Officer Franks Training

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Before Kevin left to go shopping for a ring gag the next morning, he had left Frank tied to what he called the "bondage chair." He had used duct tape to gag him, but he needed a different gag for what he was planning next. "I can't believe that I didn't pack that thing when I left. Oh well..." He rumpled Frank's hair as he headed for the door. "I put you in front of the mirror, frankie, so you can see what I see. God, you are SO FUCKING HOT when you're tied up." He smiled when he saw the look of frustration flash across Frank's eyes. "Those gym pants fit you REAL good too." Frank was shirtless, in tight workout pants, and fiberglass lined sneakers.

"I won't be gone long, frankie. I called ahead and they have it ready for me, so you'd better figure out how to escape fast. Not that you will. And you better listen to the door because when I come in, I want those tits nice and perky." Frank gave him a look. "frankie..., it's Saturday. I was planning to take the cage off on Tuesday, but if you give me too much attitude, we can wait another week like we just did. You want that?"

"mmmphnnnn," Frank moaned as he shook his head no. "I didn't think so, stud. So let's just make sure we understand that one person makes the rules around here, and that's me." He walked over and whispered into Frank's ear. "Understand, big boy?" The feeling of Kevin's morning beard rubbing against his ear was stimulating Frank, and he nodded his affirmance. "Let me just see what I'm coming back to, frankie. Point them for me." Frank sighed, defeated, and did what he had been told. "OH, today is gonna be even better than yesterday, frankie. Just think about everything we did and imagine it's twice as intense. That's your day, my handsome cop man. We'll be planning the future too, stud. Heh heh." He gave Frank a kiss on the top of his head, and then went out the door.

As soon as he heard Kevin start the car, Frank started pushing against the zip ties. He had noticed the night before that his wrists were chafed, and if his mom noticed, he'd have to come up with an explanation. Still, he fought. He couldn't believe how helpless he was: Kevin had him completely under control. He could see the outline of the cage through the tights, and as he watched his biceps flex against the immovable tie, he thought "I understand this, I think. Kevin's right: I DO look hot. I just wish."

He heard a car speed by and tried to yell for help. "MGNNDNNGMFFFF" came out of his mouth, and was smothered immediately by the tape, just as his next three screams were. The tape wasn't moving, the wrist restraints weren't, and his cock was locked up, the key in one of Kevin's pockets. He wasn't going anywhere. He thought back to the night before. It WAS a gay restaurant, and as Kevin put it after they were finished "MY GOD. I knew that you'd get checked out, but I didn't think it would be THAT many people. GEEZ, even the lesbians were checking you out. One guy even told me he was `fucking jealous' of me." Then Kevin began to laugh. "I bet they all wondered how I'm taking your cock. If they only knew, frankie, if they only knew. Well, we'll cross that bridge." That last comment still made Frank anxious. He figured that at some point, people were going to figure out that Kevin was dominating him. He had to either hope that Kevin would get bored with him, or that he could figure out ways to keep people from knowing. He couldn't think that far ahead.

He heard the door opening, and he almost forgot to point out his chest. Kevin had been working on his nipples almost constantly that weekend, and they were perky, and sore.

"How's my handsome straight boy. You miss me?" Instead of going for Frank's nips, Kevin began circling his navel, making Frank giggle just a little. When Frank shook his head no, Kevin got up and walked behind him, digging strong fingers into his shoulder blades. That actually felt good, and Frank couldn't help moaning. Then Kevin's beard was back at his ear. "I was thinking, frankie: I could take those shoes off you, but...if I did, then I'd have to tie your ankles and tickle your feet for about fifteen minutes. You want that.?"

"MMMNGMGNGNGG!" Frank shook his head no. He felt Kevin's arm go around his neck and pull his head back. "You realize of course, frankie, that my asking you really doesn't mean anything, because I'm going to do whatever I want. I DO want to tickle your feet, but not yet. Not yet, big guy. We have something else to do first. So, let's get this tape off." There was a small scissor on a table near the chair, and Kevin carefully cut the tape off of Frank's mouth. Frank took a deep breath: "what else can you possibly do to me, Kevin? What the fuck else?" He moaned when he felt Kevin's fingers start squeezing a nipple.

