Officer Franks Training

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 31, 2023


It had taken a little time, but frank had accustomed himself to Kevin's sleeping idiosyncrasies. Frank thought of Kevin as "the octopus," because he wrapped himself around frank in as many places as his legs and arms could get, then he pulled frank into him tightly. There wasn't a night he wasn't hard, and frank would wake up sometimes and feel Kevin running his dick up and down his ass crack. Mornings? Frank knew that his late sleeping habits would have to change once he started at the academy, but for now, he was a late sleeper. Kevin usually got him up, and almost always the same way: he'd roll frank onto his back and straddle him. Sometimes, he'd pin down frank's wrists, and sometimes, he'd just tease his nipples. He'd say something like "you're such a fucking hottie. Can't believe you were such easy prey." Then he'd laugh and either go to work on frank's ear, or French him deeply. Frank knew better than to "take care of himself" when Kevin got out of bed. He had done it once. The spanking Kevin administered before frank went back to his mother's house left him not wanting to sit for the whole day.

This morning, though, Kevin was in the kitchen when frank woke up. Frank could smell various things: "SHIT. OF COURSE. MOM'S CAKE." Frank was supposed to buy an ice cream cake and he had forgotten. He smelled the sweet aromas from the kitchen: he knew Kevin could cook, but he didn't know he could bake. He figured he needed to get in there before Kevin decided he had overslept.

When frank was at Kevin's in the morning, Kevin picked out what he was wearing: never a shirt, and either some shorts or, like today, athletic tights. And he saw the bright yellow thong. He remembered what Kevin had said, and how much he liked thongs on men. Again, it wasn't worth a strength fight with Kevin: he'd lose. Just before he went into the kitchen, frank took a quick look through the closets and dresser drawers Kevin had told him were going to be his. Yes, the thongs, the jock straps, shorts, and then in the closet: it was clear that Kevin wanted frank to look a certain way: preppy or butch. For about the tenth time, frank thought "how the hell am I gonna get out of this?" and then walked into the kitchen. Kevin had on a Hawaiian shirt, opened, and a pair of running shorts.

"Sleepy head! I hope you got plenty of rest because it's a busy day in front of you, before the birthday party, the party, and then after." He smiled. Frank wondered what was behind that smile.

"I made breakfast, so sit down and eat before you get cleaned up. Then, we're gonna take a trip up to the basement."

"I'm not really hungry today," frank answered. Kevin came up to him, looked him in the eye and smiled before he ran his thumbs over frank's nipples.

"Frankie my dear, you can eat breakfast, or you can eat my sausage. It's one or the other."

"I'm probably gonnna eat sausage sometime today anyway," frank snapped back. Again, that smile. "I don't know, muffin, I don't know. Yeah, it's going in you somewhere, I just haven't decided where. So, stud... you gonna sit down or kneel?"

"I'll sit," frank grunted. "What're you baking? It smells good."

"Butterscotch cake. Took a while to find a recipe, but it's a good one." Frank was stirring a spoon in some oatmeal and stopped. "Butterscotch cake? That's my mom's favorite. I don't know when she had it last."

"Before you were born, frankie." Frank's mouth dropped. "How the hell do you know all this?" "Oh, your mom is a REAL good conversationalist, frankie. I LOVE talking to her. She's so cool. LOVES the idea that her son has a wealthy boyfriend." Frank's mouth dropped more. "I'm just trying to decide whether or not to tell her she doesn't have to worry about you hurting me `that way, you know'".

"YOU TOLD HER ABOUT US?" Frank was getting up. "SIT DOWN FRANKIE. " The tone of Kevin's voice shocked frank: "I told her nothing. You know, you jock boys gotta understand that your moms see a LOT more and are a LOT smarter than you think. Your mom figured things out LONG ago. And she can't wait until her `girlfriends' meet her son's boyfriend. " Kevin began to laugh when he saw frank's face. "And you were worried about the gay bar. HA! Trust me frankie, you've got nothing to worry about. Now if you're finished eating, I'd get cleaned up if I were you. Time for a trip upstairs. get changed."

When frank came out of the shower, he saw a police uniform on the bed. Full gear: everything but a gun. He picked up the shirt and he realized: this wasn't one of the official ones the academy had issued.

Kevin had shopped for it. He pulled on the shirt and realized right away, it was a size -- at least a size -- smaller than his official one. His biceps filled out the short sleeves easily, and even though he didn't have the slightest sign of a pot belly, he had to pull his abs in. It was the same way with the pants: they fit much more snugly than he was used to, even with nothing but the thong underneath. They fit so tightly though, that the thong began running up his ass and itching him. He wondered, as he put on the shoes: had Kevin prepped them? He felt the tingle: yeah, he did. Velcro and fiberglass.

