Ogedeis Boy

By Ant Boy

Published on Mar 11, 2009


Ogedei's Boy Chapter Seven by Ant-Boy@Hotmail.co.uk

We've decided you can fag for the rest of the week rather than another beating which you really deserve,' I was told when Paul and Andrew returned. It was usually only the very junior years that got collared for such duties as opposed to a beating and momentarily a feeling of regret flashed across my mind. Till the end of the week, starting tonight, you'll report each night and do one hour of general duty.' Such duties were never really that onerous, collecting discarded sports kit to drop off in the laundry room as part of a general tidy up and making coffee or coca as required, duties I'd covered several times for the room in my younger years. For some reason however, this was different, dressed in what in now felt like an indecent pair of cum stained shorts and a straining erection I was quite sure everyone could see. It felt surreal. Hardly anyone really paid me more than the slightest attention or passed any comment on my presence or appearance as I moved among them bending to pick items from the floor or stand by the corner sink to make drinks as ordered. I'd not had sufficient time to consider the recent events in a controlled frame of mind let alone mull over my feelings regarding them, all I knew was that I'd never felt so naked, so exposed, so sure that everybody knew my dirty secret, yet at the same time somehow my body felt energized as never before, I was sure my skin must be glowing, that everyone could see my excitement, excitement I'd never felt before. This was nothing like striping in the dorm for bed or for a shower after sports, not even the feeling of embarrassment I occasionally got when half aroused in my swim briefs. I could really have been considered half dressed, you could see boys and young men walking and running around the school and grounds dressed almost identically apart from the addition of a top any day or night, it just didn't feel like it. Then I suddenly realised, when catching sight of myself in a mirror, it was as much the knowledge that I'd shot off so thoroughly in my jock and that my ready cock and slightly bruised balls were confined in the mess and crying out for more abuse and that only those tight brief cotton shorts were hiding the fact that gave me the high, Whilst I'd been sure that all could see the jism showing through my shorts and dripping down my legs it was in fact well hidden and the bulge in my shorts nothing that unusual, all I had to do was periodically take a crafty swipe with my hand between my legs and then convey the seeping result to my mouth without, I hoped, being observed. I couldn't understand it. Even if I didn't show outwardly, any sign of what had so recently happened; Paul and Andrew must know something had been different. They had handled me strangely from the start and my responses had certainly been out of the norm. Even so, no other unusual comment or contact was made for the remainder of the week and it was only on the final Friday something happened to cause me some disquiet, as well as excitement. Each night, after being dismissed, I'd rushed to the showers to drop my shorts and bash my cock around for a rapid forceful wank before the bell rang for bed and the other boys would pour in to wash and perform their ablutions. I couldn't help it, my situation in the seniors common room basically waiting and cleaning up after them just turned me on in a way I couldn't describe, in fact at that time didn't even consider. I just knew I needed a rapid and slightly uncomfortable release. But, that last Friday, as soon as I reported for duty I felt there was a slight difference. Many of the other pupils were either dayboys or weekday boarders and for those remaining in school over the weekend rules were relaxed from Friday night to the Sunday. There were only a couple of other seniors on duty apart from Paul and Andrew and when the others departed to make their rounds I soon found myself once again alone in the room with them. I was almost praying for them to do something, somewhere there was the thought I wanted them to beat me again, I didn't know where it came from but just the thought caused my cock to try and harden pressing against my jock and shorts. But nothing seemed to happen. Then, shortly before my time was up, Bet he had a red arse the other night.' That was from Andrew. Paul chimed in, You would have liked to see it wouldn't you?' You know I would.' They were talking as if I wasn't there and I just couldn't take it. Maybe you should pull my pants down next time,' I interrupted before thinking. Where on earth had that idea come from? Don't give make offers you unless you intend to complete them,' was Andrews only retort. Nothing about it not being my place to join in my betters' conversation, or that I should keep my mouth shut unless told otherwise which had been the result I'd expected the moment the words had left my mouth. You better get off now if you want your early shower,' came from Paul. Take my dirty kit with you and drop it in the wash on the way. Make sure it's all turned the right way out and is sorted for the right wash.' It was only as I left the room with my arms full of his dirty sports kit that I wondered how he knew about my early shower and why had he interrupted my conversation, then the thought followed, did he know what I did first. Then, as I sorted his kit for the white and coloured bins I discovered two of Paul's jocks. The first was a size larger than my own, reasonably new and smelling of sweat and piss drips that I couldn't help but rub over my bare chest and then my face before dropping in the bin, but the second one, I couldn't believe it. Not only was it obviously much smaller and had it obviously been worn on more than one occasion it felt damp and squished in my hand and as I pulled it open I could see he shot his load in it very recently. So recently it had hardly sunk into the material and before I could stop myself my pants were down and before I had time to do more than sniff at the contents I had to use the jock to catch my own stream before it spewed over the laundry room floor. I had no idea what was going on. Paul must have known I would discover what it had been used for. It was an old one anyway, must have been one of his first, a size smaller even than my own. Did he mean me to find it? Would he notice if I kept it? Whatever, I had no time to consider more. The bell rang for second bedtime and I had to get in the bathroom and carry on as if nothing had happened. Quickly shoving the jock in the bottom of my locker in passing I striped off and ran into the showers just as