Office Seduction

By Pomo Wolf

Published on Aug 5, 2024



Adult Friends, Interracial, oral anal, M/M

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between consenting adult males. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

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Office Seduction



I came from an Oklahoma Southern Methodist family that were true southern rednecks. My family didn't realize just how race prejudice they were. (They would deny that they were raciest if asked.) I was also the first member of my family to graduate from college. My master's degree was in architectural engineering. I was a fan of the designs of the turn of the twentieth century architects Green & Green brothers.

The Gamble family of Proctor and Gamble Company had gone to the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and liked the style of the building at the Japanese Pavilion. So, they commissioned brothers Green & Green to build them a summer home in Pasadena, California. The only thing they requested was that every bedroom have a fireplace except for the bedroom of the maiden aunt, she insisted on a Franklin stove in her room. (They were from the east coast and didn't understand that even winters in southern California are relatively mild.

The brothers designed and built them a three-story home with a guest room on the ground floor and all-of the family's bedrooms on the second floor with a joining balcony. The third floor was a large play/hall room with cross ventilation. The maid's rooms were in the basement.

The brothers got their red bricks from a foundry from a neighboring town, and found that when a hot brick was dropped, they were distorted (Clinkers), and discarded or crushed to make gravel. The brothers bought them at half price. One of their trademarks became that in their brickwork they deliberately place clinkers and river rocks into senatorial patterns like a herringbone patterns. Also, the joints are made without nails in the Japanese style. As you can tell I really admire their style.

I moved to southern California to work for a firm that continues building in their style. I worked in a building with four other architects. We work with both drafting tables and computers to create custom homes. When I was hired, I was assigned a work station next to another young architect that was black. He introduced himself as Gilbert Johnson and I shook his hand and told him that my name was John Fergison. It took a few days for me to become comfortable with my new surroundings and open-up when we would take breaks and go to lunch. We had plenty of choices of places to eat that ranged from junk food to fine restaurants. The better I got to know Gilbert the more I liked him. We shared an interest in the bungalow style of Green & Green and college football. We bounded quickly and could tease each other about the quality of our college teams good naturedly.

One Friday Gilbert invited me to go bar hopping after work with him. I agreed and teased him by saying: "Remember I come from a dry county and can't drink as much as you SC frat boys!"

He retorted: "I bet you were wined on bootlegs White Lighting!"

After work Gilbert offered to drive and we took off our ties and unbuttoned the collar of our shirts. We started hitting some topless bars and drinking beer. We stopped at a Mexican Restaurant for dinner and more beer. Then we hit some night spots with live four-piece dance bands. Gilbert proved to be an excellent dancer and became very popular with all the women of both races. We ended the night in a small piano cocktail lounge. We were drinking Dewar's Double-Double 32- Year-Old Scotch. To say I was smashed would be an understatement. I hardly noticed that the bar was only occupied by men and they were dancing with each other. Gilbert was dancing with me and was leading. When the piano player ended a piece, he announced drink-up its closing time. Gilbert kissed me on the mouth and we made our way out the backdoor to the parking lot to find his car and he drove us to his home.

I barely noticed that it was a small bungalow that was a Green & Green that had been butchered over the years to modernize it. Gilbert bought it cheaply because no one knew what it was, and he was in the process of removing the addons and restoring it to its original condition. We made it two the bedroom and we managed to remove our clothes down to our skivvies and flopped onto the double bed. I was unconscious almost instantly. It wasn't until the morning sun was heating up the bedroom that woke me up, and it took me a moment to remember where I was.

The first thing I became aware of was the smell of Gilbert's cologne on the pillow. Looking around the room I recognized the furniture was period correct for a 1920's modern home. When I rolled over, I was looking Gilbert in the face and his eyes were open. His breath smelled like shit, and I assumed mine smelled just as bad. I became aware that my temples were throbbing and I needed to relive my bladder.

When I asked: "Where is the bathroom?' Gilbert helped me sit up and walked me to the bathroom. I noticed right away that the bathroom was period correct. My legs weren't stable enough to stand to pee, so I sat on the wooden toilet seat to pee and take a shit. The toilet was and old salvaged toilet in perfect condition with the water tank attached high on the wall with a pull chain activism. When I finished wiping, I complained to Gilbert that my mouth tasted like shit. He opened a built-in cabinet and handed me a new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.

