Officer Andy

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 30, 2008


Officer Andy By

From Chapter 2.

'Hurry my precious the coppers are coming for us my beloved. They must not find us they must not my love. I will save us my dearest beloved. That tormentor is leading them that we almost got my lovely. Hurry now precious before they find us love.'

I lead them to the second floor and to the back apartment. I knock several times and listen for some voices. When no one answers, we bust down the door and the place explodes into a million pieces. Smoke and fire is everywhere and bodies lay strewn amongst the broken walls and door.

"Tom can you hear me? Tom please, answer me." I say as I come to my senses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 3 .

The fire and smoke was everywhere. It was impossible to see. I felt my way towards the way we had come and I felt a body. I shined my flashlight on the face.

'My God Ted Watson and most of his face was hanging off. He had been on the force almost twenty-five years and was retiring this coming May. I crawled further and felt another man. He moaned when I touched his side. I shined my flashlight at his face, Bob Barnes is his name, help me and he too died. I felt for a pulsed and there was none and I crawled on still feeling my way.

"Tom where are you my love." I called out, hoping against hope he could here me.

"Andy, over here," I heard and my heart leaped. I crawled to where I heard him call me and I found him half covered in debris.

"Tom babe, are you alright, love? Can you move babe." I ask him.

"Something is holding me down on my legs. I can't move it." He tells me. I shined my flashlight to his legs and I see John Williams lying over his legs on top of debris. I feel for a pulse, I get a weak one, and I hear help coming from down the hall.

"Over here," I yell to who ever is coming. "I have two men down and two dead," I tell them. The firemen come, they take John away, and others clear and free Tom. His leg is broken so they have to carry him out and they help me get out also. As we are being led out, I tell other firemen that there are two more dead police officers up ahead. When are outside I see the captain and I tell him about Ted and Bob.

"My God not Ted, he was due to retire in May. His wife is going to be so distraught," he says. "Bob Barnes was a good man too. His wife just had a boy last month and now he has no dad. Fuck I want this fucker."

I find Tom, they are getting him ready for transport, and I tell him that I will see him at the hospital. He shoots me a kiss, they close the doors, and away they go. I am walking back to the captain and I notice something not quite right by the building. I start to head over and what I thought was a figure is gone. I shine my light around into the dark and there nothing but shadows. Must be my imagination I think to myself. I catch a ride back to headquarters with the captain, I am just getting out of the car, and I go down in a heap. He rushes to my aid and calls for help as he slowly gets me to my feet.

"Andy what happened son?"

"I don't know, all of a sudden I felt dizzy then I went out for a moment."

"I am getting you to the hospital to have you checked out. I can't afford to loose anymore of my men."

The captain has Mike Burrows take me to the hospital. He is a seasoned veteran of the force and a good friend of Toms.

"Tom make it Andy," he asks me with deep concern.

"Yeah Mike, just a broken leg and some cuts."

"I have seen a big change in Tom since the two of you became a couple." He tells me. "I have never seen him so happy Andy. Thanks kid for doing that for him."

"He does it for me also, Mike. We are so good for each other. It is somewhat weird though. Growing up he was always Uncle Tom to me being my dad's best friend and all. It just happened unexpectedly one day, we fell in love."

Mike dropped me off at the hospital and I was seen by a doctor almost immediately. I could hear Tom down the room from me telling some nurse that he didn't need to pee. After the doctor examined me he told me that I had a concussion again and that a few days rest would clear it up. He released me and I went down to see Tom and scolded him for giving the nurse a hard time.

"She wants me to piss in that bottle thingy, and I am not going to. I think she just wants to see my cock," he says with a smile. "I only show it to you, love." And he gives me a quick kiss just as the nurse is coming in. Her face turns every shade of red there is and she refuses to meet our eyes. She gives him some pills, she goes on her way, and we chuckle at her embarrassment. Tom gets very serious and he looks at me and asks.

"So tell me babe, who didn't make it."

