Officer Franks Training

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 6, 2024


Frank did not sleep well that night. He'd fall asleep in fits and starts, but the clanking of the ankle restraint when he moved, and the lack of motion he had from the cuffs on his wrists made it difficult. The greatest difficulty, though, was feeling Kevin's naked body up against his back. Kevin seemed to stay ¾ hard for the entire night, and he snored. Periodically, during the night, he'd move closer to Frank and his mouth would brush against Frank's ear. Whether it was the slow breathing, the beard hairs, or the occasional phrase like "I got ya," or "I'm gonna take that ass, stud," kept Frank on edge. Things got "worse" as Kevin began to wake up. He began running the palm of his hand up and down Frank's chest and torso, ever so gently. The contact was making Frank semi-hard as well, and as Kevin became fully awake, that hand moved to Frank's nipple and began teasing it. Frank began to groan: "ooooooooooooh fuck." He tried to move a hand down to his crotch, which was impossible to do. Kevin whispered "Uh, uh, Frankie. I told you that from now on, that dick is under MY control, and you're not using it for a while today stud." He heard the frustration in Frank's groan and squeezed his nipple a little harder. "Isn't it great that I found out about these, Frankie? So convenient, and such an easy way to basically put a ring in a bull's nose." Frank wanted to protest, but the sensation from Kevin's expert fingers was driving him wild. And things got worse when Kevin dropped his second hand to Frank's ass. He began running a finger up and down the crack. Frank tried to tighten his glutes, to keep the finger out, but his resistance was overcome easily. He was absolutely helpless: chained and being stimulated in a way he had never been stimulated before.

"How do you think you wanna take my cock the first time, Frankie? From behind, on your belly, or face up, on your back?"

"I DON'T WANT TO TAKE YOUR COCK, PERIOD. I WANT YOU TO LET ME GO. NNNNNNNNNNNN" Frank felt a second finger fit between his thighs.

"Well, that's not gonna happen, big guy. I told you I was gonna take your virginity, and that's happening. "Kevin dropped his voice. "And it's gonna happen today. "When Frank tried to struggle more, Kevin threw a leg over his, and kept him still.

"I can't make up my mind, Frankie. Truth is, I like taking guys doggie style more, especially since I can put a leash on them, control them better that way. But on the other hand, seeing a man's face as he realizes he's been conquered, well, that is SUCH a hot moment." Frank felt one of Kevin's arms slip under his, and much to his surprise, Kevin used leverage to flip him onto his back.

"How the fuck did you do that?" Frank asked, in exasperation. Kevin was sitting on his chest the way he had the day before, and he had his wrists pinned over his head.

"Know what I discovered in college, frankie? Wrestling. I can't say I was especially talented or a champion, but I got good practice and, well, using it on a big guy like you, I'm gonna have so much fun." When Kevin bent down to nibble Frank's neck, he scrunched his head and shoulder closer. Kevin laughed.

"Now, now. I guess you like to struggle, and that's fine with me." Kevin pushed a knee into Frank's crotch, hard. Kevin yelled. "Now, please present your neck, frankie." When Frank hesitated, Kevin drove his knee in harder.

"Ok, ok. You win. You fucking win." He felt Kevin's tongue working on his neck, getting wet and slippery before he felt the beard hairs running along his flesh. It was then that Frank realized that he was fully hard. "WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE" he thought. "A GUY is doing this to me, and I'm... HARD?"

Kevin pulled back. "Ok, big boy, now this is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna grab a real quick shower and then so are you. Because we have a BIG day ahead of us. I think I've planned three scenes and each one is gonna be really, REALLY hot. "Kevin plastered a kiss on Frank's forehead before he got up. As he headed to the bathroom he turned to Frank. "Remember stud. You won't be able to reach your dick, so don't try. And don't try rubbing against the bed. I'll see what you do and, I have NO trouble in adding some punishment to the scenes."