"Take a look at yourself in the mirror, frankie, you DO make one delectable cop burger." Frank blushed. He realized he DID want to see what he looked like. He tried not to let Kevin see that he was checking out his ass. It didn't work. "It's like two, beautiful melons, frankie. MY melons, very soon. Now, we just have to do a few things. First, when you wear this uniform here, two shirt buttons, not one. I can't get my hand inside so I'll have to open up more buttons when I want that chest of yours, but for peacocking around, two buttons. "Frank reached up and opened the button, resignedly. "SUPERB! Now, for the entertainment portion of our morning." Kevin had a pair of handcuffs in his hand. "C'mon officer. Captured with your own cuffs. Let's get the fantasy going. Hmmm. Maybe you need a frisking too. Up against the wall, spread em. WIDE." With everything else that Kevin had done to him, frank felt violated nonetheless as Kevin's hands roamed all over his body. He heard the snicker as Kevin pushed his wrists up and ran his finger up and down frank's ass crack. "One of my favorite places in the world, frankie. Up the stairs." He took a firm hold of frank's arm and led him to the stairs. "Two flights. Not a big deal for a big healthy stud like you." Frank sighed and grunted, and he jumped when Kevin felt up his ass, but he went.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" he yelled when he saw the set up in Kevin's attic: there was a massage table, set up with restraints all along both sides, a large cross in the corner, a sophisticated video set up, and a large chair, also with restraints all along it. Frank's eyes moved around the room, looking at the various gadgets. He knew what a few of them were, because Kevin had used versions on him. The nipple clamps and gags up here seemed much more serious, though, and the hitachi was much bigger.

Kevin signaled for frank to sit down in the chair. "Slip your arms behind the back, frankie. I like the cuffs. No need to use too many. But your ankles? Yeah, we need those restrained." He bent down and quickly and expertly pulled frank's legs apart, leaving his crotch opened and his ankles secured. Kevin stood up and smiled.

"You look FUCKING HOT, frankie. FUCKING, FUCKING HOT. Now, let's just get one more thing. It's going to make this much more fun -- at least for me, hah hah hah. Kevin walked to the side and came back with a roll of wide, silver duct tape. "The room is sound proofed but, I LOVE hearing you moan, frankie. "MMMMMPH" frank tried to protest as Kevin wound three full circles of tape around his mouth. "EVEN HOTTER! DAMN. "He grinned. "But frankie, you can do better. Your mom always told you to sit up straight. I'm gonna tell you: suck in that gut." Frank saw Kevin pick up a paddle. He ran the edge of it along frank's crotch and, fearing what was going to happen, frank held in his gut as much as he could. Standing in front of him, Kevin began to thumb frank's nipples through his shirt. He moaned through the gag. It felt good but also, he felt beaten.

"Sometimes things just work out, frankie. I always fantasized about having myself a cop as my bottom and sub. And I've had a thing for you since high school. And to have them come together... Oh, that's SO sweet." He squeezed frank's nipples and a BIG "MMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of frank. It got even louder when Kevin pushed his knee into frank's crotch.

"You can see the video screen from there, can't you frankie?" Frank nodded his head. "GOOD. Because I made myself a loop of porn involving cops: captured, tortured, fucked. We're gonna watch it, so you have some idea of what's in store for you, stud. And, as you'll see in one of them, if you try to escape, well, I'll enjoy myself hunting you down." Kevin hit a remote-control button and the loop started. He stepped behind frank and began rubbing his shoulders. "I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, frankie." His fingers undid one, then two of the unform shirt buttons, and Kevin began massaging frank's chest, then circling his nipples before he squeezed them. A video started of a man in a state trooper's uniform, spread out on a bed, his feet in a set of stocks. He was yelling "I WON'T GIVE YOU THE TICKET. I PROMISE I PROMISE," before someone's hands started working on his bare feet, and the "trooper" began squealing helplessly. Frank shifted uncomfortably: Kevin had tickled him a little but not his feet. Or any of his weak spots. And then...

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" frank tried to jump as Kevin put a finger at the spot where frank's torso met his belt. A VERY sensitive spot. How did he know?

"You know, frankie, it's so easy to get information from your mom. She's so happy you `found someone' as she put it, and she just chuckles about how your dad used to keep you in line.

"FUCK" frank thought to himself as he tried to get away from Kevin's fingers. "If you look over at the table, frankie, you'll see there's a foot stock there too. And yes, we'll use it. AFTER your submission." Frank couldn't speak so he shook his head violently. Kevin whispered "tomorrow," before he switched the film to one of a cop, wearing only his cap tied and on his knees, before three guys all shoved their cocks into his mouth.

"Don't worry, frankie. No one but me is getting a cock in your mouth but pay attention. Your technique needs work. And after tomorrow, I won't let it slide." Kevin was silent. He was surprised: he fully expected frank to be fighting to get his head away from the film so that he didn't have to watch it. He was watching it intently. And the dark blue uniform pants were showing a bulge, and a stain. "Like picking a ripe piece of fruit," Kevin thought. "I've trained him well."

