Oh Brother

Published on Mar 11, 2017


Oh, Brother! Part 2 by Jon Royale September 2010

The following is a work of erotic fiction depicting graphic sexual encounters. You must be of legal age in your jurisdiction in order to view. Kindly consider making a donation to the host website so they may continue to bring you these stories.

Patience wasn't a normal trait of his, but Donny Wilson had been waitin' around for days. Ever since he'd caught his little brother Billy indulging in homo sex with the old grandfather from just down the block, Donny'd been waitin' for just the right moment to spring.

For all of his sixteen years Billy-boy had been the apple of his folks' eyes. Billy was the smart one, the son most likely to succeed. Billy never caused them any real trouble. Donny, on the other hand, nearly flunked out of high school, ran with a dangerous pack and had more'n one scrape with the law in his eighteen years. Billy's numerous virtures were thrown up in his face enough times by their burly old man that the surly thug wouldn't be human if he hadn't grown resentful of his l'il bro. His constant taunts and teases went unreported by Billy, probably 'cos the kid was scared shit of him. Donny kept his jabs simple: a shove here, a push there. Nothing too dramatic. Just enough to satisfy his brotherly angst.

But now the stakes were higher. Now he had proof right there on the camera of his cell phone that Billy wasn't nearly as lily white as even he thought. Letting old man Hallahan fuck him up the ass and then taking the man's social security money as payment was downright shameful---a black mark on the Wilson family name!

Donny stood there and witnessed the entire thing. Even watched his l'il honor roll bro pound fuck out of daddy's pillow after he got rid of the old man. Had to admit it looked hot as hell watchin' Billy's cute little dimpled rump pumpin' up and down, winkin' his cum-encrusted asshole. For the briefest of moments it even crossed Donny's mind to barge in there and shove his big ole hard on right up Billy's ass and fuck him like the cheap whore he was. Every jab of his cock would be like a punch to the gut for each time he'd had Billy's victories thrown in his face. But better sense prevailed and he wound up jerking himself off instead. He'd come up with an even better plan for avenging all the wrongs done to him in Billy's name.

So he waited. And waited. Was pretty easy considering he had no real job other than cuttin' some of the neighborhood lawns and a few other odd jobs he managed to pick up around town. Made sure he got himself into the house each day before Billy came home from school. Crawled under his own bed and held vigil. The first few days were uneventful. Either Billy came home just to drop off his book bag and took off with his geek friends or he hung out in his room studyin'. Donny had to crawl out from his hiding spot (he couldn't figure where else to secret himself), creep down the hall and peek in Billy's room to find out what l'il bro was up to.

On the fourth day---it was a Wednesday---he hit pay dirt. Didn't think he was gonna make it home in time. Mrs. Collins decided she wanted him to trim some bushes after he was done with the lawn. Actually, Donny would've liked to trim her bush. He'd had a hard on for the divorcee since she moved into the neighborhood and wasn't about to turn her request down. Anyway, Donny had just gotten home when he heard the sound of the front door openin' and knew Billy was home. He lept under the bed like a bullet fired from the barrel of a rifle. Billy's footfalls came bouncin' up the stairway and off into his room. Donny usually waited a good ten minutes but before he knew it there was a rap on his door.

"Donny, you in there?"

With heart beating in his chest, Donny found held his breath. Satisfied the room was vacant, Billy opened the door and stepped inside. Donny watched the kid kick off his sneakers. The mattress heaved as Billy sat down upon it and reached down to remove his white ankle socks. Donny watched as garments were tossed one after the other on the carpeting of his messy bedroom until the pair of tighty whities revealed that Billy-boy had stripped himself. Donny was all nervous anticipation, waiting for his l'il bro's next move.

The entire bed started shaking, the mattress heaving above him on its box spring. Sonofabitch, Donny grinned, the little fuck is humping the bed same as he did to pop's. Probably usin' my pillow like pussy. That thought caused him to take pause. How many nights had he rested on a pillow case his angelic bro had pumped a load into? Donny's brotherly anger at young Billy mounted.

The little fuck went at it like crazy, fucking hell out of the mattress. Donny recalled when he was sixteen and horny all the time, ready to fuck a knot hole in a tree if necessary. But he sure as shit never crawled in Billy's bed and started humpin' his sheets. Nah, there was a whole hell of a lot more to it than Billy just needin' a place to get off. Almost as if by coincidence, Donny's question was answered in the next few moments.

"Take that, you big nasty prick!" Billy shouted vehemently while aggressively pumping the top mattress. "Fuck you, Donny! Fuck. You. And. Your. Hood. Friends!" Each word was enunciated by a thigh-slapping thrust to the bedsheets. "Always trying to bully me, just cos I'm smarter than you. Just because I've got decent friends. Just because I date nice girls. You. Couldn't. Get. A. Nice. Girl. If. You Tried." The bed shook violently on that one, but not nearly as violently as the anger mounting in Donny.

"Fuck with me all you want, you big ugly goon," the sixteen-year-old went on. "But I'm one up on you. Soiling your bed. And you don't even know. You don't even-----arrrggghhhh!"

The bed shook with unearthly tremors and Donny knew---he just knew---that his nasty little baby brother had popped his nut all over the fuckin' place. Donny listened to Billy's panting, noticing when it began to slow. The kid shifted in the bed and Donny had visions of the little fuck scarfing up his load like he had in their folks' bed. But, suddenly, Blly's hand was dropping to the side of the bed, reaching around. The corner of Donny's upper lip curled cruely as he reached for his stiff cum rag and practically handed it to his horny little brother.

Billy's smaller hand clutched the rag. Donny's big fist grapped Billy's wrist. The boy emitted a startled gasp and attempted to pull away but Donny held him firmly. Panicing, Billy struggled against him, heaving his body to the side of the bed and striking out at the seemingly disembodied paw with his other fist. Donny skittered his body under the bed and popped his head into plain sight. Upon seeing him the color drained from Billy's already pale face.

"Hey bro," Donny smiled up at him. "Whatchya up to?"