Frank didn't know what Kevin meant about "scenes." He knew that Kevin had filmed at least a part of what they had done the night before, so he assumed that he was going to film part of today. He thought about the tit clamps, and then what had followed, and he felt more blood rushing to his cock. "WHAT THE FUCK?" he kept on thinking.

"Your turn big boy. Let's get the chains off. I think you probably know better than to start something with me. And I've got closed circuit in the bathroom self-abuse, my future cop bottom."

"Bottom." Again, Frank didn't know what that meant the way Kevin was using it. Yes, he had been around body builders for most of his life, but it had never come up because Frank seemed to be, as one fellow member of his gym had said "a Freaking ice princess," and gave off such strong top man vibes, there had never been a reason for him to learn it.

Kevin was wearing a tank top and shorts when Frank came out of the shower, and he saw that there was a jersey: the "home team" jersey he had worn in high school and a pair of bright red, very short shorts on the bed. No socks. He first thought about how his treated sneakers were going to feel without socks in between and then he saw that the jersey was

"Is this a high school jersey? Did you steal this back then, Kevin?" Kevin smiled. "I did. I can't tell you how stimulating it's been to sleep in good old "Number 62" and think about how hot you were gonna look in it when I got ya. "

"It's FROM high school? I can't wear this. I'll never fit into it."

"Oh, it'll be uncomfortable, sexy, but I want it that way. Now, how about getting dressed so we can start."

"FUCK THAT. I'M NOT WEARING IT." He saw Kevin's face darken.

"Frankie... you're not in a position to argue with me. Even a meathead like you knows that."

"Meathead." It was an insult Frank hated. "I'M NOT A FUCKING MEATHEAD. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGG' he threw himself at Kevin and threw a punch. Kevin ducked and Frank fell forward, nearly losing his balance.

"WOW. You coulda killed me frankie, but no such luck. Now, I'm not fighting back, yet. Put on the jersey. "FUCK YOU.........." Frank yelled as he charged again, and this time, Kevin used some of his wrestling skills. He brought Frank down to the floor and gut wrenched him. Frank, naked, felt his cock rubbing up against the carpet, which was painful, and he felt Kevin on top of him from behind.

"You know, maybe I should just take you now. End the suspense. "


Kevin didn't answer, but Frank felt an arm go around his neck and slowly, deliberately begin pressing down on his windpipe.

"Frankie, I know you've watched professional wrestling. You want me to prove to you that sleeper holds work?" Kevin began pressing fingers into Frank's temple and Frank felt strength leaving his body almost as fast as it did when he had to wear the clamps. "Now, Frankie, it's the sign of a strong man to know when he's beaten. You're beaten. Put on the jersey. And the shorts." Frank was clawing at the arm around his neck. When did Kevin get so strong? He couldn't get it off, and he began to choke.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll put it on. I'll wear it."

"Good choice," was Kevin's answer. "That way I don't have to put you to sleep and dress you and perhaps have my way with you while you're out cold."

Not unexpectedly, the jersey was more than tight: it was way too small. Part of Frank's belly wasn't covered by it, the sleeves were so tight every one of his muscles bulged, but what interested Kevin the most was how Frank's pecs were shaped by it. Frank saw him reach for his crotch and rub it.

"I thought you'd look hot. SO hot. Now get on the shorts. They're nice and tight too. And don't forget the sneakers. Then, get back in the chair we used last night." Frank was cursing a blue streak under his breath, but he did it. Then he felt the restraints going back around his wrists. He heard what sounded like scissors behind him. When Kevin came around to the front, Frank saw: they were scissors.

"Now, let's see if I can get the pinch of cloth I need." He moved his thumb and forefinger to one of Frank's pecs. He pinched the fabric of the jersey and then he cut a small hole that allowed Frank's nipple to show. He did the same thing with the other one.

"Man, this is gorgeous. I need to record it. Actually, let me set this up." Kevin put the timer on his phone, went back behind Frank, and hand gagged him for the photos.

