Oh Brother

Published on Mar 25, 2017


OH BROTHER! 3 by JRoyale February 2011

The following is a work of erotic fiction depicting graphic sexual encounters. You must be of legal age in your jurisdiction to view this material.

Young Billy Wilson had never been so humiliated in all of his sixteen years. Forced to strip naked in the dimly lit parking lot of some out-of-the-way roadhouse and succumb to a seemingly endless succession of brazenly hard male cocks as their owner either arrived at or left the ramshackle, noisy structure. It went on for hours; Billy'd fooled himself into thinking this torture would be over after the first. His tender asshole was fucked repeatedly, sometimes gently, often times rough and crudely. Cocks were shoved into his mouth, forcing him to gag as they plunged down his throat. Quarts of salty semen flooded out his abused hole and filled his mouth. It was a wonder he hadn't vomited up all the hot male cum he'd ingested.

As he lay there in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with the morning's light streaming through the window, he could feel it rolling about in his belly. A wet warmth sporadically oozed from his swollen ass lips. Billy reached beneath the covering sheet to touch himself there. With only the slightest push a surge of spent mangoo slid from his hot hole into the spoon he created with his long fingers. He rolled it about, feeling the texture of the stuff, brought it up to his nose for a quick sniff and then raised his hand so that it dripped into his wide open mouth. He sloshed it about, salivating over the heady taste of the stuff, before swallowing it down. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen---Billy lost count of how many cocks spurted their loads inside his teen guts during the course of the evening. He also didn't know how many times he'd shot his own wad. All he knew was that his balls ached every bit as much as his asshole this morning from all the action he'd gotten.

It was all his brother's fault. Donny, the thug. His trouble-making brother always had it in for Billy. He was always taunting and teasing him, especially when neither of the folks were around to protect him. Donny resented him, probably 'cos Billy was smart and popular in school whereas Donny was a dumbass that ran with a loser crowd. Donny didn't have an ounce of skills to even land himself a job but young Billy had a bright future ahead of him. There was nothing similar about the brothers, even down to their appearance. Billy was fair skinned with light hair while Donny was darker complected like their father. They didn't even share the same interest in sports: Billy was a Swim Team and Track star; Donny was a football ruffian.

Normally Billy was able to shake off the eighteen-year-old bully but this time Donny had him by the short hairs. Was bad enough the brute saw him humping their father's bed pillow and scarfing up his own load, but he also had some pretty incriminating photos. Snapshots in his cell phone camera of old man Hallahan fucking him up the ass. He might have gotten away with claiming force if it hadn't been for the other photos of him on top, bouncing up and down on Hallahan's granddaddy cock. Billy tried his best to talk his way out of it but the evidence was conclusive. He attempted to appeal to whatever understanding Donny might possess, explaining that he had done it strictly for the money so he could afford a better education and get out of the same trap Donny found himself in.

It was the truth. Billy wouldn't settle for a mediocre community college; he had the grade point average to get into a really good Ivy League school. But their blue-collar father and mother didn't have the kind of money to send him to anything that grand. So Billy concocted another plan. From scouring some of the less-desirable sites on the adult Internet he was surprised to learn that there was a community of sexually perverted men who would gladly pay to lay down with a sweet young teen like himself. Hallahan, recently moved into the house next door with his daughter and son-in-law, was his first customer. They'd only done it a few times so far but Billy was already amassing a nice little nest egg from the old coot's social security monies. He had plans of expanding his new business, hooking up with some of those pervs he teased in chat on the 'net and building up the bank account.

Billy convinced himself he was only doing it for his college education. Women wouldn't pay for his services the way those older men would. He wasn't gay; he had a few girl-friends at school, had even banged one of them. So what if he enjoyed eating his own load from time to time? That didn't make him queer. It sort of turned him on to devour the product of a great orgasm. It came out of his own body, after all, same as the stuff currently oozing from his ass hole. Once in him it was his to do with as he pleased. And so what if it got him hot as a firecracker when Hallahan's dick was pounding up his butt? How could anybody help not getting turned on when they were getting fucked, regardless of the situation? He was doing it for the money; who cared if he got a little bit of enjoyment out of it. Didn't mean he was going to suddenly turn into a full-fledged queer boy.

Billy played the part of sweet innocent young teen with Hallahan the same as he did with his folks. No one knew about his darker side, not even his buddies at school. No one, that is, until big brother Donny made his discovery. It was just like Donny to skulk around the house like some sort of burglar and gather the evidence with which to destroy little Billy. Billy couldn't let those pictures fall into the wrong hands. If Dad and Mom knew what he was really like, it would be all over. They'd never think of him as the good soon again. He'd be labeled dirt just like Donny. He'd be ostracized at school and lose all his friends. And any chance he had of getting out of his stifling hometown would be shot to hell.

