Officer Dunham

By Josh

Published on Mar 9, 2013



CHAPTER TWO: Hello again!

I didn't have to wait too long for officer Dunham to come back. After our initial encounter, I spent the rest of the day trying to occupy my mind with the unboxing of my stuff. Yet, any movement that I made reminded of my predicament. It was difficult to do anything right. Finally, I went out for a stroll and try to clear my mind of officer Dunham. Officer Dunham. All I could think of was his beautiful eyes, his kiss, the way he took control over me...

That evening, at around 9 pm, the doorbell rang again. I didn't have to look through the peephole to know who it was. I didn't know anybody yet anyway. My heart was once again pounding in my chest when I opened the door. There he was, still in his uniform, as beautiful as he was this morning. With a big smile outlining a perfect set of white teeth, he said:

  • Hey, may I come in?

Of course you can. I want you to! But I didn't have to say it. Without waiting for my answer, he came in. As soon as I had closed the door, he once again took hold of me for a deep, passionate kiss. I was melting. This time, I was really enjoying the situation. His confidence, his tenderness... We didn't say a word and kept on kissing for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he took a step back and said:

  • Hi. I'm off duty now. My name's Ryan.

Once again, I had a hard time focusing and it took all my concentration to answer him.

  • Hi Ryan. I'm Josh. - Yes, I know. I hope I didn't scare you too much with my little stunt of this morning. - You call that a little stunt!? I was scared shitless! - Somehow, I knew you could handle it and would actually enjoy it. The way you were looking at me when we came in... I see it often in the eye of other men. But then when I stumbled upon your stash of gear, I knew I needed to do something about it. You're so cute; I couldn't let an opportunity like this pass. - You were right. Even though I was quite scared, I actually enjoyed it. Am still enjoying it actually. - So... I don't need to let you out of this cage just yet then? - No... not yet anyway. - OK. But first, let's have a drink and discuss a bit. Do you have some beer?

Without waiting for my answer (this seemed to be quickly becoming an habit), he went to the living room, obviously waiting for his beer. I was amazed by this man. His power and presence. He didn't need to bark orders or even use violence or intimidation to make anyone submit to him. He was a natural Alpha male. The kind of guy that I had always longed for.

Luckily, I had stocked on beer. When moving, it's one of the first think you buy, right? I popped 2 beers open and went to the living room. He had sat down on the sofa, so I went for a chair opposite to him. I wanted to be able to have a good look at him. I could feel my cock trying to get hard in its prison just by looking at him. God I wanted this man. More to the point, I wanted this man to dominate me and control me. I was ripe with lust.

  • Thanks, cheers. So tell me, did you expect that when you moved in here? That is, our encounter? - Well, no, of course not. I always heard stories about the police and to tell you the truth, I was quite scared when I saw you two on my porch this morning. - Really? Why's that? - Maybe it's biased media, maybe TV shows, but the image we have of the US police where I come from is not so great. Remember the 99% movement and all the police misconduct that ensued? That about sums it up, for better or worse. Actually, I was about to tell you that you could not come in without a warrant up until the moment when I noticed how beautiful you were. Then my brain must have shut down or something. In retrospect, I hope I didn't make a mistake letting you in!

He burst out in laughter. God his smile was beautiful. I loved how his eyes sparkled when he laughed. I think I was already falling in love. Or at least filled with infatuation.

  • Yeah don't worry, I'm nothing like that, albeit I think you could say that I'm on the pervert side of things...

We continued chatting a bit and getting to know each other. Now 35 years old, he was originally from Texas and moved to San Francisco 10 years ago to be able to live a better life and have more fun. He had always been the man in charge and found that working in the force was a logical thing to do. Given how well the uniform fitted him and how it asserted his natural authority, I couldn't agree more with him. He was single, always having had a difficult time finding a good sub partner. Apparently, we shared the same vision of how we wanted to live our kink. I wanted a partner with whom to have a normal relationship. A relationship in which, outside the bed, we would be equal. I've never been interested by slavery or ownership. Though I wouldn't mind relinquishing some control of my life to my partner, as long as it is in a fun way. Like staying in chastity mid- to long-term. I'm not sure I could manage it, but I was willing to try with the right partner. As for him, he was looking for the same thing. He didn't want a live-in slave that he would keep in chains 24/7. If that would happen, it would be for fun, not for slavery, and not permanently. He wasn't into pain, marks, scat or blood. I was relieved.

