Officer Andy

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 30, 2008


Officer Andy By Chapter 2

From Chapter 1.

'My precious a copper, my beloved, he is looking for us my love. We must hide my beloved or he will find us. Let us go out the back way. No, we can't my love. The stairs are missing precious. I shall get the silencer my beloved, that will stop him from tormenting you my love.'

I decide to go upstairs and if I have to knock on all the doors until I find Billy's apartment I will. I go into the building and the smell of urine is powerful. I start knocking on the first door and I hear a dog bark. The door opens a bit, only a far to allow the occupant to see out.

"What the fuck you want cop?" A hard looking woman asks.

"I'm looking for a man named Billy who lives in this building."

"He don't fucking live here," and she slams the door.

I go to the next three doors with pretty much the same results. I head up to the second floor and knock on the first door. No one answers but I am sure I can here voices inside. I knock again and still after a few minutes, still no one answers. This time I hear no voices. I go to the next one and I knock, and the door opens as I knock on it. I peak inside and I see no one around and no sound. I pull out my revolver and I push the door open with my foot. I enter the apartment, knowing I should have back up, and I look around. The place is a mess. It looks as if a fight or a struggle had happened. I decide to call for back up and I radio in for assistance and give them my location. I am leaving the so-called living room and moving towards the bedroom when I see the body on the floor beside the bed.

"Oh fuck no, not you Billy." I say aloud. "Why you Billy, I told you to be careful buddy." I radio in the murder and I am just giving the dispatcher some details when I feel thump on my head and then darkness.

Chapter 2

"Andy, wake up kid," I heard. "Andy, it's Tom son, wake up."

My eyes fluttered open and then closed again. My head, my head felt like I it was being split open with an ax. What the fuck was happening to me. I remember, Billy, his body was in his bedroom and then something hit my head. Oh, fuck my head hurt.

"Andy, it's Tom son, can you hear me." I opened my eyes and I saw his face. I stared at him unable yet to speak. Jim was behind him and he had a handkerchief over his nose and mouth.

"Andy don't move the ambulance is on the way son." I heard Tom say. "Someone hit you with a hammer but was scared off when we came. We found Billy's body son and I am so sorry. I know he was a friend of yours."

Just then, the ambulance came and they attended to me. My head was pounding and I was suddenly aware that my shirt was missing. I started to get up and the attendant held me down.

"Take it easy officer. You had a pretty nasty head injury and we don't want you getting up yet." He said to me.

"My clothes, where are my clothes," I asked him. He didn't know and I asked him to get Tom. Tom came in, bent over me, and said.

"Calm down Andy, we need you to remain calm." He said to me.

"Tom my clothes, where the fuck are my clothes," I asked him. "I had them on when I came into the apartment." I told him.

"You were naked when we got here and found you Andy." Tom told me. "Whoever did this took everything this time including your weapon. You should have waited for backup son."

"Don't hate me Tom, please don't hate me." I begged him.

"I could never hate you Andy," he says looking around. "I love you babe so fucking much," he whispers in my ear lightly kissing it. "Now go to the hospital and get checked out and I will see you later and bring you some clothes."

The attendants take me away down the hall as the CSI team does their thing in Billy's apartment.

'I fucked up my beloved, but I got us a real prize.' He said as he held up my revolver. ' We must move my precious before they take you from me my love. I should have killed that copper before I took his things my precious but that noise scare me away my love. Come now my beloved we must pack and be gone my beloved.'

They take me away in the ambulance and take me to St. Mary's Hospital. I needed eleven stitched to close my head and I had a concussion. They were going to keep me for observation and I told them no way was I staying. They told me that I should avoid work for at least a few days so I agreed to that. Tom showed up around ten and had my clothes from my locker.

"I had to cut the lock off babe to get the clothes," he said. "What the doc say," he asked.

"Eleven stitches, a concussion and a few days off." I told him

"That works good babe. I have the next three off so I can nurse maid you." He said with a smile. "Are you free to go yet," he asked me.

