Ogedeis Boy

By Ant Boy

Published on Nov 24, 2008


Ogedei's Boy Chapter Five by Ant-Boy@Hotmail.co.uk

Arriving at my hotel, absolutely shattered, I discovered my escort for the next couple of days hadn't arrived yet. I'd flown half way round the world with nothing more than a note on my ticket to show I was an unaccompanied child, even that thankfully for the last time. I could transit customs on my own, catch trains, tubes, taxis, cross London but my trustees considered I'd need someone to accompany me to their offices the following day, and my school thought I shouldn't be left alone at night and someone would be along to escort me until I arrived back at school. No matter. I suppose not many sixteen year olds, well almost that, had my experience in such circumstances and it would only be for another few weeks before I had my sixteenth birthday and such restrictions would be lifted. I was so tired I paid very little attention to the new pageboy showing me to my room. With my freshly opened eyes I felt sure he might be inclined to play, he was certainly attractive enough in his tight bells boys' uniform, but both my body and mind were just too exhausted to give the thought more than a glance that day and I wasted little time in tipping him and getting my room to myself. It was only just past midday but after a quick splash I merely striped, pulled the curtains and fell into bed. The escapades of a couple of nights ago had left me so whacked that I had just enough time to wonder which teacher would be turning up to chaperone me, also to consider if it was last night or the night before, allowing for crossed time lines, when I'd so enjoyed myself, before falling into a deep sleep. I woke slowly, feeling cooler and that something was different. You know how it is when your dog enters the room to lay beside your bed after you go to sleep, but somehow you just know not to jump out of bed the usual way because you'll step on him, it was something like that. The curtains were still closed with a slim shaft of dulling daylight falling through a crack, and there was a light on in a far corner that I was sure I hadn't turned on, when I fallen into bed, naked, but covered by a sheet. I had this thing about having being covered, even when hot and wearing my usual sleep shorts I'd always have a sheet at least half covering me, now it was down to my ankles, actually seemed to be folded there. Still really half asleep I slightly opened one eye to see the vague outline of someone sitting on the other bed. That on its own was not a surprise, I'd more or less expected to find a master from school when I woke but had not considered he would appear to be sitting quietly and, it seemed, looking at my naked body. To make matters worse I'd sprung an erection in my sleep and knew that was well evident. This was strange; I wasn't unduly embarrassed, after a public boarding school upbringing, well certainly my school, you soon lost and sense of embarrassment at being seen naked, even at times at being seen with a woody. This though was somehow different. More dreams of cocks standing over me had accounted for the erection but what I did next surprised me when it crossed my mind later on that evening during dinner and it was then I started then to realise to just what an extent the two experiences of the last week had changed me. Whereas before I'd probably have sat up and pulled the sheet back over my body with some comment about being tired from the flight I faked being still asleep and turned to stretch out on my back one arm thrown loosely over my eyes and my erect cock showing at full mast and waving about in the nonexistent wind. I was becoming quite the little exhibitionist. I didn't really intend to tease, if I'd have felt even the lightest touch on my body I'd have responded happily but all I heard was a gasp and the faint sound of a body rising from the other bed followed shortly by the bathroom door closing at which point I turned back on my side and drifted off again. Next I knew the lights were full on, my sheet was pulled back over my shoulders, and there were street lights peeking through the curtain gap and the sounds of someone rather noisily unpacking filled the room. Wake up sleepy,' there came a voice from the bathroom, I understand it's your job to feed me and I'm hungry.' That was true, the arrangement from my trustees was that my companion for the tonight and tomorrow would be fed and watered at their expense, well mine really I suppose, it was just something I'd got used to. Why it was considered I should have an adult companion just for these couple of days when for some years now I'd been spending spend a week here on my own in the spring break, eating alone, spending my days visiting the museums and galleries, maybe a afternoon matinee or two, just calling in at the solicitors if I wanted to top up my cash reserves, I'd never discovered. Probably some type of security check to prove my inheritance was being handled properly. It was my Grandfather who'd really started me managing on my own. He had always stayed at this hotel when in town with me and I would often spend a week with him doing much as I wished before he his first stroke left him unable to travel so I'd been quite happy to continue on the same way. The hotel was still family owned and run, felt comfortable and had not lost that atmosphere even after the major refit and extension a few years back. In a strange way felt as much a home to me as either of my relatives homes did. They knew me, gave me the same room, and knew which table I liked in the dining room. I'd left my suits and shirts on my way out of the country and knew they'd be clean, pressed and hanging ready in the left hand wardrobe. Like I said, it was as much a home to me in those days as any other. A few years later I had my own flat but is was not until after Ogedei finally accepted me that I came to realise what a real home really was, and just how wrong I'd been before, what I'd been missing. But the thing is; how can you miss something you've never known. This was what I'd known for as long as I could remember. Summer in Africa, spring and Christmas with my Grandparents, school, and the days joining them together spent in this hotel. Just then my companion for the next couple of days exited from the bathroom with a towel round his waist and I promptly fell in love. All right. It wasn't love, just an infatuation; probably I was still being affected by the other night. After all I'd seen him at school as part of the general surroundings for some years and if I'd thought