Oh Wait Im Straight

By Ryan White

Published on Sep 21, 2023



"I thought you were straight...what the hell were you even thinking?" CJ whispered, using his right thumb to slowly caress Mateo's facial skin as he spoke.

Mateo swallowed and closed his eyes, and shook his head in the negative connotation as he did so, as his eyes streamed across CJ's entire persona...his beautiful smile, his charming, incredible blue eyes...that blond hair that you just ACHED to run your fingers through...those strong hands of his keeping him inside his firm grip...

...dared he say it...

...making him feel like HIS own...

"Yeah...I'm straight...suddenly I'm not totally so sure about that anymore..." he finally replied.

"Oh, don't tell me that I persuaded you to join the dark side?" CJ laughed, finally removing his hands from Mateo's face, his eyes once more glimmering with every word that he spoke...my God, he couldn't remember when last he had been THIS happy and THIS free to even BE with someone...someone that TRULY KNEW who he was, and not the person that he was trying to desperately to hide from his peers.

The CJ Parker that they all knew and adored...near damn worshipped in high school was a legend with the babes...he was always in the arms of the most beautiful, most slutty girls that the school had on offer for the week, at least, and he made DAMN well sure that he always showed them a good time in bed, because he knew the word would actively get around about his incredible prowess and stamina...

...because he would much rather have people believe THAT version of himself, than the earth-shattering truth that had been hidden in his heart for as long as he had been alive.

In a RED state such as this...it was social suicide to even BEGIN to wanna be with another boy openly as he was now, but he and Mateo had this...he didn't quite know what it was...a bond, perhaps? A strong, powerful connection that brought them together on the night of his sixteenth birthday...when he was as drunk as a skunk and finally had little enough brain power to lower his guard and actually show himself to Mateo...his true self.

And just when he thought that he wouldn't EVER have the opportunity to EVER again have that kind of close, intimate, personal connection with another dude...Mateo Gonzalez, the supposed biggest nerd in the school, and one of the, unfortunately, biggest social outcasts, I mean...someone like CJ shouldn't even LOOK in someone like Mateo's direction, because the gap in their status was simply too big..

...but so was Mateo's heart. And when he had kissed CJ for a second time...all on his own accord, just a few minutes before, he could literally feel the warmth pouring out of his very soul, with the knowledge that Mateo was straight, and had given enough fucks about CJ, to have him relieve that dream, with him being sober at least, this time around.

Mateo shook his head and sighed out loud as he contemplated what CJ had just said, mostly as a joke, but for him, this was deadly serious. All his life, he had identified as being straight. He could appreciate the good looks of a boy his own age, but nevertheless, there has never been a time where another dude had turned him on...but that was before he had ever placed his lips on those of CJ Parker.

It wasn't just because the dude, was who he was, it was because he didn't realize that there would be a constant THRILL shooting through him every time that they shared a kiss...that they shared any amount of breath...being close to one another...when CJ caressed the side of his face with his fingers, Mateo nearly fucking MELTED like chocolate on an open fire...his heart raging with pent-up emotions and sheer confusion.

"Dude, I can honestly say that right now, I don't know what the hell to even begin to think...I just can't..." he whispered out loud in the cold, his breath hanging in the air for a few seconds before it seemed to dissolve right in front of CJ's prying eyes.

CJ stood back a little, as his own eyes were suddenly drenched in nothing but shock and horror, before he grimaced and folded his arms in front of his body, cocky as anything, his face totally and utterly unreadable. He scoffed after a while, before he straightened out his clothes and looked faintly back at the party that was still happening, still ongoing inside the school hall the entire time that they had been freezing their asses off out here, turning back towards a still silent Mateo.

"Oh, I see how this is going to go down...all of this, you kissing me and you...yeah, that was all because you fucking felt SORRY for me, is that it? Is that how we're gonna deal with this?"

Mateo looked up, and his heart sunk as he saw how angry CJ was. This...the LAST thing that he wanted CJ to think, was because he kissed him out of total PITY...because that sure as hell wasn't even the case. He kissed him because he WANTED to...and because he FELT that it was the RIGHT thing to do! He...really wanted to...with a lust and a passion that he had NEVER before felt in his life! It wasn't about pity, it never was, he totally wouldn't DO that!

"Dude, I dunno why the hell you're suddenly thinking that I did this out of pity, but..."

CJ through up his hands, and lowered his voice at the same time, as he saw several drunk students making their way down to where they were, and before they saw him with someone like Mateo, and quickly grabbed the nerd boy and dragged him to behind one of the shed's out back at the soccer pitch, where they wouldn't easily be seen, before he threw daggers at the Hispanic boy...

"Of course you fucking did! Man...how stupid was I to actually think...hope...you know what...I don't fucking NEED your God damn pity! I am CJ Parker...and I will die CJ Parker...I have been faking being ME for fucking sixteen years, and I can do it even longer if I need to, I don't need anything or anyone!"

Mateo's eyes dropped, and he solemnly placed his hands in the pockets of his trousers. He sighed once more, and finally looked upwards at the angry as hell boy in front of him...sad thing was, the moonlight was cascading their fairy rays directly onto the two of them, from where they were positioned, and a shudder of lust ripped through his teenage interior, not for the first time that night, as he realized just how handsome CJ Parker really was. His blond hair seemed to fucking resemble something like golden corn...if that was even a thing. He swallowed as took a step backwards, CJ's eyes watching his every single move.

"Seriously...after all of that...how you can even START to think..."

"YOU'RE STRAIGHT! Why else would a straight guy willingly kiss a gay dude?" came the rapid reply.

"Maybe...MAYBE...because he really likes him! Have you ever considered THAT possibility or are you THAT far up your own ass to believe that even a straight nerd like me, can totally wanna RIP your clothes off!?"

Both boys were staring...more like glaring at each other, looking like two lions about to devour a piece of prime rid red meat, with each of the two trying their best to process just what had just been said. CJ shook his head and blew out some much-needed air, as he stepped closer to Mateo...he could still smell the cologne that the boy must have used earlier that night, before he came to the party...and saw the girl that he had always liked dance and make out with his biggest enemy...that too, could have given Mateo more than enough reason to wanna get even somehow...to prove that it wasn't bothering him.

