Officer Andy

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 29, 2008


Officer Andy By Chapter 1

The figure slowly walked from the alley. He stayed to the shadows where his form could not be seen. He wanted to get as far from here as he could for he was scared of being exposed by the bright lights of downtown. A car was coming at him and he ducked into a dark doorway until it passed.

'To close for comfort that time we think,' he said to himself. 'We must be more careful or we shall be caught." He told himself.

He slowly escaped the bright lights and made his way to the darker, seedier parts of the city.

'We is almost home now my beloved,' he said aloud as he stole another block undetected. 'One more building and we are home my dear one,' he says to himself.

Across town at a cafe, I sat drinking a coffee. It was my lunch hour and I loved this place. Billy, the night waiter was talking to me as he did every night that I came in. My name is Andy Butler. I am a city cop and one of a long line of cops in my family line. My grandfather and father had both been police officers and my dad had been killed in the line of duty just last year. I finished my coffee, gave Billy a five spot, and told him to keep the change. I left and drove back to my beat and started to make my rounds. Suddenly, my attention was drawn to broken fence gate by an adult bookstore.

'That is strange,' I thought. 'That gate is always shut and locked.'

I got out of my car and proceeded towards the alley with the broken gate. I took my flashlight out and shown it down the alley. I was shining it around when the light caught a bare foot sticking out from the side of a dumpster. I drew my revolver and proceeded with caution towards where the light shown. When I got near the side of the dumpster, I saw the body of a young man. He was naked and his throat had been slit with a knife. Blood oozed from the wound, and his eyes were still open and fear shown in them as I felt for a pulse.

"Shit, nothing," I said aloud. "Another fucking gay murder, that is the tenth one this month," I said with anger in my voice.

I called on my radio for backup and told the dispatcher what had happened. Within minutes, cruisers came from all different directions descending upon the crime scene. I told the detectives exactly what I found upon arriving at the scene. The C.S.I. team gathered the clothes of the dead man and noticed that no underwear was to be found as they processed the crime scene.

"Hey Tom, this gotta be another one of that asshole's murders," Detective Jim Branson said. "No fucking underwear just like the other ten fags."

"Show some respect for the dead Jim, will ya," Tom said. Detective Tom Sullivan was more sensitive than his partner Jim was.

"Oh fuck Tom, he's dead for Christ sake," Jim says. "Besides it's another fag off the street," he says lighting a cigar.

"I don't care Jim, he is still somebody's son," Tom says.

"Your to fucking sensitive for this line of work," Jim retorts. "You should have been a preacher or something."

"If you don't need me detective I'm going to finish my rounds," I said to Tom. I do not like Jim and Jim does not care much for me. Tom always had shown me respect and I liked that.

"Nah we're good kid, take off." Tom said. "Andy, you be careful out there, you here."

"Always Tom, always, and thanks."

I get in my car and leave the bright lights of downtown and head uptown to the area known as the ghetto. People here are just shadows in doorways. People without faces I always say; just different shapes and sizes, but no faces.

'There goes that nasty copper my beloved. They must have found your tormentor,' he says. 'He is looking for us beloved, but he will not find us we thinks. We will get him to my beloved just wait my pet we will get him too.' He says with an evil chuckle.

I look at the clock on the dash and it is six thirty-nine. I decide to head back towards the station to call it a night, thankful that it is over.

"I wonder if those guys will ever catch that fucker that is killing all those young men," i say aloud to no one but myself. "If anyone does I hope it is Tom and not that asshole Jim."

I park my cruiser in the police yard and walk into the station. I walk past the desk sergeant who looks up from his work and says.

"Nice work tonight Andy." He says. "Keep that shit up and you will be a detective yourself soon."

"Not me Sarge," I say with a smile. "I like the streets."

I head to the locker room and change out of my uniform, stripping down naked. I grab a towel from the bag I pull from my locker and head to the showers. I turn on the furthest showerhead and stand beneath the hot spray. I am under the spray about ten minutes when Tom comes in to shower.

"Nice work tonight Andy," Tom says to me giving me a brief once over with his eyes.

