Officer Franks Training

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 1, 2023


The days ticked down and frankie started at the academy. If he had any thoughts that Kevin intended to let him go, they were mistaken. In fact, over the last ten days before academy began, Kevin became more aggressive than he had been from the start. During those ten days, frankie thought a lot about something brent had told him. He had said that there was going to come a time when Frank would still hate what was happening to him, but he'd discover that there were certain things Kevin did to him that just drove him mad with pleasure, and he'd give up any thought of escaping. "Fat chance," he had told brent, laughing. But then it happened. When it did, frankie had trouble believing that it did. One of Kevin's favorite "games" as he called it, was to straddle frankie's chest, and play with his nipples. He wouldn't do anything else, but just play with them. They'd start with frankie caged. If he could hold out and not give up for ten minutes, Kevin would take the cage off, and let frankie jerk himself off without a fucking. He told brent about the game. Frankie was optimistic at the start: "I'll get used to it and eventually, it won't have any effect on me. " Now it was brent's turn to laugh and to say, "fat chance." He had gone on to explain to frankie that his nipples would become MORE sensitive, and he'd hold out for less time before surrendering. And that's what was happening. Kevin would increase the time frankie spent in chastity depending on when he gave up. If he gave up between six and seven minutes after they started, the chastity was extended by four days. If frankie broke in two-three minutes (and it was getting close, sometimes), it would be eight days. Frankie agonized when he was caged, both from the inability to play with himself, and his fear that someone was going to see his cage at the gym, or when he started at the academy, when he was changing in the locker room. Frankie had been at the academy for about two weeks when it happened: Kevin had him wearing nothing but a pair of shorts from his high school days and athletic socks. He began working on frankie's nipples and before long, frankie was moaning. Kevin's fingers seemed especially aggressive that night: he pinched frankie hard, then softly. He'd rub his thumbs over the very tiny points of frankie's nips, which were especially sensitive. He'd challenge frankie by stopping and teasing "C'mon, big steer! Let's see you buck me off before I fuck you good." Frankie tried. He tried AWFULLY hard, but Kevin could control him so easily by doing this. His moans got louder, and he knew he was close to giving up. He saw the timer was only on the three-minute mark. He had been caged for four days before this, and he saw seven more days stretching in front of him. It would be the longest he had ever spent wearing the thing. "I GIVE, SIR. BUT PLEASE DON'T STOP. PLEASE. DO IT FOR TEN MINUTES, SIR. OR LONGER." Then frankie began to whimper like a puppy. He saw the smile on Kevin's face. "AH, frankie. My big sub bottom knows what he likes." He paused, and brushed frankie's nipples very, very gently. "You like that, stud? Makes you feel good?" "OH GOD, YES SIR. I NEVER FELT SO GOOD. NNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG." He began to thrash weakly under Kevin. "Well, your wish is my command, big guy. Ten minutes it is. But you still must wear the cage for seven more days. And I'll do this to you every day for the next seven. Extending it by one minute each time. You like that idea, frankie?" "OOOOOOOOOOH YES SIR. YES, YES YES SIR." Frankie's hips bucked as best as they could. "You have to promise to kiss me when I'm done, frankie. Then, what am I gonna do to you?" "You're gonna FUCK me Sir. You're gonna fuck my worthless ass." "Yes, I am. But first...Give me your neck." Frankie breathed hard. Kevin had never scruffed him after one of these games. He didn't know if he could take it. And he didn't know if he'd get a hickey from Kevin. It had happened a few times, and Kevin had just laughed. "Everyone knows you're my boy toy, frankie, no one cares." Kevin was right. News had gotten around town very quickly: frankie was "dating" Kevin Morris, the leading businessman in the city. No one said it, but they assumed: someone with so much power, and so much money, was the "man" in the relationship. And they wondered too: how did they miss that Frank Connor, one of their own, was gay? That thought went through frankie's head as he felt Kevin's scruff on his neck. "But I'm NOT gay," he told himself. "I'm not gay, I'm... Please fuck your boytoy, Sir. PLEASE. PLEASE. I need your cock in me, or I'll explode." "Oh, we don't want THAT happening, frankie. Besides. I'M the only one who gets to explode. Nice, big explosions inside your sweet ass, or your soft mouth. Speaking of that soft mouth." He pressed his body on top of frankie and took possession of his lips. Again, there was a change here: frankie used to fight against Kevin shoving his tongue in his mouth as hard as he could. Now, he sucked on it, trying to pull in more, as Kevin's hand slowly pulled frankie's shorts down. "MMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of frankie as he felt Kevin's finger and thumb running a circle around his hole. "You seem especially juicy tonight, frankie. REALLY juicy. I'm gonna just slip right inside of you." Kevin moved down frankie's body and pushed his knees back. He preferred taking frankie doggie style, but he was so hot from their scene that he wanted frankie as much as frankie wanted him. "You know, frankie", Kevin teased as he began sliding his cock in. "Not many gay men could take me, but my big studly straight boy here... nooooooooooo problem." He laughed as he shoved his entire dick into his sub. "Practice makes perfect, right frankie." "Yes Sir." He caught his breath. "I'm practicing a lot, Sir." "And you're just gonna get better, stud. You're going to be the best straight boy sub around. "He