
By David Andrew

Published on Dec 24, 2022


This is my first effort at writing fiction, any and all comments are welcome at daprivate12@hotmail.com. I have to say writing fiction is very different from writing the factual account of my own experiences which you may, or may not, care to know can be found at:




Since this is fiction I suppose I should start out with the usual caveat, any similarity to anyone you know, or have ever known, is purely coincidental. And one other thing, if you are under age go find something better to do. The characters are fictitious, however the setting is factual, the Okavanga is the largest inland delta in the world. A vast area of swamp, savannah, and water courses, some seasonal, others permanent, it is a magnet that has drawn animals from hundreds of miles in the dry season since time immemorial, and is now drawing tourists from even further afield. So this is the tale...

Mark Stacey was a salesman. Actually he preferred to think of himself as a negotiator. He started out selling diesel engines, but now his money came from the locomotives, warships, power stations, anything that used a diesel engine, and he was a good negotiator. He had come to South Africa just after the new black leadership took over, the country which had been starved of trade for almost a decade was open for business. He had been working eighteen hours a day for the last year. That had cost him his wife, but so what, after just three years he was bored. The truth was he had married too young. Even the sex, which had seemed so hot at first, had cooled down, gone stone cold. Anyway, very soon now he was going to take a break, a long one, and he was going to do all the things he should have done before getting married, like fucking everything he could get his cock into. And he had enough in the bank to take his pick. When he got hitched again it would be to someone who really knew how to pump up a man's balls, maybe a high-class whore, she'd know all the tricks.

Right now he was going to settle for a short vacation, something completely new, he'd booked himself a week on a boat in the Okavanga. It was expensive, especially when traveling alone. The boats only took six passengers in three cabins, so anyone who wanted a cabin for one had to pay almost as much as for a couple. Well, he could afford it, and the Okavanga was worth it. The largest and most remote game reserve in Africa, a huge area of swamp, rivers, lakes and savanna, almost every animal in the continent could be seen either in or on the water, or the surrounding bush. Mark flew from Johannesburg to Shakawe, a small trading town, in a DC3, one of the oldest airplanes he had ever seen outside of a museum. Much to his surprise it not only left on time, it arrived on time, and all without incident. He was pleasantly surprised to find that Shakawe was reasonably affluent by African standards. He climbed into an elderly taxi at the edge the landing strip, driver didn't ask where he wanted to go, took him straight to the office of the grandly named "Okavanga Steamship, Feed, Grain, Medicinal Merchants & Travel Agents".

Mark made his way through the store, past the rolls of barbed-wire, sacks of grain, tins of food, to the office he could see in the back. Five other whites were already waiting in the small space, fanning themselves with out-of-date magazines. One very young African girl was sitting behind a battered old desk. She smiled as he approached yet he sensed a degree of apprehension. "You are Mr. Stacey, isn't it." Not exactly a question, nor quite a statement.

"Yes," he agreed, "I am. Mark Stacey."

"Please... Take a seat. Your reservation?" Mark handed over the letter of confirmation and ticket. "Ah," she said biting her lower lip, "just one minute." One minute turned into several before a man appeared from the back office.

"Mr. Stacey, good day. There seems there is some confusion in your booking... but everything will be alright."

"What exactly do you mean by confusion. I made the booking myself, I paid cash, so what's the problem?"

"Oh no problem. No problem at all. Just a small confusion, about the cabin."

"What about the cabin?"

"Ah, well you see we have no single cabin."

"Yes I know... That's why I paid the single supplement."

"Yes, that is the cause of the confusion." This conversation was getting nowhere.

"Look, why don't you tell me what is going on?"

"Well you see... Your name is Stacey. That is why there was confusion. You see those two gentlemen on this side? Their name is Vogel, both of them, they are brothers." This was stating the obvious, they were identical twins. "And that couple?" he said pointing to a man and a woman. "Their name is Svenson, both of them, they are married...er...to each other, you understand? But that man over there? He is Stacey too." He paused, evidently thinking that he had given a full explanation.

"So what has this to do with me?"

"Ah... That is the confusion, the names you see. The booking clerk thought you were brothers... or married. He put you in the same cabin... together."

"Well that's just too bad, I paid the supplement, your company took the money and there's no way I'm sharing."

"Maybe you could come back next week?" the manager said hopefully.

"Do you know how far I came to be on this trip? No. So what about another boat?"

"This is the boat." he said with the emphasis on 'the'.

"This is a total fucking cock-up." The manager feigned shock at the violence of the remark.

"I could refund your money?" again with hope, just wishing this awkward customer would go away.

"And what about compensation for my time, and the air-fare?" The eyes rolled, that said it all. At this point the other Stacey joined them at the desk.

"Hi, I'm Al Stacey, did I hear our name being mentioned?"

"Yes," said Mark tersely. "Cock-up with the bookings, got us both in the same cabin."

"Well as long as we're not sharing a bed is that so bad?"

"I'm not saying it's so bad, I'm just saying I won't share, simple as that."

"OK, OK, no big deal, just come back in a week or two."

"Well, as I see it, the one who booked first gets the cabin."

"And as I see it I'm already checked in. I have a cabin...you don't. I have no problem...you do." Even angry as he was Mark had to recognize reality, the chance of getting this guy thrown off was nil. He took a deep breath and cursed a long string of silent abuse. He either had to back down, or throw away the money and his vacation. "Look," said Al, "I'm not carrying any infectious diseases. I'm house trained, and if I snore too loud you can always throw your boot at me. It'll be OK."