"Thanks Tom, I appreciate you noticing my work," I tell him and smile. I am nervous with this much-respected detective and I drop my soap in front of Tom. I quickly stoop down to retrieve it and come cock to eye with Tom's big cock. I pause for a moment longer than I should and Tom notices it.

"Find everything you were looking for son," Tom asks me as I quickly get up.

"Yeah . sorry . Tom," I stammer and my face turns crimson.

"What's the matter son, water to hot? Your face is a little red kid," as Tom softly laughs. "Maybe saw something more than the soap you wanted," he asks to me.

"Err . I . guess .. Tom," I say and I brighten even more.

"Why don't we ." Tom is interrupted as Jim comes in to shower. "See you later Tom," I say and I hurry from the room.

I quickly dry off and dress and I am out of the locker room in a flash. I cannot believe that I had been caught looking at Tom's big cock. I get in my car and turn the key and nothing.

"Fuck, not now of all times," I say angrily. I try it again and still the car will not start. I knew the battery was shot but I had hoped to get one more week until payday out of it. I lean my head against the steering wheel and there is a tap on the window. I jump as I look up and see Tom standing at the window. I open the door and Tom says.

"Car trouble kid," Tom said.

"Yeah, the battery finally died." I said. "I need to go get a new one."

"Come on kid, I'll take ya."

I lock up my car and get in with Tom. I am still a bit nervous from the shower and I am hoping that Tom has forgotten about it.

"You sure it is the battery," Tom asks.

"Yeah, the guy at my garage told me it was shot and that I needed a new one. I was just hoping that this one would make it until pay day." He said.

"If your short on dough I can lend you some," Tom says. "I am sure we can work out some kind of repayment plan," he says and he pats my thigh.

"I guess I might have to borrow some until payday Tom. I am short this week with rent and my car payment that I paid." He says.

"No problem Andy, we've all been there from time to time." He says to me. "Besides, like I said we can work out a payment plan that we can both agree with." He says and gives me a wink.

Tom takes me to the local Wal-Mart and we pick up a battery. He pays the cashier and we drive back to my car and replace the old one.

"Bring the old one back with the sale slip and the store will give you five bucks back." He tells me.

"Thanks Tom, I really appreciate you helping me out like this. I will repay you on Friday when we get paid, if that's alright," I ask him.

"Well why don't we go back to my place and have a beer and we can work out a repayment plan." He says. "You got any place to be?"

"No just going home to bed." I tell him.

I follow Tom to his place and man am I surprised to see it. He has a big two story English Tudor with a three car garage. When I get inside, I am more surprised, by the interior. It has been decorated superbly and equal to something in house and garden magazine.

"Did you do all this yourself Tom," I ask him.

"Do what kid," he says.

"The decorating, furniture, and stuff."

"Nah, not me. I can't even pick out a bottle of mouthwash, never mind this shit," he says laughing. "My sister did all this shit for me, she does it for a living," he tells me.

He grabs two beers from the fridge and we head to his den. It is nicely done in dark cherry paneling with rich brown leather furniture. One wall is all shelves and filled with books.

"Did you read all those?"

"Yeah and if you tell anyone I will kick your ass," he warns me. "Don't like people knowing I have an education."

"Why Tom? There is nothing wrong with being smart."

"People don't like smart cops, especially other cops." He says. "It makes them look stupid." He says taking a long draw off his beer. "Now lets talk about that repayment plan." He says and pats my leg. "I am sure we can find a mutual agreement kid."

"Ah . what . did you have in mind, Tom" I stammered knowing exactly what he had in mind.

He pulled me into him and kissed me hard and then pushed me away and said.

"You got any objections to us having a little sex kid," he asks.

"Not with you Tom, I don't." I tell and lean back in and kiss him back.

He gets to his feet, pulls me up, and grabs my hand.

"Let's go to my room, kid."

