Officer Ken

By Wooflix

Published on Oct 4, 2005


Note: Usual disclaimers apply. Don't read this if you are underage, object to gay sex or gays in general. This is a work of fiction, but I sure wouldn't mind dating a cop!

Officer Ken -- Chapter Two

I didn't expect to hear from Ken immediately -- I've had enough disappointments in the dating department to limit my expectations. Anyway, I was far too busy with my life to spend a lot of time worrying whether I would hear from the hunk in the uniform. He only crossed my mind a few thousand times a minute, but I said to myself "Whoa, honey."

I got ready for work as usual for a Monday morning. Yuck, I hate Mondays. Even though the fall chill in the air felt rather good this morning, I have to fight off the morning blahs, especially since the post-summer cool is accompanied by the lessening of daylight day by day.

I managed to get myself together for another long day at the office, and was just tossing a toy down the apartment hallway to distract the cat from bolting through the doorway, when I saw propped against the door a bouquet of flowers and a card. What the hell??

I grabbed the flowers and card with glee, and muttered to myself "the hell with being on time today!"

The bouquet was lovely, and despite the goldenrod causing me to sneeze, I grabbed a large glass vase from the cupboard, and filled it with water, while opening the card.

The front of the card had a picture of a large teddy bear holding roses, and inside the card, Ken had jotted down a message with his masculine handwriting -- "To the sexiest suspect I've ever frisked - Call me at noon" and his cell phone number.

I had to pour out some water to get the flowers into the vase, and set them on the small wooden IKEA dining table, and slipped the card into my backpack, and headed back towards the door, wearing a grin. Kitty screeched for attention, so I tossed another toy and escaped out of the apartment, and headed toward the ground floor and the bus stop.

I made it to the office on time, and could hardly wait for Pat, my manager, to arrive, so I could share the news with her that I had met someone over the weekend, along with the edited version of how I met Ken.

"A cop? Ok, tell me everything!" was her immediate response, so I told her about him pulling me over (sans the frisk part) and she listened to my gush for about 5 minutes, including the flowers. "Paul, slow down,you've just met. Take your time, get to know him -- I don't want to see him hurt you if he's just another fag looking to get laid." She may be 71 but she's a former Foreign Service wife, so worldly is an understatement.

I got busy with work, checked my email, and a couple of instant messages popped up on the screen -- the usual good mornings and such from close friends. One is my ex, the other a close friend from the chorus. So I shared the news with both of them, and also got the cautionary "take it slow, this might be something good."

Noontime approached, and I pulled the card out of my bag, to call Ken.

I was a little nervous as I dialed the number, and was greeted with a cautious "hello?"

"Hey Ken, it's Paul. Thank you so much for the flowers -- they were beautiful!" He chuckled in an "aw shucks" manner, and I could almost detect a hint of embarrassment. "It was nothing -- I stopped at the grocery store at the end of my shift last night, and wanted to surprise you. So, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"

I eagerly agreed to dinner, and he said he would pick me up at 730pm.

The rest of the day seemed to crawl, and of course Pat kept pumping me for information about Ken. "I'll tell you more tomorrow, now quit bugging me!" I teased back, as I had already told her what little I knew about the handsome cop.

Finally, the end of the day arrived, and I couldn't sign out of my PC quick enough to make my escape. Of course, as things happen, there was a delay on the subway, so I kept checking my watch as it seemed an interminable amount of time before I got to the station nearest home.

I walked out of the station, and it was already getting to be the gloom of night, and I waited at the bus stop for a bus that passed near my street. While I was waiting, my chorus buddy Hal called me on my cell, and I chatted with him, impatiently waiting for a bus that seemed to be running slower than usual.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that a police patrol car slinked slowly by, but I couldn't see the driver from where I was standing. I wondered if it was Ken. It was almost 7pm, so I knew I had precious little time for delays, and finally the bus arrived. I continued watching the patrol car as I boarded the bus, and had to mentally slap myself, "Andrew, not every cop car you see is going to be Ken!"