So when Donny said jump, Billy jumped. He didn't know what Donny was up to when the older sibling ordered him to steal his way out of the house late that night, but he was sure it was nothing good. Donny'd driven him out to some off-the-road place in the middle of the woods. Billy was frightened. His evil brother could kill him out there and leave his body in the brush and nobody'd find him for days. Donny forced him out of the car and made him strip down to his skimpy Speedo suit, the one he'd commanded Billy wear. They waited. Shortly the doors to the roadhouse opened and a man came out. Billy attempted to cover his near-nakedness, but to no avail. Donny called the man over. It was obvious from the way the man ogled Billy's slim, youthfully toned body that he liked what he saw. To Billy's horror Donny offered his ass up for a small fee, explaining that the boy was working for his college education. Billy wanted to protest but one scowl from the big gorilla was more than enough to silence him. It wasn't like it would be his first time, after all. And if letting this man,this stranger, have his way with him would put an end to this nightmare than it was worth the shame.

The middle-aged man fucked his boy pussy right there in the parking lot, over the hood of Donny's car. From the wedding ring on his finger Billy deduced he was one of those married men he'd read about on the 'net who found his secret perverted pleasures with the home team. Although he tried not to let on, about halfway into the fuck Billy was really getting into it. The man's solid prick felt awfully good gliding through his teen tunnel and tapping his sensitive prostate. Billy muffled his moans best he could, masking the satisfaction this stranger's prick was bringing to his young and tender body. He wasn't sure if he was fooling Donny but, one thing for sure, his older bro had gotten aroused by it all. Billy could clearly see the outline of a huge hard-on framed in his brother's jeans, a brazen erection that Donny couldn't help but squeeze every now and then. For a frenzied moment there Billy almost wanted Donny to unzip himself and take the thing out so he could get a good look at it up close.

When Donny confessed Billy's true age, and got even more money out of the man, the fucker really cranked up the volume. Although he'd been had by old man Hallahan a few times, Billy realized he'd never been truly fucked before. This shit felt great! Even though there was a chill in the night air the boy felt a delicious warmth emanating from within his body---beginning in the depths of his teen cunt. He never realized before how awesome it felt to be fucked, really fucked! No wonder all the fags liked it so much!

Billy found himself really getting into it, shoving his ass back against the man's savage thrusts and no longer caring with in fuck Donny thought. He could feel a tingling in his nuts and knew the dude was going to fuck him into a cum---hands free! Billy wanted to cum, wanted to shoot his load all over the hood of his miserable brother's car. But the stranger beat him to the punch, emitting a wild yowl that pierced the night air and filled Billy's guts with his joy juice. Later, when the man was atop him and holding Billy in his strong arms planting wet passionate kisses along the nape of his neck, Billy tried like hell to hold onto that cock. Tried to coax it into a few more hard strokes that might do the trick for him. But Donny the bastard put an end to such relief. He got rid of the man quickly, practically scaring him away.

Billy figured that was it. Donny had his fun and now they could go home. He reached for his Speedo to begin dressing when Donny suddenly asked, "What you think you're doin, Billy?"

"I wanna go home now, Donny," Billy replied with a hint of embarrassment. After all, his brother had just witnessed him getting fucked up the ass.

"Home?" Donny spread his arms exaggeratedly. "Home, you say? Why in hell would we want to do that?"

Billy grew a pair and thrust his chin out defiantly. "I did what you wanted. Now I want to go home."

Donny clucked his tongue and leaned his ass back against the car. "Sure looked to me like you were enjoyin' yourself there, little bro."

He had enjoyed it, really enjoyed it, but Billy pretended to ignore the remark. "I want to go home," he practically shouted. "NOW!"

Donny's big hand lashed out and caught him by the back of the neck. "We ain't goin' nowheres, Billy boy. In fact, we're just gettin' started!"

Billy was about to open his mouth in a further protest when his attention was diverted by the sound of loud music as the door to the roadhouse opened once more and spilled out more partiers. Two pairs of Wilson eyes were on the duo as they casually strolled away from the building, arms tenderly around one another, giggling and stopping now and then to share a playful kiss.

"Up on the hood!" Donny barked. "Now lay back and lift your fuckin' legs, whore!" When Billy hesitated Donny used one hand to the center of his chest to roughly shove him backward. Billy's legs automatically came up into the air. Donny grasped him by the ankles, spreading them wide and shoving them back. "Hold 'em open!" Billy took hold of in the joint behind his knees, embarrassingly aware of how splayed out he was in the public lot. What new humiliation did his brother have in store for him?

Putting two plump fingers to the sides of his mouth Donny let out a shrill whistle to capture the attention of the two lovers. When their heads jerked in his direction, Donny waved them over. Lifting his head to see between the spread of his legs Billy observed the two advancing queers, their eyes growing wide when they got a look at him. They came to a stop directly in front of the car.

"Holy fuck!" the taller one exclaimed, his eyes roaming over Billy's youthfully muscular body while he held his buddy close. The smaller, trimmer one giggled, obviously a little drunk.