He leads me holding my hand to his bedroom. My heart is pounding and I wonder if he can hear it. I have always admired this man for his fairness and the respect he showed to others. He had always been willing to help me out when I first started on the force. He and my dad had been partners when they first started on the force many years ago. Although Tom was in his late forties he still had a great body and good looks. He worked out daily and watched what he ate and it showed. I could not believe that I was going to bed with the man that my dad had been a best friend with. We slowly undressed and he watched my every move as I removed my clothes.

"You look so much like you dad, kid. You know I miss that guy a lot." He says to me and his eyes get glossy. "I don't know if I should tell you this or not; but I blew your dad one time." He said.

"My dad, no way." I told him.

"Yeah, just once and we never talked about it or did it ever again after that." He said a bit melancholy. "It was when your mom was pregnant with you and was having problems with the pregnancy. Your dad and I were patrolling and he seemed a bit irritable. I asked him what the fuck was bothering him; he told me that he was just horny from having no sex. I asked him how long had it been and he told me two months. Fuck I told him how could you go that long without sex. He said it was not to bad at first but now his nuts felt like they were going to explode. We drove around on our beat for a while and at lunchtime I asked him were he wanted to eat. He told me that he would drop me off at the diner and he was going to find a place where he could jerk off. Seeing how I was driving, I drove us to this old abandon warehouse down by the waterfront. He says what the fuck we doing here Tom to me and I told him to get out of the car. For what he asks and I told him that he was not going to jerk off alone and be caught by someone, so I was going to stand lookout for him. We both laughed our asses off as we got out of the car. We walked behind the building and found a secluded alcove. Your dad undid his pants, dropped them, pulled his boxers down, and started to jerk off. I stood there and just stared at the size of his cock. He looks up at me and says, what the fuck man you going to watch me or what. I just walked over to him, knelt down before him, took his cock in my mouth, and gave him the best fucking blowjob he ever had. After he came, he pulled up his pants, looked my square in the eyes with his hand on my shoulder, and said.

"Thanks Tom, only a true friend would have done that," as he gave me a quick kiss on the lips and walked off. We never spoke about that night ever again. We were so close after that and he always showed me the greatest respect." His eyes now are tearing and they are running down his cheeks. I walk over to him and we embrace as I look deep into his eyes and we kiss. It is a sweet kiss, passionate and tender as the man I am holding. He took me to the bed and gently laid me down.

"I am sorry Andy, I shouldn't be doing this with you." He said as started to cry. "I am old enough to be your father and," he stopped as he started to cry even harder.

I just held him and let him cry, gently playing with his hair. When he finally got control of himself, he looked into my eyes and I said.

"Tom its ok buddy. You and dad were best buds and now we can be best friends. The age does not matter to me guy. My dad was all man and had he not had my mom I think you two would have grown to be lovers. Lets just see where this takes us my friend and lets not look at our age difference, ok." I tell him as I kiss him so passionately. He breaks our kiss and he turns me away from him and spoons me to him and we fall asleep with his arm across my chest holding my hand and my head resting on his other arm. As I lay there before sleep, I am thinking of this man that is so tenderly and passionately holding me. I can even picture in my mind that scene when the love Tom had for my dad had led him to expose himself to him in a way that made him most vulnerable and my dad excepted that love from his best friend. My heart was singing love songs for Tom and I knew what my dad must have felt. Even though my dad was too much of a man to hurt my mom with Tom, my dad must have had a love for this man. He had always had Tom at every family get together and holiday. My dad was always with him even on his days off. Even though they never had sex after that one time, my dad had a love for Tom. I saw it in his eyes when he looked at Tom even though I was to young then to recognize the look. I know now what that look was because Tom had it also for my dad. I remember mom telling me once how see never worried about dad because she knew that Tom was with him and that Tom would watch over him. I think that she knew in her own way, how much dad meant to Tom. I fell asleep secure in this man's arms as secure as my dad had been with him.

I awoke around six that evening, and Tom was still snuggled against me. I could feel his cock pressing tight against the small of my back. I rubbed back against it and I could here him start to moan. I turned and he was just looking at me.

"Trying to start something kid," he said. "I thought that we decided that we were not going to do this."

