Office Slut

By Casey Jordan

Published on Jun 28, 2008


This story contains sexual exchanges and activities between adult males, both consensual and non-consensual, and scenarios involving punishment/torture, bondage, domination/submission, humiliation, and exhibitionism. If you can't bear to read such stuff or if it's illegal for you to do so, please stop reading right here. Otherwise, enjoy!

This story is about a submissive young (22-year-old) gay asian male who's gone to work for a multi-national company as a programmer, only to discover that his caucasian supervisor is a sadistic, boi-loving man bent on dominating him and using him for his carnal pleasures. Just to put things into perspective, our protagonist is slim, small and stands at only 5'2" (small even for asian standards), while his supervisor is big, hairy and stands at a beefy 6'4".

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Office Slut - Part 6

by Casey

The men strip quickly. Within seconds they're all completely naked and stroking their various hard-ons around me. John and Steve are as lean and athletic as you, though neither is quite as muscular. Roger is one of those men who have a fair amount of fat spread all over his body, but is not quite overweight. Mr Lloyd, of course, is the most thickset, his breasts broad and his belly hanging quite prominently over his private parts. John is about your age while both Roger and Mr Lloyd are in their late fourties. All of them tower above me and I have no doubt that any single one of them would be able to easily subdue me with sheer strength. Standing in the center of the circle of men, I feel like a helpless, frightened child.

As real fear begin to settle in my stomach, Mr Lloyd grabs the panties and pull it out of my mouth. My slight relief, however, is cut short as he shoves the buttplug that had just exited my boypussy to my lips.

"Open up, boy," he commands me.

I look up at him and stubbornly keep my mouth shut.

Mr Lloyd smiles and then grabs my hair painfully. He yanks my head backward, causing me to cry out and stand on tiptoes at the pain. It feels as if he's about to tear off my whole scalp.

"I said, open up. Be good and you won't suffer too much."

Face still twisting in pain, I open my mouth. Mr Lloyd pushes the buttplug in, stretching my lips with its girth.

"Suck it. Eat up all your cuntjuice."

I begin to suck and lick on the plug as Mr Lloyd slowly slides it in and out of my mouth, sometimes rotating it to make sure I get all of the liquid smeared on it. It's not the first time I taste my own assjuice but to be doing it in front of strangers is something else. And to know that I'm enjoying it even more because of that makes it even worse.

"Bend over a little," Mr Lloyd orders me and then pulls my hair forward until my cringing face is pointed at the video camera. "Steve you wanna do the honours?"

Mr Lloyd takes the plug out of my mouth. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see him handing over the plug to Steve. As I wonder what's going to happen, Steve lays a hand on my butt and then stabs the buttplug into my chute. I moan loudly as the black cone spears into me again, causing more pain than it had due to the quick and sudden intrusion. Steve twists the plug inside me viciously, again sending me to my toes, before yanking it back out. Then he hands it over to Mr Lloyd, who duly shoves it back into my gaping mouth.

For several rounds, the men scour my insides with the buttplug and make me clean up the mess they find. Thankfully, there isn't too much of it and I manage to go through it without any gagging.

"Ok, kneel down boy," Mr Lloyd orders me.

I obey but before I am completely in position, Mr Lloyd reaches down to place the buttplug upright on my heels.

"Sit back on it, cunt, but not all the way in. And keep it there."

Slowly I resume lowering myself until the tip of the plug touches my asshole. I push my butt lower, wincing a little until the plug is about halfway inside me.

Mr Lloyd releases the plug. "Now let's see how good a cocksucker you are."

The men gather closer around me in a sort of semi-circle with a gap to allow the video cam to capture the scene. I feel even smaller with the men's crotches and muscular thighs crowded in around me, their huge erections pointing threateningly at my face. John's is probably the smallest and thinnest, coming in at about seven inches and maybe half again as thick as my own dick. Roger is next, his cut cock (the only cut one among them) about eight inches long and curving slightly to the left. His cock has a narrow head but is thicker than John's in the middle. Steve is about your size, nine inches of prime throbbing meat, his in particular looking very red and angry. Mr Lloyd, despite his bulk sort of obscuring the fact a little, has the biggest dick of all, his raging, pulsing member reaching easily ten full inches and thicker than my wrist. All of the one-eyed monsters are already drooling precum.