This, was way too important for him to even mess it up...what he had going with Mateo was ALL that he had...there would literally NEVER be another chance to mess around with another boy whilst he was still at school...to make matters THAT much worse, Mateo's lips was so soft...he was really sexy in his own, nerdish kind of way...the way that he had gone out of his way to make him feel better...CJ would NEVER admit this, but he totally wasn't ready to let Mateo off the hook...to let him go.

He wasn't! They had JUST...JUST found each other!

Jesus, man...if only a kiss and giving the boy a mind-blowing blowjob inside his bedroom had been more than enough to lit some serious fucking sparks, just THINK of what could happen if they continued enjoying each other! Mateo HAD to see that!

"Dude...don't start something you can't finish...I need to know that you're honest here...I have a fucking solid reputation to keep here in school and you..."

Mateo rolled his eyes and stood even more back, and away from CJ Parker, the literal boy wonder.

"Oh...and what I'm feeling, and what I'm going through is nothing but collateral damage, is it?"



CJ sighed.

"Look, I can't help it where we are in terms of popularity here, but it is, what it is, okay? Fact remains, I have a shit load more to lose than you if any of this, ever gets out!"

Mateo honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Oh, boo hoo, the little rich white boy is scared that his friends will finally see that he is into sucking sausages rather than eating out cupcakes! Yeah right...dude, right now, everyone in here thinks I'm a nerd...a geek, a bookworm, fucking take your pick! And I'm totally fine with that, but WHAT the hell do you suppose Garett Lavery and his Republican posse are gonna do if they find out that I'm messing around with the school's local hero? Get your fucking head in the game, CJ! This isn't a game for me either!"

CJ started to breathe faster and faster, the more that Mateo was giving him agro, the more he tended to take it personally, and whilst he knew that everything the Latino boy was saying more was more than true, there was no way his entitled ass was willing to even remotely lose this fight or this argument.

"So, the boys is gonna pick on your ass...so fucking what? Dude, I have literally SHARED a locker room with these guys for ages! They're gonna think that I spied on their naked bodies or something...you wanna have me killed? Is that what you want?" he hissed towards Mateo.

The latter took a good look behind him, to see if anyone was watching them, before he angrily stared up into CJ's deep, blue eyes.

"You know what...I've had enough. More than...seriously, I don't know what the hell I was even thinking...me and you...SO not gonna happen, you're so into yourself, you can't even see straight anymore. Screw you, asshole..." he shrieked towards CJ, and he desperately wanted to turn around and get the hell out of there, because he was more than sure that his father must have been waiting at the parking lot by now, he had messaged him like an hour ago already...

...but CJ had other ideas.

Before Mateo could get away, he grabbed his arm, and not to hurt him, at all, but to pull him back towards him. Mateo, totally not expecting to be hawled back to the position that he was, tripped over his own feet and nearly fell on top of CJ, who held his gaze, sharply, and stared into the Hispanic's boy's eyes with nothing but teenage boy lust...hormones flying through his demeanor like a hot knife through butter.

"You fucking make me crazy..." he whispered urgently and laid his lips onto that of Mateo's again, for the second time that evening.

Mateo didn't even know where his brain was anymore...it was like it had been ripped out and made way for his rock hard seven inch cock...as he placed his arms around CJ's shoulders, pulling the boy in closer, their lips clapping together like a school of seals. Over and over, he felt himself being lovingly caressed and worshipped by the white boy wonder, before CJ finally allowed them to split, hovering over him, totally out of breath...as he pressed his forehead against Mateo's for good measure.

"See what you do to me...Jesus..." he whispered, and he finally cracked at smile at the corners of his mouth, before Mateo had to sigh at the seemingly inevitable, as he leaned forward and nuzzled his nose against that of the taller boy.

"You're not playing fair...I fucking hate you..." he whispered, earning a solid giggle from CJ for his trouble.

The two boys stood in unison for a while, neither of them wanting to break this magical moment for nothing in the world, but eventually, Mateo felt his phone vibrate in his trousers, before he groaned slightly and looked up at CJ.

"That...that's probably my dad...I gotta go, I guess..." he whispered, his heart now literally aching with the thought that he was going to have to leave CJ here...and be away from him for days on end, before he would have a legitimate excuse to see him again at school on Monday.

CJ kissed the side of the Spanish boy's temple, before he took him into a solid hug, as he held Mateo close to his person.

"I guess you have to...but hey...I want you to know that this...whatever this is...I really...you know...wouldn't mind...doing this again...and more, that's if you want to?"

Mateo's heart shook within his teenage chest as CJ spoke...in what world was he living in...in what reality was he being held by CJ Parker...this intimately and feeling that he might lose all control and literally launch himself at another boy with everything that he held dear...in what world was he looking at another boy, even with the boy being CJ Parker...and wondering how the hell had he never, ever wanted to do BE with anyone as much as he wanted to be with him. HIM. Yes...him.

"We just have to keep it quiet...if we do this. If anyone finds out, we are both so fucking dead..." he murmured against CJ's chest, and he smiled happily as he felt the latter holding him even tighter against his body, as he spoke.

Mateo was literally living the dream right now...and my God, he didn't want it EVER stopping. Not when it felt as GOOD as this.


"Come in, amigo! What the hell are you doing this neck of the woods?"

James smiled as he entered the Gonzalez home, before he greeted Mateo's parents, and turned back towards his friend once more.

"As you can see, I went for a run, and whilst I was out, I got a call from the headmaster...I have another assignment for you and for...well, Janey, I suppose..."

"Let's rather go up and talk in my room, where they can't hear about all of this...they still think the sun shines out of Janey's ass," Mateo murmured before he assured his parents that everything was fine and dandy, before they marched upwards to his room, and plonking themselves on his bed like the true teenagers they were.

"Coke and nachos?"


"Will go and get it just now...just waiting for my dad to stop freaking out and get sorted with all his packing...you saw how things looked down stairs."

James crooked hid head to the side and his eyes were suddenly full of concern.

"Yeah, I kinda saw that...what's going on? Don't tell me your folks are like...splitting up or anything, are they?"

Mateo shook his head but he sighed as he laid down on his bed, and placed both his hands behind his head.

