Officer Andy

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 31, 2008


Officer Andy By Chapter 4

From Chapter 3 .

The doorbell rings and it is another team of police. They come in and I have them stay with the house. I have Coop take their cruiser and take Mrs. Barnes to her moms. I decide that I will go and scout the area for Fred and see if I can find him. We seem to hit it off that day and maybe he would not suspect anything. I help get the baby and Mrs. Barnes into the car and off they go. I go inside and tell the officers there to out the lights and show them what room is his. I go out to my car and get in. I drive off and go maybe three blocks when.

'We have you now copper, we do. My beloved we have him this time, we do. He won't be getting away from us will he my precious. He won't be tormenting us no more, he won't.'

I hear from behind me as I feel a knife to my neck.

Chapter 4

Fear ran down my spine as I felt the coldness of the blade against my neck. I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw that it was indeed Fred Barnes holding the knife to my neck.

'Drive copper to the waterfront. We shall take him there my precious, yes to the waterfront we shall. Drive to the old warehouse section my beloved says. Do as you are told copper or my precious shall do you in here, we shall.'

I put my car in drive and I took off for the waterfront section of the city. My mind was trying to remain calm as I was thinking of a way to get out of this situation.

"Fred can we talk about this friend." I say to him hoping he will remember me from the other day. "I remember you from when you came to pick up your brother's things at the police station." I tell him.

'My beloved he is trying to play with our head precious, he is. Shut up copper my beloved says. He does not know you he says no he doesn't says he, my beloved say be quiet to you.'

"Listen to me Fred, I was the one that was tormented by that copper at the station. He called me a faggot and you told me that tormentors always get theirs."

'He confuses me my beloved he does. I remember him I does. He is telling the truth most precious beloved, the truth he does tell yes he does. Shut up my beloved says shut up to you. Be still or he will make you silent. You are the one who does torment us, yes you do torment us yes you do.'

"Fred please remember me, I am the one that you said was just like you. I need you to come back and remember Fred."

'Listen my beloved says to pull over for he shall silent you here. Fred is no longer here we have killed him we have and my beloved is taking you too. Now do you pull over or do you be still as my beloved has told you to do, yes he has.'

"Yes I will be quiet," I tell him as I look into the mirror and his eyes are of a mad man thirty for blood and revenge. I drive to the waterfront section of town and I park by the old warehouse park. He opens his door, I hear the click of my old sidearm, and I know that he has more than a knife.

'Out copper, out we say. My beloved has ordered you out. Do not try running my beloved is a dead shot and he can get he can. Now walk my beloved says until we say stop, now walk and don't run away.'

I slowly start walking and know that this is the end. There is no way that I can out run a bullet. I wish I could have just one more time with Tom to tell him how much I love him. I think of how much this will crush him and hope that Mike will be there for him. My man is strong but can even he take loosing two of us, dad and I, in the same lifetime. I think of all the things we had wanted to do together and now it is nothing but a memory. I think of my mom and how will she survive burying another one of her men. I think of all the men he has killed and all the others he may still. Then I think of my dad and I wonder if he was the one that killed my dad.

"Beloved can I ask you a question," I say trying to reach out to the one in control. "Do you remember the names of the men that tormented you and you killed?"

'Beloved always remembers, remembers always he does. What name does you look for from my beloved, ask and I will tell him the name.'

"Michael Butler is the name. He was my dad and a cop that was killed over a year ago." I tell him.

'Michael Butler is yes a copper yes he is. I killed him in the same place in will kill you, kill you yes I will. He tormented my beloved, my beloved tormented he did. He would not have sex with my beloved, no sex would he have no he will not. So my beloved took his life for tormenting him, yes he did torment no more.'

So it was true, that sick bastard Fred was the one that had killed my dad. Now he was going to kill me, how ironic that we should not only die by the same hands but in the same place. My tears started to fall as I remembered my dad. He was an honest cop and proud. He always looked out for those who could not look out for themselves. He loved my mom and me with all his heart. He loved his Tom in his own special way. Now I was in love with his best friend and would soon be telling him myself. I missed my dad but I did not want to die. I loved my Tom and wanted many years with him. How happy he made me and I him. This was not going to happen to me.

'Over there by that alcove my precious says, by that alcove he says. He wants you to stop by that alcove my beloved says to stop at that alcove and wait.'

I walk to the alcove, stop, and turn. Now I am facing Fred and he is still holding the gun. I notice that the safety is on, but where is the knife. This could be my break as I study the gun. His eyes are glossy and they are void of all expression.

'My beloved says take all of your clothes off, your clothes yes take all of them off. Do as my beloved says or I shall shoot you, shall shoot I shall my precious says.'

I hesitate and he reaches down to the gun and removes the safety. Shit, I think, there goes my only hope. I slowly start to strip off my shirt first removing my tie, then my shirt. I pull my tee shirt off over my head and toss them all to the ground. I remove my belt that would hold my revolver and it to falls to the ground.