Before I can completely comprehend the true extent of my tasks for that morning, you grab the back of my head and shove your drooling cock into my mouth. Maybe because of the sense of familiarity I have with it, I clamp my mouth around the shaft and start to suck on it immediately, hollowing out my cheeks and using my tongue on the underside as I start to move my face forward and backward on the impaling rod. I let the saliva collect in my mouth and leak out from my lips to use as lubrication and soon the room is filled with soft, wet smacking sounds. I can feel your precum starting to coat my tongue and redouble my efforts. To me, as is well known to you, nothing quite beats the taste of precum.

"Oh yeah, don't forget to fuck yourself on the plug as well, boy," Mr Lloyd says.

I moan at the order but obediently start to move my body up and down on the plug. It's not as easy as it sounds, and I have to pause several times before finally finding a proper rhythm. The fact that I'm trying so hard to properly obey their humiliating commands is not lost on me.

Just as I'm about to lose myself in sucking you, you push my face off your cock and pass my head to the guy beside you. Roger slips his fingers through my hair and pulls me forward until his cock is touching my lips, but he doesn't slide it in immediately. Instead, he pushes the head of his cock all over my face, smearing his precum on my lips, chin, nose and cheeks. A part of me is disappointed that I wouldn't get to taste as much of it as I'd like but another part is thrilled that Roger is marking me that way. I get the same thrills whenever you smear my face with cum or my own assjuice and then make me go out in public. When Roger brings his cock back to my lips, I open my mouth automatically.

Roger places his other hand under my jaw and tilts my head to one side. This results in his cock, when it finally slides in, to push directly into the inside of my right cheek. You've never fucked my mouth this way before so I have to be on my toes to prevent my molars from getting in the way. Roger's cock ploughs in and out very fast, each in-stroke making my cheek bulge outward obscenely. At first my reflexes make me instinctively tighten my cheek against it but I find that this makes my face feel sore quickly so I learn to relax and let the cock have its way. Still, pretty soon I begin to wonder when it'd finally simply burst through my increasingly overworked cheek.

A few minutes later, Roger releases me but I can only manage a few puffs of air before John grabs my head and makes me shift about on my knees to face him. "Open wide and let your tongue hang out, like a dog," he orders me. I obey and soon he is shoving his cock in and out of my mouth. He doesn't want me to close my lips around it, but instead seems to enjoy sliding his dick on my wet tongue. A sudden flash of insight makes me flutter my tongue on the underside of his cock as he pushes in and I'm rewarded with an approving moan. "You're a quick learner, boy," he says with his eyes closed.

Then it's Steve's turn. He still has that stern and unyielding look on his face as he grabs my head with both hands and draws my face inexorably onto his hefty nine-incher. I close my lips about halfway down the shaft but find that my head is still moving forward in his grip. A short moment later the head of his cock brushes against my throat, making me recoil with a gag reflex, but still he doesn't stop. Panic begins to seize me and I bring up my hands to push at his thighs, but I might as well push at a concrete wall. The thick log continues to push into me for another inch before it stops. By this time, its head is firmly lodged in the opening of my throat and I'm gagging continuously, my body writhing in protest, buttplug all but forgotten.

After a few seconds, Steve lets me go, only to pull my face onto his cock again and repeat the entire process. The constant gagging soon makes my eyes water.

"So this is what you like, huh?" Steve sneers from above me. "I can't believe that all this while I'd been working alongside a faggot. You're very good at acting all normal, aren't you? How many times have we went for a drink together, and all you could think of was how my cock would feel up your cunt?"

It's obviously a rhetorical question, since he never lets go of my head enough to allow me to answer. After a few more rounds of gagging, Steve pushes my face away. Mr Lloyd grabs my hair and drags me over to him, making me stumble forward on my knees. He positions my mouth in front of his huge cock and lets me go. "Go ahead and work on it, boy. I know how much you want to please it."

I open my mouth again and take the pulsing monster inside me. Its girth stretches my lips completely, plugging my mouthcunt like a cork on a bottle. It makes it very hard to take in more than two or three inches, but Mr Lloyd seems fine with my efforts. For some reason, that makes me feel grateful and makes me want to repay his tolerance. I alternate sucking him with licking up the sides and undersides of his massive cock. Then I take his balls, one after another, and play with them in my mouth. Mr Lloyd seems to like this a lot by the way he grunts and moans with his eyes closed.

