Officers Boytoy

Published on Feb 28, 1998




"Ooo, oh shit, you're BIG!" I shouted as the big cock was rammed up into me! A hand slapped my ass and a voice said, "Shut the fuck up fag boy! You love it and you know it!!" I moaned and shoved my ass back to receive more of the big cock, knowing he was right, I did love it! It was Jocko, night sargent at the local cop station. I was spread out over one of the benches in the locker room at the station, my hands tied under the bench, my legs tied to each side of me to a couple locker doors and a rough pillow under my straining cock. I groaned as Jocko rammed that big poker of his in and out of me as I looked around the room. There were at least seven hard mean looking fuckers in that room and I'd been had by at least four of them already. Being the precinct cocksucker had some benefits and I was getting one of them right then, as Jocko began to slap my ass and slam that big cock of his in deeper and harder. As he did, a couple of the men shouted, "Go for it Jocko!!" and "Yeah, man, fuck that bitch ass! Make him feel it man!" There was a lot of good natured laughter as Jocko laughed and grasped my hips with his big hands and drove in and out even harder. I sure loved the way this man could fuck! I lifted my ass up as best I could considering the position my body was in and even tried to hump up into him, as he pumped me full of that big dick of his. Just then I opened my eyes and spied Steve coming in the door, unbuttoning his shirt. When he saw me, he gave the usual shake of his head, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he made sure I could see him undress as he stood next to his locker.

I stared in lust at the man as he undid his belts and holster and then, pulled his shirt out of his uniform pants. Usually, I like my men with hair on their chests, but Steve, his skin was smooth and his chest and belly defined like some kind of Greek God. Other than the hair under his arms, the only hair was that smattering around his belly button and leading to his crotch. I stared hungrily at him, wanting to touch that golden tanned body, to feel those smooth muscles, to lick into his belly button and suck on the hairs around it. As I watched him undress, putting his leg up on the bench to remove the black boot, my body responded by becoming even more excited. My ass squeezed on the pumping cock that Jocko was ramming into me, drawing deep moans from the man. When Steve stood up and unzipped his pants and undid the button and spread the flaps, exposing the dark bush around his cock, as he pushed them along with the shorts down. His cock, semi aroused poked out from the tops of the spread fly, pointing just a little to the side, smooth, cut, fatter at the base than at the head. He knew I was watching him, as my tongue slid out along the length of my lips, a slight moan easing from my lips. I looked from his cock to his face and he smiled and thrust his hips forward, giving me the full view of his luscious cock and the big balls hanging below them. Just then, my vision was blocked by the sight of a pair of hairy thighs and a big dick being stroked by a rough hand. It was Carl and he stepped over the end of the bench and pushed my head up and back and said, "Looks like your fucking has got him hungry Jocko!"

I stared up at him as he chuckled and wiped the head of his cock all over my face, asking, "You want this pretty boy!? You want this big dick in your sweet mouth honey!?" I licked out with my tongue, still seeing Steve's dick as Carl moved in closer to my lips. He pushed the cockhead in and I immediately began to suck on it as he shoved in further. He said, "I've been needing this all day baby! You ready for it?" I stared up at him, knowing what he was going to do, accepting it as I always did from this stud! I moaned on his cock as Jocko shouted and plunged his cock all the way into me. Then, I felt the first spurt on my tongue as Carl began to piss in my mouth, at the same time, Jocko's cock exploded in my ass! I swallowed quickly, knowing that he didn't want anyone to know what he was doing, knowing that I would take it from him. I swallowed and swallowed as he pulled me into his crotch, his cock filling my mouth, his thighs covering my face, as he chuckled and said, "Oh man Jocko! I think you really creamed him this time!!" Jocko was slowly sliding his cock in and out of me as it continued to shoot, and said, "Whew, he really got excited that time, his ass squeezed me so hard I thought it was gonna pull it off me!!" I moaned on Carl's cock as his stream stopped and he stroked the side of my face and said, quietly, "Yeah, you always get excited when Steve comes in, don't you baby!?" I stared up at him sucking on his cock as he slowly pumped it in and out of my mouth. If anyone knew my insatiable lust for Steve, it was Carl, Carl was Steve's partner.

As Carl began to pick up the speed of his thrusts into my mouth, I heard him say, "Yeah, Jerry, come on guy, let's give the bitch what he really likes, dick at both end!" I heard a chuckle and a finger slide into me as Jerry said, "Yeah, he sure loves being dicked like that don't he!" I wiggled my ass eagerly as Carl chuckled and said, "Look at him, wiggling his bitch ass like he's in heat! Shove it in guy, let's take him to heaven!!" Jerry shoved into me and I forgot about Steve. Forgot about everything but the delicious feeling of a cock filling my ass and the taste and feel of one in my mouth. I sucked eagerly on Carl's pumping cock as Jerry fucked me, lost in cocksucker heaven, just the way they wanted me to be. In fact, for the next half hour, I was kept full of cock till every man getting off of shift, except for Steve, plowed their hard dicks to either my mouth or ass. I loved it and when the last two had finished, they untied me and took me into the shower with them and I was scrubbed and toyed with in the showers with the ten men as they took their showers. When the shower was through, I got out and got the men their towels and picked up the dirty clothes and stuff strewn around the lockers. There was some playful grab ass going on, with me getting my ass and balls grabbed and played with as the men got dressed. The last out of the shower was Steve, and over half the men were already dressed and gone when he came by and asked for a towel. I handed it to him and stared hungrily at him and he winked, slapped my bare ass and said, "Some day Joe, some day!" That some day would have to come soon, as I had only about six months left to be the boytoy for the precinct as the Captain was going to be relocating and I was to go with him.

I suppose you're wondering what's going on, well let me tell you. For the last four years, since I was seventeen, I have been the boytoy of the 9th precinct. Not that anybody but the guys on patrol, a couple of lieutenants in the office, the Captain of course, and one or two others knew what was going on in the lockers. I was supposedly the locker manager, a position dreamed up for me by the Captain to make sure I was there every day. You see, I graduated from high school a month before my eighteenth birthday, and was given the job by the Captain. For the five months before I was "hired" I had been coming to the precinct to service the studs changing shifts and service the Captain, when he wanted me too. It all had started, when I was caught by Carl and Steve one night in the local park. I was seventeen, cock hungry, aching to be on my knees sucking some studs cock and been told to go to the park for the action. I had known about the park from the time I had first started sucking cock, but had never gone there, as I was told sometimes it got pretty rough. It had been almost three weeks since I had last sucked on a guy's cock and that had been the coach of the varsity swim team. But that was stopped as he left the school shortly there after. I knew I had to have a cock, needed to taste some cum, needed to feel a pair of hands holding my head, feeding me the thing I loved above all else, COCK!

