
By David Andrew

Published on Feb 20, 2023


'God, they look beautiful.' Mark was shocked by his thought. 'But they are, they're absolutely beautiful.' He stepped into the cabin as though he was stepping into a dream. Neither of the boys were circumcised, the foreskins, clearly stretched to the limit, looked as though they were about to split open to reveal the ripe cock-heads.

"Welcome. As you see we've arranged for some company tonight," said Soren. "Watch for a while, it'll give you some idea of what's in store for you." Mark said nothing, he couldn't even think.

"Of course you can join in if you want. In at the deep end, as you say. Would you like that?" asked Hans who was busy working the oil into N'craa's scrotum. "Aren't they just beautiful? Did you ever see such gleaming skin? And look at the curve of this cock," Hans ran his finger nail along the underside of the shaft, the penis flexed strongly then the foreskin rolled back spontaneously revealing the wet, dripping tip. "Wouldn't you like to feel that pressing at your hole? Or would you rather have it buried in your ass all the way to the hilt? All you have to do is ask."

"Maybe we'll watch for a while..." Al said. "Then I'll take him back to our cabin and start his training."

"Sure, so watch for a while," said Soren. "But first strip him off, he's overdressed for this party!" Mark felt Al's hands on his waistband, his shorts and underpants soon dropped to his ankles. He lifted his arms like a zombie to allow Al to peel off his shirt. Part of his mind was screaming, 'Stop! Stop now', he did nothing. He felt Al's cock pressing at the back of his thighs, it was slick with pre-cum and slipped through easily to nudge the back of his balls.

"Give me your hands," said Al pulling Mark's unresisting arms backwards. Mark felt the cold steel, heard the clicks, he knew he was a prisoner. He was scared, but his cock swelled up even more.

"Enough talk, and this isn't a massage parlor," said Soren. "We turn 'em around for a start, warm up their asses first just to get their attention. Hans, get the stretcher bars." He took N'craa by the shoulders and turned him, then did the same with M'tosi so that the boys were now facing each other, then tapped the boy on the ankle. "Spread them!" M'tosi spread his legs wide, N'craa did the same. The stretcher bars were two wooden rods with a Velcro strap at each end. With the straps secured around their ankles there was no way that the boys could close their legs. From where Mark was standing he could see N'craa's balls hanging loose between his legs

"How do you want to start?" asked Hans. It was obvious already that Soren was the dominant one.

"Tonight we'll use the cats," said Soren opening his suitcase. He took out two cats, black leather, plaited thongs four feet long. One he handed to his brother, with the other he took some practice swings in the air. At the sight of the cats Mark felt and icy chill in his guts.

'Can this really be happening?' he asked himself. Yet he knew it was happening, and he knew he wanted to see it too.

"Remember if we cut them Mawemba won't let us use them again until they are completely healed. That would be the end of it for the week."

"Oh we won't cut them, not if we stick with the cats, "But I'm going to put a few lines across here," said Soren drawing a finger across N'craa's ass. Then maybe on Friday we could take them up to the top deck and give them a real whipping."

"Sounds great, yeah I like that."

'A real whipping? What's this then? Friday, on the top deck? Jesus Christ! Could he be joking? But it would be so hot to be up there, naked and out in the open!' By this time he was feeling distinctly sick, he wanted to close his eyes as Soren prepared to swing at the helpless N'craa, but he could not take his eyes off the scene.

The first stroke across the shoulders wasn't too hard. N'craa took a sharp breath, his shoulders flexed a bit, but he clearly wasn't hurt. The second stroke, also across the shoulders, was much harder. N'craa let out a gasp then took a deep breath, but he wasn't given a moment's respite, Soren was swinging fast, and hard. Hans too laid strokes across M'tosi's shoulders, he was striking in time with Soren, and already the boys were clearly suffering. Mark felt Al's arms around his waist, fingers found his balls. Mark's guts tightened up, but it felt good. From somewhere behind him he saw a bright flash, turning he saw Mawemba with a camera.

"Huh!" He let out a gasp when Al slapped his balls. "Plea... Huh!" he couldn't get his breath.