After a few minutes, he pulls his cock away and motions me over to you. As I reach up to your cock with my mouth, Mr Lloyd remarks, "That's never gonna work. Steve, do you mind?"

"The bag's by the desk," you nod at Steve.

I have no idea what you guys are talking about until I feel a hand pulling at the plug buried halfway inside my asscunt. Oh, the buttplug. I gasp around your cock when Steve yanks the black fucker out. I can hear the sound of someone rummaging around inside a bag but my face is skewered on your cock and I'm unable to glance behind me.

"Nice collection," I hear Steve say.

"Thanks," you say over my bobbing head. "He spends a lot of his time with them. Whenever he isn't spending his time with my cock, that is."

"I think I'll start with this one," Steve murmurs.

I flinch as something cold touches my asslips. Steve smacks my butt with his hand. "Stay still, bitch. It's nothing you've not taken before."

I will my behind to remain still as Steve proceeds to insert what feels like a medium-sized dildo up my chute. It's the pink one with the realistic veins, then, I realise. And it can vibrate, too. I force my cuntlips to relax as Steve pushes it in easily up my well-lubed hole.

"Swallows it right up, didn't it?" Steve marvelled. "I wonder if I should have started with the biggest."

You smack me on the side of the head to remind me to keep working my lips on your dong. As I slurp on your giant popsicle, Steve begins to fuck me with the dildo. After a few moments, he switches it on and I can feel the thing vibrating inside me even as it trundles up and down the length of my chute. The sensation triggers a reciprocal vibration in my young hips and I begin to moan around your cock.

"Yeah, work that pussy, man," I hear Roger say. "Work it wide open for us."

I spend the next twenty minutes or so on my knees, passed from one man to another in that circle, my mouth always crammed full of huge caucasian cocks while Steve crams my other hole with a succession of bigger and bigger toys. The biggest of the toys, the one you call 'black mamba', is an eighteen-inch long monster fully as thick as my forearm. I can hear some gasps as Steve fishes it out of the bag.

"He actually takes that thing?" John sounds awed.

"Yeah," you say, "but I usually need to work on him for a few hours beforehand."

"Too bad," Steve sighs.

I can feel my body shiver with relief. To try to take that thing in me now would kill me!

"I'm ready to shoot, man," Roger complains as he pumps his cock into the inside of my cheek. "Let's do this."

There's a general chorus of agreement and Roger pushes my head away, leaving me kneeling tiredly in the centre of the circle. My jaw feels stiff with all the sucking and my asshole feels sore with the constant friction of half a dozen different toys. I can only look on dumbly as you leave the circle and head for the video cam still recording on the tripod. You unscrew the base and pull the video cam free of the tripod. As you bring it over to me, you keep the lense pointed at my face. I try to look away but Mr Lloyd's hand falls on my head and keeps it still.

"Okay, this is what's going to happen," Mr Lloyd says to me. "We're each going to cum in your mouth. I know your bitchboy instincts would tell you to swallow, but you're not to. Keep the cum in your mouth and go to the next guy in line and suck him till he cums. Make sure you keep all the cum in your mouth for the next guy."

"Okay, I'm ready to get some nice close-ups here," you announce.

The first man to cum in my mouth is Roger. It takes only a few strokes past my lips for him to start unloading his seed in my mouth. I flinch as the first volley of semen hit the back of my mouth, but manage to take the rest more steadily. Roger's cum soon fills my mouth, and there is so much that I begin to despair at the thought of keeping all the men's cum in it. I can feel the salty, strong-smelling liquid coating my tongue and dripping down my molars and onto my gums. As Roger spills his load, you bring the camera close to my face, recording both my reactions and the sight of my open, cum-filled mouth.

Roger grunts out the last of his seed and nudges me away towards John. As I bring my face closer to John's cock with my cummy mouth open, you continue to record my degradation on video. John shoves his cock between my lips, his manhood sloshing into the semen already inside my mouth. The man's seven-inch dick glides slimily in and out, and I begin to realise something. There is no way that I can keep all the cum inside, not with the men's cocks fucking my face like that. Whenever John pulls out, some of the semen spills out of my mouth and drips down my chin. I can feel droplets falling on my thighs, and doubtless some are dripping onto the carpet. I wonder if that is going to annoy Mr Lloyd, but he says nothing of it.