I snuck out of my house around eight thirty and walked the ten blocks to the park in the gathering dusk. By the time I got there, it was dark and I could see that some men had gathered around a couple of the restrooms on the far side of the park, away from the residential streets. Most everybody knew that the park was a haven for homosexuals and the men that went to see them, but since there was rarely any problems, nothing had ever been done to stop the things going on. The park ran along a wide creek and the rough side was away from the areas frequented by the usual town folk. I walked down the circular walk towards a fountain and there were two men there, both having a smoke. As I got closer, I could feel my stomach clinching, afraid and excited at the same time. One of the men smiled at me and said, "Nice evening, isn't it?" I said, "Uh, yeah, its, uh, real, uh nice!" The man turned towards me and his shirt was open, revealing a heavy black covering of hair. In the light from the park lamp, I could see the big belt buckle on his levis, where his free hand was curled into his pants, the fingers patting an obvious bulge. He walked to me and asked, "You're new here aren't you guy!?" I said, "Uh, I don't know what you mean!" He chuckled and slid his arm around me and I could smell his man smell, full and heavy and when the hair and skin on his belly touched my bare arm, I almost fainted. He said, "Yeah, never been to the park have you boy!?" I looked up into the dark eyes and said, "No sir, I haven't!" He smiled, exposing his white teeth and said, "Sir, huh. You sure know how to talk right to a man boy! You, uh, interested in having a little fun with my buddy and me?"

I stammered, as he pulled me in tighter to him, "Uh, I don't know, uh, what you mean, uh, sir. I was just, uh, out for a walk!" His free hand reached down and cupped my crotch, and groped my growing hardon as he said, "Oh, I think you were looking for more than a little walk, now, weren't you?" His hand on my cock had me moaning lightly and I leaned into him, my face against the hairy chest. His arm around my shoulder slid down and I could feel his hand as it slid into the tops of my sweats and grasped my ass cheek. I gasped as he pulled me into him, feeling his hardon pressing against me as he said, "Hey, Charlie, come on, we got us some chicken to play with tonight!" I pulled my head back from the man's chest and begged, "Please, please don't hurt me sir! I'll do anything you want, but don't hurt me please!" I was surprised to find that I had tears running down my face as I begged, but the man put his hand to my chin and leaned in close and said, "We don't plan to hurt you baby! Give you some real man fun, but hurt you, never! Now, do you want to go with me and Charlie and play some?" I looked at Charlie and back to the man and shook my head and gasped, "Oh yes, please." The man chuckled and asked, "Really need some dick do you boy!? Need it real bad too, right?" I gasped as he took my hand and sucked in his stomach and shoved my hand down into his pants, as he said, "Here, feel what ole Tom has got for you to play with!" I groped the big cock in his pants as I felt two hands sliding over the back of my sweats and cupping my ass. I leaned into Tom and he chuckled and said, "Let's go over to those bushes Charlie, then, our boy here can show us what he has for us! What's your name sweet thing?" I looked up at him and said, "I'm Joe!" He leaned towards me and kissed my cheek and said, "Nice to meet you Joey! We're gonna have a real ball tonight! Come on!"

With Charlie's hands cupping my butt cheeks and my hand down inside Tom's levis, playing with his cock, Tom led us over to one side and through some bushes. There was a blanket spread on the ground and Tom took off his shirt and sat down on it as Charlie joined him, throwing off his tshirt. Tom looked up at me and said, "Strip for us Joey! Let's see what you look like naked!" I blushed as I had never done anything like that for a man before, but I didn't wait long, as Tom undid his pants and slid them down. I stared as he leaned back on his elbow and began to stroke that hard shaft of his, his pants around his ankles as he said, "Come on, do it boy! Look what I got for you when you get naked baby!! Strip them clothes off!!" I slowly slid off my light jacket and put it on the ground and then, slid my shirt up and off, revealing my almost hairless chest. I slid out of my shoes and slid my sweats down and off and then, stood there, naked, in the night, in front of two men I didn't even know, afraid of what was going to happen, but wanting it to all the same!

I looked at Charlie and he was naked already, stroking a hardon that had a wicked curve to it. I looked over at Tom and he had slid off his pants and left his boots on, as he smiled up at me and asked, "You want this dick boy!? You want to suck it!?" I nodded my head as I tried to cover my hardon and my chest with a different hand. Tom sat back on his elbows and spread his legs, making his cock bounce against his belly. He chuckled and said, "Come and get it Joey! Its all yours!" I practically dove to my knees between his spread legs, reaching out to grasp his cock as I stroked it. I leaned over and began to slide my lips up and down on it and Tom chuckled and said, "Hungry little bastard ain't he Charlie!?" I heard Charlie say, "Yeah, looks like it. Wonder if he's hot to be fucked too!" I barely heard him, I was so hungry to be sucking on the cock in my mouth, I was caressing and squeezing on Tom's thighs and balls. Tom said, "Have at him guy. He's got his ass in the air for it! Fuck him!" Still it didn't intrude on my sucking. I was so hungry to have a cock in my mouth, that I barely was aware until Charlie had shoved the second finger up into me, and began to stretch my hole. I started to lift my head in protest, but Tom' caught it, forcing my mouth all the way down on his shaft. He said, "Easy baby, easy! Charlie's just gonna give you what you need!" Then, I felt the fingers pulled out of me and something blunt pressed against my hole.

I was torn. I had wanted to be fucked, had dreamed about it for days, months, but now, here it was going to happen, and I tightened my hole against it. Charlie slapped my butt and said, "Open up faggot! Loosen up boy!" He continued to slap my ass and then, it happened, the head of his cock slid into me. I screamed around the cock filling my mouth as the pain was excruciating. Then, Tom said, "Ease up on him Charlie, I don't think this chicken has ever been fucked before!" He pulled my head up and asked, "This your first time Joey!?" I nodded, "Yes, yes, oh Tom, it hurts, it hurts so bad!!" He stroked my cheek and said, "Just relax baby, relax, let Charlie in, it will feel better real soon! Relax, let it go in!!" His voice seemed to hypnotize me a little as I felt the head move inside me further and my ass hole slip around it and tighten on the shaft. Then, he was sliding in further. There was still pain, but as he was doing it slowly, there was pleasure too. When he got it all in, he paused, waiting for I didn't know what. Suddenly, the pain began to ease and I felt a spreading warmth inside me and I humped my ass up into his crotch. Tom asked, "Feel good baby!?" I gasped, "Yes, yes, oh Tom, it feels, so big and hard, and, and, and, so good!!" He chuckled and said, "Go for it Charlie, he can take it now! Here baby, suck on this, you'll like having a dick in your mouth and one in your ass!" I slid my mouth onto his cock hungrily and sucked harder than I had ever in my life. I was so excited, the feeling of the powerful cock sliding in and out of me, taking me, forcing me to submit to its power as Charlie fucked me was more than I had ever known. Without realizing it, I was making love to Tom's cock, sucking gently and tightly, as he slowly worked my head up and down on it.

