Oh Brother

Published on Oct 8, 2017


OH BROTHER! 4 by Jon Royale October 2017

The following is a work of erotic fiction depicting graphic sexual encounters. You must be of legal age in your jurisdiction to view this material.

Billy's blood turned to ice when he looked at the text message on his phone: "git over to dawgs house now basement." It was from his hateful older brother, Donny. The "dawg" mentioned in the text was one of Donny's gruesome friends. Nervously scrambling in the darkened movie theater he typed out "can't at the movies." Almost immediately "NOW BITCH" shot back on his screen.

A lump rose in the cute sixteen-year-old's throat. Reading between the lines he quickly

understood the omitted "or else" in Donny's message. For months his evil brother had been blackmailing him, using incriminating photos and video in his possession to force Billy into an assortment of compromising situations. Desperate for the resources to supplement his college education Billy had come up with what he thought was a lucrative scheme. There was big money to be made from the wide range of pedos trolling the internet and, while he wasn't queer or anything,

Billy wasn't above peddling his ass. He wouldn't settle for a community college---Billy had his sights on Drexel, Yale, maybe even Princeton.

The business was going well until Donny caught him with old man Hallahan from down the block. The sneaky bastard even captured it on his cell and threatened to not only expose Billy's secret

business to his friends but the folks as well. On numerous occasions he'd tried to steal the phone away from Donny and delete all the evidence but Donny was much too crafty for him. Under the guise of "helping" Billy along with his college fund Donny began pimping him out in the most unsavory of places. Billy's objections fell on deaf ears, usually resulting in a blow to his gut leaving him helpless against the bully. To add insult to injury Billy's take in earnings amounted to forty percent, while Donny pocketed the rest. His big college plans appeared to have gone awry.

Billy couldn't begin to fathom this new summons to the beat-up home of Donny's equally

loathsome buddy. All he knew was that, until he figured a way to free himself from Donny's grip, he had to obey. Feigning a badly upset stomach Billy managed to excuse himself from his date and their mutual friends and secured a taxi to drive him to the other side of town. Dawg's broken-down house was dark, indicating his drunken dad was probably out at the tavern, his usual hang out. The wife had up and left them both years earlier. Billy made his way to the side of the house and descended the few chipped stone steps to the basement entrance. Swallowing hard he rapped his knuckles on the glass pane of the door. A dirty curtain was pulled back and the door was thrust open to reveal Donny hulking there. Before Billy could react Donny had him by the back of the neck and was hurtling him into the basement.

Billy stumbled and went down on the musty carpeting. When he came up on all fours he was staring across the smoke-filled enclosure at Donny's ruffian gang sprawled out on mismatched sofas

and chairs. The low table in front of them was littered with empty beer bottles, cigarettes overflowed the ash tray and the acrid scent of marijuana permeated the moldy air. Revulsion clawed at Billy's

stomach as he looked from one red-eyed stoned face to another. They were all there, all of Donny's closest, and one more repulsive than the next. Even the retard, Scratch, who was animatedly shifting from one foot to the other, clapping his hands together, and smacking his lips with that ever-present stupid excited look on his greasy face.

Donny came to crouch before him, grasped a fistful of Billy's short hair and forced his head back to look up at him. "We're havin' a party, Billy boy. And you're the entertainment!" Billy's eyes grew

wider with each word. "Been showin' my buddies some pictures of you suckin' cock and takin' it up the ass like a whore and they want some of the action."

"But-But you weren't going to show those pictures to anyone!" Billy admonished him. "That was the deal!"

"Said I wasn't gonna show to your friends. Didn't say nothin' about mine," Donny related through a tightly clenched jaw. "Now get up and strip!"

"No, Donny. I don't want to!" Billy pleaded. Donny rose and promptly planted the tip of his steel-toed boot into Billy's kidney. Billy winced with pain and clutched his side. "UP!" Donny ordered

and Billy grudgingly obeyed. "Get out of them clothes! All of 'em! Give my boys here a show!"

Swallowing hard Billy began to disrobe. First came the t-shirt which he gingerly lifted over his head, baring his smooth, fit torso. In an attempt to post-pone the inevitable he took the time to neatly fold the shirt until Donny snatched it out of his hands and tossed it away while angrily shouting, "We ain't got all fuckin' night!"

The others laughed, some slapping their thighs, to further humiliate the boy. "Git nekked there, faggit," the one with a Southern drawl chimed in. "Prob'ly ain't got no kinda dick a'tall."

Billy looked over at Donny with pleading eyes but seeing no mercy there fumbled with the snap and zipper of his jeans before sliding them down his limber, athletic legs. Quickly realizing they wouldn't go over his sneakers he toed the kicks off at the heel of each, then stepped out of the denim. The mob was hooting and hollering, pointing fingers at the nervous teen standing there in ankle socks and briefs and folding his hands in front of his crotch. Billy had a nice, smooth swimmer's body, a slim waist and enough teen musculature to prevent him from appearing at all feminine. While the retard animatedly clapped his hands, grinning from ear to ear with his slobbering lips, and the others cackled and guffawed, Billy felt the embarrassment of his present situation flush his entire body.

"Get them fuckin' underwears off," Donny ordered again. "Can't nobody fuck you with them on, bitch!"

Billy considered turning away from them when he dropped his undies but, deciding a view of his tight teen ass is what they wanted, remained facing them as he hesitantly pulled down his drawers.

"Gawt dayum!" It was the hillbilly again. "I declare, Donny, that boy's got more meat 'n you! Take that sumbitch out and le's measure 'em up."

"Fuck you!" Donny snarled, his already smoldering jealousy of his little brother already ignited. But he had to admit, if only to himself, that in the dick department they both carried the best of the Wilson genes. Then, to Billy, "Turn around, slut." Billy reluctantly swiveled around, humiliated by the catcalls of the group as they got a look at his taut, dimpled ass cheeks. "What the fuck? I have to explain everything? Spread your ass and show 'em your fuck hole!"

Billy's lower lip quivered as he bent at the waist, gripped both of his outthrust globes and pulled them apart. There was even more foot stomping and raucous laughter when the bawdy bunch got a look at the teen's pert little asshole. Try as he might Billy couldn't control the stirring of his boy cock as it slowly came to life as he stood there hunched over and thoroughly exposed. Donny was the first to notice, hastily ordering Billy to turn around the face the troops. Billy looked at his brutish brother through pleading eyes but, seeing no mercy there, did as told.

Bozo raped Billy with his drug-induced eyes, licking his fat lips while he admired the sixteen-year-old's trim, athletic body. Unlike the rest of their buddies Bozo got a hard-on from dudes almost as much as he did from girls. While the others were there at Donny's request strictly to sexually humiliate the younger Wilson, Bozo was going to take special pleasure in making it with the hot-looking teen.

"Beat that fuckin' meat!" Donny ordered and Billy begrudgingly obeyed. He couldn't believe his own cock would betray him like this, instantly sprouting a hard-on under these circumstances. Maybe if he'd have stayed soft, unable to achieve erection, the sadistic game would be over. But, really, who was he kidding? Donny was such a rotten prick, he'd probably make things even worse if Billy didn't sport wood upon request.

