Officer Dunham

By Josh

Published on Mar 29, 2013


The Playroom* *

After a few minutes of cuddling which seemed to last an eternity, Ryan whispered in my ear. "Are you ready for the second part of this night?"

"Yes... Of course Ryan", I answered softly with my head buried in his neck. I loved those tender moments, even if I couldn't caress him with my hands still handcuffed behind my back.

"OK. I need to know that you trust me. If at any moment what I'm doing to you is too difficult to bear or past your limits, tell me so or wave your hands or your head, or whatever part of your body can move to let me know. I will immediately stop what I am doing and resume something softer. You can also, at any moment, request some water. Other than that, until I deem our play finished, there will be no escape or stopping unless in an absolute emergency. Do you agree to this? If you don't, we can have a more vanilla night. It's your choice, but once your choice is made, there is no going back. I can promise you that I will not harm you in any way, mark you or do anything unsafe. I also promise you that, this time, you will cum. What do you say?"

"I trust you. Completely. Ryan, I need you to have me."

"Great." He grabbed something from a counter behind him. It was a latex hood. Despite the zip on the back, Ryan had some difficulty putting it over my head. The hood was made of a very thick latex. It felt heavy on my head. It had no holes for the eyes. Instead of a hole for the mouth, there was an inflatable butterfly gag. The only openings were two small holes for the nose.

Once zipped, it was one of the tightest fitting hood I had ever worn. The thick latex impaired my hearing at lot. Then came a large collar, so large it kept my head up high. It wasn't so tight that it choked me, but certainly tight enough that it would get uncomfortable after a while. I heard the familiar click of a padlock being closed.

The gag then started to grow in my mouth. I never liked inflatable gags, which always seemed to make me feel like I was being choked. As the gag continued to grow, panic began to set in. I tried to resist, but as soon as I felt the gag touch the back of my mouth, panic took over. Ryan was very quick to react and deflated the gag a bit — just enough to make it comfortable. To help me relax, he pulled me closer to him, gently stroking the back of my head with one hand and caressing my back with the other. It was enough to calm and reassure me.

He led me through the backdoor of the garage into a corridor and then into a room on the same level. He pushed me toward the middle of the room. He proceeded to remove my sweatshirt and tee shirt, letting them hang on my back. He quickly unlocked one of my arm to let the clothes through, only to lock it again quickly. I felt something being attached to the collar. The faint clicking noise of a winch was the only warning to my head being pulled toward the ceiling. Not too much as to put me on the tip of my toes, but enough to ensure I would not fall. He then removed my sneakers and socks. The ground beneath my feet was stone cold. Ryan unlocked the padlock of the belt and removed it. Next, my jeans and my boxer were taken off. Ryan removed the handcuffs from my arms, only to replace the handcuffs with leather mitts. Each mitten was attached to something. Again, the clicking sound of a winch. My arms were brought up toward the ceiling in opposite directions. Ryan let my neck go free from its rope now that my arms were stretched.

Then I felt him attach something to my ankles, probably leather cuffs. Again, something was attached to them followed by the clicking sound of a winch. While my feet stayed on the ground, they were pulled in opposite directions. I was effectively spreadeagled, naked, standing in the middle of the room. Then, for a while, I didn't feel or hear anything. The room temperature was high enough that I wouldn't get cold, but I wondered what was happening. Finally, after what I could only guess was a quarter of an hour, I heard noises around me again.

Ryan started to play a bit with my nipples, twisting them lightly between his fingers. He then went on playing with my cock and balls, stretching them a bit. To my surprise, I felt him remove the cage! After more than 36 hours in this cage, I was slowly accepting my fate and I didn't think Ryan would let me out of it and make me cum so quickly. And I was right.

Ryan attached something to my balls. It stretched them down a little bit until he attached some weight to them. It was a parachute. My cock promptly grew to full attention. Ryan gave me a few strokes, teased me. I could feel his breath on my chest, followed by his tongue on my left nipple. He played with it, sucked it, gently bit it, caressed it with his tongue, and then moved to my right nipple. At the same time, he continued to tease my dick. It was a delicious torture.

His tongue continued down my torso, playing with my belly button, and continued down, licking my skin. I shivered with pleasure when his tongue reached my inner thighs, just below the groin. His tongue made its way to the underside of my dick, before finally reaching the tip of my cock. He only licked it a few times, slowly and gently. Much more and I would have exploded. He knew that and stopped his teasing there for the moment.

I felt a sharp pain to my right nipple when Ryan put a metal clamp on it, and then on the left nipple. In surprise, I screamed in my gag, but the pain quickly subsided. Without pause, Ryan continued his work by pushing a finger into my ass, followed by a second. I was so excited that he didn't need long to loosen me. His fingers were quickly replaced by what felt like a plug. It was probably of a moderate size, as I didn't have any pain accepting it in me. To my surprise, however, the plug started to grow once inside me. Oh God. An inflatable plug. Ryan slowly but steadily pumped it up. What was at first pleasurable quickly turned to discomfort and before long discomfort became pain. I jerked in my restraints and grunted in my gag to let him know. He gave the pump a final squeeze before stopping.