"You decided," I said and I gave him a quick kiss. "I decided I want to be with the man that loved my dad so much and now he is going to love his son," and I give him a kiss that was so passionate it left no doubt as to where I stood on the matter. He took me in his arms, embraced me, and kissed me hard and long with our tongues doing the dance of love. I pushed him over as I climbed on top and I started to kiss my way down him. The twilight of the sun had cast a softness on Tom and he glowed in a soft golden tone. I kissed and caressed his nipple as my fingers enticed the other. He moaned in pleasure as I teased him knowing, that it had been a long time since he had been pleased. I wanted nothing more than to satisfy this man and take him to places he has never been. I slowly kissed my way to his manhood and I drank in the aroma of his scent. It was the scent of a mans man, and it intoxicated me as I drank it like an expensive wine. I lifted his manhood and admired its beauty, how wonderfully made I thought. I extended my tongue, licked around the base of its head, and then took it into my mouth. He arched his back in pleasure and let out a moan so deep. I slowly slid down his love tool until once again I was inhaling his scent. My heart did leap with excitement from the pleasure I was giving to him. His hands found my head and he played with my hair as I slowly made love to his tool. I could feel his excitement rising as his cock began to swell. I pulled off because I wanted this to last as long as I could. I slowly kissed my way back up to his lips and we joined at our lips as one. Our tongues did their dance of love and our hearts kept time to the dance. I got up and I move down, sat on his stomach, and grabbed some lube from the stand. I applied some to my ass and to his cock and then I slowly slid down his cock. When I was fully impaled, I started to make love to this man who was watching me with tears in his eyes. Was he thinking of dad or was he thinking of me, I really did not care for I was falling in love with this man. I found us a rhythm and we made love as our hands held on to each other. His hips would rise up to meet my down thrust and his eyes never left my gaze. He had the look of a man in love in his eyes and his hands never once let me go. If ever two people could be one it was, our love and us then just flowed through our eyes. When we both climaxed, there such an explosion of passion that the world has never known, we shouted in ecstasy as our senses filled to capacity. We tightly embraced and we kissed for what seemed an eternity as our hearts beat as one. When we had finally calmed down from our love making, we just lye there gazing into each other's eyes and smiling.

"I should not have allowed this Andy." He says to me "Because now I have fallen in love with my best friends son. I feel that I have betrayed our friendship we had together your dad and I."

"Tom, had my dad been alive I would not be lying here with you. I know how much you loved him and I too have fallen in love with you. I know that you feel our age is all wrong. However, I don't care about age Tom. All I know is that I have never felt this way with another man and I love you Tom."

"I do love you Andy also and you really don't mind that I have so many years on you? I will never cheat on you or treat you as a kid. I cannot be as sexually active as you can because of my age but there are pills that can help me there. What will your mom and our friends say? Are you out or not?" He asks with so much excitement.

"Mom will be fine love, calm down. As for others, fuck them. No Tom, I am not in or out so to speak. I do not deny it if asked but I do not go around announcing it either. Why don't we take it a day at a time and just let love takes its course, ok love."

We get up, we showered, we both have sex again in the shower, and then I went home after, much to Tom's dismay. He had wanted me to stay but I told him that I still had an apartment and that I needed clean clothes for work tonight. I drove home thinking about what had just happened today and it put a smile on my face. I stopped at my favorite diner and got a coffee to go.

"What is up with you tonight Andy," Billy asks me.

"What do you mean?"

"You look different somehow. Almost like, I don't know, like your in love or something." He says a bit bewildered.

"Yeah that's it, I am in love Billy and I could scream it from the roof tops," I shout and the few customers look at me and clap.

"Who's the lucky person Andy?" He asks a bit disappointed

"A secret kid, a secret. Cops don't reveal their love interests." I tell him and smile giving him a wink. I leave and go home and change into my uniform for work. I look out the window at the night and wonder what shit will happen tonight.

'Hurry my beloved, hurry before we is caught my love. Another tormentor is gone my precious, no more to cause you such pain my love.'

He scampers from shadow to shadow has he makes his way back through the bright lights of downtown, back to the safety of his lair. He is worried that someone might see him as he scurries to get home to his hole.