"I was just waiting for you and my clothes," I told him. "Now let me get dressed and get the fuck out of here." I tell him.

Tom takes me home and we sit and talk in his den.

"Tom, I can't help thinking that the killer lived in that building." I told him. "I was knocking on doors and I remember this one apartment that I knocked at no one answered but I heard talking from inside. It sounded as if the person was talking to someone yet I only heard that one voice."

"You remember the apartment babe."

"Not the number but I would know it if I saw it. It was on the second floor in the rear of the building. I moved on when the party refused to answer the door. When I got to Billy's apartment the door was closed but opened when I knocked on it." I told him as I started to cry. "Tom the kid was in love with me. I gave him a ride home that morning of his murder from the diner, he told me how he loved me, and then he gave me a kiss before he got out of the car. Tom he was a good kid, he didn't deserve this." I tell him as I break down in tears.

"Andy, nobody deserves to die this way. You were very lucky tonight that we came when we did or we would be investigating your murder also." He says taking me in his arms and holding tight. "I don't think I could bare to loose you also." He told me kissing my hair.

"Tom, I have to let the diner know. They will be concerned about Billy."

"I already stopped by and told Jerry. He took it quite hard. Many of the regulars that knew Billy started to cry when they heard me telling Jerry. Jerry is also paying for Billy's funeral he told me. I guess the kid had nothing for insurance and Jerry didn't want him to have some paupers grave."

I spent most of that day resting in the arms of Tom. We just snuggled on his sofa and he held me tightly as if some one might take me from him. I woke around seven and I was alone in the room. I panicked and cried out for Tom. He came running in, took me in his arms, and said.

"It's ok babe, I have you. No one is going to hurt anymore love," as he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

"I was so scared Tom. I woke up, I was alone, and for a moment, I did not know where I was. Just hold me babe and kiss me," I said to him and he kissed me a kiss that told me that I had nothing to fear. A kiss that said he had me and that nothing, or no one, would ever hurt me again. I felt so secure in his arms and I never wanted him to let me go. Over the next few days, Tom pampered me and I quickly recovered. We worked together also on my theory that that the killer lived in the same building as did Billy. Tom and I wrote out all the evidence we had and we included that from my dad's murder investigation.

"You know Tom, it looks as though our killer is either a homophobe or has been rejected by the gay community," I said. "Other than as a trophy of his victims why would he keep the victims underwear," I ask.

"Got to be some kind of fetish he has. Either that or like straight serial killers that take jewelry as a memento of their victims, this pervert could be doing the same here."

"I was very careful to watch my back coming in the building. The riff raft out side that night did not look to threatening but I was not going to take a chance. I do remember hearing a creaking sound just before the lights went out, now that I think back. I had just seen Billy's body on the floor and I heard the floor creak and then the blow to my head. I should have waited Tom, but I was so worried about Billy that it over ruled my better judgment. Why did it have to be Billy? He was such a sweet kid and so giving to others." I said as I started to tear up just thinking of his smiling face that night he kissed me goodbye. "Did they get the blood results back yet from the lab on the two blood samples from the last killing?"

"No not yet, but we should any day now." He says. "If he is in our system we will get him." Tom says. "Enough for now babe, why don't you take a nap. The first night back will be long and tiring for you."

"I not tired babe, but I am horny though. We have not made love in three days and I need your love Tom."

Tom took me by the hand and led me to our bedroom. He slowly undressed me and kissed me as he lovingly removed my clothes. He stood there as I removed his and I kissed his body as I exposed his skin to the fading sunlight. He guided me to our bed as he kissed with his kiss of love so deep and full of passion. He laid me face down on the bed and climbed on me, sitting on my thighs. He masterly massaged my back and kissed each area after he massaged it. He massaged my ass muscles and I started to moan as he part the globes with his hands. He bent down and caressed the valley between them with his tongue. His ran his tongue tenderly up and down my valley then back to my waiting rosebud. He ran his tongue around my hole and then slowly inserted it in. My ass rose up to meet his pleasuring instrument and he fuck me until I could take no more.

