
By David Andrew

Published on Feb 27, 2023


Next morning Mark woke when he heard the soft knock at the cabin door. He and Al were in one bed again, the only covering, a thin sheet had slipped off the bed and they were both naked. But this time he felt no panic, no need to cover himself as the door opened and N'craa brought their morning tea and coffee into the cabin.

"Good morning sir," said N'craa. There was no trace of surprise or embarrassment in his demeanor.

"Good morning N'craa, how was your night?"

"Good sir, very good, thank you," the boy replied setting the cups down on the nightstand.

Again Mark was up and ready to go before Al had even taken a piss. The twins were already on deck so Mark joined them in the first boat with N'craa. The brothers were only wearing the shortest shorts that Mark had ever seen, and by the time they'd taken their seats everything was hanging out in full view. They made no pretense of modesty, they'd spent the night with N'craa and clearly felt no need to hide their gear. They were hardly out of sight of the houseboat before Soren asked Mark to take a photo of himself and his brother. Mark of course agreed, at which the twins stood up and stripped off their shorts. The brazenness of it shocked Mark, they had no inhibitions, even pumped on their cocks to get up an good erection for the photo. Mark had to admit to himself that they looked good, very good, and took several wishing that he had some way of getting copies. Soren's next idea was to have his photo taken with N'craa.

"Boy, get naked, I want to get a photo. Want to remember you in your boat, naked like you were last night."

"Sir...they might be close..." N'craa said looking nervously back the way they'd come.

"Oh that's not a problem," said Soren, "if we see them coming you just sit down. They won't be able to see anything." N'craa was uneasy, but Soren wasn't about to be put off. "Come on boy, strip off, you've got such a beautiful body, I have to have a picture of you and me together." As he spoke Soren was moving back towards the stern. N'craa, seeing no easy way out of the situation decided that his best course was to co-operate and get it over as quickly as possible. He stood, crouching, pulled off his tee-shirt, then dropped his shorts. Mark felt badly for him, wondered if he should say something, but as the shorts came down N'craa's cock was swelling, stretching, stiffening, and even before Soren was standing beside him he had a full erection. Still he was reluctant to stand up straight. "Come on man...stand up! Here let me get beside you..." N'craa straightened up. His cock was magnificent, and now that they were out in the sunlight Mark could see that his balls were magnificent too. Mark took three shots, N'craa tried to sit down, but now Hans wanted his photo taken with the boy. Three more shots, then both brothers wanted to be taken with N'craa.

'God Almighty!' thought Mark peering through the viewfinder, 'Who'd ever have believed that I'd be sitting in a little boat in a swamp taking pictures of three naked men with the most beautiful cocks I've ever set eyes on?'

Eventually, much to N'craa's relief, the photo session ended. He tried to pull his shorts on as they got going again, but Soren snatched them from his hand. "No boy...let us enjoy your beautiful body while we can." N'craa grinned sheepishly, embarrassed both by the praise, and the possibility of the second boat coming around a bend in the waterway.

"Sir...the others..."

"Hey what does it matter? When you are sitting on your seat no one can see your ass. All they could tell was that you aren't wearing your shirt. Relax...you have a most beautiful cock, beautiful balls... Come on, let us enjoy them." With this further encouragement, and to make sure that they stayed ahead of the other boat, N'craa got the boat moving again. In this section of waterway there weren't many animals to see and the conversation turned to the activities of the previous night.

Moments later they rounded a large mound of papyrus and there at the water's edge were four lionesses and three cubs. They'd been drinking, clearly they'd heard the soft purring of the electric outboard motor because all eyes were fixed on the boat as it came into view. Once the lions saw the men in the boat they took off before anyone had a chance to get a photo. Further away from the water, under a huge, spreading acacia tree, a lion seemed to be attacking a lioness which was lying prone on the ground. At least that was what appeared to be happening.

"Look, look! Lion making fucking...you see...very long manhood," N'craa whispered. Indeed the lion had the longest penis that any of the tourists had ever seen. Not only was it long, the tip was twisting this way and that as the lion sought the entrance to the lioness's vagina. The male continued biting, the female was snarling and showing her vicious teeth, it certainly looked more like a fight to the death than an amorous encounter. Finally the penis found the target and the whole length was thrust straight into the female's body, a few quick thrusts and it was over in just seconds. The lion sauntered casually away, the lioness remained in position on the ground.

"Is that it?" Mark asked in surprise.

"Oh no! He come back again in a few minutes, many times, many, many times! He can make fucking maybe one hundred times in one day if the lady is ready. And he can keep making fucks for a week." N'craa applied a little power, and sure enough before the boat had rounded the next bend the lion was back standing over the female and the fight began again. The tourists looked at the lion in an entirely different light

"Can they truly do it a hundred times in one day?" Hans asked.

"Oh yes...that's the truth."

"And how about you? How many nights can you get it up boy?" N'craa looked embarrassed again. "Oh come on, you have a lion's cock there, how many times can you fuck?" N'craa laughed quietly as he shook his head.

"You want to play again tonight?" Soren asked. "You look as though you're ready to play right now." Mawemba had made it clear to the boys that he would arrange all extra activities so as to keep track of who owed what. N'craa wasn't sure how to handle the situation..

"Maybe..." was all he said.

"How about we switch?" Soren wasn't about to drop the subject, but N'craa didn't know what he meant, nor did Mark. "How about you and M'tosi use the whips? How about you fuck my brother and I?"

Now N'craa really looked puzzled. There had been clients who'd wanted to be whipped, and he done it, but he'd never met a client who started out doing the whipping and then subjected himself to being whipped. But for all his puzzlement one thing was clear, the idea was a terrific turn-on for him because his magnificent cock showed exactly what he was thinking.