It wasn't long and Charlie groaned and ground his crotch in against my ass crack, his cock buried inside me as I felt a man cum in me for the first time. I was so excited, so turned on, my own cock shot of its own accord, my body rocked by the powerful orgasm I was experiencing. Charlie pulled his cock out of me and Tom lifted my mouth off his and looked into my eyes and asked, "Do you want me to fuck you too Joey?" I grasped his cock and said, "Yes, yes, please fuck me Tom, please!!" He crawled around and rolled me over onto my back and grasped my legs behind the knees and said, "Reach down and guide me honey! Show me where you want my cock!" I was so excited and wanted his cock in me, any cock for that matter, I didn't care what he said right then. I grasped his cock as he spread my legs and guided the head to my hole. He smiled widely at me as he thrust his hips forward, impaling me with his cock as my body arched up, some pain, but mostly pleasure as he filled me with it!! He held my legs spread as he fucked and asked, "Like this Joey!? Like having a man fuck you!? Fuck you like a woman, like a whore!!?" Something took over me and I went wild under him, thrusting my ass up to him and forcing my butt against his crotch as I gasped again and again, "Yes! Yes! I love it! I love being fucked! Fuck me Tom, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!" Tom said, "Charlie get over here guy! Sit on his face, make him eat your ass buddy!"

I didn't care at that moment what they did, the feel of Tom's bigger, harder cock was filling me and retreating and I just wanted it to go on and on! Then, my face was covered between Charlie's thighs as he squatted over me. I went wild, grasping his hips and pulling him over me, as my tongue sought his hairy ass hole. I didn't care if it would have seemed dirty or what, I sucked and licked his ass hole, as he squirmed over me, pulling at my tits as Tom continued to hold my legs spread as he fucked me. Again, and again, that hard shaft pounded into me as he got into giving me a hard fuck. I loved it and lifted my ass eagerly wanting more, more, more. I could see Charlie's hand stroking his cock and I reached up and caressed his balls, feeling them rising, as he groaned. Then, he pulled off my face and shoved his cock down into my open mouth, almost gagging me, as he shouted, "Take my cum boy!!" I sucked on his cock as it shot and shot, wad after hot wad into my mouth. He came so much it ran out the sides of my mouth and down my cheeks. But I didn't care, I was loving every minute of it!! Then, he pulled off of me and I stared at Tom as the hairy chested man drove his cock in and out of me. I loved it and begged for more as he pumped and pumped. Then, he practically lifted me up higher as he rammed in, his voice growling as his cock shot inside me. He thrust into me two or three more times hard, as his cock shot and then, he collapsed over me. HIs cock was still inside me and his body surrounded me, covered me and I smelled his sweaty body, luxuriating in it. I licked out at his chest and his left nipple and he lifted up a bit. He looked down at me and asked, "Still want more baby!?" I humped my ass up onto his still hard cock and said, "Yes, yes, more, more, please, more!!"

He pulled out of me and rolled me over onto my belly and grasped my hips and pulled my ass up to his cock. He roughly shoved his cock into me, as my head flew up and I groaned. Then, he was fucking me again! I rocked on my knees, shoving my ass back for his cock, wanting it inside me, more, more, more!! Just then, Tom said, "Charlie, go get Gary and Stan!" I saw Charlie grab his clothes and go through the bushes, but I didn't care, I was being fucked and it felt soo good!! Then, Charlie was back and he had two other men with him. Tom was fucking away and said, "Got us some chicken boycunt here guys! Want to try some! I think he really loves being fucked! That right Joey? You love being fucked honey!" He pulled my head back by the hair and I gasped, "Yes, yes, I love being fucked!!!" I stared in hunger as the two new men stripped naked and one knelt in front of my face and shoved his cock into my mouth. I sucked eagerly, wantonly, not caring, just so it was cock!! They each fucked me twice, with Tom fucking me one more time, and I sucked each of them off before they finally left me, lying on the blanket, naked, my face dripping from the cum that had overflowed my mouth, my inner thighs oozing their cum. I was dazed, not knowing what to do. I lay there and as I did, I heard two voices talking. One said, "I saw that ass hole Tom leaving here a few minutes ago." The other said, "Shit, the last time he had messed up a young guy in those bushes. Think we should check!?" The first voice said, "Better. No telling what that cocksucker was doing here." I lay there, not knowing they were coming towards me, till they were standing in front of me. They were police officers, their dark uniforms, shining boots, their leather straps and holsters. I stared up at them and crawled to the one with the blonde hair. I got to him and leaned down and kissed his boots and said, "Fuck me sir! Please, fuck me sir!!" The man shoved me away with his boot and the other said, "Shit, Steve, go easy, look at what they did to the guy! Must have gangbanged him!!"

The other officer came up to me and I moved to hug him around the legs and slid my hand up his thigh and groped at his crotch, finding a semi hard shaft, as I begged, "Please, let me suck your cock sir! Please, let me suck it!!" Steve said, "Shit Carl, the guys cock crazy!" Carl, the man I was holding said, "Yeah, those guys must have done a real number on him! He is pretty though! You o.k., boy!?" I said, "Yes, sir, I'm fine sir!" I groped his hardon in his pants and heard Steve say, "Shit, the faggots really hot for it!" I moved up to my knees and spread my legs and wiggled my ass and said, "Yes sir! Ooo, I want it so bad! Please sir, will you fuck me, please sir!!" Steve said, again, "Shit!," in a real disgusted way as he turned to look away. Carl slid his hand down under my chin and lifted it up towards him. He said, "Maybe we should give it to him. He seems hungry enough for it! What say Steve!?" Steve said, "No way man! You want to have that cocksucker service you, go ahead, not me!" Carl looked down at me and pulled my head back and asked, "You want to suck cock boy?" I licked out at my lips and groped him harder, begging, "Yes, yes, please, can I suck sir, please!!" Steve said, "Shit the guys lost in some kind of cocksucker's dream. I can't stand this!" Carl unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out of his pants. It was hard and veined and was exciting to look at as he asked, "You want this cocksucker!?" I slid my hand up and grasped his cock and said, "Oh yes sir! I do! I do! Please can I suck it!!?" Steve said, "Shit, you're probably going to give it to him aren't you Carl!?" Carl chuckled and said, "Why not? He wants it bad enough!"