"Fuck me babe," I cried out in lust. "I'm so close and I need you in me love." He turned me over, and he lubed us up, and he positioned himself to my hole. He slowly pushed in and I could feel his fullness as slowly took me. He rested a moment for me to relax and then tenderly started to make love to me. With his hand, he caressed my face tenderly and he kissed me deeply as our tongues did their dance of love. We found our rhythm that brought such pleasure, yet hastened our climax. We took such comfort in giving pleasure to each other making sure that we gave more than we took. When we finally came it was heaven to us as we climaxed in unison. We rode the wave of our lovemaking as we slowly began to come down. We clung to each other and we kissed as young lovers, we were so much in love with each other. When we finally calmed and our breathing became normal, we would just lye there starring into each other's eyes.

"You have made me so happy my love," Tom said to me. "Just when I thought that I could not be loved more, you take me to another level in our love."

"You have given my life so much meaning. I have never felt so loved and wanted as I do with you babe. You are my perfect lover Tom."

He took me by the hand to the shower, and he washed me from head to toe. He tenderly dried my body and kissed it as he dried me. We dressed and we went downstairs to get ready to leave for work. He took me in his arms, and looked into my eyes saying,

"You know it's time that you move in with me love. I want you here twenty four seven."

"Are you sure babe, because if I do eventually the guys will find out that we are living together and put one and one together."

"I don't give a fuck about those guys babe. All I care about is you. I want us to be a couple forever love. I don't care if anyone finds out that I'm gay unless you do," he says.

"I have never cared if anyone knew. My mom already knows and she is fine with it. She has been very nervous since these murders have been happening but she doesn't care if I'm gay or not."

"Well we both have this weekend off so why don't we move you in then," he says. "You can give you landlord a notice and we can start being the couple we want to be." He says as he takes me in his arms and kisses me. "Now you watch your back tonight and no brave shit babe. You call for backup before you go investigating anything, got it love," he says and kisses me again.

"I got it babe. I won't be no John Wayne," I tell him as I kiss him back. We leave in separate cars and I go to the diner. I have to stop so that I can let them see I am all right and to let them know that I am sorry about Billy. They are closed as I drive up and a sign is on the door.

Closed Today For Billy Mathews Funeral. Will reopen tomorrow.

My eyes start to tear up thinking about Billy and how much he enjoyed life. I drove to the local Dunkin Donuts and got a coffee there. I got to work and the guys were all glad to see me. They told me that they were glad that I had not been hurt worst than I had. The captain called me into his office and asked how I was doing. I told him I was fine and then he started to chew me a new asshole.

"How fucking stupid can you get, going into an apartment alone with no backup. I don't you ever to do that again, do you understand me Butler," he said. "I am assigning you a partner from now on. He is a newbie from the academy and I think the two of you will be good together."

"What's his name Captain," I asked.

"Miguel Sanchez." He said "He finished almost tops in his class I understand. Now get the fuck out of here and watch your back Butler."

"Yes sir, and thank you sir."

I went into the locker room and changed into my uniform. I noticed a few lockers over a new kid who looked Spanish.

"You Miguel," I asked.

"Si, you Andy?"

We shook hands and we talked as we finished dressing. He looked like a decent kid and we seemed to hit it off. We went off to roll call and then to our cruiser.

"You want to drive or ride," I asked.

"Don't matter to me. Why don't we switch off every so often to break up the monotony," he said.

"Sounds good to me because I hated to drive."

We made our rounds talking as we drove, getting to know each other. He was just twenty-one and had graduated last month from the academy.

"You married or dating someone," I asked.

"No fucking way am I married yet. I have a girlfriend though. She wants to get married but I am not even close to being ready. Are you married?"

"No, but I am seeing someone. We are moving in together this weekend." I told him.

"I told my girl that we should move in together but she says if we do that I would never marry her. She is probably right. Maybe you and your girl and us can go out sometime. That way the girls can compare notes and maybe my girl will move in with Me.," he tells me.

"Ah, I don't think that is such a good idea Miguel. You see my girlfriend is a boyfriend. I am gay, Miguel."