"Ted Watson and Bob Barnes," I tell him.

"Fuck no, not Ted," he says and he hangs his head. "I didn't know Bob but he must have been a good guy."

"He was a young kid. He and his wife just had a kid last month captain said."

"We got to get this guy Andy. I don't know how, but we got to."

I took Tom home shortly after two on crutches. I put him on the sofa in the den and I made us something to eat. I made him some soup and we ate it in the den. He laid his head in my lap and I stroked his hair.

"You know Mike Burrows gave me a ride to the hospital after I passed out at the station tonight." I told him. His lifts his head up, turns it to look at me, and says.

"And when were you going to tell me about you passing out, babe?"

"I didn't," I say to him rather sheepishly. "I must have forgot babe. All it was was a concussion. The doctor told me to rest for a couple of days."

"You could have been killed you know." Giving me that fatherly look, he does so well, which I ignored.

"Well as I was saying before you side tracked me. Mike Burrows gave me a ride to the hospital and we had a nice talk. He said that he has noticed a big change in you since we have been together. He also said that you have never looked so happy as you have since we became a couple. He took me by surprise and he was so sincere."

"Mike and I go way back and he is a great guy. I wonder why a guy like that never got married."

"Tom, have you ever thought that he might be gay and in love with you."

"Mike, no way babe. That guy is as straight as an arrow."

"Well most guys thought you were also."

The next couple of days went by quickly and I was headed back to work. I could tell that Tom was uneasy about my going back without him. However, with a broken leg he was out for at least the ten weeks. I liked knowing that he was out of harms way and safe at home with the new alarm system.

"You be careful tonight babe, and no heroism. You find something suspicious you call for back up first, you here me, babe?" He told me and took me into his arms, and kissed me. "You are my life now and I can't loose you, because I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much my love."

I leave for work and my mind is on Tom. He is so helpless with those crutches. I get in to the station and change into my uniform. At roll call, the captain tells us that the blood samples came back and that there is one match in the system. We were dismissed, and the captain asked me to wait behind. He asked me about Tom and how he was doing.

"We have a problem with the blood test Andy. The match seems to match Bob Barnes," he tells me. "What the fuck do we do now kid," he asks me. "Bob was in delivery with his wife when one of the murders happened."

"It has to be a mistake. Bob was not even at the site that night," I tell the captain. "He was across town with his partner on their beat."

"Well, I hate those fucking labs, they always fuck shit up. Well it doesn't matter now, does it," he says rather sadly.

We discuss the case for a while and talk about Tom as I notice a woman come and stand outside his office. He turns his head, looks at her, and says to me.

"I have a new partner from another precinct for you and I hope that things will go better than with Miguel. Her name is Linda Cooper and she is thirty-one and single, not that it would matter to you kid. Here she comes now Andy."

"Linda this is Andy Butler, Andy this is Linda Cooper."

"Glad to meet you Andy."

"Same here Linda."

"My friends call me Coop," she tells me.

"Ok Coop."

We walk out to the car and I ask her if she has a preference to drive or ride.

"Wow that's a first," she tells me. "Most guys just get in, drive, and assume I will ride." She says. "If you don't mind I would like to drive."

"No problem, please help yourself."

We hit the road and I explain our beat to her. I tell her about the problems of the past few weeks and how we have had a lot of loss to the department. Then we turn to personal talk. She is an attractive woman with blond shoulder length hair and blue eyes. She has an out going personality and is easy to talk to.

"So I am told that I am safe with you because you are gay," she says. "Some of the guys told me that I would not get hit on by you because of your sexuality."

"That's not their information to give out, but yes I am gay and I do have a lover. He is also on the force or did you already know that also." I snap at her.

"Listen Andy it doesn't matter to me if you and Tom are lovers I just want to know that when it counts that my back is covered. So yes I did here that Tom was your lover and he is quite a bit older than you."

"Would you care to tell me what else you know about me or do I have to guess." I say sarcastically.

"Hey can we start over here Andy? My name is Coop and I am a lesbian."