'We are almost there my beloved. One more block and we are home my love. Did he hurt you my precious that hateful boy. He tried to hurt my beloved he did. There my lover we are home and safe me dear. I will take care of you my beloved and heart.'

I enter the police locker room and Tom is standing at his locker talking to Jim. When he sees me, he smiles and gives me a wink. I go to my locker, open it, and start to undress. Tom finishes his conversation with Jim; he comes over and sits on the bench beside me.

"Hey babe," he whispers to me. "You be careful tonight."

"Always am, always am." I tell him.

"Thanks for today Andy. It meant so much to me and you made me feel so alive again."

"You made me feel loved my friend. I will see you at your place after work tomorrow, ok babe."

"You better. Later then." He gets up and Jim gives us one of his suspicious looks. He has the kind of mind that everyone is up to something and he needs to know what it is. I finish dressing, I head to roll call, and we get our briefing and instructions for the night. As I head to my cruiser I see Tom and Jim talking and Jim is looking in my direction. I can only imagine what he is asking Tom about. I head out on my rounds and it is the same old shit. The homeless are looking for a safe place to sleep, while the hookers are looking for a john. The night goes as usual and I grab my lunch around three. I head to the diner and Billy is still there.

"Don't you ever go home," I say as I take a seat. "It seems that you are always here when I come in bud."

"He got the hots for you officer," a regular calls out from a booth and Billy's face goes red.

"Don't listen to that old drunk," Billy says still red. "I have nothing better to do anyways. You want your usual Andy?"

"No, I think I will have a BLT instead tonight and a side of Coleslaw."

"You don't want the Coleslaw," he says. "The potato salad is fresh and the slaw is two days old."

"Thanks kid, potato salad is fine then."

I eat my lunch and then tell Billy to go home. He says he is going to call a cab and I ask him where he lives. He tells me and I tell him that it is on my beat and that I will give him a ride.

"Can't you get in trouble for that," he asks me.

"Only if I get caught kid." I tell him.

I give him a ride and when we get to his building, I tell him that he needs to get a better place to live.

"This is all I can afford Andy." He tells me. "Besides no one bothers me and I have nothing to steal."

"Still with all the murders lately I would feel better knowing you weren't out in this neighborhood kid."

"Thanks love but I am careful. Thanks for the ride love, see ya tomorrow night." As he starts to get out, he leans over and gives me a kiss on the lips. It is a brief one but to him it means so much more.

"The drunk was right Andy, I do have the hots for you," and he jumps out of the car and goes into his building.

I am continuing my rounds when I see old Albert. He is one of the local homeless people and he is waving at me. I pull over and get out of my cruiser.

"Hey Albert what's up with you tonight," I asked him.

"Officer Andy. quick .boy," he says all excited.

'Oh shit not another one,' I thought to myself.

"Where Albert, where is he."

"Back there in the alley next to some trash Andy," he says and starts to leave. I grab his sleeve and have him lead me. He takes me between these two building and there in a pile of cardboard and trash is the naked body of a young man. He is barely eighteen and covered in blood. His throat is slit and his eyes wide open and that same look of fear in them. I radio headquarters and report the murder. I have all I can do to keep Albert with me until the detectives and the CSI team arrives. They close the alley and begin their investigation. Albert is beside himself and needs a drink very bad. After they talk to him and tell him that he can go, I slip him a five and his face lights up.

"Your one of the good ones officer Andy," he says as he scurries off to the local liquor store.

Tom is busy as he processes the scene and Jim is sucking away on his cigar. Tom gives me a glance but he is too busy to talk and I just give him a smile. I start to leave and Jim yells to me and wants to know where I am going.

"You haven't been cleared to go yet," he yells at me. "Just cool your fucking heels kid until I tell you to leave."

"You can go Andy, we have all we need from you." Tom says and gives Jim a stern look. "He's one of us Jim, why the fuck you got to talk to people like that for."

"Fuck, he's one of us. He is nothing but some beat patrol," he says.

"You forget what it felt like to be a patrolman, Jim, or are you just a fucking asshole by nature." Tom says and walks away from him.