"Now finger your pussy!" Donny commanded, bringing chuckles from the stoned group lazily sprawled out on sofa and chairs. Billy reflexively licked his finger nice and wet, which brought snickers from the others, and reached behind to tease his hole. After only a few seconds of prodding he slipped it inside. Automatically a sigh escaped his lips and his eyelids fluttered dreamily. He knew he was giving Donny and his cohorts the show they wanted, but was unable to control his reactions. It felt radically awesome to have something, anything, shoved up his ass hole. "See how the little fuck likes it?" Donny chided. "Wait'll you get your dicks in him. Then he'll really go ape shit!"

Billy stood there in front of them shamefaced as he followed his evil brother's orders and jacked his rod while he finger fucked his shit hole. Donny's last words rang heavily in his ears. This wasn't just a presentation of humiliation; they were all really going to fuck him. He hated every one of them, from dim-witted Scratch with his greasy hair to Bozo with his comically large nose. They were all high on weed and wouldn't much care what hole they got off in---and his was the one being graciously offered by his sick older brother.

"Clear that table, dudes," Donny said and the others sluggishly removed beer bottles, ash trays and other paraphernalia from the long coffee table which separated them from the younger teen on lewd display. "Lay down on that table, bitch!" Donny ordered. Billy hesitated for a moment. Realizing his options were limited he followed instructions and lay on his back on the table, now in close proximity to the assembled group. "Lift them fuckin' legs and get back to work," Donny directed. Feeling utterly ashamed Billy spread his legs and raised them at at a forty-five degree angle. Taking hold of his hard-on once again he stroked it in front of the others while his middle finger fucked in and out of his teen hole.

From his position Bozo had a bird's eye view of Billy's cute teen ass gobbling up that working finger. His nose wasn't the only big thing about Bozo and right now it was throbbing maddeningly against his over-sized jeans and aching to get inside that sweet teen pussy. He'd been eyeing Donny's cute teen bro for years and had nearly shot a load just from hearing Donny's story about his newfound power over the kid. He could hardly contain himself while ogling the naked youth spread out before him. Billy appeared to be fresh, clean and unsoiled, just another high school senior, although from Donny's stories they all knew differently. He was a secret whore for man sex and had already made Donny a nice little profit down at the backwoods queer club. Oh, how Bozo wanted to devour every square inch of the school boy, suck on his beautiful and perfect cock and fuck his pert teen hole. Overcome with lust, he no longer cared that all his buds were around to watch. Besides, most of them already figured he enjoyed a little cock and ass on the side. With a savage growl he dropped to his knees between Billy's spread thighs, used his hands to hold his firm cheeks apart and dove face first into his crack.

There were hoots and hollers from the others as Bozo slurped around Billy's working finger, sucking on it when the surprised teen withdrew. The sweet, youthfully pungent scent of Billy's hole drove Bozo mad with desire and he responded accordingly. With his big proboscis wedged up under Billy's satiny ball sac he lapped at the tender folds of Billy's bung like a dog that hadn't had a drink in days. His fat tongue dug through the sphincter and filled Billy's anal cavity, squirming around while it fucked in and out and causing the younger teen to shiver with uncontrolled delight. All sorts of satisfied guttural sounds came from Bozo while he aggressively ate out Billy's teen cunt. The kid tasted fucking awesome and Bozo just couldn't get enough; there was nothing like young ass! Bozo's curly head whipped from side to side while he ravaged the fresh hole, his tongue digging deeper and deeper inside the boy. Suddenly yanking it out he ran his huge nose up and down the trench, pressed it against Billy's teen twat and probed him with it. Inhaling deeply while he nose-fucked the boy, Bozo savored the intoxicating aromatic scent of his buddy's brother.

"Look at that sick fuck!" 'Dawg', appropriately named because he somewhat resembled a hound with all his body hair, shouted. "Stickin' that big fuckin' schnoz up that kid's ass hole!"

"Woo Hoo, Bozo!" cheered Rufus, a good ole boy relocated from the south who sported two days' worth of spotted beard and a king-size beer belly. "You get you some of 'dat shit!"

"Damn, Boze, if I'da knowed you was that good I'da had you eatin' my hairy hole a long time ago," chirped in Bones, at twenty-one the eldest of them all and the supplier of their weed. Bones was tall and lanky, with steely blue eyes, a shaved head and multiple body piercings, some of them in personal places.

Living up to his name, Scratch dug his fingers into his long greasy black hair and scratched. Forever with the mentality of an eight-year-old, Scratch had personal hygiene issues and didn't seem to understand the concept of deodorant. His clothes often times smelled like they'd been dragged up from the bottom of the hamper and tossed on. The others kept him around because Scratch, slow in the head, would do just about anything they told him to do. Right now Scratch was cheering like at a horse race and shouting in his slurred voice, "You do it, Bozo! You do it!"

"Like he's at a buffet," commented Deke, a biker wannabe who---next to Donny---was probably the best looking of the group with short dark hair and nice musculature, unfortunately marred by a vast array of cheap-looking tattoos all over his back, arms chest and along both sides of his neck. An accident in his youth had taken away his right hand, leaving his arm ending in a stump at the wrist. "Look at him get down on that shit!"

Donny lit up another joint, took a deep drag and passed it around. "Looks like you boys won't need no lube. Bozo's takin' care of that all by himself. Don't matter no how. The little whore'll take a dry fuck if I tell him to."

Bozo's elephant ears perked up at the word "fuck". As if suddenly reminded he fumbled with his jeans and released his aching hard-on, sparking even more hoots from the group. There was only one of them bigger than Bozo---and they all knew it. They'd all had a hand in getting that other one his first lay.

"Gawt damn, will ya look at that there thing!" Rufus marveled. Bozo had nearly ten envious inches of cock meat, not counting the nearly two inches of skin housing the knob of his uncut piece. The big hose was fat and ugly, pale in tone with blue veins showing under its surface, but amazingly rock hard for its size. Bozo hefted it in the palm of his hand and excitedly rose up to place it at the hole he'd just devoured. Billy's eyes went wide as saucers when he got a look at Bozo's huge dick and became even more frightened when he caught the mad look which had overcome the big-nosed creep.

"Fuck his ass!" Bones encouraged loudly as he held in lungs full of marijuana smoke and sparked an encouraging chant from the others. Scratch was like a little kid (which in effect was what he actually was) clapping his hands, stomping his feet and really getting into the moment.


Billy, suddenly very frightened, shook his head in protest. But there was no stopping the inevitable. Bozo skinned back his sheath, revealing a crust of head cheese beneath, and shoved himself into Billy's heated hole. Billy protested at the rude intrusion but was helpless to prevent the inevitable as inch after inch disappeared up his teen ass. He was repulsed by the seeming uncleanliness of the ugly cock which was now planted somewhere up in his bowels and watched to retch at the thought. But Bozo was yanking the thing out now, pouching his pink ass lips outward with the withdrawal and then, with a wild yowl, slamming it back in again. Billy gritted his teeth and wildly shook his head from side to side as the big-nosed goon savagely fucked him with that dirty cock.