As I got up to approach the old pedestal proline sink to brush my teeth, Gilbert took my place on the toilet seat. He thanked me for warming up the seat. I told him that he was welcome for the hangover too. I used the glass to drink three glasses full of cold water in hopes that that would stop the pounding in my head. I left the bathroom to let Gilbert finish stinking up the bathroom, and find my clothes. I put my pants on and regretted bending over. I didn't feel like picking up my shirt.

When Gilbert joined me, he put his pants on and straightened up the bed, before he asked: "What would you like for breakfast?"

"A new head!"

He chucked: "How does eggs Benedict, with Coffee sound?"

"That sounds fine after a Bloody Mary."

We headed to the kitchen and there was an old twenties stove that had been converted to natural gas. I was duly impressed. The refrigerator was modern but was encased within a wooden ice box. Gelbert made us both Bloody Mary's with a shot of vodka and tabasco sauce. He drank his quickly and started the coffee brewing while he got out the ingredients for breakfast. While the English muffins were toasting, he whipped up the Hollandaise sauce and poached eggs.

I was impressed with his culinary skills. There was even hint of cinnamon in the black a coffee. He served the eggs with carrot sticks. For dessert he served Crispy Cream donuts with fresh mugs of coffee. I was feeling in good spirits by then. I suddenly remembered that Gilbert had kissed me on the mouth last night at the bar closing.

I sat back with my warm coffee mug in hand and asked: "Do I remember you kissing me on the mouth last night?"

I couldn't tell if he was blushing. He said: "I was hoping that you wouldn't remember that! I wasn't sure how you would feel about the fact that I am gay."

I thought for a moment before answering. "Having a black friend is new to me, and you are the first gay friend too!"

Gilbert asked: "You never masturbated with a buddy growing up?"

"Truly, I never thought about doing that. I never even did anything with girls either! My mom frightened me: "Boy if you fool around with girls and get one pregnant, you'll be forced to marry young and wind-up doing menial work the rest of your life. I never did anything while dating girls! Can I ask you when you knew that you were gay?"

Gilbert: "I grew up in a neighborhood where girls had at least one child before they entered high school. The boys weren't considered a man until they had at least one bastard and spent time in juvenile detention. I was considered gay if for no other reason than I was a student of engineering. But I found out young that I didn't like the smell of cunts. I also had a math teacher in junior high that inspired me to study math. He became my tutor and told me that he was gay and wanted to teach me how much he loved me. It didn't take long before we were sucking cocks. I liked the taste of his cum. I became a regular cock sucker. I was a teenager the first time an older man that I admired, talked me into letting him fuck me. I eventually got used to that kind of sex.

"Did you ask me out, planning on seducing me?"

Gilbert: "I have-to admit that I asked you out because I think you are the sexist guy I have ever met, but I didn't think you were gay. I wasn't planning on seducing you at all! The kiss was just something that happened! I didn't even think you realized that we were in a gay bar at the time."

It suddenly hit me that I had seen guys dancing in there and couples sitting in booths next to each other. I felt foolish for not picking up on the fact that it was a gay bar. "I feel so stupid that I didn't realize that we were in a gay bar."

Gilbert said: "It's understandable you were almost blind drunk last night."

I said: "I'm sober enough now and the idea of having sex with my best friend sounds like something I am ready to try!"

Gilbert asked: "Are you serious? Don't fuck with my emotions!"

"I'm ready."

Gilbert gathered up the dishes and put them in the hidden dishwasher. He said: "There is no reason to give up all modern conveniences to live in a historical landmark."

We returned to the bedroom and removed our pants and underwear. I got my first naked black man. He had a trim six- foot body that looked like a runner's body. His skin was about the same brown color as a Mexican but his cock was a much blacker color along with his scrotum. His hair was nappy and trimmed close to his head. He was very handsome. He reminded me of Danzel Washington. I wondered what he thought about me?

I'm of Irish English and German extraction. I'm a true blonde with fading freckles from my youth. There is very little body hair on me except for the strawberry blonde pubic hair under my arms and above my cock. My cock is no match for Gilberts. His is much longer than mine. I was beginning to feel foolish standing there by the bed looking at his cock. That was when he took me into his arms and hugged me while he kissed me like he had last night. Our cocks were panging into each other and he used his right hand to take hold of my cock and skillfully milked my boner. It was harder and longer than it had ever seen it before.

He turned my body towards the bed and backed us up until I had to sit on the bed. He spread my legs and knelt between them and started sucking my cock like a calf sucking a cow's tit. I was so nervous I was having trouble actually-cumming. Gilbert did something I didn't expect, he slipped his right hand under my butt and stuck a finger up my ass. I erupted and squirted four pulses of cum into his mouth. He swallowed every drop and sucked my cock clean and even sucked each of my testicles while continuing to finger fuck my asshole.