"No, nothing like that...but my dad wants to get the hell out of here before ICE comes knocking at our door. He's determined to go back to Mexico to live with my Tio Carlos for a while until things here dies down."

James angrily hit his left fist on the bedspread before he stood up and paced himself across the room.

"FUCK! Damn that Frank Lavery! BASTARDO! He's just as sick, just as corrupt as his son! And just as much of a asshole too...man, I wish I could just END the fucker right here, right now!"

"Do you guys have anything to worry about? I don't even know...were you like, born here or...?"

James shook his head miserably and sat back down, his chest heaving as he did so.

"No...that's the thing, I wasn't. My mom and dad both are undocumented as well, but this has never even BEEN an issue before a God damn Republican won this state and now all of a sudden they wanna come in here and play with people's lives! If they do this...if they come and check up on us like that Lavery fucker promised, you realise what that means? I'll be DEPORTED! I won't be able to go to Uni next year! Never mind that I'm at the top of every fucking class that I'm in! Dude, I can't begin to tell you how UNFAIR that is!"

Mateo leaned upwards and calmly placed his hand on the shivering older boy's shoulder, before he patted him on the back and tried to at least, crack a smile to diverse the stressing tension between them.

"Enough of doom and gloom now, tell me, what assignment do Janey and I need to go on this time...hopefully it's far away from here..." he said, giggling as he did so.

James swallowed a few times to get his temper under control, before he sighed and seemed to relax somewhat, as he turned towards his friend.

"Well, there is a soccer tournament coming up on Friday, and that means you and Janey will need to go with them to cover it for the paper...and yes, now that you mention it, it's about a four hour or so, drive away from here."

Mateo's heart sank yet again, as he realised that he was literally going to spend a whole weekend close to CJ, before he pursed his lips and tried to keep things casual before James, at least.

"Are you sure you want both of us to go? Can't Janey do it alone...or can't I go alone, for that matter?" he asked, with bated breath.

James looked at him with pity in his eyes, before he smiled sadly and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Amigo...you need to get over Janey and fast...because she's with Garrett Lavery now and he sure as hell ain't letting her go...you should have seen them at the party on Friday...DIOS MIO, I have never seen two people that determined to KISS the shit out of each other and make such a spectacle of themselves...but of course Garrett's troops made it look like their Trump wannabe was the bee's knees, so...look, there is only two months of the year remaining, which means only two editions of Flying News that still need to happen...you can totally face Janey for two and a half days, right?"

It's honestly not Janey that he was worried about.

Suddenly he looked over at James...and knowing that he wasn't going to be in town, or even around in a couple of months with going to Uni and all of that, he had this...he didn't know what exactly it was...this sudden URGE to confide in someone, to tell them what was going on. James had been his friend...nearly his only friend for over three years now. He was as close as a best friend that Mateo had ever had...and that was saying something for someone who was generally a loner in life.

He hesitated for a while, before he nodded to himself. James wouldn't judge. He knew that he won't.

"I gotta tell you something..." he whispered, before his eyes flickered over towards his open bedroom door, as he quickly rushed upwards and closed it, before he turned back to a frowning James.

"What's the matter now? You look like you've shit your pants...because if you have, please tell me, the fucking smell..."

"Idiota! No...I just...I need to tell you something...something that no one else knows...something that if anyone finds out...people are going to be real angry...like insanely angry...they're probably going to want to actually kill me..."

"Look, amigo, if you are gonna tell me that you are involved with drug dealers for some Mexican cartel, I really don't wanna know anything about it..."

"OH MY GOD...will you just shut up! I'm...I have kinda been seeing someone...as in someone that I really, really like. Like REALLY...REALLY like."

James's facial features instantly did a total one-eighty, as intense concern quickly made way for severe surprise and shock, as a slow smile wreaked around the corners of his mouth, as he jumped up, totally like a seven year old boy being told that he was allowed to have a new toy for his birthday, as he placed both hands on his hips and checked Mateo out like he was suddenly the King of the world.

"No lo creo...tell me who it is! Is it Janey? Dude...she likes white meat, come on..."

Mateo rolled his eyes and had the intense urge to throw James with something, before he looked down at his shoes, and started urgently fidgeting with his fingers, as he always did whenever he was shy or nervous, as he was now.

"No, it's not Janey. Its...I mean...the person who I...its totally not gonna be who you think...I mean..."

"AY DIOS MIO, JUST TELL ME!" James hollered over towards him and that's when all the expectation and tension just seemed to SNAP somewhere inside Mateo...

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT...it's CJ! CJ Parker!"

James's eyes went from laughter to complete and utter shock, his face turned various colours of the spectrum before he swallowed gently and reached out slowly towards Mateo, and carefully placed his hand on the boy's shivering shoulder.

"Mateo...okay, I can't believe I have to ask this...are you actually on drugs?"

Mateo angrily pushed James away as he quickly walked over to his bed, sat down in a total heap of gutter trash, before he proceeded to sulk like a five year old child who had been told that he couldn't have his favourite flavoured lolly pop.

"No, amigo. NO...I am not drunk and I'm not on fucking drugs, por favor! James...look at me."

James shook his head, in sheer disbelief, before he took sat down next to Mateo on his bed, before his eyes widened like they had never done ever before.

"You're actually serious...aren't you?" he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion and stunning realization that what the kid was telling him was the complete and utter truth.

Mateo nodded, still looking down, before he sighed and slumped his body forward in a vision of total misery.

"How...and when...how...no entiendo..." James spoke once more, in a mixture of English and his native Spanish to even TRY and comprehend what Mateo had just told him, before he realised just how much all of this was taking it's toll on him.

Mateo was a sitting wreck, before his very eyes. Gone was the boy, who despite all the crap he received at school from Garrett and his mates, still always somehow rose above it, all the taunting, all the bullying...all the racist crap and propaganda that was suddenly allowed to be spilled ever since Frank Lavery had become mayor and was now running for the actual president's chair.

Mateo sighed and looked up, his eyes red with his hormones, as well as his ongoing confusion having been SO attracted to another boy for the first time in his life, and wiped his face with his right hand, before he answered James...

"It started on his birthday party. He was so drunk...and I was like the only sober person there. Garrett and his buddies were sort of after me all night, so I kind of hid in CJ's bedroom. He came in, he was all over the place...and we sort of ended up on his bed together...and that's when he kissed me."