"Let me go!" Billy wailed, but Donny held firm. Not until he'd worked his body out from under that bed and was on his feet did Donny release his hold on his brother. Billy instantly threw himself across the bed and bolted for the door but Donny, having anticipated this move, was much quicker. Showing impressive strength he grabbed Billy around his slim waist and roughly tossed him back onto the bed. Limbs went flailing about as Billy attempted to right himself. Like a wild animal trapped in a cage, he knew he was easy prey for the real beast. Giving it one more shot he tried to abandon the bed but Donny's big hand was on the center of his chest, shoving him back.

"May's well quit your pussy fightin', Billy Boy," he sneered at the captive.

"Let me go!" Billy repeated. "When I tell mom and dad..."

"Just what're you gonna tell mom and dad?" Donny interrupted, all interested enthusiasm. "That I caught you red handed humpin' in my bed. Same's you been humpin' in theirs?"

Billy's eyes widened. Slowly he asked, "What are you talking about?"

"See," Donny went on, sitting himself down on the edge of his own violated bed. "I know all about what my smart little, college bound brother's been up to."

"I haven't been up to anything," Billy retorted, reaching for the covers to shield his naked young body. Donny snatched them out of his hand and forced Billy to cower there naked as the day he was born.

"Always prancin' around here in your preppy clothes, your preppy shoes, with your preppy hair cut and your preppy friends," Donny spouted out the words with real malice. "Mr. Fuckin' Class President. Mr. Fuckin' Swim Team Captain in your faggy Speedo. Mr. Popularity with all those love-sick school girls lookin' at you with them puppy dog eyes. 'Oh Billy, let me walk with you Billy." He mimicked it in falsetto. "Gotta hand it to you, bro, you sure had 'em all fooled. But not me. I know better."

"So I was masturbating," Billy challenged him. "It's a normal thing to do." He was attempting to sound unruffled, but his actions spoke otherwise. Billy was terrified being caught in this compromising position by his burly brother.

"C'mon Billy Boy." Donny slapped the boy across the back of the head. "I know you use the real words. Masturbatin'? Shit! It's jerkin' off. Poundin' the pud. Chokin' the fuckin' chicken. Gettin' your rocks off."

"That's your vocabulary, not mine," Billy defiantly declared, making another feeble attempt to extricate himself from the bed. But Donny was much quicker and easily held him in place.

"Oh, really, bro?" Donny feigned surprise. "You was sure droppin' the f-bomb all over the place the other night, wasn't you?" When Billy looked back at him blankly he imitated in a fake voice, "Oh, please fuck my boy cunt, Mr. Hallahan. Oh, your fuckin' cock feels so good up my wet boy pussy, Mr. Hallahan. Oh how I just love how you fuck the shit outa me right here in my parent's sheets, Mr. Hallahan."

Billy's face was ashen. Suddenly he knew that Donny found out about his scandalous sex life. He wasn't sure what to do or how to react. The best course of action, he figured, was always denial.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he retorted and once more attempted to get up and away form his bully brother.

"Not so fuckin' fast, Skipper," Donny declared, lodging one big forearm around his little brother's throat and pulling him back to a sitting position beside him, their backs rested against the headboard and legs spread out before them. He kept one arm draped over his brother's shoulder, their bodies side by side, Billy's vulnerable and entirely nude. The boy's young cock had long since gone completley flaccid. He squirmed and fought but Donny was much stronger and held him in place.

"We ain't done yet, little bro. Not by a long shot," Donny told him. He could smell the sex on Billy, the revealing odor of his recent orgasm intermingled with the other scent of real fear.

"M-Mom and Dad, they'll be home soon," Billy reminded him.

Donny clucked his tongue. "Not for at least another hour. That's more'n enough time."

"Time?" Billy swallowed hard, the fear in him rising. "Time for what?"

"Time for what, the little fuck asks," Donny spoke to an imaginary audience. "Why Billy, time to review the evidence."


"Sure, Billy boy," he chuckled. "I've got me some evidence. What's that word they use on the cop shows. Ir-irrefut---"

"Irrefutable," Billy finished for him.

Donny's face broke into a wide shit eating grin and he hugged his brother tighter. Almost too tight. "That's right. See there? Once again tryin' to be the smarter brother. Only this time, baby bro, I'm the one whose outsmarted your whore ass." What that he reached into the pocket of his faded loose-fitting jeans and extracted his cell phone. Holding it up in front of Billy's face, he went on, "See this? Know what this is?"

"Of course," Billy replied with an annoyed frown. "It's your cheap cell."

"Oh, but it's much mor'n that," Donny said with exaggerated enthuasiasm. "This here is the evidence."

"Evidence of what?" A cold chill had begun to creep through Billy's quivering body. He felt horribly vulnerable, exposed as he was to his lecherous brother.

"Evidence of your whoring around," Donny bellowed, slapping him across the back of the head again.

"Ow!" Billy winced. "Cut it out!"

"I'm sorry, baby bro," Donny oozed fake concern, holding Billy by the shoulder once again. "Don't want to damage the merchandise. Not when I got me some plans for it."

Billy didn't know what that meant. All he knew was that the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach grew stronger with each passing moment. Donny was much too cheerful, enoying his taunting immensely, and that spelled real danger for young Billy.

Donny flipped the lid of his cell and pressed a few buttons. When he finally found what he was looking for he presented it to Billy's ever-widening eyes.

"See what we have here? That's you, Billy boy, naked as sin on mom and pop's bed on top of old man Hallahan. But, wait. Wait! I got a closer one. Here. Check it out, yo. There you can see the old coot's cock right up your butt hole. Don't like that one? Let me show you a few more." Donny advanced through all the pictures he'd snapped, ending with the solo shots of Billy humping away at the pillow. When he'd finally snapped the phone closed Billy was in a state of shock. There was no disputing those pictures. Donny had him by the balls.

