
By David Andrew

Published on Mar 5, 2023


"Boy...over here!" Al indicated that he wanted Mark to come over to his bed. "I'm going to give you the chance to take me down your throat voluntarily, and I do mean all the way boy! Then, like it or not, I'm going to fuck your mouth." As Mark was getting into the 69 position his cock was rapidly swelling. Al's cock too was stiffening in anticipation. "Come down on me and take it..." Mark opened his mouth, lowered his head and took Al's fat cock. He forgotten just how big the head was, could he really have taken this monster yesterday he wondered. "Take it boy! You'd better open up and get it down your throat because you've not got long. Come on...open up!" Mark was struggling, gagging, and he hadn't got halfway down the shaft yet. He tried bobbing his head up and down trying to get a bit further on each attempt. "Stop playing with it!" Al sounded angry. "Get it into your throat! Now!" Mark , plunged down, gagged furiously then had to back off immediately as he almost threw up. He felt Al reaching around the back of his ass, felt the fingers on his balls. With his left hand Al circled Mark's sac trappin way g the balls tightly in the end of the scrotum, then with his right hand he slapped hard. Mark gasped, and at that moment Al thrust his hips upwards. Mark's throat was wide open, for a moment the cock-head wedged deep, then Mark reared away and let the cock slip from his mouth.

"Down on it boy!" Al snapped. Mark lowered his head again, took the wet, shiny penis, slid down the shaft as far as he could. Again he felt Al's fingers trapping his balls, he knew what was coming, tried to get down further, then his balls exploded again.

Three, four, five times Al slapped Mark's balls. His guts were aching with the pain that was flowing from his sac, but he wanted to please Al, and to do that he had to take the penis all the way. Even through the pain he realized that with each hit the cock-head was being driven steadily deeper into his throat, when he felt Al's fingers going for them the sixth time he could almost have cried. This time he was determined to do it, determined not to rear away, but to force his head even further down as Al struck. Wam! And with that Mark thrust forward. The big, fat head was lodged all the in, his nose was buried in Al's balls!

'Oh God yes!' Mark thought. He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, but he could feel! And what he felt wasn't the pain flowing from his testicles, it was the fullness in his throat, Al's big, fat, glorious penis, and he'd taken it!

Al held still for a few seconds. "Alright boy, now I'm going to fuck your mouth! Turn over, I want you down on the bed, this time I'm going to be on top." They reversed positions, Al's knees were now on either side of Marks head, his fully aroused cock poised right over Mark's mouth. "Open up boy." Mark opened obediently. Al moved about a bit to get himself in exactly the right position, then thrust downwards. Instantly Mark was in trouble. He tried to move his head but Al clamped his powerful thighs shut holding him still. Mark tilted his head backwards to gasp for air, and that allowed the penis to thrust all the way in again. Al fucked hard and fast, with each thrust Mark thought he'd choke, Al's balls were smothering his nose, the only air he could get was tiny gasps between thrusts, and each time he gasped the penis penetrated further. In the end he simply stopped struggling, surrendered, and suddenly it was alright. He found that he could get enough air between thrusts, he could relax his throat much further than he'd ever imagined, he loved the feeling of Al's balls flopping to and fro against his nose, he could hear Al's appreciative words. He was Al's boy and he was in heaven. All too soon he realized that Al's balls were no longer bouncing against his nose, that could only mean one thing.

"Boy...I'm going to come..." Al grunted as he continued to fuck. "Want me to pull out?" Al lifted his hips get his cock out of Mark's mouth.

"No Sir! Please give it to me Sir!" He'd tasted his own many years ago as a child, but he'd never tasted another man's, and he really, really wanted Al's semen.

"Thank you Boy!" Al said as he slammed his cock back into Mark's now willing throat. He felt Al's fingers on his balls again, he wanted to shout for joy.

'Do it Sir... Hurt them... Please!' he wanted to tell Al, but of course he couldn't say a word. He lifted his hips hoping that Al would get the message, then all hell broke loose. With his balls being twisted, squeezed and pulled as his throat was being savaged he didn't feel Al's mouth close around his cock. It wasn't long before Mark felt his own balls tightening up. When Al shot his load Mark thought he might drown, so pre-occupied was he trying to swallow, and swallow, and swallow that he didn't realize that he too was shooting his own load into Al's mouth. They both lay still for a while, both overcome by the intensity of what had just happened.

"Well..." said Al, "I guess that shouldn't have happened..." said Al rolling off Mark's body to lie beside him.

Mark was still on a high. "Why? Why do you say that?" he asked.

"For the very obvious reason that we're not using any protection," Al replied.