"How ya doin' boys?" Donny greeted jovially, going so far as to slap the taller one on the back good naturedly. "Lookin' for a little action tonight? My baby brother Billy here is lookin' to get fucked by as many dudes as he can. Twenty bucks gets you a good time in his hot little hole."

"Twenty bucks each?" the taller one, obviously the "man" in the relationship spat out. Cheap as it was for a fuck he didn't look all that willing to part with the bucks, yet his eyes gleamed with lust as he gazed at Billy's winking ass hole.

"Tell ya what," Donny, the perfect salesman, went on. "Blue light special! We'll let you both have him for thirty, that's a ten dollar discount."

It was enough of an insult for Donny to be pedaling his ass, let alone to start giving it out for reduced rates. But Billy was in no position to argue. Neither was he all that anxious to allow either of these fruitcakes to molest him. That smaller one had nelly queer written all over him; the bigger one boasted a bit more macho, but that tell-tale lisp gave him away.

"What do ya say, Benny?" the bigger guy addressed his buddy. "You wanna fuck your first ass?"

Benny giggled again, resting his head against the other one's shoulder. "You know I'm strictly a bottom boy, baby. But I sure would enjoy sucking his pretty dick. It's a nice, big one!"

Billy really didn't want the little fem's mouth on him but Donny was already taking money from Benny's top man. Before cash changed hands Benny had his fag-face between Billy's outstretched thighs, licking his bud and snaking his tongue into the quivering hole. He was only at it a matter of seconds before he came up, his mouth dripping wet.

"Bernie, the boy's been fucked already," he declared. "And it tastes nice and fresh!"

"That's right," Donny admitted, slapping Bernie on the back. "You dudes are Billy's second customers of the night. Last guy was some old dude. Fuckin' married, he was. Fucked hell out of Billy's hole and came in buckets up there. Should be nice and slick for ya, buddy!"

"If Benny don't suck it all out first," Bernie replied with a good-natured, knowing smile as he began undoing the clasp on his pants. "My boy friend's a slut for recycled cum. Ain't' you, Benny?"

Benny came up for a moment, his cheeks glistening with man juice. "Ummmmmmmmmmmm," he moaned, smacking his lips before he dove in once again. They could hear all sorts of sloppy sloshing sounds as Benny ate out Billy's butt, devouring all the warm cum Everett P. Holcombe had just deposited there.

The scene was downright nasty, the perverseness of it sparking an idea in Donny's warped mind. Speaking up, he said, "My little bro's the same way. He likes---what did ya call it---recycled cum, too. Whyn't you feed him some, Benny boy?"

Billy stiffened. Benny mumbled something in reply and a short while later came out from Billy's box with his lips tightly shut and his cheeks billowed out with an obvious mouth full. He crawled up on the hood and was down on his knees alongside Billy. The younger Wilson watched in horror as the queer boy's head lowered and pressed his lips to Billy's. Billy pursued his lips as tightly as possible but Benny managed to wrangle his tongue between them. At that precise moment Bernie shoved his cock into Billy's little pussy. Billy's mouth involuntarily came open and was instantly flooded with a sea of spent jizz.

He thrashed about on the hood of his bigger brother's car gurgling in protest but Benny maintained a serious lip lock. Unable to expel the thick bodily fluids he was forced to swallow it all down. Unlike the taste of his own cum, this load was gamier. Since it had been churned around inside his guts, Billy could taste himself in the gooey stuff. He was disgusted by the act and yet curiously aroused.

Perhaps it was the hard prick effortlessly gliding through his teen cunt. Standing up on the front grill, Bernie had pulled him to the edge of the hood and was holding his legs apart while he plunged his pecker in and out of the cum-slick asshole. Bernie had something of a needle-dick, thin but long. Billy figured there must be about seven inches of cock plunging deep up into his bowels. After being turned on by the hot fuck from the old dude Billy'd thought it was all over and now here he was becoming turned on all over again. He didn't really understand it. He wasn't queer, after all. He liked girls. But there was something awesome about a hard dick plunging up inside him.

Long since finished with his feeding, Benny managed to position himself between Billy's spread legs and greedily sucked the whole cock into his throat. Billy pushed back against the hood of the car and let out a satisfied moan. He desperately needed some attention paid to his aching prick and the queer boy was eager to deliver. Benny's mouth was like a wet pussy enveloping him entirely in a delicious, moist suction. He might be a sissy fag, but the young man sure knew how to handle a cock. Billy was no slouch in the size department but that proved to be a non-issue for the cock sucker. He noisily took pleasure in the powerful tool, gulping and groaning around it while he took in a bird's eye view of his lover's prick repeatedly plunging into the hot boy hole he'd just eaten out.