"Well, bro, whaddaya think?" Donny tauned. "Look pretty good in some of them shots, don't you? Wished I'd had my digital cam and they'd been lots more professional." Donny indeed had a digital cam. He'd lifted it from Wallmart only a few weeks ago and had taken numerous pictures of Janine Meyer's twat before and after he'd fucked her silly.

"Wh-what're you gonna do?" Billy finally managed.

"About what?" Donny feigned ignorance. "Oh, about your fuckin' old man Hallahan. And, just so's you know Billy, I ain't all that stupid. I know you been takin' the old fuck's social security money in return for your ass. What in hell for, I can't figure. Pop hands you cash whenever you want. Never handed me a fuckin' dollar bill!"

"For school," Billy said in a small voice.

"School? What in fuck you need that kind of money for school?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me shithead," Donny urged with another slap to the scalp.

"It's for college, alright," Billy blurted out. "All they can afford is a community college. I want to go someplace better so I can really make something out of myself. It's my chance, Donny, my one and only chance!" The kid was practically pleading now. "Please don't take it away from me."

Donny was almost moved by Billy's words. So the enterprising little fuck was trying to get up a respectable college tuition so he could be a real brain. Unlike Donny, who'd be stuck in this godforsaken town until a jealous husband---or the law---caught up with him. He had to hand it to Billy. If he'd have thought of screwing his way into big bucks he'd have done it himself---although not exactly in the way Billy was selling himself.

Billy caught on to Donny's pondering and, in a small voice, asked again, "So what are you going to do, Donny?"

Donny looked deep into Billy's eyes, seeming to express concern, and then broke into a wide toothy grin. "Why, I'm showin' em to mom and pop, that's what I'm gonna do. Show em for once and for all their little boy ain't no better'n me."

"No!" Billy wailed, his gone body rigid. "Please, Donny, I'm begging you. I'll do anything you want. Anything. Just don't tell."

Donny's eyes perked. "Anything?" There was a sinister gleam in his eyes.

"Yes! Please, Donny, please!"

Donny thought a moment. "Say the word 'fuck'," he commanded.

Billy swallowed hard. "Fuck," he finally managed.

"Say it loud!" Donny growled. "Like you mean it!"

"Fuck!" Billy shouted.

"That's better," Donny said with an ear-to-ear-grin. "Now say 'I like a big fuckin' dick up my tight ass hole'."

Billy wanted to cry but he knew he had little choice but to follow his brother's instructions. "I like. A. Big fuckin' dick. Up my. Tight ass hole," he said slowly.

Donny's fingers dug into his shoulders. Between gritted teeth he ordered, "Say it like you mean it! You sure said it a lot better when you were tellin' it to that old man Hallahan. Now fuckin' do it right!"

Billy tried to tame the wild beating in his chest. His mouth felt terribly dry and he wished he could just vanish into the sheets. But he had to do it. It was the only way to save himself. He had to follow Donny's orders and make it sound good. If he did, Donny might be satisfied and the torture would be over.

"Ooooh!" he moaned. "I fucking like a big fat man dick pounding up in my boy pussy!"

Donny cackled with laughter. "That's good! That's real good, Billy!"

"Will you delete those pictures now," Billy asked hopefully.

"Delete 'em?" Donny was incredulous. "You gotta be kiddin' me. All them pics are my insurance, little bro."

"Insurance? For what?" Billy was almost afraid to hear the response.

"That you're gonna do exactly what I want you to do from here on in." There was an almost frightening gleam in Donny's dark eyes.

So it wasn't going to be over quite that easily. A few nasty words and a forced admission would obviously not be enough to satisfy Donny's sadistic mind. No, he intended to play this up to the hilt, forcing Billy to pay for every wrong---imaginary or real---inflicted upon him by the family. Billy had little doubt Donny would show those graphic shapshots to their parents. The big fucking goon would probably take enormous pleasure in shaming him. Billy quickly attempted to think up some amicable solution.

"I'll---I'll clean your room and do your laundry for a month, how's that?" Billy offered hopefully.

Donny threw back his head, laughing loudly. His strong arm squeezed Billy's opposite shoulder as if they were buddies laying there in bed shooting the shit. "Laundry? Fuck, no. This is too good for laundry. I got me some plans for your faggot ass."

Billy's face clouded. "I'm not queer," he blurted out.

Donny took on a comical expression. "Then what was Hallahan's dick doin' up your asshole, Billy? Sure didn't look like rape to me."

"I told you," Blly insisted. "I just do it for the money, so I can get out of here. Surely you, of all people, can understand that, Donny?"

"But I ain't the one takin' dick in order to do it." There was an angry expression on Donny's features. "You were likin' it, Billy. Anybody could see that. Hallahan could see that."

"No, you've got it all wrong," Billy protested. "I just made it look good so he wants it. So he comes back for me. So I make more money. I've gotten nearly $320. off him in the past couple of months."

Donny whistled. "Over $300! Is that right?" The wheels were turning in his devious brain.

"I swear I'm not queer, Donny," Billy gushed. "You know I've got a few girl friends. You've seen me with them. I swear I wouldn't be doing it if it weren't for the money. Please, Donny, please delete those pictures. Please----" The babbling boy was instantly silenced when Donny grapped hold of his much used cum rag and stuffed it into Billy's gaping maw. The boy choked, eyes incredibly wide, and tried to spit it out. But Donny just anchored it in deeper.

When Billy moved his hands to extricate the foul cloth Donny gave him a jab to his ribs and barked through clenched teeth, "Touch it and I'll fuck you up big time."

Billy looked at his evil brother with new terror in his eyes and instantly ceased his struggle. He could taste the salty sweetness of his own recent orgasm mingling with the crusty remnants of Donny's previous jerk off sessions on the much-used handkerchief. His nostrils flared widely as he sucked in some oxygen and little tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Despite his fears and the seemingly hopelessness of the situation, Billy's youthful cock began to soar into erection once again.

Laying there beside him with legs crossed at the ankles, Donny saw Billy's member springing to life. Slapping his own thigh, he whalloped, "Lookee there! And you sayin' you ain't a fruit cup! Bet you'd like to sample my shit straight from the spout, wouldn't you, Billy boy? Probably been thinkin' about it all the time you hump on my bed, ain't that right? Pretendin' that load you chow down on is mine, right?"