"I have lots more, but let's jump to this one, frankie." A third film came up, beginning with a cop in a dress uniform clearly shoved into a cell. "GET YOUR CLOTHES OFF, FUCKER, AND THEN GET YOURSELF ON THE BED." The actor looked like he wanted to fight, but also, like he was scared. He did what he was told and then the second actor came into the frame. He was HUGE: his cock came out further than Kevin's ever had.

"Yes, he's very famous for that, frankie. I can't match him, but I've got a fuck stick and we're gonna have so much fun with that." Frank was spellbound. The cop was pleading, begging for mercy , but the guy just pushed his legs in the air, then spat into his hole and began methodically getting -- GEEZ, was that 11 inches -- into his ass.

"The cop is used to big dicks, frankie. Don't worry, you're FAR from having to take that much." At that point, Kevin dropped his mouth to frank's ear, and whispered: "You're gonna get a good fucking every single day, frankie." The whine from frank did not include a shake of his head, no, and frank didn't see Kevin smile. He felt bristle against his neck. "How do you think people would react tonight, frankie, if they saw a hickey on your neck? Hmmmmmmmmm? "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" now frank DID shake his head no. He didn't realize how Kevin was manipulating him: most of the town knew Kevin was gay, and the fact that he and frank had been seen together a lot, had of course started rumors -- but the rumors sometimes veered into how frank was taking Kevin's ass. Kevin wasn't quite ready to prove those rumors wrong, and in any event, he thought it was an important part of frank's training to tell people who asked what the situation was.

A different sound came out of frank, and his hips bucked. Kevin saw the growing stain in his pants. "Awww, frankie. How sweet. You LIKED the movies. I'm pleased. But what I'm not pleased about, good looking, is you continuing to climax before me. "MMMMMMMMMMPH" a yelp of pain came out of frank as Kevin leaned his elbow on frank's crotch. "Subs don't cum without their DOM's permission, frankie, and I'm afraid we're gonna have to go back to the cock cage until you learn that. " Now, the sounds from frank were like a pigeon cooing. He was trying to beg for forgiveness. It wasn't coming.

"I'm getting you out of the restraints, frankie. Then I want you on all fours, naked as if you were in the doctor's office. Doggie style, big time." Frank winced a little as he got out of the fake police uniform, because it was sticking to him. "You'll wash it at some point, frankie, and don't worry. I picked up a few fantasy uniforms for you." He felt Kevin taking a position behind him and he felt a collar go around his neck. "A cowboy outfit. A leather harness for the bars." He pulled the collar as he pushed his dick into frankie. "And my favorite one. When I told the clerk it was for you, he talked me out of superman and sold me Captain America. A CAPITAL choice. "FUCK KEVIN THAT HURTS." Mention of the uniforms seemed to be making Kevin even harder than he usually was. "GOOD. Get used to it hurting frankie, because it seems the more I fuck you, the more I WANT to fuck you." Frank could feel the speed of Kevin's thrusts getting faster and faster. Kevin held onto the collar, and it seemed to get him even deeper into frank's ass than he had. "TAKE MY LOAD STUDCOP. TAKE IT!!!!" Kevin yelled, and then shot a huge wad into frank. It kept on coming, and frank couldn't hold position: he fell to the floor. He was trying to recover when he felt Kevin inserting a plug into his ass.

"You'll hold my jizz until after the party tonight frankie." He laughed. "You may make some noises, but that's ok. You can tell people it's your stomach."

Kevin had chosen frank's outfit for the party: a snug fitting black shirt, untucked, with a loosened bright yellow tie. Snug fitting black pants too. "I don't dress like this, Kevin!" Frank protested and Kevin gave him a look. "You do now, stud. Better get used to a LOT of new things. If you're going to be MY sub, you dress the way I say. Frank gritted his teeth "I am NOT going to be your sub." He wondered if Kevin could hear any doubt in his answer. If he did, Kevin didn't show it. "Let's go, handsome. The cake's packed up. You take it. " Kevin had on a blazer and an expensive white shirt, opened at the throat. He had thought about wearing some more "feminine" colors to confuse people even more, but...he had a plan.

"OH KEVIN. Did you make that yourself?" Frank's mom looked like she would cry. "BUTTERSCOTCH CAKE? The last time I had that, well, I made it for one of Frankie's classes." "Well, it's about time you had someone do something for YOU, Mrs. Connor." She gave Kevin a hug while frank watched, thinking "my mom loves him. She likes him more than any chick I dated. This is NOT good." Then he heard a voice. It was one of his mom's best friends: Stella Madison. Another widow. She had a son and two daughters. A busybody. Always.

"FRANKIE! Oh, my goodness, give Aunt Stella a kiss."