Steve walked off through the bushes, saying as he did, "Well, I'll be in the cruiser." He was gone and I knelt there in front of Carl. He pulled out his shirt and exposed his hairy chest and belly and then, undid his belt and pants, letting them slide to his feet, his jockey shorts following right after. I dove for his crotch, as I slid my hands along his strong thighs and worked my face into his hairy cockbush and balls. He stroked my head as I did this and then, I slid my mouth along the under side of his cock and then, circled it with my lips and began to go down on it, sucking as I did. I must have been doing it right as he groaned and moaned and then, held my head as he began to pump my mouth. He angled my head back as he slid his cock in and out of my sucking lips and asked, "You dig sucking that big dick buddy!?" I nodded my head and stroked his balls in response and he asked, "You like doing it for guys in uniform!" My eyes opened wide and I bobbed my head up and down wildly and he smiled and said, "Yeah, bet you'd service the guys on the shift real good too!" I moaned on his cock as I closed my eyes and began to suck wildly. He began to pump my mouth and held my head with his two hands as I did. I loved it and slid in closer to him, wanting to take all of his cock. I was getting it all as he pumped it in and out, crushing my nose into his wiry cockbush each time he drove home. I slid my hands around and cupped his ass cheeks, urging him on as he groaned and fed me his dick.

Suddenly, he jerked his cock from my mouth and said, "You want this dick boy, lick my boots!" I was so excited and he looked so wild over me, his insignia and badge flickering in the light. I dove for his right foot and lifted it and began to lick along the top of the boot up towards the ankle, never taking my eyes off of him. I worked my tongue all over that boot and lifted the other and repeated the same motions for him. Then, he grabbed my head by the hair and pulled me up as I held his wrist. He held his cock and guided it into my mouth and began to fuck my face roughly. I was so lost in the sense of submission to him, I sucked eagerly, not caring what he did, just so that big dick was in my mouth! In and out he pumped his shaft, holding my head tightly with both hands. I loved it and moaned deep in my throat each time the head slid into it. I was holding onto his hips as he did this and then, he groaned and said, "Now, now, now, take it! Take it!!!" He thrust his cock deep into my throat and I felt his cum shoot into me. he pulled back and slowly pumped part of his cock in and out of my mouth as his cock continued to shoot and ooze his thick cream. I took it all, swallowing eagerly to get it all. As his orgasm eased off, he continued to slide his dick in and out of my mouth and I sucked gently on it. Then, he pulled it from my mouth and asked, "You like sucking cop dick boy?" I looked up at him and kissed the head of his cock and said, "Oh yes sir! I do! I do!" He asked, "You want to suck more cop cock?"

I said, "Yes sir, can we do it right now!?" He chuckled and ruffled my hair and said, "No, but tomorrow, you can come by the station house and I'll make sure you get to suck all the cop cock you want! That sound like fun!?" I pressed my face into his hairy crotch and breathed, "Oh sir, yes, yes, I want to sir!" He said, "Good. Now, get your clothes back on and come with me!" I slid into my shirt as he adjusted his clothes and I asked, "Are you arresting me sir!?" He chuckled and said, "No. But I'm gonna take you home, its after curfew boy! By the way, what's your name?" I said, "Its Joe sir." He chuckled and slapped my butt and said, "You don't have to call me sir Joe. My name's Carl." I smiled and said, "It was, uh, nice to meet you Carl!" He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders and led me out of the bushes. He said, "It was my pleasure Joe, believe me, my pleasure!" He walked me over to the parking lot and I could see Steve, the other officer in the cruiser. I asked, "Will I be sucking the other officer too Carl?" He said, "No, don't think so. Steve is pretty straight. So are most of the guys at the station, but we don't mind having a young cocksucker around to take care of us." I said, "I think it would be wild to take care of you police officers Carl." He squeezed me against him and said, "Then, you come by the station around three tomorrow, that's when the shift changes and we'll see what we can do about that. O.k.?" I said, "I will Carl."

We came up to the cruiser and Carl opened the back door, as Steve asked, "What are you doing now Carl?" Carl got into the front as I got into the back and said, "Gonna give Joe here a ride home. That bother you?" Steve said, "Don't bother me. Hope you enjoyed yourself!" Carl laughed and said, "I did buddy, I did! Joe here has a real talented mouth. Tomorrow, I'm gonna find out if his ass is as good as his mouth too!" Steve asked, "What do you mean by that?" Carl looked over at me in the back and said, "Well, we haven't had a cute boytoy at the station in a while and I think Joe just might be what we need." Steve looked at me through the rearview mirror and asked, "What do you think the Captain will say about that?" Carl laughed and said, "Not much. In fact, I think after he gets a good look at Joe, I think he'll be as interested in fucking him as I am!" Steve shook his head and said, "Shit, didn't know I was signing up to work with a bunch of queers!" Carl slapped out at his shoulder and said, "We aren't queers guy! We just like to have some variety in our sex is all. Besides, one day you'll be all pent up, jazzed by the job and feel so horny any hole will feel good. Then, you'll be glad that Joe is around!" He looked at me and winked and I blushed. Steve drove me to my house and Carl was a little surprised to see how close to the precinct house I lived. And that was the start of my time as the station boytoy. I went in the next day and Carl took me into the locker room and made me strip and bent me over the bench and as he began to fuck me, told the guys that I was theirs to use all they wanted.

At first there was some hesitation, but as a couple others got into his fucking me, other guys came up to us, hard and stroking, watching as I gave my ass. After a few had shot their loads to me, one of the guys came up and asked if I wanted to suck him and I grabbed his cock and guided it to my mouth. From that day on for the next month or so, I came by the station house at three and got my ass fucked and fed cock all they wanted. It was wild and at the end of the month, the Captain came in and found me being fucked by Gary and fed by sargent Jocko. They sort of stopped what they were doing and almost pulled out of me, but the Captain said, "Don't let me stop you guys! We all need to get rid of the tension sometimes!" Jocko and Gary went back to fucking me at both ends and the Captain inspected my body and watched as they put dick to me and asked about how much and how long I'd been doing this. When he found out that I'd been doing it for a month, he rubbed his chin and said, "When you two are finished, get him dressed and send him to my office." They said they would and he left as they finished fucking me. They took me into the showers and got me all cleaned up and then, watched while I dressed. They told me how to get to the Captain's Office without anyone seeing me and I walked down the dark corridor to the back door of his office. I pushed the button they said would be there and then, the door was opened and the captain stood there, his shirt pulled out of his pants and opened. This exposed his hard muscled chest and belly, as it was covered in a mass of dark hair across the pecs and a wide line down over his belly to the top of his pants. He said, "Come on in Joe."

