!" Mark could have lost what little food he'd eaten, but once he was moving he felt better, and his cock started to swell strongly in his shorts.

To Mark's surprise Al went straight past the twin's cabin to their own. "Now boy strip!" Mark assumed that Al had changed his mind about going to the twin's cabin, and strangely that made him feel better, the tension had been building for so long that he wanted to get on with the whipping. He was wrong. Once he was naked Al opened the door, "Let's go," he snapped. It was an order. Mark stepped out into the corridor, every fiber in his body wanted to make a quick dash for the twin's cabin. "Don't even think of hurrying boy!" Clearly Al knew what he was thinking. Somehow he managed to walk slowly forward, his cock waggling from side to side at each step. Inside Mawemba had a camcorder in one hand and camera hanging around his neck. A large black, canvass bag lay open on the floor revealing a collection of toys. M'tosi and N'craa were naked, their ebony skin glistening in the red light, their magnificent cocks already fully erect in anticipation, bright beads of precum at the tips reflected the light as they completed the final preparations. The twins were kneeling, their upper bodies bent forward, heads down on the floor. Their arms were drawn out in front of them, N'craa was binding their wrists to a stretcher bar while M'tosi spread their legs using two more of the bars. The twins were now in a position of supplication, arms out front, asses raised high, like prisoners begging for mercy before a conquering chief. As they moved in from the door Mark saw Soren's cock under his body, pointing straight down, and hard.

"Now boys...I want you here." Mawemba pointed to a spot in front of the kneeling Dutchmen. Clearly he was in charge and enjoying the situation. "Kneel down..." The boys knelt, their rigid cocks sticking out in front were just above the twin's heads. Al motioned Mark to move further into the cabin. He looked in Mawemba's bag and found a pair of handcuffs and a length of rope. The cuffs he snapped on Mark's wrists, then tying the rope to the cuffs he threw one end up and over the hook in the ceiling. He pulled the rope down raising Mark's arms, and tied the other end of the rope tightly around Mark's scrotum. Mark wasn't uncomfortable, his balls were trapped, but if he held his arms up high there was no strain on them.

"Mr. Soren, please raise your head," Mawemba said. Soren lifted his head, the big black cockhead was right in front of his mouth. "Please hold..." There was a flash. "Ah yes! Maybe one more..." Flash, flash, flash.

Mark felt Al come up close behind, felt the cockhead pressing against his sphinctre, it felt cold and slippery. Then Al started to massage the sphinctre, 'Oh God that feels so good, so good," Mark thought. Moments later Al increased the pressure, Mark felt a twinge on pain, then the head slipped in. "Oh God yes!" he murmured as the whole length of the Al's penis slid into his body. Al reached around and began to massage Mark's trapped balls. "Oh Jesus Yessss," Mark hissed.

"Now lean forward please." Mawemba was saying. Soren moved his head forward. "Touch the tip with your tongue...just touching..." More flashes. Please open your mouth as though you are going to suck..." Flash, flash. "Now, some video..." Mawemba switched to the camcorder. "Take the head in your mouth..." Soren didn't just take the head, he leaned forward taking as much of the penis as he could down his throat. Mawemba captured the scene. "Thank you Mr. Soren...that big cock is going to be deep inside your body Mr. Soren. You want it inside you? You want to be fucked by my boy?" Soren nodded vigorously. "Now if you will put your head down... Thank you. Mr. Hans...please lift your head so that I can get some nice souvenirs for you too... Something to take home to show your mother..." He laughed heartily at his own joke

Mark's arms were beginning to ache, he twisted his shoulders to ease the strain. That helped, but not for long. Soon he had to bend his arms which of course put a strain on his balls. However, it did help with the ache, and for a while the pain in his balls was pleasurable in a strange sort of way. But Al was still working on them, they could not escape, and soon the ache in his nuts was more than he could tolerate and he had to straighten his arms again to give his balls more slack. Meanwhile Mawemba went through the same steps with Hans taking pictures at every step and then some video. Mark was enduring his own private torture as he alternately accepted the pain his arms and the worse, or was it better, pain in his nuts.