I get back in my cruiser and finish my patrol. 'Why are all these murders on my beat,' I ask myself. 'There has to be a common denominator that we are over looking. I'll run it by Tom later and see what he thinks.'

I finish my patrol and head back to the station. It is almost seven and I still have my paper work to do and probably won't get out until nine. I had just finished my paper work and was heading to the locker room, when Jim cornered me.

"Next time I tell you something you listen, got it." He says to me with his face inches from mine. "Or I will have your badge shit head," and he walks away.

"Hey you already had everything you needed from me and I still had to do the rest of my patrol, dick wad."

"What the fuck you call me ass wipe."

"You heard me dick wad."

His face went red with anger and as he started to take a swing at me. Just as his arm came back, Tom grabbed it and spun him around.

"You got a fucking problem too, asshole," he says to Tom getting in his face.

"Yeah I do and I am looking at it. Now hit the showers or you will see how I deal with my problem scumbag. No move it." He tells Jim and Jim moves away in fear.

"Come babe, we can shower at home."

"Sounds go love, let me grab my clothes."

I grab my clothes and we head off to Tom's house. We stop at the diner and grab a bite to eat first before going home. We get home, we shower, and then we hit the bed.

"You are all I could think about last night babe," Tom says to me as he takes me in his arms. "I have fallen in love with you kid and God I can't seem to think of anything else but you," and he kisses me soft and passionately. His eyes are blue and the color of ice and they dance when the light hits them just right. Each time he looks at me is like the first time seeing me. He just stares and is in awe that someone like me could love him and he is just taken back by it. We kiss and the taste of his lips is like honey to my lips. I devour them and my tongue awaits his in anticipation of the dance of love between the two. To be loved by one of this generation is to be loved by a man who is experienced in the art of love. He takes his time to make love to be sure that he brings you along with him. He takes pleasure in knowing that your pleasures are being fulfilled. He knows the right places to touch and to kiss as he takes you to new heights in your passions. He does not consider his own needs and passions for his is only to please. My man is my passion and he my heart as he brings me to places I have never been before in love. I love take him along with me. His face is an old friend and he is filled with love for me and I for him. Our lovemaking is fulfilling as we move towards our orgasms and we explode into realms of ecstasy as new as each day is. We embrace in each other's arms and cling to one another as we ride the tide of our lovemaking. When we finally come down, we are so wiped out and overjoyed that we spoon together and fall asleep.

I wake up first and I snuggle in closer. I love to feel the warmth and the soft hair of his chest against my back. He is strength and security to me, but most of all he is my lover man. Some may ask how I could fall in love with a man old enough to be my father. I do not see him as an old man. I see a man that is a teacher of love. He has so much experience in the art of love and he is willing to share it and to teach it to me. I have learned to love in so many ways and make love in just as many. He takes me along with him as he seeks out his pleasures and does not leave me along the way to fend for myself. He is patient with me as I learn loves ways and he never tells me I did it wrong. I am rambling to myself so I must get back to my senses as I turn to look into his eyes.

"Good morning my lover," I tell him.

"Good morning babe." He says with a kiss. To be kissed by this man is like winning a million dollars, his kisses are that good. "This still feels strange to wake up beside you babe. I can't help but think of your dad and what he would have thought of this."

"Well he probably would not have approved love. But then again we would not be here if he were alive, would we," I ask him and I give him a hard horny kiss.

"Are you starting something kid you may regret," he asks.

"With you I never regret," and I crawl down to his cock. I take his cock into my mouth and I quickly swallow it until I am inhaling his scent from his bush. He moans and groans in pleasure as I suck on his cock. It does not take him long until he shoots his load deep into my throat. He doesn't shoot much but enough as he pumps into my mouth. As he softens, he pulls me to him, kisses me, and takes my tongue into his mouth tasting his own cum. He flips me onto my back and goes down on my cock and he swallows it as I did to his. I lay there thinking how good he is at doing this as he slowly goes up and down my cock. He likes to place a finger in my ass as he sucks me and my back always arches when he does that. He always finds my prostate and within minutes, I am shooting my seed deep down his throat. He takes every drop not loosing even one. After, he always looks at me and smiles, telling me how good I taste. Then we kiss, and oh what a kiss. The kiss is always as loves first kiss, tender, sweet, and filled with promise.