Billy moaned a protest and shook his head violently from side to side, but the proof was in the mindless beast rising up over his indented navel.

Suddenly Donny was atop him, straddling his body with knees pressed to either side of his chest, strong arms holding Billy's out by the wrists. Billy's now-hard penis was aimed right at Donny's denim-covered asshole, a fact which would easily have been noticed by an intruder but didn't seem to register with either brother.

"No chance, you little queer." Donny's angry face was right there in Billy's. "I ain't like you. I like pussy."

Billy thrashed about beneath him, thrusting his head from side to side and trying to expel the offensive cum rag from his mouth. But Donny was much stronger and easily held him in place.

"Now listen to me close, baby bro," Donny went on in an almost conspiratorial tone. "If'n you don't want a copy of one of them pics in mom's panty drawer tomorrow mornin' and one wrapped around pop's shaving cream can you'll do just what I tell you." Suddenly, big hands were on Billy's cheeks, holding his head still. "You listenin', bro. Cos I'm only sayin' this once."

Fearful, Billy nodded with tears of frustration in his baby blue eys.

"At eleven tonight you're gonna be headed out the back dooor. Folk's are always in bed long before that, old bastards. I'll be waitin' in my car at the end of the block. No lights on. You're gonna be wearin' one of them faggot swim suits you wear for your meets, got that?" He smacked Billy across the cheek. "I asked you a question, bitch!"

Billy nodded in response.

"Good," Donny smiled and removed the gag from his brother's mouth. "Any fuck ups and mom and pop get a big surprise at the start of their mornin'."

"But I have school in the morning," Billy told him shakily. "That's awful late to be out, Donny."

Donny flashed anger. "And how'd you like me to download those pics on the internet? What, you think I'm so stupid I don't know how? Think again, baby bro."

"Okay, okay," Billy responded hastily. "Eleven. I'll be there. I swear."

Donny's smile was like that of a Cheshire cat. "Good boy, Billy. Knew you'd see it my way." He was up and off the younger boy in a shot, standing at the now-open doorway. "Now get the fuck outa my room, faggot, and get yourself washed up. You smell like jizz."

It was exactly 11:20 when Donny detected movement across the lawn to his right. He was really beginning to think his little bro actually might not show. Would have been a real stupid move on Billy's part since Donny was fully prepared to carry out his earlier threat. But there was Billy, looking awful sheepish with hands dug deep in the front pockets of his jean shorts. He came across the Finnegan's corner lot and approached the broken down old car. Donny reached across and threw the passenger door open for him.

"You're late, bitch!" he roared as Billy hesitantly slid into the seat.

"I'm sorry." Billy was all serious apology. "Dad was up in the living room watching the late night news. I had to wait until I could sneak past him."

"He never watches the freakin' news," Donny challenged.

"Well, he did tonight," Billy prostested. "I swear it, Donny."

"All right, all right. Shut the fuck up about it," Donny said, slipping the car into gear and easing away from the curb. "Don't really matter. The later, the better."

"Wh-where are we going?" Billy managed.

"You'll know soon enough." Donny glanced over at him. "You wearin' that tiny swim suit?"

Billy swallowed hard. "Yes. But why?"

"Shut the fuck up," Donny ordered. "Don't wanna hear another word from you 'til we get there."

It was over thirty minutes later when Donny pulled the car off the highway onto an unpaved, dirt road and another ten before he rested it in the back parking lot of a seedy looking off-the-beaten-track road house.

"Get the fuck out!" he commanded as he killed the engine.

Billy peered through the dusty windshield apprehensively. "Here?" he asked in a quivering voice. "What is this place?"

Suddenly Donny had a fistful of his hair and was yanking his head backward. "No more questions, shithead! From now on you do what I say when I say it. You got it? You know the consequences. You wanna take another look at them pictures to refresh your fuckin' memory?!"

Billy was scared. Shit scared. He needed no reminder of the horribly offensive pictures Donny had in his possession. Wide eyed with fear he locked eyes with his brother and nodded his head in agreement and reached for the door handle.

There were about thirty to forty cars and pick-up trucks parked in this back lot, illuminated by one bulb atop a pole, but made more luminescent tonight by the full moon. Billy gingerly moved to the front of his brother's old jalopy and was joined by Donny.

"Strip," his brother ordered.

Billy hesitated. "H-here?" A whalloping punch to his midsection was Donny's automatic response.

While Billy stood there clutching his abdomen Donny growled, "You don't learn, do you bitch? I tole you to do as I say. No questions. You gonna make this hard or easy bro?"

It was a choice Billy would rather not make but he realized he had little choice. Gingerly he peeled his polo shirt, taking time to fold it neatly and place it on the hood of Donny's car. The cool night air immediately raised tiny goose bumps on his exposed skin and caused his teen nipples to harden.

"C'mon, c'mon," Donny urged. "We ain't got all night. Everythin'. Shoes, socks, pants. Just leave the Speedo. You better be wearin' that speedo, boy, or this is gonna get real ugly."

"I did! I mean, I am wearing it," Billy stammered, raising one foot and hunching over to untie a sneaker.

"Shut da fuck up!" Donny bellowed. "I tole you, I don't wanna hear your mouth, faggot!"

Billy desperated wanted to defend himself. He wasn't a faggot. Not really. He liked girls. He'd even fucked Celeste Jamieson earlier in the year---his first taste of pussy. And it had been awesome, especially since Celeste already was experienced. But there was no money to be made in that. From his internet searches Billy gained knowledge of a vast amount of older men dying to bang a young underage teen. Pedos, they called them. And those pedos were willing to pay money, good money, for discretion and a good time. Billy desperately needed cash. He wasn't settling on a community college. He had his mind set on an Ivy League school. Yale. Harvard. Maybe even Princeton. And if letting those old perverts ravage his young and tender body gained him the necessary cash, so what? He'd earn a fabulous degree with great credentials and could be the one successful person to come out of his pathetic little family. He'd be able to tell them all---mom, pop, Donny---to kiss his royal Ivy League ass for once and for all.