"Can't we work something out here my beloved. I will have sex with you." I tell him hoping to gain his trust. He just points to my pants and motions them down. I undo my button on the top of my pants and pull my zipper down. I let my pants fall to the ground and I sit to remove my shoes so I can remove my pants. I take off my socks and I add them to the pile of clothes.

'Remove your underwear and give them to my beloved, to my beloved you give them you will.'

I put my thumbs in the waistband of my boxer briefs and I slowly remove them. I stand up and I toss them to Fred and he steps back so as not to touch them. I am standing there completely naked as he stands there and stares

'Kneel down says my beloved, kneel down he does say. Look up to your maker and ask for forgiveness, for forgiveness you ask and you pray.'

I am thinking to myself as I lower myself to my knees; my God forgive me my sins. I think of my Tom and my mom, as there faces come quickly to my mind. The tears now are flowing like a river, as reality begins to sink in.

'This is it, I am going to die here alone and naked.' I think to myself. 'Why God, why like this and why now,' I try to make sense. I look up to the sky and I see Fred's hand, the knife bright in the light from the streetlamp. He is starting to lift it up.

Earlier across town. As told by Coop.

"Excuse me officer," Mrs. Barnes says as I drive away. "But if you are looking for Fred well he just got into that cruiser your partner is going towards."

I look into my rearview mirror and I make a u-turn. I stop at the house and let Mrs. Barnes and the baby out and I take off after Andy. Which way did he go I wondered; does he even know that Fred is in the car? I radio headquarters and ask for the captain, he comes on a few seconds later. I fill him in about all that has happened and how Fred is now in the car with Andy. I tell him that I do not know if Andy knows or not but that I cannot find them. The captain puts an A.P.B. out over the radio for Andy's car. I drive to all the places that I can remember that Andy had told me the murders had taken place. I called the captain again and asked if he had any idea where this nut could have taken Andy. I drove to every part of the city I knew and then to some I did not know. There was no trace of Andy's cruiser.

"Why the fuck didn't we lock the fucking car," I say aloud.

I was pissed at myself for not following protocol. I should have never taken the Barnes lady and kid to her moms. I should have let her drive herself and gone with my partner. Fuck was I going to hear about this one especially if Andy got hurt or worst. I was driving myself crazy with worry and it would do me no good. I thought I saw Andy's car turn a corner up ahead but when I caught up it was just a look alike car.

"Fuck why do they make these cars all alike," I yell aloud.

I drive around and around to no avail and I am quickly getting to my wits end. I radio his car but the radio is off, that only adds to my frustration. There has to be a way to find that car I say to myself.

"Andy can you here me, over." I say hoping he hears me but I get nothing but air.

My frustration is added by the lack of response from his radio. I am driving around when I hear on the radio for all cruisers to respond to an alley in the downtown bar district. I flip on my lights and sirens hoping against hope that it's not he. I get to the alley and police are everywhere. I get out and run to the alley.

"What have we got," I ask the officer doing crowd control.

"Another naked young white guy." He tells me.

I rush down the alley and stop when I see a bunch of men from the medical examiners office looking at the body.

"Do we know who he is yet," I ask a cop.

"No not yet, but someone said it was a cop." He says to me and my heart sinks.

"No not one of ours is it."

"It looks that way, his face is all fucked up. This is not like the other killings. The only similarities, is he is naked and his underwear is missing.

'Oh please God don't let be Andy Lord.' I pray to myself.

I stand aside as the stretcher baring the body comes by. A detective is carrying some personal items in a plastic bag and I ask him if we know who it is.

"So far it looks like its Andy Butler." He says to me. I go white with grief as my heart starts to mourn for a man I barely knew. No, it could not be Andy not this fast. I just left him not more than forty-five minutes ago. I find the detective and tell him that Andy just left me not more than forty-five minutes ago.

"That can't be. The medical examiner said this guy has been dead at least two hours."

"Well it is not Andy Butler then, cause two hours ago he was with me and alive." I tell him.

I race to my car and speed off looking again for Andy. I am glad that the dead guy isn't Andy but at the same time where the fuck is he. I rack my brain again thinking of all the murder locations, thinking that there has to be one that I have over looked. I call the captain again and ask if he has heard anything new.

"Nothing yet Coop. They think that the body they found is Andy though."

"Listen captain it ain't him. That guy has been dead for at least two hours and Andy left just forty-five minutes ago."

"Well that's good news but where the fuck is he then."

"I haven't a clue anymore. I have been to all the murder scenes, I can remember. Could you get a list of the scenes and get them to me a.s.a.p. so I can check them out captain," I ask him.

"Ten four Coop," he says to me.