"I didn't mean to be rude, really, it's just that I paid for a single and... well I'm disappointed that's all."

"Fine. Don't let your disappointment spoil a good trip. I've been on this safari boat before, you'll enjoy it. Maybe even more than you hoped."

"Yes, I suppose I'm over-reacting... It's nothing personal you understand."

"Oh I know that, but as I said, I've been on this trip before. Believe me, you'll find it really interesting."

After the paper work was completed the small party were shown out to a mini-bus to take them to the boat. Mark was pleasantly surprised. He had learned to read travel brochures with a jaundiced eye, even the glossy pictures could be re-interpreted with experience. At the small jetty was a very modern diesel powered houseboat, the "River Queen", three cabins forward, crews quarters aft. The dining and observation deck was above the sleeping quarters, open to the elements except for the canvas awnings for shade. The cabin allocated to the Stacey's had twin beds, not too close together, and modern shower and toilet ensuite.

"Which one do want?" asked Al. Mark chose the one furthest from the door and began to unpack his case, putting his things into the built-in chest-of-drawers. A little while later there was a slight shuddering as the engines came to life. "Why don't you go up and watch the departure. It's quite a neat maneuver getting out into the river."

"Yeah, I'll do that. You coming?"

"No, but it's worth watching. I've been up since five, I think I'll take a nap."

"Well I'll try not to disturb you when I come down."

"Don't worry, I sleep like a log."

Mark was fascinated by the skillful maneuvering as the boat was eased out of the narrow dock into the river crowded with small river-craft. A lot of shouting, cursing and gesticulating, several near collisions, but nobody seemed to take it seriously and in about half-an-hour they were gliding down the Okavanga river. Once they were clear of the small town, Mark got talking to the captain. It was obvious that he was the captain, he had four yellow stripes, made with a day-glo marker, on each shoulder of his cotton shirt. "It'll be three hours before we get to the interesting part of the river, why don't you go down for a rest, you won't miss nothing."

"You know I think that's a very good idea. It seems a long time since I checked in for the flight at Jo'burg. Maybe I'll take a beer and go lie down for a while."

"Mawenda, open the bar and give Mr. Stacey a Stella."

"Right, see you later."

Mark swung the cabin door open forgetting that Al was sleeping, and there, not five feet from him, was Al Stacey, lying stark naked on his back. Mark was so surprised that he just stood in the open doorway staring. He was still transfixed when Al turned in his sleep, turned towards the door. A large, flaccid penis flopped from between his legs, big, round balls slid in their sac across his thigh to nestle on the white sheet. Mark was still staring when the sound of footsteps snapped him out of it. He stepped inside quickly, flushed with guilt, shutting the door quietly behind him. His heart was pounding, but he didn't know why. He hadn't done anything wrong, Al was still sleeping soundly, no one had seen him, but still he felt guilty.

Mark slipped his shoes off and lay back on his bed. He closed his eyes, but he was still very conscious of the naked man lying so close. He tried to think of other things, the safari, the photographic equipment he would have to get ready for the next day. It didn't work, his mind kept coming back to the naked body. Al's cock was fatter than his when it was flaccid, in fact it was just plain bigger. He had heard that cocks which are big when they're soft don't grow that much when they stiffen up: that smaller cocks could actually end up longer. He had no way of knowing if there was any truth in this, but it did seem likely to be a way for guys with small dicks to compensate. No doubt about it though, Al's was bigger. Slowly, but inexorably, Mark felt his penis stirring, and once it had started it was out of his control, the swelling flesh pushed hard against the cotton of his shorts. He looked sideways at Al, he was still asleep.

'He's well built. Must work out. He looks really good, neat waist, neat ass. Christ! What am I thinking? Well I'm sure a woman would think he looks good.' Mark's cock surged again and this time broke free from the restraint. First the head, then most of the shaft appeared below his shorts as it reared up. He really had the strangest feeling in his guts. But why? Men didn't interest him, never had, so why the pulse rate? He decided to move while Al was still asleep, he'd have a shower, a cold shower, get his mind back under control.

Mark kept his back to the sleeping man as he picked up his wash-bag and made it to the bathroom without disturbing him. He made a point of sliding the door latch quietly as he closed the door. It was a good shower, clean and modern. He worked up a good lather with the shampoo, but his cock was still waving about in the cool water like a diviner's rod. Well there was one way to sort out that problem, and the jism would go straight to the fishes. He was pumping vigorously when he thought he saw a movement beyond the sliding glass door. It was Al, still naked, a strong stream of piss pouring from his semi-erect penis into the pan. Clearly the latch wasn't working. Al turned so that he was almost facing Mark.

"Hope you don't mind... Had to go. Hey! You look terrific, just terrific!" There was nothing between them but water droplets running down the clear sheet of glass. Mark just didn't know what to say, or do.

"Oh... er... " He realized that he was staring again, right at Al's crotch, and at the same moment he knew that Al knew it. Its a strange thing about eyes, even from across a room it is possible to know what another person is looking at, almost possible to see what he is seeing. Mark flushed.

"I hope you don't mind my saying that you looked good. I mean it's just a figure of speech you understand?" said Al. "But man, that's really impressive. What is it? Eight inches?" Mark had measured it many times as he grew to manhood, not that he would have admitted it. As a matter of fact it was just over seven inches, but that was only by digging the measure hard into his groin.

