Ogedeis Boy

By Ant Boy

Published on Mar 23, 2009


Ogedei's Boy Chapter Nine by AntBoy

As Paul slid from under my body Andrew encouraged me to change my position so that I ended up half kneeling on a towel he placed at the table edge with my chest and face flat on the surface, my head turned to the right where I could just see Paul standing, fully naked now, his equipment hanging free between his open legs while he was drinking from a bottle. I had little time to contemplate that sight though as Andrews fingers ceased their teasing and one pushed past my private entrance shortly followed by another from his other hand, where once inserted they started twisting and pulling in different directions sending my body into near fits of pleasure and pain, my head and chest bouncing back and forth on the table until Paul grabbed hold and held me down.

Whatever he was doing back there bore no relationship to the few experiments I'd carried out previously on my own, that had been self indulgent play, and this was raw sex.

I found myself turned over, without it seemed any word or conversation though there must have been some discussion that never got a chance entered my head, my brain being overwhelmed just trying to cope with the signals from my anus. It was just that next I was lying on my back with my legs folded back to my shoulders as Paul clambered onto the table and knelt astride my chest, that beautiful cock, even in its softened state, mere inches from my willing mouth.

There was a new sensation at my arse lips now, I couldn't see and neither could I guess at first what it was, wet and soft, probing gently where before fingers had been more forceful, darting at the lips to my hole, heavy breathing, hair half tickling my drying thighs where my legs were held apart and my jock was no longer dripping down. Then, as hands were applied to my still hot sore cheeks and the object probed harder between them I realised what was it was, Andrews tongue.

My immediate thought was `gross' accompanied by my body's reaction to pull away but I couldn't complete that action due to Paul's body astride my chest and his hands on my head. Then, clashing with my inclination to struggle I noticed that my body liked the attention, and that Andrew obviously liked supplying such attention and so why not enjoy it. After all, I'd been licking my own piss of Paul's hand not so very long ago and by the feel of my bladder would be doing so again soon. This visit was opening me up in more ways than one.

Paul must have seen some of that flash across my face and asked if something was wrong? `Don't let him fuck me,' I told him.

`He won't, that's not his scene. Nobody's going to fuck you or do anything you don't want to happen.'

`No. No. I want you to do it, to be the first,' I replied, shifting my eyes momentarily from his waving cock upwards to his smooth shiny black face.

It was with surprise in his voice he answered, `You mean you've never been fucked before? You're virgin then? We thought you'd had some experience you seemed up for it when Andrew beat you the other week and what you did after in the showers seemed to prove it. Have you just been playing us along?' He went to raise himself from my body and pull away. That wasn't what I wanted at all, this was all going wrong.

I stretched my arms out and managed to clasp them behind his back and pulling us together opened my mouth and slid the end of his still quite firm cock between my lips, running my tongue across his piss slit and round the ring of skin behind the helmet. He relaxed slightly and I risked allowing my head to fall away leaving just enough space between his cock and my lips to answer him while just able to keep an eye on the instrument I wanted so badly to possess me from the corner of my eye.

I've had some experience, not much but enough to know this is what I want and I want you to be the first one to take me. Didn't you want to that night in the hotel?' Then his earlier comment clicked, What do you mean, what I did in the showers?'

`Andrew followed you after he beat you that time and again when I gave you my cum filled jock to see what you got up to. That's when we decided to risk asking you here. You know this is something we can't talk about at school?'

I'd had enough of talking and also was getting a stiff neck from holding my head away from the cock I wanted to do more with than just stare at. Allowing my neck to relax back onto the table I applied a little pressure to the small of his back and pulled him back down and forward so his cock slid back through my open lips and continued down past my teeth, onwards and backwards till it hit the roof of my mouth and I gagged slightly.

`Do you want to stop there?'

Somehow I opened my mouth far enough to splutter out an almost undecipherable `No,' and Paul linked his hands behind my neck then lifted me up toward him thereby changing the angle of my throat to an extent that allowed his cock to continue its entry and slide straight on home until I was brought up short with my nose squashed against the tight crinkled hairs on his groin.

This, I knew at once, without any doubt was where I belonged. Till the day I died I never changed that opinion.