"Wow now I didn't expect that one. Sorry Coop for the attitude but I hate the way some of the guys just give out my bedroom habits like it was general reading."

"I had the same problem at my old precinct. I don't share what goes on in my bedroom and I wish they would mind their own business also. I think we will be good friends Andy."

"Yeah I think we will Coop. Do you mind if I call my guy and check on him. He is nursing a broken leg from a raid the other day and is quite nervous about me being back tonight."

"No go ahead I have to call mine later."

I give Tom a call and fill him in about Coop. He is excited that I am not alone and have someone to watch my back. He is missing me and said that he would stay up so we could sleep together. I told him that I loved him and that I would call him on my lunch.

"Why an older guy Andy?"

"I don't know. It just happened. He was my dad's best friend and was my Uncle Tom when I was growing up and then one day my car broke down and he gave me a ride. I was broke and he paid for my battery and told me that we could work out a repayment plan. However, earlier in the locker room showers he caught me staring at his cock. Therefore, when we went to his house, he just took me in his arms and kissed me and then later when he made love to me I fell in love. When he makes love to you, he takes you places you have never been before. He makes sure that you come along with him and does not just consider his own gratification. He is more concerned with giving me pleasure than getting it himself. He just makes me feel so fulfilled."

"Wow that is almost enough to make me want a man. Now that is love Andy. I have never heard anybody describe it like that before."

"I have never been loved like that before. He makes me complete." I told her.

We continued our rounds and most of the night it was quiet. I saw old Albert and he waved as we passed.

"Who's that," she asks me.

"Just a homeless guy, old Albert. He found one of the murdered kids a while back. Nice guy, harmless," I tell her.

"You have a way with these people don't you," she asks.

"You have to, they are your eyes and ears out here."

We took our lunch around three and I called Tom. He was still up watching some 'B' movie on late night television. He asks how it was going and if things were quiet. I told him I loved him and that I would see him in a few hours. We talked about thing Coop and I, but mostly about the murders that were plaguing the city.

"You know it might just be me, but all night I have had this feeling of being watched," I tell Coop. "I don't know what it is but like someone is watching us from the shadows."

"Fuck Andy, I thought it was just me that felt that way. I have had that feeling since we left that burned out tenement." She tells me. "I did notice this guy in the shadows when we got out at the building. He seemed to stand back more as we got out. I figured him to be some vagrant and didn't mention it."

"I wish you had Coop, he could very well be the guy we are looking for." I tell her. "He seems to be a master at the art of disappearing."

We drive back towards the building and I cannot help feeling those eyes upon me. I know he is watching and waiting as he does with all his victims. We get out at the building and we look around but there is nothing and no one around. We get back in and we drive back downtown towards the bar district. The Pub, a local gay leather bar is hopping outside as the place has closed for the night and its patrons are looking to hook up. I have been driving since we finished our lunch and we scan the patrons for anyone familiar.

"Andy stop, there." She says. "That's the guy I saw at the building earlier." I drive further past, pull over, and park and we get out. We walk up the street to where Coop had seen the guy talking to some kid. He is nowhere around as we scan the area and we start to ask the patrons if they have seen these two. No one has because they are to busy trying to hook up themselves. We head back toward an alley that runs behind the bar and we hear a sound like crying.

"Police Freeze!" I shout as we run into the alley. We hear a scuffle and the sound of moaning as someone then runs away.

"Coop over there the kid, I'm going after the guy. Call for backup."

I go running after the guy and he is nowhere to be found. My flashlight searches the shadows for him. I spend at least ten minutes looking for him and he is nowhere around.

"What is this guy, a phantom," I ask myself.

I go back to Coop and the kid, the back up is just arriving, and I tell her that the guy had just vanished. The kid is still alive and is wounded and Coop is putting pressure on his wounds. He is naked and still conscious and telling her about his assailant.

