Officer Dunham

By Josh

Published on Mar 18, 2013



CHAPTER FOUR: Getting to know each other

After he left, I tested my bonds to see if I could get out of before the ice melted. No chance there. At least, I was comfortable this way. With each breath, I was inhaling a bit of his manhood. At this point, I was as aroused as I was frustrated. My dick was trying to get hard in its own prison. Even if I had my hands free, I would not be cumming yet. And I was sure that the key to the small padlock of the CB-6000 would not be on the kitchen table. It had already been 24 hours since Ryan had locked me in chastity. And it would at least be another 12 hours before I could hope for release. For someone like me who jacks off at least once a day, it was starting to be difficult to bear.

I started to day dream about how my luck had changed the past few weeks after a year of hell. It is true what they say: the wheel eventually turns. If someone would have told me two months ago when my morale was at its lowest that I was going to move to San Francisco, get a dream job and meet the man of my dreams, I would have told the person to shut the fuck up. It was inconceivable for me at the time. Had it not have been for the headhunter found me this position, I would most certainly still be in that shitty state of mind.

I remembered saying goodbye to my family. It was more akin to "So long, suckers" than "I will miss you, come visit me". But still it felt as if I had freed myself from a chain that had been holding me back until then. I had made a final trip to the cemetery to say goodbye to my mother, and made my way to the airport. I remembered crying for most of the flight to SFO. Not much from sadness, more of exhaustion, gratitude, bitterness, happiness, fear, anxiety, and probably other emotions mixed in an explosive cocktail. The flight attendant had been fantastic in trying to comfort me; flying in business class has its perks. Then my arrival in San Francisco and staying in the hotel for a few days until I could find this apartment. It was only after moving into this new place that my state of mind started to change for the better. I realised I was given a new chance at life. I could start things over from scratch.

Two weeks later, Ryan came knocking on my door. I tried to recall as many details of the previous 24 hours as I could. I wanted to burn it into memory. The initial shock of the police encounter. Ryan's face. His piercing blues eyes diving into mine. The way he took possession of me. His presence. His musky smell. His body. His lips. His taste. The contour of his muscles. The light patch of hair under his arms. The taste of his cum.

I was squirming in frustration in my restraints. There was nothing I could do. At this moment, I wanted out of the restraints more than anything else. I *needed *to jerk off.

I must have dozed off to sleep again because I woke up to the sound of my own mobile phone alerting me of a new email. The ice had long melted and I was free to bring my arms down. I looked at the clock: 11 am. At least I had a few hours of sound sleep. I took the gas mask off and breathed in the fresh air after having had Ryan's socks over my face for the last 4 hours. Feeling the dried cum on my face reminded me of last night's events. The first thing that came to mind though was the pressure in my bladder. With my ankles locked together, it was no easy feat to go to the bathroom. Still, I managed. With the restraints and the CB-6000, pissing was not easy either.

Finally, I made my way to the kitchen to find the keys to the padlocks. As expected, the key to the CB-6000 was nowhere to be seen. I just unlocked the padlocks linking my wrists and ankles, not those of the leather cuffs. I loved the feeling of the cuffs on my skin. Below the keys was a folded note.

Josh, I had a fantastic time yesterday. I can't wait to see you tonight. Please text me to let me know you made it out all right. Have a great day and see you tonight at 7 pm. R.

His handwriting was precise, bold. On the other side of the note was his mobile number and his address. I quickly googled it; it was in Noe Valley. I could easily get there by foot. It would be a great opportunity to discover a bit more of the city.

As requested, I sent him a text.

Hey Ryan. I fell asleep after you left and just woke up. For sure I will be there at 7. Am so looking forward to seeing you again. Josh

My dick was starting to ache in its prison. I tried to squeeze some lube between the plastic and the skin of my cock. The feeling of the chastity device was not so bad in itself. Being an ex-smoker, I was finding the frustration akin to when I had quit smoking. I constantly wanted to light a cigarette during the first few weeks. Now, I constantly wanted to get my cock out and jack off. I don't know which was the worse, actually. As with smoking, the constant frustration of being deprived from something you crave impairs your ability to concentrate. The only difference was that quitting smoking was my choice, being in chastity was not. It made things so much more interesting. Still, I managed to get some work done during the day. Unpacking was an easy enough task. I could do it and think of Ryan at the same time.