James stood up...he was literally the epitome of a walking zombie at that moment and time, before he suddenly blinked his eyes something fierce...

"Are you sure about this? Totally sure? You're totally being honest with me here?" he demanded.

Mateo smirked wry fully.

"He even gave me my first blow job that night."

"FUCKING...HELL..." James whispered, completely done for...kill me now and take me to fucking AVBOB.

"And that's not all...James...Friday night after the party, he came running after me, after I dissed the place when I saw Janey with Garrett..."

"Yeah...I remember that part...he even said that you were having YOUR TIME OF THE MONTH or something..."

Mateo giggled, before his features were serious once more. That was such a typical CJ thing to say...man...if anyone else would have said it, he would have been pissed as hell. But for some reason...because HE said it...it made him smile. It made him giddy as anything...it made him feel special and wanted.

"Anyway...we ended up fighting over...I can't even remember what...and then he grabbed me, and James, I swear...I'm not a jock or anything, but I suddenly know how it feels when boys play football...Honest to God. To think I've always thought of that was boring as hell..."

"And now? Mateo...I always thought you were straight, you were so all over the show with being in love with Janey and shit like that..."

Mateo nodded before he balled his fingers into a fist and slightly started to hit the spot before his kneecap, over and over, as he was talking.

"That...wasn't...I wasn't in love with Janey...at least I don't think so...because what I feel now...HOW I feel now...these two times that I have done stuff with CJ...it didn't feel like that even ONCE in ALL the times that Janey and I spent together writing stories for Flying News...James...you gotta swear...like REALLY swear...you can't tell a fucking soul about any of this! I beg you, por favor, amigo...if this gets out...you can literally start to arrange my fucking funeral!"

James smiled and once more sat down next to Mateo and placed his arm around his shoulder.

"You know I won't ever say anything, hermano...it's just...I still cannot believe that...I mean, CJ PARKER, of all people..."

Mateo giggled as he playfully punched James in his side.

"If YOU feel that way, can you imagine how I fucking feel! I'm the one he's doing all of this with!" he said, his eyes rolling as he did.

James squeezed his shoulder, before he stood up and looked expectantly at his best friend.

"Hey, where are those nachos that you fucking promised, I'm fucking starving here, bro!" he said, his eyes full of laughter and jokes, before he got serious for a moment...kneeling down so that he was face to face with Mateo, who was still seated on his bed.

"You want me to come along this weekend? At least you will have someone to talk to when CJ can't be with you...or when he can't be SEEN with you, I guess? That way, Janey doesn't have to go either and so you wouldn't have to deal with her, so it's problem solved. Would you like that?"

Mateo groaned happily and playfully kicked James as he too stood up.

"You're the fucking best, you know that?" he said softly, before both boys stormed downwards as their stomachs were long aching to be fed.


There he is.

The boy wonder.

Ay dios mio...he looks so good...then again he always looks good, but there was something about CJ this morning, which Mateo couldn't fathom. He tried not to stare at the popular boy, but he also knew that he SO wasn't alone in doing that.

Each and every school in the world had its IN crowd...and within that IN crowd were the King and the Queen. CJ right now, had several Queens at his disposal, but as for the King position himself, that well and truly belonged to him and him alone. When he walked down the school corridors, girls had their fucking periods...they wet themselves...and those who were secretly gay tried their level best to keep their boners under full lock and key.

Because he was CJ Parker...devastatingly handsome...his blond hair and blue eyes giving him film star good looks...his lust and his ZEST for life was just out of this world. The girls wanted to be with him and the boys wanted to BE him. He played soccer for the school's first team, that was himself and unfortunately Garrett included, so he would no doubt to have go on that damn school trip as well. No wonder James had offered to come long...God.

Taking a sip out of his water bottle, about ten or so minutes before the first bell of the morning would be making its voice heard, he once more took a chance and glanced over at where the jocks were, and his heart sank in his chest, as he saw Sasha Williams, one of the most beautiful, as well as one of the more sluttiest girls in the entire school, literally throw herself at CJ, as she placed both of her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him.

That wasn't the worst...the fact that CJ kissed her back, after everything that had happened between himself and Mateo as recently as three days before, and that had been shared between the two of them, probably stuck the knife in just a TAD more...before he swallowed and forced himself to look away, just as James was arriving, who at once saw that his best friend was as white as a sheet.

"Hermano? Que pasa...?" he frowned as he followed Mateo's fleeting eyes over where CJ and Sasha was still in the middle of playing tonsil tennis with each other, so much so, that Mateo didn't think they were actually coming up for air anytime soon. He turned away and marched towards his first class, which was Spanish Literature, a class that he actually shared with CJ, before he stopped...and shook his head.

"I can't do this..." he whispered, before he felt James's hand on his back.

"I kinda thought it was too good to be true...man, the guy is just using you! You should be channeling you inner journalist inside you and totally expose his ass as a homo..."

"NO! No...James...no. I can't do that to him...look, he has to keep up appearances, right? And if he pushes her off, then what are Garrett and his lot gonna say?"

Mateo took a deep breath, before he sadly continued.

"Jesus, James...don't you think I KNOW...this can't go anywhere? He's CJ Parker and I'm Mateo Gonzalez...water and oil can't fucking mix! Keep hold of my bag...I'm going for a piss...feels like I might fucking puke..." he hissed towards his best friend, throwing his backpack towards the latter as he did so, before checking the time. If he goes quickly, he might just make it in time for class.

He was just done pissing, shaking the droplets off his dick, and trying his level best not to remember that his Latino cock had been in the mouth of the most popular boy in school...his swimmers had been INSIDE of CJ...fucking hell, stop this, now...when he heard the ONE voice that he feared more than any other...

"Looky what we have here! What's up, nerd? Have you packed for Mexico yet?" Garrett asked, smiling at Mateo as he did so, however, the smile did not reach the heights of his eyes. Mateo quickly tucked his half-hard cock back inside his trousers, zipped up, before he started to walk out of the bathroom as quick as he could, but OF COURSE Garrett wasn't about to let him get away that easily, as he was immediately pulled back and SHOVED violently against he frame of the door.