"He made me strip naked and then toss him my underwear," he tells her crying. He is just eighteen and a hustler. "He told me to kneel down and hold my head up, like I was looking at the stars or something. Then he pulls out this knife and he gets this look on his face and starts talking to someone that is not there. He told me that I have tormented his beloved for the last time and that I was going to pay for my sins. He lifts his hand with the knife up and that is when you shouted and he turned. He swung the knife and I moved but he got me across my chest."

The paramedics come and take over as we give our information to the detectives. The paramedics tell us that he will be fine that the wound is superficial. When we leave, we drive around looking for this guy but we are sure that he is holed up somewhere.

'That was to close my beloved. That copper is a problem to us he is. We must do something about him my precious. He is tormenting you my beloved and no one does that and lives my beloved. Now sleep my beloved and I will plan a way to end your torment my precious.'

We call it a night around six-thirty and head back to the station. We brief the captain and I head to the locker room after telling Coop goodbye.

"Rough night again I hear," Phil Montgomery says to me. He is one of the older officers and has a smirk on his face. My dad never liked this guy; he said there was something about him that was creepy. I go to my locker and remove my uniform and I grab a towel as I head to the showers. Phil is there and a few others and I take the far shower and turn it on. The water is hot and refreshing as it floods my body with its warmth. I linger under the hot water, letting the warmth wash the problems of the night away. I open my eyes and it is just Phil and I in the showers.

"I hear you like cock Butler." He says to me. "Want to give this a go," he says shaking his cock towards me.

"Now you call that a cock Phil, I would call it a Vienna sausage," and I laugh.

"You fucking faggot, suck my cock asshole. If you don't I will tell the captain that you made a pass at me," he says to me.

"And what am I suppose to do about it," the captain says from behind Phil. Phil spins around in shock and the look on his face says it all. "Get the fuck dressed asshole, and in my office in twenty minutes." Phil turns off the water and hurriedly heads for the locker room. "Sorry Andy you have to put up with this shit. I guess it goes with the territory, huh kid," he says quite sympathetically to me.

"Just a few from time to time. Most of the guys are cool and mind their own business."

"Well I had hoped that I wouldn't have needed to do this, but I guess I have to address this issue at the next roll call."

"Captain, not yet please. Give it some time to sink in. Most of the guys are ok with it. The others that aren't will get the picture once a few examples are made."

"Good idea Butler, I'll give it a few weeks and see how it goes. Well say hello to Tom for me, and kid, good work tonight." He says to me with a smile as he walks off.

I finish my shower and head back to my locker to dress. I notice some guy is at Bob's locker cleaning it out. As I get closer, I can see the family resemblance and realize it is his brother.

"I am so sorry for your loss," I say to him. "Bob was a good cop. My name is Andy Butler and I knew your brother briefly."

"Fred Barnes," he tells me shaking my hand. "Thanks Andy, for the sympathy. His wife is taking it hard though. They just had that little boy last month and now his daddy is gone. Bob was so proud to have a boy." He says and starts to cry. I put my hand on his shoulder and tell him to let it out. He cries for almost ten minutes until he regains his composer.

"It's still hard for me. We were twins you know."

"No I didn't know Bob was a twin, but now that you mention it you do look alike. I think it is the hair that through me. He wore his short and yours is long."

"He hated long hair. He could not figure out why I let mine get so long. I told him that was the only thing that made me, me." We are talking as Phil walks by on his way to the captain's office.

"Later faggot, this isn't over yet you gay boy." He says as he leaves. Fred just looks at him then at me.

"You get that to, I see." He says to me with a knowing look in his eyes. "I use to get it all the time until Bob set my tormentors strait," he says. "They pay in the end these tormentors, they get theirs." He says with a faraway look in his eyes.

"Well I got to get going Fred. It was a pleasure to meet you." I tell him as I shake his hand. I suddenly get a very uneasy feeling about him but cannot quite put my finger on it. I walk out to my car passing the captains office, and he gives me a knowing nod. I get in my car still haunted by Fred Barnes.