whispered "and trust me, frankie, you and brent aren't the only ones." As Kevin took his ass, he remembered the visitor bruce: another straight guy who was a sub to a gay man. But with all the whispering that went on in the police academy locker room, he had heard rumors about a DOM/sub couple in the police force. Both were officers, and the sub had a higher rank. The rumor went on that the sub had been married, but when he saw the man who became his DOM, he became obsessed with him, dreamed about taking his dick in his mouth and then, eventually, divorced and became the lieutenant's sub. He heard guys chuckle about the chain he wore around his neck and took off when he got to work, and how he'd slip it on immediately before he met his DOM if they were going home together. "How many more of us ARE there?" he wondered. "So, Frank, I have a question for ya." One of the other cadets, a guy named Justin to whom frankie had taken an immediate dislike, came over to where frankie was getting suited up for the day of classes and exercises. "Yeah, Justin, what's up?" "Got a question for you. Not about football either huh huh. Word around here is you and that guy Morris, the one who's got that big security company, are a couple." "That's a statement, not a question, Justin." Normally, frankie wouldn't have made a comment like that, but he remembered one of the instructors using it to put down a student, and he filed it away in his mind. He knew he wasn't as smart as some of the guys, and certainly not as smart as Kevin or Ray, or even brent, so he was constantly trying to catch up. "Yeah, you're right it is. Well, okay, then I got two questions. First, ARE the two of you a couple?" Frankie had gotten that question a lot since word had gotten out after his mom's birthday party, so he answered "That's right. For now." "So, which one of you is the wife?" Justin stood there, smiling. He was thinking about how wicked his question was. His mom had told him he could answer "that's just none of your business" when people asked about "roles," but Kevin and Ray and brent had all told him that wasn't a good approach. "They'll just assume what they want, and you'll have another rumor. You've got to be clever about it." Frankie HAD prepared for when the question came up. "Well, Justin, isn't a wife a woman? I'm not a woman. Neither is Kevin so; I don't see how either of us could be the wife." He gave Justin a quick smile. He could see the guy was nonplussed. "Oh. True. Well, I guess what I really wanted to ask you was: who does what to the other in bed?" Again, frankie was ready for that. "Hmm. If there were ever an inappropriate question, Justin, that's one. But I'll tell you what: I'll answer it when I ask your girlfriend how big your dick is, and how good or bad you are in bed, ok?" "YOU CAN'T ASK THAT KIND OF QUESTION, CONNOR. THAT'S... THAT'S..." "Just like the question you just asked me. Doesn't change because my partner is a man." Justin shook his head and walked away. "Sick. Just sick," frankie heard him muttering as he left. "I HAVE to find out about the gay couple," he thought, before he finished up getting ready for classes. Kevin always crowed about how "FUCKING HOT" frankie looked in his police uniform, and frankie agreed with him. When he put on the uniform shirt with the tight short sleeves, the pants that hugged his ass so well, he felt like a king. He didn't so much walk as swagger. He might be the sub at home, but here, he was, well, as his mother would put it "a strutting rooster." Frankie didn't expect to have any problems with the physical aspects of the program, and he didn't. He excelled in all of them. Most of the other recruits had gone to college, though, and he found it hard to keep up with the academic stuff. Kevin worked with him, but always with a price at the end: a blow job, or a wrestling match, something. What brent had told him came back to frankie when he went to Kevin with a question: he'd get a thrill going to his DOM, who was smarter than he was, and he always shivered as the tutoring sessions went on, because Kevin would massage his shoulders when he got things right and tickle his pits when he got something wrong. Frankie would, occasionally, give the wrong answer intentionally because the tickling got him more excited, and it also got Kevin more roused. Sex after the tutoring sessions was some of the hottest they had. No one -- not Kevin, Mrs. Connor, or frankie himself could have predicted the area where frankie most excelled: marksmanship. The instructor had remarked "Officer Connor, did you shoot competitively?" Frankie had answered truthfully. "No, Sir. I had never touched a gun until I started the program," which was true. "Well, you're a natural," was the answer he got back. "I'm gonna have to think about this, Connor. We may have to see about detailing you to sniper duty or something like that. Those guys are in terribly short supply, and just maybe." "Well, thank you Captain Jenkins. I just try to do my best." Jenkins smiled "So I'm told," before he walked off. Frankie didn't know he was being trained by the sub half of the DOM/sub couple he had heard about. "Before I forget, frankie, I invited Ray and brent to come over this weekend. You told me you didn't have anything on your school schedule for Saturday night, didn't you?" Kevin was in the middle of tying frankie's wrists behind his back. Frankie was shirtless and wearing a tight pair of workout pants. They were about to play another game Kevin loved: once frankie was tied up like this, he'd put a gag in frankie's mouth, and then begin what he called "a program of PERSUASION" to get frankie to tell him where frankie had hidden some object. "You're right, Sir. Nothing on Saturday." The cadets were beginning to be paired up with senior officers and running patrol occasionally. Naturally, since they were at the bottom of the totem pole, they got crappy shifts. Frankie had been paired with a guy with some seniority: Lieutenant Leonard. He'd been with the force for fifteen years, and