"You...you don't FUCKING get to ignore me!" Garrett shouted nastily at him, several bits of his saliva cascading all over Mateo as he did so, to which the boy closed his eyes in sheer freight and fear. Garrett cackled once more, high-fiving his mates, before he turned back to the Hispanic boy.

"Tell me...HERMANO...have you and your gorilla family had any...I don't know...visitors yet? You know...people from ICE or something?" he asked, his voice happily draining every last inch of fiber that Mateo felt he still had possessed.

"I...I don't know what you mean..."

"No? Well, you and your folks be sure to give them a great big Mexican welcome when they do...because I tipped off my father's secretary that she should look into your case first...and also that of James Perez, your best and only friend in the entire world, right? I was serious when I told you, I would get you lot out here. I will fucking DESTROY you and your entire fucking legacy if that is what it takes..."

Mateo shook his head, and once more closed his eyes, as he desperately wished for someone to come in here and see what was happening, the total and utter unfairness of it all, but then again, worse has happened before, and no teacher even dared to try and help them...with Garrett's father running for office, no one...NO ONE wanted to turn against a man who just might be running the country one of these days, let alone make an enemy of him.

Garrett's fist punched feverously at Mateo's shoulder, the boy hissing with pain, before he laughed manically once more, the tears actually running out of his eyes.

"Yes, there you go...pray to your fucking ancestors, because I want you...and ALL of your kind the hell out of this school. Why don't you go and ask that idiot Obama to build you animals a country of your own and leave us REAL AMERICANS in peace...doesn't that sound fair?" he asked, his voice as low and as dangerous as Mateo had ever heard it, but he refused to be bullied.

He didn't know where the hell he got the courage from, but he somehow wriggled free from Garrett's grip, and kicked the boy hard in the nuts, with the latter not really knowing what the hell had hit him, as he doubled over in sheer and astounding pain, as Mateo used the few seconds he had to get away.

"You'll fucking pay for this! YOU'RE DEAD, GONZALEZ!" he screamed out loud, still hissing as he cupped his genitals.

As Mateo reached the safety of his classroom, he saw that CJ was already there, and with Sasha beside him, before he decided to solemnly ignore both of them, taking the closest seat next to the door, so that he could get the hell out as soon as the class ended in an hour's time. As he took out his stationary and his books in order to make notes, he felt his phone vibrate in his jacket pocket, and he grimaced, as he his shoulder was still somewhat hurting from where Garrett had grabbed him in the bathroom, and to his surprise, he saw that he had a WhatsApp message from CJ...

Looking over his shoulder, he saw that Sasha had taken her own seat in front of CJ, and the latter was now looking directly at him, and he smiled as he saw Mateo's eyes on his own, nodding as he did so, probably signaling at him to read the God damn message. As the teacher entered the classroom, he took a quick second, to cast his eyes over the words...

"I saw you this morning, sorry about Sasha. You know I have no choice."

Oh wow. That was it?

I mean dude...if you didn't wanna carry on with all of this, you should have just SAID so!

Sighing...Mateo knew...OH GOD, he knew...that CJ right now, could basically kiss every single girl in the entire school, fuck them and God damn impregnate them...

...and that STILL wouldn't be enough to keep him away.

CJ made well sure of that.

This was getting much more dangerous than he had EVER suspected...Jesus, so much for keeping this low level and casual. He trembled as he felt CJ's eyes on him from the back of the class. He ached to be with him. Right now, he longed to feel his body next to that, of the boy wonder...he closed his eyes as he relieved how it felt each and every time that their lips met...that CJ caressed his skin...that he felt the boy's heart beat underneath whatever he was wearing...to the point that it fucking hypnotized him.

Forcing himself to actually pay attention to his school work, he made a mental note to cool things down. He was getting in way over his head, and meanwhile the guy he was...liking so very much, was going around being a complete and utter gigolo, the sheer epitome of a male whore...because that's what made him CJ Parker. He wasn't suddenly going to stop, being who he was.

Only Mateo KNEW...who he truly was.

It wasn't the high school CJ that he was...you know...feeling so strongly about...it was the CJ that cried when he came out to him...the one that that held his face in his hands with SO much fucking tender, love and care, that he nearly had a heart attack...the boy who grabbed him and kissed him like HE was the only person remaining in this world.

He looked down...and quickly turned the page of his notebook, before anyone could see what he had done...he hissed at himself and actually started to pay attention to what the teacher was saying...

...because on the previous page of said notebook...he had to have scribbled...jotted...doodled...down CJ's name probably like ten or twelve times.

At least.


The bus ride to the regional soccer championships were a literal nightmare for both our heroes, for different reasons all together.

As for Mateo and James, it was made known from the entire team, apart from CJ, that was, that they weren't effectively welcome at all, and Garrett even went as far as to say he cannot understand why animals were allowed in vehicles, before the coach of the team, urgently reprimanded him.

James had dealings with nearly all of the teachers before in his five years working for Flying News, two of which had been as the paper's editor, and he whispered to Mateo in confidence that he knew there was some of their educators, who did NOT agree with the bile that Frank Lavery was spreading around, they were just not inclined to make that openly clear...this was a RED state after all...but Mateo's eyes widened as he realized what James was actually saying...the coach of the team was a Democrat in all shapes and sizes, apart from where it actually mattered, but the mere fact that he TOLD OFF Garrett was more than enough for him. There would at least me SOMEONE who would have their needs come first, for a change.

As for CJ, he found himself looking towards the front of the bus more often than he would have cared to admit...geez, he didn't know what was happening to him, but the night of the dance, had been an absolute revelation...to put it mildly. He had never, EVER thought that he would be able to have that much closeness with another boy, while he was still living here, and attending school...all his so-called friends were so homophobically up themselves, they were actually comparing those people to animals...he shook his head in regret as he looked back at Mateo and James once more, more Mateo than James obviously, as the two of them made idle chatter.

Since he had actually gotten to KNOW Mateo, he didn't know why the students at the school tended to give the dude so much grief...he was smart, he was clever, he had a quick wit when and if he needed to use it...and the way that he kisses people...Jesus Christ...he could still feel the boy's tongue in his throat at night when he got into bed...the way that he caressed the side of his cheek that night...the way that he always looked at him in awe, as if he was the sexiest boy that he had ever seen, making CJ Parker feel like the actual teenage God that everyone thought he was.