"EXCELLENT! Another aspect of the fallen warrior. Now, Frankie, first you're gonna spread your legs so I can see your bulge." Frank sighed, but he knew Kevin meant business. "And now, I'm giving you a choice, stud. I can't decide if I want to use the clamps on those beautiful nipples, or my teeth. Got a preference?"

"TO GET OUT OF HERE." Kevin laughed. "I don't think you're telling the truth. LOOK at that BULGE." It was true: Frank had a massive hard on.

"The thing about the clamps is that they're more intense but they only work one position. On the other hand, my teeth, beard, and fingers can roam. Let's do that. Let's have some tit play. Let's see if I can make you earn a punishment by showing a stain in those shorts. They make your ass look REALLY hot by the way."

"NNNNNNNNNGGGGGG. FUCK..." Kevin began squeezing one nipple and nibbling the second one. Frank shook in his chair, and squirmed, but he couldn't get away from the tormenting mouth and fingers. His moaning seemed to inspire Kevin, who began nibbling but also rubbing his stubble on each of Frank's nipples. He also changed how he chewed them: first gently and then with more force. "OW. FUCK!" Frank yelled after one particularly hard bite, and Kevin laughed.

"Well, if you want me to already, I guess that would be okay, except I have other things planned for you, frankie. I need to explore your body more fully: find what other chinks there are in all that muscle. And I'm gonna find them. You ever been hogtied big boy?" Before Kevin, Frank had only been tied up one time in his life. That was on a bus trip with the football team. He had had too much to drink and fell asleep. When he was snoring really loud, his mates had carefully tied him to the bus seat. He slept, tied up until the bus driver got to the depot. Frank had to call home -- his father was still alive then -- and have him come out to get Frank. "I've never been hogtied and it's not gonna happen."

"SURE it is stud, and you're gonna be naked while you are. So, handsome, let me get you untied so you can slip out of those clothes. DAMN your nips look good coming out of that shirt. I can't wait until they're so nice and full that all I have to do is brush against them and you're gonna get a hard-on." Kevin untied the wrist restraints and then Frank did something very foolish: he ran for the door. He pushed past Kevin and moved as fast as he could and found that the door was locked and didn't open. "FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" he yelled, pulling on the door as hard as he could.

"Well, well, you know what just showed up, frankie? A little bit of a space" Frank felt Kevin's fingers dig into a spot right where his right shoulder met his neck. He pressed down and Frank experienced a mix of pain and sensation he had never felt before.

"STOP! OW! THAT HURTS FUCKER!" Frank thrashed around, trying to grab Kevin without seeing him. Kevin had stepped back far enough so Frank's muscular, but short arms couldn't reach him.

"It never hurts to know a little Asian medicine, Frankie. Now, I'll just start increasing the pressure until you agree to get to the center of the room and get on your knees." Guttural sounds were coming out of Frank. His head was thrown back. It was like trying to get out of an octopus' grip that was tightening more and more.

"ACCCCCCCCCCCCCCK. OK, OK. Take me where you want me to kneel. Just let go. PLEASE KEVIN." Now Kevin leaned in and whispered "I win, again. Get used to it, big steer. You're gonna be defeated a LOT." He lessened the pressure but walked Frank to the center of the room where he wanted him. "On your knees, big man," he pressed on the spot and, feeling the new pain, Frank knelt. "Now get your hands behind you. Time to retie them." Meekly, Frank did what he was told. He felt a rope go around his wrists, tie them, and then he felt Kevin let out slack to his ankles. Kevin tied them together. "Now let's get you horizontal frankie. So much more we can do that way." Frank felt Kevin come up right against him, like he had in the bed. He felt Kevin's breath, and his stubble, on his ear, as Kevin whispered "you have such big feet, frankie. I would have thought there was more to your cock than there is. I got you a special extra-large cage, but I think a medium is gonna be fine."