Finally, it was time to get ready for my date. I finally removed the leather cuffs, took a good shower, grabbed a bottle of red wine I had imported from Switzerland, and I was off.

The walk to Ryan's house felt good. It was early spring and the cold breeze was like electricity on my skin. I was wondering what Ryan might have in store for tonight. It was Friday, so with a bit of luck he would not have to work tomorrow. I was due to start my work on Monday morning, but until then I was free... That is, unless I wouldn't be.

He lived in a typical Queen Anne Victorian house on 25th Street. A small set of white stairs led to a red door. It was clearly much more posh than my apartment. I had to double-check the name on the bell to be sure it was the right place. R. D., probably Ryan Dunham. My doubts disappeared when I saw Ryan open the door.

Ryan smiled. He didn't give me time to say anything. He bear hugged me while invading my mouth with his tongue. I returned the favor and put my arms around him, bringing him closer to me. He was wearing blue jeans with a white tee shirt. The shirt brought out the outlines of his muscles a lot more than his uniform did. His skin was fresh and smelled of peach. "So happy to see you. Come on in!"

I stepped into the house. It was tastefully furnished, yet very masculine. "My god, you have an incredible house! Do you live here all by yourself?" Maybe he had a roommate or was living with his mother? How could he afford a place like this?

"I have the house all to myself, yeah. Bought it a few years ago with my ex. When we split up, I decided to keep the house. Must admit though, the mortgage is killing me. But I love the house so much, I could not bring myself to sell it."

I followed him to the living room where he had already opened a bottle a white wine and set out some appetizers. "I was getting worried when I didn't hear from you this morning. If you hadn't texted me, I would have come to your place to check on you during my lunch break."

"Then maybe I should not have texted you!" If I had known... "Will this help you forgive me?" I handed him the bottle of red wine. "It's a Swiss wine. I grew up in the town where it is made, actually. Quite different from the wines you find here in California."

He took the bottle and gave me a quick kiss. "You shouldn't have. And you're forgiven." He put the bottle away and said "I hope it's alright. I cooked us dinner and thought that maybe after we could go out and have a drink with some friends. Don't worry, nothing special, just the usual gang. Since you told me you don't know anyone yet, I thought it would be a good idea to help you connect with people."

I was thrilled, it was indeed a good idea. And having a guy cook for me? I loved it. We sat down next to each other on the couch. This time around, the discussion was about our interests and hobbies. I told him of my love of hiking and camping. I had never been to Yosemite or Lake Tahoe and was really looking forward to discovering them this summer. I told him of my passion of movies, books and music. My love of travel, and my wish to someday tour the world.

"I love to hike," Ryan told me. "I know most of the trails around Lake Tahoe and some in Yosemite. Have you heard of Tough Mudder? It's an endurance course that tests and pushes your physical limits. I think you might like it. I have run it for the last two years." He continued on to tell me about his love of sports, mountain hiking, skiing, well... about any outdoor activity. We would get along just fine. "I'm not too much into books, mostly because I never seem to find the time to read. I prefer to see a story on the big screen."

The more I discovered about him, the more I liked him. Forty five minutes, a bottle of white wine and two plates of appetizers later, he excused himself to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. "Feel free to explore the house. There's a small garden in the back."

On the first level was the big living room and dining room. It must have been two separate rooms in the past, but the gained space was probably well worth it. There was also the kitchen and a bathroom. Upstairs, I discovered his room. Next to the bed, neatly folded on a chair, was his uniform. I couldn't resist bringing one of the boot to my face and take in the smell of leather and sweat. The bedroom had a bathroom and walk-in closet. There where two other bedrooms sharing a second bathroom. One of the bedroom was used as an office with a desk and Ryan's computer. On the wall hung his diplomas and a few pictures. One of them caught my eye in particular: it was a picture of Ryan and two other men in military gear.