The bus let me out a couple of blocks from my building, and I knew I wanted to not only get cleaned up, but do a quick once-over on the apartment -- just in case he should want to escort me to my bedroom. I changed and got ready for my dinner date in practically record time, and I was ready when someone knocked on the door.

I opened the door, and there he stood -- except he was in street clothes. He was also holding a dozen pink roses.

Ken's bright grin warmed me, as I looked him over -- a blue long sleeved sleeve shirt emphasized his muscular torso and biceps and matched his gorgeous dancing eyes, with a tuft of dark hair peeking out the top, black jeans with a sizeable bulge in the crotch, and black boots.

I hardly invited him inside before he grabbed me into his embrace, and gave me probably one of the top five kisses I have ever gotten. His beard was soft yet ticklish, as he nuzzled my neck, making me giggle while he chuckled deeply at finding a ticklish spot.


We sat down on the futon I use for a sofa, and I offered him a glass of wine. Ken clinked my glass and said, "here's to the most beautiful smile I have ever seen!" and I blushed at the compliment. "And you do know how to kiss, too!"

We chatted about my cat, Trixie, for a few moments, as she paraded back and forth just out of reach, tail high in the air. I waited to see what kind of reaction she would have, as she is a good barometer of people. She hesitated, and then jumped into his lap, surprising me, as she is usually rather standoffish to strangers. We both chuckled as he said, "Well, I guess I passed her test, huh?"

We chatted a few more moments, and then agreed it was time for dinner. Ken gallantly opened the door for me, and laughed, as I had to toss a toy to distract the cat not to run into the hallway. No dice -- Trixie bolted out the open door, and I had to chase her down before we could leave for dinner. She finally flopped on her side in surrender, and I locked the door so we could be on our way. Ken was amused by Trixie's escape attempt, and made a few corny remarks about prisoners.

Ken and I went to the parking lot, and I wondered whether we would be riding in his squad car. I didn't spot it in the parking lot, and wondered which vehicle we would be taking to dinner. He was a perfect gentleman as he opened the passenger door of his large pickup truck, and I climbed in and fastened my seatbelt, as he walked around to the driver's door and climbed in the truck.

Ken grabbed my hand as he got seated, and leaned over to give me another kiss. I felt warm all over, and he chuckled as he started the truck and continued holding my hand as he backed up and exited the parking lot. "Do you like Chinese?" he asked. "Nah, they are too short for me" I joked, and his warm laugh washed over me as we drove towards downtown. I told him China Palace was my favorite, and he agreed that it was superb and headed towards the restaurant.

We arrived at the restaurant, and he again gallantly opened my door for me, and escorted me into the entrance, and requested a booth from the smiling man at the register counter.

We ordered hot tea, and continued our conversation over appetizers. It was dim sum night, and we enjoyed the meal thoroughly. I amazed him with my ability to use chopsticks, which I learned to use properly while on a two-week trip to China a few years ago, and he was all ears in hearing me describe my adventure in the Far East.

All too soon, the evening grew late, and we drove back to my apartment. As I hoped, Ken escorted me to my door, and in a strong yet gentle embrace, he kissed me and told me what a wonderful evening it had been for him, and asked if he could see me again?

What a silly question! I teased him a bit about checking my social calendar before telling him how much I had enjoyed seeing him, and he softly kissed me. He had to go, as he was on duty early in the morning, but asked me to save Friday night for him.

"Paul -- one thing before I go. I can tell you don't work out, so I need to put this to rest right now. I'm more interested in what your heart and soul are like that whether you have any muscles or not. I knew what you felt like when I frisked you, you know? I just wanted to get that out in the open. I'll call you tomorrow!"

I was sure I saw stars in his eyes as I closed the door after one final kiss, and his beautiful smile caressed my eyes as we said good night. I watched from my window as he pulled out from behind the apartment building and drove down the street.

As I snuggled into bed with Trixie at my side on the bed, demanding her allotment of scratches, I couldn't help but wonder if this was a man that could really be the gallant knight of fantasy.

Shall I continue? Email me:

Next: Chapter 3

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