had a reputation for being a very stern, strict disciplinarian, especially with the new cadets. (He was also Captain Jenkins' DOM, but frankie didn't know that yet). An "mmmph" snuck out of his mouth as Kevin put the gag over it. Tonight, it was a big piece of black duct tape. Kevin lowered his voice: "SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Detective Connor, it seems I hold all the cards now. Are you going to tell me the hiding place, or shall I PERSUAAAAAAAAADE you?" Frankie knew he was expected to struggle, and as Kevin moved around to the front and picked up the paddle he'd use to smack frankie's balls and cock, he shook his head no.' He felt, and Kevin saw, the wet spot at his crotch. Kevin slowly moved the paddle vertically, up and down frankie's crotch. "Are you sure about that answer, Detective? You'd be surprised how quickly a set of eggs can be...scrambled." Kevin whacked him and frankie winced. This was not one of his favorite parts of the game, but feeling Kevin's hands on him, especially when he lowered his mouth over frankie's ear and whispered about the "terrible consequences" of defying him, reminded frankie of all the Western and spy shows he had watched as a boy and teenager. All his friends did, and he wondered if any of them got erections with their pre-pubescent cocks the way he did. "I guess we'll have to use these, Detective." Kevin produced a pair of nipple clamps, dangling them in front of frankie. "One last chance, Detective. My friends Chip and Dale can be very compelling." When frankie didn't shake his head, Kevin attached them and pulled -- hard. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" brent was right: frankie's nipples were becoming more and more sensitive, and Kevin was getting rougher and rougher. He pulled again, and then frankie shook his head yes. Kevin smiled. "Excellent! Now, I'll take off the gag and you'll tell me where to find it, Detective. And then, we'll be using that beautiful mouth of yours for something rather exciting." Soon, frankie was on his knees, Kevin's dick in front of him, teasing him. He'd put the tip to frankie's lips and when frankie opened his mouth, he'd pull away. Frankie had to struggle to keep his balance, since his wrists were still tied behind his back, and when Kevin squeezed his nipples, extra sensitive from the clamps, it made things more difficult. What was making it yet more difficult that night, was the fact that frankie had been locked up for a week before the game. His balls were churning, and he was thinking about... things. He had had a chat with his mom, who had broached the question of whether frankie and Kevin were going to, as she put it "take the relationship to another level." "I don't know, Ma. The level it's at is pretty good for both of us, and we haven't done any talking about what the future will be." He heard his mother sigh. "Oh, well. You can't blame a mom for wanting to see her son settle down and maybe... with a child or two?" When she said that, frankie's head snapped back. Yes, he had heard and read about same sex couples adopting children, but he had never thought about he and Kevin raising children. "Mom, I'd be terrible with kids," he answered. "OH HOGWASH, FRANKIE. I remember watching you train those little league footballers and thinking my son has all the makings of a great father. "She sighed. "And there are so many kids who need homes, frankie. You and Kevin certainly have enough room for at least one child." "I'll talk about it with Kevin, ma, but really, this is something you should mention to him. I know about your little dates when I'm on patrol." She laughed. "Oh, frankie. He takes me to all the places your father and I couldn't afford. I feel like a young girl again." She laughed. "Too bad he's taken. At least the man who took him is a really sweet guy." "Let me mention it, mom. And you know what? You bring it up to him when the two of you are sharing pastries at Nico's Café'. "I'll do that, frankie," she answered, not knowing that she had already raised the question, nor that Kevin was researching the possibilities. In turn, Mrs. Connor didn't know that one issue Kevin had was whether he could maintain a DOM/sub relationship if he were a father. But the thought of having kids never left his mind. He had talked about it with Ray, who had just dismissed it. "No, Kevin, kids are not for me. I've heard, though, that there's that DOM/sub couple in the police force who have three adopted kids: two daughters, one son. Maybe frankie could talk to them." Kevin laughed. "Frankie needs to get through his classes before he starts talking about personal stuff. But maybe I can find out who they are, and, well, do something sort of like what we're doing this weekend." "CAREFUL KEVIN. Remember where frankie works, and you never shit where you eat. So, when do you want us over?" "How does seven sound? The double fuck shouldn't take more than an hour, and we can go out to dinner afterward. " "I want you to look ESPECIALLY handsome tonight, frankie," Kevin said, as he pulled out a brown shirt that fit frankie like a glove, and a pale-yellow necktie. "Don't try to close the top button. You know you can't." Frankie looked at the clothes. They seemed a little informal for where they were going to dinner, but he knew better than to argue with Kevin about his fashion choices. The stripes from the flogging he got the one time he did, stayed with him for three days. Kevin was dressed in a form fitting black t-shirt and black jeans, which confused frankie even more, "but he sure looks damned good," he thought. His confusion grew when Ray and brent came over. Ray was dressed in an outfit similar to Kevin's, and brent was dressed as if he were going to argue a motion in court. They exchanged pleasantries and, rather than making frankie sit at his feet the way he normally did, Kevin had him sit next to him. Brent seemed to know what to do and took a seat close to Ray. Ray had his arm around brent's shoulders and was gently massaging his neck.