I went down to the kitchen and asked, "I saw a picture of you in a military uniform? Haven't you always been in the Police?"

"No, after high school, I desperately wanted to leave Texas but without a dime, enrolling in the army was the only way I was able to do it. I was in the Marines. Got stationed in Pakistan for 3 years and when my tour was finished, I decided to join the police." He continued telling me about what it was like being a marine, the training, the camaraderie. I started to imagine him in his military uniform with his comrades, letting my mind wander. "Still with me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I was just imagining how great you must have looked in your uniform and how I would love to be fucked by a marine."

He started to laugh. "I still have my marine uniform. I'll remember that. Anyway, dinner's ready." He had cooked a typical Californian meal — shrimp tostadas with sour cream, chicken and rice, and some fruits. Simple and healthy. After dinner, I helped him put the dishes away and we got ready to head out.

"Before we leave, there's something I want to do. Just remove your belt." I was intrigued by his request but complied none the less. He then proceeded to put a leather belt through the hoops of my jeans and buckled it. He then took out a small padlock and locked the belt. "There. Much better. And your sweatshirt covers the lock, no one will suspect anything."

Ryan told me that since the bar he wanted us to go to was quite far from his place, we would take his car. He put on a leather jacket that complemented his blue jeans and his white tee shirt perfectly. He put on some leather boots. He reeked of sex. This outfit screamed "I'm an Alpha and you're only worthy of worshiping me". Looking at him, I wanted to drop to my knees and service him. That was not on the agenda. Not for the moment anyway. We went downstairs to the garage. I somewhat expected us to hop into a police car, but to my disappointment, we used his regular car. A Toyota Prius. Nothing fancy. At least, he was eco-conscious. I didn't take him for the environmentalist type though. Somehow, it didn't match his personality. I still had so much to learn about him!

We went to a bar called the Power House on Folsom Street. I had heard of it through Yelp in my research of bars in San Francisco. This bar is somewhat targeted to the leather/BDSM community and so I had already added it to my must-see list. The atmosphere of the bar seemed quite friendly and I was happy to be with Ryan for my first visit. Ryan seemed to be a regular as the bartenders waived at him upon seeing us.

"Good evening Officer, good to see you man. Who's the cutie you brought us?" said one of the bartender.

"Matt! What's up? This is Josh, he just arrived to San Francisco from snowy Switzerland."

"So that's the guy Rico's been talking about! Welcome to 'Frisco Josh. What can I get you?" Matt was quite friendly. He sported a white wife beater with two leather armbands. His hazel eyes matched his short black hair. Probably in his early forties. Quite handsome.

"I'll have a beer. Who's Rico?" My question was addressed to both Ryan and Matt, but Ryan answered.

"That's Officer Vasquez to you... Remember him?" He turned to Matt and continued. "Make that two beers."

"Wait. You mean like, your work partner is also into... You know?"

"Not so much into it, but he's gay too, yeah. Been my partner on the force for a few years now. Been friends for as long as that too. And yeah. I already told him that we had hooked up yesterday. Hope you don't mind. My guess is he's here if Matt is already in the know. Come on, let's go find him."

I followed him into the crowd to a corner where I recognized Officer Vasquez. He jumped out of his seat to welcome us.

"Glad you could make it! How was dinner?"

Ryan answered. "Hey man. I don't think I need to introduce you to Josh given how everyone has already heard of my new friend?" He tried to fake a furious look but ended up laughing.

"Yeah... sorry about that. By the way, nice to see you again Josh. Did Ryan treat you well?"