"CAGE? What kind of cage?" Frank didn't like the sound of that, and he struggled with the ropes. He stopped when Kevin grabbed his balls and squeezed them. "A cage for your cock, frankie. See, I'm going to have to make sure you don't spend yourself when we're not together, although over time, you'll be spending more and more time with me."

"FUCK THAT YOU SICK BASTARD" Frank yelled and found himself rolled onto his belly. "Now about those feet. I presume they're ticklish, but let's make sure, shall we."

"NO! NO! PLEASE DON'T TICKLE MY FEET. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. OH SHIT I MAY PISS MYSELF." Kevin was only touching Frank's soles lightly, but they were super sensitive. "Oh, this is good to know, frankie. I'm learning so much about what makes you weak. How about here?" Frank felt fingers tracing horizontal lines over the back of his knees. He knew about his feet. He didn't know about that spot.

"NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP. STOP." Kevin stopped and said "Now, you see, frankie? I bet you didn't know about that." Gasping for breath, Frank got out, "I didn't. Oh shit." "Well, I bet you don't know about this either." Now Kevin was running his finger up and down the crack in Frank's ass. It didn't tickle but, "it feels better than fucking pussy," was what Frank thought. Kevin couldn't see Frank's eyes roll in the back of his head, but he could hear the moans, the groans that said, "Stop but do more."

"Now think about this, frankie. I'm gonna need to lube you before I fuck you, so imagine a very skilled tongue getting in there, working those nerves even more." Frank was about to yell "YOU'RE NOT GONNA FUCK ME," but he knew that was wrong. He didn't want to piss off Kevin and maybe get tickled some more. He kept quiet, and felt Kevin turn him on his side. One of Kevin's hands went to a nip, and the other one went to his cock. It was hard. Frank was surprised, but Kevin wasn't. He stroked Frank slowly.

"You know, if I didn't think you were so hot, frankie, I'd find someone to buy you. Use you as a milking bull. Get your seed, sell it, and then when you weren't productive, turn you into a stud steer. "He paused. "GOD, that sounds SO hot when I talk about it, frankie. Putting you on your back once or twice a day, milking you, making sure you eat properly so that the jizz keeps coming, and then dumping jizz into that hot ass of yours." Frank's moans were pleading now. "mmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh." "You wanna jerk off, frankie? You want your sperm flowing out of you?" Frank clenched his teeth. "YES. YES, I DO. PLEASE. PLEASE JERK ME." Kevin paused. "I'll jerk you AFTER you get my load in your ass. Maybe it's time that I took it.

"NO. NO. PLEASE. YOU'RE GONNA HURT ME." Frank's cock stayed hard, Kevin kissed his ear. "Only a little, frankie. Once I get past a muscle, it won't hurt much at all. And maybe I'll distract you by going back to these tits." Kevin stopped stroking Frank, but he kept his hand on Frank's cock. His other hand began stroking Frank's ass.

"This is so firm, so beautiful, frankie. I bet your glutes are strong too. How many squats do you do every day?" When Frank was slow to answer, he got his cock squeezed.

"UGGGGGH. At least 200. Sometimes 300."

"WOW. Fucking you is gonna be awesome. So, franie. How badly do you wanna cum?"


"Hmmm. Bad enough to get fucked?" Kevin started stroking in a different manner. It was slow, but it was deliberate, and his hand had gone back to Frank's nip. He didn't say anything: he just kept it up. He kept it up for about 12 minutes before resignedly, Frank bleated.

"Yeah. Yeah. I want it bad enough to get fucked. "Kevin bent down and whispered into Frank's ear: "I'm gonna open up a WHOLE new world for you, frankie." Then he laughed. "And I'm gonna open up a new ass for every top man in the world. But it's gonna remain MINE. Roll onto your stomach, bottom." Frank sighed and did. He felt the ankle restraints get removed from him, and then he felt Kevin push his legs apart, roughly. "Next time will be face up, frankie. I'll let you know which one I like best. But first, let me keep my promise." Frank felt kevin's hot breath at his hole and then he screamed: Kevin had his tongue in him and everything else Kevin had done to him pales in comparison to what this felt like.