As I walked in, he closed the door behind me and then, before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me by the hair and jerked me to my knees, ordering, "On your knees cocksucker!!" I went quickly as I stared up at him and then, he began to undress. He was older than most of the men at the station, but his body was magnificent, hard, muscled and covered in dark hair. When he was finished, he said, "Today, I undress myself, from now on, when I call you in here, you'll undress me! You got that boy!?" It was barked at me more like an order than a question and I nodded saying immediately, "Yes sir!" He smiled and said, "Good. You're gonna be my personal little cock slave Joe. Oh, you'll service the guys in the lockers and stuff, but I'm the one you're gonna really want!!" I don't know why, but I knew he was right. From that day on, I was his, completely. I spent the times in the lockers with the guys, but at night I went home with him and I was his toy, his boy, his bitch, anything he wanted to do to me, I let him and enjoyed it all. He was rough sometimes, but mostly it was just him dominating me and me accepting it as natural. I moved out of my folks place in June that year and moved in with him. He had fixed up the job for me and told my parents that I could live in the spare apartment he had next to his house. He told them that since I would be working from two thirty till eleven it would be better for me and it was close to the station. They must have thought it was alright and I moved in with the Captain.

My mornings were spent cleaning up his house and my apartment and then, at two thirty, I went to the station house. I would go to the lockers and strip down to a pair of briefs and when the guys came in to change shifts, let any guy fuck me that wanted too, or I sucked off any guy that wanted it. At seven every night, I went home with the Captain and serviced him till around nine or ten. Then, he'd send me back to the station house to take care of the change of shift. After that, I went home to my apartment, unless the Captain wanted me in his bed that night. I loved my life. I was making money, sucking cock, getting it fucked to me, and, at the same time, in a relationship with a man that I knew I wanted to be with always. On my eighteenth birthday, the Captain bought me a collar that read "9th Precinct BOYTOY." He had planned a party for me at his house for that night and along with a bunch of the men from the station, had invited a few others. It was the wildest night of my life. I did everything and got everything done to me that I could every want! It all started when the Captain was going to present me the collar. A lot of us had already stripped down to just our underwear and some guys were already making out as he came into the room. He was dressed in the leather outfit that I had loved to see him in. The straps that crisscrossed his chest, leaving his nipples open through big eyelets. The hat and mirrored glasses. The heavy black boots, the leather briefs, with the special pouch in them, and the chaps that went with them.

He quieted every one down and called me up to him. I had been necking with Gary behind the couch, and Gary had been fingering me with three fingers as he drove his tongue in and out of my mouth. He had my shorts down under my ass cheeks as he was doing it and when I heard the Captain call, I started to get up and my shorts slid down so that my cock was caught on them. Every one laughed as I walked over to the Captain that way. He ordered, "Strip off them panties boy!" I did as he wanted and then, he said, "Now, I have something here for you. From now on, when you're in the locker room you no longer wear any clothes, only this collar!" I looked at it and blushed when I saw the words on it. He put it on me and then, paraded me around the room for every one to see. Then, he pointed at Gary and said, "Come here Gary!" Gary strode over to us and he was one hunk of a man, hard muscled, only a little hair on his chest, but a cock that felt and tasted so good. The Captain put his arm around my shoulders and said, "Gary you take Joe into the bedroom and when you two are finished, some one else will come in to play with him! Joe, you're too be the party pussy tonight! You'll be in the bedroom and any man that wants to fuck you, or have you suck him will come in and you're gonna service them! Right?" I said, "Yes sir," as I looked at all the men in the room and licked my lips. He handed a little bottle to Gary and said, "Have fun guys!!"

Well, Gary took me off to the bedroom amidst a lot of hooting and hollering. He fucked me, fed me poppers, fed me his cock and then, left and another man followed him, then another, then, another. For almost three hours I spent in that bed and man after man came in and fucked me. There were even a few twosomes, and at one point, four men came in and I was fucked and sucked and rolled on the bed between each of them as my popper heightened sex feelings drove me wild! At some point in the night, the Captain and three of his friends came in and took me down to his dungeon. I was strung up in a sling and those four studs worked me over good, shoving dildoes to my eager ass and mouth, feeding me their dicks, fucking my ass and sucking me off all the while! At some point in all the wild stuff being done, I passed out. I was taken to the Captain's bed and I slept with him that night, one of the first times for me. From that night till this day, I never wore a stitch of clothing in the locker room, only the collar. The first day the guys were real excited about it and grabbed me and they shaved all the hair off my body before I was fucked good by them. Every so often after that, I would be taken to different parties and outings with some of the men and I loved them all. But through it all, I never was fucked by Steve. I never got to suck his cock, or even, touch his body. Carl was the only one that knew I had the hots for Steve and tried to talk Steve into fucking me every chance he got, but to no avail. Steve was untouchable, unreachable.

But now, the Captain had announced that he was leaving the station and going to another post in the north part of the state. I never even questioned whether I was going with him, it was like an unspoken decision between us that I would go with him. But that was six months away and right now, I had a big dick in my mouth and was sucking hungrily on it as the stud fucked my face. I looked up and it was Sam, one of the older men on the crew. His small pot belly, covered lightly in hair was working as he held my head and pumped his cock to my mouth. I stroked his belly and reached up and played with his tits as he chuckled and smiled down at me. I didn't care, he was nice to suck and liked the way he fucked me, on my side, his cock stroking in hard to my tight hole as he played with my tits. He was divorced and with the scar on his face, didn't think women would like him. I told him I sure did and I always enjoyed it when it was Sam that I was going to service. After Sam left, I was untied and just hung around the lockers for a bit, hoping to get a sight of Steve. I sat on one of the benches and was folding a pile of clean towels, when Tony came around the side of the lockers. He winked as he said, "Ready to be fucked Joey?" I smiled up at that strong Italian face and said, "Sure Tony, anytime, anytime!!" He smiled and said, "I'll be right there." I went to the bench that was pushed up against the wall and got on it, sitting there, my legs spread, my feet on the low lockers to either side, waiting for Tony. I knew he loved to see me that way and when he came around the lockers again, he said, "Hmm, such a pretty sight!"