Old man Hallahan was the start, but there'd be others. Plenty of others. He already had a "date" lined up for next week. Some old wizened geezer near his seventies---another widower---who sent Billy pictures of his pathetic, nude body. Billy reciprocated with some enticing rear shots of himself, caring nothing about the ole man's wrinkled flesh, only his wallet. This made him an entrepreneur---hardly a faggot. He was only a faggot if he liked it---and Billy promised himself he'd never make that mistake. So what if he tasted his own cum? It was his, no one elses, and that made it alright.

With shoes and socks removed he winced at the graveled surface of the parking lot as he unclasped his shorts and slid them down his strong, sinewy swimmer's legs. Lifting one foot, then the other, he removed the garment standing there now in only his blue Speedo and carefully folded the jeans.

"Gimme that!" Donny growled impatiently, snatching the pants from Billy's hands and tossing them onto the hood with the rest of Billy's garments.

Donny's eyes poured over his sixteen year old brother's trim taunt body, noticing the way the swim suit hugged his package and temptingly brought in to prominence. Money in the bank, he thought. Money in the bank.

"Lean against the car. No. Not like that, dumb ass! Get one foot up on the fender. Yeah, like that. Lean back a little. Pose, bitch! " Like a film director he didn't stop until he had scared little Billy posing in a provocative, come-hither stance. Billy was all butterflies inside, still not understanding what his malicious brother had in store for him. His question was answered in the next few minutes.

The sound of music---cheap dance tunes---was hardly contained by the walls of the ramshackle structure. Although never a patron of Dick's Den, Donny had hung out in this same parking lot on a few other occasions. Dick's was the only queer bar in this country, settled away in this off-the-track spot nestled in the pines. One of Donny's friends, Bozo (named accordingly because he had a gigantic proboscus) heard of the place first. High on weed and a case of beer, the boys had taken a trip late one night and harrassed a few of the faggots. Nothing major. No bodily harm was done. Just a little pushin', shovin' and scarin' shit out of the fey men. Bozo more than anybody had really gotten into it, playin' a little grab ass with some of the homos and teasin' them with the suggestion that his nose wasn't the only big thing on him. Donny was beginning to think Bozo might have a little queer in him. But Bozo was always braggin' about his girlfriend Jeannie Swiderski and how she took his big ole cock up her pussy, mouth and ass hole.

The brothers were surrounded by the sounds of night creatures chirping in the dense brush surrounding the lot. Neither spoke. Uncomprehending, Billy nervously waited for Donny to make his move, whatever humiliating thing it might prove to be. He certainly hadn't lured him out here clad only in the blue team Speedo just to share some quality sibling time.

The music flared louder, then quieted, as the door to the old place opened, then closed. Billy saw a lone figure had emerged from the building, pausing to light a cigarette before meandering through the lot. For reasons he didn't quite understand, the sixteen year old found himself overwhelmed by a feeling of doom.

The figure moved into their row of vehicles, maybe ten car and truck lengths ahead of them when Donny put fingers to mouth and let out a shrill whistle. The man paused, his attention diverted by the sound.

Everett P. Holcombe, insurance adjuster, married and father of two, never had the desire for another man's body until three years ago when he was successfully seduced by a client's teen aged son. He never understood what it was overtook him that day to make him fuck Dan and Nancy's Coates seventeen year old boy, Dale. The perky kid was there all alone when he dropped by to deliver paperwork, answering the door in something less than standard issue underwear and acting like it was nothing. Everett felt compelled to accept the cutie's invitation to come in and, before he knew it, his cock was down the kid's superb throat and later buried up his tender asshole. After he'd popped his nut in one of the greatest orgasms ever, Everett wondered what he'd done. For crying out loud, the boy was only seventeen! For days he nervously waited for the law men to come knocking on his door armed with a warrant. But thankfully his fears were never realized. Even more to his surprise, Dan called to thank him for the personal delivery.

From that moment on a dark desire was born in 45-year-old Everett. At the office he began researching gay cruising spots and making connections with guys of all ages. He always had himself a willing contact on his many out-of-town business trips. Everett never put his mouth on another man, never took a dick up his own hairy ass---that would be too queer---but he craved the orificies of his same sex.

He happened upon Dick's Den on one of his crusing searches. Secretly he'd joined a site that listed all cruising spots and Dick's, only fourteen miles from his town, showed up. Everett stole away every evening he could to sit at the beer and shot joint, stiffing tips into the well-packed pouches of the evening's go-go entertainment and usually finding someone to service him in the back seat of his Mercedes.

This night turned out to be one of the few when he failed to hook up. Even the pair of dancers weren't that enticing. One had a bad case of acne and the other showed some pretty bad teeth---not Everett's style at all. Ever since that first encounter with Dale he'd been craving some young and tender flesh again, yet he dared not procure it over the internet for fear of a police scam. Now, here, tonight standing under a dimly lighted pole, yet beautifully luminescent in the moon's glow was a gorgeous specimin of boyhood clad in a revealing bathing suit. Beside him was another young man, equally good looking, although in a more intense manner.

Throwing a glance over his shoulder to assure privacy (such as it was in an outdoor parking lot) Everett sauntered up to the duo until he was merely arm's reach of the young stud provocatively leaning against the old jalopy. Everett's eyes ravaged the boy's smooth, youthfully sinful flesh from head to toe. The teen was cute, very cute, and Everett felt the lump in his pant's front begin to swell.

"What's up, dude?" came the deep baritone voice of the darker one. "This here's my brother Billy. It's his eighteenth birthday today," Donny lied, "and he wants to get fucked. Twenty fucks and he's yours."

Billy's eyes widened. "Donny!"

Donny gave his brother a sharp look, which instantly silenced him.

"That's true, young man." Everett's eyes never left the boy's beautiful frame. "You want a special birthday present?" His hand reached out to run over the smooth planes of Billy's chest and to tweak his pert nipples.

