Ogedeis Boy

By Ant Boy

Published on Apr 9, 2009


Ogedei's Boy -- Chapter 12

I woke slowly, quite early, the next morning, groaning to myself as the memories flooded back and again when I discovered it almost impossible to move, it seemed as if everywhere on my body ached or stung, both externally and internally. Forcing my eyes open I found Paul's dark head on the pillow alongside my own, eyes open and looking at me with some concern. Are you OK boy?' he asked, we went a bit overboard yesterday, though you did seem to enjoy yourself.' I told him, I can't move, stiff everywhere.' I'm not surprised,' he replied as he got out of bed, you've got bruises and stripes almost all over your body.' Then, pulling the sheet fully off my body, This spray should help but God knows how to explain it all when we get back.' After a quick cold shock as the spray hit my body I sighed with relief as the discomfort eased, though didn't fully disappear. My body was all too well aware of what it had gone through the previous day, but as Paul helped me roll over and then repeated the application down my front I began to recover, a fact made only too obvious by my rapidly growing erection. Why explain anything?' I asked him. Let people guess what they want and I'm sure they'll get it wrong. Anyway, my body's not the only thing stiff round here and I can see you have the same problem. You did say Andrew's parents are away all weekend?' I felt as if a dam had broken somewhere inside, no longer would I allow recognised perceptions of right and wrong to keep me in denial about my own sexual preferences. I had no intention of shouting about them from the rooftops, in fact, even then, was aware what had happened last night might well be considered extreme by others of the same sex persuasion, but, given the opportunity, saw no reason to hide my inclinations. They won't be back until after we leave,' he grinned at me. Why? What did you have in mind?' Where's the bathroom?' I asked, I'll take care of those calls of nature, then see about the other ones if you let me.' I really had changed, and it wasn't just about the sex. We may have been away from school but even so I would never considered talking so flippantly to my senior twenty-four hours ago, I would have to be careful after we got back. But right now access to a toilet was rapidly becoming more urgent as my body returned to life and I could feel the pressure of an overfull full bladder. The problem was, even though Paul's application of pain relief spray had eased some problems my body still seemed unwilling to respond when I asked it to move. Paul may have guessed the problem as he bent down to slide his hands under my shoulders and swung me round, allowing my feet to fall to the floor and hauled my body upright against his own, our chests, stomachs and other extremities making quick contact before he turned me round and sliding his arms round my chest started to half carry me out of the door and down the corridor. I wasn't the easiest way to walk and while I only felt a mild discomfort when my back or arse cheeks made contact with his body the humour of our situation, especially when his semi-erect cock kept getting lodged between my legs, finally got to me and I couldn't help but break into a fit of giggles. Probably this was also a response of sorts from my brain to the previous day's activity but when Paul asked what I found so funny I referred him to our half walk, half march, as we tried to keep our various legs in sequence, also to the proximity of his cock and where it was so obviously trying to go. We were now both trying, unsuccessfully, not to laugh and just as we reached the bathroom door Andrew appeared, as naked as ourselves, from another room. We tried to explain the reason for our unexpected hilarity as he hurried over to assist in manoeuvring me through the bathroom door, but when I tried to approach the toilet bowl Paul turned me in the opposite direction toward the shower, suggesting warm water would be good for the aches and pains that ailed my body. But I'm about to burst, I need to piss real bad now,' I managed to get out now that I'd managed to overcome my fit of giggles. Probably we all do,' then continued, just do it in the shower, it'll be good antiseptic for your grazes as well.' It was only when Andrew closed the door as we all stood in the glass sided shower cubicle, almost the size of a small room with a tiled seat along one side, that I caught on to his meaning. You mean..?' Even after the previous day's fun and games, and now being naked with two others I knew enjoyed some of my new found inclinations, I just couldn't quite bring myself to talk about such things openly, yet will admit the combination of my morning piss hard and Paul's naked body had already placed one or two ideas in my mind. Nobody answered me as Andrew turned the shower on just then, actually four shower heads covering the whole room with a soft warm spray. Almost immediately my body started to recover with the ease that young flesh is capable of. I was handed a bottle of shower gel but before I'd even managed to open it Andrew had started washing my back down himself so I took the plunge and upended the bottle over Paul's chest then, hanging the bottle back on a rail with several others, started to lather his body. At first lightly but when he made no objection, in fact leant back against the wall, I became more adventurous. I allowed my hands to examine his body with the soap as I would never, ever, have contemplated, even in the throes of deep sex. I felt his nipples stiffen and spring more visibly into relief against his black skin, laid my head against his chest to feel the beating of his heart while my hands worked their way over his shoulders and down his back, all the way down to squeeze and fondle his tight buttocks. Then, daringly, refilled my hands with soap and telling him to close his eyes, washed his tight crinkled hair, and then continued over his face. Even when the shower had removed all sign of soap from my hands and his body I continued to trace his face with my fingers, to fondle his earlobes, to brush over his thick lips, to drift them across his eyebrows. I could have continued lost in a