I decided to join in the game. Obviously Rico was aware of Ryan's interests, so I thought what the heck. "Oh yeah, but I have been naughty and Ryan had to restrain me for a while. I think I might get naughty again later." I winked at Ryan. Ryan played along, grabbing my arms behind my back and kissing me passionately.

"OK you two, behave or I'll have to arrest you both for disorderly conduct!", Rico said with a laugh.

"Are you going to introduce us to your new friend or do you intend to ignore us for the rest of the night?" There was a blond guy who spoke with a German accent next to Rico. Next to him was a tall, beefy bald guy wearing leather pants holding onto a leash leading to another slender guy who was wearing a latex catsuit and a latex hood with pinholes eyes. Ryan turned around to look at them.

"Sorry Nick, I didn't see you three there! So, Josh, meet Nick, James and his lover Stan." Ryan continued to introduce his friends. Nick was the owner a small real estate business and originally from Frankfurt. We exchanged a few words in German. Even though he was not from Switzerland, the common language and culture created a connection between us. James was from Iowa and worked as a gym instructor. That's how he had met Stan, his lover, who was a student at UC Berkeley. Stan was unable to partake in the discussion with the gag in his mouth. And I had no idea how he looked underneath all this latex. Nick was probably around the same age as Ryan. He was well built, taller than Ryan. James seemed a bit younger than us, probably in his late twenties.

We talked a bit and I introduced myself to them. Apparently, Rico hadn't had enough time to tell the others everything about me. I spoke with Rico about the little visit they payed me yesterday.

"As soon as I saw the look on Ryan's face when he came back to the kitchen to ask you to follow him to your bedroom, I knew something was up. And you should have seen him today. Never seen the fucker so happy. Couldn't stop talking about you."

"And what about you? Doesn't a handsome Officer like you have someone special in his life?" I asked him.

"Nope. Free as a bird. Haven't found my mister Right yet." I must have been mistaken, but I thought I caught him looking at Ryan for a split second. There was a bit of sadness in his eyes. I decided to not pursue the discussion further and turned to James to talk about his job. Apparently, they all trained at the same gym as Ryan. Since I had not yet joined a club, I promised to tag along next time Ryan hit the gym. We continued to talk for a while, joined by Nick in the discussion.

Ryan leaned over me and whispered in my ear. "Would you enjoy being controlled in public, much like Stan is controlled by James?" His question caught me off guard. I had never fantasized about being bound in public. And I'm not sure I would enjoy it. Yet, this was a place where no one would mind, or more to the point, no one wouldn't enjoy the sight.

"I don't know Ryan. Never done it. I guess being handcuffed would be fine, I'm not sure about more."

"Fine by me." He grabbed my hands with one hand, and took a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket with the other. With a rapid movement, my hands were handcuffed behind my back. "You're under arrest for being too cute for your own good. You have the right to remain by my side this evening!" Rico, Nick and James were clearly amused by the scene unfolding before them and applauded Ryan. I could only laugh at my own expense. I somehow liked the feeling of being completely helpless in a public place and under Ryan's complete control in front of his friends.

"And how am I supposed to drink my beer now?"

"Hmm. Fair point. Wait a second." Ryan made his way to the bar and came back with a straw. "Happy now?"

He helped me sit down at the table between Rico and him. I was going nowhere. The rest of the evening went on cheerfully and light hearted. I was feeling perfectly at ease with Ryan's friends and enjoyed their company. Yet, the few beers I drank were starting to put pressure on my bladder. I discreetly told Ryan that I needed to go to the toilets.

"Hmm. How do you think you will you manage that with your hands cuffed behind your back?"

"I won't. Can you uncuff me?"

"Fat chance sweetie. Come with me, I'll help you out." Ryan was amused by the situation and probably took pleasure in my helplessness. We entered an empty stall and he closed the door behind him. He opened the zipper of my jeans and took my caged cock out.

"Wait Ryan, I can't piss like that with the cage. I need to sit down. Can't you open my jeans and take them down?"