"THAT'S IT, BOZ! FUCK THAT ASS! TEAR HIM UP, BOZ! FUCK THAT BOY PUSSY!" shouted the others, their eyes glazed from the effects of the marijuana they'd smoked. Donny was the loudest, delighting in the way Bozo ravaged his younger brother. Out of them all he knew Bozo would be the one to enjoy it the most and bargained that his enthusiasm would be contagious. They were all aware of the rumors regarding Bozo's junk; that he wasn't especially sanitary about cleaning up under that hood. Many a pussy had taken a hike after one look at what he housed under there. It perversely thrilled Donny to know that Billy got a good look at all that pungent, crumbly cheese before it got crammed up his snobby hole.

Bozo was giggling with excitement as he long dicked Billy's wet pussy. He held himself over Billy's body by arms to either side of the teen, his head thrown back and his eyes rolled up toward the ceiling. His full length heaved into the teen jock time after time, flesh slapping on flesh. Billy grunted each time the hard rod kicked him in the gut and constantly hit that spot inside him that made his body betray the distaste he had for the dope.

"Gawt-damn, Boz, you gotta share some of that shee-it," Rufus declared as he struggled to get out of the over-sized sofa. It wasn't an easy task after all the pot he'd smoked and the beer he'd drunk, let alone the burden of his huge pot belly.

"Aw, c'mon Ruf, I haven't got my nut yet," Bozo whined.

"We got all night, Boz," Donny reminded his friend. "You don't wanna get off too early, do ya?"

"Fuck," Bozo grinned dopily as he got his last few strokes in, "your baby bro could make me cum again and again and again."

Donny spread his hands. "And if that's what you want, I'm sure Billy-boy will be glad to oblige. Won't you, Billy?" When Billy failed to respond Donny grasped a fist full of his hair and pulled his head backward. "I said, won't you, Billy?"

"Yes," Billy stammered, knowing he had no other choice.

"Yes what?" Donny taunted.

Billy swallowed hard. "Yes, Boz, I'll make you cum. As many times as you want."

"Shee-it!" Rufus bellowed in his southern drawl. "Now that's what ah'm talkin' 'bout! Got me about three or fo' loads myself!"

Bozo reluctantly rose from his position, his big wet dick still showing traces of cheese clinging to its shiny surface. Rufus whipped off his dirty t-shirt, exposing his fat and hairy hanging belly and dropped his drawers. His cock was only about six inches in length, but impressively thick, and nestled in a wealth of dark crotch hair that matched the spotty growth on his cheeks. He waddled over into position, grabbed hold of Billy by the ankles to pull him closer to the edge of the table and screwed his cock into the pretty pink hole. When he'd worked it all the way in he paused and his big body shuddered.

"Shee-it if this ain't tighter'n any pussy I'd ever fucked," he marveled.

"FUCK IT, RUF!" the others encouraged. "FUCK THAT CUNT!"

Rufus really didn't need any encouragement to begin hammering his short one in and out of Billy's teen hole. His prick felt nice and snug in the steamy cavern. He fucked Billy slowly at first, savoring the warmth emanating from the boy's ass walls, before picking up the pace. Soon he was chugging like a raging locomotive, sweat dripping from his brow from the exertion, as he rabbit fucked the youth.

Billy knew he'd gone from one scumbag to another, this one an overweight hick from the south. Waves of repulsion swept over him as he observed Rufus' jiggling big belly crushing his own teen cock and balls as it rested over them. Rufus was another ugly fucker who obviously was too lazy to shave or do something about the thin, scraggly hair that hung loose down to his shoulders. It was perverse, allowing these dregs of society to use him like a whore, but Billy found himself with little choice. Even if he tested Donny, told him to go ahead and show his pictures and video to his friends and family, he would never manage to get away from this group. They were all horned up beyond belief and wouldn't let him go until they'd had their way with him.

"Hey, Boz, no need to stand there lookin' all sad faced," Donny slapped his friend on the back. "Didn't you see them pics? My bro's a hungry cocksucker, too!"

A crazy grin spread across Bozo's face. Kicking off his pants and boxers and slipping out of his shirt, a totally nude Bozo moved around to the head of the table. Yanking Billy's head over the edge of the table, he hunkered down and nudged the head against the teen's pursed lips. The scent emanating from Bozo's dirty dick was overwhelming and caused the boy's stomach to lurch. Bozo kept rubbing the knob across Billy's twitching lips until finally the boy parted them long enough for him to shove it inside. Billy gagged when the fat cock head broke through. It tasted ripe and raunchy, like it hadn't been washed in weeks. Bozo bore down, feeding nearly half his length into Billy's maw, crumbly head cheese sliding off the thing and gathering on the younger teen's lips. Inexplicably Billy soon found himself running his tongue along the grotesque offering and began feverishly sucking on it. The crusty shit under the foreskin tasted almost like puke to him. He knew he was wicked, knew it was disgusting, yet he was perversely aroused by the whole affair. He went to town lapping up the funk, allowing it to liquefy with his spittle and, with a bestial gargle, swallowed it straight down. An over-appreciative Bozo began to saw his fuck tool in and out of Billy's young mouth, giving him more and more with each thrust until he'd broken the barrier and was hammering his throat.

From the corner of his eye Billy detected a flash and knew Donny was capturing the tell-tale scene with his cell phone camera, probably carefully focusing it so none of the others could be observed in the frame. What did it matter anymore? Donny had hundreds of shots of him with over a dozen other "tricks"; a few more made little difference. All of his plans for a top-notch college education had apparently gone out the window; at five dollars a head he couldn't even afford school lunch for a week. He was a young man in his sexual prime, horny all the time, and his thug brother's friends were feeding those desires. If his own buddies, let alone his girl friend, saw what he was doing---let alone with whom---he'd be blacklisted forever. Yet, now that the ride had begun he just couldn't, wouldn't, get off. The fat fuck hammering his ass and the smelly dick clogging his throat had him in a state of extreme sexual excitement. Rufus' big belly jiggling on his cock was like a masturbator and threatened to make him shoot off like a cannon at any moment.

"Times up, Ruf," came the voice of Bones as he stepped up behind the chunky southern boy and tapped him on the shoulder. "Lemme show you how it's done." Billy raised his head, still nursing on Bozo's nasty cock at a side angle, and watched through lust-filled eyes as the already-stripped thin man stepped into the V of his stretched thighs. Billy observed the heavy cock ring sprouting out of the twenty-one year old's piss hole. His dick was a heavy thing, dark and heavily veined, the head an angry purple color. Bones had piercings in both nipples, in his lip, through his tongue, nostrils, both eyebrows and trailing up his ear lobes. His piercing blue eyes locked on Billy's as he grasped the teen by the ankles and slowly, but steadily, sunk his seven inches into Billy's already stretched hole. Billy moaned around the dick in his mouth; Bones' was by far the best of the bunch, striking him in all the right places. He could feel that cock ring up there, gliding along his innards and scraping against his prostate, causing him to uncontrollably squirm on the table top.

"FUCK HIM, BONES! YOU FUCK HIM!" Scratch was jumping up and down excitedly, same as he did when he'd scored huge on his favorite video game.

Bones looked over at the dim wit with an admiring smile, "You want me to fuck him good, Scratch?"

"I SURELY DO! I SURELY DO!" the mentally challenged teen bellowed in his deep voice. Bones recalled how they'd all gotten Scratch laid his very first time, getting Wanda Sue Bellows so fucked up on Mad Dog 20-20 she didn't even know who was on top of her. Hell, if they hadn't done it the poor kid would have probably gone all his life without a piece of ass. Now Scratch was a real horndog, beating off several times a day and ready to fuck anything walking. Of course, they'd all had a long conversation with the forever-young man they'd befriended years ago. None of them were quite sure he understood, but so far Scratch hadn't gotten into any real trouble with his horse cock.