"Relax boy! Take it!" Al whispered in his ear. As the whipping continued Al started to hit the testicles in time with the strokes. With each slap Mark gasped, but he didn't ask Al to stop, he didn't want it to stop. "Good boy... Good boy..." Al murmured. "Take it... Take it... You know you want it. You know you need it..."

"Let's heat up these sweet, black buns..." said Soren.

"Yes...now they're getting into it!" Hans said switching the strokes to the boys' buns.

"Go for it brother... Soren encouraged. Now both brothers laid their cats on the asses, and they increased weight of the strokes too. Soon both boys were struggling, twisting, trying to avoid the worst of the pain. But there was no let up, in fact it got much worse because every now and again Soren and Hans brought the cats sweeping up between the boys' legs. This really made them twist and gasp. As the whipping continued Mawemba moved around the cabin taking photos, and using a video camera too from every angle. By this time Mark was twisting too, the slaps on his testicles were getting to be more than he could endure.

Please...not so hard... Please Sir... I can't take it..." And then he felt the gism rising. "Sir I'm going to come!" he gasped.

"Oh no you're not..." Al grabbed hold of Mark's cockhead and squeezed very hard. Mark doubled over with the pain, but when Al pulled him upright again all thought of ejaculating had gone. "Boy, you've got a whole lot to learn tonight before you're going to come. And when you do it'll be because I say it's time for you to come! Understand?" To make his point Al slapped Mark's balls really hard.

"Yes Sir. Yes Sir. Yes Sir," Marked gasped quickly. He had fantasized about BDSM in the past, but in his fantasies he had always been with a woman. But this was more painful than anything he'd fantasized about, he was in deeper than he could ever have imagined, and with a man!

"Let's turn these boys around," said Soren. "I want to get at this boy's cock."

'He wouldn't! Surely he won't...' But even as Mark was thinking that they couldn't possibly whip the boys cocks something in the determined way that Soren was repositioning the boys that was exactly what was going to happen. Soren ripped apart the Velcro straps, then turned the boys back to back and re-secured their ankles.

"And we don't want them twisting away from the strokes do we?" Hans was fishing in this case and came back with two broad, strips of black leather. "These will work..." He tied the leather strips around N'craa's head making sure that he had the eyes completely covered, Soren did the same to M'tosi. Mark expected the boys, or Mawemba perhaps, to object, but they allowed themselves to be blindfolded without a murmur.

Mark jerked physically at the first stroke across M'tosi's cock and balls. It was right on the boy's cock, and once again the foreskin immediately rolled back, the black, shining head was now out in the open for whipping. Hans followed Soren stroke for stroke. Cocks, balls, and tits were raked by the cats. Mark didn't want to watch, but he did because he couldn't take his eyes off the scene. The boys were gasping, and twisting, but being unable to see anything they had no hope of avoiding the strokes. What truly amazed Mark was that both boys still had massive erections, in fact they seemed to be even harder now than ever. Could this be a turn on for them? He was baffled because there seemed to be no other explanation. Al was still slapping Mark's balls in time with the whipping. Each time the cats struck Al slapped; as the boys gasped so did Mark, yet he didn't want it to end. And each time the cats struck little sparks of light flew from the end of the boys' cocks as pre-cum went flying across the room. Mark looked down at his own cock and was surprised to see that it was slick and shiny with his own pre-cum, the whole length of it, there were drips on the floor, and his balls felt slippery too. Once again he felt his own gism rising. Al must have sensed the tightening in his sac.

"Remember! I say when you can come...unless you want to be strung up and given a real whipping," Al said

"Oh God this is good...but I'm going to have to fuck this boy. I've just got to take him right now!" said Soren throwing down his cat.

"Your turn now..." Al said in Mark's ear. Mark looked up at the hook in the ceiling. "No, not that...not tonight. We're going back to our cabin. Thanks guys...thanks for the show." With that Al took Mark by the shoulders and turned him towards the door.

"Not going to string your boy up?" Hans asked.

"Not tonight...maybe tomorrow," Al said as they stepped out into the corridor.

It was only a few steps to the door of their cabin, but still Mark was acutely aware of his nakedness. However, with his hands still cuffed behind his back there was not a thing he could do to cover himself. Inside their cabin Al pointed to Mark's bed. As they walked across the room Mark felt as though he was going to his execution, a sinking feeling invaded his guts, but he knew he was going to have to go through with this. Al piled the pillows lengthwise in the middle of the bed.