I drive towards the burned out building hoping that maybe he might be there. As I get close, I can see that he isn't and again I am at a loss for where to search. My cell rings and it is the captain. He starts to run down the list of areas that bodies have been found. He is close to the end of the list when he mentions how his dad had been killed, and the killer was never found.

"Where was his body found captain," I asked.

"Down by the waterfront, in the old warehouse section," he says to me.

I drove my car towards the old warehouse section on the waterfront. The traffic is horrendous and even with my lights on the cars are slow to move. There are so many warehouses to choose from that he could be at any one of them. I drive quickly but cautiously watching for any sign of Andy's cruiser. I have gone through about half when I spot it in a corner. I step on the gas and at the same time, I am on the radio giving my location. The captain comes on.

"Coop have you found him?" he asks me expectantly.

"So far just his car, captain." I tell him.

"Don't go roaming about alone Coop. Wait for back up before you go in," he commands.

"Negative captain, Andy might need me and I need to back him up," I tell the captain.

"Coop, you listen to me, Coop do you read me?" I ignore him and quickly get out of my car and I cautiously approach his car. The front and rear doors on the driver's side are open, I look inside, and there is no sign of Andy. I look around in search of a sign that might tell me where he might be. In the distance, I see another car parked and I approach it cautiously. As I get close to the car, I can see that no one is around. The vehicle is vacant and there is no sign of its owner. I start walking towards another vacant warehouse hoping that something will give me a sign of Andy's where about. I search for maybe ten minutes when gunshot goes off. I hit the pavement and look towards the sound thinking the worst.

"Oh God no, please don't let that be Andy shot." I pray aloud. I radio in the there are gunshots fired and another goes off again. I tell the captain that someone has fired at least two gunshots. He tells me to stay where I am and wait for back up.

"Hurry with that back up captain because if he has been hit he could be dying," I tell the captain.

I still cautiously creep towards where I had heard the gunshots looking in all directions. As I get closer, I can start to hear a voice. It is not a voice I recognize. I have my revolver now trained towards the sound, as I slowly get closer to the voice.

"There now love its over. I have you, and know one can hurt you," I hear, as I am now so close to the voice. An alcove blocks my vision as I slowly creep around the side. I peak my head slowly around and I see a naked Andy being held by a man with a gun in his hand. I jump from the side of the alcove and yell at the top of my lungs.

"Freeze Police! Drop the gun or I will shoot."

Andy turns towards me, raises his hand, and gives me a friendly wave. I see the gun fall to the ground as the man holding Andy quickly puts up his hands.

Now Andy is talking.

"My name is Detective Tom Sullivan." Tom says. "You must be Coop." He says.

Coop comes over, wraps her arms around me, and gives me a hug and a kiss. She looks over at the body now dead on the ground and then back at Tom.

"You had me so fucking scared Andy. I thought you were a goner." She says giving me another hug. "And when I heard those gun shots, I was sure you were dead. Who the fuck is he over there and who is this dude."

"That guy over there is Fred Barnes. He is the one that has been doing all the killings. This big hunk is my man, Tom. He is the one that shot Fred and saved my life.

"Nice to meet you Tom, and I'm Coop." She says to Tom then turns and looks at me. "Ah nice dick for a guy, Andy," she says and my face turns every shade of red. "You might want to get some clothes on because back up should be here any minute. With that dick you could be accused of concealing a weapon," she says and laughs.

"How did you find me," I say to her as I put on my clothes.

"The captain, oh fuck the captain I forgot to call him."

She calls into the captain and tells him that she has found me, alive and well. He tells her that he is just moments from reaching her and she hangs up. He gets here, and comes running over to me, giving me a manly hug.

"Andy you all right son," he says looking around at the scene. "Tom what the fuck you doing here," he asks him. "I thought you were out with a broken leg." He says.

"I am captain but someone had to save my man here." He says bringing me in close to him.

"How did you know he was here?"

"Well the short of the long of it, a scanner. I was listening to our scanner and heard that Andy was missing and might be abducted. When I heard Coop hear ask for places that the murders had happened in, I thought of Andy's dad right away. His dad had been on my mind all night and when I heard that he was missing I new where to go. I got here just in time. I found Andy naked and kneeling with his head lifted up and that Barnes character ready to slash him. I lifted my revolver and shot him twice dropping him right where you see him. Coop came up just after the shooting and followed protocol to the letter, captain."

"It's a good thing you had that scanner on Tom," captain says or things could have turned out differently. "You all right son, you need to go to the hospital?" he asks me.

"I don't need no hospital captain, just a week off for rest would be good." I tell him.

"A lot of sex won't hurt either, will it," Coop whispers in my ear and gives me a wink.

"What was that Coop, I missed what you said."

"Lots of sleep I said captain," she says and we all laugh.

The End

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Next: Chapter 5: Officer Andy Revisited 1

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