"Now I think it is time for some real action..." Mawemba placed the camcorder on one side. He reached into the black bag of toys and picked out two blindfolds which he handed to M'tosi and N'craa. A few moments later the twins were blindfolded, kneeling, their asses raised high, their legs spread wide on the stretcher bar, heads back down on the floor. From the bag Mawemba took a whip and a cat giving one to each of the boys, then picking up the camcorder he moved to a position behind the twins where he could get a clear shot of their asses, and of course their genitals. From where he was strung up Mark too could see everything, and for a while he entirely forgot his own pain. N'craa placed one foot on either side of Soren's head, M'tosi did the same with Hans, right in front of them were the raised, white asses.

"Now let us see some action," said Mawemba. The boys took a swing, but they were tentative. "No, no, no!" He said something in Tswana which only the boys could understand, then added, "Let us see something worth showing when they get home!" Still the boys didn't really lay it on. "Stop," Mawemba clearly wasn't satisfied, he lowered the camcorder. Again he spoke to the boys in Tswana. He raised the camcorder again. "Now do it!" Whatever Mawemba had said clearly got through to N'craa who reached forward as he laid the next stroke. The whip sliced down Soren's crease, the tip of the whip curling over to scorch the back of the ball sac. Mark jerked almost as though he had been on the receiving end. His sudden movement allowed Al's cock to penetrate just a little further and at that moment Al slapped the trapped nuts. Mark gasped and would have doubled up except that he couldn't, all he did was to wrench hard on his balls increasing the pain exponentially.

"Oh yes!" Soren said quietly. Seeing this M'tosi laid the cat hard across Hans' buns. Mark heard the sharp intake of breath, but to Mark's surprise Hans held absolutely still.

"Yes! More...much more!" Mawemba enthused. Once they'd started the boys struck again and again, the strokes getting harder and harder. Mark could see Soren's balls jerking violently as the whip connected with the long, loose scrotum. With each stroke Al jerked on Mark's balls, doubling, tripling the pain, and pleasure. After a dozen or more good hard strokes Mawemba interrupted the whipping "Now time to switch... M'tosi, you take Mr. Soren...N'craa, here...!" As the boys switched places Mark noticed the colour of Soren's ass, the tanned skin was now a livid red with bluish stripes across the buns.

'Oh my God! Is this what Al's going to do to me?' he wondered. 'What the fuck have I let myself in for? How did I let myself get talked into this?' And suddenly he realized that there was no way he could back out, it was going to happen, and very soon now.

When Mawemba was satisfied with the whipping he stopped the action again. "Now I think some photos... Yes, some good colour here," he said stroking Soren's buns. "And then it is time for fucking."

"And now it's your turn boy..." Al said quietly in Mark's ear as he released the rope from Mark's sac. But Mark was trying desperately to control the shivering that was rapidly building up throughout his body so he said nothing. As they walked the short distance back to their cabin Mark wasn't even aware of his nakedness, he'd have happily kept walking the corridor all night if it would have put off the moment he was dreading.

"Up on the bed boy... Lie across it," Al was talking quietly trying to calm the fear that he knew Mark be feeling. "That's just fine...don't worry, I'll get you in the right position," he said as he pulled Mark's body back so that his hips were right at the edge of the bed. Al went to his bag, found two lengths of rope and his whip. "Now let's get you trussed up." Al took Mark's right arm in one hand, his right leg in the other. As he raised the leg he pulled the arm back and up, then roped the two together. He did the same on the left side. When he was through Mark was in a position akin to a sky-diver before he deploys his parachute. "So now I need to get at the interesting bits..." Al reached under Mark's body and pulled balls out, then his very stiff cock, bent it back and down, right out in the open between his uplifted legs. Mark lay absolutely still, he knew this was going to be bad, but he equally knew that he had to experience it once, just once.

