Office Service Assistant - Gay Male - Interracial - Encounters

By C Wilson

Published on May 29, 2013



Office Service Assistant

By Sean Wilson

Warning: This story contains sexual content, and contact between Men. If the subject matter offends you, or if you are under legal age for your area, then please exit this story.

The following story is completely fictional, and is from my very own mind.

This is my first story ever written, so please send me feedbacks about your opinions, what could I improve and what could I change. I'm always open to positive criticism. Send Comments to:

I have been working in this type of job for years and I loved it. The law always excited me. I had tried to go to law school, but I found out early (thank goodness) that I did not want to be a lawyer. Working as a Paralegal was as good as I wanted it to get and as close to the law as I wanted to get.

I had worked in many large firms most of my career, but the small boutique firm is what I craved and finally achieved. The firm was small, but not that small that we were all over each other. I mean small enough where everyone knew everyone and there were no rules about not approaching Partners when there was a problem. An open door policy. Great firm.

I had been hired and had been working for about a year and I started to notice certain things about certain employees. You know that game we all play. The "who would I sleep with" game. We all do it. Although, there weren't that many younger females, there seem to be a lot of younger males around the office. If you haven't guessed by now, I'm gay.

Anyway. The lawyers really didn't do anything for me. They were usually always stressed out and married with a kid or kids. There were a few I wouldn't mind tagging, but the area was my interest was, was the Office Services area. Now, as you probably don't know, but in law firms, this area is usually staffed with young males. Usually, these guys are really young. Some just out of high school. Because this particular area of the law, needs someone with muscles and high energy. You know to lift all those packages and run around the office delivery mail and packages.

Anyway, our particular Office Services area is where they service everything; you know fax, copying, mail, etc. All under the Department of Office Services. So this particular department was staffed by a couple of young men. Young men of mixed types. Let's see, there were two young Latino guys. One built average; you know the type, works out the top, but the bottom half needs a looooot of work, and the other one, Javier, not an ounce of fat on him to be found. Skinny, with a swagger. You know the kind. Cute, young, just knew his shit didn't stink. But just as sweet to you as he probably was to his mother. Very professional. You just wanted to grab him and get dirty with him. Also amongst this crew of beauties. There were you average pimply faced white boys. You know the type, tall, skinny, pimples and absolutely no ass to be found.

But the liquid that was dripping from my stick was for one guy and one guy only. His name was Sook. One of the most beautiful Asians I have ever seen in my life. He had the typical jet black hair that all Asians seem to possess and those eyes. Oh my goodness, those eyes. Every time he spoke to you or laughed at something, he would do that squinting thing were his eyes become slits. It was just so adorable. The thing that really attracted me to Sook was not really his eyes or his face. And it wasn't the way he dressed. He would dress pretty much the same every day, but just different colors. He would wear the typical short sleeved alligator shirt with Dockers. He wore sneakers everyday also. A different color on each day. Some days he wouldn't wear socks and that showed even more skin. The short sleeve shirt would show off his hairless arms and would also emit the one thing that attracted me to him. His scent. Sook did a lot of running around. I never saw him sweat, but he had a certain scent about him that got my dark dick hard every time I was near him. This is going to sound funny, but he smelled like hot wet sour cream. I just couldn't figure it out. That is the only way to describe his scent. It was intoxicating. I would go into the Office Service area to ask the guys something stupid or to do something stupid for me, just so I could be around him to sniff him. Every time I say him walking around the office delivery this or that, I would watch his tight little Asian ass sway from side to side in his colorful Docker's. I really didn't think he was gay. But you know Asian men. They are very feminine. Some of them act and speak like little girls. And Sook, he had long fingernails on his delicate hands. Not really man hands. You know what I mean. Not very skinny. He had a little punch of a stomach. Looked like he liked to eat. But the rest of him was very small. Like I said before, especially that ass of his. Very small, but round, firm and cute as a button. When he spoke, he always smiled with his crooked teeth and squinting his eyes. I thought that was absolutely adorable.

Just being around him made me leak and want him even more.