"You have nothing to fear from me," Mark reassured him. "I never had sex outside of my marriage, and that lasted ten years. Shit! I've had no sex at all for the last two years...except with my right hand," he added ruefully.

"Well you'll be glad to hear that I'm clean too. But I don't know what happened...I'm sorry, I got carried away..." said Al.

"Please...! That was just the most incredible sex I've ever experienced, so don't start apologizing!"

"Hit the spot did it? The spot at the back of your throat?" asked Al.

"And the two other spots...in my balls!" Mark laughed happily. He was still on a high, and incredibly he still wanted more. He took Al's hand and moved it down to his sac. "Please...do it...." Al fondled the testicles gently. "No...hurt them! Please Sir!"

"Hey Boy...I am going to hurt them...tonight! You're going to take the whip. Remember?"

"You're going to lay it right on my balls? Promise?"

"Oh yes...full frontal...right on these sweet little nuts." Al gave them a squeeze: Mark gasped quietly. "But if there's any juice in them now I want to keep it until I whip them... Understand?"

"Yes Sir," Mark said, then quietly he added, "They're yours Sir. Please...do what you will Sir. I need it Sir. Oh God I need it so badly Sir!"

Tonight they're going to suffer, and on Friday night you're going to take a real beating, and a real whipping too! Don't say you weren't warned."

"Sir you don't need to warn me. They're yours, whip them, beat them. Right now I'm so hot I don't care what you do to them. I just want you to know..." and Mark spread his arms out to the sides, spread his legs wide, "I surrender my mouth, my cock, my asshole, my balls... I surrender my whole body to you Sir!"

Al rolled over on to his side, put his arm across Mark's body and pulled him close. Mark felt the warmth of Al's body, felt Al's fat cock against the back of his legs as Al's hand closed gently around his balls. "Hmm, I'm enjoying this trip much more than I expected to," Al murmured. Within a couple of minutes he was breathing rhythmically, sound asleep. Although Mark was tired he couldn't sleep, too much going on in his head, but he felt safe. He could not in his wildest dreams have imagined this vacation turning out this way, nor could he imagine it being more exciting.

The slap on his butt snapped him out of his reverie. "Come on, lunch time," he heard Al say. For a moment he was puzzled, then it dawned on him that he had fallen asleep. They dressed and went up on to the top deck where a cold buffet was spread under the awning. After eating Al and Mark sat on chatting with the twins. "Mark tells me that you're having the boys again tonight. That you're planning to have the boys do the whipping," Al said.

"Yes, that's right...Taking it instead of dishing it out. Makes for a change adds a bit of variety?" Hans replied.

"Sure does. Now I know it's none of my business, but what does Mawemba want for it?" Al asked. Mark looked puzzled, but said nothing.

"Oh I said we'll give them the same rate as though we're doing the whipping..." Soren answered. "Keeps them happy, and that means they'll be happy to come back for more. You know what they say about spreading happiness, and there's nothing like dollar bills to make people happy."

"You mind if we come and watch...just for a while...like last night?" Al asked.

"Absolutely! Whip you boy too if you want to," Soren answered.

"Oh I'm going to whip his sweet little ass. But I won't string him up yet...Friday night though for sure!"

"Okay...see you later." The twins went down to their cabin leaving Al and Mark alone on the deck.

"What was all that about dollar bills and spreading happiness?" Mark asked.

"Let's just say the boys are being well rewarded for the extra services they provide."

"You mean they're prostitutes."

"Well that's a pejorative term, let's just say they supplement their wages."

"And where does Mawemba fit into all this?"

"He's their uncle, not exactly an uncle, but a relative, he looks after their interests, and his own of course."

"What's his interest?"

"He gets a share of the boys take, so does the captain of course. I mean without his agreement none of this could go on, would make for rather boring evenings."

"So these boys get fucked for a few dollars, and Mawemba and the captain take a share?"

"Yes, exactly. Mawemba sets the whole thing up, sets the rates depending on what the customer wants to do, supplies the toys and things, then he pays the captain and the boys."

"So how much do the boys get?"

"Well that depends on what the customer wants, there's a sort of scale of charges. One customer would pay thirty dollars until midnight, forty for the whole night, that's for one boy, with a guarantee of two good loads of cum. That's just for the regular vanilla stuff, fucking and sucking. Mawemba gets half, the boys and the captain a quarter."

"But that means Mawemba gets more than the boy!"

"Yes of course, he fixed the jobs for the boys, he sets it all up, but that's just for vanilla sex, that's all pleasure remember. Rougher stuff like s&m cost more. I'm guessing, but I reckon the he price last night would have been $80. A quarter of that for a night's work is very good money around here!"