"Well...yeah, around that."

"Yep, its a beauty." Mark flushed a brighter red. "You through in there?"

"Yes, yeah sure." Al was directly in front of him as he came out of the shower. Mark reached for the towel, they were only inches apart. Then it happened, his penis brushed lightly against Al's hip. Mark jolted, it was like an electric shock. Al just smiled. Grabbing the towel Mark stepped out into the bedroom. As he dried himself his body was trembling, shaking like a leaf.

'I've got to get out of here. Got to get some air, a drink. Yes, a drink, that's what I need,' he thought. Pulling on his underpants, shorts and tee-shirt he quickly made his way up to the observation/dining deck.

It was close on five o'clock, the sun was low in the west. The fierce heat of the day had passed, down to the high seventies. The Dutch twins were on deck already, standing together up front. He picked up a cold beer from the small bar and wandered forward. That's when he saw that they were holding hands.

'Christ! What is this? Some sort of a gay boys outing?' Then he remembered, they were 'Continentals'. Yes of course, Continentals tended to do that sort of thing although he had always associated it with Latins rather than Northern Europeans. Besides, they were brothers. He'd heard of incestuous relationships, but gay incest? That would be a double aberration, hardly likely.

"Good evening. I'm Mark Stacey ."

"Yes, I remember...Hans Vogel," said one.

"Soren Vogel," said the other.

"Twins eh?" 'God, what a fatuous thing to say. But how the fuck did their mother tell them apart?'

"Oh, you noticed?" said Hans. Mark felt suitably reprimanded. As the small talk flowed they were joined by the Svenson's. Lisa was stunning, blond, mid-twenties, tanned: Olaf was at least twice her age, moneyed, well groomed. She wasted no time in letting them know that her husband was the new ambassador to South Africa. Finally Al appeared.

'I hope he's wanked himself off, then we can both get some sleep,' thought Mark. Then he realized that he was the one who needed the wank, Al had slept like a baby.

The Captain appeared and invited them all to join him in a sunset drink. An hour or so later dinner was ready. "Let me explain the routine we like to keep on these safaris," he said once they were all at the table. "I know this is your vacation, and the customer should call the tune, but if you if you came to see game you must look at the right time of day. Look at the wrong time and you'll see nothing at all. So we start early. A wake up call at five, with tea or coffee to help ease the shock. Quarter to six, at first light, you'll be going out in the small boats you see trailing behind. They each take three or four guests and two staff. The beauty of the boats is that they have the electric motors, and paddles, and can move in almost total silence through the waterways. You'll get the best photographs you've ever seen, well we give you the chance, you do the rest."

Conversational sparring continued through dinner, nobody being prepared to be the least bit impressed by anything that the others had seen or done. Mark, being a good salesman, watched his companions with a trained eye. He was amazed to see the amount of eye contact between the brothers. 'But they're twins, twins are like that,' he thought. He wasn't so surprised at the interest that Lisa had in the captain, and Mawemba too. Neither of them was wealthy, nor well groomed, but they did have well laden crotches. Yes, black too, that's what she was interested in. After dinner they were the first to leave making the early start their excuse.

"Ah, the boat'll be rocking in a few moments," Al laughed coarsely. Since he was engrossed in conversation with the twins Mark thought it was a good time to slip away. What he needed was an early night and a fresh start the next morning. He always slept in the nude, always had, but after this afternoon he was in two minds as to what he should do.

'Well, fuck it, I'm not changing my ways, it's my vacation.' He settled into the bed, closed his eyes, tried to close his mind, it didn't work. That sight kept coming back. But it wasn't Al's body, mostly his body was a blur, except the crotch that was crystal clear in his mind. Then something occurred to him, something he must have seen, but had not registered consciously at the time. The balls were hairless. Not just the balls. There had been only a very narrow band of pubic hair above his cock, everything below it was bald. Mark was lying on his back, the sheet supported by his prick rising up to a point like a circus tent. He wanted to jerk off, but he knew that if he started Al would return at the crucial moment. There would be cum all over the bed, so obvious when the only covering was a thin sheet. Sure enough just then he heard footsteps: too late. He rolled over on to his side to hide the obvious. It seemed like a long time before he was sure that his companion was soundly asleep. He started to pump gently on his swollen dong, but the bloody bed started to creak rhythmically. Al stirred. Mark gave up. It seemed like only moments later there was a soft tapping at the door, lemon tea for him, coffee for Al.

Al didn't stir, so Mark headed for the bathroom for a quick shower. Reaching for the latch to lock the door he remembered what had happened the previous day. He hesitated, then left it unlocked. Almost immediately his cock started to swell. As the water poured over him his stomach tightened, couldn't take his eyes off the door, but it didn't open. There was no sound from the other room, Al must have gone back to sleep. Again he thought about jerking off, but there really wasn't time. The towel around his waist was held way up at the front by his rampant dick, but it didn't matter, Al wouldn't see it. He stepped quietly out of the bathroom. Al was sitting on the end of his bed with his camera. As Mark stepped out from behind the door he saw a flicker of red light then a blinding flash. The towel jerked as his cock flexed. Al laughed.

"Seems to be working well... The camera's OK too."