There is a long silence as Miguel looks out his window. He does not say word just stares until he finally breaks the silence.

"You are gay man. The captain never told me that." He said still looking out his window.

"Listen Miguel if it bothers you I understand, and if you want another partner I will understand that also." I tell him. "I felt that seeing how we are partners we should be open and honest with each other."

"I understand where you are coming from amigo, my brother is gay also. I have no problem with your sexuality and I do not want another partner. Does anyone else know about your sexuality?" he asks.

"Just my lover and I don't want to say who he is without getting his permission. We have been together a short time and well, he may not want it out yet."

"Don't worry Andy, my lips are sealed. If you don't want it out then that's your prerogative." He says and we shake hands. "Just do not get any ideas towards me, ok," he says with a wink.

"Ok not until you and your girl have a fight stud." I say and give him a wink back and we both laugh.

'There goes our copper tormentor my beloved, and he has a friend with him now. We will still finish him my precious don't you worry. He just got lucky that's all my beloved. Next time we shall finish what we started and he won't be so lucky will he my precious? Now lets go take care of that boy that spurned you my beloved. He won't do that to you again shall he my lover.'

We continued our rounds and talked most of the night. We really got to know one another. We took our lunch around three and went to Denny's, seeing how the diner was closed. We finished our lunch, Miguel drove back to our beat, and we resumed our rounds. As we were driving towards the waterfront, I noticed that a car was parked in a no parking area. We stopped and we walked over to the car and found it empty. This area was known for its gay activity and we decided to walk the bike path. The bike path was made by the city from and old abandoned railroad track. The city paved the path for bikers to use and people to jog or walk on. At night gays used it for hooking up with one another. We walked the path and had gotten maybe a hundred feet down the path, when we found a shoe. Had it not been a newer shoe it would not have mattered. Miguel pulled out his flashlight and started to shine it around. He found more pieces of clothing and the other shoe another ten feet from where we were standing. As we shined the light into the bushes, we saw the owner of the clothes. It was a young black man about sixteen and he was naked with his throat slit. I radioed for the CSI team and told headquarters what we had found. Miguel turned as I was talking to the station and yelled at someone fleeing away. He took off running in their direction and I told dispatch and took off after him. I was about two minutes behind Miguel and having a hard time in the overgrowth trying to keep up. I was running when all of a sudden I stumbled and fell to the ground. I got up and shined my flashlight to see what tripped me and there was Miguel lying with a knife sticking out of his chest. I felt for a pulse, he had one, and I radioed for an ambulance for an officer down. Within minutes of my first, call cruisers came and soon an ambulance. I had my hand putting pressure on the wound around the knife afraid to pull it out. The paramedics took over and took Miguel away as I gave my information to the detectives. Tom came up to me and looked very concerned about what had happened.

"What the fuck did that kid think he was doing just running off after some guy like that," he asked.

"I was calling for backup and reporting the murder when he yells out to someone to stop. Then he just bolts off in that direction," I say pointing towards the area where Miguel had been wounded. "I then took of after him and with the overgrowth and darkness I lost track of him until I tripped over him."

"Lucky for him that you tripped over him or he could be lost until daylight with all that overgrowth." Tom says. "I am just glad that you are ok Andy." He says putting his hand on my shoulder. Jim looks at him and gives a puzzled look as he lights another of his smelly cigars. Tom tells me that I can leave and I drive to the hospital. Miguel is in the operating room and we be for some time. His mother and girlfriend are sitting in the waiting room and I introduce myself to them. I explain what happened to his girlfriend and she explains in Spanish to his mama. We are talking for a while when the doctor comes out. He explains that Miguel was lucky, that he had a punctured lung, and that the knife had missed his heart by just a fraction of an inch. He was in recovery and that we could see him shortly but only for a few minutes. He told me that an officer had taken the knife for processing and that the officer's name was Sam Watson. I radioed to headquarters and asked if we had an officer named Sam Watson on the force. A few minutes later, the dispatcher told me that no one of that name was on the force. I told the dispatcher to send a guard to watch over Miguel and what had happened with the knife. I could tell that all hell was breaking loose back at headquarters. I found the doctor and he gave me a description of the so-called officer. I asked how long had it been since he had taken the knife and he said about a half hour. I bolted from the hospital and radioed the description of the false police officer. I drove all the possible routes he could have taken but with no luck.