He was stroking that big uncut cock of his, the loose skin sliding off and on over the big head as he came towards me. He moved astraddle the bench and as he got close, he grabbed my head and shoved that big 8 incher into my mouth. I moaned as he buried it down my throat, but worked my lips tightly around its hairy base, as I smelled his musky man odor. He hadn't showered yet and I knew he was keyed up as I began to suck on the full length of his meat. He stroked my hair and said, "Yes, yes, been needing this one baby! Oh Joey, suck that big dick, eat it all baby!!!" I sucked harder and he began to fuck my face, as I stroked his hard muscled body, pinching his nipples as he fed me. Then, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and sat on the bench, his cock pointed right at my hole. I slid lower till I felt the head of his cock touch my hole and pushed my hole over the head and he slid into me, all the way in one smooth motion. He groaned and said, "Oh man, no cunt every feels the way your ass does Joey! Did you know that honey!" I kissed his cheek and said, "Fuck me stud! Show me who's the boss Italian around here! Fuck me you Italian stallion, fuck me!!" He chuckled and began to do just that, giving me every inch he had over and over till he shot inside me. Then, he leaned down and licked my hole and ate out his own cum from it. I quivered in excitement when he did this, and then, he guided his cock to my mouth and I began to suck on it, till he fed me his cream and stood up. He kissed my cheek and said, "Thanks baby, I really needed that!" I stroked his hard thighs and said, "It was my pleasure stud!" I always liked it when Tony was on of the last ones to service, as I would go home remembering the feeling of his cock inside me and the taste of it too.

I sure loved being the only cocksucker allowed in the precinct. There were other gay guys that were brought in, but they never got touched by the men of the precinct. In fact, I think from having me around and putting dick to me so much it made it easier on the other gays that got picked up or had come to the precinct with their troubles. I was thinking this as I picked up the towels and stuff from the lockers, cleaning up things as I went. The place was empty and I knew that the shift change was finished and went in to start the washing machine to get some clean towels set up. I was finishing it when I heard a noise. I looked in the locker room and when I walked around the corner of the lockers spied Randy, one of the rookies, getting undressed. His uniform was torn in places and I said, "Hi Randy. What happened to you?" He turned and said, "Jack and me had to rough up some guy and bring him in. Sure was a mean fucker." I asked, "Where's Jack?" He indicated the officers room and said, "In with the Captain and putting in our report. There was a new guy with us when we ran into the perp and he's helping him." I asked, "A new guy?" Randy smiled lewdly and asked, "What's the matter, tired of the old cock you been getting!?" I moved closer as he got his pants off, noticing how nice the hang of his cock was over his hairy balls. I said, "No, I think the cock I get here is the best in the world!" He smiled and slid his hand under his shaft and asked, "You just say that cause you want some of this!"

I moved up to him and slid my hand around his cock and said, "No, I wouldn't say it that way, but I do want some of this!" He chuckled and said, "Bet you been fucked by the whole shift already!? Haven't you?" I moved in closer as he took off his shirt and ran my hand over his hairy pecs and flicked my finger against his right nipple and said, "Uh huh, but that doesn't mean I don't want to service you stud!" His cock was growing in my hand and he said, "Well, after that bit of a fight, I need something to take the edge off!" I slid my hand over his cock and said, "Well, let me take the edge off for you stud!" He smiled and sat on the bench and spread his legs and said, "Then, get down here and do it bitch!" I smiled as I knelt between his legs and stroked his hardon. I smiled up at him as I leaned over and slid my lips around his throbbing cock and began to suck up and down on it. I knew how he liked his cock sucked, slow and tight and began to do just that, as he stroked his fingers through my hair. He said, "Man, you sure know how to make my dick feel good Joe. Hmm, yeah, oh yeah, that feels so good!" He pulled my face into his crotch as he stood up and I looked up at him as he leaned over towards the lockers and began to pump his cock in and out of my mouth. He moaned as he did this and then, I heard voices. One asked, "What's this? You guys got a house bitch?" The other voice was Jack's as he chuckled and said, "Sure do and old Joe there can suck a cock better than any faggot I've ever had and has an ass that really loves to be fucked! Right Randy?

Randy stroked my hair with one hand and said, "You can say that again! Man, ain't nobody ever sucks my cock the way this cocksucker does!" Jack said, "Why don't I get you set up Ken? Besides, I want some of this action myself!" Randy said, "No problem buddy! Just come on over when you're ready to fuck him! I plan to feed my dick to his sucking mouth for a little while! Nice to meet you Ken, you signing on with us!?" I heard the other man, Ken, say, "From what I see already, this is just the kind of precinct I want to work at!" He laughed and Randy ground his crotch into my face and said, "Well, it does have its extra added attractions and, its free for all to share, right baby!?" I grabbed his ass cheeks and squeezed them when he said this, cause I knew I was gonna be on my knees sucking the tasty dick in my mouth for a while, cause it was always wild sucking Randy off! Especially when he shot after as I'd get a lot of cum from him. I moaned on his cock and heard the man called Ken say, "Well Jack, get me set up will you." Randy said, "See you around guy!" Then Randy pulled his hips back and his cock popped out of my mouth as he slid a hand under my chin and ask, "You like the idea of sucking me baby!?" I squeezed his hairy balls and licked at his cockhead and said, "You know I love the taste of and feel of your cock in my mouth Randy!" He chuckled and guided it back to my mouth, saying, "Open wide baby!" I took his cock and continued sucking for a while till I felt a big hand on my butt. I knew it was Jack and I moved to all fours and wiggled my ass at him. He slapped my butt and said, "Looks like he wants it Randy." Randy chuckled and said, "Put it to him Jack, make him feel that big ole dick deep stud!" I heard Jack chuckle as he knelt down behind me and began to rub the head of his cock along my ass crack. I reached behind me and spread my cheeks and Randy said, "Yeah, he wants it bad Jack! Pump that hot pussy, make it work on your cock man!!"

Jack chuckled as I felt him place the head of his cock at my hole and ease it up into me. There was a little hesitation as the muscle held for a moment, but I was relaxed and eager to feel his big dick sliding into me, so I pushed back. When Jack saw that he slapped my butt and said, "Work it around honey, come on, work it around let me see you work on it!!" I began to hump and grind my ass back into his crotch, the full length of his shaft up in me as I did. I moaned on Randy's cock as I did this cause it felt so good and Randy held my head and said, "Here, let's get both ends working on dick!" He began to work my head in corkscrewing motions on the length of his shaft and I sucked harder as the two studs used my holes for their pleasure. I was getting mine too as Jack began little jerks inside me, forcing his cock into different places as I worked my ass like a bitch in heat. Just then, we heard a voice holler, "Randy? You in here guy?" Randy hollered, "Yeah, but I'm busy!" The voice said, "Maybe guy, but the Captain wants to see you, right now!" Randy said,"Shit!!," and pulled his cock from my mouth with a loud pop and I looked up at him as he said, "You wait for me cocksucker, I got a load I need to get rid of!" I stroked his cock and said, "I will stud! You know I will!" He smiled and winked and walked off saying, "Don't work him too hard Jack!" Jack slid his hands along my back and up to my shoulders and said, "Only as hard as he wants it! Right baby! You want me to do it hard honey!?"