world of my own if he'd not opened his smiling eyes and clasping my hand brought it to his mouth to start sucking on my fingers. That was all it took to fan the flame still flickering deep inside me. It was not so bright, in fact it seldom burnt so intensely as it had the previous night until I met Ogedei and he could make it flare up just by touching me, even so I knew it was there and that was enough. He removed my fingers, You've only done the top half so far boy, now finish what you started before we turn the water off. After all you made me dirty down there.' That I couldn't deny. While I'd been so busy administrating to Paul's body Andrew had been replicating the effort on my own, though in his case he'd already worked his way down below and when his soaped finger gently probed at my sore backside the effect had been to release the tap on my bladder thereby soaking Paul's legs. I ignored his directions, continuing to run my hands over his face and shoulders and looking him straight in the face. It was when the realization he'd begun to breathe slightly faster and harder occurred to me that I became aware my body was responding likewise. No poppers in here but almost the same effect of a heated increased blood flow though my body just from our joint awareness of the situation. Andrew would have to take care of himself, this was between us. Are you sure?' Paul asked softly. You don't have to, especially after yesterday.' In answer I merely reached up behind him to remove a bottle of liquid soap from the rail, then stood slightly back, actually squashing Andrews's nose into my arse crack in the process though he didn't really seem to mind about it, just adjusted his position slightly. I swear that Paul's eyes lit up as his fingers connected themselves to my nipples and started nipping and twisting them sending little shafts of pain across my chest. They were still extremely sensitive from their previous abuse and my legs buckled slightly before I managed to regain control and return fully upright. Even so I was unable to control the gasps and hisses escaping through my mouth while he continued to torture them. Removing one hand he used it to grasp my hair and pulling my head backwards just told me, Get down there and finish what you started.' Slowly I obeyed, folding my body beneath me as I allowed my mouth to explore on its way down. The hollow under his chin, sucked on his right and then his left nipple, then allowed my tongue to trace a path to the tight bust of dark curly hair in his groin before leaning back and applying the soap, beginning at his ankles and working my way upwards, slowly but surely, to the join where his legs met and I started to pay more attention to the immediate object of my desires and less to his body. Only then did I realise the water had been turned off sometime previously, leaving me with a rapidly hardening cock in my hands covered in soap suds and so not a suitable object for my mouth, which was where I wanted it to be. There was some conversation between the others and while I was still considering what to do about the situation we all moved somehow ending with Paul sitting back on the tiled shelf and myself on my hands and knees before him, still with that soaped up object just out of reach before me. Then the water came back on over my head, but in a jet, not a spray. Well, for a moment I thought it was water but then the smell followed by a taste as the flow continued from my hair down my face and dripping over Paul's groin corrected initial belief. Andrew was emptying his bladder over my head and he sure had a large bladder to empty. Apart from my initial start of surprise I made no other objection; it would have been churlish after the previous day and anyway, why should I object to something that for some reason actually turned me on, as it obviously did for them? Andrews flow altered direction to play over my neck and down my back but I was more engrossed in attempting, unsuccessfully, to make use of the residue dripping from my face and hair to clean the soap form Paul's package. He took hold of my hands and pulled my head toward his own, You really are up for all this. Do you want the soap washed away boy?' I nodded. He grimaced and clenched his teeth, then relaxed and continued, `Like this?' I felt a spurt, then a jet gush against my stomach as his equally full bladder let go and I pulled away from his hold to sit back on my legs to watch the flow, using my hands to clear the soap from that area, then quickly knelt back to place my face close to the stream. I found something exciting about watching someone piss from so close a view, feeling it splash back against my face where it mingled with Andrews's deposit. I never had to consider my next action, it was a natural reaction, opening my mouth I place it over the head of Paul's cock, allowing the hot liquid to flow round my mouth, then as the force reduced, closing my lips round his cock. My mouth quickly filled and I had to either to open it or swallow. I swallowed. Acrid, sharp, but not too unpleasant, luckily for me he'd already unloaded once this morning. Whatever, from somewhere the inclination had arrived to try more than just piss play round my cock and it didn't disgust me, just made me feel even raunchier? Hopefully the others felt likewise and as his flow ceased and the cock in my mouth quickly grew back to choke under my tongue and lips ministrations I ceased worrying about it and allowed my excitement to take over, using my hands to gently pull and fondle his massive black balls at the same time. Andrew had been equally busy after he'd finished emptying his bladder, originally burying his nose and then tongue between my arse cheeks and probing the lips of my sore and tender hole with his tongue. Now, without my noticing, he'd managed to get a couple of fingers inside and used them to explore thoroughly while his other hand was tight round my ball sac pulling and twisting and squeezing. I'm sure that twenty-four hours ago I would have objected quite vociferously and pulled away but now I just opened my kneeling legs wider to allow him easier access and applied my mouth, and my thoughts, to the cock I so desperately wanted to swallow.

