Oh Brother

Published on Feb 9, 2017


OH, BROTHER! by Jon Royale September 2010

The following story contains explicit sexual descriptions. You must have reached legal age in order to read this material.

Donald Randolph Wilson. Donny, for short. Eighteen years old. Eldest of two offspring and the disappointment of the family's eye. Barely graduated high school---just managed to scrape by. No college in his future, even local community colleges out of the question. More interested in cuttin' class and smokin' butts than learnin' the abc's or times tables. Only thing ever interested Donny was gym. Liked playin' the sports. Basketball, softball, football---hell, he didn't care, that was his thing. Was good at it, too. Damned good. Only aptitude he really had. Only problem was, without the grades in other classes he couldn't join the school teams. If he could've, he would've been a fuckin' superstar. Probably would've gotten himself a scholarship and been out of that blasted town he'd lived in all his life. Might've even played pro ball and made lotsa money, livin' in a fuckin' penthouse with a bevy of model types loungin' to each side of him.

Nah, instead Donny fell in the trap lotsa kids fall into. With his big muscles and hard-ass attitude he quickly earned a reputation. Nobody fucked with Donny and all the tough guys gravitated toward him. He was in a gang by the time he was fourteen, causin' all kinds of mischief around town. More'n once the local yokels caught up with him, eventually releasing him into the custody of his parents. His dad, a burly old fuck who liked his beer more'n he cared 'bout his family, beat fuck out of him on both occasions. But that didn't thwart Donny. He took his lickin's, lit himself another cigarette and carried on with bein' a bad ass.

Now as for Donny's younger brother, Billy, he was another story. Sixteen years old and smart as a whip. Aceing his way through high school and a bright future ahead of him. Popular as all hell, too. Seemed to have an endless stream of friends, both guys and girls. Whereas Donny had dark features like their father, Billy was fair skinned with freckles across his milky cheeks and lighter hair, something like their mom. Billy was involved in many activities in school, including Yearbook Committee, Glee and Spanish Club and the school newspaper. Only thing similar about the brothers was an interest in athletics, although Billy's tastes ran more towards Swim Team and Track.

And Tom Wilson sure liked to throw it up to Donny what a good, smart boy his younger brother turned out to be. Wilson and Donny were often in each other's faces, father branding son a good-for-nothing bum in one breath while praising Billy-boy with the next. Donny couldn't help but grow resentful of his l'il bro. Took advantage of every opportunity the folks weren't around to taunt younger Billy. Many was the morning poor Billy was assaulted with a handful of shaving cream smashed in his face while he primped in front of the bathroom mirror. He'd endured numerous headlocks, face mashed into his older brother's ripe armpit while being half dragged down the upstairs hallway. It got so Billy avoided walking the same corridors as the bully after all the times he'd gotten body slammed against the walls. Never ratted out Donny to the folks, though, basically because he was damned intimidated by his rough-neck, muscular older brother and afraid of retaliation. And he was sure Donny would think him even more of a pussy for having done so. But it aggravated heck out of him when Donny pulled up to the curb in his beat-up shit car and harrassed him in front of his friends---mostly the girls. Once, when walking home Sue Lynn Tompson, Donny decided to embarrass Billy by announcing to Sue Lynn that his l'il bro had a midget dick and if she wanted a real man she should jump in the seat next to him. Billy knew his face was beat red and wanted to beat fuck out of Donny, if only he could.

The Wilsons weren't much for partying; Mary Wilson knew what an asshole her husband became when he got wasted. But every now and then they'd accept an invitation from a mutual friend for some sort of get-together. It was the middle of a long hot fucking summer and the Brewsters, Ed Brewster being Tom's number one work buddy, were having an evening barbeque/pool party. It'd been so fucking long since they'd gone anywheres that Mary decided she'd somehow put up with Tom's drunken behavior and have herself a little social fun. For weeks she'd been telling Billy they'd be out for the night and he'd be on his own. No one was concerned about Donny at all. The teen thug never spent the evenings home; always carousing around with his low-life buddies and crawling into bed around dawn. Billy was secretly happy he'd have the house all to himself for a few hours and began to make some of his own plans. Little did he know Donny'd overheard Mary reminding Tom of the evening's festivities that very morning, his evil mind already thinking about how he could torment his home-alone younger bro.