"Well, frankie, I just told you I wanted to tickle your feet, so there's ONE thing. And of course, I need to teach you how to use clothespins in order to play with your nips at home, but the most important thing we need to do today, frankie, is teach you how to give a proper blowjob.

"I'M NOT GIVING ANY BLOWJOBS, FAGGOT." Frank squirmed, and then he began to sweat when he saw Kevin pull out the small paddle he used on his balls. "How interesting. You had me blow you for years, and I bet you forced tons of chicks to suck you, but you don't want to return the favor."

"YOU'VE FUCKED ME OVER AND OVER. THAT'S ENOUGH." Kevin began stroking Frank's junk with the paddle. "No, frankie, it's not NEARLY enough. We're just beginning. And once you're moved in, it's gonna be SO hot.

"YOU KEEP SAYING THAT. I'M NOT MOVING IN." Kevin grinned "Oh yeah, you are. And your mom is gonna encourage it. By the way, she invited me to dinner on Sunday."

"WHAT?" Kevin had taken Frank's cell phone as soon as he got to Kevin's house, and he hadn't seen it since. Kevin brought it over and showed Frank his mother's text. "Please see if your nice friend Kevin wants to eat with us on Sunday, Frankie. I'm making lasagna. Your favorite."

"Let's not let your mom wait, stud. And we can bring up you moving in at dinner." He held the phone out in front of Frank as he texted back. "Thanks, mom. Kevin doesn't have plans and he'd LOVE to come to dinner. He truly appreciates you being so sweet to him."

"FUCK," grunted Frank and Kevin answered. "Well, yes, sort of, but a different kind. Face fucking. You won't do as well as I did, frankie, but you'll learn.

"I'LLL BITE YOUR FUCKING THING IN HALF!" Frank snorted. "No, you won't. That's why I got the ring gag, big boy." He took it out of the bag and showed it to Frank, who understood how it worked right away. "All I have to do is get your mouth opened, and you're gonna open it right now."

"LIKE HELL I AM!" He yelled, and then he felt the hard smack of the paddle on his caged cock. "OH FUCK THAT HURT!" "Next one will be worse, frankie. I'd hate to be the one who made it impossible for you to give your mom a grandchild, but you'll do what you're told." He lifted the paddle.

"Ok, ok. No more, no more. I'll do it." "Open your mouth, frankie. Just like eating cannoli. Which you'll sort of be doing soon." Frank tried to look away, but Kevin pulled his head back and shoved the ring into his mouth. He tied it behind Frank's head, and then he teased Frank by running his finger up and down on his tongue.

"And you're so hot already, frankie, that this: oh boy, this is gonna be great. And you're gonna see it all. So, let's get you out of that chair and on your knees. You know the position, frankie. Frank squirmed futilely as Kevin pulled him out of the chair, and put him on his knees. He positioned Frank so that he could see a sideways reflection in the mirror. Frank closed his eyes as Kevin pulled down his pants. He was erect, and his cock looked red and angry. There was a drop of precum on it.

"Ok, frankie. Just like a cannoli." Frank was helpless as Kevin slid his dick into his mouth. "MMMM. Oh, frankie. Kissing you is one thing, and fucking your face is another level. Your mouth is as soft and sweet as your ass is." Frank began to gag, but he couldn't get Kevin's "thing" out, and Kevin just kept on pushing in, further and further.

"You'll get over the gag reflex, frankie. Taping a nice big dildo in your mouth will get you ready." Kevin slid back and forth. "And eventually, you'll learn there are rewards for doing a good job. You can't make a seal with your lips today, but eventually, you will." Kevin rubbed Frank's earlobes gently, and he pushed up against Frank's crotch. Kevin could feel the cage. He moved his fingers down to Frank's nipples and when he moaned, Kevin pitched forward. His cum started to slide down Frank's throat. Again, Frank wanted nothing more than to get it out of his mouth, but he couldn't.