John shoots his load shortly after that. Once he's done, I can hardly open my mouth without having gobs of cum spilling out. Steve is next and he wastes no time before shoving his cock violently into me. I gag and sputter, coughing cum up my nose and out around his dick. I can feel snot and cum running down my nose even as more cum spills out onto my thighs and the floor. I must look like such a complete slut in that video. Steve cums so hard that the force of his orgasm pushes my head backwards as his seed slams into the back of my throat. He unloads what feels like litres in me, and despite myself I can feel my throat reflexively swallowing some of the nasty mixture.

When it's your turn, you tell me to look up at the ceiling and open my mouth wide. As I follow your instructions, you focus the camera down on my mouth to capture the pool of semen floating in my gullet. "Hold it right there," you say, and proceed to jerk your cock right against my upturned chin. The video cam shakes unsteadily as you groan and then begin to shoot. The fresh blobs of cum make audible 'splats' as they land into the pool of goo in my mouth.

Then it is Mr Lloyd's turn. His giant boysplitter fills my mouth completely, forcing most of the cum already inside to squish out out of the corner of my lips or be pushed back towards my throat. Panic grips me as I begin to choke, but Mr Lloyd pays no attention to my distress. He gyrates his hips around, letting his cock grind slowly into the tight wet cavity of my cuntmouth. It's too much and I begin to cough, hard raking coughs that blows cum and spit and snot all over the place. Mr Lloyd just smiles down at me and presses his cock in deeper. I can feel tears falling heavily down my cheeks as asphyxiation and humiliation reduces me to a quivering wreck.

And then it's over, and I find myself staring at the camera lense. I lift one hand to wipe at the cum smeared on my chin, but you shake your head in warning and I let it fall back down.

"Turn and face the table," you command me and follow my movements with the cam.

"Let the cum drip down onto the table. Not all at once. Slowly."

I obey, parting my mouth a little and letting the globs of manseed bubble over my lips and fall wetly onto the glass surface of the coffee table. There is still a lot and when I'm finished a healthy plateful of cum gleams on the glass.

"Lick your lips slowly."

"Now put your head to the table and lap up all that cum. Every time you have a mouthful, show it to the camera and then swallow it."

I can hear myself sobbing softly as I follow your orders like a hurt, beaten dog.

Once I'm finished, Mr Lloyd shoves my now almost dried up panties back into my mouth. "Time for more fun!", he announces to me cheerily. I look around me and see that all of the men are stroking their cocks, and that all of them are at least half-hard again. Oh god.

"Get up on the table. On all fours," Mr Lloyd orders me. "Spread your knees as wide as you can."

I can hear myself whimpering as I do what I'm told. The table is about two-and-a- half feet wide and four feet long. I climb slowly on top of its two feet height and shift my knees apart until they are near the very edges. My arms and legs are trembling, and the fact that I'm already bathed in sweat is not helping. Even so, I instinctively arch my tummy downward and my buttocks upward, the way you tell me to always do.

"Good girl," Mr Lloyd praises me. "Now scoot over backward a little. We don't want to be breaking our backs while we fuck you!"

I shift backwards on my hands and knees until my feet and calves are hanging in mid-air. While I've often assumed various fucking positions in front of you before, I've never done it to a room-full of men. The feeling that courses through me as I display my naked, nubile young body so lewdly for the men's pleasure is intoxicating. I remain still as you walk around me, zooming the cam on various parts of me, especially my wrinkly, winking hole.

"I think John should go first, and you'll go last," you say to Mr Lloyd once you've captured my figure from all angles.

"I hate waiting," Mr Lloyd says, "but I guess that's okay, since I don't want to ruin the goods for the rest of you! Well, what are you waiting for? Let's fuck the daylights out of this little cunt!"

John moves around and places himself between my calves. He places his hands around my slim waist, and before long I can feel the tip of his cock at my entrance.

"Look at that nice, winking little pucker. It looks like it can't wait to be eating cock," Roger notes.