Donny was taking immense pleasure in his little brother's plight. Watching the sissy one feed him Holcombe's load had been enough to force his own big cock to knock against the front of his pants. Billy was pinned down there with no where to go, although once Benny started sucking his teen prick it didn't look like he was interested in breaking up the act anymore. Fuck, Donny knew well enough how good it was to get some prime head. He could sure use some himself right now. Aw, what the hell, he figured. At least he could give his big boy some air. Unzipping his fly Donny hauled out his thick Wilson schlong and meaty balls, spat into the palm of his hand and gave himself a few loving strokes while he watched Billy getting buggered by the gay couple.

Keeping Billy buried to the bush in his face, Benny's hands fumbled with his slacks and managed to wrestle them from his thin legs. He wasn't wearing anything underneath. With his pale ass to the sky he jockeyed himself over Billy's form until his legs were to either side of the teen-ager with his dick dangling like a carrot over the boy's face. Billy felt a moment of revulsion looking up at the thing dripping pre-cum onto him. Taking it up the ass was one thing, but he didn't suck cock. Much as old man Hallahan tried to get him to do it Billy always refused. To do that might really make him queer.

He whipped his head from side to side to avoid it but Benny was probing with that cock, mashing it against his cheeks and seeking entrance. Later he wasn't sure exactly how it had happened but suddenly his mouth was full of dick. He choked and sputtered around it. The nasty thing fucked into his face, depositing funky pre-cum all over his startled tongue. Benny wasn't really hung, maybe six inches at most, but for his first time swallowing dick it was more than a mouthful for young Billy. Although he tried to protest it seemed as though Benny took his groans as encouragement.

Donny left the scene for only a matter of seconds, hastily retrieving his camera from the glove compartment of the car. "You boys don't mind if I take a few pics, just for Billy's personal collection, do ya?"

"Are you kiddin'?" Bernie responded, looking over his shoulder at the other brother. "Benny's got us doin' live shows on webcam! Take all the pics you want!" Never losing a fuck beat his eyes took stock of the strong prick rising up from Donny's loins and knew that if Benny had a look at that thing he'd want it up his ass right here and now. Benny was a pig bottom.

Donny got in close to his brother's face and took several nice close-up shots of Benny's cock sluicing through his wet cock sucking lips. Billy's eyes widened in terror when he realized what his brother was doing. It was bad enough Donny had evidence of his tryst with old man Hallahan and now he was amassing further blackmail material. Regardless, Billy knew he was helpless to do anything about it. He was pinned to the car's hood, one queer atop him fucking his face and sucking his dick while the other plowed into his tender asshole. Donny was moving around the trio like a professional photographer, taking incriminating shots from a variety of angles with a sadistic grin on his face.

"Well, wouldja look at what we've got here!"

The gravely voice startled them all. He was so absorbed in his picture taking that Donny nearly dropped his camera at the unexpected intrusion. Standing nearby was a tall, burly older man with short, thick dark-gray hair chewing on the end of a stogie and watching them through twinkling sky-blue eyes. Donny instantly sized him up as a trucker-type. He was a stocky guy wearing a checkered flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and displaying massive, hairy forearms. Tufts of dark hair spilled out from the top button of the faded garment. He appeared as though he hadn't had a shave in a day or so. Too much exposure to the sun had left creases in his skin yet still it was evident that the man had been a stunner in his younger days.

Suddenly aware that his cock was out of his own jeans and fully exposed to this stranger, Donny felt an unusual timidity---but just for a moment. Defying the bigger man Donny nodded his head in the direction of the three fuckers and declared, "My little brother's working his way through college. Twenty bucks for a fuck."

"Twenty bucks, you say?" The trucker continued to chew on the cigar and made a show of considering the proposal. Then, winking at Donny, he nodded. "You got yourself a deal, buddy." He fished inside his breast pocket and came out with a wad of bills, peeled off two tens and handed them to Donny. With a quick tug on his zipper he reached inside and hauled out an impressive looking piece of man meat. Stroking the flaccid member in the palm of his hand, he stepped up directly behind Bernie. Pressing his body into the fucking fag's back he wrapped beefy arms around the younger man and took hold of Bernie's erect nipples between thick, calloused fingers. His grizzled chin rested right on Bernie's left shoulder, blue eyes fixed on the long, thin cock sliding in and out of Billy's boy hole. His own prick began to fill out, gloriously massaged by Bernie's naked ass as it moved against him with his fuck thrusts.

"C'mon boy," he said in his deep, gravely voice. "Shoot your load! Pappy wants to get him some of that."

It didn't take Bernie much longer. Between the warm tight ass wrapped around his prick and the hot man tweaking his nips and running a rapidly rising pecker between his ass cheeks Bernie quickly reached the boiling point. With a small cry he buried his dick ball's deep and shot his load up inside Billy's bowels.

"Yee-hee! There ya go, son!" Pappy cackled, his fingers roughly twisting Bernie's nubs as the younger man shuddered in orgasm. "Get it all nice and slick up there so's I can slip right in. Fill that boy up with your junk!"