"Not bad for a rookie, frankie. Not bad. Now, for a little humiliation." Kevin pulled his dick out of Frank's mouth, smearing some of his jizz on Frank's lips. He took out the gag. "Let me see you lick your lips, frankie. C'mon. Got to get used to the taste." Helplessly, Frank did what he was told again. "GOOD BOY. You're learning. Very soon, you'll be learning some advanced techniques of submission. For now, though, I think I'm gonna let you get cleaned up. Don't put any product in your hair today, frankie. I want you to look nice, and fresh and natural when we go for a walk."

"A walk? We're going out in public?" Frank began to panic, and Kevin laughed. "Relax, frankie. This isn't your neighborhood. Yeah, someone may think that stud looks like someone I went to school with, but no one's gonna recognize you." Kevin stopped and then continued. "And you're gonna have to get used to being seen in public with me, frankie. Period. Now go and get fresh and clean." Kevin grinned. "Whatcha bring to wear?" "A t shirt and jeans." Frank's voice was very soft. His situation was becoming more and more clear to him.

"Is the t shirt nice and tight, frankie? One that makes your nips point out?" Frank saw the animal hunger on Kevin's face. "I don't know. I just pulled something out of my drawer." "Well, we'll see, frankie. I don't think you'll disappoint me."

"I don't think you'll disappoint me." Frank thought about that in the shower. Normally, he would call up an image of some woman he had the hots for and jerk off while he was showering, but that was out of the question. Instead, he realized that when he had packed his stuff, he DID think "Will Kevin like this?" At the time, he convinced himself that it was because he didn't want Kevin to get pissed off and punish him but now, he began to think about how good it had felt when Kevin's cock rubbed against that -- what did he call it -- his prostrate? Or how it felt when Kevin ran his tongue around the inside of his mouth, or the tingling that started in his nipples and went down to his balls when Kevin played with them.

Frank swore he heard his dick rumble the way his stomach did when he was hungry. "He's getting to me," he thought for a quick second before he tried to push it away. "And mom loves him. What am I gonna do?"

What he did next was finish off his shower and dry off. Kevin was sitting on the bed and purred. "Oh, frankie, seeing you step out of a room, naked...It's just better than I thought it would be. Now I can't decide whether to fuck you now, or to hold it until I've got a REAL load to put in you. I tell you what. Don't deny it. I know you like it when I rub my whiskers on your neck. I won't shave this morning so I can REALLY make you feel good when we come back. Heh, heh. Maybe you should do some squats to make sure those glutes are really strong so you'll enjoy me inside of you even more."

Frank wanted to ask "will you rub my spot," but instead, he went to his bag to pull out his clothes. He had forgotten that he had brought a supporter instead of underwear. When he pulled it out, Kevin was delighted.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. What an added gift! Frankie, you prepared well. Wait till I go and get cleaned up. I wanna be surprised. And when you hear the water turn off, go sit in the chair as if I tied you up."

"Is there ever a point when you're not horny?" Frank asked. Kevin responded "There was. Until I came back and learned you were still available, frankie. Now, I'm hard all the time." He hated to admit it, even to himself, but Frank realized he was hard all the time now, too.

When he came out of the shower, Kevin liked what he saw so much that he played with Frank's nipples for a good 10 minutes. "Don't move your hands, frankie. Pretend I've got you tied up because I'm GOING to tie you up later, and if you move those hands, well, I'll have to add a little extra to what I have planned for you this afternoon." Before Frank could speak, Kevin sat on his thighs and whispered "open up, frankie boy. Take your Top man's tongue." Kevin met no resistance, and he noted it. "He's almost there," he thought to himself. "I'm SO close to having my big studly sub."

