Oh My

By Nicole Goebel

Published on Jan 17, 2007


It had begun like every other day of my teenage life, boring and uneventful. Then I learned that I was to accompany my father to his new girlfriend's house. I begged him to let me stay home by myself, but he said I should get to know her kids. I told him I couldn't care less about her spawn, but he dragged me along anyways. So after dinner dad and this new girl disappeared into her room and I was left to sleep on the couch. I could tell that the two boys she had living here didn't like me much; hell the oldest one didn't like his own younger brother. Dad had said there were three, so either the oldest of all wasn't home yet, or the youngest was dead. There was a canal behind the house; maybe they drowned the youngest one. I smiled to myself at this idea as I flipped through the channels.

Then he came home, the oldest of the three. He was at least sixteen, tall, dark hair. The middle child called him "Mike." So I guess that was his name. I immediately became wet through my thong. Mike looked at me, and then vanished into his room.

My heart was pounding. The oldest was the best example of a teenage boy I had seen. He was hot, to say the least. I found some excuse to go by his room all night just so I could see him, if his door was open. Then dad came out and told me to take a shower because we were going home at four the next morning so I could go to school. I hopped, skipped and jumped to the bathroom, slipping on the blue rug on the floor. I managed to catch myself on the door handle and looked around to see if anyone saw that. Mike was outside his bedroom door, two doors down from me with a glass in his hand. He looked at me like I was insane, and then went down the two stairs into the kitchen. I blushed and cursed at myself, then locked the bathroom door. As the water was running I realized that I was still wet. Smiling to myself, I stripped and leaned against the shower wall, one hand pinching my nipples and the other furiously rubbing my clit.

Mike was so incredibly hot. I began to wish that I could fuck him. Of course I was still a virgin, but I had read a lot and heard some things from my friends about sex, and now that was my favorite thing to want to do. I lived, breathed and slept sex, hoping I'd get to experience it soon.

"Stupid girl" I laughed at myself breathlessly. "Mike doesn't want you. He probably has millions of girls who want to fuck him."

I dropped my hands, finished. There was no orgasm, no release, there never was. I was never skilled enough to get myself off, which is why I wanted to be fucked. My personal wish in life was to be someone else's bitch forever. Just to have sex everyday was enough to make me happy.

Soon Mike's family moved in with us, and I got to experience such pleasures of all three boys wandering around the house in their boxers and knowing that Mike was in my shower naked. I played with myself all the time, wishing Mike would fuck me.

I was still a freshman then, and a junior boy had his eye on me. Behind his girlfriend's back he messed with me, because he knew of my secret wish. He had forced me to tell him my innermost desires, and I did. His name was Rhion. He would grab at my pussy through my pants in the hallway, shove his hands down them too. One of his favorite things, however, was to have his head down on the lunch table while I jacked him off through his pants. I thought it was soo cool.

Rhion came over to my house one day with full intent to take my virginity. We were alone for two hours...

He showed up at the house, taking me in his arms and making out with me before asking me if anyone was in the house. No one was. So he followed me inside, found my room and threw me on the bed. I went through the expected embarrassment as Rhion undressed me and himself at the same time, revealing my D cup tits and pussy, which I spent a great deal of time shaving and cropping to my liking. He wasted no time plowing into me with his nine inch dick. I was in such pain and pleasure at the same time; I barely noticed that he took my cherry. As he was fucking me he leaned down and kissed me, asking me if I'd like to try anal. I said no, disgusted that he would want to, and thought that was the end of it. Well, as a punishment for objecting, I was slapped broad handed across the face. I was in tears, looking at Rhion in disbelief.

"Tell you what Kitty," he said. "If you can get me off than I wont fuck you up the ass"

Rhion lifted me up and flipped me so that he was under me. Then he pushed me off his dick and told me to suck him. I smiled gleefully as he let me taste his dick. It was better than candy. It was then that I found out that I liked sucking. Rhion taught me new ways to sucking and licking so I could please him better. I got him off, getting the delicious treat at the end like he promised, then laid back against his bicep.

"Oh no." He told me, grabbing my legs and flipping me over onto my stomach. "We're not done yet baby."

