
By David Andrew

Published on Jan 15, 2023


As Mark raised his head he got a better look at the sheathed penis. 'The streaks, they're sort of light brown. Jesus! That's...!' He couldn't even think the word. 'And that's semen inside, all round the head, still jellied.'

"Come on boy! Suck it!" Soren's voice was harsh.

Suddenly Mark rebelled. He remembered two boys in school, hadn't thought about them in many years, but now it all came flooding back. They'd been called cock-suckers, the worst epithet imaginable, and they'd been ostracized for years. Not that anyone had ever seen them sucking cock, nor had anyone ever claimed to have been sucked by either of them, but it was a well known fact that they were cock-suckers and that was enough. 'I'm no cock-sucker and these guys aren't about to make me one. Yes they fucked me, but that was rape...' At least that's how he saw it now. 'I could make it over that bed to the door...' That's when he heard the sound. Some sounds are unmistakable, the sound of a switchblade knife flicking open is one of them. His blood ran cold

"It looks like a bit of persuasion is going to be needed..." He heard Hans' voice which seemed to be coming from a long way off.

"On the floor boy!" Hans ordered. "On your knees!" Mark swallowed hard, his mind was racing, he was going to make them pay for this, but right now he knew he had to comply, he had no options. As he slipped off the bed he knelt down on his haunches. Soren stood right in front of him, Hans moved around behind his back.

"Kneel up now boy!" Mark remained still. "We can do this the easy way...or the hard way." Mark didn't move, didn't respond in any way. He was aware of Hans behind his back.

"Pass me those ropes..." Hans said. The next thing Mark felt was his ankles being tied together, then his wrists were pulled around behind his back and tied too. Still Mark was determined to resist, he knelt with his mouth firmly closed. He felt the fingers close around his sac. For a moment he thought he'd be able to resist, but only for a moment. The pain as Hans wrenched down and twisted his sac was way too much. Mark gasped as he bucked wildly, but the gasp was all that Soren needed, he thrust his cock deep into Marks mouth. In seconds Mark was gagging, gasping, and trying to twist his head from side to side to break free. But with each move of his head the long penis was thrust deeper and deeper down his throat. "Harder Hans!" Soren ordered. "Got to get him under control!" With that Hans really wrenched hard and Mark's mouth opened wide. Soren sank all the way in, all the way to his balls. Now Soren grabbed Mark's head in both hands and started fucking. Mark was beaten, his resistance collapsed.

'It's rape...it's not my fault...I'm not a cock-sucker,' he told himself. It made him feel better, his body went limp, even the gagging eased and he allowed Soren to do as he pleased. 'It's slick, but it's not slimy. Strange, no strong taste... No strong smell, not even of latex...' Mark allowed the shaft to slip deeper and deeper into his throat. He expected Soren to come quickly, expected it to end, but after a couple of minutes Soren pulled out and stepped back. The sheathed cock was right in front of Mark's face again, then he saw Soren's fingers pulling at the condom which stretched enormously as it slid off. As it broke free from the cockhead some small beads of semen splashed against Mark's face which brought him back to reality. Now he saw the penis as though for the first time, shining, glistening, throbbing gently right in front of his eyes, a ring of semen still trapped behind the head, a drop hanging from the piss-slit. Because Soren had no pubic hair at all it looked so long, so elegant, so exquisite! Suddenly Mark's stomach started tightening, he became aware of his own cock...and it was stirring! This he did not want, really, really! But it had a life of its own, it stretched, it swelled, it stiffened...and still Soren's cock was throbbing gently, hypnotizing him as surely as a snake can hypnotize a bird.

"Take it boy..." Now Soren's voice was gentle, encouraging. Mark's cock surged strongly, it was fully erect as he leaned forward with his mouth open. "Yes... Oh yes..." Soren murmured. Mark felt the hands on the back of his head, he made no attempt to resist as Soren pulled his head forward. He felt the slipperiness of the semen on the tip of his tongue, ran it across the cock-head, tasted it, savoured it, slid his tongue up and down the shaft.

'Oh God, what am I doing? he wondered. 'But this is beautiful...just beautiful.' He gagged occasionally as the penis worked its way down his throat, but each time he gagged Soren eased up momentarily, the spasm passed, then the penis slid further in, and further in, until Mark felt Soren's balls against his chin. The smell of Soren's crotch filled his nostrils, better than any perfume he'd ever smelt in his life.