John begins to pull my hips back, and I can feel his cock starting to slide into me. "Oh god," John groans. "This is better than any cunt. He's so tight and so smooth at the same time." As he talks, he keeps pushing into me, inch after inch after inch. I can feel my guts shifting inside me, sliding around to accommodate this unnatural intrusion. Something that feels like a lump inside my belly seems to give way to John's dick, pushing upwards until I have some difficulty breathing. John keeps pushing until I feel his pubes grinding against my ass and and his balls dangling against mine. His... balls?

"Hey wait a minute," I hear you say, and then you're grabbing at my buttocks and prying one quivering globe aside with one hand. "Well, would you look at that?"

"What?" John asked. The others also have puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Before this, he'd never taken anything more than five inches up his cunt, I swear. And I'd been working him hard for a while."

"Really?" Mr Lloyd marvels.

"Oh wow," Roger adds. "Part of him's still a virgin, then. But how come he can do it now?"

"I think I know why," Steve says quietly. "It was only a matter of time. I think now his body has accepted more completely what he is, and enjoys it so much that it wants more. He'd spent months as your bitch, that's true, but I think he still had doubts about whether that's what he really wanted. Now he knows he's a slut through and through. Once he accepts that he's nothing but a fucktoy for real men, his body is able to adjust itself so that he can fulfill his purpose in life more completely. You see, being another man's bitch was not enough for him. He wants all men to use him, breed him and humiliate him. That there on the table, my friends, is one slut like no other."

A moment of silence greets Steve's pronouncement. As the others mull over them, his words seem to echo endlessly inside my skull, etching their way into my brain.

"I guess," you murmur quietly, "that I'd never thought of it that way before. "But I think that you're right. By hell, I should've seen this before."

"Well," Mr Lloyd says. "We'd all have a better idea once we see how he takes my cock then, wouldn't we?"

I spend the the next hour or so on the table, on my hands and knees and rocking back and forth under the force-fucking of one man after another. They all take longer to cum this time, since they've already blown a load in my mouth. At first, I respond to their rough fucking with grunts of protest and by trying to get away. I try to either crawl forward or push back against their thighs with one hand or another, but none of it does any good. Despite the sheen of sweat covering my body, the men are able to maintain their grips on me easily, usually by trapping my slim waist or flared hips in their strong grips.

At some point during the proceedings, the constant friction on my asslips and against my prostate starts to have the opposite effect on me, and I begin to push my butt out to meet their thrusts. I moan in despair as I realise what's happening and hang my head with shame as I remember how this has happened every time. When the panties fall out of my mouth, I discover myself moaning and whining sluttily as the men ravage me, and even more so whenever you point the camera at my face. I find myself no longer caring who would see the video later. All I want is to be a slut for these men, to show them how much I want their cocks and to please them so much that they'd never look for another slut to take my place. When the men waiting for their turns decide to use my mouth in the meantime, I realise that the emotion I feel as both my holes are stuffed with cock is one of complete and utter fulfillment.

Just as Steve said, I manage to take Roger, him and you completely inside me. I can see your expression of blissful awe reflected on the glass of the table as you sink your ninth inch up my now cum-coated insides. You fuck me long and hard, savouring new feelings on your cock that you've been denied for so long. Despite the pain and shame, I feel pride blooming inside me as your thick cock pounds all the way in and out of my newly broken cunt.

When it's Mr Lloyd's turn, though, I look around to see that even the other men's faces look a little uncertain. Biting my lower lip, I arch my back more and push my butt higher so that Mr Lloyd knows what I want. I relax my cuntlips and let my flowerbud open. I can feel my asscunt gaping wide and my insides spreading open in an inviting gesture.

"She wants it, man," Roger murmurs. "She really wants it." Mr Lloyd grunts and pulls my whole body to him, impaling my boypussy on his giant appendage.

I begin to cry out as I feel as if my boycunt is being torn apart. Despite my lust, I start to crawl away from Mr Lloyd, but it's too late. The big man's huge paws clutch at my hips and draw me inexorably closer to him. His humongous manhood spears into me like an oversized baseball bat, stretching my cuntlips so wide that I feel like I'm giving birth. The pain is so excruciating that my limbs lose all strength to hold myself up. My head slams into the table as my arms give way, and my knees slip from the edge of the table. But my butt stays up in the air, held aloft by Mr Lloyd's vice-like grip on my hips.