"What the fuck is bothering me about him," I say aloud as he walks out and gives me a wave. "I got to think on this more," I say as I drive away and off to my love.

I get home and Tom is waiting in our bedroom for me. He is naked and horny as he waits for me to come to bed. I get in beside him and snuggle into his warmth and I tell about my night. I tell him about my new partner and how she is a lesbian and knows about us. I also told him about Phil and how he had threatened me.

"Phil has always been a peck weed. He and Jim were best buds and like they say birds of a feather. Enough about him, I have been so lonesome tonight waiting for you to come home babe. My cock feels like it is going to burst, its so hard."

"I can feel that, stud man. I have been hard thinking of you also most of the night." I tell him as I move down to his cock. We cannot do much with a cast that goes clear to mid thigh. However, I can suck a mean cock and I give him the best blowjob he has ever had. It does not take him long and he is shooting down my throat his hot man seed.

"Fuck babe, that was to fucking fast. You did that to well. I wanted it to last for a while but I was so horny thinking of you all evening that, that hot mouth of yours just made me go to soon. Now your turn, babe."

"I'm good love, really." I tell him knowing how difficult it will be for him with the cast.

"The fuck your good. I know that a young stud like you is horny twenty-four, seven. Now lets get it on." He says as an order.

"And how do you suppose we manage that one Houdini," I ask him.

"Well, I can roll on my stomach and you can fuck me, babe." He says with a smile.

"Tom, be real here. You have never been fucked before, and now is not the time with a cast from your ankle to your thigh." I tell him. "Here roll on your stomach and get between my legs." I tell him. "God, this is going to be a long ten weeks." I say with a slap on his ass.

"Ouch that hurt. I could have you arrested for police brutality," he tells me with a pout.

He gets between my legs, he takes my cock into his mouth, and I sigh as he swallows it down. He slowly comes up and then goes back down, putting pressure each time on the head. He knows how to please as he slowly brings me to heaven with his mouth. I am lying there in ecstasy as he brings me so close to the edge. He knows when to stop, he drops my cock, and he takes my balls one at a time into his mouth. He slowly sucks them, rolls them around, and gently lets them drop. He lifts my legs and I hold them as he makes love to my ass with his tongue. He is a master at love making no mater what he may use and his tongue is no exception. He soon brings me again to the edge and he stops and moves to my cock once again. It does not take long for him to get me to the edge and then over he brings me. I shoot rope after rope deep down his throat and he never looses a drop. When I finally give up all that I have and soften, he lets me drop. I move down to his lips and we kiss, a kiss filled with love's eternal promise. This man once again has brought me to a place that no man could ever do. He has made me complete in my love and my heart beats for him alone. I fell asleep in his arms and awoke several hours later still bothered by Fred Barnes. I turned to see Tom staring at me and he kissed me good morning when I turned.

"What has you so deep in thought babe," he asks.

"It's Bob Barnes brother Fred," I tell him. "Captain mentioned how the blood from one of the crime scenes that had two blood types matched Bob's blood type. Bob was at the hospital with his wife the night of the murder so he could not have been at the scene also. Are twins of the same blood type, Tom?"

"Identical ones most certainly are why."

"I wonder if Fred had been around that alley anytime that evening of the murder."

"Run it by the captain and see what he thinks. It couldn't hurt, and if he was well why was he there."

We get up and I shower and then I help Tom bath. He cannot get his cast wet so it is difficult to bath. I love washing and caring for him and he does like the attention. We go downstairs and he tells me how he had called a realtor about listing the house. She was coming by tomorrow at three to see the place and said that she had a place that we might be interested in also. I was making us dinner as he was talking to me when the doorbell rang. Tom got up, hobbled to the door, and opened it up to see Mike standing there. He had a bottle of wine and he greeted Tom with a handshake as Tom invited him in.

"Andy, look who's here," Tom says walking into the kitchen with Mike.

"Mike, how are you my friend. You off today or on your way in," I ask him.