"Now do you see how foolish it was to resist?" Soren asked, his voice still soothing. "This is natural...all men wish they could do this...and they could but for their stupid inhibitions! Now you are going to drop those inhibitions...all of them. You are going to learn so much." Mark nodded, still sucking steadily. Gradually Soren picked up the pace, his thrusting grew stronger, faster, and then he clutched Mark's head tightly to his crotch he let out a muffled roar as he shot his second load down the virgin throat. Mark wanted to hold it in his mouth, but the slippery semen was being shot way down deep in his throat and it slipped away. Soren stood holding Marks head for a while, then with a sigh he withdrew his softening cock and sat back down on the bed. "Look at you!" he said smiling at Mark. "Who would have thought that you'd learn so much so fast?"

Hans and Al had been on the bed sucking each other, but they'd stopped to watch Soren fuck Mark's mouth. "And now boy it's my turn," Hans said rolling off the bed and stepping in front of Mark. He had no condom on his cock, and it looked just as beautiful as Soren's, identical in fact. "Open up boy!" Mark felt a strange thrill, he had no choice, he didn't even want a choice, he wanted Hans to rape his mouth just the way that Soren had done. But that's not what Hans had in mind. "Take my balls boy!" he ordered. Mark was puzzled.

'Did he really mean that?' he wondered.

"Take them! Get then in your mouth...now!" Mark had to bend forward and twist his head to one side to get his mouth down to Hans' low hanging balls, it wasn't easy. And even when he got his mouth down to the scrotum the testicles moved around so much that it was hard to trap even one of them. "You're not trying boy..." Hans leaned right over Mark's shoulder and delivered a stinging slap across his buns, so hard that it made him jolt. This was followed by another and another. These slaps really hurt, yet for some strange reason which Mark could not understand it made him feel hotter and hotter. Mark succeeded in getting one of Hans' testicles in his mouth. "And now the other one!" Hans said as he slapped again and again. Several times Mark nearly lost the first one as he tried to trap the second, but finally he got them both. "Pull down hard," Hans ordered. "Suck on them...they won't come off!"

'Surely he doesn't mean...' Mark sucked as hard as he dared, his mouth was now so full that he could hardly breathe, and in no time his jaws were aching. But he was afraid to move his jaws, scared of damaging the delicate organs, scared of what Hans might do to him if he accidentally bit down on one of the testicles. But when Hans slapped him next that is exactly what happened.

"Oh YES!" Hans exclaimed to Mark's utter amazement. "Again... Do it again!" Mark tentatively bit down again. "Harder! You have teeth...use them boy!" Mark sank his teeth onto the soft flesh: Hans groaned in ecstasy.

"How about your boy's balls?" Mark heard Soren's voice as he sucked and squeezed on Hans' balls.

"I played with them this afternoon, just gentle massage," said Al.

"What about whipping?" That shocked Mark, then he thought he must have mis-heard.

"No, nothing like that... nothing hard." Now Mark really was shocked, he hadn't been mistaken. He stopped sucking, but Hans pulled his balls free, grabbed Mark's head in both hands and started fucking his mouth really hard. A few moments later Hans pulled away from Mark's mouth. The first shot of semen hit his face just to one side of his nose, the second was shot into his mouth, and by the time the third shot was ejected Hans' cock was again buried in Mark's mouth, the semen went right down his throat.

As Hans pulled away the semen on Mark's cheek slowly slid down towards the corner of his mouth. He still couldn't believe what had happened, but without thinking about what he was doing he curled his tongue around his mouth and licked the slippery liquid in. Again he was amazed at how smooth, how silky, how delicious this man-made liquid was. 'Why have I never done this before?' he wondered. 'Why haven't I ever even tasted my own?' The truth was that he hadn't, and his wife had made it clear from day one that she wasn't ever going to try oral sex, so in his own mind semen had always been unclean, something that had to be washed away in the shower as soon as possible.

"So? Are we going to whip your boy tonight?" It was Soren again. There was no doubt about what he'd said. Mark's stomach tightened up instantly.

"No...I think his little pucker is going to be sore enough after all the fucking..."

