Officer Dunham

By Josh

Published on Mar 11, 2013



CHAPTER THREE: The first night

Gently, he removed the hood and the handcuffs. I could finally touch him too. He was still fully clothed and had put his dick back in his pants, but my hand roamed freely over his body. I could feel his abs and pecs, his powerful arms while we started kissing again. I didn't want this moment to ever end.

  • What do you say we go to bed now? It's getting late and I have to get up at 7am. Just go ahead and I'll be right there.

He picked up the box with the gear and went to the kitchen while I went to the bedroom. Two minutes later, he was there and told me to undress. He pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. My head was locked between his thighs, his crotch only centimeters from my face. Once again, the smell was intoxicating. In this position, I felt him reach for the leather cuffs. One on each wrist and ankle, I heard the all too familiar >click< of the padlock each time. He then used some rope to tie me spread-eagled to the bed. I was not going anywhere.

  • OK, here's the deal. You have two choices: you can either sleep without the restraints, free to move during the night, but the CB-6000 will stay there and you will not cum. Or I can remove the CB-6000 and I promise you that I will make you cum during the night, but you will stay restrained up until tomorrow morning when I have to leave. What do you choose?

I was so aroused... and I was craving his control over me. I didn't need to think this one out:

  • Why not the best of both: stay in chastity and sleep in restraints?

With what looked like an evil smile on his beautiful face, Ryan climbed off me and undressed. Even in the dim lights of my unfurnished bedroom, I could see a magnificent cock between his legs. It was hard to tell, but it was probably 20 centimeters. As he turned around to put his clothes away, I could see a perfectly formed smooth bubblesque ass with two muscular legs attached to it. My senses had not lied to me: he was a god. A perfectly sculpted body, with a bit of chest hair... He went back to the bed and lied down next to me. With one hand, he started to explore my body while the other played with my nipples, gently twisting them. His tenderness was a striking contrast to his natural dominating side. He was the true embodiment of an iron fist in a velvet glove.

He then locked my head below one of his armpit. As with the rest of his body, the smell was overpowering me. I didn't need to wait for him to tell me what to do. I started furiously liking his armpit clean with my tongue. With his free arm, he started playing with my caged cock. I loved this gentle torture. By now, my face was covered with his sweat. Once again, he climbed on top of me. The tip of his cock was resting on my nose while his balls were lightly brushing my lips. I was hypnotized. I wanted to lick his balls, but the sensation of them gently rocking over my lips was so intense that I was not able to open my mouth. I wasn't sure I was authorized or supposed to do it either, seeing how he was enjoying taking things slowly. He moved a bit forward, so that his hole was now covering my mouth. The smell of manhood and sweat was so great that I couldn't take it anymore and started licking his ass. He started to moan, I must have been doing it right. I took this as an encouragement to continue and started to probe his hole with my tongue. His moans became louder as he started to ride my face, pressing his ass harder on it. With my tongue furiously exploring his hole, his ass sitting on my face, I was once again low on breathe. I think he knew that. I tried to move my head away from his hole to catch some air, but with each attempt he pressed down harder, locking me more tightly below him. Finally, he lifted his ass a bit, just enough to breathe, before sitting down again.

He continued riding my face for a few more minutes before moving a bit away, just enough to make his hole, balls or cock unreachable with my tongue.

  • Everything alright down there?

Still catching my breathe, I just nodded.

  • Good. Just keep your mouth shut for now.

He started to rub his uncut cock on my face, leaving trails of precum everywhere. He slapped me with his cock a few times before resuming the rub. Even though I was not supposed to open my mouth, I needed to taste his precum. I opened my mouth just a little bit, not enough to let my tongue out, but just a bit to be able to suck some precum in. It was a nectar. He noticed it anyway, and started to rub his dick over my lips, pressing it down.

  • Since you can't keep your mouth closed and follow a simple order, open your mouth.

With that, he put just the head of his cock in my mouth. And started to piss again.

  • Don't let any of it escape your mouth.

It was not as much as before, so I was able to swallow it all down quite easily. He then started to fuck my mouth. His dick not only was long, but was also quite thick. I was worrying for when he would fuck me, it was thicker than what I was used to take in. But now, as he accelerated the pace and pushed his dick further down my throat, I needed to focus on not choking on his dick. My gag reflex was kicking in and I was struggling to keep it under control. I think he was loving it. The more I was choking, the more vigorously he facefucked me.

  • Don't worry, you'll get used to it. You'd better, if you don't want to choke to death anyway.

After a few more minutes of this treatment, he stepped down from my face and went to the box. I could not see what he took from my position. When he came back, the first thing he did was put a blindfold over my eyes. It was a simple leather blindfold, but quite effective. I could not see anything anymore. Then came again the penis gag. After that, he removed the rope from my ankles cuffs and pushed my legs up in the air. He attached them again, but this time to the headboard of the bed. My ass was exposed.

Then came the cold bite of the glide. He applied it generously and started to push one finger, then two, then three into my hole. Always gently, but with determination. There was no doubt possible in his resolve. He wanted to take my ass, and he would make it so. No question asked.

Once he was satisfied my hole had loosened enough to make way for his dick, he removed his fingers only to replace it by the tip of his cock. Slowly but steadily, he pushed it inside. Without pause, but without any urge either. He took his time. It felt as if my hole was ripped apart. It had been a while since anyone had fucked me, what with what had happened to me lately and my relocation. I was screaming through my gag and violently shaking my restraints.

  • Calm down. It will soon feel good. Relax your hole, it'll be easier on you.