If it weren't for the older man behind him Bernie might have fallen over, so forceful was his release. To hell with Benny's cunt, Billy had a nicely tight treasure trove that Bernie could've fucked forever. But Pappy was growing impatient. The older man grabbed Bernie by the hips, pulled him away from the prone boy and stepped into position.

When Benny saw the big man cock right there in front of him he nearly choked on Billy's beautiful boy prick. Rising from a dense thatch of salt-and-pepper pubic hair was an eight inch, wrist-thick throbber. Pappy grabbed a handful of Benny's hair, yanked him off Billy's dick and thrust the huge boner into Benny's face.

"Git this wet for me, son!" he ordered. And Benny all-too-willingly obliged. Pooching out his lips and opening his jaw wide Benny took the fat man dick into his wet maw. Keeping a firm hold on Benny's hair Pappy thrust his loins back and forth, roughly fucking the faggot's face with his wide, vein-engorged cock. Benny'd been sucking dick since he was twelve years old, yet even a pro like himself was choking around the battering ram. To fuck with boyfriend Bernie, he'd like to take this daddy home and get a real ass workout from him.

Benny was so excited to be sucking such a strong chunk of man meat that his hips just couldn't help but go into overdrive. His white ass cheeks rose and fell in a blur as he slammed his prick into Billy's abused mouth, his bouncing balls threatening to blacken the teenager's eyes. Brother Donny's big prick was throbbing madly and leaking ropes of pre-cum while he watched the bawdy scene played out on his car. Suddenly Bernie was on his knees in front of him, tongue out and catching the cock snot as it broke loose. Before the queer got any other ideas Donny put a booted foot to Bernie's chest and roughly kicked him off balance so that he went tumbling backward to the ground.

"I ain't into dudes," he snarled as he stepped over the startled faggot's body. For the briefest of seconds he'd considered it. Witnessing Billy's abuse was a complete turn-on and had made him horny as hell. If he was certain Billy wouldn't notice he just might have let the guy suck him off. But Donny didn't want his younger brother to have anything to hold over his head; Billy was the one with all evidence against him. And with Benny fucking like mad into his mouth and certain to blow his load any moment, now was the time to collect some more damning proof of Billy's lack of innocence.

Trading camera for cell phone, Donny put it into video mode and positioned himself so he had a clear close-up view of Billy's face and the cock pumping into it like crazy. His timing was perfect. He'd just begun to record when Benny gave a muffled cry and lost his nut. Tears were falling from the corners of Billy's eyes as his mouth was filled with hot cum. There was so much of it, and Benny was still face-fucking him, that Billy had no choice but to swallow some of the stuff. It was another first for him. Sure he'd scarfed up his own load many a time and really relished the raunchy flavor, but he'd never sampled another dude's jizz---not fresh from the spout. Surprisingly it was not much unlike his own. Tasted pretty fucking good, in fact. But he couldn't let Donny see how much he really liked it. Instead he made a show of distaste for the entire thing. Donny's recording captured Billy's adam's apple rising and falling as he swallowed some of the shooting cum. Pearl white dribbled from the sides of hislips and oozed down along his cheeks. Donny smiled sadistically as he made sure he got every nasty detail saved for future reference.

Pappy yanked his fierce cock from Benny's sucker and brought the wet weapon to Billy's twice-fucked ass mouth. Benny pouted like a kid who'd just had his favorite toy taken away. Suddenly Donny's big hands were knocking him out of the way.

"Alright. Time's up, faggot! It's this guys turn," he announced.

Benny reluctantly scrambled off the hood of the car and went about the task of re-dressing himself. With Benny's cock evacuating his face Billy attempted to spit out the mouthful of cum he'd been hoarding. But suddenly Donny's big hand was covering his mouth. Billy looked over at his brother with widened, fearful eyes.

"Swallow it, bro! You know you want to." Billy shook his head from side to side. Then, seeing the angry gleam in Donny's eyes he complied. He swallowed once, twice, three times until he'd devoured every last drop of spent semen. It tasted warm and slick as it glided down his throat and he secretly enjoyed the heady flavor.

And then suddenly there was an incredible pressure at his back door. Pappy was sinking his turgid monster into young Billy's wet ass hole. Billy's head shot up and he looked between the wide "v" of his legs at the fat cock buried half of the way inside him and still pushing onward. Nothing that big or fat had been inside him before. Billy really didn't think it was going to fit---at least not all the way. His bung hole was stretched to incredible proportions as more and more of the thick shaft disappeared between the fleshy folds. He watched, mesmerized, until every fucking inch of the thing was buried up his tight ass. To Donny's delight the young teen whimpered like a wounded puppy, his brows knitted in a terse frown. Maybe if they just stayed like that for a little while he could get used to the hog, maybe his fuck channel would acclimate itself to the sizeable intruder. But Billy's comfort was the last thing on Pappy's mind.