"Well he's your boy. If he was mine I'd do it...good and hard..." Soren sounded disappointed, but resigned. Mark initially felt relieved, but then it dawned on him, they really were talking about whipping, Al hadn't said no, just not tonight. This was madness and it was not going to happen, no way.

"And now I think it's my turn..." Al's voice interrupted Mark's thoughts. Al rolled off the bed and stood in front of the kneeling figure, his cock still firm, pulsing gently in front of Mark's mouth.

Mark looked up. "Please Sir?" Please would you release my arms?"

"You aren't going to do anything silly are you," Al asked.

"No Sir, I just want to..." His voice trailed away, he wanted to show Al that he was taking him willingly, that he really wanted to do it, but couldn't put it into words.

"Okay boy." As Al leaned over Mark's shoulder to reach the cord his cock brushed across Mark's cheek. As soon as his hands were free Mark took Al's cock in one hand and very gently cupped his balls with the other. He looked at them, so smooth, so silky, why he wondered had nature ever given men pubic hair? He looked at the jewel of pre-cum in the piss-slit, then slipped his mouth over the exquisite organ. He was surprised at how different Al's penis felt, so much fatter than the twins, the head alone nearly filled his mouth, and he started to gag even before he'd taken half the length. "Relax boy...easy does it. Don't think about it...let me ease it down." Al's voice was soothing, calming, and to Mark's surprise it seemed to work. Little by little the fat cock-head worked deeper and deeper into his throat. Several times Mark gasped or gagged, Al backed off just a fraction, and then started to slide on in again. When Mark felt Al's balls brush against his chin as they swung in the long sac he was truly amazed.

'He's all the way in! I can't believe it...that big, fat cock...it's down my throat.' He wanted to shout, cheer, but of course he couldn't make any sound except for a gurgling noise that he hoped Al would recognize as pure pleasure. Once Mark was taking the whole length with only an occasional gag Al pulled out of his mouth. Mark was disappointed, but knelt obediently wait to be told what to do.

"Now boy I want you on the bed..." Mark thought he was going to be fucked again. "No, lie on your back," Al said. Mark turned over and Al climbed on to the bed his knees either side of Mark's head. "Open up." Mark opened his mouth, Al moved a bit, then came down lowering his cock into Mark's mouth and at the same time taking Mark's cock in his mouth. When Al started sucking strongly Mark was in heaven. He followed every move Al made, thrusting up as Al thrust down. Mark's mind was swamped with the wildest sensations, he'd forgotten his throat, it was wide open for fucking, no gagging at all. Al's big balls flopped from side to side against his nose, the feel of these beautiful, soft, silky organs alone could have brought him off. He wanted this to last all night, but then he felt fingers close around his balls!

'Oh God! Oh Jesus! Oh please no! Please!' He was sure it was one of the twins, he couldn't speak, and the pain in his testicles was getting so bad. He tried to turn his head, but there was no way he could escape from the big, fat penis which was pumping steadily way down at the back of his throat. Suddenly Mark realized that it was Al who had his balls, somehow that made it hot, so hot that in moments he knew he was going to come. Seconds later his semen was pumping into Al's mouth. Now Al was making appreciative noises. That made Mark feel even hotter, and when the fingers gave his balls an extra hard squeeze he produced yet another squirt of juice. Al was still fucking his throat, harder now, and Mark sensed that he was about to come too because the balls that had been bouncing around were pulled up tight. Then the gush of semen filled his throat, some he managed to swallow, some he held in his mouth, but some leaked away, slipping out of the corners of his mouth and running down his neck.

"Hmmm!" Al murmured as he pulled away. He turned bodily in the bed, they were face to face, then Al kissed him full on the mouth. Al's tongue penetrated Mark's willing mouth, Mark probed too and was thrilled to find that Al too had held on to some of the semen. Their tongues went wild, their bodies too as they ground their hips together, their genitals slipped and sliding against their stomachs and between their thighs. When at last they broke apart the twins gave a little mocking round of applause.

"Bravo!" said Hans. "But I agree with my brother...we should whip the boy..."

"No," said Al, "Enough for one night...maybe tomorrow we'll whip him."

'Tomorrow? We'll whip him?' Mark was shocked, but not quite as dismayed as he'd been when he'd first heard the word 'whip.'

Next: Chapter 3

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