'We got lucky my precious we did. That doctor he does not know no he doesn't that we are not police no he don't. Don't worry my beloved, my precious. We shall finish that copper we will. He maybe got lucky he did but we will get him next time we will my beloved. We must get home now my lovely my beloved before they catch us they try. I will get us home safe my beloved and I will come back and finish him I will.'

'This guy seems to be able to vanish into thin air. Where the fuck can he be hiding that he can come and go so quickly,' I think to myself. 'He is going to fuck up one of these times and I am going to be there to get him. I am going to catch him if it is the last thing I do and I will do it for you dad and for you Billy,' I say to myself. I continue driving around until I decide it is time to head back to the precinct. I brief the captain on the night's activities and he is less than thrilled.

"What the fuck is it with you fucking rookies," he asks. "I can't understand why you got to be heroes. Just do it by the book is all I ask. That is all I ask, do it by the book," he says as he walks into his office and slams the door. I go into the locker room and go to my locker. A couple of guys ask me how Miguel is doing and I tell them. Tom is in the showers already and Jim is standing with a towel around him at his locker.

"Hey hotshot, you and Tom got something going," he asks me.

"What the fuck you talking about asshole," I shoot back at him.

"I see the way you two touchy feely each other and the way you both look at each other when you think no one is looking. What are you a couple of fags," he asks.

"And do you have a problem with that fuck wad," Tom says coming up behind Jim from the showers.

"Ah . yeah I do," he says whipping around; shocked that Tom was behind him.

"Want to take it to the captain then," Tom asks him. "Or do you want to take it outside and settle it like a man."

"Hey Tom no need for that shit. We have been buds for years man. If you and twinkle toes want to fudge pack that's your business," he says with a smirk. Tom just hauls off and decks him setting him flying across the locker room. His towel falls off and he is exposed to all the guys that have now gathered to see what the fuck the commotion is about. They are laughing at Jim, as he lies there naked on the floor. The captain comes in and he surveys the situation.

"What the fuck is going on in here," he wants to know.

"Well it seems that Jim here doesn't like the fact that Andy and Tom are gay lovers." Marty says to the captain. "He got in Tom's face and made some pretty ugly remarks and Tom just laid him out." He added.

"That right Tom," the captain says looking shocked from me then to Tom.

"Yep that's right Dan. Anybody else have a problem with us being a couple they can come to me and I will tell them how it's going to be also." Tom says putting his arm around me.

"Tom calm down, why don't you two come in my office and we can talk," he says starting to walk away and then stops and turns. "But get dressed first, ok." The room erupts with laughter as we walk back to our locker and get dressed. A lot of the guys come by and tell us that it took a lot of balls to admit what we did, and that they had no problem with it at all. They shook our hands and even thanked Tom for decking Jim. Not many guys liked Jim or his mouth. We went in to see the captain and we got things straightened out. He told us that the law protected us from discrimination at work and that if Jim or anyone else gave us any shit about our sexuality to let him know. He wished us luck and said that we had a lot of balls to be outing in a police brotherhood. I told him how many of the guys had told us that they had no problem with us and he said saying it and showing it are to different things. Tom told him that the guys are a decent bunch and that when push came to shove he trusted them to watch his back. We left shortly after ten and Jim was waiting to go in to see the captain. Tom and Jim exchanged hard glances as they passed each other on our way out. We got back to Tom's place and I showered as Tom made us something to eat.

"I am so sorry Tom for what happened this morning," I told Tom with my arms around him. "I never wanted to come between you and your friends babe."

"Listen Andy, if they can't except that we are a couple then they are not no friend of mine." He says and he kisses me.

"I love you Tom and I just didn't want to hurt you," I tell him as I start to cry.