Grasping the cute fuck toy by his widely parted outer thighs, Pappy held Billy in position and pulled his cock back. Billy's breath caught in his throat, his lips forming a perfect "O" near wide as his thunderstruck eyes as the big thing retreated from his hole. It felt as though his ass guts were being dragged out along with the formidable prick. Nearly vacated, he was consumed by a sensation of relief. But the respite proved to be short-lived. To the teen's utter horror, the veiny monster was unceremoniously shoved all the way back into him again. Billy let out a strangled shout when the huge prick bottomed out, kicking him like a fist to the gut. His head shot up again, his fists pounded against the hood of the car.

"Please, mister, please!" he pleaded.

Continually chewing on his cigar Pappy's hips sawed backward and forward, slamming his fat fuck stick into the sweet young boy hole. "By the time I get done with you, boy, you're gonna be beggin' me for more," he predicted.

"No!" Billy managed, shaking his head from side to side. "I can't---I can't---"

"Sure ya can, son," the trucker replied through clenched teeth. "Relax your young ass and you'll soon be enjoyin' the ride."

And sure enough, the longer the burly man plowed into him the less painful it became. Once he stopped fighting against the huge intruder a sensation of pleasure slowly began to permeate his entire body. All of a sudden he didn't want the stranger to stop. He found himself actually craving every forward plunge of the big beautiful penis and tightened himself around it, fondling the piece from deep within. Fully conscious of the boy's submission Pappy turned up the volume and proceeded to throw Billy a royal fuck.

By this time a small group of on-lookers had gathered around. Approximately half a dozen guys of various age and race ogled the torrid sex scene being played out before them.

"Kid can't be more than seventeen," one of them, a grandfatherly type, mumbled to a black man next to him.

"Eighteen," Donny lied, his eyes never leaving the raunchy vision. "My brother's eighteen."

"Your brother!" a young flame declared. "Are you for real?"

"Yup, that's my brother Billy. Workin' his way through college. Twenty bucks for a fuck, if anyone's interested."

"Fuck yeah! I'm next!" the grandfather, probably every bit of sixty, hurriedly reached for his wallet and fumbled out a crisp bill.

Donny looked at the old man with amusement. "You sure he won't kill you, gramps? My brother's got a real nice boy pussy."

"I'll go happy," the old man cackled, his dentures slipping. "Nothing like sweet young boy pussy! Haven't had me none since my grandson was a young 'un.

At the same time another man, another burly looked brute, stepped up behind Pappy. His arms circled around the trucker, ripped open his flannel shirt and roughly grabbed hold of Pappy's paps. Without losing a fuck beat, Pappy twisted his head to get a look at the man handler.

"Clete, you fuck!" he growled. Their mouths hungrily collided, swollen tongues slobbering wetly together. From his position on his back, Billy had a bird's eye view of the trucker lovers greedily sucking face. With his shirt now ripped entirely open Billy could see that Pappy was a hairy fucker. His entire chest was coated with a salt-and-pepper pelt which traveled from neck line down over his barreled belly, merging into a wealth of crotch hair. His teats were big swollen things, the nipples fat and juicy-looking between Clete's calloused fingers. Neither one of them looked to Billy to be the type who'd be into queer sex; they were manly fuckers.

"Gonna share some o' that, bud?" Clete growled into Pappy's ear, all the while tugging on his fat, extended man-tits.

"T'aint for free, you horny son-of-a-bitch," Pappy, now chewing on his cigar again, told him. "The brother over there's chargin' twenty bucks a fuck."

Clete glanced over at Donny and gave him a quick appraisal. "You whorin' your bro out, kid?"

Donny found himself strangely intimidated by the gruff older man but did his best to give a sense of bravado. "For his college education," Donny quickly explained. "Kid's got no other way to earn the kind of cash he needs."

Clete grinned. "With that dick on you you ought to be makin' some easy bread, too." Donny flushed, suddenly realizing he was still hard and exposed to everyone.

"I'll give you twenty if you let me suck that big beauty," the old coot waiting in line for a shot at Billy offered.

"I ain't for sale," Donny quickly replied with an angry scowl. "Just my little brother. Twenty bucks for a fuck. Or a suck. Whichever you want."

"I think I want me some of that nice prime boy ass," Clete drawled sexily. "You'll get your twenty." Then, slapping Pappy on the back, "Now c'mon, bud, lemme at 'im."

"Fuck you, Clete! I ain't gotten my nut yet," Pappy replied.

Clete's powerful forearm came around to catch Pappy in a head lock and whispered in his ear, "I got me an idea for the both of us." From the many times they'd fucked up and down the highways over the course of the past few years while making their runs, Pappy knew Clete had something downright special in mind. Drawing his big fat pecker out of the tight young fuck hole he moved to the side to allow Clete to take over the ravaging of the young teen.