Bones began by long-dicking Billy with a nice, steady pace. His cunt pleaser drove all the way in, then all the way out. Billy quickly got used to the rhythm; it was a nice, comfortable screw. With every stroke he was beginning to like the thin stud with the shaved head more and more. Bozo got the most of his appreciation when Billy started cooing and moaning heatedly around his prick, causing all sorts of nasty vibrations to entice the big tool. Bozo started imitating Bones' fuck strokes, steady and purposeful, driving himself completely down Billy's throat every time Bones planted his cock up into Billy's squirming colon.

"You dudes look like you're in love with the fag or somethin'," spat Dawg, the hirsute one of the bunch. Disgustedly dragging off his shirt and losing his pants he moved in to the head of the table. Dawg's ugly mug sneered at Bozo as he shoved him aside, causing his dick to slip free of Billy's sucking lips. "That ain't the idear, is it, Donny?"

"Ain't what I had in mind, Dawg," Donny piped in. "Looks like he's likin' it way too much. Make him do somethin' nasty!"

Dawg snorted evilly. His entire body was matted with dark hair: chest, back, shoulders, arms, crotch, legs and ass. Turning his back on Billy with a snicker he reached around to spread his hairy ass cheeks and lowered himself onto the prone teen's face. Billy panicked when he saw the wide open trench coming closer and closer to his face, the wrinkly brown hole barely visible in a nest of dark ass hair. The smell coming from Dawg's backside was decidedly funky and he tossed his head from side to side in an attempt to avoid it. But Dawg rested right on the jock's face, rubbing his trench back and forth from Billy's nose to his chin. Billy's protests were muffled by the older teen's weight.

"Eat it, kid!" Dawg snarled.

"THAT'S RIGHT!" Scratch clapped his hands excitedly. "YOU EAT THAT ASS, BILLY! YOU EAT DAWGGIE'S ASS HOLE!"

Billy coughed once and then let his tongue slide out, only a little at first. The tip glided along Dawg's sticky, stinky trench, the mass of hair tickling the sides of his face. His cute face scrunched up in a look of distaste and he retracted his tongue, but Dawg wasn't about to give up his seat. He planted himself fully on Billy's face, practically smothering the kid in hairy ass. For the first time, Billy's hands gave up their life's grip on the edges of the table, took hold of Dawg's butt cheeks and applied a bit of pressure to coax him to rise a little. Dawg lifted just enough to keep Billy from suffocating in his ass. The younger teen swallowed hard, his eyes watering. With no other option he snaked his tongue out and began licking Dawg's nasty ass with quick swipes.

"Fuck yeah! Eat my ass, Billy-boy!" Dawg groaned, taking hold of his chunky monkey and masturbating himself while Billy lapped up his trench.

Bones, with a bird's eye view of Billy's tongue flicking through Dawg's hair pie, found it obscenely perverse. Dawg had a nasty looking ass with all that dark hair trailing out of his butt, along his cheeks and up his back. There was something revolting, yet arousing, to watch the cute boy with the clear complexion and creamy cheeks burrowing into the nest. His libido piqued Bones began thrusting with renewed force into Billy's juicy pussy, no longer delivering a slow comfortable screw but amping it up into a hard savage fuck. Billy moaned at the suddenly intensity of Bones' determined cock action. He might not like the way it was all going down---and hated the fact that his brother was privy to it all---but Billy was thoroughly enjoying Bones' technique. So turned on was he that Billy began more aggressively eating out Dawg's dirty ass. He centered on the hole, matting down all the hair around it, and tickled the folds with just the tip of his tongue. Little by little he wormed his tickler between Dawg's meaty lips until he'd breached the sphincter. His tongue flailed about in Dawg's ass hole, hooking up under the rim and tasting the beast's insides.

Dawg threw back his head and howled loudly while the other's cheered him on.

"He eatin' your ass good?" Deke, the one-handed pseudo-biker shouted out.

"Like a fat man at a dinner buffet," Dawg offered. "Hot damn, feels like he's diggin' for gold up in there!"

Scratch was jumping up and down with as much excitement as on Christmas morning. On the sidelines Bozo watched, fisting his big meat and waiting for a chance to step into the action again. Donny busily snapped photo after photo, making sure to catch the action from every angle, compiling even more incriminating evidence against his sweet little brother.

Billy was a teen possessed, lashing at Dawg's innards as if deseperate for ass. Dawg ground his butt around on Billy's face, riding the cute kid's tongue. Billy lapped in and out of the sticky hole, tasting the musky, sweaty flavors of the hairy teen and drove Dawg wild with glee. Feverishly stroking his hog he thought sure Billy would eat him to orgasm! But first he wanted his own piece of ass.

It was one of the hardest things he'd ever done to extricate himself from his perch above the boy but Dawg made the sacrifice. Billy didn't have a chance to recoup because, once his mouth was free, Bozo rudely shoved his dick inside. Dawg hobbled over to Bones, who gave up his fuck place and allowed the gorilla a shot at the teen's fucked-out hole. Dawg crudely thrust his six-and-a-halfer inside Billy, causing the boy to squirm atop the table. It was an ugly sight, the hairy brute positioned between his wide spread athletic legs and pumping into him. He could hardly believe he'd just eaten the dog-faced teen's asshole! The thought made him want to puke---and Bozo's ten-incher thrusting in and out of his throat wasn't helping the situation.

Not ready to abandon the party so quickly, Bones came up alongside Bozo and rubbed his dick head along Billy's twitching lips while the other teen face fucked the kid. Patiently waiting his chance Bones took full opportunity when Bozo pulled out too far. Quickly he thrust his own hard, randy dick into Billy's wet, gaping maw. Billy slobbered over his favorite dick, seemingly grateful to have a real taste of it. His hand wrapped around the shaft and stroked it as Bones plowed in and out of his mouth. Not the greedy sort, Bones backed off and let Bozo have some fun in Billy's face hole before taking over again. Back and forth they went, one or the other getting pleasure between the teen's widely-parted lips.

Dawg was sweating like his namesake, rivulets of perspiration matting body hair to his meaty frame. His technique was much like Rufus', short fast jabs deep in the warm hole. Donny's brother was one hot little fuck and, regardless of his gender, Dawg sure wished he'd known about Billy's peculiarities a while ago. Now that he did, he intended to take full advantage of it. What Donny didn't know wouldn't hurt him. And Dawg intended to spend a lot of leisure time having the kid eat his ass, suck his dick and then fuck him full of dawg cum. In fact, wouldn't it be a kick to let his Rottweilers loose on the cock slut. Now that was an interesting suggestion to make to Donny! If he really wanted to even the score with Billy that would be the ultimate in degradation!

Just the thought of cute Billy sucking dog cock and getting knotted with Brutus was enough to send Dawg over the edge. With a heartfelt bellow he whipped his cock out of Billy's ass and shot a load clear across the teen's torso. The others hooted and hollered. Dawg was the first of the evening to get his nut. Devoid of tasty cock for a moment Billy watched in horrified awe---his mouth agape--as the ugly, hairy brute pumped several hefty loads over his prone body. The stuff pooled in his navel and pec cleavage and lazily dripped down the sides of his body. The heady smell of fresh semen filled the area.