Was goin' on about eight thirty when Donny pulled his piece-of-shit wheels onto the block. Dimming his lights, he didn't even bother to pull into the family drive. Instead, he meandered on down the block and parked curbside so as not to alert his baby bro. Donny wasn't exactly sure what he was gonna do, but it had nothin' to do with sittin' down and talkin' ball with Billy-boy.

Just like an accomplished thief-in-the-night, Donny crept around side of the house and made entrance through a back door. Of course, having lived there all his life, he knew his way without having to switch on a light. He sidled along walls, heart beating in his chest, and scoped out the ground floor but failed to locate his unsuspecting bro. For just an instant he panicked, realizing Billy may have gone out with some of his geek friends and ruined big bro's fun. But then Donny heard the sound coming from upstairs. He wasn't sure exactly what he'd heard, just that there was the unmistakable evidence that someone else was in the house. A cruel smile spread across his lips as he pressed himself against the wall and, step by step, made his way up the staircase to the upper landing.

There was light coming from under Billy's doorway. His was the second door on the left. Donny's grin grew wider as he gingerly crossed the carpeted hallway, halting suddenly when the floor board creaked. How could he have forgotten about that sonofabitch? For years he'd gotten snagged sneaking in at a late hour and having his ass whooped by Dad's big, unforgiving hand. He remained there frozen, heart in his throat, waiting for Billy to throw open that door and ruin the surprise attack. Seconds crawled by into a full minute before Donny realized whatever his baby bro was engrossed in on the other side of that door, he hadn't heard the tell-tale squeak.

Seemed like forever before he reached Billy's room, although it was only really a matter of a few steps. He paused, scarcely daring to breath, and pressed his ear against the hard wood door. Donny wrinkled one thick brow when he didn't hear nuthin' comin' from the other side. He strained and strained to detect any telltale sound--but couldn't pick up the slightest fuckin' peep. What, was his l'il fuckin' genius brother sleepin' already? Only one way to find out. Donny turned the knob and slowly pushed the door inward. Shocked the shit out of him to find the bed fully made and bedside lamp blaring---but no Billy.

Scratching his head, Donny walked out of the room closing the door behind him wondering where in fuck the little shit could be. His ears perked when they picked up a sound---he wasn't sure exactly what it was---coming from the folks' bedroom. He hadn't noticed it before, but there was a light coming from under that door, too. Whatever Billy-boy was up to, it was goin' on in the master bedroom. Prob'ly snooping through mom and dad's stuff, just like Donny often did, searching for a couple bucks laying about. Donny had to smile at that; the kid wasn't so fuckin' lily-white after all. He moved over to the door and, just as before, tucked his ear up against the grain. It took a great deal of restraint not to chuckle when he detecting the moaning and groaning coming from the other side. Baby bro had taken advantage of the empty house to watch some porn on the folks' tube! The kid was probably spread across their bed floggin' his meat at this very moment. Had to be what was goin' on; Donny'd done it often enough himself when he was even younger than Billy. Dad had a stache of porn hidden in the back of his closet. Sometimes the careless fuck even left them laying around in the family room, much to Mrs. Wilson's utter embarrassment. Billy must've found the loot and was enjoying himself with the absence of the rest of the family. Wouldn't it be a hoot when Donny caught him red handed? He'd never fuckin' let the spoiled teen live this one down!

Gripping the door handle Donny was suddenly taken by fear that Billy may have thrown the lock. Didn't make much sense, since he knew he was alone in the house. And a slow turn of the knob brought a wave of relief rushing over Donny's over-excited body. Slowly, ever so slowly, he eased the door open a crack---then a bit more---until he could see into the room. What entered his line of vision made Donny's blood run cold and froze him to the spot.

Sure enough, laying on his back across the bed buck-assed naked was his teen-toned younger brother. But he wasn't alone. Thrusting away between Billy's pink, wide-spread thighs was a man. A very old man. It took him a couple seconds but Donny eventually recognized him as Mr. Hallahan, the father of their next door neighbors. Hallahan'd moved in with his daughter and son-in-law after his wife passed away sometime last year. The old coot had to be sixty-somethin' years old! And there he was, striped bare as Billy, and shoving his hard cock in and out of the sixteen year old's asshole!