Clete clucked his tongue as he raped Billy with his eyes. "Damn, ain't that purty! How old are you, kid?"


"Eighteen!" Donny interrupted.

"Bulllllll-sheet!" Clete retorted. "This sweet thing's about as much of eighteen as I am. How old you really, baby?"

Billy swallowed hard, hating to defy Donny. "Sixteen," he replied meekly.

There was a stir of excitement from those standing on the sidelines. Clete whistled, "Damn! I'm gonna fuckin' enjoy this. Now, c'mere kid." His big rough hands grabbed Billy by the thighs and dragged him off the hood and spun him around so he was facing the car. Fumbling with his zipper he nodded to Pappy, "Go on up front and get you some head while I fuck this young boy's ass." Pappy moved in front of Billy, his hairy ass propped up against the hood of the jalopy and his big juicy cock arcing upward mightily, oozing excited pre-cum. Clete dropped trou and boxers, kicked Billy's legs apart and forced the boy to bend over until Pappy's hot cock was right there in his face.

"Suck it, boy!" Pappy ordered, holding his thick stalk by the base and slapping it against Billy's creamy cheeks and running the dribbling head over his pink lips.

Billy scrunched up his face in a feeble display of distaste. The huge organ pulsed maddeningly, its steely veins bulged obscenely and cock lube flowed from the deep piss slit. He couldn't believe it, but Billy found himself wanting to wrap his tongue around the fat head, dig into that piss trench and savor the salty cock juice emanating from it. Before tonight he'd never considered sucking another guy's cock. He liked pussy, damn it! But that was before Donny blackmailed him into doing unspeakable things. Billy still didn't think he'd turned queer. After tonight he'd fuck a lot of cunt to make up for the debauchery he was forced to endure at his twisted brother's hands.

Yet there was something so taboo, so downright raunchy about this whole man-sex thing that Billy couldn't help but be wickedly aroused by it all. Succumbing to his darkest desires Billy parted his lips, rolled out his tongue and gave the over sized mushroom knob a warm spit bath. His tongue retracted and curled back in his mouth as he savored the heady flavor of the cock goo he'd collected. The awesome taste of the grown man's lube had him practically moaning in satisfaction. Checking himself, he realized he couldn't let Donny see how much he wanted it. But Pappy provided the answer to his prayers by taking a fistful of Billy's hair to hold him in place and shoved his big man meat into the wet mouth pussy. Billy's eyes bulged. Hardly a novice, he choked, snorted and sputtered around the huge tasty thing. Pappy was driving his hips back and forth, fucking his man meat in and out of Billy's slobbering mouth. The huge head banged against the back of his throat with each thrust, bringing tears to Billy's blue eyes.

Those same eyes widened considerably when Clete's naked prick busted its way through his sphincter and, with one headlong plunge, was buried nut's deep in his rectum. When Billy tried to shout his surprise at the sudden anal assault his throat opened and Pappy's man-ster rammed in. Billy had one cock buried to the bush in his face and the other's pubes tickling his smooth creamy butt cheeks. Both truckers wasted no time on the preliminaries. Their fuck stalks immediately began to move, rabidly fucking young Billy from both ends. Clete had a rod to rival Pappy's; both men were incredibly hung. Billy could feel every inch of the thing pumping through his tight boy channel, pushing his mushy innards aside and punching deep up into his colon. The man was a rough fucker, showing the inexperienced teen little mercy. As the strong cock barreled through Billy, slamming against his prostate each time, the initial pain dissipated and was replaced by an unspeakable craving in the young boy's guts. Billy felt tingly allover---and it wasn't from the cool night air. Instead, the twin man cocks had consumed his entire being with an incredible sex yearning.

"Nice fuckin' boy ass," Clete mumbled, his breathing heavy from his hard fuck thrusts. "Tight young ass. Best kind. Breed 'em young. Aw, fuck, yeah! L'il sonofabitch is squeezing me from inside. Fuckin-A! Feels so good on my dick! Ummmm, yeah!"

Billy quickly learned to get lungs full of oxygen on each of Pappy's out strokes or he would have surely suffocated each time that jaw breaker barreled straight down his throat. He couldn't believe he was actually taking it all! Even the few girls he'd been with hadn't been able to do something like that with his teen cock. And here he was scarfing down some eight inches of flavorful man meat! He could taste the flavors of man sweat combined with the cum load Pappy had been churning up inside his ass when he'd had his turn at fucking him. It was so fucking perverse, so unlike anything Billy would have ever done on his own. Perhaps it was the riskiness of it all, taking the chance to do something entirely "out of the box" that had him so wildly aroused. For those few seconds he found himself eagerly anticipating the sweaty man cock slamming into his face hole right down to the hairy root. The funky aroma emanating from Pappy's dense bush was intoxicating to the senses.