of him at all it was just as another schoolboy. But here, on his own, with the brighter light from the bathroom falling round his near naked body was a different matter. His close curled dark hair was still wet and as he lifted his arms with another towel to dry it off, his dark skinned body rippled all over and I could see a tiny sprinkling of hair in his armpits which immediately had me wondering how much hair he had between his legs, to that end what else did he have between his legs. I couldn't remember. It didn't really matter; I'd take whatever was there. Previously I'd only really messed around with lads about my own age, probably actually younger, the cook had been older but I'd not really connected with him. Here, right in front of me, was a man. Six foot at least, about eleven stone I guessed, his whole body reflecting the all round athlete he was, only a couple of years older than myself but to my eyes a real man. I wanted him. Close your mouth, you'll catch a fly that way.' That remark luckily derailed the direction my thoughts were progressing along pretty quickly. I'd been half considering trying to catch something else with my mouth. If I'd done what I really wanted and jumped out of bed to him he'd have probably backhanded me across the room. It was Paul, the new senior prefect, well in a couple of days he would be. I must be sex mad. It's gone seven, you better get yourself moving, like I said I'm hungry. Where do you want o eat?' With a shake I jumped up and half ran into the bathroom to wash and shave. Yes, I had to shave every other day now. Being so fair it didn't really show but it made me feel dirty if I didn't and shaving was a sign of becoming a man wasn't it. What are you doing here? I've booked in the restaurant here, since the refit it's a couple of floors up and has a fantastic view over to the river.' Then remembering my earlier half awakening, Have you been here long?' He just said. I had some business in town, been here for a couple of days, school asked I join you, understand you need company to visit your solicitors.' No mention of how long he'd been in the room I noticed. Soon I was dry and back in the bedroom to finish my dressing. Looking in the glass to check my tie I was thankful to see Paul had finished dressing, although he looked so smart in his dark grey suit, brilliant white shirt and maroon school tie I half wanted to see him take them all off and the get dressed again as I watched. Problem being, if he undressed I wouldn't want him to dress again for a while, No! I had to get those ideas out of my head. By the way, how should I address you?' I asked. I don't feel right calling you Sir away from school; it would be different if you were a master.' Pulling my jacket on I picked up my key and turned to leave. Paul still stood over by the window, You can call me Paul if you like, at least until we get on the train for school.' Oh yes. I liked. I'd like a bit more as well but that thought would have to be kept well hidden. I don't recollect what I ordered for dinner or even really remember eating anything at all. I did manage to convince Paul that sharing a bottle of Chardonnay was quite normal but apart from that had never felt so clumsy and awkward for years. It seemed that every time I tried to glance at him from the corner of my eyes it was only to discover him staring straight at me in return. He told me some time later that I'd behaved quite normally, in fact more adult than he'd expected but all I could think of was how embarrassed I felt as he complimented me on the tan I'd obtained during the summer, how I'd filled out and how the sun had lightened my dirty blonde hair that he agreed was in dire need of a haircut now it was long enough to curl where it fell over my ears. I fell back on what felt like trite conversation to do with school, what we would be doing tomorrow and that I'd get a haircut in the morning. I was so relieved when dinner was over and I'd not knocked anything off the table or, hopefully, in any other way made a real fool of myself. Walking back to our room I half stumbled over my feet a couple of times and realised I'd not as yet caught up with my jet-lag. I mentioned this to Paul and told him I'd just have a quick bath and then to bed. I asked him to put in a call for eight explaining that I'd probably sleep right through for about ten hours then be back to normal. Paul told me he had some stuff to go through for school and would it disturb me if he kept the light on over the other side of our room. Of course it wouldn't, I could think of other things to do of course but apart from being far too tired I also had no intention of asking for trouble. Even so, I only undressed down to my underwear before walking through to the bathroom to strip right off and get in the bath when I couldn't help but wonder about what had happened during my afternoon nap? Or had I just imagined it? Then there was the way he'd been complimenting my looks over dinner and some of the questions he'd asked were a little on the personal side. And why was I so shy now about being naked in front of him? Was it because we weren't back at school or was it because of the stiffening reaction to these thoughts coming from my groin? I was just considering doing something about that problem when the bathroom door opened and Paul walked in. Will you be long?' he asked. It's just that I need to take a slash soon if you don't mind.' He'd removed his top clothing and just wore a tight white T over his upper body, half pulled out from his unbelted waist. Hell! If he unzipped and pulled out the bulge I could see in his pants right in front of me I wouldn't be prepared to answer for my actions. Just about to get out if you can hang on for a moment,' I replied, and then felt myself flushing when I considered the state of my body, at present luckily hidden by my bubbles. Thank goodness for bath foam. Also that he nodded his head OK,' and left the room. I quickly got out, dried myself off and wrapping a thick towelling gown round my body picked up my clothes and made my way back out to the bedroom. `All yours now,' I said, keeping my eyes averted from his body as he got up and walked past me shortly to be followed by the sound of water tinkling into the bowl. By the time he returned I'd tidied my clothes ready for the morning and slipping out of the gown jumped into bed without bothering to look for my sleep shorts. To be truthful my lack of sleep was catching up again, even my erection had almost subsided and as I heard a click when Paul turned the main lights off I flaked out.