Donny's chiseled jaw was slack, his mouth agape. He could hardly believe what his eyes were seeing, but there sure as hell was no mistake. Billy, his goody-two-shoes brother and apple of the parent's eyes, was getting corn holed---and by a silver haired grand dad no less! For about half a second Donny wondered if it was rape. Did the old queer fuck sneak into the house, catch Billy unaware and force himself on the lad? Maybe big brother should come to little brother's rescue.

Any suspicions Donny was entertaining were quickly erased when the cute teen started ranting, "Ew yeah, Mr. Hallahan, fuck my little boy hole with that big grandaddy dick!"

"You like that, boy?" the old geezer croaked. "You like the way I fuck your hot little ass hole?"

"Fuck, yeah!" Billy exclaimed. "My boy pussy's been missing your big, hot cock soooooooo much!"

Hallahan chuckled, "It's only been three days, Billy-boy."

"Three days without you up my ass is way too long," Billy gushed.

So this wasn't the first time. They'd obviously done it before, possibly a number of times. Donny couldn't get over the undeniable truth of it all! Not only was Billy getting dicked up the ass and lovin' every fuckin' minute of it, but he was also using language Donny'd never heard him use before. "Fuck" and "Pussy" were part of Donny's every day vocabulary, not Billy's. If only their father could see and hear Billy now! The nasty fuck sure wouldn't be praising his baby boy any more. And Donny would finally catch a break from his father's constant put-downs.

"You're such a nasty boy, Billy," the old man chuckled. "Wanting to do it right here in your parent's bed."

"Fuck yeah!" Billy exclaimed. "It's so hot doing it where my dad fucks my mom!"

"We're really mussin' up the sheets," Hallahan chided, his cock continuing to slide in and out of Billy's boy hole.

"Don't give a fuck," Billy panted. "Gonna jerk off tonight while they're sleepin' here in our sweat and cum."

"You're so bad," Hallahan practically giggled. "First your brother's bed the last time and now your folks'."

Donny froze. Had his ears deceived him. His bed? They'd done it in his bed?

"It was soooooooooo hot doing it in my big dumb brother's bed," Billy gushed. "I strip myself naked and roll around in his bed all the time when he's not home."

"Do you play with yourself in your brother's bed, Billy," Hallahan wanted to know. He had settled down to a slow, comfortable screwing, entranced by the lurid tale.

"Fucking right I do," Billy admitted. "Can smell my brother's scent all over his bed. Turns me on so much I shoot a hot load all over the sheets and clean up with the same cum rag he uses---the one right under his bed."

Donny was stunned. His little brother was gettin' off to the smell of him? Usin' the same fuckin' cum rag? Knowledge of that rag proved he wasn't just makin' it all up for the old fuck's enjoyment. Donny absently groped the front of his jeans and realized for the first time that he was sporting a major hard on.

"Does your brother fuck your sweet little ass, Billy?" the old man asked,egging him on.

Billy feigned shock. "Mr. Hallahan! What are you suggesting? Even though I hate to admit it he is my brother, after all."

"He sure is mean looking," Hallahan admitted. "I wouldn't want him to come home and find us like this."

"Don't worry, he's out with his stupid friends doing something criminal, I'm sure. Now let's stop this chatting and get down to some real fucking. Tell you what, you get on your back and I'll ride you for a while, kinda like we did the other night, okay?"

"Sure Billy," the old man smiled. "You really do wear me out."

"No way," Billy declared, scooting out from under Hallahan and letting the man stretch across his parent's sheets. "You're a real fuckin' stud with a big fat dick I just love having up my teen hole."

Donny could easily see Billy was exaggerating that point. Hard as a rock and dancing with expectation, the old coot's prick wasn't more than five---maybe five and a half inches---at best. But from the way Billy was drooling over it you'd have thought the damned thing was a foot long! Hallahan wasn't in all that bad of shape for a senior citizen. Sure his skin had gone slack, his pecs were drooping and he had a bit of a gut, but he wasn't near as wrinkled as Donny would have thought a man of his age to be. As for Billy, Donny could now see his baby bro had inherited the same sizeable family cock as himself. Donny knew himself to be eight and a half and it looked like Billy was his equal. After all these years, he'd finally found some similarity between them!