He sighed, as he was forced to return his attention towards Garrett and the rest of the soccer team, as they continued to discuss the strategy for tomorrow's game against one of the local schools they were travelling to. No wonder Mateo wanted to walk the hell away...he thought, as he felt a sharp pain inside his chest, only momentarily but still, it was there. He grimaced as he realized just yet again...that he would NEVER...EVER be able to be himself in front of these guys...they would never fucking accept him for being gay. He had to take that, and deal with it, because that fact would just never change, not around here, and certainly not while Garrett's father was the mayor of this town.

As they arrived at their destination late in the afternoon, the boys slowly made their way down, and got their baggage for the weekend, which they swiftly carried towards the school where they were staying, which had been converted into bedrooms, by making several of the classes available for the weekend.

"Why are we even here...are we gonna have to sleep in here with these fuckers? For two whole days?" Mateo whispered towards James, who rolled his eyes and threw all of his shit down on the nearest bed that was situated near the door of said classroom.

"Make the best of it, we are here now...I totally thought they were gonna put us somewhere else...FUCK..." he whispered back underneath his breath, and Mateo winced as he saw Garrett enter the room with his three, four so-called bodyguard all behind him, his eyes blinking evilly as he laid eyes on the two reporters who were joining them for the weekend.

"Dudes...this is gonna be fun as hell..." he shouted out loud, rubbing his hands together the moment he saw the two Hispanic boys, however, CJ patted his buddy on the shoulder as he was finally allowed to pass the posse and actually enter the classroom.

"Now guys...listen up and listen good, okay? We have no other choice...but to have Mateo and James here for the weekend, they are here because they have a job to do, and so do we tomorrow. We are here to kick ass on the soccer pitch, not getting into arguments over petty crap..."

"Them taking our jobs is petty crap to you?" Garrett interrupted, his eyes wide and his entire face crooked as he stared up at CJ with total and utter disbelief.

CJ gave Garrett and stern look, before he looked around all the boys who was surrounding him.

"I'm the team captain, so I expect you all to fucking listen to me...right? So, let's get settled in and so help me GOD, if I hear one more thing about the boys from the newspaper being here! Garrett? We good?"

Garrett shook his head and walked over towards his supposed best friend, before he looked his dead in the eyes.

"You blowing the Mexicans or what? Fucking woke ass bitch...when the time comes, don't fucking come to me when these immigrants are the reason why you can't fucking buy a God damn house!" he hissed towards CJ, before he signaled at his cronies to get the hell out of there. One by one, they all followed Garrett, and left CJ all alone with just James and Mateo for company.

"That went well!" CJ said, a sexy ass smirk dancing across his face, before both James and Mateo burst into solid laughter.

"I gotta get back to the bus...totally forgot something in there...I'll be back, okay?" James said, as he patted Mateo on his back, giving him an all-knowing look as he did so, before he winked and got the hell out of there.

"Where's James gone?" CJ asked as he came back into the classroom, carrying more of his stuff, simply tossing it over to where he would be sleeping for the next two nights, before flickering his eyes all over the place.

"Gone back to the bus...it's good to see you...alone for a change..." Mateo said softly, moving closer to CJ as he spoke each and every syllable, before he saw CJ nervously look around to see if they were in fact alone, before he smiled too as he quickly moved towards Mateo and solidly placed his lips on his own.

Mateo groaned to loud, that CJ was forced to playfully punch his upper shoulder, before they continued with their impromptu make out session. Tongues searching for each other and finding their mate, hands and limbs everywhere they could reach to touch and caress...feel and EXPERIENCE every bit of each other that they could possibly hope to achieve. CJ hissed softly as he leaned down and kissed Mateo's neck...the latter boy nearly creaming his pants with the sudden and VERY deep sexual feelings that was RIPPING through his entire teenage body like sheer tin foil.

"What if someone comes back...dude...I'm serious!" he whispered urgently as he felt CJ finally retrieve his set of lips from his neck, and ended up just putting them back onto his own mouth anyway.

The two boys kissed each other with an inhumane hunger that was unknown to them...this was Mateo's very first ever sort of sexual innuendo...where as CJ was vastly experienced in that particular field...however, with girls, and not boys. Mateo clung to CJ as if his entire life depended on it, before he finally heard CJ kiss his lips one final time, as he was forced to finally accept reality, and where they in fact were, slowly removing his lips from Mateo's.

"I missed you...I really did..." CJ whispered, his blue eyes shining brightly in the afternoon sun that was streaming through the windows in the class room, to which Mateo blushed and looked away from the boy that he was so unbelievably attracted to. He nodded and suddenly had a feverish interest in his shoes.

"I kinda missed you too..." he said, so softly that CJ had to stretch his ears to hear him.

"Oh, don't be doing me any sort of favours then!" he giggled and took hold of Mateo's hand, and only then did the Hispanic teenager stare back up at him...took one look at their held hands...and then back up at CJ...his eyes trembling in fear and uncertainness. Until this day...he still couldn't believe that this was CJ Parker before him...that it was HIM...who had been kissing his lips until they felt that they were raw...it still felt SO incredibly unreal.

The two boys shared a quiet few moments, before they heard instant ruckus as apparently Garrett and the rest of the team was slowly returning from where ever they had been, and CJ sighed angrily as he furiously dropped Mateo's hand, and crossed his arms, clearly pissed off as hell.

"This...fuck this...I need to think...I'll fucking see you later..." he murmured in Mateo's direction, before he stormed out of the classroom, leaving a very confused handsome Latino boy behind.


Later that night, everyone was enjoying the BBQ that the coach had arranged for them, as all the boys were clearly having a good time, as well as laughter at the expense of both Mateo and James. The bullying was horrible...the things that the clearly energized Garrett was saying, was too intense to even name.

Mateo sighed as he tried his best to ignore all their crazy fucking attempts to make himself and James feel like the scum of the earth for merely existing, before they were later joined by several of the girl students, who actually went to the exclusively female school that they were staying at for the weekend.

As soon as Garrett and his cronies saw the teenage girls, they were done with the Hispanic boys, and went about trying their level best to impress and entertain them, before James giggled over at his buddy and pointed over to several of the jocks's pathetic attempts to get these girls to actually sleep with them, never mind only having met them a few minutes before.