"Hi Mrs. Madison. Thanks for coming." He bent down to kiss her and just before he did, she whispered "should we ask Kevin if this is ok?" Frank pulled back and looked puzzled. "Frankie, everyone knows. Your mom is SO thrilled you found someone she finds acceptable: you KNOW she's picky." Frank laughed. "Oh, yeah. I know that well."

"And you know, all of the church chicks are just thrilled that you found someone so, uh, how do I put this... well endowed?" Frank began to blush. "Mrs. Madison, uh, did you mean to say that?" She laughed.

"OH, WHOOPS. I meant wealthy. I was trying to be discreet and, ha ha, I just put my foot in my mouth. Well," she lowered her voice. "I hope he IS well endowed." Frank was confused. "Mrs. Madison, I don't think we should be talking abut this."

"Oh, Frankie, people are going to say what they're going to say. You know, it's none of our business what you and Kevin do, but...I can't lie. Everyone's curious. Especially Martin." Martin was her son. A closet case if there ever were one. Frank remembered the rumor that Martin had said he wanted to be a damsel in distress whom Frank rescued and then ravaged.

"Well, Mrs. Madison, if Martin's curious, I'm sure that he can talk to Kevin and myself. But yeah, what happens between us stays private. That's only right, isn't it?

"Oh, OF COURSE, Frankie. But I'll tell Martin if he's curious, he should ask. Now, I'm going to go and get some more Chablis. I'll make sure to say goodbye before I leave, frankie."

Some of the ladies had brought their adult children. One of them was Harry, who had been frank's rival at high school. They hated each other and now, Harry was sidling up to him. He took the end of frank's tie and began playing with it.

"LOOK AT THIS. Frankie gets tamed. By the school geek no less."

"Uh, how are you, Harry?"

"Oh, I'm just fine. Loving seeing how Mr Macho is all gussied up like someone's trophy wife. "Frank balled his fists. He wanted to deck Harry but then, he realized: he DID look like a trophy wife. He was the only one wearing a necktie, his clothes were the tightest, and he was probably the best-looking man there. "He set me up, that cocksucker," he thought, and then realized "No. I'M the cocksucker." Just then he felt a hand go around his wrist and begin pulling his arm behind his back.

"Your mom really liked her cake, frankie. And you are SO hot. SO sexy. All the ladies want you. Their hormones are kicking in."

"Yeah, I know. Gee, thanks, Kevin. All I need. Blue haired ladies looking for dates."

"How about their sons? I saw one in the corner almost drooling." Frank's head snapped up. "WHO?"

"Ha ha. Just teasing, frankie. The one who's drooling is me. How's that plug doing?

"It's annoying. "

"You'll get used to it. Plugs and/or cages after Sunday." Frank looked at him.

"Listen, Kevin, I don't understand what this submission is all about. What are you gonna do to me, and what happens then?" Kevin smiled. "Well, I'll explain what I expect and then, you'll have a chance to say yes or no. "

"And if I say no?" Frank was serious, not flirting.

"Then I'll work on persuading you. But think about it, frankie. You saw the attic. I got lots to work with, including the chance to fulfill one of my biggest fantasies."

"It's not gonna happen" Frank muttered.

"Frankie, when it does, you know what your first act of submission is gonna be? You're gonna shave your pubes yourself, right in front of me." Frank gulped. And he felt a ping as the possibility sank in. Now, HE was thinking that was hot.

And so, the party went, and finally, it was Mrs. Connor, Kevin, and frank. "We'll stick around and clean up, Mrs. Connor.

It's your birthday." "Yeah mom, sit down."

"No, no, boys, no need. The girls did a lot of cleaning and they promised to come over tomorrow to help finish up and to... chat."

"Chat, mom?" She laughed. "Oh, my stars frankie. You have given these old biddies more to talk about than they have in years. Two handsome guys -- not our first gay couple in town, but definitely the best looking." She grinned. "I know, I'm prejudiced but, well, a mom's allowed to be that way."

Kevin laughed all the way back to the house while frank smoldered. "You look SO sexy like that, frankie. Just like a brooding 60s movie star. And..." He moved frank's hand to his crotch. "See what you're doing to me? One last time before we go to sleep. This time, on your back. "

While Kevin was fucking frank after they got home, he squeezed frank's balls, hard. It was arousing and it also hurt. "Who cums first, frankie?"

"You do." "Good answer, now finish it up with "Sir." Frank whispered "NO" and Kevin squeezed his balls so hard he screamed. "WHO CUMS FIRST FRANKIE?" He twisted them and frank answered "YOU DO SIR."

"Oh, your training is gonna be so much fun, handsome. Brent is gonna help. But I'll be the toughest taskmaster you'll have. Even moreso than your sergeants. I can't wait."

A part of frank couldn't either.

Next: Chapter 11

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