It seems to take hours, but finally Mr Lloyd is completely in, all ten inches and wrist-thick girth of him. I feel so stuffed that I begin to breathe hoarsely, as if Mr Lloyd's dong is crowding my lungs upwards. I can feel a pressure pushing down on my guts, and when I look down at my tummy I can see something inside it moving and causing a sizeable bump on the skin. Oh god.

The men stare transfixed as Mr Lloyd drills his huge boysplitter in and out of me. His cock fits so snugly inside me that my guts keep moving along with it. When he pulls out, my insides fold out so that almost two inches of it gets pulled outside of me, and when he shoves back in, my insides collapse and is pushed back in deep into me. You murmur appreciatively as you focus the cam on my battered insides, making sure you get the full extent of the fuck on video. As to me, the feelings I get at the intense fucking is incredible. It truly feels as if Mr Lloyd is fucking my whole body, not just my cunt. This is being fucked at its most comprehensive level.

Mr Lloyd cums more quickly than the others, probably because he's had to wait the longest and because my guts give his cock the most friction. As I groan and grunt like a pig under him, I become aware of loud splatting sounds on the table and look down to see that I'm cumming. Since my face is still flat on the table, some of the cum splatters land somewhat near to my chin. Without thinking, I reach out with my tongue to try to lick it up, but the goo is too far away. Only then that I realise what I'm doing, and how depraved I've become.

As I continue to moan long and low, I can hear a knock sounding on the door. I can see you moving around the table and opening the door stark naked.


"Uhh.." It's one of the electricians. They must've been outside working, or maybe even eavesdropping, all this while!

I try to push my face up off the table but Mr Lloyd places one meaty hand on my shoulders to keep me face down and my legs splayed. The big man is still leisurely moving his cock in and out of my wide open, used up boycunt.

"We're.. We're finished."

"Okay," you say. "Hey, you guys wanna have your cocks sucked?"

I close my eyes in shame as I see both men staring at my small naked figure rocking gently back and forth on the end of Mr Lloyd's cock.

"She gives good head," you assure them. "And it's free!"

"Well.." I hear one of the men murmur uncertainly.

"Aww, come on."

"Uhmm.. well what the heck."

"Hey bitch," Steve grunts into my ear as he grabs my hair and yanks my head up. "There are some men here who need their cocks sucked. Get on with it and make sure you do a good job."

The electricians come around to the head of the table in their work smocks. Shame floods me as I look up at them with pleading, teary eyes. One of the men takes a look at my face and seems on the verge of changing his mind, but a moment later he shrugs it off and schools his expression into one of disdain.

"Beg," I hear Steve say. "Beg them to suck their cocks."

"You don't mind if I record this, do you?" You ask the men. "I promise I won't get your faces or too much of your uniforms on tape."

"Okay, whatever," one of the men agrees.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Mr Lloyd urges me. "Start begging."

I look up at the men and start to make my lost puppy face. "P.. Please. Can.. Can I suck your c.. your cocks? Please let.. let me suck your cocks?"

"Not good enough," Steve complains. The two strangers look down at me impassively.

I gather my breath and try again, all the while acutely aware that Mr Lloyd's cock is still fucking me gently. "I n.. need to suck your cocks. I need it bad." As I say the words, I begin to lose my inhibitions and I feel the slut in me taking over again. "Please. I want your cocks. Please stick your cocks in my mouth. I want to eat your cum. Please spray all your manseed in me!" Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see my reflection in the camera lense as I speak the dirty, damning words.

"Well, she sounds real sincere," Roger quips.

The workmen nod and begin to unzip their smocks.

As I wait with my mouth hanging open, you reach out with your free hand and gently carress my hair. "You've done good, boy. I'm proud of you. And this is just the beginning. Now that you know your true place in life, I'm sure you realise that there's so much more to do, so much more to enjoy. Now all these men around you know you for what you are, but there are still so many out there who don't, and we're gonna make sure that each and every one of them finds out, won't we?"

As the first stranger's eight-inch cock slides into my open mouth, I can feel fresh tears of humiliation and submission roll down my cheeks. Oh god. I feel the final tattered shreds of dignity torn away from me. The thought of everyone knowing me for the slut that I am and treating me worse than the most used up whore is too much, and I feel my little boyclit twitching and lengthening again in anticipation.

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