Mark didn't say anything, couldn't think of anything smart or cool. He walked self-consciously over to the chest of drawers to get his clothes, as he bent down the towel dropped to the floor. Flash! He straightened up. Flash! He was going to remonstrate. Flash! Suddenly it didn't matter. He turned further, full frontal, twisted left, twisted right, bent over, straightened up. The flashes kept coming. Mark put his hand up. "Enough, enough. This is crazy, besides we've got to be on deck in five minutes."

"Yeah, I'll have a quick splash, but first I'd better put in a new film."

Mark went up on deck, the twins were there already. It was still dark, just a thin band of red light in the east.

"Good mornin'," said the Captain, a broad row of shining teeth in the darkness. "Since you'se are the first perhaps you'd like to be on your way?" They agreed. Soon the three of them were installed, and the small, flat-bottomed boat slid quietly away using its battery powered outboard.

The light improved rapidly and very soon the boatman was pointing out the various animals along the banks and reptiles in the water, many of which were so well camouflaged that the visitors would never have seen them. Mark was totally absorbed in the wildlife until another sight caught his eye. The twins were both wearing outrageously short shorts, the sort that only the Dutch or Germans would dare to wear in public. What's more, as Hans moved in the confined space, it soon became obvious that he wore no under-wear, nor did his brother. From the brief glimpse that Mark got Soren didn't seem to have any pubic hair either. Almost immediately Mark's shorts started to bulge, suddenly the view through his view-finder didn't seem so engrossing. He found himself maneuvering to get a better view, inside the boat not outside. The twins, however, were so completely absorbed by the view that they either did not know, or did not care, that their shorts were riding up exposing more and more of their genitals as they moved about. He had been right about the pubic hair, and Hans was equally hairless. As the morning heated up their gear hung looser, lower, it was all on view. Try as he might Mark could not concentrate on the wild-life. He continued to click away with his camera, but he was no longer sure what was in the picture, nor did he very much care. He even 'accidentally' tripped his shutter a couple of times when the camera was resting on his knee and pointing straight at Soren's crotch. On the way back to the tour boat Mark promised himself a long, slow wank. They'd got away first, so they should be back before Al and the Swedes, he was going to enjoy it. To his dismay the others were back already. Worse than that, Al was in the cabin.

"So what about some breakfast?" asked Al.

"Yes. OK...I'll be up in a minute." He thought of the jacking-off that he had been looking forward to. Well it would have to wait, yet again. Why the fuck did the company screw up his booking. During the meal there was a lot of chat about what they had seen. Al described in graphic detail a confrontation between two hippopotamuses.

"I really hope those shots come out. What was the most impressive thing you saw?" he asked looking at Mark. The loose, low hanging balls were the first thing that sprang to his mind.

"Er... There was an eagle, came down out of nowhere, just grabbed them... I mean grabbed it... the fish. Then it was gone. It all happened so suddenly. Just hope I got a good shot of them... The bird and the fish...," he ended weakly knowing that he had fucked up twice in quick succession.

"You need a video to get the movement, the flow," said Olaf with a flourishing gesture. Mark could see the movement clearly in his mind's eye, dangling balls swinging from side to side. He concentrated very closely after that, but soon he grew weary. The late night and early morning were getting to him.

"I think I'll go down for a rest."

"Good idea," agreed Al. "I'll be down in a while, but don't worry, I won't wake you."

In the cabin Mark stripped off and lay naked on the bed covered by the sheet. He went out like a light. Some time later he stirred without quite coming to the surface. He had that glorious feeling, half asleep with a strong erection. His hand moved down to his crotch, stroked his rampant cock. He became aware of wetness, slick, slimy.

'Beautiful,' he thought, 'a wet dream.' His hand spread the jism up and down the shaft, then all around his balls. 'Wonderful! So slippery, so smooth.' He gradually became aware that he was no longer covered. He remembered where he was, that he was sharing a room. This brought him back to reality with a jolt. He looked guiltily across to Al's bed expecting him to be asleep too. Al was looking right at him, smiling.

"You enjoyed that."

"I... er I was dreaming."

"I can never decide whether a wet dream is a good thing, or a waste of cum. It feels so good when I wake, but somehow I feel I could have enjoyed coming even more if I had been awake. So," he said with a smile," tell me about the dream."

"Actually I can't remember," replied Mark, which was the truth.

"Well I can give you a clue. You were dreaming about balls. You were mumbling about balls. And when you came! Wow, what a flow." Mark was so embarrassed he blushed to the roots of his hair. His cock, which had been so proud, was shrinking before his eyes. "Want to talk about it?" asked Al gently.

"I... Well I'm not queer. I'm not. I've been married for three years. She's gone now, but that had nothing to do with sex."

"Relax, did I say anything about your sexuality? You were dreaming about balls, what's wrong with that? They're God's greatest gift to mankind... womankind too, women love them almost as much as we do. Trouble is they don't know how to use them properly. Your wife played with yours didn't she?"

"Of course not!"

"No?" The surprise showed on Al's face. "But you must have had girlfriends who played with them?"

"Of course not, they're terribly delicate organs. They secret a myriad of hormones you know, and they're very easily damaged, even a bath that's too hot can upset the balance..."

"Oh come on, you don't believe all that old crap do you? Don't tell me nobody's ever worked on your nuts?"

"No they haven't, and I told you, I'm not gay."

"Gay, straight, every man plays with his balls, and we all want have our played with as well. That's what you were dreaming about. Doesn't mean you're gay. No need to get so worked up about it."