Donny watched slack jawed as Billy straddled old man Hallahan's prone form. Reaching behind to take cock in hand, he guided it to his waiting hole. The man's cock was swiftly swallowed up by Billy's smooth, hungry ass hole. Billy took over the reigns, bouncing up and down on Hallahan's prick. The old man's knotted hands were all over Billy's tight swimmer's legs and he was moaning like no tomorrow. From the way he was reacting it must have felt awful good up Billy's boy pussy. Donny couldn't stop himself from fishing his bad boy out of his jeans and stroking himself while he observed the duo.

Billy was going hog wild on Hallahan, frantically bouncing on the cock like he couldn't get enough. He kept throwing his head back like one of those wild west rodeo riders atop a bucking bronco. He swore like a sailor, shocking even Donny with some of the words which emitted from his mouth. Hallahan was writhing about on the bed like bacon in a fry pan, joyous to be getting himself some prime pussy.

A spark went off in Donny's head and he left his cock alone long enough to reach into the pocket of his low riders and extract his cell phone. Flipping it open, he turned to camera mode and lined up a shot of the fucking twosome. He was in perfect position to get them both in the frame. Satisfied with the results, he zoomed in a bit and snapped several more. An evil smile played across his dark features as he closed the phone and returned it to his pocket. He now had all the evidence he needed to finally get the upper hand on baby bro.

"Oh, fuck!" Billy was shouting loud enough for the neighbors to hear. "Big hard cock up my tight little asshole! Feels so fuckin' good!"

"Oh yes, Billy, oh yes!" Hallahan was panting heavily now. "I can't hold it anymore. I'm gonna shoot!"

"Oh, yeah, Mr. Hallahan. Shoot that hot load up your boy's ass," Billy commanded. "Fill me up with your granddaddy spunk!"

With a guttural cry Hallahan did just that. His entire body seemed to tense, then quiver as he busted his nut up inside Billy's butt. Billy never lost a beat, continually riding the man through his orgasm. He didn't stop until the old man was laying there completely spent. Allowing the cock to slip from his fuck hole, Billy fell over to lay beside Hallahan on his father's side of the bed.

"Gee, that was great, Mr. Hallahan!" he announced enthusiastically. "Did you like it, too?"

"I always enjoy sex with you, Billy," Hallahan replied, gazing at Billy like he himself was a love-struck school boy.

"Maybe we can do it again tomorrow," Billy suggested.

Hallahan chuckled, patting Billy on the leg as he struggled up to a sitting position. "I'm afraid we're going to have to wait, my boy. My social security check doesn't come in until next week."

Donny was puzzled. What in hell did the old fuck's social security check have to do with them fucking? He slipped backwards unobserved throughout the doorway and tucked his burning hard-on back in his jeans. Pulling the door nearly closed, he pressed his eye up to the small slit and watched as Hallahan managed to get himself out of the bed and began donning his clothes. Billy was up on one elbow chatting with the old geezer as he dressed.

Donny was just about to end his surveillance when Hallahan suddenly reached into his back pocket and extracted his wallet. Pulling out a bill, he handed it to Billy.

"Thanks, Mr. Hallahan."

"Anything to support your college education," Hallahan smiled as he ruffled Billy's hair. "Now I must be getting home. They'll be wondering where I've gotten off to."

Donny quickled scrambled down the hallway, ducked into his own room and watched through his partly cracked door. Shortly the old dude came shuffling down the hallway with naked Billy at his side, his hand holding onto and squeezing one of the boy's pear shaped buttocks. They disappeared down the stairway and soon Donny detected the sound of the door opening, then shutting. Closing his own door, he leaned back against it and pondered all he'd just observed. So his little pristine brother was a cock whore, taking money from an old man in exchange for a fuck! Didn't that just beat all. Pulling out his cell, he took another look at the pictures he'd taken. Smiling evily, he shook his head in amazement as he looked at the photos of his baby brother skewered on senior citizen cock. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do with them, although some ideas had already begun to formulate in his mind. He now had Billy right where he wanted him. Vengeance would be sweet, indeed.