"No I got to go in and thought I would stop and see how the old coot was doing," he says.

"I'll give you an old coot," Tom says lightly hitting Mikes arm. "You eat yet today bud," he asks.

"No not yet, I'll grab something later."

"Bullshit, you can eat with us. Andy always makes more than enough, don't you babe," Tom says to me.

"Always, and yes you will stay Mike, we insist."

"Well thanks guys, but that's not why I stopped by for really."

We had a great dinner and conversation and Mike really enjoyed being with us. He kept watching how Tom and I interacted and would smile as he watched. I got up to clear the table and Mike offered to help.

"No Mike sit with Tom, your company tonight. Next time you come by your family and you can help," I tell him and he gives me a smile.

"You never looked so good Tom. I can see the love between you two. He is good for you, isn't he?"

"Yes he is Mike. He has given a new life to me. I feel twenty again. Although my body at times tells me differently, he has been so good for me. I love him so much Mike."

"Its shows on you and on Andy. He glows when he is around you. His eyes sparkle when they look at you also."

"Mike, can I ask you a very personal question, and I won't be offended if you don't want to answer me."

"Yes Tom, I am gay. Is that what you were going to ask me?"

"Yeah, I was. How come now you tell me, and not years ago."

"I always thought that you and Andy's dad were straight. I loved you and I didn't want to loose your friendship Tom." He says to Tom.

"Oh gee Mike, I am so sorry, I wish I had known."

"Would it have made a difference between us Tom?"

"I can't say if it would or wouldn't, but I still wish I had known, friend."

"Known what Tom," I say coming into the room.

"Nothing babe." He says and gives me a look. I know and let it drop.

I sit with the guys and we talk about the murders and I run my suspicions past Mike. He, like Tom suggests that I run it past the captain. I go and get ready for work leaving Tom with Mike.

"Well I got to get going also Tom. Thank Andy for the nice dinner and thanks Tom for being such a good friend. Tom looks at Mike and Mike looks like he is going to cry. Tom takes him in his arms and gives him a kiss. It's not the kind we share but the kind that says I love you my friend. Mike steps back after and he is quite taken back by the show of affection.

"Tom, I . well." He leaves with a smile on his face.

I come downstairs, Tom has this grin, and I ask him what's going on.

"I think I just shocked the shit out of Mike. I gave him a kiss goodbye."

"I bet you did Tom, why."

"He told me earlier while you were cleaning up that he was gay and that he had loved me. Well when he was leaving he just looked so sad, it just seemed the right thing to do."

"That's why I love you so much, my man. You are always thinking of others." I take him in my arms, he gives me our kiss that says your mine, and don't you forget it.

He tells me to be careful and to call him later. I tell him to lock the door and set the alarm. I drive to work thinking about Mike and how he must have felt so hurt watching us so much in love.

'I must have a talk with him.' I say to myself.

I get to work and Coop is waiting to see me. She has been haunted all day by this blood thing just as I have. I tell her that after roll call we will talk with the captain. I go into the locker room and I see Mike changing. As I pass him, he whispers to me.

"Thanks for dinner Andy, it was great."

"Your welcome Mike. You all right Mike with everything? I know of the kiss and all."

"Yeah, just hard at first seeing the two of you together like that. I see how good you are for him and him for you."

"We just don't want you to be hurt Mike. Tom loves you to much as a friend to see you hurt."

"I appreciate that. Maybe someday I will find a guy like he did to love, but at my age no one wants an old man."

"You are the same age as Tom, Mike. I know that there is someone out there for you."

I go to my locker and get dressed and we head off to roll call. After roll call Coop and I ask the captain to talk.

"Well what's up with you two," he asks.

"It's this blood thing," I tell him. "You know how you said that it matched Bob Barnes blood type. Well did you know that he has a twin, captain."

"A twin, no I didn't know. How the fuck did you find that out."