Billy looked to Donny, a silent plea in his eyes, but he found no comfort there.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he replied, "Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir, what?" Donny prodded.

"Yes sir, I want to get fucked," Billy said meekly, his eyes averting the older man's and looking at the gravel beneath his feet.

Everett examined Billy's smooth face, his eyes absorbed by the flawless skin. "You sure he's eighteen?" he asked doubtfully.

"Just today!" Donny boasted. "Mom and Pop had some cake for him after dinner and a few presents. Now he wants some hard cock!" To Billy, "Turn around, bro. Show the man what he's gettin'."

Reluctantly, Billy turned to face the car, exposing his rear view to the stranger. Everett's eyes widened at the pronounced contours of Billy's back and the swell of his pear-shaped buttocks filling out the tight Speedo. Suddenly Donny's hands were on the swim suit, yanking it down until it was stretched across the back of his brother's knees. Placing a big hand on the back of Billy's neck he pushed him down onto the hood of the car so that his ass was thrust out for the other man's inspection.

Donny heard the sharp intake of breath from the grey-haired man and knew he'd made a sale. Everett lecherously licked his lips as he gazed at Billy's beautiful, peach-fuzz coated butt cheeks. It had been three long, desperate years since he'd been entranced by a young teen. His cock hardened in his pants, itching to be engulfed in Billy's sweet depths.

"You say twenty dollars?" Everett inquired, desire etched across his middle-aged face.

"Going to college next year," Donny shrugged. "Needs to make up the tuition somehow."

Everett moved up close behind Billy, encircling the boy's trim waist with his adult arms and rode the youth's ass split with his denim-covered hard on. It took him less than a nano-second to seal the deal. Straightening up, he reached into his back pant's pocket, extracted his wallet and produced a crisp twenty.

Generously accepting the offer, Donny coached, "Fuck him hard as you want, dude. Little slut really likes it that way."

"Have you.....?" Everett's voice trailed off.

"Hell no!" Donny feigned shock. "He's my brother, for shit's sake! That'd be like incest or somethin'."

"Or something," Everett agreed, unclasping the catch at the top of his slacks and unzipping his fly. Extracting his turgid member, he slid it between the sweet crack of Billy's ass and exhaled a sigh of unadulterated bliss.

"Just hold on one little minute, man," Donny said. "I got somethin' in the car you're gonna need." He dashed over to the passenger side of his vehicle and reached into the glove compartment for the tube of jack-off lube he kept secreted there. Returning to Everett, whose hands were all over young Billy, he tossed him the half-filled container. "You're gonna need this, 'specially since you're the first client tonight."

"How special!" Everett's eyes were ablaze with lust as he uncapped the plastic tube and squeezed a decent amount into his palm to slick his twitching erection. Satisfied it was nice and wet he squeezed a healthy dollop between Billy's fuzzy ass cheeks. Tossing the lubricant back to Donny, he used two big adult fingers to butter Billy's tender young button.

Poor Billy had no choice but no remain in his embarassing and exposed position while the middle aged horn dog's fingers toyed with his butt band. His innocent eyes shot wide open when the man dug one solid digit between the folds of his hole and pressed deeply inside. Everett slid the finger in and out, fucking Billy's tender shitter nice and slow. Satisfied the teen slut could take it he easily pushed another finger inside. The sexually excited older man worked the twin digits in a circular motion inside the young lad's hot hole, massaging the inner walls of Billy's sweet ass. Soon another digit disappeared up the twitching hole, only the thumb and pinky still exposed.

Donny watched with sadistic glee as Everett cork screwed his fingers in and out of his younger brother's boy pussy. The middle aged fuck was sinking them in right down to his wedding band. Everett's fingers were thick and meaty, the triple combination nearly the thickness of a healthy cock. Donny thought it a real kick the way Billy's ass lips obscenely clung to the digits on the out stroke. Despite his earlier protests it was fairly easy for Donny to see the younger Wilson was starting to get into it. Billy had begun to grind his ass against the older man's hand each time his anal cavity was invaded. Although he might not be crazy about the way he was being forced into this, the sixteen-year-old's body just couldn't resist another man's manipulations.

Donny rubbed the massive mound in the front of his jeans, curiously surprised that watching his brother getting worked over by this old gent was really getting him hot and bothered. This was supposed to be about humiliating Billy, getting even with him for every wrong done to Donny. Neither one of them were supposed to like it. Yet he couldn't deny the hard on straining against his denim or the perverse interest in seeing his little brother really get plowed.

"We ain't got all night," Donny urged the client. "Go ahead already. Stick that cock a'yours up his ass and really fuck him!"

Billy gave Donny a pleading look, a look that begged him to put a stop to all of this. For the briefest of moments Donny almost felt sorry for the boy. Almost.

"Fuck him hard," Donny commanded, his eyes locked with his brother's. "He likes it that way." In that instant Billy knew all hope was lost. He was forced to succumb to the middle aged stranger right there in the public parking area.

Opportunities to fuck young teen flesh didn't come along that often for Everett P. Holcombe. There was something so enticing about the fresh, flawless skin of the younger generation which hardly compared with sexual partners of his own age group. Usually forced to settle for the over-forty crowd, it was ravenously exciting when he managed to score a young fuck. Everett's entire body was tingling with excited expectation as he spat into his palm, greased up his cock and prepared to impale what he believed to be an eighteen-year-old young man.

Donny held his breath, his eyes widening as he carefully observed the man aim his cock head at the opening to Billy's fuck hole. Holcombe's dick wasn't all that big, maybe an inch or so over old man Hallahan, but it was chunky and thick---a real ass splitter. Holding his adult cock steady at the base, Everett pressed against Billy's quivering bud. Billy's young twat was so loose from all the fingering it had been given that it easily opened for the older man. Without hesitation Everett forged onward sliding his prick into the heated channel of the hot teen until his thick graying pubes were pressed up against Billy's smooth butt.