"No can do, I left the key of your belt's padlock at home. You'll have to deal with it." Peeing like this was quite a challenge. Despite all my efforts to try and control the flow, the stream of piss splashed in all directions, on my jeans and on Ryan's hand. When the stream of piss stopped, Ryan put his hand to my mouth and ordered me to clean his fingers. I was only too eager to oblige.

"My turn now, need to piss too. Sit down and open your mouth." Ryan took his semi-erect cook out of his jeans and put it into my mouth. "You know the drill."

Indeed I did. While pissing in my mouth, he pinched my nose shut. As the flow of piss continued to make its way to my stomach, I could feel his cock growing in my mouth. The stream finally stopped and his cock was now fully erect. He let go of my nose and grabbed the back of my head with his two hands and started to skull fuck me. His pace was rough and intense as always. I was gagging and tears were running down my cheeks. He withdrew his cock from my mouth, lowered his face to mine and locked his eyes onto mine. Out of nowhere, he spat on my face. I could feel his spit on my nose and on my mouth. I opened my mouth and took my tongue out to take his spit in. He took this as an invitation to do it again and spat in my open mouth. All the time our eyes where locked on each other. It was very intense. His eyes were saying "Now you're mine. I have marked you. I marked you with my piss, my cum, my sweat and now my spit. You're mine." Without breaking his gaze, he stood up again and placed his cock into my mouth and resumed his fuck. I continued to look up into his eyes while doing my best to keep up with the pace. It only took a few more minutes for him to cum into my mouth. I swallowed it all. His cum was delicious. He kept his cock in my mouth while looking at me. I understood what was happening and finally broke the gaze, lowering my head and letting his cock out of my mouth. By lowering my head like that, the head of his cock was now resting on my forehead. He took his dick in his hand and smeared the last remnant of cum and saliva onto my face with his cock before putting it back in his jeans.

This little stunt of ours only lasted for about 10 minutes, but during this time, something important had happened between us. Without saying much anything, I had given in completely to him. And he had taken complete possession of me. We made our way back to his friends like nothing special had happened. Rico gave us a wicked smile and winked at us. I guess he knew something had happened. We continued discussing and drinking for another hour or so until Ryan said that we would be heading home. We said our goodbyes and made our way to the exit.

"Ryan! Aren't you forgetting something?" I turned around and showed him my handcuffed hands.

"Not at all. I don't have the keys to those either." He had planned this all along. "Besides, it's late, nobody will see it, don't worry."

In the street, Ryan put his arm around my shoulder in a protective manner. "Did you enjoy the evening?"

"Completely. Your friends are great. I like them."

"I think they liked you too. And did you enjoy the rest of the evening as well?"

"You mean, like, you handcuffing me in public, pissing down my throat, spitting on my face, fucking my brains out and cuming in my mouth?"

Ryan laughed. "You can put it that way, yeah."

"What do you think? I loved every minute of it. Never experienced anything quite like it. Never with this intensity anyway. What about you?"

"Are you kidding? Couldn't you tell I loved it too?" Of course I could. We continued walking to his car in silence. He helped me in the front seat and buckled my seatbelt for me. While driving back home, my mind was once again racing and thinking about what was happening. It was starting to feel "to good to be true". I decided to ask Ryan about it.

"Ryan? Is this all for real? I mean, like, is this just a game for you or are you genuinely interested in me?"

Without taking his eyes off the road, he calmly replied in a soft voice. "How could you think that Josh? I'm falling for you. I don't know where this is heading, but I love every minute of it. I hope you do too."

I was reassured. I just replied with a simple "I'm falling for you too Ryan."

We were approaching his home. He parked the car in the garage and helped me out of the car. There, he hugged me and gently stroked my hair. I eased my head onto his shoulder. I felt secure and cared for. I felt good.

Throughout this evening, I had learned a lot about Ryan. And I loved what I had discovered. It felt strange to think that over the course of 48 hours, we had grown so close. A thought crossed my mind: those handcuffs were not the only bonds linking us together now.

Next: Chapter 5

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