There were about half a dozen people who stopped to talk to Kevin. Each one, and at least a half dozen other people, checked out Frank. "You look familiar. Are you from around here?" or some variation of that was asked three or four times. When Frank blushed and got flustered the first time, Kevin started answering. "Oh, yeah, frankie is a lifer here. Actually, so am I, but I moved away for a bunch of years. We're just getting reacquainted, frankie and I." He'd then touch Frank's bicep and say "Got to keep moving, frankie. No gym today, so at least a little cardio." At one point, Kevin whispered "if you knew how much I want to put my arm around you, or put my hand on your ass, you'd understand why I'm as hard as I am." Frank tried to suppress a laugh, and Kevin faked outrage. "HEY. My being hard is not something to make fun of." Now it was Frank's turn to laugh. "Oh, no, it's not. I'm just wondering if there's ever a time you're NOT hard." Kevin whispered again "for the first five minutes after I fuck you. Then it starts again. How about you, frankie? Do I make you hard?" Frank didn't answer and Kevin crooned " just gave me an idea for a little game after we get back to my place -- soon to be yours too." Frank knew that's where they were heading, and the thought of Kevin always being there left him with, well, mixed feelings.

Half an hour later, Frank was spread out on Kevin's bed, held down by Kevin. Kevin had kicked his ankles apart, so Frank's legs were spread. He began to giggle as Kevin slipped his hand under his t shirt, until he found a nipple. "So, I asked you a question today, frankie? Do I ever make you hard when you think about me?" Kevin gently twisted frank's nipple, as he rubbed his whiskers on his sensitive neck, while frank squirmed. "Hmmmm?" Frank closed his eyes. "Yeah. Yeah, I do get hard."

"Oh, that makes me SO happy frankie. You know why?" Frank grunted "Because you LIKE knowing I'm suffering?" "Ha, ha. Well, yeah, I do, but it means that sometime in the future, we might just move from fucking to making love."

"I don't think that's ever happening, Kevin."

"We shall see, frankie. So, what makes you hard? Thinking about stuff like this?" He pushed his scruff a little harder, and a moan came out of frank. "Yeah. That. OH GOD THAT." "What else, frankie?" Frank gulped. "Thinking about how it feels when you touch know that thing you found in me."

"Your prostate frankie?" "Yeah, yeah, my prostrated." Kevin began to laugh. "You're gonna say it correctly or..." he shifted position so he was straddling Frank "I'm gonna tickle you for fifteen minutes. Prostate." He dug his fingers into Frank's ribs.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA. OK, OK. Prostate. Prostate." Kevin didn't stop. "Good. Now you'll only get tickled for TEN minutes. Raise your arms." Frank knew Kevin was targeting his pits, but if he didn't lift those arms, Kevin would keep up at his ribs. He laughed harder. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." What's it called, frankie?

"A prostate. A PROSTATE OK." Kevin stopped tickling him. "Yeah. Or you could call it your hotspot, or anything like that." He stretched out on Frank and tongued his ear. "You want me to go hunting for it, frankie?" Kevin's knee was pushing into Frank's crotch, and he confessed "Yeah. I do. I want to feel it."

"Oh, you will, frankie. But first, I'm gonna tell you one of my fantasies about you. I didn't have it until we hooked up, but..." He whispered. "I wanna fuck you in your own bed. In your own house." Frank tried to push up, but Kevin knew how to keep him pinned down. "THAT IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN." He heard Kevin sigh. "OK, I mean I can't make you do things in your house that you don't wanna do." He pushed Frank's head to his side and began scraping his scruff against Frank's neck. "But I guess now I have to put you in the position of explaining a love bite to your mom. GRRRRRRRRR. And I wanna mark you frankie. SO BAD."

The sensation was halfway between pain and pleasure, and Frank quivered and squirmed under Kevin, trying desperately to get away from what he was doing to his neck, een though it felt SO good.

"OK, you win. My mom meets with her girlfriends on Monday night. They catch up on gossip, drink some strong liqueur, but the house is empty."

"Well that sounds perfect, frankie. I'll sneak over on Monday, ha, ha. I'll be gone before your mom comes home. And since we're all having Sunday dinner together, I'll pick out what I want you to wear. For now, though..." he climbed off Frank. "Get undressed and get on your belly. Something new for you tonight too, frankie."