Somehow I just couldn't get my throat to accept its full length, each time I tried being brought up short by my gag reflex. I wanted to please him, and, I wanted to please myself. I had to be fully possessed and that would only be if he was wholly inside me. I raised my head and looked up at him. Already there were signs of pleasure, slightly increased breathing, flared nostrils and half open mouth but I wanted him to feel more than that. I wanted to take him over the top and to take me with him. I waist sure how much more of Andres abuse I could take, already my arsehole felt like it was being torn apart and my balls twice their normal size. You don't have to take me right down, just do your best,' Paul told me. That wasn't good enough. Make me!' His eyes opened fully. Go on! Make me! You know you want to.' He grinned, that almost feral grin I remembered. Ok boy. You gona swallow me if it chokes you.' With that he backhanded me, one side of my face, then the other, again and again till I lowered my head. Then he placed both his hands over it and grabbing tightly hold of my hair forced my head lower and lower till my open mouth slid past the tip of his cock and continued on down without letup. Thankfully Andrew had let off torturing my cock and balls as Paul kept up the pressure on my head and his cock slid down my throat, past my gag point, past my ignored and uncared for spluttering, past the point of no return, and finally, home! All the way down and in, my chin resting against his balls and my nose squashed against his groin. He was in me! Right in me as far as he could go! I tightened my lips round his cock even as I was labouring for breath, my nose unable to inhale sufficient oxygen due to being squashed against his stomach. Andrew had left off abusing my balls and judging from the sensations I felt where a couple of fingers were still shoved in my arse, he was happily having a wank while he watched Paul start to use my mouth to bring himself to a like conclusion. Paul griped my head tightly at either side, leaving me where his hands covered my ears, then got to work pulling my head up and down thereby running his now hot and throbbing solid black cock back and forth through my tight lips and up and down my throat. I was peripherally aware when Andrew shot his load over my back and then transferred his attentions to my cock, jerking it back and forth while he slapped my arse; even that Paul scooped up the deposit and dripped it over his cock each time he pulled out from my mouth but all that was something else. All my attention was on the cock sliding between my lips and trying to choke the life from me, My lips ached, my mouth ached, my throat was sore, I couldn't breathe properly and was loving every moment. The fire banked so deeply inside was returning to life, I just knew somehow that I had no chance of swimming but maybe a paddle would suffice. Why didn't Andrew spank me harder? I wanted more, could feel myself heating up, my cock was as solid as Pauls in Andrews hands and my balls bursting to release their load. Paul blew! His first shot was so far down my throat I never felt or tasted it, just a hot squirt landing somewhere in my gut. Then he pulled back slightly and started firing on all fours, shot after shot of hot squirmy cum down my throat, in my mouth, leaking through my lips when the volume was too much to swallow at once. Almost before he'd finished, his cock was still dribbling, when his hands moved to grasp under my armpits and pull my body half on top of his own where his tongue took the place just vacated by his cock and shoved itself through my cum soaked lips deep inside my mouth. That did it. My cock, pulled so brutally from Andrews grasp, now bent backwards against Paul's body, gave up and shot its load again and again while I tried, almost unsuccessfully, to remain conscious enough to breathe. When we did finally come up for air the shower running again and Andrew told us we better get cleaned up and have something to eat before his parents returned. We'd been in the shower cubicle for over an hour.

Next: Chapter 13

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