"Ahhhhhhhh, yessssssssssss!" the older man hissed while throwing his head skyward, allowing his cock to appreciate the fantastic sensations reverberating along the walls of the young man's tender fuck channel. He ground his cock around in Billy's mushy ass guts, the big head making itself familiar with the territory it was about to plow anew.

Billy's eyes shot wide open when the man's cock hit bottom. This was the second cock he'd taken up his butt---and it sure was thicker and longer than old man Hallahan's piece of granddaddy dick. Billy thought he'd be able to grit his teeth and bear the humiliation brought upon him by his older brother, but this guy's dick made him feel like he was a virgin being fucked for the very first time! He just had to put a stop to it, regardless of the consequences.

"Please, please," Billy started to cry, but Everett was already pulling his tool back. Folding his hands together on the hood of the old car, Donny leaded over to rest his chin on them and peered into his brother's frightened face.

"Please what?" he taunted. "Please fuck me, is that what you were gonna say?" There was real fear in Billy's eyes. Donny wasn't sure whether it was fear for him or fear at being violated by the middle aged stranger. "You heard him," Donny directed this to Holcombe, "He's beggin' you to fuck the daylights out of him."

And Everett gave Billy exactly what he thought he wanted. He thrust hard against him, ramming every inch of his daddy cock all the way in and then ripping it almost completely out. Donny carefully observed Billy's face, thoroughly enjoying the look of pain etched across his young features. Everett showed absolutely no mercy, banging Billy's butt for all it was worth. He furiously pounded his mancob ever deeper into the young man, pretty much the way Donny did when he fucked pussy. In fact, Donny was quite impressed with the way the old guy took charge and really threw it to Billy-boy.

"That's it, mister," he cheered with a toothy grin. "That's just the way he likes it, don't ya, Billy?"

But Billy was unable to offer a reply. The way the man was throwing it to him was knocking the wind out of him every time he shoved his man cock inside. Billy could feel every fat inch of the thing coursing through his ravaged rectum, scouring the walls of his young boy pussy and punching him deep in the gut. It seemed as though the beast swelled larger, fatter even, with each savage stroke. His whimpering sphincter contracted around the pulsating slab of man meat, unable to tighten itself and deter the rapid plunging of the older man's weapon. It slammed against his sensitive teen prostate with each pile-driving plunge, causing his swim-toned body to visibly tremble. Billy shut his eyes as ecstasy began to overtake him, as he slowly but surely began to succumb to the uninvited fuck.

The sudden chill Donny felt wasn't from the cool night air. Instead, the realization that Billy was beginning to get into his rape at the hands of this complete stranger, a rape staged by his own brother, left him momentarily baffled. Billy wasn't supposed to fucking like it! He was supposed to be humiliated, degraded, made to feel like a cheap corner whore. Getting fucked by ole man Hallahan was one thing: Billy knew the man, he'd set it up. Getting force-fucked by a stranger, a man who'd had the good luck to walk out of the queer bar when he did, was something out of the boy's control. Donny was the one supposed to be calling the shots, not procuring hard dicks for his baby bro's pleasure.

Then again, Donny never thought watching such a scene would have the effect it had on himself. His big Wilson cock was straining against the front of his pants and gasping for air, probably staining his jockeys with the goo flowing from his piss slit. Donny knew that before this night was over he'd be hefting his dong in the palms of his hands and pumping off a ball busting load. If watching his pristine little brother take the cock of this hard-driving stranger turned him on, what the fuck did it matter if Billy got into it as well?

His squared jaw went slack as he carefully observed the change in young Billy's behavior. The kid's cute face seemed to take on a glow of near bliss, his eyelids fluttering shut and his tongue darting out to wet his pink lips. Donny could hear, although just barely, the sighs of sexual desire coming from his brother---punctuated every now and then by a savage grunt as ole Everett burrowed deeper up his ass.

Straightening up, Donny sauntered over to the front of the vehicle and positioned himself alongside the fucking man. Leaning back against the hood of the car he watched the older man's thick cock glide in and out of Billy's pink love hole. Billy's youthful ass muscles tightened and contacted around the exploring cock, his tight melons dimpling enticingly. Everett was panting heavily, beads of sweat breaking out on his brow from his fuck exertions, but he didn't appear as though he was ready to slow down. His steamy shaft plowed through Billy's stretched sphincter, a human battering ram forcing its way into the younger boy's greedy colon.

"You want some help with that, son?" The deep voice of the older man startled Donny, whose gaze was so intent on the point of fuck contact. Donny suddenly realized he'd been openly groping and squeezing the big mound throbbing against the front of his jeans.

"Unzip," old Everett suggested as his cock tore through Billy's boy pussy, "and I'll jerk you off. Looks like you got a nice piece there."

"N-no man," Donny shook his head. "I don't play that way." Then, with a toss of his head toward Billy, "He's the queer in the family."

"Suit yourself," Everett breathed hoarsely, taking Billy by the hips and thrusting his groin against the smooth-skinned young man. "But if I was you I'd let that sucker out and beat it off before you make one hell of a mess in your shorts."

Donny felt challenged. For a moment there old Everett P. Holcombe had taken charge of the situation. All's he was supposed to do was fuck the shit out of Billy, not offer any fuckin' suggestions for anythin' else. He was a tool, that was all. And Donny'd be damned if some old dude more than his own father's age would lay a hand on his prick. It was time to put Everett T. in his place. Show him who was boss here.

Pushing himself away from the car Donny came around behind the older man and leaned close to whisper in his ear.

"Got a secret to tell you, mister."

Everett was huffing and puffing, pounding every inch of his man rod into Billy's tight teen ass time and time again. "Wh-what's the secret?" he managed.

"Remember I tole you it's my bro's eighteenth birthday?" Donny paused for effect, a wicked smile playing at the corners of his cruel mouth. "I lied. It ain't his birthday."

"Who gives a fuck?" Everett spat out, the savage lust rising to new heights in his adult body. He was close to orgasm. He knew it would be a tremendous orgasm, one of the best of his life. It was all he cared about: shooting his load and seeding the ass of this handsome young buck.