"You wanna go and get yourself one as well? As far as I know, you're still totally into girls..." Mateo snickered over towards James, who shot his buddy the middle finger, all the while leaning backwards in his chair, and looking up at the night sky before him.

"Nah...I'm over that shit...tried it and failed miserably. For now, I'm totally concentrating on my studies. I'm a fucking college man next year!" he said, his eyes glimmering as he did so.

Mateo found himself look over to where he had last seen CJ, but as he spotted him, he was talking to the coach, possibly about their big match tomorrow, and it gave Mateo a somewhat...syrupy satisfaction to see that he was in fact, not mixing with these girls from the local school at all. Oh, he would wave at them, as they would so obviously check him out, because let's face it...CJ Parker was handsome as hell, and everyone could see it.

An hour or so passed, and James told Mateo that he was ready for bed, as he wanted to get in a few hours of sleep, before no doubt, the rest of the jocks would dissent on the classroom in the early hours of the morning, the way things were going, before he patted his buddy on the shoulder in saying good night. Mateo curled himself up inside his duvet cover that he had brought along, and for a few moments, it felt like he was actually going to drift off to Dreamland in front of all these kids...

...and the next moment, he had BEER thrown all over him.

"WHAT THE HELL?" he shouted out loud as he stood up, in total and utter shock, his bedding totally ruined with the two glasses of beer that had been so comically poured over his head, as he looked to his right, and heard Garrett, as well as two of the girls that he was with, laugh like fucking hyenas at the sight of the drenched Hispanic teenager.

"And that girls...is how we treat INBREEDS where we come from!" he cackled over towards everyone who would have been able to hear, as he blitzed his eyes over Mateo as if he had stepped inside something nasty.

Just as Mateo wanted to get the hell out of here, just away...just FAR AWAY from all the madness...all the cruelty that was going on right now, with no ending whatsoever in sight, he saw CJ appear from seemingly out of nowhere, and his fists were balled in quick succession as he realized just what was going on.

"You do this to him?" he asked Garrett directly, his voice dark and dangerous as anyone had ever heard it.

Garrett smirked and kissed the two girls at his side on the mouth, one after the other...he was wasted, he was way more than just drunk and Mateo wondered in between all of this, just where the hell the coach was...who was supposed to keep an eye on things.

"Yeah, so? He deserves it. For being a fucking WETBACK!" he shouted out in total and utter glee, with no seem of remorse on his face...whatsoever.

That was it.


CJ stormed towards his supposed best friend, the two girls at his side, scurrying away in sheer horror, as he rugby tackled Garrett down to the ground, and started to literally POUND his face for all that he was worth. The cries, the screams, the sheer horror of what was happening, none seemed to comprehend. This was coming from a teenager who had had ENOUGH of the local douchebag and decided to finally do something about it.

Garrett was unable to even as far as defend himself...he was 90% alcohol at that moment and time, as he hits kept coming over and over, until CJ finally stood up, his blond, sweaty hair falling all over the place, drenched in his own bodily liquids, his hands bleeding and burning, looking down at his best friend, who was totally seduced to being noting more than a bloody mess underneath him.

"Get this idiot to bed, and if he can't play tomorrow, so fucking BE it! I ain't taking his shit anymore! I ain't taking ANYONE's shit anymore! Ya'll hear me?" he shouted, as he turned his body a full one-eighty degrees, making more than sure to include anyone and everyone in his address, before he took hold of Mateo's arm...the latter still shivering at the sight of the boy he...liked so very much, defending his ass in such a violent manner, before he was dragged away from everything that was going on.

"And someone fucking CLEAN that mess up!" CJ yelled back at Garrett's posse...still numb as hell...as their leader had just been so viciously attacked.

And just about everyone knew what CJ meant by the mess.

It was blatantly obvious.


"Where even are we right now?"

CJ stopped before they got to the unopened door, before he snatched a pile of keys out of his jacket pocket, turning them into the slot and shoving the door open with his shoulder.

"Get in...quick!" he hissed towards Mateo, who did as he was told, and it took quite a while for his eyes to get used to the dimmed lighting inside the room, which Mateo eventually cleared in his mind as some sort of classroom that was obviously not currently being used.

"How...where did you get that?" he turned around and pointed to the keys which CJ had so casually thrown to one side, before he saw the boy slowly walk up towards him, and before Mateo properly knew what had hit him, he took him in his arms, and once more laid his lips on his own.

For a while, there was nothing and no one to be heard, apart from the sapping draining of their emotions as the two boys started to kiss each other for real...for the first time since this entire saga had started...there was no way anyone was going to be able to catch them...red-handed or blue-balled.

CJ sighed as he released Mateo's lips from his own...and placed his hands around the boy's shoulders...his eyes tired and mesmerizing at the same time, before he leaned in and kissed Mateo's forehead...making the Hispanic boy shiver with sexual delight and just plain, common horniness.

"Do you even know how fucking beautiful you are?" CJ whispered he saw ran his fingers through the hair at the back of Mateo's skull, as he gently pressed his forehead against his own...closing his eyes, just enjoying being close to him. Smelling him. Taking him in. BEING with him. Feeling his rapid heartbeat THUMP against his own...strong and rampant at the same time.

Mateo nuzzled the crook of CJ's neck, and for a supposed straight guy, he was doing one hell of a job, as he could literally FEEL CJ's teenage dick rising upwards between them, and fast at that.

"When last did you look in a mirror, CJ Fucking Parker?" he murmured against the boy's throat, his lips making a round-robin spiral across the white flesh that he found there, dragging his tongue over the boy's strong Adam's apple...kissing upwards and along his jaw line in such a frenetic panic, that CJ opened his eyes and grabbed both of his hands in his own, before once more smothering the Latino babe with desperate, hungry ass kisses.

"I just...I just wanted to be alone with you...I kinda stole the keys from the Super's room where he's sleeping when he was out earlier...if you take a good look, it says STORAGE on the key ring...all I had to do then was ask some of the cleaners around here where it was...and here we fucking are..." CJ said softly, becoming all serious for a few seconds, before he turned around and reluctantly let go of Mateo, turning backwards and grabbing something that had been situated behind him this entire time, with Mateo only seeing it at that moment.