"Babe, listen to me please. You are my world now. I am forty-eight years old and all of those years have been alone for me. I have lived my life in the closet until you came into it. I was always afraid to love until you taught me to love. I watched you grow up babe. I was there when you were born, do you know how hard this was for me to fall in love with you when I saw you born," he asks. "I took a big step for me to allow myself to fall for you. Your dad and I were best friends and he would kill me if he knew I was having sex with you."

"That might be Tom, but he is not here, and I can't help but think that he would understand. He knew I was gay and his only concern was that I be happy. You make me happy Tom and I will not give you up for nothing or no one." I tell him and kiss him hard and lustfully. We ended our morning making passionate love to each other. We held each other close as we fell asleep. I awoke to the sound of stairs creaking and I rustled Tom from his sleep.

"Someone is on the stairs Tom," I whispered as I got out of bed. He grabbed his forty-five from the nightstand and we waited in the room for the perpetrator to show himself. The bedroom door was closed and the doorknob slowly turned. Tom was kneeling behind his side of the bed and I was standing in the bathroom doorway. The room was dimly lit because of room darkening shades. The door slowly opened and a hand with a gun appeared. As the door opened more fully several shots went off from the intruders gun. Then Tom fired his gun several times, as I called 911. The operator could here the gunshots and I told her who I was and what was happening. When the last of Tom's shots went off, I called to him as I heard a thud hitting the floor.

"I'm all right," shouted Tom. "I think I got him Andy."

"I call the police Tom stay where you are babe. You sure you aren't hit babe," I was asking him as I heard the sirens of the police cars.

"I fine love just stay where you are until the police get here." The police came in and shouted for us to put down all weapons and to come out with our hands up. We explained who we were and they still insisted on us coming out with our hands up. They were in the hall and the intruder they said was dead. I grabbed my robe on the back on the door and threw Tom his. We came out of the room with our hands up and the cop instantly recognized Tom.

"What the fuck happened Tom," the officer was asking him.

"We were sleeping and were awaken by the noise of the stairs creaking. I grabbed my forty-five and got down on the side of the bed. My friend here went into the bathroom and called 911. Then who ever that is started to shoot into the room and I started to shoot back. I heard a thud hit the floor and we waited until you got here before we moved."

"Do you know this guy Tom," the officer asked. Tom walked over and turned the hall light on and the sound of his gasping could be heard.

"Andy, my fucking word, it's Jim." Tom was as white as a ghost was. "He was my partner, Carl." He told the officer.

"Oh fuck what happened Tom. The shit is going to hit the fan now," Carl said. "Bad blood between you two?"

"You might say that. We had a fight today about Andy here and me. We are lovers and Jim was not too happy with that. We had words and then I decked him in front of some of the guys. He later got his ass chewed out by the captain. God, Jim why the fuck you have to do this man?" Tom broke down and started crying and I took him in my arms. I held him tightly as I consoled him while the officers watched. They had a bizarre look on their face but neither said a word. After a bit, Tom came around and he said to Carl.

"Call my captain and have him come over." Carl got a hold of the captain and he was there within twenty minutes. He came in, as the crime team was finishing up with there processing of the scene.

"Tom, Andy what the fuck went on this morning?" He wanted to know. "Jim, I fucking can't believe it." He was saying shaking his head. We went downstairs and I made coffee as Carl took our formal statements. Jim had gotten in by jimmying the side door. His service revolver was what he had fired at us. He had aimed at the head of the bed and that is why he missed Tom kneeling at the bottom. The captain put us on paid leave pending an investigation. We both were badly shaken but Tom was the worst. After about three hours, everyone was gone.

"Tom I think that we made a big mistake falling in love with each other," I told him. "Look at the pain and misery I have caused you babe. I am so sorry for what I have done to you and I will be taking my things and going home later." I got up and started for the bedroom to get dressed. Tom ran after me, grabbed my arm, and spun me around.