From his position Holcombe was unable to see the wide, shit-eating smile on Donny's face. Leaning in even closer, his warm breath gushed into Everett's ear, "My kid brother's only....sixteen!"

Everett let out a pained whimper and he paused in his fuck exertions, although his cock was still intensely throbbing way up there inside Billy's young pussy. Young, underage pussy.

"B-But you said----" Holcombe stuttered.

Donny clucked his tongue and stepped over to resume his former place at the front of the car, arms crossed diplomatically over his wide chest. "C'mon now, mister, take a good look at him. You didn't really think he was anywhere's near eighteen, did ya?"

Everett shook his head affirmatively. "I did! I did!"

"I don't think so, man," Donny persisted. "I think you suspected all along. But just so's nobody confirmed it you were in the clear."

"You tricked me!" Everett accused but, even as he spoke the words, his hips were slowly moving and churning his cock around in Billy's boy pussy.

"Kinda nasty, ain't it?" Donny taunted. "You, an older married dude gettin' some tail from an underage kid. Bet that sweet young ass feels real nice and tight around your adult cock, don't it?"

Everett sighed in exasperation, his eyes rolling skyward as he tightened his grip on Billy's slender hips and slowly pumped his fat prick into the warm and inviting boy cunt.

Donny slapped his thigh and hooted. "See there, I knew you liked it. Tell you what, mister. I figure sixteen will get you at least forty in the big house. Another twenty dollar bill makes forty and then me and my little bro here keep our traps shut about what you've done. What you say, mister?"

Everett was practically breathless, his mind and body totally centered on the blissful sensations surrounding his buried man meat. He nodded. "Yes! Yes! My wallet's in my back pocket. Take the money. I don't care! I just need to get off!!"

In a flash Donny had the man's wallet in his hand extracting one twenty, and then another just for good measure.

"Looks like we're even, mister," Donny announced, thrusting the bills into his front pocket. "You go right on ahead and fuck that little guy all you want."

But Everett hardly needed Donny's approval. With a primal wail that threatened to bring other patrons of the gay bar running, he shoved his cock deep into Billy's already-well-fucked asshole. As his adult prick fucked in and out of the young and tender pussy, his hairy loins slapped against Billy's smooth buns and broke the silence of the night.

Despite earlier reservations, Billy was pleased as punch to be getting his ass fucked by the middle-aged gentlemen. Over and over the thick meaty piece pushed through his tight sphincter and forced his rectum open to accomodate the hefty prick. A delicious warmth began in his ravaged hole and spread to envelop his entire body. This was so much more satisfying than the sophomore sex he'd shared with old man Hallahan. In fact, Billy realized, this was the first time he'd been really, really fucked. No longer an unwilling participant, Billy began clencing his butt cheeks around the hard cock and moving his ass back to meet the opposing fuck thrusts of the other man.

Everett P. Holcombe was delirious with fuck lust. His face contorted in a grimace as he gnashed his teeth and repeatedly drove his dick in and out of the sixteen year old boy pussy. He plunged it all the way in, then pulled the entire thick, hard shaft up from the teen-ager's colon until it was tickling the lips of his twat. And then, with barely a second's hesitation, he ferociously drove it back in again. It was almost like he was punishing Billy's beautiful butt, seeing just how much pounding the boy could actually take.

Suddenly the older guy tensed, his jaw went totally slack and his eyes glared wide and straight ahead. For a moment Donny thought sure the dude had fucked himself into a friggin' heart attack!

"Aarrrrrrghhhhhhh!" he groaned as his nuts erupted, shooting scads of cum up and out of his tool and deep into Billy's bowels. Feeling the cock spasming inside him, Billy ground his ass tightly against the older man's groin and worked his insides to drain every drop of man goo from the shooting spear.

Fully spent, Everett fell onto Billy. His arms enfolded the young teen, caressing the smooth unspoiled flesh and toying with the hard buds of his small nipples. His lips left a sloppy trail of wet kisses along the nape of the blond's neck from one side to the other. Gradually his cock deflated and fell from Billy's clutching ass grip but he remained reluctant to release his embrace.

It wasn't until Donny's big hands gripped him by the shoulders that Everett finally managed to step away from the teen dream. Reluctantly, Everett stuffed himself into his pants and zipped up, constantly casting glances over to young Billy, still provocatively bent over the hood of the car.

"Better get on out of here now, mister," Donny advised him.

Everett swallowed hard. "Do--Do you think you'll be coming back here soon?"

Donny smiled, "You liked that young shit, didn't you, dude?"

"One of the best fucks I've had," Everett boasted with his own blissful smile.

But Donny had suddenly turned ugly. With a scowl he advanced on the man. "Fuckin' pervert! Get the fuck on home to your wife!"

The color drained from Holcombe's face as he backed away, hands spread defensively in front of him. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving."

Donny took another step toward him and made a threatening gesture. "Get!"

Holcombe practially fell over his own feet dashing through the parking lot and throwing himself into his car. The Mercede's wheels kicked up a cloud of dust as it peeled out of the unpaved lot.

Donny giggled at his dominance over the foolish older man and turned back to where his brother was reaching for his Speedo suit.

"What you think you're doin', Billy?" he asked.

The sheepish look had returned to Billy's face, now decidedly red with embarrassment. "I wanna go home now, Donny."

"Home?" Donny spread his arms in an exaggerated manner. "Home, you say? Why in hell would we want to do that?"

Billy thrust out his chin defiantly. "I did what you wanted. Now I want to go home."

Donny clucked his tongue and leaned his ass back against the car. "Sure looked to me like you were enjoyin' yourself there, little bro."

Billy pretended to ignore him. "I WANT TO GO HOME," he sternly replied. "NOW!"

Donny's hand lashed out and caught him by the back of the neck. "We ain't goin' nowheres, Billy boy. In fact, we're just gettin' started!"

jonroyale@optonline.net jon_royale@yahoo.com Twitter @Jon_Royale

Next: Chapter 3

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