I turned my head to look at him and said, "Anyway you want to do it stud! You know I love the way you fuck me Jack!" I felt him pull his cock back till just the head was in me as he smiled at me and said, "Oh, is that, uh, uh, so baby!" My head flew up and I groaned as he slammed his cock up into me all the way, grinding his crotch into my crack, as I gasped out, "Oh yeah, oh yeah!!" He pumped in and out hard and held it like that a few times as he let loose of my shoulders and I kneeled on all fours in front of him, my head lolling between my spread arms. He said, "Yeah, I know you love it this way baby! Feel me honey, feel me deep!!" I lifted my head and stared in front of me as there was a man in white brief boxers stroking an obvious hardon in them as he leaned against the lockers. Jack was slamming into me as the man asked, "How is it Jack!?" Jack slapped my ass and I jerked as he said, "Hey Ken! This is some of the best male pussy is this fucking town guy! He can take on twenty stud cocks and his pussy is still hot and tight!" He slapped me again and I wiggled my butt into his crotch as he laughed and said, "And he don't mind it hard either, do you baby!? You like it when ole Jack fucks you like a bitch in heat, don't you!!?" He leaned over me, pulling my head back by the hair as I gasped, "Ooo, yeah, you know I love it Jack! Ooo, yeah, do it big guy, do it!!" He was thrusting in hard as I said this and I looked over at Ken and realized I sure liked the way he looked. Tall, blonde, deep set eyes, muscular, but not like a body builder, blonde/brown hair on his chest that led down the rippled stomach to the tops of the white boxer briefs.

As he watched and stroked his hardon in his boxers, I looked up to his face and licked my lips, making an o of my mouth as I licked around my lips. He smiled and pulled up one leg of the boxers and forced his cock to stick out. I gasped as I saw the length of it slide out. It must have been ten inches long and barely hard! He humped his hips, sort of teasing me as he raised his eyebrows, sort of asking if I wanted it! Want it, my mouth was beginning to salivate as I stared at that luscious man cock. Jack slapped my ass as I had begun to thrust my butt back onto him and said, "Hey Ken, you must be getting him excited man, he's squeezing harder with his pussy!" Ken stroked his hard shaft and said, "I think he wants this big dick! Do you baby!? Want to suck on this big man cock!? Think you can handle it all baby!?" I gasped, "Uh, oh yeah, uh, oh yeah, I, uh, want it Ken, uh, please, please, uh, let me suck it, uh, please!!" I was being rammed hard by Jack as he got turned on watching Ken tease me with his big dick! Ken slid his boxers down and walked over towards us, my his hips thrust forward as his cock got harder. It was so big and hard that about the last three inches hung over at a wild angle as he lifted it and asked, "Now, you think you can handle it all cocksucker!!?" I clamped down on Jack's cock, making him groan and shout out as I said, "Oh yeah, oh yeah!!!" Jack slapped my ass and asked, "You gonna suck that big thing Joe honey!? Man that thing must be a foot long!!" Ken said, "Just over ten, when its hard like this! You really want this honey!? Come on, beg for it bitch!? Beg for Ken's big dick!?"

I moaned as he came closer and rubbed that big dick all over my face and then, held my head still as he rocked his hips from side to side, whipping it back and forth across my face. I shouted, "I want it Ken! Oh yeah, I want it all stud, please, please, let me suck it please!!!" I begged wildly and heard Jack laugh and say, "Ain't never heard him beg like that stud! Feed it to him Ken, fuck that cocksucking mouth of his!! Go for it guy!!" Ken guided the head of the big dick to my lips and I opened them eagerly as the cut head slid in. His cock wasn't so big around, but it was long and that added to its width at the base. I moaned as he slowly slid it into my mouth, not stopping, doing it slowly as he fed it to me, till I groaned as I felt the head slide down into my throat and still he had two inches outside my mouth. I groaned again and relaxed, intent on taking it all, and then, my nose was in his cockbush, being crushed as he held my head on his meat. I heard Jack gasp and ask, "Did he take it all stud!?" Ken stroked my head as he relaxed, his cock filling my mouth and throat as I moaned on it. He said, "Man, he sure did, first time, too! Ooo, yeah, you got a sweet mouth honey, suck that big dick, suck it dicklicker!!" Jack laughed and slapped my ass as he drove in deep and said, "Told you he was good buddy! Real good, right?" Ken pulled my head back and looked down at me, half his cock still in my mouth as he said, "Oh yeah, real good, real good! Suck me honey, suck that big dick for ole Ken!!" He began to fuck my mouth in long deep strokes, all the way to the balls and then, back out till the head and about an inch or so was still in my mouth, and then, back down again. I loved it and held onto his hips as I let him fuck my face and deep throated that monster cock.

I was so excited I was squeezing and working on Jack's cock as he fucked in and out of me again and again. Then, he groaned, his hands coming down to slap and grasp my butt cheeks as he drove in all the way, his cock exploding inside me as he came. I milked his cock as I continued to milk on the mouth and throat filling cock of Ken's. I couldn't believe how wild it felt to have my mouth and throat filled with such a hard piece of cock, as Jack lay over my back, slowly pumping his still hard shaft in and out of me. He asked, "Like that big dick baby? Taste good Joey honey!?" I bobbed my head on Ken's cock and squeezed on Jack's inside me. Jack said, "Maybe you want him to fuck you with that bull dick? Do you cunt!? Want to feel a real big dick in your hot male pussy bitch!?" I squeezed wildly on his cock and breathed heavily through my nose as Ken shoved his cock in and out over my sucking lips. Jack looked up at Ken and asked, "You want his ass buddy!?" Ken smiled and said, "Only if you're done with it stud!" Jack chuckled and pulled up and out of me and stood up as he walked around to my front and said, "Have at it stud! Let this bitch feel a real man's dick!!" Ken pulled his cock slowly from my mouth and I was reluctant to let it go as I tried to get it back into my mouth. He and Jack laughed as they watched me try to keep it in my mouth, but it finally slid out and Ken stepped back. As he did, Jack moved over in front of me and pushed my face down to his cum covered cock and said, "Suck this bitch!" I did as he wanted, but I wanted Ken's cock, as I pulled up and watched as he moved in behind me. I was going to get that big dick and didn't care what it hurt like, just so I got to feel it in me!!