It was a guitar.

He didn't even know CJ played.

"I'm not even gonna ask when the hell you brought that thing in here..." he laughed and CJ, to his relief, also had a huge ass smile on his face, such an incredible change from the dragon who had beaten up Garrett Lavery so severely just a few minutes ago.

"I wanted to play something for you...oh fuck...my hands are all bloody..." he whispered, more to himself, than to anyone else, before he sighed in total insanity, but Mateo was quick to point out that this was a classroom, and that there was a basin in the far corner, obviously being in full use at some point in the past. Praying that there was still running water, a raw groan escaping his throat when there was indeed, as he cleaned off all evidence that he had ever been in a fight, before he took up his guitar yet again, and placing the strap around his neck, and tuned the instrument until he was seemingly happy with what he had, before he stared up at Mateo once more.

"I...I mean...this...this is just..." he managed to say, before it seemed that the entire situation had gotten too huge for him, as he sighed and shook his head. Mateo came closer to CJ...and placed his hand on his shoulder, leaning in to kiss his cheek...he had NEVER seen CJ Parker this...this vulnerable...this scared...

"Play it...I want you too..." he whispered, nodding towards CJ as he did so.

CJ swallowed slowly, and grinned his usual handsome smirk at Mateo, before he leaned over carefully, with the guitar still lodged in his hand, and gave Mateo another kiss on his lips.

"I didn't write this or anything...but I wanted to sing and play this for you...if I could. I was kinda dreaming of this the whole fucking week...Mateo Gonzalez...this is me..." he said dramatically, before his eyes were casted way from the Hispanic boy, and he immediately were transported to another world, where in his mind, only himself and Mateo even dared to exist, as he started playing the chords and humming the tune, which Mateo immediately recognized...how could he not...this was one of his all-time favourite songs...shivers ran down his spine as CJ Parker's beautiful angelic voice flew through the entirety of the classroom, his heart on fucking red alert as he watched the literal boy wonder POUR himself out to him like he had NEVER done before.

"Would you dance, if I asked you to dance?

Would you run, and never look back?

Would you cry, if you saw me cryin?

And would you save my soul tonight?"

DIOS MIO...in all his sixteen years on this planet, Mateo swore that he had never heard anything as beautiful as CJ Parker's singing voice. This boy had unbelievable fucking talent, both on and off the soccer pitch, but as a jock, he would have been CRUSIFIED if he had ever attempted THIS at school, or anywhere else. His heart THUMPED against his chest as he saw CJ look STRAIGHT at him as he continued the song...

"Would you tremble, if I touched your lips?

Would you laugh?

Oh, please tell me this...

Now would you die, for the one you loved?

Hold me in your arms...tonight..."

Tears were streaking across Mateo's cheeks...realizing what phrase was coming up next...he so desperately wanted to be closer to CJ than he already was, but before he could make a move, it was CJ Parker himself, who stood his lanky ass up from where he was sitting, and walked slowly over towards Mateo, fireflies DANCING around in his eyes as he followed up...smiling at Mateo every step of the way. It was like he had slept with a literal hanger in his mouth...he looked more happy and more content than what Mateo had ever seen him.

"I can be your hero, baby

I can kiss away the pain

I will stand by you, forever

You can take...my breath away..."

Never before...Mateo didn't know the name of what he was now feeling. He only had an inkling...which quite literally scared him half to fucking death.

CJ stopped the song, as he removed the guitar strap, as well as the instrument from his person, before he took Mateo's hands inside his own.

"Hey...why are you crying?" he whispered, and Mateo hissed with emotion as he felt CJ reach over and wipe his tears away from his cheek as best he could...he giggled frantically as it all seemed way too much.

"You literally...wrote a fucking song..."

"I totally didn't, it was Enrique Iglesias..."

"Shut up, you know what I mean! You fucking did all this...the room, the song, the God damn guitar...and here I fucking am, with nothing to give you in return..." Mateo finally finished, refusing to look at CJ, as he felt himself being turned towards the boy, and immediately his lips were once again covered by CJ's.

"You idiot...in this short time, you have fucking come to mean the world to me...you're the only person in this entire WORLD who knows me...who GETS me...and that is WAY more than I ever thought I would have. You didn't have to get me anything, dude...you already gave me...yourself..." he whispered, hugging the emotional Spanish boy towards him...

Mateo buried his face inside CJ's huge chest, sighing with complete content as he again heard the boy's heartbeat underneath him. He felt safe, he felt at home...he felt like he could stay with CJ like this forever...and didn't care if no one would ever come and find them in here.

This...all of this...it was INSANE...a couple of months ago, he couldn't STAND CJ Parker...

...and now, he didn't know how he had ever existed the hell without him.

The words were out of his mouth before he could even TRY and stop them...

"Te amo..."

CJ giggled and held Mateo closer as he heard the words coming through the boy's muffled voice.

"Dude, I might be God's gift to girls as you put it, but Spanish SO isn't my thing...te amo...what does that even mean?" he asked, kissing the boy's temple as he did so.

Mateo suddenly remembered just WHERE he was and with WHO he was with, before he slowly withdrew from the embrace, allowing a boyish mean escape CJ's throat.

"Don't you fucking sulk, we need to get back there, who knows what the hell Garrett is telling the coach! Come on!" he urged, before Garrett sighed, but nodding in agreement, placing the guitar over his shoulder, and held out his hand for Mateo to take, which he did, without even a single thought.

Did I really just...say that out loud...oh thank God, CJ's totally failing Spanish...Mateo thought as they walked out the room, hand in hand...scared to shit about how EASY it was to say those two little words.

As if...

...as if he really meant them.



How is Garrett going to handle his best friend turning against him? And what future can CJ and Mateo possibly have in that RED STATE they are living in?

SIDE NOTE...some of you have mailed me and objected to the severe usage of politics in the story. I am sorry...but for this particular story to WORK...there HAS to be an antagonist...which of course is Garrett and his father, Frank. All I can say is...the worse it gets now, the happier the ending will be...JUST TRUST ME! LOL!

Any feedback can be sent to liciousryan@gmail.com if ya'll want me to continue xx

Next: Chapter 4

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