"You LIKE that frankie. Good. You're even pushing back so I can get deeper." It was true. Frank didn't realize it until Kevin said it, but he was: he was pushing back on Kevin's tongue. He moaned "like a 2-buck whore," as he and his friends would brag about women they had slept with. He heard Kevin's zipper open. Then he felt one of Kevin's arms around his neck, pulling back his head as he lowered his body onto Frank. He felt Kevin's cockhead at his hole, and he began to cry.

"Big boys don't cry frankie. Moaning is ok, but not crying." He began pushing his dick into Frank. "OH YES. FEEL THOSE MUSCLES ON YOU FRANKIE. GOD WHEN I TEACH YOU ABOUT CONTRACTIONS." Frank was biting his lip. He muttered "Take it out. I changed my mind. I don't wanna shoot," but Kevin ignored him. He felt more of Kevin go into him.

"I'm right at your gates of hell big boy. Once those'll have me in you all the way. "Frank gulped. "PLEASE. Can you stop, Kevin?" A one-word answer came back. "No." Kevin decided not to try to relax Frank. It would have taken too long, and he was too hard. He pushed and kept pushing as Frank groaned. He felt the muscular ring give way and... "I'M IN FRANKIE. You've got a full 8 inches in your virgin ass. How's it feel?"

"I don't like it. "Frank grunted out. "But I do," was Kevin's reply. Frank thought Kevin was finished because he felt his dick begin to leave his ass. Then, when Kevin pushed back in, hard, he screamed.

"That's why I'm breaking you in up here, frankie. Virgins are always SO noisy, and I like to keep gags for playing." Frank felt Kevin repeat what he had just done: his cock pulled out and then slammed back in again. He was exhausted. This was the hardest workout he had had in years. He felt the thrusts get faster and faster. "So this is what gay sex is like" he thought. Frank also thought about the hard-on he had underneath him.

"You're about to get BRED frankie boy. And it's too bad we can't have babies because... I know I'd get you pregnant with what I'm" Kevin stopped and took a breath, "about to dump in you handsome. "Frank felt one more hard push and then he felt a sloshing inside of him. He knew Kevin had just cum inside of him.

"Now, you're a bitch, frankie. A big muscular bitch, but a bitch, nonetheless. MY bitch. "He rubbed the back of Frank's neck. "You'll get used to it. You won't have any choice. Now, you still want to jerk off?"

"Yes, please." Frank answered. "OK," was Kevin's reply. "I'm gonna let you finish yourself off. And just so you know -- I'm not done with you tonight. You're gonna get it again. And then, when we get back to town, we're gonna make a regular thing of it."

"I don't think so," Frank gasped out, before he felt the SMACK across his ass. "Someone's got a smart mouth, and someone could very easily wind up tied up and edged for another two hours or so. We understand each other, butt boy?" Frank gulped. "We do. I'm sorry. "He had rolled over and he saw Kevin smile. "Don't be. I LOVE a guy who struggles. Because I always win. Now get to work. Let me see how my prize stud bull jerks himself."

Lying on his back, Frank could feel that his ass had been taken. When he closed his eyes, he tried to think of his favorite women, and all he could think about was how many different ways Kevin had tied him up. And he thought about the fucking. He was thinking about the thrust that he felt before Kevin came, before HE shot his load, moaning again.

"Ha, ha. My bull might need to be named Old Faithful. That was HUGE frankie. Almost as big as the one I put into you." Frank knew Kevin was right. And he remembered an expression he heard someone call a gay guy years ago "cum dump." Well, he had just become a cum dump."

He had no idea.

Next: Chapter 4

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