Then he stood up and pulled me around and laid me right in the middle of the bed with my head resting on one of the pillows. He laid next to me and he asked me: "How do you feel?"

"I never felt so relaxed before! I feel like I could sleep for days."

"That's nice, but I'm in need of a blowjob too!"

I hadn't thought of owing him a blowjob. I wondered if I could actually-suck his cock. His cock was at least seven inches long and thicker than mine. It was shiny black and the circumcision scar was as red as raw meat. The black knob was large. I even wondered if it would fit in my mouth.

I moved down the bed to lay between his legs and I studied His cock carefully before I took hold of it and put my mouth over it. I held it at the base as I lowered my mouth and found that I could indeed take the head into my mouth. I found that his cock's flesh tasted like my own flesh. I started sucking his cock and was soon finding out how much of the shaft I could take into my mouth. Each time I was on a downstroke I took a little more of the shaft into my mouth. There came a moment when the head touched the back of my throat and I had a gag reflex but I fought it. After three more tries the head went down my throat, making it impossible to breathe until I lifted my head up. The next time I went down my nose was smashed against his kinky pubic hair. It was at that moment that he started squirting cum into my mouth. He used both hands to pull my head against his pubic bone until he was about finished cumming. He let go of my head, and I lifted my head, to be able to breath he squirted his last gob of cum right onto my face. I struggled to catch my breath. When I tried to tell him how exciting it was, I found that my throat was sore and my voice was a rattling whisper.

Gilbert took hold of my head by my ears and he sat up and kissed me on the mouth. He said: "I wish this moment would never end."

We lay there on the bed for a while before I noticed that we were both lying in our own sweat. We lay there enjoying the cool air of the air-conditioner. We talked until we recovered and achieved another erection. Gilbert offered to let me fuck him first.

He laid on his back and did something I wouldn't have thought possible for him to do. He curled up and put his armpits over the backs of his knees and used his hands to grasp his butt cheeks and spread his asshole open. I could see into his colon. I got on my knees and moved close and guided my cock into the gaping hole before I placed my hands on the backs of his thighs. I started fucking his ass and looked at the expression on his face. He was smiling at me and only grimaced when I shoved hard in my excitement. We were both sweating again by the time I came in his ass. When I pulled out a string of cum dribble out of my cock to create a string from my cock to the seam of his scrotum. That only broke when I pulled back, leaving a wet spot on his flesh. Gilbert had a monstrous boner as he uncoiled and stretched out his legs.

Gilbert told me that it would probably be easier for me to be fucked doggie tyle the first time. He produced a stiff wedged shaped pillow used for watching TV in bed under my body while I draped myself over the pillow on my hands and knees. Gilbert mounted me from behind and used Vaseline to lubricate His cock and my asshole before he guided his cock to my puckered asshole. He warned me to relax my asshole or it will hurt even more. Just the same it felt like my asshole felt like a hot branding iron had been pressed against my ass. When the head was deeply in my colon the pain was not as intense until he started fucking me. Once he established a rhythm he reached around my hip and took hold of my cock and started masturbating me. I ejaculated onto the pillow before he ejaculated into my colon. We lounged around all day discussing how we felt about sex.

Gilbert assured me that as far as he was concerned an asshole was superior to any cunt he had ever fucked, and I assured him that I had found the experience thrilling and I felt closer to him than anyone else in my life. We cleaned up and got dressed to go out for dinner and started hitting the bars again.

This time we crawled through to gay bars. I learned a lot about the language within the gay community, and realized how many times a guy had flirted with me and the meaning had gone over my head. I danced with other guys both black and white and got so much that I had a constant hard-on even though my asshole was still throbbing with every pulse. As the evening was drawing late Gilbert invited a black friend of his that had an older white man that was his sugar daddy. We went to the older man's palatial home where the four of us would drink Champlain with strawberries while lounging naked in the outdoor spa. I got fucked by two black cocks and the older white man and fucked them as well. Gilbert and I slept naked that night. The next morning, I was the one to wake Gilbert up by sucking his cock before we used the bathroom.

Things were different at work. Everyone knew we were a couple and accepted it. I moved in with Gilbert within weeks and even discussed getting married.

If you enjoyed the story and have a story you want me to write about your introduction to the world of male sexuality, please send your outline to

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