Jack held my face against his hairy chest and stroked my face as he said, "Relax Joe honey, Ken's gonna put that monster into your boy pussy baby! Oh yeah, and I know he's gonna fuck you with every inch of it too!" I clasped my arms around his waist and held on as I felt Ken's cockhead touch my hole. I thrust back and he guided the head of his cock into my hole. No hesitation, no stopping as he filled me with it. It felt like it was never going to stop going into me, but then, I felt his balls against my ass. I groaned and asked, "Is it all the way in?" Ken patted my butt and said, "Every inch baby! Every inch!!" Jack chuckled and said, "Oh man, I didn't think you could take that big dick Joey, but you got it all in your hot male twat! Fuck him Ken, fuck his brains out!!" I moaned as Ken began to do just that, giving me every inch of that big dick each time he slid into me, his balls slapping against the backs of mine each time! Over and over, and me, beginning to hump my ass back like the bitch I felt like I was at that moment as the biggest cock I'd ever had fucked to me, took over. Jack slapped my ass a couple of times as he watched me respond to the big dick fucking me. He said, "Oh man, this is hot! Hot stud, fuck that cunt ass, fuck it Ken stud!! Fuck him!!" Ken was breathing heavily as he rammed the full length of his shaft up inside me each time, his lower belly slapping against my bouncing ass cheeks.

As he did, Jack slid under me and lay on his back, taking my cock into his mouth as he held his cock up for me. I slid my mouth down on it, excited, wanting to feel both dicks in me at the same time, as Ken drove home, lost in the wild fuck we were having. Each time he thrust all the way into me, it forced me to the base of Jack's cock and I knew that stud was excited, as his mouth sucked harder and harder on mine. I loved it and let them use me for their pleasure, as just then, my cock shot, filling Jack's mouth with my hot cum. He swallowed it hungrily and then, pulled out from under me and moved in front of my face. He guided his cock to my mouth and I opened my lips eagerly wanting to suck his cock while that big horse cock took me. Over and over, Ken's cock stroked my prostate, like no stud had done before, as my orgasm shuttered across my body and I came again. I was being dicked royally by the two studs and then, Ken groaned and shouted, "Aw shit, I'm cumming baby, cumming in your hot ass, uh, uh, uh, take it bitch, uh, uh, take it!!" He groaned one more time and shoved in all the way and I felt the big dick pulse and fill me with his load. He continued to fuck in and out of me as he unloaded and groaned as he felt my ass chute milking the cum from that big dick. I knew he'd cum hard and big, as it oozed out around the hard shaft and ran down the insides of my thighs. Just then, Jack pulled my head in and his cock exploded in my mouth, feeding me another load from that end. He must have really been turned on watching me get fucked by Ken's big dick as he came and came, filling my mouth to overflowing as I struggled to swallow it all.

I didn't care as I was in heaven, a big cum load shooting from a hot cock in my mouth and a bigger cock inside my ass, pumping its load and working in and out of me. Just then, I heard Jack say, "Uh, hi Captain." I looked up, but couldn't see the Captain as I heard him chuckle and say, "Been enjoying yourself Jack!?" Jack stroked his cock in and out of my mouth and said, "You know it sir! We got us the hottest little cocksucker in town right here! Ken just got to fuck him for the first time!" I heard the Captain ask, "Well Ken, what did you think of the precinct pussy?" Ken stroked my butt cheeks as he continued to slide his dick in and out of me and said, "Man, if this is what you guys have to offer for working this precinct, I'm in!" The Captain laughed and said, "Uh, yeah, we can tell your in! Seems like you were all the way too, if I remember right!!" Ken shoved his cock all the way into me, making me groan on Jack's cock and said, "Yep, just like this, and all the way in his mouth too! Man, he's sure got one tight pussy! Shit, and you guys use this everyday!?" The Captain said, as Jack chuckled, "Mostly, and some away from work too! He's always hungry to be fucked or fed dick and well, we are here to keep the public happy and he loves to serve!!" Jack laughed and stroked my mouth and said, "Yeah and serve and serve and serve!" Ken pulled his cock out of me and I heard the Captain gasp as he asked, "Shit, you had that thing all the way up in there and down his throat!!?" Ken said, "Sure did and felt real good too!"

The Captain came closer and I could see the boots I had polished the night before and my face mirrored and twisted in them, my mouth full of Jack's cock. He tapped Jack on the shoulder and said, "Let me see you put that big dick in his mouth again Ken!" Jack pulled back and sat to one side and I looked up at the Captain. He smiled and winked at me and I smiled and looked at the bulge in his pants. Then, Ken was in front of me and guided the head of his cock to my lips. I opened them up and they were covered in Jack's cum as Ken began to shove the full length of his big tasty dick all the way into my throat. When he had my nose crushed against the cockbush and I was breathing heavily through my nose, the Captain slid a finger into my mouth along side the big dick and ordered, "Stroke it Ken!" Ken did it instantly. As he pumped the Captain kept his finger along side it and said, "Yeah, he loves it! Shit, now I know he can take big dick might have to give him a surprise sometime! What do you think Jack!?" Jack looked at the Captain, and then, said, shocked, "You don't mean, uh, big Lou Captain!?" The Captain was working his finger in my mouth along with the pumping cock and said, "None other! Think Joe here can handle him!?" Jack said, "If it don't tear him apart first! That Lou is one hung mother!" The Captain laughed and said, "Well, maybe I'll have Ken over first to loosen him up and then, let Lou at him. What do you think Jack!?" Jack said, "Oh man, I"d sure love to see that!!"

The Captain said, "Then, come over to my place tomorrow night. Oh and don't use Joe when you get off shift either! O.k. with you Ken!?" Ken said, "Sure Captain, I could go for fucking this hot mouth and ass again!!" The Captain slapped me on the butt and said, "You will stud, everyday you work here, he'll be here and willing to take it!" He jerked my head back and off of Ken's cock roughly and asked, "Ain't that right Boy!!?" I shouted, "YES SIR!!" He shoved my face back towards Ken's cock and said, "Finish sucking that cock and get your ass home afterwards, you got that bitch!?" I nodded and began to suck on Ken's cock as the Captain left. Jack said, "Oh shit, you better be ready to be really fucked Joey honey. Man, he's gonna let ole Lou fuck you!" Ken pulled his cock from my mouth and said, "Relax Joe, I ain't got another load, you got it all in your ass!" I nuzzled into his balls and said, "I sure like your cock Ken!" He smiled and asked, "What's this about this guy Lou!?" Jack said, "Well, he's a big black dude from the 29th precinct and well, he's hung, really hung!" I stood up and said, "Guys I have to get cleaned up. The Captain wants me home." Jack slapped my ass and said, "Sure baby, thanks for the suck and fuck honey, as usual, you're the best!" I laughed and said, "You ain't so bad yourself stud!" He laughed and Ken said, "Well, looks like you'll get more of mine tomorrow night then Joe!" I moved over to him and slid my hand along the length of his semihard shaft and said, "I'll look forward to it stud!" I walked away, and heard Jack whisper, "But his ass is gonna be fucked raw by the time ole Lou gets finished with him!" That was all I heard as I headed for the showers. I got cleaned up and went home, but the Captain didn't want any sex that night. So I headed up to my apartment and went to sleep around ten o'clock, wondering what the next night was gonna be like.

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