"Up on the bed boy, across it," Al said. Without the use of his arms it was easier said than done, but Mark threw himself down across the pillows. An uncomfortable image came to his mind of a condemned prisoner laying his head down on the block. Quickly he banished the thought, but still... Al rearranged the pillows so that they were under his hips, his ass raised well up in the air, then fetched some lengths of rope from his case. He released Mark's arms, took each wrist in turn and tied it to one leg of the bed then did the same to Mark's ankles. His arms were drawn out to the sides, his legs were now spread wide too, he was totally at Al's mercy. Next Al reached under Mark's body and pulled out his rigid cock. With his cock sticking down between his legs Mark's balls were pushed up and out into the open. Now he knew for sure that his cock and balls were going to be whipped. But Al was in no hurry, he stroked Mark's back, stroked his buns, ran his hands up and down the inner thighs, and fondled the testicles for a while too.

'Do IT!' Mark wanted to scream. 'Just DO IT!' As though reading Mark's mind Al went to his case again. Mark didn't look, didn't want to see the whip, for he was sure that that was what Al had in his hand. When the cat brushed against the back of his balls he jerked visibly.

"Relax..." Al's voice seemed to be coming from a distance. "It's going to be good...so good..." Of course Mark did not relax, but when the cat tails slithered over his balls, brushing against his cock, and continued up over his buns he could hardly believe the sensations that were pouring out of his genitals. This had to be the most incredibly exciting and exhilarating sexual stimulation he'd ever experienced. The cat slipped up the length of his back, turned and slithered down, across his buns, across his balls, across his cock. When it started back up again Mark felt the wetness, it was his precum, the cat was so wet it was spread over his balls and all the way up to his shoulders. Mark couldn't restrain himself. "Please do it! Do it Sir!" With that Al flicked at his buns. "Oh God YES! Please Sir... Please!"

Al worked his way all over Mark's body, starting lightly, gradually increasing the weight of the strokes. Sometimes when the stroke was too hard Mark's buns would clamp shut, but gradually he relaxed again, spread his ass just a little wider allowing the cat to sting deeper into his crack. He'd lift just a little further too so that his balls were more accessible. Al was watching Mark's reactions like a hawk. When he saw that Mark's butt was clear of the pillows and his balls were ripe for whipping he laid the cat on hard. Soon Mark felt as though the tip of his cock was being burned by a blow-torch, his balls were burning too, and his sphinctre felt as though he'd been stung by a swarm of bees. But still he didn't want it to stop.

"You ready to turn over boy?" Al asked.

'Over?' Take it right on my cock and balls!' Mark thought. "Oh yes PLEASE Sir!" he said. Once he was secured on his back Mark held his hips up as high as he could. He wanted Al to see just how much he wanted this whipping. "Please Sir don't spare them. I want to take a real whipping Sir... I want to know what it is to have my balls whipped. Will you do it Sir?"

"Oh yes boy! Yes, I'm going to whip your balls. For tonight I'm going to stick with the cat, tomorrow you're going to take a whip...and it will be right on your balls!"

In less than a dozen strokes Mark knew that he had to come, his balls had been wanting to shoot for more than an hour and nothing was going to stop the flow now.. "Sir I'm coming Sir!"

"Yes...you can come... Give me you juices boy... Let me have them!" Even as Mark felt the semen rising the stinging blows kept raining down, on his balls, on his cock, and on his tits too. When he came it was spectacular, like he'd come as a teenager, maybe even more. Suddenly it was over, well the whipping stopped, then he felt Al's semen splattering on his face, his chest, his stomach, and his crotch, then Al threw himself down on top of him.

"Oh that was good... So good... You are going to be whipped every night... you hear me?" Al murmured in his ear.

"Yes Sir... Thank you Sir..." Mark replied. "Please make me take it... I want to take it...with the whip...right on my balls... Please Sir!" They ground their bodies against each other until the semen was almost dry, then Al released his boy and they slept, again sharing the one bed.

Next: Chapter 5

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