Ryan removed the collar around my neck. I felt the gag in my mouth deflate further, before feeling the zipper being opened on the back of my head. Finally, the hood was taken off. My head was drenched in sweat and the air of the room felt cold on my skin. It took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. Ryan was standing before me, in a leather jockstrap and leather boots. I was standing — more to the point, made to stand — in the middle of a room fully equipped for bondage play. Ryan's playroom. There was a sling, a St. Andrews' cross, a cage, stocks, shelves full of black glossy things, handcuffs, even a bed covered with leather straps. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"So you were not kidding when you said you had a few toys of your own!"

"Do you like what you see?"

I tried to play blasé. "Meh. I've seen better."

Ryan smiled and pulled on the chain between my nipples. The pain made me wiggle. "I'm sorry this is not to your Highness' liking. Maybe I should blindfold thee so has not to inconvenience thy sight." And that's exactly what he did. He went to one of the shelves and picked a simple leather blindfold. Simple but effective. It was padded below the eyes, blocking any light. I felt his breath on my face. I pushed my head forward, hoping to meet his lips. Wrong. I was unceremoniously slapped on the face. I guess now was not the time to take initiative. I could still feel his breath on my face, on my neck... He was close. I could smell him. A mix of perfume, soap and sweat. He gave me a kiss on the neck. Another one on my earlobe. On my upper lip. Slowly. Calmly. Then I smelled something different. It was musky. I felt the heat on my face. It was his armpit. He pushed my head in it. I guess he didn't put on any deodorant before our meeting and the evening festivities had made him sweat quite a bit. My face was drenched with his sweat. I was in pig's heaven. I took in the smell of his manhood, this strong musky smell. My dick was resting against his thigh, stroking it lightly with each movement.

"That's it, take in the smell of a real men. Lick it clean." I started to lick his armpit. The taste was salty. It took me a good 10 minutes to clean his armpit.

"Now the other." He removed his armpit only to replace it by the other. Again, I inhaled deeply and started to clean it too. Once Ryan was satisfied with my work, he leaned forward and kissed me properly this time. His tongue was soon replaced by a spider gag. It's a special gag specifically designed to keep your mouth open. He played with my open mouth, pushing fingers in, playing with my tongue. At the same time, I felt him remove the weights from the parachute attached to my balls.

He attached a collar around my neck. It was narrower than the previous one. My head was able to move more freely. It was probably padded as it felt comfortable. Probably leather. A padlock ensured it would not come off until he decided so. Then, he removed the ropes stretching my arms and brought them back down. With a padlock, he locked them together behind my back. He used something to link my hands to the collar. Probably a leather belt, by the clinging sound of the buckle. My arms were held up high behind me, pulling my collar down.

Ryan released my legs from the ropes, attached something to my knees and helped me sit down on them. I was thankful for the knee pads. He locked my ankles to my balls. Click. He finished his work by locking the parachute to a D-ring on the ground. I would not move anytime soon.

I heard the sound of a camera going off. I tried to ask what he was doing, but it came out like "Wha' a'e 'ou 'oin'?" with the gag.

"I love seeing you like this. I want to keep a souvenir. Nothing you can do to stop me anyway, is there?" I was a bit concerned by this. I had never been photographed in such a predicament. I would have to trust him to keep those pictures to himself. I didn't hear anything for a moment, until I smelled leather near my face. Mmh. Probably his jockstrap. The smell was soon followed by the sensation of leather on my skin. He was rubbing his package on my face. The smell of his manhood and his leather was intoxicating. As he was doing this, I felt his foot rest on my dick. He played with it, gently rubbing my dick with his foot, moving it down to play with my balls. Soon, I felt Ryan's dick entering my mouth. My tongue played with its head, giving it light strokes, caressing it. He took my head in his hands and again skull fucked me as he had done at the Power House. He pushed his dick fully down my throat and held it there. I started to chock and panic.

"You need to learn to relax and suppress that gag reflex. We'll work on that. I will not take it out for 30 seconds. After that, I'll give you a few seconds to recover and get back down your throat for 30 seconds. We'll do this until you are comfortable with my dick down your throat." The first three attempts were hell for me. More than one time, I thought I was going to puke. I probably did puke a bit. After that, the next four attempts were a bit easier. By the eleventh attempt, my gag reflex was nearly gone. "You see? Much easier now."