"Er... I guess I shouldn't have gone off like that. I'm sorry. Actually I really can't remember much about it. But those Dutch guys I went out with this morning...they were wearing those shorts. You saw them at breakfast, well they had nothing underneath, everything was hanging out, ridiculous, outrageous! I mean I couldn't help seeing it all!"

"And you liked what you saw." It was a statement not a question.

"I can assure you that that sort of thing doesn't turn me on at all." But he blushed.

"But you dreamed about it, and you came like an eighteen year old." It was just the gentlest way of saying, 'Are you sure?'. Mark's dick had started to swell again. He didn't want it to, in fact he desperately wanted to look disinterested, but he couldn't control it. The cum which had dried on the surface began to split. He could see the pink skin of the head bursting through the layer of dried slime like a snake shedding its skin. "Would you like to feel my balls?" Mark was shocked by the question, but his penis stirred strongly.

"I um..." He could feel his pulse quickening, but he didn't know why this was happening.

"Or I could feel yours. It won't make you gay, might make you feel good, very good."

"But I'm all covered in...," he couldn't say it.

"Don't worry about it... It's beautiful. Pretty soon we'll both be covered in it." As Al crossed the gap between the beds Mark shivered with excitement and fear. He knew this was wrong, he knew he should stop it right now, but he didn't. That's when Mark got his first close-up look at another man's fully aroused penis. Not like the public toilets, squinting sideways. Nor the boat, trying to see as much as possible as the twins moved about without it being obvious. It was all there, in broad daylight, right in front of his eyes. Al swung his left leg over the single bed, for a moment the massive cock was poised only a foot from Mark's mouth, the big, round testicles, hanging just as low as the ones he had been dreaming about, swinging between the wide-spread legs. Al sat astride the bed so that they were facing each other his hands reached out, took Mark's balls, fondled them gently. A violent shudder ran through his whole body.

"Lie back, right back. Relax, it's gonna be just beautiful." Al began to roll the testicles between his fingers and thumbs, very gently. Mark moaned quietly, his head rolling from side to side. But when Al lifted the testicles to work the back of them he felt the cords tighten and heard a gasp. "Loose, hang loose, let them go." He was speaking as gently and as soothingly as his fingers were working. Gradually Mark relaxed. "Yes, that's right. Give them to me. That's better, when they're loose I can do what I like with them, what you like too. For the rest of this trip these are mine: your whole body is mine. You know that don't you? I'm going to take you, teach you, maybe I'll even fuck you. You know it's gonna happen, don't you? You want me to do it, don't you?" All these questions were statements. Mark could hear them from a great distance away, he was in Nirvana: and Al was right on every count.

"God! This is so good! Why hasn't anyone done this to me before?"

"See? Didn't I tell you? You want it don't you? Go on, tell me how much you want it."

"Yes I want it, I want it, I want it so much." Mark shuddered violently and pushed down with his stomach muscles to let Al pull the balls down further.

"Good boy, good boy. You're giving them to me now, that's good. Tonight I'm gonna take your ass. I'm gonna fuck you boy. It's gonna hurt, a lot, but not for long. It's got to be done. You know it don't you boy?" Mark shuddered again.

"Yes," he heard himself say quietly. Right after that Al increased the pressure. His fingernails found the exquisitely tender spots right at the back of the testicles. Mark tried to close his legs. He couldn't, Al was sitting between them.

"Take it boy. Relax, don't tighten up, let it happen. It'll be better when you relax." Al felt the muscles in the thighs ease, then suddenly the legs fell apart. Mark had surrendered. He came very quickly, then lay back utterly exhausted. Al knelt up on the bed between Mark's wide spread legs. He jerked himself off, his cum spraying on to Mark's stomach and chest. Then using both hands he mixed the two lots of cum, spreading it all over both of them, especially their genitals. "There now," he said as he worked it into Mark's scrotum, "didn't I tell you there was no need to worry about a bit of jism?"

On the afternoon boat ride Al ensured that he rode with the twins. Sure enough everything he had been told was true. It didn't take him long to find out what he wanted to know. That evening, long after the meal was finished, he continued in earnest conversation with them. Mark watched and waited, both longing for, and dreading, what was to come,. At last he decided that Al had lost interest. With a mumbled "Good night" in the direction of the trio he went below, both relieved, and bitterly disappointed.

He lay on his bed his mind churning. 'What did I do wrong? What could I have done to keep his interest? They're bloody good looking, and at least he can be sure he'll get what he wants from them. Maybe it's because they're gay and I am not. Why did I say that so many times? Maybe that put him off. Well I'm not gay, so what else could I say?' By now he knew that he didn't want to get into this scene. Couldn't even imagine how he had let a man touch him like that. No, this wasn't for him, he wasn't queer, never would be. When the door opened he was lying with his back towards it. He didn't move, but his stomach muscles knotted up another notch. The touch of Al's hand on his butt made him jump, his heart-rate trebled.

"It's time... you ready?"

"Oh I... I really don't think..."

"You're right, don't think," interrupted Al. "Time for thinking is past, now it's time for fucking."

"But I don't want... I mean I've changed my mind. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but... It was all a big mistake."

"You can't know it was a mistake, you only think it was a mistake. You haven't experienced it so you don't know. I have, and I know what you need." There was a click, the light by Al's bed came on. Surprised, Mark looked over his shoulder.