Whatever my relationship might be with a man away from the bedroom when it came to sex I just knew it was my position to be subservient, to surrender my body for his abuse and enjoyment whatever form that enjoyment might take and particularly as a receptacle for his manhood. OK, my thoughts didn't mesh to such a conclusion right then, in fact there was no eureka moment when they did. It was more a conclusion built over the following few years as I discovered more ways in which I could please a man and realised it was more his pleasure than my own that could make me fly. Ogedei, early in our relationship, tried to get me to agree to a more balanced rapport but when I proved I could floor him if I really wanted, even if only one time in three, also that we both achieved a massively amplified release when he abused me, then he settled for, and enjoyed, the status quo.

Right at that moment I was more worried about managing to breath and pulled back sufficiently to unsquash my nose and slightly open my mouth to gasp for oxygen. Paul's quick gasp, half moan, told me all I needed and I summoned up my nerve to grip my lips and slide back down to the base, and up, and down again. It got easier each time and the feeling of his hands gripping my hair tighter, his knees clenching my chest and his increasing excited breathing all encouraged me to continue up and down until I became worried that my lack of breath and my aching mouth might cause my stretched jaw to relax and allow my teeth to nip the side of his cock.

He let go of my hair, allowing my head to relax back down to the table, `God! You nearly got more than you bargained for to swallow just then. Are you sure you really want me to take you, it's bound to hurt, especially the first time.'

I could only grunt, still gasping to catch my breath. Of course i wanted it you stupid fool I wanted to tell him. What did he think I was lying here for?

`Have you got any poppers indoors?' he then asked Andrew.

Terrible admission to make but I'd almost forgotten about Andrew until he left off administering to my backside and jumped up to run back to the house. All this time he'd been fingering blowing and licking around the lip, and just inside, that particular part of my anatomy. I won't say I didn't enjoy it but that sort of loving attention to my body never had the same affect on me sexually that harder use did. I was starting to discover my masochistically submissive side. The full 24/7 S&M scene never quite clicked though I did meet a real sadist later who over one long weekend almost broke me before I came to my senses.

Oh, Ogedei would hurt me, belt me black and blue, even share me out on occasion, but he wasn't a real sadist anymore than I was a real full time one hundred percent `M'. I just discovered a lift in submitting to abuse that never occurred from alcohol or the couple of times I tried hard drugs and of being aware that my partner got enjoyment from my pain. The few times I tried a session with someone who was just going through the motions of being a top never worked, they were just pain with no feedback, they never clicked, never got me flying, not even to flap my wings.

However, all that was really still to come.

While Andrew was off somewhere in the house Paul climbed down and unfolding my legs, told me to stand down for a moments rest. I stood in front of him then backed up to feel his still rampant cock press its length down my arse crack and daringly reached back to grab his arms and pull them across my chest. The feel of his hot body pressed so tightly against mine, his arms half holding me and his fingers playing lightly with my nipples, his hot breath across my neck, all of it encouraged a feeling of contentment combined with an apprehensive awareness of what was about to happen for the first time. I was about to be taken and for a while, even if not for long, I would belong to someone else. I wouldn't have changed anything.

`Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?' Paul asked.

`More or less.'

It's bound to hurt, especially the first time. Poppers may help but it will still hurt,' he continued. You don't have to if you don't want to. I never even thought you could get it all down your throat, I nearly came right then.'

`What's poppers?' I asked him.

He finished explaining, including some possible side effects, just as Andrew ran back holding the little brown bottle I later came to know and appreciate so well.

How can I explain after all this time the change that happened to me the first time I inhaled from that bottle being gently waved back and forth just below my nostrils. The almost instant rush of blood and fire throughout my body as my legs half buckled in Paul's arms. My nipples sprung into relief, they itched, and my whole body tingled without being touched, my ball sac tightened and my cock, already more than half hard, sprung into a gloriously painful erection, even though, apart from Paul's arms, nobody was touching me.

I needed, wanted, to be touched. Not just a friendly wank, not even a forced one. My cock was painful and it had to stay that way, unsatisfied, at least for now, I just knew that it was my whole body crying out for attention. Possibly it was at that moment I really started to accept what pain could do to my mind, my subconscious knew what I didn't, that submission to and acceptance of pain could allow me to enter that state of nirvana where the mind and body could separate and view each other dispassionately. Becoming aware of, let alone entering, that state of mind was some few years ahead of me at this time but a little seed had been planted that I lucky enough to have gently nourished by most of my future partners. Right now I just wanted to be used, used hard.