Like I said, this only started a year into me working at this firm. I thought it would be high time to formulate a plan to find out if he was interested in men and if so, would he be interested in me. I was really hoping he would, but I didn't really know how this would play out. Because, as you probably already guest it, I'm black. Not dark skin, but the color of honey. The modeling industry 20 years earlier had told me I was beautiful. Not that it mattered; I don't think I ever saw an Asian male go out with a black guy. You always see Asians with white guys. I think it's a status thing. "Come to this country and get you a rich white guy and you will be set." I was hoping this wasn't true about Sook.

Like I said before, every time you asked him a question, he always had that squinting eye smile thing, which I thought was incredibly sexy and just damn cute.

For the last month or so, I have been having Sook and Javier running and doing a lot of copying jobs for me. Not that they complained, but I love seeing them run around and getting things done. I kept saying to both of them that I owed them big. By the end of the week, I surprised them and gave them each $50.00 for their troubles. They were dumbfounded and didn't want to accept it, saying to me "it's just our job". I told them, come on guys, you went above and beyond the call of duty for me, and I just want to say thank you. Do whatever you want with it, go to lunch, drink it up this weekend with your "girlfriends", whatever. That last little tidbit of suggestion came with shrugs. I knew from a fact that Javier didn't have a girlfriend, because one, he was only 18 and had a busy schedule as far as school and the Fraternity was concerned. He was always busy at some class or function with the "boys" at the some Fraternity function. Yeah, we all remember our Fraternity Parties and "Functions" on the weekend. Booze and Sex. And not always with women. There were a lot of Freshman out there, and Javier was one, that had to get "initiated" into the Fraternity. And you either read about it or lived through it too know what went out with those initiations.

Anyway, that was Javier's answer. Sook on the other hand, made it completely clear that he told me that he was visiting his "girlfriend" this particularly weekend up in Palm Springs. Right, he has a girlfriend who lives 3 hours away. Okay, whatever. Have fun with that, is what I said.

Over the next coming months, at every chance I could get, I would get really close to Sook, just to inhale that scent of his. It was dick rising I tell you. It was even stronger when he came back from lunch, from being outside. Or when he would go pick something up for an attorney in our office. I, again, would purposely get close to him, whether he was making a copy or looking for a file, to be close to him to get a whiff of his body. And he never failed to get my hair to stand up.

Like I said early, I had formulated a plan to get into this guy's pants if killed me. I had begun to work a little overtime and Sook was always there until 6:30 PM every night. And at this time, the place was usually a ghost town. Maybe one or two attorneys locked in their offices getting that brief typed out for court in the morning.

So I start staying a little later and later after work. My day was usually over at 5:00 PM., but I would stay later and later during the week. I would always have to go into the office services area for something or other, just to make sure Sook was there. And of course, he was. (He is a very loyal employee). Over the course of the month, we got to chatting a lot about certain things, like where were we both born and you know small talk like that. Finally on the second month of working late one night - we were the only 2 people left in the office, I went into the Office Services area to make a couple of copies, and the place was soaking in his scent. I just shivered. I found Sook and I asked him if he wanted to do lunch sometime next week.

Sook surprised me and said "You know what, I would rather do it now, instead of waiting until next week". I really didn't hear what he said, so I said, "We can't have lunch now, and its 7:00 o'clock at night, right"

"You heard me didn't you", he said with the smile squint thing.

"Um yeah I did. How did you know"

"Come on Sean, I might be young, but I'm not stupid".

Sook, went to the Office Service door and closed it and locked it. I was at the copy machine stunned out of my mind.

Sook came right up to me and dropped his papers he was working on and immediately went to his knees and put his nose and mouth up against the bulge in my pants. He took a long sniff and began squeezing the mound that was starting to get bigger in my pants. I couldn't believe what he was doing. All I could see was his black head of hair kneeling in front of me. And that scent - jeez was intoxicating and went straight to my head.

He stood up. Taking a few steps back, he hooked his thumbs into his waistband of his pants, pulled them down with his underwear, smiling slyly.

"Ready?" He asked, smirking. I nodded in reply, biting my lip hard as I touched myself, drinking up his beauty. There in front of me, was not the biggest cock I ever seen, I mean he was Asian, and you know?..well it was beautiful to me. Fully hard and cut, it was about 5 inches very thin.

His pubes were shaved shortened at the base of his dick, his perfect balls hung low and hairless. And all mine.

Dropping to my knees I took the head into my mouth, overwhelmed by the smell. It was intoxicating and I dripped a little more in my pants. He grinned and grabbed a fistful of my hair. I moaned around his dick as he slowly fucked my face.