At the same time inspiration struck Bozo, who reached out to take Bones' strong dick in his hand and pressed it alongside his own. Bones caught on instantly and joined Bozo in forcing both dicks into an astonished Billy's mouth. They crammed their hard-ons into his gaping face hole, Bones' cock jewelry clicking against Billy's pearly whites. The cock stuffed teen was a mess, choking on the two big cocks fighting for dominance in his throat. Tears rolled from the corners of his eyes and snot leaking from his nostrils as he gagged on the invading tools. Donny was giddy with glory seeing his despised baby brother's suck hole being so savagely abused.

Nodding to Deke, who was sitting on the sidelines groping his mound and watching the action with a satisfied smile on his handsome face, Donny addressed him. "Hey, Deke, you ain't had a shot at my whore bother yet. Looks like his cunt's lonely at the moment."

"YEAH, DEKE!" Scratch clapped his hands excitedly. "BILLY'S CUNT IS LONELY! IT SURELY IS!"

Deke smiled lop-sidedly. "You want me to fuck him, Scratchy?" Deke had long ago developed a fondness for the mentally-challenged young man and had been instrumental in getting the retard his first lay.

"I SURELY DO!" Scratch rocked, shifting his weight from one leg to another. "I SURELY DO, DEKE!"

Deke pushed himself off the lounge skinning off his shirt to reveal fine musculature covered by an odd assortment of ink. The others had long ago gotten used to the stump that should have been Deke's right hand. Dropping trou he fished his dick out of the fly of his boxers, spat a wad in the palm of his hand to coat the piece and introduced it to Billy's fuck hole. Billy's vision was somewhat limited with the two cocks and their matching set of nuts in his face but he managed to get a look at the good looking fucker who'd just bottomed out in his ass. Deke had a wild look in his dark eyes, a result of the drug he'd inhaled. Billy saw the bevy of cheap tattoos dance on his muscular frame as his cock began chugging in and out of his already-ravaged hole. While not quite as large as Bozo's grotesquery, which was currently gliding down his throat, Deke had a strong, solid length of meat. He bore into Billy hard, grinding the dick around for a bit once he had it thoroughly engulfed, and then pulled out slowly, making sure Billy felt every fucking inch. The entire situation was humiliating enough without Billy showing that, out of them all, he kind of liked the way Deke fucked. If it weren't for that sawed off hand and all those blotched tattoos the biker would be quite a man. Soon Billy found himself flexing his inner muscles and tightening himself around the ass-filler as it made its escape. Deke, catching on right away, smiled when he felt Donny's bro milking his piece. Donny might think he was playing a big get-even with his brother, but there was little doubt in Deke's mind that Billy-boy was actually enjoying his fuck.

"FUCK THAT ASS, DEKE! FUCK THAT ASS!" Scratch cheered from the sidelines.

Deke looked up across Billy's writhing body to the big lug and smiled, "Gettin' him ready for you, Scratchy!"

Scratch's jaw dropped and a dumb look---dumb enough to match his IQ---spread over his oily face. "YOU MEAN---ME?--I CAN FUCK HIS ASS TOO?!?!!??!"

"That's right, Scratch," Donny piped in. "Everybody gets to do Billy."

Billy was none-to-pleased to hear this exchange. Scratch was a dim-wit, a retard and, besides, he smelled. Billy tried to voice his objection but the cocks barreling down his gullet made his protests a bunch of garbled words. Reverberations from his voice box tingled through Bozo and Bones' hefty units. Bones began moaning deep in his throat. His head fell back, chin raised to the ceiling and his eyes fluttered blissfully closed as he felt the oncoming orgasm. Billy tried to cry out and used his hands to try to dislodge the pierced freak but it was to no avail. With a strangled cry Bones unloaded into Billy's mouth. Bozo felt the hot cum gushing against his dick as it filled a struggling Billy. He fucked his dick deep into the boy's throat, forcing his buddy's scalding cum down Billy's pipe. And then Bozo was bucking, the sensations far too much for him, and he too unloaded his salty semen. With little choice Billy tried, but he just couldn't keep up with the double loads. Cum gushed from the sides of his mouth and oozed from his nostrils. His Adam's apple rose and fell rapidly as he swallowed again and again, trying not to drown in all the rich-tasting cum. Donny was right there, his cell set on video, recording the monumental event for future use.

Billy's squirming, heaving body was doing a real number on Deke's sensitive cock. The tight teen hole grasped him like a fist, squeezed his hard thrusting cock and drew it even deeper into his guts. Deke, who prided himself on being a pussy man, found himself enjoying Billy's young asshole better than some of the female snatch he'd had. He drove into the ten whore hard, feeding the greedy ass with every bit of his strong cock. Billy's head was rising, slamming back onto the table and thrashing from side to side as Deke wildly fucked him. Traces of cum deposited by the other two leaked from the corners of his grimacing mouth, arousing Deke's libido even more. They were all cheering him on, urging him to really tear up the little fucker.

The whole idea, Donny's idea, was to abuse and humiliate his little brother. With that thought in mind Deke grabbed a fist-full of Billy's hair with one hand to steady his rollicking head and, before the boy realized his intent, shoved the stump of his other between his cum-soaked lips. Billy's eyes widened impossibly large and he wailed a protest as Deke punched his blunt stub into the now-yawning lips and fucked his mouth with it.

"Fuck yeah, this is rich!" Donny breathed huskily, commemorating the moment with his trusty phone camera. Switching to video he took footage of Deke's stump invading Billy's face hole like some kind of mutant cock while the heavily tattooed guy continued to drive his cock into the teen. The look of terror and revulsion on Billy's face was priceless. At one point he looked directly at the camera creating a stellar porn moment: horrified eyes parted wide, snot drooling from his nostrils and grunts of disgust as the inked wrist cork-screwed between his widely stretched lips. Amateur photographer Donny hardly realized it but the moment had caused him to sprout a big hard brother boner.

His dark eyes sparkling with debauchery Deke pulled his hand, or what was left of it, from Billy's mouth. To Donny's delight the younger boy coughed, choked and fought for breath. But Deke wasn't finished with him yet. Not by a long shot. Pumping teen pussy a few more times Deke slowly withdrew his unit and sat back on his haunches between the spread of Billy's legs, lustily looking at the gaping asshole. He slid a finger into Billy's loosened hole and worked it around inside for a bit before adding another digit, then another. Before long his four fingers were formed into a cone and freely gliding out of Billy's much-fucked boy cunt while the thick thumb torturously massaged his smooth perineum.

It was evident to Deke that the boy was enjoying this slow, sensual manipulation of his pussy. In fact, from the glazed look of those eyes peering down between his runner's legs, the legs the boy was now holding open with his own hands, Deke had an idea the kid kind of liked him. Of course Donny was Cecil B. DeMillle-ing the entire encounter, especially with Billy, seemingly oblivious to them all, accepting Deke's anal play. But what was about to happen next really created cinematographic history.