There were hands on my body, Paul's had raised up and his fingers were playing with my engorged nipples while Andrew's had dropped lower to squeeze behind my body and were fondling my buttocks while his groin was squashing our cocks tightly together. When I opened the eyes I had no recollection of closing I found myself looking him straight in the face, `Are you going to help Paul fuck me?' I asked him

`Oh Yes! I want to see that.'

He says it will hurt,' I continued, will you hold me down for him. I want you both to hurt me.'

I have no idea where those words came from; I can remember saying it and remember the shock it gave me to hear that short sentence escape from my mouth, but I knew they were true.

`Are you sure?' someone asked. It must have been Paul as Andrews teeth were had replaced Pauls fingers and were gently nibbling on my nipples but I was no longer really sure who was talking, Paul, Andrew or myself.

`Don't play with them. Please harder,' I finally made use of my own arms and brought my hands up to press his head more firmly against my breast. He'd changed his stance and my cock was now back at right angles stuck between his legs while his was still squashed between our stomachs. My nipples were being torn open and every move I made slid my cock slightly back and forth.

Don't make me cum yet,' I squealed. Paul! Please! Do it now.'

Between them I was quickly picked up and laid back down on the table. At first Paul climbed up there also and leant over me, his teeth nibbling on my ear. `What do you want boy?' He was licking at the small hollow in my neck just below my chin. Did I read his mind, did he read mine? I'd never even considered it to be on the agenda.

`Will you kiss me please?'

He never hesitated for a moment, his dark head came down on my face and his lips crushed against my willing open mouth. After a moment's indecision his tongue continued onwards, colliding and sucking on my own. My hands went to enclose his head, clasping his crinkled curled hair on their own volition to hold him tighter. I wanted to feel his teeth with my tongue, those brilliant white teeth that stood out so when he smiled but he wouldn't let it free to explore on its own. He was crushing the life out of me and all I wanted to do was respond and assist him.

Finally he pulled away and crouched above my recumbent body for a moment gasping, Well that's a turn-up for the book,' he finally managed to get out. Never thought I'd end up kissing another bloke mouth to mouth whatever else we did. Now I will have to fuck you to get my own back,' he grinned. `Sure you're still up for it?'

`Can I sniff that bottle again please?'

Paul clambered off the table and pulled my body down toward him so that my arse ended level with the table's edge and my legs were half over his shoulders and half round his neck. Andrew got on the table behind me and slid his legs either side of my head, trapping my arms under them and clutching my head against his stomach and between his thighs. I'm going to enjoy this,' he told me, even if you don't.'

Paul reached down with a tube I'd not noticed before and spread some cold jell over and slightly inside my exposed hole, then did the same with his stiff black cock that I could just make out standing out rampant from between his legs before he moved closer and I felt the tip probe carefully at my anus. This was it, I was about to lose my virginity to this man, a man who could do whatever he wanted with my body. I knew this wasn't love, just infatuation, but that was good enough for me.

He pushed against me a little harder and I gasped, this wasn't someone's finger or Andrews tongue. This was solid living breathing cock which if anything like mine would soon be off with a mind of its own. `Close your mouth,' and as I obeyed and started to breathe through my nose that bottle appeared just below it, this time Andrew held first one nostril, then the other closed and my body jolted as the nitrate hit my system.

That jolt was sufficient to allow Paul to slide his member past the lips of my hole and continue in for a moment when he was brought up sharply by some internal barrier that caused me to yelp in pain and my body to jerk away from the table in protest. I hadn't expected the pain to feel like that.

Just relax,' Paul told me. It won't always be like this, relax and let me through.'

That bottle turned up again, then as Andrew clasped me between his legs tighter and his fingers started pinching at my nipples Paul put his hands under my buttocks and lifted them slightly changing the angle his cock was entering my arse. `Push out, try and expel my cock, go on push boy.'

I tried. This was not as I'd expected, it was a different sort of pain to that Andrew was inflicting on my nipples. My body was burning, my mouth was fully open yet I couldn't breathe. My legs were held in Pauls grasp and my body equally held by Andrews's legs. All I could do was wriggle and that just made it worse as Pauls cock kept on jabbing at that bone inside my backside when he reached down and grasped my balls, pulling and twisting them and ----


He was in; his cock was right inside me, his prickly groin hard up against my arse cheeks. He was right inside me and splitting me open, this was too much. I'd be damaged for life. Andrew had his hand over my mouth trying to muffle my yells and curses and ---

It felt better. It felt good. I willed my body to relax and stuck my tongue out to lick against Andrews hand in supplication. I needed to speak.

Next: Chapter 10

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