Yet, all this time I didn't dare bring up the subject of my predicament and where that was leading us right now. He seemed perfectly content just knowing that he controlled me and that he was the one to decide when I would get out of the cage or be able to cum again. I think he was truly enjoying the situation. As for me, I was loving every minute of it too.

When you're having a good time, time flies. It was already 12 am and it only seemed like he'd been there for 20 minutes.

  • Hey Josh, do you mind if I take off the boots? Been in them all day, could use some fresh air.

I jumped on the opportunity. Without saying a word, I kneeled in front of him and started unlacing his shiny black boots. I started with his left one. As soon as his foot was out of the boot, the overwhelming smell of sweat and leather put me into overdrive. I was intoxicated. I put his foot to my face, rubbing it and inhaling deeply. I was in heaven.

  • I figured so much. You really are into this, ain't you? We're going to have so much fun.

By now I was sucking on his socks like my life depended on it. I didn't even bother answering. His question didn't call for any answer. It really was more an assertion than anything else.

  • Wait. Not so fast. Turn around.

He used his police handcuffs on me again, effectively rendering my hands useless behind my back. With that, I went back to sniffing and liking his foot for a few minutes. He then gently pushed me off and got up.

  • Stay there, don't move!

I saw him go into my room only to come back a few minutes later with my box of BDSM gear. He put the box down next to me and took out a penis gag. Shit, I wanted to continue licking his foot! But I didn't dare say anything. I didn't want to. I craved the control he had over me. I had no wish to contradict him.

  • OK, now go back to sniffing my foot.

Again, I had my nose pressed down on his left foot for a while. Then, he took care of removing his right boot. He removed his left foot from my face, removed his socks, put them in his right boot and shoved my face down in it. It was still hot and damp from the presence of his foot. I felt him lace the boot against my face, effectively making an impromptu mask out of it. He left me there in the living room while he went to the kitchen to fetch a new beer. He sat down on the sofa and told me to lie down on my back in front of him. He turned the TV on and used me as a footrest for a while. It felt so good.

We stayed like this for about 20 minutes, until the end of the show. He ordered me back up. It was no easy feat with my hands cuffed and his boot on my face. He removed the boot and the gag and raped my mouth with his tongue again. How much I loved it! From the moving box, he took out a latex hood. I loved this hood. I often used it on myself. It only had two small holes for the nose. Attached to the hood was a special gag with a tube going out to a latex cock sheath. Once on, the lucky bastard didn't have any choice but to swallow whatever liquid came from the cock of the wearer of the sheath.

Once fitted with this hood, I was once again pushed to the ground. I could feel and smell his foot resting on my face. By pushing his foot a little bit more down on my face, my only supply of air was effectively shut down. He played like that for a few minutes, alternating between breath control and the smell of his foot. I was taken off guard when the acrid liquid started to fill my mouth.

  • With all that beer, I really need to pee. Hope you don't mind... I know you won't.

I knew from first-hand experience that if I didn't swallow quickly enough, I could easily drown. And man did he have to piss. It felt like I had already drank a liter of his piss and it continued flowing. But while I was focusing on trying to keep up with the flow, he continued to play with my air supply. He seemed intent on keeping my air shut until he had finished pissing. I was starting to panic. I was out of air and had to keep on swallowing at the same time. Finally the flow ended but I still couldn't breath. As much as the gag allowed me, I tried to let him know that I was suffocating. But his foot stayed on my face. I started to violently move my head in an attempt to dislodge his foot, to no avail. I was probably seconds from passing out when he finally removed his foot. Out of breath and coughing through my gag, I was having a hard time calming down.

  • Hey... I hope I didn't scare you. I just loved how you were squirming on the floor. It was so cute. Come here...

With that, he picked me up from the floor and held me in his arms, gently caressing me.

  • You know I will never hurt you. Don't worry.

At this moment, something snapped in my head. I knew that I could trust him fully and entirely. I was still handcuffed, with the latex hood on, but I felt safe and secure in the arms of this man. Even though we only stayed like that for a brief moment, it was one of the most memorable moment of my life, one I would remember for a long time. I felt as if I was finally where I needed to be. If all that I had left behind was not hunting me anymore. I was truly happy. Even though it only had been a few hours since my encounter with Ryan, I knew he was the Mister Right that I had been looking for all those years. It was bliss.

Next: Chapter 3

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