Deke's long fingers slipped out of the boy's slick asshole. He gave a grinning Scratch an order and his loyal retard dutifully obeyed, quickly retrieving a canister of Crisco shortening which had earlier been resting on the coffee table, scoffed from the upstairs refrigerator at Donny's request. Deke scooped up a wad of the lard and, keeping his eyes locked on Billy's, rubbed the greasy white cooking shortening all over his stub. The others collectively gasped when they realized what Deke had in mind. Billy failed to realize until he momentarily broke Deke's gaze and saw the other inked arm with the missing hand approaching his battered butt. He shook his head from side to side in protest, real fear in his eyes and shouted "NO! NO!" again and again. Unhanding himself he meant to kick out at the guy but Rufus and Bozo, to either side of him, grabbed his struggling legs and held them far back and wide apart for Deke's oncoming assault.

Poor Billy fought to rise up from the table, but Dawg dropped to his knees at the head of the table, deftly grabbed him from under the armpits and held him in a tight bear hug against his wooly chest. As Deke brought his sawed-off limb to Billy's clenching hole the boy shot a terrified look over to his big brother. "NO! DONNY, PLEASE, NO!!!!" he cried. But Donny ignored his pleas. As stunned by this unexpected event as the rest of them, Donny nevertheless positioned himself at an advantageous filming angle and zoomed in for a close up. This was turning out to be even better than he expected. His own cock was so fucking hard that it was leaking in his boxers.

Deke pressed his wrist against Billy's leaking ass mouth and twisted the stump around, testing its elasticity. Billy valiantly tried to resist but he'd been fucked by some fairly large cocks, which had sufficiently stretched his ring. And the slippery grease coating the amputation made for an easier entry. Before the startled eyes of all Deke meticulously and determinedly worked himself into Billy's screaming asshole. The slimy ass ring stretched painfully wide, fruitlessly grasping Deke's invading wrist, but the pseudo-biker persisted. Helping himself to more lube he smeared it over his strong, tattooed forearm and rubbed more around Billy's yawning ass mouth. Slowly he cork-screwed his arm around, working his ravaged limb deeper and deeper into Billy's mushy ass guts. An abused Billy gnashed his teeth, dots of sweat popped out on his brow and he squealed like a bitch in labor as Deke's muscular forearm pushed deeper into his ass, widening his insides to unexpected proportions.

The intricate artwork on Deke's arm disappeared little by little inside the squirming boy. He persisted with twists and turns of his arm, screwing inch by inch of it up into Billy's bowels until buried to the elbow. Billy's head shot up and he stared with horrified disbelief at the sight of Deke's handless arm buried in his ass. The pain searing through his extremities was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

"Pl-please, take it out!" he panted heavily.

"Now, Billy-boy, you don't really want me to do that, do you?" Deke chided. "Why, we're just about to get started."

"No! NO!" ARRRRRGGGGHHHH!" Billy threw back his head and wailed as Deke began landing quick, short punches into his demolished rectum.

Billy's pink pucker was stretched so wide to accommodate Deke's big inked forearm that it was dilated larger than his wailing mouth. Deke's stump was embedded far up in him, pummeling his guts, and making him see stars. Every time the good-looking biker struck deep Billy felt it like a punch to his mid-section and felt certain he would puke.

Just when he thought he would pass out from the excruciating pain Deke began slowly, excruciatingly, pulling the arm out. Billy squirmed and moaned at the slow, painful withdrawal. Even with the thick arm nearly out of him an uncomfortable feeling of fullness remained. While Deke screwed the blunt end around just inside his stretched entry poor Billy worried that his ass would never be the same again. Instead of an asshole, did he now have a big floppy cunt down there? When he showered up in the high school locker room would the others be able to tell?

Scratch, excitedly watching from the sidelines like a kid at the circus, piped up, "Boy, Deke, that sure was somethin'. You done now, Dekie? You done with Billy's asshole."

"Got to get him ready for you, Scratchy," Deke spoke to him as if he were an impatient child, which he was. "Gonna have to stretch him out just a little bit more. We all know about that big boy you got down there."

Scratch clapped his hands and shifted his weight from side to side on his feet. "Big boy! Big boy!" he repeatedly excitedly.

Billy's initial relief at having been evacuated quickly dispelled at the alarming conversation. He looked across at Deke with fear in his eyes, shook his head and cried, "NO! NO MORE!" But the dark look in Deke's eyes gave no comfort. Coating more shortening over his already slick forearm Deke twisted it around until in the position of, had he a hand, palm up and roughly shoved it into Billy's buckling bowels. The savage blow knocked the wind out of the boy. Before he had an opportunity to recover Deke yanked his appendage from Billy's ass and, without losing a beat, thrust it back in. Again and again he battered Billy's insides, pausing only for a few moments to grind his arm around inside the dark depths of the boy before resuming his anal assault.

Pushing far beyond the limits of physical endurance, Billy bucked and reared, struggling to break free of the three holding him in place. His back arched, he roared and bellowed and attempted to toss his abused body around. But his actions had the opposite effect, causing him to unpurposefully ride Deke's fucking forearm. He writhed, he wriggled and then, to his own surprise, was cumming again. With the way these barbarians had his body folded Billy was looking his teen cock in the eye. His mouth already wide-open and screeching he took the first blast straight to the uvula. The startled teen gagged and sputtered on his own tasty load as, in spite of himself, the jizz kept coming. It painted his face and splattered over his lips. Billy cried out in unexpected ecstasy and took another blast in his mouth; it was an orgasm unlike any he'd ever experienced. For the duration of his orgasm the blunt-nosed arm up his ass actually felt strangely good.

Deke slowed his pace to a casual arm fuck as Billy's ass squeezed and sucked on it. Using the working limb he manipulated Billy's tortured prostate and milked the last few drops from the teen's aching cock. Only when Billy had been thoroughly drained did he withdrew the slick forearm from the youth's wrecked hole, his victim's ass lips pooching out and clinging to him as if, suddenly, not wanting to let him go. For a few moments they all got a view of Billy's rosebud before it slowly folded back up into something resembling an asshole. Donny recorded it all, in shocking close-up, from Billy's raw, red gaping hole to the cum dripping off his face.

Deke rose from his spot, went over to Scratch and slapped him on the back. "Okay, Scratchy. It's your turn. He's all ripe and ready for you. You go on and get you some pussy."

Scratch's eyes shone with excitement and he grinned widely as he began ripping off his clothes, every last stitch of them. "Pussy! Pussy! Scratchy likes pussy!" he declared, yanking down his boxers and releasing his schlong.

Delirious from the fisting he'd just endured and the resultant mind-blowing orgasm Billy was hardly aware of what was going on until he looked out between the spread of his legs and saw the retard clapping his hands and smacking his lips. Scratch was a tall boy with broad shoulders and decent, meaty build. His chest sported purple, gorilla-sized nipples encircled by growths of hair. A patch grew at his sternum, under his arms and around his protruding navel, but otherwise the young man's torso was smooth. Neither muscular nor flabby, he appeared to be the average American youth. But when Billy's eyes lowered he quickly realized there was nothing average about Scratch at all.