He was of course right. As soon as I felt his ball against my ass, it felt good. He started a slow back and forth movement to let me adjust to the monster invading me. The pain quickly turned into pleasure. I tried to move my ass to accelerate the movement. But Ryan wouldn't let me: we were going to fuck on his terms, not mine. Yet, he didn't wait long to turn this slow pace into a rough and intense fuck. My head was spinning. I was moaning louder and louder into my gag, biting it. I knew that if he continued like this, it wouldn't be long before I would come even without touching my dick.

Ryan probably felt that too, as he slowed his pace. My moan turned into a groan.

  • You didn't think it would be so easy, did you? I like to take my time.

He had hit another of my sweet spot: I loved to be teased. I loved cum control. Again, he picked up speed to resume his rough fuck for a few more minutes. And then again the slow pace. I was in trance. And all the while he continued to fuck me slowly, he reached behind my head with one hand and unbuckled the gag.

  • Please Ryan, let me cum... It feels so good I need to cum! - No way man. You can plead all you want, you won't cum. You decided to stay in chastity and restraints, I'm only respecting your wish.

He leaned forward over my head. I could feel his breath over my face. It was warm and still smelling of beer. Sweat was dripping from his head on my face. I could feel him remove the rope from my legs, letting them down. He then removed his cock from my hole. I was so surprised. He threw out the condom he had been using and removed my blindfold. He climbed over me again and started to jack off over my face. It didn't take long for him to cum. The first rope of cum hit me right over my mouth and nose. The second rope over my left eye. Then a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh rope of cum. My face was covered in his cum. I tried to reach with my tongue to take in as much as I could. With his dick, he spread his cum over my face, everywhere.

Then, he kissed me, having a taste of his own cum. He stayed beside me for a few more minutes, caressing my body.

  • Thanks, Ryan. It was amazing. I just wish I could have cum too. - Don't worry, your turn will come... but not tonight. It was really fun. But now, I think it's time for us to get some sleep. Is it OK if we get up at 7 tomorrow? Or do you need to get up earlier? - It's fine. I have not started work yet, so I have all day for me. - Great. Just let me prepare you for sleep then.

With that, he removed the rope binding my arms to the bed and reached for the box to take out two padlocks. One for the ankle cuffs. The other for the wrist cuffs, behind my back. Then came a leather hood. It was not a tight fitting hood, more like a leather bag to put over the head. It only had a few holes around the bag to allow the air in. My face was still dripping with his cum and sweat, I guess I would have to smell his manhood all night long. Another padlock for the hood, making sure it would not come off on its own during the night.

  • There, all set for the night. Wouldn't want you to escape my side, heh? I'll be right back.

I heard him go to the bathroom. As for me, my hands were in leather cuffs behind my back, my legs were also in cuffs, and I had a leather bag over my cum and sweat covered face. I couldn't dream of a more perfect setting for our first night. A few minutes later, I heard him come back and lie down next to me. I could feel his still semi-erect cock against my ass. Resting one hand over my caged cock, he whispered in my ear:

  • Have a good night. I know I will. I'm so lucky to have found you. Sleep tight! - Thanks, me too. Sweet dream gorgeous.

I'm not sure it was very clear through the bag, but it'll have to do. With that, I heard him turn off the light and move closer to me. My mind was still racing, my cock was still aching in its cage, the smell of sweat, cum and leather covering my face was keeping me aroused. I knew it would not be easy for me to find sleep. Over the next few minutes, I heard Ryan's respiration slow down to a steady rhythm. He had fallen asleep, spooning me, his hand still covering my cock. Sometimes during the night, I could feel his cock moving against my hole. I must have dosed on and off during the night, not really aware of the passing of time.

I finally woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. Shit. Already 7 am. He quickly got up to go to the bathroom. I heard him take a shower and dress. As for me, I was still in the bed, handcuffed with the leather bag over my head. I heard him go to the kitchen, probably helping himself to some orange juice or something from what I could make out of the noise. A few minutes later, he came back to the bedroom and removed the leather bag from my head.

  • Hey sleepy head. Had a good night sleep? - Not sure I slept much, but it was great nonetheless. I loved feeling your presence against me all night long. And you? - Fantastic. I'm sorry I gotta run like that. Are you free tonight? - Yeah, definitely. Why? - Great. Come to my place at 7 tonight. I've left a note in the kitchen with my address and number. - Cool, I'll be there. Should I bring anything? - Nope. You're not the only one to have some gear you know. Now, let me just unlock those arms of yours...

He unlocked the leather cuffs only to padlock them again in front of me. He must have seen my questioning look when he said:

  • Yesterday, when going through your gear, I noticed you had two ice locks. Before going to bed, I put them in the freezer. You're not getting out of bed just yet...

The big smile on my face was confirmation enough that he could go ahead. He went on to lock my arms to the headboard with an ice lock, and locked my legs to the bed post with the other. I knew those ice locks very well. With their insulator, they would last for about 2 hours before I would be free. Once done, he gave me a good long goodbye kiss and said:

  • I'll see you tonight then... But before I go, let me just add the final touch to your situation...

He reached out for my german gas mask and put it over my face. To my surprise, he had stuffed his socks inside the mask. It would be a tough two hours. The smell was as intoxicating as it was yesterday.

  • Since you loved the smell of my feet so much yesterday, I thought it would be a nice addition... I took the liberty of borrowing one of your pair of socks, hope you don't mind. Oh, and by the way, the keys to the cuffs are all on the kitchen table. Have a nice day and see you tonight sweetie!

I could only growl through the gas mask. With that, he left the room and I heard the front door open and close.

Next: Chapter 4

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