"What the..." Mark started to say, but was too shocked to say more. Al was naked, his penis hard, balls hanging low. Two other men were at the foot of the bed, naked too. Mark recognized the two sets of low, low hanging testicles, no pubic hair, not a trace of body hair. The cocks, now fully aroused, looked even more impressive than they had in the boat. They were longer than his own, even longer than Al's, but they were slimmer, nor did either of them have a big flaring head like he had.

"They've come to help," Mark said. "This is a big night for you, we want to make it memorable. Well it'd be memorable whatever way it was done, but we want it to be special. In good company."

"Oh no, really I don't want to..."

"Oh really you do, and your going to. After your dream, and what you told me about your boat ride, naturally I invited them along." As Al was speaking the twins moved around Mark's bed, one behind his back beside Al, the other on the side that Mark was facing. The light over his bed snapped on. There, barely a foot away, and pointing directly at his mouth was the long slim shaft. He raised himself up on one elbow, he was going to get out of there, make a break before it went any further. The three of them dropped on him. A hand grabbed at his hair, pulling his head back. He opened his mouth to scream, but a hard, rubbery object was jammed into it and secured with strong rubber bands around his head. He couldn't believe this was happening. He'd heard of prison rape, but this was a tourist boat, a hell of an expensive tourist boat. All he had to do was lash out, arms, legs, just make a noise, someone would come, on such a small boat someone would hear. But two men held his legs, the other had his arms in a lock behind his back, he was trapped. Suddenly he became acutely aware of his nakedness, and that these three men were homosexuals. Again he tried to break free, but there was no chance. He knew what they wanted. His body, his cock, balls and ass hole were all at their mercy. His dick, which had shriveled in fear, started to swell rapidly. Al saw it rise.

"You see this guys?" he said pointing. "Didn't I tell you he wanted it. So now we fuck him."

'We fuck him,' Mark heard it. 'We! That means more than one. How many? It has to be three! They're all going to fuck me!' He tried to object, shook his head furiously, but only managed a gurgle. He tried struggling, but was held fast. Finally he let go, just slumped on the bed, if they relaxed their grip for a moment he'd make a break.

"Good boy. Don't fight it. Let it happen, it'll be much easier. You understand? Nod your head if you understand. OK. Now stay that way." The grip on his arms and legs did not ease. "I've got some cord, we'll spread him out." Mark heard Al cross the room, open his case, then he was back. "Now boy, we're gonna to turn you on your back. Just hang loose, don't make it difficult." A hand grabbed his balls, roughly, and wrenched.

"You won't struggle, will you?" asked one of the twins. The pain was bad, Mark shook his head. His left ankle was pulled to one side. He felt the cord wind around three or four times then pull tight. He was rolled on to his back, then his right leg was fastened in the same way to the other side of the bed. His arms were spread wide and tied to the bed-head. He had never felt so naked, or so fucking hot.

'Oh God, how did I get into this? Why did I... They're going to fuck me and there's nothing I can do about.' That thought made him feel better, he wasn't agreeing to this, it was rape so he wasn't responsible, it wasn't his fault. Then another thought burst into his consciousness, 'But... Oh shit...I want it. I do want it!' The hand which was holding his balls fondled them casually, the way a butcher might handle meat, then dropped them. He was thrilled, terrified, and he loved it.

"This'll have to be cleaned off," said Hans giving a tug at his pubic hair.

"Yes, get the razor from the bathroom," said Al.

"Razors don't do a smooth job. Start with a shave, but I have some cream, I'll go and get it." While one of the Dutchmen pulled on a pair of shorts and went back to his cabin the others went to work on Mark's pubes. Shaving soap all over, then the dragging, scraping feeling as the hair was stripped away. Mark was in heaven. Not one, but two men handling his genitals, pulling them this way and that, fantastic. As the last of the hair was removed from the shaft of his penis Soren returned with the cream.

"Here, spread this around, all over. It'll take a few minutes, but it's worth it. Makes it all so smooth, like a babies bottom."

While they waited for the cream to work, Al started to fondle Hans' tits, stroking them. As they swelled up he pulled on the nipples, pulled harder and harder. Hans was obviously suffering, but he didn't utter a sound. Soren's hand was on Al's ass. A couple of strokes, then his middle finger was probing. Mark couldn't believe what he was seeing, this was incredible, they had no shame. The finger went deeper, Al leaned forward slightly to let it in. Eventually he pulled so hard on Hans' tit that he lost his grip. The flesh snapped back. Soren removed his finger, then passing his hand over Al's shoulder, offered it to his brother. Hans opened his mouth and sucked it in eagerly.

'Holy shit!' thought Mark, oblivious to the irony. The finger was slowly pulled away, Al kissed Hans full on the mouth, a deep probing kiss, each exploring as far as their tongues could reach, hips thrust forward, genitals grinding. Mark had done some hot and heavy kissing in his time, but never anything as hot as this. When they broke apart Al turned to face Soren. They started to work on each other's genitals, pulling down on the sacs, squeezing hard on the contents, probing their piss-slits with fingernails. As they did this Mark could see that Hans was working his fingers up both their asses. Not just his middle finger, at least two, maybe three, then he offered these shitty fingers to their mouths. They were eagerly sucked clean, then Al kissed Soren just the way he had kissed the brother. It was disgusting, revolting; he should have been physically sickened, but he watched, fascinated, entranced. Worse than that, he knew he wanted to be kissed, and to suck those fingers. The kiss ended when Hans reminded them that the cream had to be removed. Soren wanted to do Mark's ass hole.