"You already took me from behind. It was the first time." "AH, but I'm gonna add something."

"Kevin, can I? Will you unlock me when you're done?" "Well, it depends on how much I enjoy you now. I hope your glutes are nice and strong." Frank got undressed as Kevin watched. "OH, this is gonna be fun. Just lay there for a minute. I wanna take in how goddamned HOT you are." Again, one of Kevin's comments hit Frank: no woman had ever said that about him, and a "PING" went off in his nuts. Kevin had gone to another room and now came back. Frank saw he had some kind of contraption in his hands.

"This is one of my favorite toys for a bottom, frankie. See? It has a collar, and wrist cuffs too. I'm gonna put this on you and it's gonna let me arch you in a way that'll get my cock even deeper into you. And I'll rub that spot so well, you may cum even locked up." Frank breathed in the smell of new leather as Kevin locked the collar. Then he felt the restraints go around his wrists. The lead from his neck to his wrists was short, and he grunted as his arms were pulled up, just short of being uncomfortable.

"THERE WE GO. SUCH A GOOD BOY." Frank moaned as he felt Kevin push his legs apart again, and then slip his finger into his hole. "OH MY GOD IT'S SO SENSITIVE." Frank didn't realize it, but he began pushing back against Kevin's finger. "Don't get too excited, frankie. I'm gonna get you lubed up first." Frank felt Kevin pull out his finger, then he felt his tongue penetrate him. He growled and muttered "Oh fuck! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck." Frank wanted to cum so bad it wasn't funny. He felt Kevin's dick head against his ass, and he felt him hook a finger through the eye ring on the back of the collar. Kevin pulled gently but firmly, and the change in position let him slide his dick in all the way without any kind of pain.

"Where's the spot, frankie? Let's find it." Kevin moved his cock around and then when he heard the exhalation and the FUCK come out of Frank, he laughed. "Guess I found it, didn't I."

"OH YEAH. OH YEAH, you did. OH YEAH." Then Kevin tightened his glutes and Frank screamed. "HOLY SHIT, KEVIN. You didn't do that before!"

"You like it frankie? Because if you please me, I'll do my best to please you."

"YES. YES. I LOVE IT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Kevin tightened his glutes even more." I guess I'm gonna have to start going back to the gym, frankie. I got to keep in shape to give my boy...what he wants." Frank couldn't see the smile on Kevin's face as he positioned his cockhead right on Frank's prostate. "Tighten your glutes, frankie. Get them nice and tight. You'll feel something you've never felt before." Frank wasn't sure he could take it, but he did. When he did, Kevin pulled back harder on the collar and Frank felt like he was in another place. His senses were overloading. "KEVIN, I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE. REALLY, I CAN'T." Kevin shoved his cock in further. "TAKE IT SWEETIE. TAKE MY LOAD." Frank felt one big push and then the gush of Kevin's orgasm exploding in him. Then Kevin's teeth on his earlobe. "I LOVE taking your ass, frankie. Now, you were GREAT so, I'm gonna get you all milked out before we head for home, you big stud." He kept Frank tied but flipped him over. As the key went into the cage, Frank muttered "thank you," and he saw Kevin smile. He almost wished he didn't, though, as Kevin masterfully kept him on the edge of cumming for about twenty minutes. Big strong Frank was making incomprehensible sounds in a high, girlish voice, before Kevin squeezed his balls and the cum went flying.

"OH SHIT, OH SHIT. That was bigger than the one after first Communion. OH GOD."

"Did you have the hots for the priest, frankie?" "NO, for the girl I was paired with." Kevin smiled. "You're lying. But that's ok. The only man you get on your knees for from now on is me. Now, you're gonna wear your cum for the rest of the day, frankie. Better think of what you'll tell your mom if she thinks you smell. I'm dying for her to ask and to hear what you tell her."

They packed up to head to Frank's place for Sunday dinner shortly after. Come on back and you'll learn some more pretty hot stuff.

Next: Chapter 7

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