"Yesterday, his brother was here cleaning out his locker. The resemblance was remarkable. I thought I was staring at Bob, but with long hair. I had a brief talk with him. He had mentioned that he was gay after Phil walked by and made a threat. He said that," 'they pay in the end these tormentors, they get theirs.' "I just can't get him out of my mind captain. Identical twins have the same blood type and DNA, so what if he was around at the time of these murders. In addition, what is his address and where was he the night of that particular murder?"

"You make a good point Andy, let run a check on the kid and see what we come up with. Get back to me when you have the information, ok," he says.

We head out to the bank of computers and type in Fred's name. It is a long shot but right now, we are grabbing at straws. A while later the computer starts to kick out a sheet of information about Fred Barnes. He has a previous record for three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, a knife, against him plus numerous other charges. I tear off the sheet and head into see the captain.

"Captain look at this." I hand him the rap sheet and he reads it. "Look at the last known address. The same as Billy's and that was the one that exploded that night. He is not living there now but we have at least someone to focus on now."

"Bob Barnes' fucking brother. I would have never guessed in a million years. How the fuck can he live with himself knowing he killed his own brother? Why don't you to head over to Bob's widows place and see if she knows where the scum bag is living, and be careful."

We head out to our cruiser and we are talking.

"Do you think he might be living with her now that his place is burned out?"

"It could be a possibility so lets be careful. We don't need to go getting any civilians hurt especially a baby or its mother."

We drive over to the address that the captain had given us. The house is dark when we get there. I go up to the door while Coop goes around to the back and I ring the doorbell. A light goes on in a bedroom and soon the outside light goes on.

"Who is it," a voice from behind the door calls.

"Police Mrs. Barnes." I say.

She opens the door and Coop is coming around the front as she invites us in.

"What can I do for you officer?"

"I am Officer Butler and this is Officer Cooper. We would like to ask you a few questions concerning your brother-in- law."

"Fred, what about him." She asks. "He is sleeping in the other room."

"Could you go and wake him please."

She goes down the hall, knocks on a door, and waits. She knocks again and then opens it and comes back out.

"That's odd, he said he was going to bed over an hour ago." She says to me. "His bed has not been slept in and he is nowhere around. His window is open a bit though."

"Mrs. Barnes, we have reason to believe that he is involved with the gay murders that have been happening the past few months. We even feel that he is responsible for the explosion that killed your husband."

Her face goes white as she falls to the floor. Coop is quick and she catches her. She sets her on the sofa and goes to get a glass of water. She comes back and hands her the water and she takes a drink.

"I can't believe Fred could do such a thing. He said that the police were responsible for the explosion and fire that killed Bob. I took him in because he had no other place to go at the time. Officer I am so scared now. I have a baby to think of and I don't know what to do. I can't have him here in my home." She says and starts to cry. Coop is comforting her and I call captain.

"Captain, I think Barnes is our man. I am at Bob's house with his wife and she told us that Barnes was asleep in the bedroom. Well when she went to get him he was nowhere around. I think that we should put and A.P.B. out on him."

"Considerate done. I am sending some backup to you in case he comes back home."

"Ok captain, thanks."

"Mrs. Barnes have you any place that you and the baby can stay tonight," I ask.

"I could go to my mom's why."

"Well I think it would be best if you weren't around if he came back. I can have a patrolman take you if you like."

"I have a car but maybe it would be safer if you provided a ride. I will go and get some things together, thank you officer."

The doorbell rings and it is another team of police. They come in and I have them stay with the house. I have Coop take their cruiser and take Mrs. Barnes to her moms. I decide that I will go and scout the area for Fred and see if I can find him. We seem to hit it off that day and maybe he would not suspect anything. I help get the baby and Mrs. Barnes into the car and off they go. I go inside and tell the officers there to out the lights and show them what room is his. I go out to my car and get in. I drive off and go maybe three blocks when.

'We have you now copper, we do. My beloved we have him this time, we do. He won't be getting away from us will he my precious. He won't be tormenting us no more, he won't.'

I hear from behind me as I feel a knife to my neck.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 4

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