Meanwhile, back in the twin's cabin Mawemba had applied a liberal coating of KY to N'craa's and M'tosi's cocks. This was a chore that he didn't get to do often, nor would he have ever admitted that it gave him a great deal of pleasure. "Now boys I want to get close-ups of your cocks pressing against our guests." The boys had done this before, they knew exactly what he wanted and positioned themselves behind the twins upraised butts. Mawemba moved so that he could get a clear view from above of M'tosi's cockhead pressed lightly against Soren's sphinctre. The massive head dwarfed the bruised pucker, that a man could open up enough to take such a monster never failed to amaze Mawemba. "Open it for me..." M'tosi used his hands to spread Soren's cheeks wide so that Mawemba could get a close-up of the ass-hole and cockhead. "Yes...that looks so good!" A few flashes later and he did the same for N'craa's cock and Hans' ass. "Okay...Press now...push in...." M'tosi asked something in Tswana. "No, no more KY, we do not want to spoil it for our guests. They have traveled a great distance to be fucked by a real man, if we use too much KY they will to the full. not enjoy the sensations." Soren grunted as M'tosi thrust forward. More shots. Again Mawemba marveled at how the human sphinctre could relax enough to engulf such a massive penis. "Alright boys, I think we have enough... Now you can enjoy yourselves, and remember to give our guests the maximum pleasure." In Tswana he added, "Fuck them very hard, give them memories that they will treasure, then they will come back for more!" He laughed, but he wasn't joking, there had been a number of repeat bookings since the boys had taken an active role in pleasing the guests. The powerful young men thrust deep into the twins' bodies, their hips slamming into the backs of the twins' thighs, their balls swinging and bouncing off the twins' balls. Mawemba caught the action on video, very well pleased with the scene. The Dutchmen didn't know it, but a copy of the video would soon be in Amsterdam. Massive black cocks fucking white asses would fetch a substantial price on the porn market.

Lying across the bed Mark couldn't see Al pick up the whip, but when the plaited leather thong touched his skin his whole body jerked. "Easy... Easy..." Al murmured. "This is going to be so good you're going to want more and more...I promise!" Al drew the whip up through Mark's crack. Mark pulled his arms and legs in over his back, his crack closed tight momentarily trapping the whip. "Easy..." Al repeated. With his hands he spread the cheeks apart. "This is what I want to see... Come on, open up, I need to see the target." Of course Mark could not open up, how could he? Again Al pulled the whip over the crack which closed instantly. But even with his cheeks shut tightly the whip produced the most incredible sensations in Mark's ass. Al started again between Mark's shoulder blades, drew the whip down the length of his back. Again the sensations were wild, again Mark clamped his ass shut as the whip approached his ass. "You're going to let me have it you know... Might take a while, but believe me you will." Al's voice was oh so soothing, so seductive, still Mark refused to open for the whip. This went on for several minutes, minutes during which Mark's arms and legs began to ache from the strain of keeping them close together over his back. Still Al drew the whip up and down, shoulder blades to hips, and he occasionally let it slide like a serpent over the back of Mark's balls. Sure enough, just as Al expected Mark's strength ebbed away, little by little his arms and legs fell out to the sides. Al struck, not hard, just a flick with the tip of the whip, but it was enough to get Mark's limbs back up again. Couldn't keep them up for long though. As Mark's limbs fell out to the sides Al saw the target and he struck again, a little harder this time. Mark clamped shut again. But by now he knew that he wasn't going to be able to protect his hole for long, Al was going to get it. Finally, with a sigh he let his arms and legs splay out wide, Al had the target he'd waited for so long. The whipping started again, gently at first, and just in Mark's crease, but stinging more and more with each stroke. The next stroke brushed the edge of his scrotum.

"Oh God!" Mark blurted out.

"Is that good? Is it? Tell me boy!"

"Yes, yes, yes !" The next stroke was directly on the back of the testicles. "Oh God! Oh Jesus!" Al struck again. "Oh that's so good. It's good..." And another stroke. "Yes Sir! Thank you Sir! Please do it Sir!" Even Al was surprised at how quickly Mark's resistance had crumbled, he'd known it was only a matter of time, but now Mark was begging for more. Al laid the whip across the buns, down the crack, directly on the testicles, and even managed to sting mark's cock which was sticking straight down against the side of the mattress. With each stroke Mark groaned, moaned, begged for more. Al didn't count, but when he saw that the pink sphinctre was dark purple he knew he'd have to stop.

"Boy, now I'm going to fuck you, properly this time," he said.

"Please Sir...don't stop Sir..."

"Well boy if I don't stop now your sweet little pucker will be too sore to fuck, and believe me I need this fuck!"

"Sir thank you Sir, do whatever you want Sir. Please fuck me hard...make me take every last inch...rape me Sir!"

They slept well that night, so well that neither of them were aware of the room boy who brought them their tea and coffee. N'craa looked at the sleeping forms in the one bed. 'Strange!' he thought, 'I never would have thought that Mr. Mark was a girl-boy. It's so hard to tell with these white people.'

Next: Chapter 8

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