"Jesus, twenty dollars for a whipping, that's a hard way to make money."

"Not at all, they enjoy getting their rocks slapped about a bit, you could see it in their faces, you could see it in their cocks. Weren't they as turned on as you were? And when they take a real beating they get even more."

"So what's a real beating?"

"The sambok, that's for real. For that they get a dollar per stroke, with a max of one hundred. That's all Mawemba will allow in any one week. But that's just for taking the whipping, if any stroke breaks the skin they get they get another hundred, and they get to keep the whole lot. Now that's big money in these parts."

"Big deal, they take a lashing and they're allowed to keep the money, but only if their skin gets cut. Is that what you're telling me? That must hurt Mawemba more then it hurts the boys."

"Shall I tell you something? I worked on both of them on my last trip, and they both said the same thing. 'The tourist who fucks us has a good time, then goes away happy. The ones who use the sambok have a good time too, but make us rich, so we're happy too.'" Mark couldn't immediately think of anything to say to that. "How about you? Are you going to let me use the sambok on your lily white buns on Friday night?" Al asked.

"Oh God no! No...please don't ask me to take that..."

"Don't ask? I thought you'd surrendered your body to me?"

"Well Sir...it's... I mean I had no idea... Just never crossed my mind, not a sambok...," Mark stammered.

"So now it has crossed your mind...and I do want to use it on you. Are you going to submit?" As he spoke Al's hand slipped between Mark's thighs and found his balls. He played with the testicles hanging loose in their silken sack, rolling them, squeezing them until they popped out from between his fingers like over-sized melon pips. Mark was acutely conscious that at any moment one of the staff, or the Germans, might appear on deck, but he didn't want Al to stop. A week ago he would have been shattered if another man had put his hand on his genitals, he would have found it both painful and sickening. Now he was relaxed, the sensations that flowed through his body were hot, hot, hot.

"You know there's something you're going to have to face..." Al continued in a soothing voice. "There's no way you can unlearn what you've learned this week. Oh, you can go back to straight sex, in fact I'm sure you will for some time, but believe me it's going to seem pretty tame. You'll never find a woman who can do this," the testicles popped from between Al's fingers, "just right. You'll want more s&m. You'll think about it every single day for the rest of your life. I am going to whip you this evening, that'll be just a regular little whipping, but one day you'll have to take the real thing, a bullwhip, a sambok, call it what you will. If you're lucky you'll be talked into it. If you're not so lucky you'll be tied to some guys bed and just have to take what's coming." Mark was silent, he didn't move a muscle. "When that day comes I just hope you're in the hands of an expert, someone who has been taught how to take it as well as dish it out."

"You've taken it?" Mark asked.

"I have. When I was in the services, two years in Japan, I was trained by a real Master. He ran a class, ten of us, every week I went to him. For the first six months I wasn't allowed to touch a whip, it was the whip that touched me. Every position. Not just across the ass, straight up the middle as well. I can tell you that makes your sphincter blink, it was hell, but we toughened up pretty quick."

"What happened after the first six months, did you get to do the whipping?" Mark didn't know why he asked, he didn't want to know about this, he just wasn't going to get into it.

"We didn't get to whip anyone, we whipped cushions. And, when we go more accurate, we whipped dough."

"Dough?" asked Mark incredulously.

"Yeah, large lumps, rounded like asses, had to get all the strokes within an inch of the centre-line of the crease. But first we would be whipped, that would leave us kind of shook up, so of course we couldn't do it, so we got whipped again for failing. Then, when we got good enough, we had to whip each other. Our asses would be checked, any marks outside the inch wide target and someone would pay dearly."

"Well... Really... I don't think I can get into that scene. I mean it's way too much..." What he thought was, 'Could I get into that scene? Could I really? With the two cabin boys? God, that would be so hot! How bad would it be? Could I take it? If they took it I couldn't back out, I'd have to take it too!'

At the beginning of the discussion about the boys and what they got paid Mark had not been at all happy, but now all the talk of whipping had had a predictable effect. "Now boy it seems to me that you're not altogether turned off by the thought of a sambok," Al said spreading the pre-cum over his cockhead and along the shaft. Mark looked down, his cock was sticking way out of his shorts.

"Well...maybe..." Mark shuddered.

"Yes, you could take it. Up here on the deck, under the stars, tied together with those gorgeous black bodies... Believe me you will not regret it. Now Boy, put that thing away until I'm ready to whip it tonight."

Yes Sir!" There was nothing else to say.

Next: Chapter 7

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