Paul came into the bathroom and told us all to get dried off and to bed before he turned the lights off. As I passed him at the doorway with my towel wrapped round my waist he grinned at me You going to sleep well tonight then?' I was sure that would be impossible with so many unanswered questions rushing round in my mind but with the ease in which youth can switch from wake to sleep I drifted off with one hand holding my semi erect cock to dream of being chased naked round some room by a massive self propelled trainer that connected with my sore red backside from time to time while Paul and Andrew stood somewhere out of view calling for me to run faster or the slipper to hit harder. Then the scene changed and I was sitting back on my sore arse my eyes and thoughts fixed on Paul's naked body standing before me, his huge throbbing erect black cock seeping gallons of jism as it moved closer and closer. My eyes could only take in a small section of that sweat soaked black body, the section attached to that massive member but I knew it belonged to Paul in the same way I somehow knew this was a dream but none the less real for all of that. I felt like a slut when I licked my lips prior to opening my mouth ready to attempt the impossible task of swallowing the continually growing object before me, --- And woke! My sleep-shorts were soaked, in fact my cock was still pumping and my bedclothes were tangled round my twisted body. I lay still for a while praying I'd not woken anyone else while I finished milking my tender cock then slipped the wet sticky shorts off and tried to compose myself for a return to sleep. This couldn't continue, I was jacking several times a day and this was third time in a week Id had a wet dream. Apart from the risk of being caught out sooner or later by looking somewhere or saying something I shouldn't the fact I seldom seemed able to think of anything else was starting to have an effect on my schoolwork. The cure, of sorts, turned up out of the blue in the morning at breakfast. I've signed you out with me to Andrews for the night,' Paul told me across the table. Pack yourself an overnight bag and bring your running kit.' Then to my horror he continued, pick some old stuff and wear that jock in the bottom of your locker. You won't need your uniform as we're not going anywhere else, just put a decent tracksuit over the top' Luckily there was nobody else at our end of the table to hear what he said, even so I felt myself blush red hot from head to toe. He did know! And why had he signed me out with himself? Although I was now classed in the senior school due to being a year ahead of my age group he was still several years ahead than me. Our school was split about halfway between day boys and boarders and then about half the boarders were weekday only, as in fact was Andrew. Those of us left to our own devices for the weekend could be invited to another boy's home for the day and we only had to enter the details in a book but for an overnight visit required permission of a master. How had Paul arranged it? And what was supposed to happen? Andrew and I sorted it out last week,' he then told me. Everything was happening too fast for me to take fully onboard, if only someone would explain what was happening, what was going to happen. Where did I in to these plans I knew nothing about. All I knew was that I wanted to get my hands, and mouth, on Paul's body, to feel it and smell it and for him to do the same or more to mine. Andrew as an adjunct to that possibility was an acceptable, possibly exciting addition. But was that their intention? Surely they wouldn't have gone to all this trouble if they just meant to tease me or show me up. Anyway, I had no time to worry much as the bus we wanted to catch left from down the road in half an hour and this didn't seem a good time to point out I could easily afford a taxi. A quick rush back to my dorm to grab a towel and wash bag, then to my locker to jam them into a rucksack with the contents of my pockets and a change of kit. For myself I changed quickly before I lost the resolve. Striping down I managed to slide his still wet jock up my legs at the same time as I pulled on the shorts I'd been wearing each night in the senior's common room. The jock was cold and clammy for a moment and stuck to my skin but by the time I'd added a dark blue polo shirt I thought looked good on me with the white shorts and then a track suit and trainers over that the warmth of my body had partially reactivated the contents of the previous night. Back to the front door where Paul was already waiting and chatting happily to the Master on duty. Get a move on,' he called out. You better be a bit faster this weekend.' So that was the reason given for this outing. I had dropped off in my field performance this term. Then the master chimed in, I've been promised you'll be back on form after a couple weekends of extra training. You better be because you're picked to run for the school in the county races next month.' Then with a slight grin, I've just told Paul he can slipper you if he can't see any improvement.' God! Did he mean it? Did everybody know what had happened? Or was I just suffering from delusions? I soon found they weren't delusions. Paul grabbed my arm and we ran down the road arriving at the bus stop with time to spare. Did you dress as I told you?' I just nodded. Do you want to go through with this?' I had no idea what this' was but still answered with a quick Yes.' Andrew wants to smack your bottom again, this time with his hand. You OK with that?' Will you be there?' I asked. Yes.' What else will I have to do?' Let's just take it as it comes,' Paul replied, for now just take those track bottoms off and unzip your jacket.' I did as instructed and made no objection when he took the bottoms and crammed them into his bag. You won't need these again until we come back on Sunday,' he told me. Just then the bus turned up and we clambered aboard. I knew that seeing schoolboys dressed along my lines was quite a normal experience for the local population but even so was sure everyone was looking at me in my rather too tight shorts as I sat down beside him. You are wearing my old jock?' I could only nod, feeling my face heat up and not knowing what to say. Nice and wet still?' he continued and as he leant over as if to point of something out of the window his other hand seemed naturally to curl round my confined equipment, then squeezed slightly. I couldn't help but let a slight groan escape from my lips. He released his grip with a start, You OK?' He sounded apprehensive. He had no need. Oh Yes!'

Next: Chapter 8

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