I've no idea what time I surfaced. I'd been dreaming again, this time being naked in a wood, walking round, being watched, and hearing murmurs of words I couldn't understand. The breeze was falling on my shoulders, the leaves lightly brushing against my thighs and stomach. I wasn't dreaming. I was lying naked in bed again, the sheet pulled right back, and someone was breathing lightly on my shoulder, running their hand across my chest and stomach, half whispering to themselves. `You shouldn't be so attractive, so nice to people. I shouldn't be doing this. Don't wake up.' I knew at once I must appear to remain asleep as he probably thought me to be, it had to be Paul, so I just sighed and adjusted my position to push my backside toward his groin, he froze, then hearing me breathe more deeply relaxed and continued his hands meandering. I felt his cock, his big hot cock rise more fully to life as it reacted to the contact with my body. What would it be like to have a cock violate my hole as I'd seen happen so recently? Would it hurt very much? Would I enjoy it as the lads seemed to? I pushed back slightly again and felt him slide between my legs as our curved bodies met more fully from chest to thighs. He froze again and I adjusted my legs to grip what I felt between them more firmly. I knew I wasn't being fair and he moaned as his hand closed lightly round my cock and his mouth opened to allow his tongue to lick my shoulder. I just knew that I must pretend to stay asleep for him; he was supposed to be here as my guardian after all and so far I'd been in charge of almost everything, including it would seem his seduction. Now it was his turn to be in control. I was still drowsy anyway and relaxed against the warmth of his body and the pleasurable feelings as his hands roamed lightly up and down over my body and rapidly hardening prick. At the same time he was thrusting his firm rod gently between my legs, his warm, slightly musky body encircling me, almost protecting me. I realised he had one arm laying under my neck and I daringly bent my head to nuzzle into his elbow as my own achingly hard cock slid slowly back and forth in his curled hand in time with his thrusts. It was a strange type of sex with none of the hard rapid movements I associated with having a wank which was really all this was, but no less pleasurable for that. In fact, as I drowsily submitted to his ministrations I felt so content I almost gave myself away when, as I huddled tighter into his arms, I opened my mouth to say something, just catching myself and changing it to a grunt at the last moment. My memories can only compare the sensations I felt that night to the ones you get of relaxation and enjoyment when you have a haircut and the barber runs his comb across your scalp or pulls lightly on your hair with his hands and you just want him to stop talking so you can concentrate on your bodies reaction. I would have been quite happy right then for it to last and last but that was not, of course, to be. Paul's breathing on my shoulder got a little louder, more like gasping around the same time I could feel my cock getting ready to blast. I wanted him to grip me tighter, to squash the air from my body, to use me however he wanted but as I was supposed to be asleep all I could do was try and grip my thighs tighter together and push my backside a little harder into his groin. That was all it took, added to the fact he was probably as sexed up as myself. Without any further warning his hot throbbing cock shot jet after jet of steaming man juice over my balls and my own cock where it was being gently excited by his hand and the added lubrication brought me immediately to a series of juddering climaxes I had trouble in controlling down to a little jerk. I wanted to yell and scream with joy, it had been so basic a situation but I felt exhilarated by what had been, at least for me, fantastic sex. That had been more than just a wank, much more. All I could do though was continue to lie on my bed, pretending to still be asleep as he carefully extracted himself and pulled the sheet back over my shoulders whence I spread my body out and rapidly returned to state of slumber I been pretending. Come the morning I woke to the alarm call and discovered Paul already fully dressed and busy packing both out cases whist telling me to get a move on so we could go down for breakfast. He seemed quite unable to meet my eyes, in direct contrast to the previous evening, as I ran naked into the bathroom to have a through wash, the residue from last night dried upon my body. I thought it best to continue as if nothing had happened, whilst not denying to myself I would have been more than happy for a repeat performance. That seemed to be the best way to play it and by the time we got through the necessary business with my solicitor and accountant he was almost back to normal. Catching the train there were quite a few other boys returning from holidays apart from ourselves and having checked my luggage aboard we separated to compartments containing our respective friends and acquaintances. Paul was to tell me some time later he'd never been sure if I was awake or not and that my actions in the morning had fooled him completely. That was, until he, well we, discovered my other side.

Next: Chapter 6

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