"I think we'll leave that for another day," Al suggested.

"But we don't want hair in it. Spoils the look of it. A virgin's hole should be clean, like a young boy's."

"Yes, but there's three of us." Mark didn't miss that

'So it is going to be all three of them. They are all going to fuck me', he thought.

"I think we should leave the hole out of it, he'll be sore enough. And we want him to be fit for use again tomorrow."

"If you say so, he's your boy. But if he was mine I'd make sure he had a virgin's ass even if it took all the skin off, and we'd still fuck him all we wanted."

'He's your boy!' Mark liked the sound of that. 'Al's boy'. Al will be first. His cock is the thickest, that beautiful flaring head ...' He shuddered. Then the cream was being wiped off.

"My, that certainly makes it smooth!" said Al. Mark wanted to touch himself, but of course he couldn't move. "You use this stuff all the time?"

"Sure we do."

"Right up into your asses as well?"

"Sure. Feel it."

"Yeah, very smooth, very nice. I'm gonna check it out with my tongue before the evening is over." Mark just wished to God they would cut the crap. His balls were aching, he knew he was going to be fucked, now he wanted them to do it. Al spoke to him as he released one wrist.

"Now we're gonna turn you over. Don't struggle, don't fight it because it's got to be done. Okay?" Mark pointed to his mouth. "No, that stays in, at least until after the first fuck. We don't want to disturb our fellow travelers do we?" He wanted to tell Al that he was ready, there was no need for the gag, that he wanted to be fucked. All he could do was nod.

Very soon they had him spread face down on the bed. He felt the chill of the lubricating cream, then a finger was probing at his hole. Oh God that felt good!

'If this is homosexuality why didn't I find out about it years ago', he wondered. The finger eased its way past his sphincter. Wonderful, fabulous. It twisted around, probed deeper, stroked the lining of his rectum. 'Oh God, is there shit in there? If there is will he make me suck his finger? Could I really do that? Could I? There won't be any choice, but yes, yes I can, I want it. Please Al, please... make me suck your finger. I want to show you, I want to prove to you.' He had no idea how long the massage lasted, but was brought back to reality when he felt Al climb on to the bed between his legs.

"Pass me one would you," he heard Al ask. There was a rustling.

"That's nice! Real thin," said Hans.

"Yeah, don't know these fuckers are on, just like the real thing. Remember those days?"

"Those days for us are these days. That's the best thing about having a twin brother to fuck."

"With an identical twin it must be kinda like fucking yourself."

"Well, we know how to please each other because what I want is what he wants."

The mattress moved under Mark's body, Al's hands grasped his hips, lifting them. He didn't resist, held his ass up. He couldn't see it, but he knew that the big penis was lined up for the thrust. He felt the first tentative probes, clumsy compared with the finger, then the head was wedged in place. There was a blinding flash, then another and another from different angles.

"We must keep a record of the first time," said Hans.

'Take me Al, take me! Please do it.' Al's hips thrust forward, the head tearing at the virgin opening. The shock was terrible. Mark screamed, but all that came out was a strangled gurgle. It didn't feel like a cock, it was a broom-handle, a bayonet, a double edged bayonet, splitting him open. Again and again the pain sliced through him. His hips, which he had lifted to let Al in, had been forced down to the bed again. Al grunted with each thrust.

'At least it can't last much longer, he must be close to coming', thought Mark.

"Are you in?" asked Hans.

"No, he's tight as a duck's ass."

'No? What's he mean 'no'. He's split my ass wide open to get his cock in and now he says no.'

"I know how to get him to open up." A hand grabbed his balls. Wrenched at them. The fingernails dug in hard. Mark bucked like a stallion, not to throw Al off, he'd forgotten Al's bayonet already. Now there was only thing on his mind.

'My balls! Oh God! No, please don't destroy my testicles.' But he could not free them from this crushing grip. As he writhed and twisted his sphincter happened to line up perfectly with one of Al's strong thrusts. The bayonet went in, right in. Al's full weight came down on his back, the big penis was driven into his rectum, right in up to the balls.

"Oh God you're beautiful! I've never had such a tight ass...never."

"So, he really is a virgin. I can't remember the last time I fucked a real virgin", said Hans wistfully.

"Lucky son of a fucking bugger!" was Soren's contribution. Al lay still for a while. Mark was too shocked by the pain to even breathe.

"OK. I'm in, it's gonna be easier now. It might still be a little uncomfortable for a while, don't tighten up... you'll begin to enjoy it." The thrusting brought the pain back, like a rasp being pushed in and out of his hole.

'A little uncomfortable? How do these gays take this? How the fuck did this happen? Can't believe this ... It's sheer fucking hell.'

"Push down, push like you're trying to shit." He pushed and was surprised to find that the pain eased. He pushed harder.

'Oh God! Oh! Yes do it! Fuck me!.'

"Now you've got it, isn't that better?" Mark couldn't answer verbally, but he raised his ass to just the right height to take the penis. The big dick was plunging in, drawing out, plunging in, long, strong, straight thrusts. "Good boy! Yes, keep it up for me, keep it open for me."

Had Mark been able to think of anything but his ass hole he might have wondered why Al wasn't wearing the gag, he was the one making all the noise. The pace grew faster, the strokes longer. Occasionally the head came right out for an instant before plunging back into the slick hole. Each time this happened Mark got a jolt through his body as his hole was opened extra wide by Al's mushroom cock-head. "Oh yes boy... Yes... Your all mine," Al whispered between strokes. "It started as rape... You wanted it that way... Didn't you?... Didn't you?... Now you're giving to me... Willingly.... Arrrrrrh!" Al's body went into spasm, the thrusting stopped, but his cock was still deep in Mark's body.