The truckers fucked onward, their big masculine bodies profusely sweating from their exertions. Pappy was the first to bust his nut, shoving his prick deep in Billy's throat and spewing his load. The creamy spunk blasted straight down Billy's esophagus, quickly making its way to his belly. Billy coughed and choked, but there was nothing he could do about it. The thick cock was like a cork in his throat. Disappointed at not being able to satiate his taste buds with the rich man cream Billy at least got a little satisfaction when Pappy pulled the thing up and let him siphon off the remaining drops of sweet and succulent cum.

In less than a minute after his buddy had unloaded Clete's body tensed. With teeth gnashing together he emitted a beastly bellow and pumped Billy's ass guts full of hot trucker cum. Billy's own cock was pulsing like mad. With a few more fuck strokes he was certain his aching nuts would finally get release. But Clete was the type of man who, once spent, quickly abandoned the fuck hole. Whipping out his meat the big man gave it a few shakes before pulling up his pants and tucking himself away. He stood back to observe the sweet young fuck hole that had provided abundant pleasure as he fished in his wallet for payment. Trickles of cum escaped Billy's abused ass lips, the spoils of the last three cocks to have banged him.

"That's one nice pussy boy," he assured Donny, handing him a crumpled twenty. "You ever tap it, boy?"

"He's my brother," Donny reminded the older man.

Clete winked at him. "Nothin' like keepin' it in the family. Ain't that right, Pappy?" he shouted to his trucking partner, who had finally extracted himself from Billy's mouth and was dressing himself. Pappy had a wide smile plastered on his face as he came over beside Clete and entangled him in a manly embrace, their tongues hungrily devouring each other.

"Pappy here's my older brother," Clete announced to the shocked crowd, which had grown to nearly a dozen during the course of the last fuck. "You ought to try it some time," he told a flabbergasted Donny. "Your baby brother there has got one hungry ass." And then the two of them were striding away, arms wrapped around each others burly bodies.

Donny shook his head, not certain he'd heard correctly. Two grown men, brothers, sharing sexual escapades? It was almost too much for him to wrap his small mind around. But his attention was soon diverted back to his own brother, who'd quickly been taken by the old grandfather. The old fucker was having a good old time on the young boy, pumping his senior prick into Billy's well-used pussy. It didn't take the old bastard long to drop his seed. He was immediately replaced by another cock. Then another. Then another.

They kept coming. Men of all ages and sizes. Donny continued to collect the loot, nearly amazed at the wad of bills he'd amassed and the characters he'd taken it from. There was a mid-thirties black dude who resembled rock star Prince with his poofed up hair and eyeliner. Donny made certain to get a few pictures of the long black dick breaching Billy's white hole. Their father was an old-school racist would probably kill Billy if ever he learned his baby boy had taken black cock.

The kinkiest scenario was the club's resident transvestite who lifted "her" short skirt, dropped "her" lace panties and fucked Billy while perched on stiletto heels. Billy took one dick after another up his ass and gobbled some in his mouth over the course of the next few hours until he literally fell over onto the ground, totally fucked out. By then the club had closed down and most of the interested patrons had gotten their shot at the teen whore. Even the bouncer of the place, a wrestling-type, had unloaded his night's cum in Billy's young ass, although he cautioned Donny against doing this again. Next time, he advised, Donny should bring Billy around to the side entrance where he could work his magic in a private room.

Billy was silent on the drive home. He appeared completely drained. Donny smiled with self-satisfaction. He'd done it. He'd broken his goody-two-shoes little brother. There was no turning back for Billy. He couldn't pretend to be the all-star, all-American boy any longer. One wrong move and Donny had the evidence to blow him out of the water. Revenge was sweet. And tonight had just been the start of it. Donny had other plans for Billy and, unless he wanted his secret life exposed to friends and family, Billy would reluctantly oblige.

Crouched down low in the passenger seat Billy was wrapped up in his own private thoughts. He knew he'd been used like a common whore, fucked by so many men he'd lost count. Except for the wet stickiness oozing from it, his ass felt numb. His mouth tasted of the cum bath it had taken over and over again and his belly felt full of the volumes of man goo. He was angry at Donny and now, after the fact, disgusted with himself for the perversions he had enacted this night. He wasn't exactly sure how but he'd find a way to get out from under Donny's thumb. After all, he was the smarter brother. He should be able to figure it out. Paramount to his plan was getting ahold of Donny's camera and cell. Once he'd deleted all the damning evidence Donny would have no hold on him.

It occurred to Billy that one good thing had come out of all this. He'd gained a great deal of experience tonight. When he returned to his lucrative business venture he'd be much better at it. He could even charge his "tricks" more money. The way those guys had raved over him tonight, he must be pretty damned good! And now that he knew sucking cock wasn't all that bad he'd really be able to amass a wide clientele. Just for the money. It would all be worth it when he was attending Princeton, or Harvard. Maybe even Yale.

Next: Chapter 4

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