"Mm, yeah. Make my cock nice and wet." He moaned.

I fondled his nuts, and let my hand run down his soft stomach as he glided in and out of my mouth.

He thrust his cock in all the way before releasing me I stood up. His eyes were green with desire as I spun him around and stood behind him, I again dropped to my knees and went after what I had always wanted. There in front of me was his perfect little Asian ass. Not a blemish or a mark on it. Just pure white ass. I almost shot my load just looking at it. I approached his ass very slowly just breathing in the aromas I was smelling. I stopped my nostril right in the crack and reach up my hand and opened his checks. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the smell that wafted off of his hole was nerve wrecking. I would have passed out right there, but I wanted his ass sooo bad. I drove me entire face into his ass crack and he let out the loudest moan I ever heard, well in this building anyway.

He reached his hands around and pulled my hair and face deeper into his ass and causing my tongue to lodge deeper into his hole, he spoke over his shoulder, "You like that, baby? You want this ass?"

"Oh, yeah, Sook," I whispered in a hoarse reply after I parted from his ass for a second.

"Not before I eat your dick," he replied, chuckling lightly and playfully smacking my face and grunting.

Before I could say anything he turned around and dropped to his knees - tore off my slacks with my underwear, got my left leg on his shoulder as he buried his face and tongue under my balls and lapped at my tight hole.

I moaned as he ate me, with knee-quivering expertise. He held my left leg up and stroked my cock while tasting my tight bud in circles with his glorious tongue.

"Sook," I moaned breathlessly, unable to think.

He stood, letting my leg down and then proceeded to sit on my legs and kissed and engulfed my entire 7 inch honey colored dick. All of this time, I had been leaking like a broken faucet.

Sook began moaning as soon as he had his mouth on my dick. After sucking my dick and making it totally coated with his spit. Sook climbed up my body for a nice tongue kiss.

I tasted myself mingled freely inside our mouths. I couldn't take anymore, so I grabbed him by his little waist and flipped him on his back and put the head of my dick against his little pink hole.

"Ready?" I asked, voice deep and seductive with desire and need.

He moaned "shit yes" as I pulled his legs apart, holding his hands at the wrist with one hand above his hand and guiding my cock inside his hole with the other. He moaned loudly as I breached him, my girth taking him by surprise.

On his face, pain flicked through him, quickly followed by pleasure as I eased my cock fully into him.

Once my balls rested against his thighs, I pulled out slowly, and slammed my dick back in giving him no time for adjusting. He moaned and grunted, and started speaking a language, I could only guess was Korean, repeating it multiple times.

I kept his hands in place with my right and pulled his hair with my left hand while I pounded his tight ass relentlessly. I wanted to kiss him or bit his neck, I went for his luscious pink lips and swallowed his tongue and fucked him harder.

I fucked him mercilessly, my balls clapping against his thighs as he grunted and growled with each penetration and spewing Korean words at me, which I later found out meant, "fuck me harder."

I picked up speed as my climax drew near, my grip on his hands tightening, along with the grip on his hair. I fucked him harder as my orgasm shattered through me. Howling loudly, he burst his heavy load without touching his dick at all. He started squirting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times before slowing down. One of his loads hit me straight on the lips, I moaned loud and licked it up with my tongue.

I moaned as my own orgasm crashed into me, making me tense up as I shot my thick load into his hot moist tunnel, as it griped my dick as he was squirting I guess was number 3 shot out of his dick, making my knees give out and making me lean against him as I slid in and out of his abused hole. He was screaming words in Korean and the again with the "Oh Shit" "Oh shit, "Oh fuck"?. He slumped against me as we breathed heavily, exhausted.

Pulling out of him slowly, with his ass and hand he reached up and impaled himself again on my swollen dick and kissed me softly and said with that beautiful squint of his eyes, he said to me, while pumping his still hard dick. "You are not going anywhere yet. You got to remember, baby, I'm only 20, I can do this all night long?"

We ended up doing it once more, before the lights and air conditioning went off and it just got to hot in the office services department.

We eventually, left the building and I followed him to his apartment. He lived alone, so we wouldn't' have anyone bothering us for the rest of the evening and possibly the weekend, since it was Friday??.

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