What Scratch lacked in IQ he more than made up for between his legs. Like the mythological Centaur Scratch was young man from the waist up and bestial from the hips down. His legs were coated with an over-abundance of dark hair; his huge erect cock was horse-like. It rose heavily from a dense, tangled nest of moist crotch hair thick as Deke's forearm and etched with a lattice work of ugly, plump purple veins. The enormous head was the size of a grown man's fist with a frighteningly flanged rim, its deep slit flaring apart and emitting pearls of excited dick drool. A vein thicker than a thumb ran down the underside of the monstrosity and pulsed maddeningly with lusty anticipation.

Billy's blood turned to ice as he stared speechless and horrified by the chilling image. The obscene member appeared to be well over a foot long and, judging by the way it bobbed and swayed, extremely heavy. Ever true to his nickname Scratch reached down and, well, scratched inside his matted pubes, making Billy fleetingly wonder what was living there.

"Well, Scratchy, what you waitin' for?" Deke prompted. "Go get it!"

"Okay, Dekie," Scratch grinned widely. "Okay." The mentally deficient teen stepped up to Billy with all the enthusiasm of a kid about to mount his favorite carnival ride. "I'm gonna fuck you now, Billy," he said, bobbing his head up and down and grinning widely. "Yes, I surely am."

Billy's brows knotted in terror and he cringed, but the other three resumed their hold on him and prevented him from bolting.

"NO! NO, SCRATCH! IT'S TOO BIG!!" he pleaded.

"You just took half my arm, Billy," Deke reminded him. "Hell, Scratchy's only a little bit longer and a little bit wider. What was it when we had you measure it that time, Scratchy? Fifteen inches?"

Scratch shook his head up and down excitedly, his eyes sparkling. "Fifteen inches! That's right! Fifteen!"

Billy sobbed when he learned the true dimensions of Scratch's formidable horse-cock. Fifteen inches was almost as long as an entire human arm. The huge pole would surely split him! He attempted to fight back but Bozo, Rufus and Dawg had him solidly restrained.

"Best better give him some sniff," Bones piped in, reaching for the bottle of amyl nitrite resting on the floor amongst the rest of the table top litter.

"Only a little," Donny barked. "I want that motherfucker to feel every bit of this."

Deke handed Scratch the jar of lard and instructed him to coat his trunk. But not too much. Billy's pussy was nice and slick after the fisting session he'd just endured. While Scratch souped up his missile Deke coached him. "Now soon as Bonesy gives Billy that Rush you slip your bad boy right up his pussy. Understand, Scratchy?"

"What's Bones gonna give him?" Scratch asked, concern showing on his perplexed face.

"You got a real big dick there, Scratchy," Deke snickered. "That's medicine that's gonna help Billy relax so you can get up in there nice and tight."

"Okay, Deke," his dumb head bobbed up and down again. "Soon as Bones gives him his medicine."

He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, a child full of anticipation at beginning the race.

Bones soaked a discarded bandana with liquid and brought it up to Billy's nose. Billy thrashed his head from side to side but Dawg steadied the younger boy by taking hold of his cheeks. "Breath deep, Billy," Bones instructed. "This is gonna help you feel better."

With little other choice Billy breathed the vapors through his nostrils, fearful of the unknown. At first there was nothing. Then came the explosion. Billy felt like a firecracker had gone off in his skull, rendering him lightheaded. A sense of heavenly warmth flooded through his entire body making him feel pleasurably relaxed. He tingled all over, especially his straining cock and balls and even up inside his ass. Feeling euphoric and wriggling on the table top like a kitten having its belly rubbed, he hardly realized it when Scratch lifted his whopper in two hands and unceremoniously crammed it up his snatch.

Lacking even basic mentality all Scratch knew was that once a dick was in a pussy it fucked. In his feeble mind there wasn't a moment's consideration given to the struggling bottom. Giggling and groaning he lustily pounded his gargantuan schlong through Billy's quivering innards, boring deeply into him again and again. Billy's eyes were glazed and unfocused. He lazily rolled his head from side to side, sighing and moaning in his rapturous trance. Donny and his buddies were egging Scratch on, cheering for him like spectators at a sporting event, but to Billy they sounded as if coming from somewhere far away. He was his ass and it, and he, felt ecstatic.

Scratch fucked like a rampant bull, fast and hard and showing no mercy. It wasn't intentional; it was just the only way the retard knew how to fuck. Billy's asshole was nice and tight, unlike Wanda Sue's sloppy old cunt, and Scratch really liked it. Deke had souped up Billy's pussy so well that Scratch was freely gliding his elephantine erection back and forth. The super wide cock spread the boy's asshole to the limit as it battered deep inside him. The fist-sized head punched into his guts like a jack hammer. With each mean thrust Scratch sunk further into Donny's brother until, finally and miraculously, all fifteen tough inches were embedded in him. And Billy took it all, cooing like a satiated baby throughout the entire ordeal.

Digitally recording the mind blowing event Donny was so keyed up that he unzipped his fly and released his throbbing hardon. Failing to miss a frame of the action, and already considering what he could do with it, he stroked his desperate meat while enjoying the action. Deke, meanwhile, was coming around to the head of the table and taking Dawg's place. He ran his good hand along Billy's cheek and said, "You feelin' good, little Billy?" Billy responded by murmuring softly, leaning into him and sucking on his fingers. Deke replaced his fingers with his dribbling dick and easily shoved it straight down the boy's relaxed throat.

It was only a matter of time before the rush began to wear off. Fucked from both ends Billy gradually became aware of the good feeling dissipating and real discomfort taking its place. His violated ass hurt more and more with each passing second and he was beginning to gag around the prick fucking into his throat. Before long he was squealing in protest around Deke's meat and pounding on the one-handed man's thighs with his flailing hands.

"Kid needs another hit," Deke directed his comment to Bones.

But Donny was quick to intercede. "No! I want the little fucker feelin' pain."

Deke grinned at his buddy. "You really are a sadist, you know that?"

"Fucker deserves it!" Donny mumbled.

While Billy choked and sputtered, Deke continued to sink his man-meat into the boy's strained gullet. His throat muscles were stretched to the max with the girth of Deke's bad boy and his jaw yawned to its limit to accommodate the face fucking meat. Repeatedly it slipped into his esophagus until sweaty, fuzzy balls were thwacking against Billy's face. The thrusting grew faster and harder, nearly matching the savagery of the baseball bat pummeling his poor little ass.

"Take it! Take it, you cock sucker!" Deke was all amped up and breathing heavily. Billy could feel the log in his mouth flex and seemingly stiffen even more in his abused mouth. Deke let out a husky, almost painful sigh and blew a gusher, splattering man cream into Billy's face hole. Repeated blasts flooded the boy's mouth and shot down his throat. Finding that the heady fuck juice soothed his aching trachea Billy began swallowing the stuff with gusto. Deke's load was a little gamey but, all in all, didn't taste that bad.

When he'd been thoroughly spent Deke pulled his satisfied dick from between Billy's lips and staggered back. With his vision cleared Billy had a view of Scratch going to town on his battered asshole. A look of revulsion cast over his cute face as he observed the sex-crazed retard. Scratch was ramming him like a madman. His long greasy hair fell over his face, spittle sprayed from his lips and his nude frame was perspiring heavily from his forceful exertion. Billy's nostrils cringed from the smell of unwashed body and rank armpits. His eyes widened with alarm and wonder when he looked down at the point of contact and saw the enormous prick hammering in and out of him. It hardly seemed possible something that gargantuan could fit inside him. He couldn't imagine what it was doing to his insides; he could feel the colossal fucker all the way up in his throat! With an insane look on his face Scratch repeatedly long-dicked him right down to his dark, tangled nest of crotch hair, really giving Billy the full treatment.