"Yes boy! You like that idea eh? Yeah, look at that thing!" said Hans. "Here, give me the camera..." Hans got a shot of N'craa seated at the stern, his cock rivaling the tiller.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, nothing to compare with the mating lions. On arriving back at the houseboat N'craa managed to get Mawemba's eye and gestured towards the kitchen.

"Any problem nephew?"

"No, not a problem, but something you need to know," said the boy. "The Dutch men want us again tonight, like last night, but this time they want M'tosi and I to do the whipping...and anything else we want to do."

Mawemba was surprised too. "Well nephew I'll find out what they have in mind...and arrange everything. One thing for sure, they'll pay for their pleasure, don't worry about that!" During the mid-morning Mawemba managed to get the twins alone for a while. "My boy tells me that you are interested in playing games this evening..." Soren agreed. "And what exactly do you have in mind sir?" Mawemba's expression gave nothing away.

"I'd...that is we, thought that the boys would like to have the whip hand for a change, take charge, enjoy themselves."

"And you do mean whipping?"

"Oh sure! I don't believe any man should dish out punishment that he can't take himself. So yes, whipping, and if they want it sucking, fucking. Whatever they want to do." Mawemba was still puzzled, what could he expect them to pay if the boys were the ones who were getting the pleasure?

"Sir, you would of course be willing to reward..."

"Of course Mawemba. Tell you what...since I suggested this, and since we'll be getting as much pleasure as they will, we'll pay the same as if we were doing the whipping. Would that be alright?"

"Well yes sir...that would be very generous." Mawemba immediately regretted saying 'generous.' It was true that the boys earned the normal rate when they did the whipping, but not the rate for taking the whipping. Still, Mawemba regretted implying that the twins were paying for more than they were getting. He wished he'd said 'adequate,' that would have been sufficient.

"So tonight...when all the work is done...we'll be ready for them," Soren said.

During the heat of the afternoon Mark and Al were lying on their beds in the relative cool of the cabin. Mark recounted the scene of the mating lions, and then told Al that the twins were having another session with the boys that night. "But this time the boys are going to be doing the whipping...what do you make of that?"

"Sounds like something I'd like to watch, at least for a while, but there's your training, got to keep it up. Before you leave this boat you're going to be begging for the whip!" Mark felt the vaguely sick feeling that was becoming so familiar. "You know it's strange old world... I told you I've been on this boat before, and the reason I'm back again isn't because of the animals, nor the swamp, not that it isn't a fascinating place to spend a vacation. No, it's because I had such a good time with N'craa and M'tosi last time. I did a deal with Mawemba, he promised me a good rate for the week...and then you come along. The boys are magnificent, no question about it, but there's something about a virgin, it's the challenge I suppose. Especially if the virgin is a total stranger. 'Will I get him? Will I be able to break him in? Will he submit willingly? Will he beg for the whip?' Yes, it's a challenge, and it's been many years since I broke in a virgin stranger?"

Mark was stunned, didn't know what to say. "But when did you...? I mean what made you think that I'd...? He gave up.

"When? Well I liked the look of your ass as you leant over the counter arguing about the cabin back in the office. And I liked what I saw when you were in the shower... And I liked the way you looked at my cock when I was taking a piss that first day..." Mark blushed, he'd been so surreptitious, how could Al have known? "And then when you came back into the cabin that afternoon... You went up to watch as the boat pulled out of the mooring, when you came back down you thought I was asleep. Remember? I just happened to roll over... Remember?" Mark did, and he blushed. "You liked what you saw. It was writ large on your face. Your eyes feasted on the goodies. Remember?"

Mark took a deep breath to try and control his emotions. "Well I was taken by surprise when you came into the bathroom..."

"Oh come on! You couldn't take your eyes off my dick..." Mark took a deeper breath.

"Well... Yes I admit that I looked... I was surprised by the size..."

"Thank you for that, but as you've now seem I'm not the biggest boy on the boat. But when I rolled over in bed... You couldn't take your eyes off my balls, could you boy?"

"No Sir," said Mark slipping into the submissive role. "I had never seen such beautiful..." He stopped.

"So as I was saying, it's a funny old world. In just a few short days you've discovered the joy of sex with men, and you've started on your training as a bottom. Now when you were standing in that office demanding a cabin to yourself would you have thought that that might happen? And just supposing they'd had a single cabin... Look at what you'd have missed. Knowing what you know now, and if you could wind time back, would you want a single cabin?"

"No Sir...I do not want a single cabin... And I admit it, I was totally fascinated by your body..."

"Wait, if you are going to admit anything then admit what fascinated you...it wasn't my body in general...was it?"

"No Sir. I was fascinated by your cock and balls Sir. I just love to look at them Sir. I love the feel of them Sir, especially when I feel your cockhead pressing against my hole Sir!"

"You know what? I am going to enjoy this cruise even more than if I'd had those boys to myself all week long. And you are going to take a good whipping, a real whipping, with a sambok. It'll take a day or two, but on Friday the twins and I have arranged a party on the top deck, late, after the ambassador and his lovely lady wife are tucked up in their little cozy bed. You will be strung up with the boys...you'll get the same beating that they get...it will be on your cock, it will be on your balls, and you will be thoroughly fucked as a finale. Are you ready for it? Are you willing?"

"Oh God yes Sir!" said Mark quietly.

"Good... and in the mean time you'll also learn how to serve a Master. You've been fucked, but you're going to give your whole body." Mark could hardly breathe. "And right now you're going to learn how to suck. Over here boy!"

Next: Chapter 6

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