After our morning wake up session, we shower and get dressed. I make us a nice breakfast and we grab our coffee and head to the den to talk.

"Tom, why are all the murders on my beat." I ask him.

"I never thought of that, but your right they are."

"I was thinking of that last night. All twelve have been on my beat and within a three block area."

"I knew they were close to each other but I guess I never gave it much thought that it was on your beat. Well that even more reason for you to be careful my love. I don't want to loose you like I did your dad."

"Have you ever wondered if the same guy that killed my dad maybe killed these guys," I asked him. "They never did catch my dad's killer."

"The thought crossed my mind awhile back until the dead kids started to be all gay. Your dad was not gay." He said.

"I know that but what if dad stumbled onto something."

"Besides your dad's body wasn't found naked either, even though his throat had been slit."

"I can't help thinking that somehow they are connected Tom, I just can't put my finger on it."

We both got dressed and we headed to work. I gave him a passionate kiss to hold him over to tomorrow and I headed off to the diner for my coffee. I walked in, Lois was there, and she did not look any to happy.

"Hey Lois, where is Billy tonight," I asked her.

"Your guess is as good as mine," she said. "He never came in and he didn't bother to call." She added. "What can I get you?"

"A large coffee black to go," I told her. I paid her and left for the precinct. Billy was on the back of my mind and this was so not like him. I entered the station and Jim gave me a dirty look as he passed me. Tom looked at me and said.

"What's the matter Andy, you look down."

"It's Billy at the diner. He didn't show up for work tonight and he didn't call out either. I think I will swing by after I get out on the road later."

"Keep your head up and eyes open. I do not have a good feeling about tonight love. Just be careful, ok."

"Always careful, but tonight more so for you babe." I tell him and give him a wink.

After roll call, I head over to Billy's place. I don't know where he actually lives. I know the building but I haven't a clue as to the apartment or floor. It is a six story tenement and in much need of repair. Trash is everywhere and vagrants are leaning against the building holding their drinks in paper bags.

I ask a few of the more sober ones if they know Billy and they tell me no. I am looking at the building deciding if I should go in. Maybe he got lucky, I tell myself and I should mind my own business. But then again, I have been a police officer for two years now and he has never missed a day at the diner.

'My precious a copper, my beloved, he is looking for us my love. We must hide my beloved or he will find us. Let us go out the back way. No, we can't my love. The stairs are missing precious. I shall get the silencer my beloved, that will stop him from tormenting you my love.'

I decide to go upstairs and if I have to knock on all the doors until I find Billy's apartment I will. I go into the building and the smell of urine is powerful. I start knocking on the first door and I hear a dog bark. The door opens a bit, only a far to allow the occupant to see out.

"What the fuck you want cop?" A hard looking woman asks.

"I'm looking for a man named Billy who lives in this building."

"He don't fucking live here," and she slams the door.

I go to the next three doors with pretty much the same results. I head up to the second floor and knock on the first door. No one answers but I am sure I can here voices inside. I knock again and still after a few minutes, still no one answers. This time I hear no voices. I go to the next one and I knock, and the door opens as I knock on it. I peak inside and I see no one around and no sound. I pull out my revolver and I push the door open with my foot. I enter the apartment, knowing I should have back up, and I look around. The place is a mess. It looks as if a fight or a struggle had happened. I decide to call for back up and I radio in for assistance and give them my location. I am leaving the so-called living room and moving towards the bedroom when I see the body on the floor beside the bed.

"Oh fuck no, not you Billy." I say aloud. "Why you Billy, I told you to be careful buddy." I radio in the murder and I am just giving the dispatcher some details when I feel thump on my head and then darkness.

To be continued.

Sorry, for the cliff hanger but it seems to be my trademark. This my third story so please let me know what you think at

Next: Chapter 2

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