"But Rhion." I begged "you told me that if I got you off than you wouldn't fuck me up the ass." I protested, using my weight to put myself on the bed.

"Well, too bad." He said, lifting me up with one arm and putting the head of his cock against my tight little ass hole. I tried to scream, so he shoved my head into the pillow and pushed the head of his dick into me.

"Oh my god!" I yelled into the pillow. Rhion rammed his nine inches all the way in, causing me to feel like my ass was being ripped apart. He continued slamming into me again and again and my cries grew softer and softer until I was begging him to drill me harder and harder.

"Oh god!" I yelled. Rhion pulled out and came onto my stomach and tits, then kissed me on the lips.

After that I couldn't walk, but he forced me to limp out to his car to see him off. Rhion kissed me on the forehead then got in his car. I watched him leave in shock. Why hadn't I gotten a kiss on the lips? I began to ponder this lot, watching him in school, trying to figure out what happened to cause him not to want to kiss me. After he took my virginity, Rhion stopped talking to me. He went back to his girlfriend and I was left in the dust.

I thought that was it. I'd lost my virginity to the gorgeous Rhion as a freshman, a freshman! But after he refused to talk to me I became depressed and started watching Mike a lot more as he walked around. Every chance I got I tried to flirt with him inconspicuously. He seemingly paid no attention to me.

Then one day I was sitting on my computer in my room and Mike knocked on my door. He let himself in and took a seat on my floor. I asked him what he needed; there was such a weird look on his face. He settled down on my floor, asking me what I was doing and how school was. I began to talk of anything I could think of, trying to figure out in my mind why he was here. Not that I was complaining

"I know you're not a virgin anymore. And that you're bisexual too" Mike said, and then let that sink in.

I stopped breathing. He knew?! Oh my god he'll tell my dad. I'll be sent away forever to my mom's and ill never get the chance to have sex again. No, I told myself, I'd run away before that happened.

"I'm not going to tell you dad either." He said next, cutting into my thoughts. I looked at him scrutinizing.

Well that was a relief, but wait. What did he want then? I couldn't help myself. I began to look him over non-noticeably, taking in his handsome features and sports-player body. I know it was stupid to think of, but to me he looked like he was a god, or carved from angels, or a number of various other things I'd read in romance novels. I smiled slightly at the thought than lost the smile and put on my solemn face.

"What do you care Mike? It's not like I'll be getting sex all the time. I'm not that good looking." I said sullenly, shutting down the computer and sitting up. I looked him over again, suppressing a wriggle as more of my fluids escaped me than just the water in my breath. I felt like an animal in heat, but Mike couldn't know that. Besides, I felt like that whenever I saw him.

"You're not as bad as you think you are. Hell, if I could I would fuck you." He said, his eyes looking straight into mine. I looked away as those words hit me...

There went my heart again. It stopped completely this time. A million images flashed into my head. How big is he? What was he like during or after? Was he romantic or like Rhion? Why me? Was this a joke? And most importantly: When?

"What?" I finally coughed out. I noticed that I became even more horny in that moment, and fought to control it.

Mike had a weird smile on his lips. Did he know that I was leaking on myself over him? I started at his mouth for awhile, wanting to kiss him just to see what it was like. I pushed that image from my mind and looked away, blushing.

"I'd do you if I got the chance." Mike repeated, getting up. I stared at his pants, and then lifted my eyes up to his face.


"I mean it, hit me up sometime." Mike said, leaving the room.

I sat staring at my door for quite some time after that, feeling my liquids flow down my leg. Then I snapped back into reality and shoved my hands down my shorts to rub my clit. I pinched at it while I wriggled out of my shorts. Images of me and Mike flashed before my eyes and I bored my head into the pillow so I could see nothing else. This was what I secretly wished for every day of my life. I was shocked and amazed as I thrust two fingers into myself and rolled my clit between my thumb and forefinger.

I finally began to spasm and my hands lost function. I fell into the pillow and laid there breathless. Still no orgasm, no release. Maybe I'd find release with Mike. I made up my mind to "hit him up" as soon as I got the chance, but how?

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Next: Chapter 2

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