For several minutes they lay as one. Al's hands tenderly explored the body that he had just raped and loved. His fingers spread the cream that had been forced out of Mark's hole all over his balls, then moved up under his body to find the cock-head. Pre-cum had wet the bed and was still oozing out. Al's fingers spread it over the head, down the shaft. Mark felt his balls tighten up, his semen was about to flow. Al slapped his ass hard. "Not yet! Not until I tell you... Understand?" Mark nodded. As Al moved away the feeling of the soft penis sliding out of his ass almost brought Mark off.

"So which of you wants him now?"

'I'm being offered like a piece of meat. Anyone can fuck me now. Al can offer me to the twins, or the Captain, or the Swedish ambassador, to be fucked while his wife watches. Oh God, wouldn't that be something? To be offered to anyone on the boat, the crew, anyone at all.'

"Hans, you take him. You know I like a really wet ass to get my balls in. For that it needs to be slick."

"OK, that's fine by me, I'm ready to pop right now. Can I use one of those special, thin condoms of yours Al?"

"Here, let me do it for you. Hey, you could use an extra long one."

"Well... long, but thin eh?"

"So, you'll stretch him further up than I did. There's an extra inch of virginity up there for you."

"Yes, I'll take it." Mark felt the second penis of the night, there was no splitting pain, just an incredible sensation flooding out of his hole, filling his body. The deepest thrusts of the long shaft caused momentary stabs of pain, but somehow that made it even better. Mark wanted that pain, it reminded him that he was being fucked by a man, that this was gay sex, hot sex. This time he worked his hips in rhythm with the man who was fucking him. They were playing a duet, Hans using his penis, Mark his ass hole. With both men moving in time there was more feeling for both of them. Much too soon Hans' breathing speeded up, the rhythm got faster, harder, Hans stiffened, then collapsed on Mark's back.

"That was good fucking", said Al. "And you've got a beautiful ass. I just wish I hadn't blown all my juice because watching your ass rise and fall like that has made me hot again."

"If I work on you, you'll be fit for another fuck, I guarantee it", said Hans as he rolled off the bed. "While Soren is using your boy I'll pump you up, I'd really like to be fucked by that thing of yours."

"Oh man, yes please, what else can I say? Soren take him, he's all yours. We'll use the other bed."

For the third time Mark felt the weight of a man on his back. This was so different from a woman, the men were hard, firm flesh and muscle, not soft like women. That alone made it so much more exciting. Soren knelt astride his hips, but facing his feet. Fingers found his hole, opened it wide. That hurt, but Mark wanted it to hurt. The fingers dipped in and out, in and out spreading more lubricant. Next Mark felt the testicle being rolled around between his cheeks. Soren was making sure the sac was slippery enough.

'Please put it in, I'm begging you for it!' Then it was lodged in the opening. The pressure built up as Soren's finger pressed down on one testicle. 'How can he take this pressure on his nut? It must hurt like hell.' Suddenly the sphincter yielded: with a pop the testicle was in. Mark squirmed, it was beautiful, he could feel the ball move inside. Then the other one was being pressed against the opening. Pop! Two of them in. Mark clamped tight, pulling them into his body, squeezing them internally. He could hear Soren moaning. He found that he could play with them by moving his ass from side to side, by thrusting his hips forward and back. Soren's moans came on stronger. Suddenly he pulled them out.

"This ass I got to fuck properly." Soren got between the wide spread legs, lined his cock up with the battered hole, then rammed in with a brutal thrust. The savage fucking that followed was not a duet, it was a solo. A master using an instrument on a slave. Soren's hips slammed into his butt, the long penis pulling right out and plunging back with each stroke. Mark's whole body jerked each time Soren buried his cock. Had he not been well lubricated by now he would have been in real trouble. Luckily for Mark, Soren was so turned on by inflicting pain on this helpless new slave that he got carried away, shot his load way too soon, then collapsed.

"You're going to make a good slave, you need to suffer. I like that, you will suffer."

'What the fuck is this guy on about? Slave? I'm no slave! I could buy this jerk and have him for my slave.'

"Now boy, I'm going to take your gag out. Do you hear? When I do you're going to clean me up, all of me. You understand?"

'Clean him up, does he mean his cock? His balls too? He couldn't. They were up my... I couldn't to do that. No way!'

It was soon very obvious that that was exactly what Soren had in mind. He removed the gag, but not the bonds that held Mark helpless. The bed was secured to the deck, couldn't be moved. With Mark lying face down there was no way Soren could position himself to get his genitals into Mark's mouth. After a few unsuccessful contortions he gave up.

"Alright, I'm going to untie you, but you'd better do a good job, do you hear?"

'A good job! I'm not doing any kind of a job on him. When I'm free we'll see whose the fucking slave.'

When he was free Mark lay still on the bed, still defiant. Soren lay down beside him, waiting to be serviced. Mark looked around, the long dick was not as hard as it had been, but still firm. The sheath was streaked, looked sticky, can I take that thing in my mouth? Can I actually do it, right now?'

As all this was running through his mind Mark was moving slowly, very slowly, towards the waiting penis.

Next: Chapter 2

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