Then hands were grabbing hold of his head and pulling it back over the table's edge. Billy had just enough time to see it was beer-bellied Rufus before the hairy hillbilly thrust his fat six-incher into his mouth. At first Billy squawked at having the foul thing in his mouth but soon realized it was something of a relief after being throat-raped by Deke's big cob. Ruf's stubby was no more than a mouthful and posed little danger of choking him. Billy began tentatively sucking and licking the thick tube of meat. Quickly finding it a diversion from the jack-hammering his asshole was taking from Scratch's fucking torpedo he really threw himself into it, flicking his tongue all over Rufus' throbbing fucker, applying lots of heated suction and working the good ole' boy's drooling piss hole.

"Gawt dayum, your brother sucks a mean cock!" Rufus exclaimed to Donny. "This here's the best blow job I ever done had!"

Donny grinned evilly and got a wide shot of Billy taking dick from both ends while he continued to fist his own impressive fuck shaft. He was wallowing in his little brother's degradation and enjoying the way Scratch, who really knew no better, was slamming his oversized truncheon through Billy's shitter. All this footage he was taking, combined with earlier excursions humiliating his brother, was way too good not to have an audience. There were pervs like that old fuck Hallahan who'd probably pay good money to see this shit. That'd make a nice wad of cash for Donny. And a small percentage, almost minute, would go to the star for his coveted college fund.

Scratch was chugging like a locomotive, sweating like a rampaging bull and staring straight ahead as if in a deep fuck trance. For the briefest of moments the others thought they had cause for worry but then Scratch was gnashing his plaque-ridden teeth and groaning deep and loud. His body suddenly tensed and shivered; tendons in his neck stood out in sharp relief and there was a strained look about him. Tossing back his head, greasy hair flopping around his face, he released a long anguished bellow and splayed his retard babies into Billy's spasming colon. Scratch's big bloated balls held a lot of jism and Billy was the receptacle for all of them. Scratch inundated Billy's bowels with seemingly unstoppable boiling loads of hot, thick spurting spunk. His features remained frozen throughout his monumental orgasm, mouth hanging slack, eyes opened impossibly wide and glazed with unspeakable lust.

As Scratch's behemoth released its remaining pulses Rufus reached his own pinnacle, shoved his dick to the back of Billy's mouth and unloaded his nut sac. Thick, scalding jizz gushed down Billy's throat and up his ass. Even after Ruf was drained and Billy was swirling his tongue around the spent cock Scratch was still pumping out his load. Scratch had the look of a young man who had reached a transcendent state, a place where for a few moments he was released from his lifelong mental challenges and allowed to enjoy the absolute in pure sexual bliss just like any other.

When his spasms ceased Scratch unceremoniously ripped his club from Billy's wrecked hole, eliciting a painful groan from the boy. His buddies were slapping the oaf on his back and bumping his big fist, making Scratch beam with pride. He was like an excited kid who's just opened and played with his favorite birthday present.

"Can I do it again? Can I do it again?" he asked, rubbing his hands together eagerly and rocking from one foot to the other, making his huge truncheon swing from side to side.

"C'mon now, Scratchy." It was Deke, who appeared to be the retarded boy's mentor. "You've got to give somebody else a chance." Looking over at Donny, whose hard-on was positively straining in front of him, he suggested, "Hey, Donny, how about you get a piece of ass?"

Donny froze for a moment and then, scowling, spat out, "He's my brother, for fuck's sake. I'm not putting my dick in my own fucking brother!"

Deke shrugged in response. The opportunity was lost anyway, because Bozo had already stepped up to the plate, easily slid his ten inches into Billy's cummy hole and began fucking hell out of him.

"Damn, Scratch, you've got his pussy all stretched out!" he declared.

"Sorry Boze," Scratch replied sheepishly.

"Ah, 's alright," Bozo allowed, really heaving into the boy. "Feels more like a cunt now." He jabbed his cock far up into Billy's ass, causing the boy to emit painful little sighs. Bones took care of the sound effects by spearing his rod into Billy's mouth and savagely skull-fucked him. His steel cock ring clattered against Billy's teeth as he shoved it in and out of the suck hole.

One after the other they took their turn at each of Billy's sex orifices, each of them getting off at least twice, if not three times. It was only after Scratch blew another tidal wave of cum into Billy's worn mouth that they all fell back exhausted. Billy lay on the table groaning, cum oozing from his raw ass hole and leaking from the corners of his mouth. Cinematographer Donny captured the aftermath for his proposed documentary. He was the only one of the group not to bust a nut and was lusting for a hot warm snatch to sink his needy prick into. For a scary moment he almost gave in to his raging hormones and got relief up his queer brother's ass but better sense prevailed. The idea was to demean and humiliate Billy, not give him the best thing he'd ever had. And, besides, it wouldn't look right in front of his buds.

"Say, Donny, you want for me to let the dogs in?" It was Dawg, their host. "While one is knottin' up Billy's asshole he can be suckin' off the other."

Scratch was jumping up and down excitedly and clapping his hands. "Let Billy play with the doggies! Let Billy play with the doggies!" All Billy was able to muster was a weak groan.

Sick fuck, Donny thought. Still..... "Maybe some other time, Dawg. The little bitch has had enough for one night. I better get him home before the folks begin wondering."

They gathered the kid together, got him dressed and helped Donny deposit him into the car. Luckily mom and pop were sound asleep when they arrived at the homestead. Donny heaved his brother over his strong shoulder, hauled him up the stairs and tossed him on his bed. Billy curled up into fetal position and mentally and physically drained, fell off into a sleep filled with dreams of spurting man cocks.

In the morning he complained of a stomach ache. One look at the weary boy convinced mother that her pride and joy was ill. After showering the scent of all Donny's friends and their crusty cum from his worn body Billy spent the morning and early afternoon in bed cursing Donny for the ordeal he'd forced him to endure. Around two he made his way down to the kitchen entirely nude, chugged milk straight from the carton but found he had little appetite for anything else. He was about to close up the fridge when his eyes settled on the crisper. Squatting down he slid the drawer open and exposed the array of vegetables and salad fixings. A dollop of cum escaped his asshole and plopped onto the linoleum floor. He'd been fucked so much and taken so much cum. Jeez, Scratch came enough for three men! Wondering when he'd ever excrete all of it Billy scooped the deposit up with his finger, brought it to his nose, sniffed, then hungrily sucked it off. Dropping his face to the floor he licked it clean of the remaining soil.

Down on all fours now he looked straight across at the open drawer of the crisper. Drawing closer he stared at its contents. Spying the fat, green cucumber he withdrew it from the bin. He ran it through his fist as if it was a big dick. Maybe Bozo's; maybe Scratch's. Then his eyes flared with excitement when he noted the huge, curved zucchini resting under plastic bags of peppers, onions and tomatoes. Returning the cuke to its place he extracted the zucchini and weighed the heavy item in his hands. Definitely more like Scratch! Closing up the fridge he enthusiastically trotted off to the privacy of his room where he indulged in more decadence until the family returned.

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