There was a lull in the conversation and then: "So, Ray, how about this? We picked up two hot businessmen, who thought they were going to wind up screwing some tramp whores." He tightened his grip around frankie. "Looks like you two are going to be the trampy whores. You're gonna get FUCKED, and youi're gonna watch each other get it." Frankie saw brent trying to get up out of the chair -- or was he acting? "CALM DOWN, BITCH!" Ray ordered him. "If I have to kick the shit out of it first, I will, but I'm having that ass." Frankie saw the serious look on Ray's face. "STAND UP, BITCH!" Brent seemed to do so reluctantly. "WELL, YOU THINK YOU'RE JUST SITTING THERE, FRANKIE? GET UP LIKE YOUR PARTNER. AND ASSUME THE POSITION." Frankie saw that brent had his hands behind his back and Ray was tying them. Frankie felt Kevin yank his hands behind his back and then he felt the restraints. He watched Ray skillfully open brent's pants, which fell to the floor. Kevin did the same thing to frankie. "BOTH OF YOU. ON THE FLOOR, FACE DOWN." Frankie was scared, but he was also terribly aroused. He felt his shoes pulled off, and then his pants. He was facing brent, and he could see the same thing happening to his friend. He heard, rather than saw, the blade that Kevin used to cut his jock away. He saw Ray skillfully slice open brent's briefs with a scissor he produced from his pocket. Then he felt Kevin on top of him, pushing his hips up and putting one, then two, then three fingers into his ass. "We'll get that prostate tonight, frankie boy." Frankie started moaning loudly -- but he could hear brent moaning the same way. He wondered if brent were doing the same thing he was -- which was pushing back on his top's fingers. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT," frankie moaned as he felt Kevin's tongue enter him. He hadn't felt that in a long time, and it was something he loved. "GONNA GET YOU WET LIKE A CUNT, AND THEN FUCK YOU LIKE ONE," he heard Kevin yell, and he heard the SMACK of Ray's hand against brent's ass. Frankie entered a head space he had been entering more and more with this relationship. He felt his tie ripped off and put around his neck. As Kevin entered him, he pulled the necktie back. "Turn your head, frankie. Watch your friend's face. See how he's enjoying it?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Yes, Sir. But I'm enjoying it too." Brent stifled a laugh when he heard that. He had been to a few of these double fucks: it was a "bonding exercise" that sometimes worked, and sometimes didn't. He didn't think it would work with him and frankie: they seemed to be "sympatico" already. Still, the chance to GET fucked and watch frankie get fucked -- something he had fantasized about -- was a dream come true. The grunts of the two men fucking their subs, the language they used that turned on both brent and frankie, kept up. Frankie noticed that brent was not caged either, and was hard: was he as hard as frankie was? "This is only the first part," frankie thought. He was right. Then, he couldn't think of anything but the pounding he was getting from Kevin. "TIGHTEN YOUR GLUTES YOU FUCKING BITCH. TIGHTEN THEM. HARD! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". Frankie felt his cavity fill up more than it had in a long time. "You newbies," Ray laughed. "Can't control yourselves." Frankie didn't know if he referred to Kevin or to... him. He must have shot a load while he was enjoying Kevin's dick rubbing against his prostate: there was a pool of semen at his waist. Then he heard brent squeal, followed by a yell from Ray. He felt Kevin collapse on top of him and felt Kevin's hands come underneath him, finding his nipples. "So fucking HOT you goddamn sub cop," Kevin whispered as he kissed frankie's ear. "We'll have to do this again. Maybe with those cops I keep on hearing about."

Next: Chapter 14

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