"You are not going anywhere Andrew Butler. I love you and you have done nothing to me but love me. We cannot help what others think or feel. I have never felt so loved and alive as I have the last few weeks since you have been in my life. I watched you grow up and I loved you as I would my own child. However, you showed me how to love in a capacity I never knew possible. If you walk out that door babe I walk out with you." He stood there and just looked into my eyes and I melted.

"That's not fair babe."

"What's not fair?"

"When you look at me like that. You look like you can see right into my heart babe. That is where I keep you and I can't say no to you when you look at me with those eyes."

"Well I guess that means you are staying then."

"I guess it does," and we kiss to seal our agreement. We talk about selling the house and getting a place that is our place. He is telling me how much he loves me when his cell phone rings. It's the captain and he wants us both in to headquarters as soon as possible.

"But what about the leave Captain," Tom asks.

"Forget it, this is more important," he says and hangs up. We get to his office in thirty-five minutes and went straight to his office.

"Tom, Andy have a seat." He says with a look of pain on his face.

"What's the matter captain," Tom asks.

"It's Miguel. The killer got into his room and killed him." He said. "During the night when the guards changed. Its seems the murderer had on your uniform and he posed as a police officer and he relieved a rookie that was on duty. He had no way of knowing he wasn't a real officer. When the nurse made her rounds at four and there was no officer, she went in and found Miguel with his throat slit. He was naked like the rest of the victims. Everything was there but his underwear."

"He wasn't even gay, captain." I told him.

"The killer probably figured he could have identified him."

"Fuck when is this going to stop." I yelled out. "There has got to be something we are overlooking."

"That's why I am putting you two together. I know it's not by protocol, but with two dead and a few out sick with the flu, I need every man I can get."

"Tom and I, Captain, you sure," I ask. "Won't that raise a few eyebrows around the station?"

"Let me worry about that. The fucking mayor is on my ass to catch this guy or guys. We should have the blood results back tomorrow and hopefully, they will tell us something. Now get out there and be fucking careful, you here."

We left the captain's office and went to the locker room. Some of the guys gave us a strange look. The talking that was going on when we entered had ceased as soon as they saw us.

"Ok guys," Tom said, "lets get this over with and out in the open, ok."

Mickey Banks a long time officer came over and said to Tom.

"We hear that Jim busted in to your place and started shooting at you guys, is that true."

"Yeah Mickey he did. We were sleeping and Andy heard the stairs creak and woke me. I grabbed my forty-five and got down by the end of the bed. Andy went into the bathroom and called 911. Jim opened the door and started shooting at the bed. I shot back hitting him several times and killing him."

"What do you mean Andy woke you. You two were in the same bed together." He asked.

"Yeah Mickey we were. We are gay Mickey."

"Oh fuck Tom I hadn't heard that one yet. I have been off a few days. Fuck, you and Andy are boyfriends?"

"Yeah Mickey why, is that a problem."

"Not to me it ain't, but it must have been to Jim." He says as he walks away. "Fuck, Tom gay, I would have never guessed that one. Nice catch Andy."

"Thanks Mickey, I think so." We finished telling the guys the rest of the story and cleared the air. We headed to roll call and then out to the streets.

"I want to go back to that apartment that I heard the voices at Tom. You know the night Billy was killed." I told Tom.

"I don't think it a good idea Andy, not just the two of us. Let me call the captain and get his opinion, ok."

Tom called the captain on his cell phone and told him what we wanted to do. The captain told to wait while he sent us some back up and then we could go for it. He said he would get us a search warrant to cover our asses also. We waited outside for fifteen minutes until the backup arrived.

'Hurry my precious the coppers are coming for us my beloved. They must not find us they must not my love. I will save us my dearest beloved. That tormentor is leading them that we almost got my lovely. Hurry now precious before they find us love.'

I lead them to the second floor and to the back apartment. I knock several times and listen for some voices. When no one answers, we bust down the door and the place explodes into a million pieces. Smoke and fire is everywhere and bodies lay strewn amongst the broken walls and door.

"Tom can you hear me? Tom please, answer me." I say as I come to my senses.

To be continued

Sorry guys here we go again. Tell me about it at

Next: Chapter 3

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