He resumed skull fucking me. This time, I was not chocking at all, I even took a lot more pleasure at the ordeal I was subjected too. When his dick was not down my throat, Ryan sometimes stopped to spit on my face. I loved feeling Ryan's balls on my chin, with my nose burried in his pubes. It took a little bit longer for Ryan to reach climax than it did at the bar. He removed his dick from my throat and mouth, and came all over my face. He used his dick to smear his cum everywhere. He moved away from me and I heard the sound of his camera taking a few shots again. "How do you like your facial mask? I'll let it dry for a bit and go freshen up myself. I'll be back in a while."

I was left alone in his playroom, chained to the ground by my balls, unable to stand up or move my legs, my nipples clamped and chained together, my hands in leather mitts locked behind my back to the collar around my neck, with a spider gag keeping my mouth open, blindfolded with Ryan's cum and spit covering my face and dripping on my chest and with a monster plug up my ass.

Alone in the playroom, I had no idea how much time passed. Ryan came back after a while and unlocked my bonds. He even removed the parachute from my balls. He removed the spider gag and the blindfold. The cum had dried on my face and I felt it crack as I closed my mouth. I still had the clamps on my nipples, the plug in my ass, the leather mitts and the leather cuffs around my ankles. He helped me get up and I fell into his arms. "You OK?"

"Yeah... Thank you Ryan. I loved what you did to me. For me."

"We're not done yet." He pushed me toward the sling and helped me get on it. He attached my ankles up high and again locked my arms behind my back, below the leather sheet of the sling. The sling was not very high, it was lower than I had anticipated, way too low to allow him to fuck me anyway. The odd thing was, my head was even lower than my back. I was curious to see what he had in store for me.

Ryan deflated the plug and removed it. He lined something up in front of my hole and pressed a button on a remote. I felt something invade my ass. It was a fucking machine, and attached to the fucking machine was a dildo of a respectable size. He set it on a low speed setting. The machine started to fuck me, slowly, without mercy or pause. In. Out. In. Out. Slowly. Steadily. Teasing me. I would never cum at this speed. Ryan placed himself on the other side of the sling, on top of my head. He started to play with my nipples while his limp dick rested on my face.

"Take a deep breath and hold it. Ready? One... Two... Three!" In a swift move, he removed the clamps from my tits. The pain was excruciating. I tried to scream but Ryan sat on my face to block the noise.The scream slowly turned into a cry. Ryan massaged my sore nipples for a while. "Shhhh. It's done. They're off."

Ryan pressed a button on the remote and I felt the machine take up speed. The tease slowly turned into a proper fuck. Ryan stayed put on my face and said "Make me enjoy the ride and I'll make sure you enjoy your ride." A challenge! I loved the idea. I went to work and started to probe his hole with my tongue. I knew he loved that. The fuck machine accelerated again and Ryan started a slow back and forth movement on my face. I felt Ryan's hand on my own dick, slowly massaging it. I didn't want this moment to end anytime soon and I knew that if Ryan continued at this rhythm, it wouldn't take long for me to cum. I slowed my work on his hole and tried to move my head forward to lick his balls. Ryan immediately responded by removing his hand from my dick and slowing the pace of the fuck machine. I welcomed the break and tried to calm down a bit before resuming eating his ass out. Again, the speed of the fuck machine accelerated and Ryan resumed jerking my dick. I enjoyed the limited control Ryan gave me over the situation. I continued to alternate between proper fuck and slow tease for a while, until Ryan apparently decided it was time for me to cum. Ryan blocked my head tight and put the machine on full speed. In a few stroke of my dick, I started to cum like I had never cum before. I was seeing stars, my hands and legs were tingling from the intensity of my orgasm. I was spent. Ryan slowly reduced the speed of the fuck machine until it stopped, and slowly unmounted my face. "You should see your face. You look like you just saw God."

"Oh no, no, he came knocking on my door yesterday morning" was all I could say. Ryan didn't say a thing and just smiled. He unlocked my hands and legs, removed the leather mitts and leather cuffs.

"Here, let me help you get up." I was drenched with Ryan's ass sweat, cum, and my own cum. I was a mess. But I was the happiest guy in the world at that precise moment. He pulled me closer to him, caressing my hair. "Let's go take a shower, ok?"

We made our way to his bedroom and shared a shower. It was the first time that I didn't have any kind of restraint on me with him. While gently caressing me under the water, Ryan told me how much he had enjoyed the evening.

"Me too Ryan. You have no idea how much I loved it. And I hope to enjoy it many more times in the future."

"Oh don't worry Josh, we might be done for the night, but this between us? We're just getting started." We kissed for a while as the hot water cleansed me from the cum and the sweat.

That night, I slept without any restraint. We were equals again. We cuddled for a while in bed before slowly drifting to sleep in each other's arms. My dreams were filled with images of Ryan, his friends, his playroom, and a life together. I slept like a baby.

Next: Chapter 6

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