Donny cracked the door once again, waiting, barely daring to breath. It wasn't long before his brother appeared in the hallway. Donny hadn't even heard him mounting the stairs in his bare feet. The kid still had a raging hard on---an impressive Wilson hard on---leading the way. For a second there old Donny had a bit of a fright that the kid might barge right on into his big brother's room, but Billy breezed past the door and returned to his folk's bedroom. Carefully, Donny opened his own door just wide enough to pass through and sneaked out into the hallway. He noticed right away that the little fuck hadn't even bothered to shut mom and pop's door this time. Donny felt all kinds of vulnerable exposed as he was out there in the upper hallway.

Way he figured it he had a few choices. There were always choices. He could scamper down the stairs, get out of the house and still hook up with his buds for a night of carousing. He could skip back into his own room, lay back and take care of the burning erection tenting the pouch of his jeans. Or he could ease his way over and find out what his little whore bro was up to now. Curiosity got the best of Donny, who sidled along the wall like a cat burglar 'til he got to the entrance and peeked a look.

Once again the surly thug received an unexpected surprise. Instead of makin' up the bed and tryin' to cover up what raunchy shit he'd just done there Billy was face down on the bottom sheet and humpin' the shit out of pop's pillow! The way the fuckin' kid was facing he couldn't see Donny even if he wasn't so focused on busting his nut, which made Donny more at ease. He stood there, partially in the open doorway, watching Billy boy fuck hell out of that pillow their pop's head would rest on tonight. Donny couldn't help but rest his eyes on his l'il bro's tight ass cheeks as they flexed and dimpled through the exertion. Each time Billy reared back his little pink asshole was exposed, a trickle of cum lazily leaking from those swollen lips. Donny fumbled for his cell again and managed a few more damaging shots, even some close ups of Billy's oozing boy hole.

All of a sudden Billy's whole body went taut and he let out with a strangled cry. Donny knew the cause of that reaction all too well. Billy was dumping a load all over the pillow case. From the looks of it, Billy was having a pretty major orgasm. A sinister sneer played across Donny's face as he shared in Billy's debauchery. Seemed to him like the fuckin' kid came forever, but eventually Billy calmed the fuck down and just lay there grinding his cock in all the cum he'd unloaded.

Thinking the show to be over Donny stepped back a bit, prepared to make his exit. But, once again, he found himself rooted to the spot. Billy sat back on his haunches, almost like a cat stretching itself out, his cute little ass thrust out almost in Donny's direction. And then, to Donny's utter surprise, the fair haired honor roll student raunchily shoved his face into the mess on the pillow and began nosily scrafing up his own spooge! He rubbed his face in the shit from side to side. Guttural sounds escaped his mouth as he gobbled it up like a dog eating from its bowl. Donny was flabbergasted by the raunchy scene. He hardly realized it, but he'd fished out his own beefstick and was flogging it like crazy. Billy's entire face was glazed with his own cum yet he still kept eating, licking and sucking it from the pillow case. The kid didn't stop til he'd gotten every last drop---and there was lots of it. When he was finished he threw his head back, licking his chops like a real cum hound.

It was all too much for Donny. Turning away from the door, he threw himself against the wall and went to town on his big boy. Was only a matter of seconds before he shoved a fist into his mouth to silence his cry of release and blew a monstrous load clear across the hallway. Creamy jizz splashed against the beige-colored wall as one gut-wrenching blast after another erupted from his overly excited prick.

Aware that little brother could step out of the folks' room at any second, Donny forced his shaky legs to make hasty retreat down the hall. Yanking up his jeans and zipping himself back into place, Donny dodged down the stairs and slipped out the way he'd come in, certain Billy had never been aware of his presence. Taking another look at the new series of photos on his cell a smile of sinister satisfaction played about his cruel lips as he crossed the shadowed lawn. He wasn't quite sure what he would do with his find, but when he did, little baby bro would be the first to know.

To be continued . . .

Next: Chapter 2

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