Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Jul 30, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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As promised, come Saturday night, I received the text from Victor with the details of the party. It read:

Taxi will arrive for you at 8pm, and will bring you to my apartment. No dress code as suitable clothing will be provided.

While the clothing being provided part left me intrigued, I decided to wear something sexy anyway. I settled on a deep red shirt, with the sleeves rolled and a pair of black suit trousers. I decided to go commando. Let's face it; I knew this party would involve sex so why bother including material that would get in the way?

At 8pm, the taxi pulled up outside my apartment block, and whisked me away to a gorgeous Victorian style townhouse. I shouldn't have expected anything else from Victor. I made my way up the front steps, where the door was opened upon my arrival by a thin Asian boy.

"Hello, please make your way to the drawing room on your left sir" the boy said.

I obliged and made my way into a grand drawing room. It looked like something from Downton Abbey. There were five chairs set out in a line facing one way, and on the opposite side of the room stood four other young guys. One of them I recognised as Lewis (the intern who had fucked me in the copy room at work) while another I recognised from work as my good-looking colleague Chen Yang. I realised we were the five pickings that were going to get fucked.

I made my way over to Lewis and shot him a smile. His eyes lit up when he saw me and a smile spread across his face.

"Thank god, there is someone else here I know" he said, "I was starting to get nervous"

"Don't worry" I said, "I'm sure everyone here will be lovely to you and Victor won't let them do anything to you that you don't want them to".

On cue, Victor then appeared. "Good evening you fine chaps. The evening's festivities will soon begin. Could I first ask whether you could all strip naked so that my five friends can see what is on offer?" he asked.

Straight away, Chen and one of the other guys started to strip their clothes off. Lewis gave me a shrug and followed suit. Not wanting to look like an idiot, I did the same. Once we were all stripped, I noticed one of the other guys already had a hard-on while I noticed Chen had an amazing rugby player's body. I stored that away for later.

Victor then beckoned in five gentlemen who sat in the five chairs. One of them was a black player I recognised from the English rugby team. Another had black curly hair, and had his shirt opened from the chest up, and was displaying some nice chest hair and a great set of pecs. Another gentleman was really fat, another was bald and in his late 60s, while the other was a thin ginger man roughly the same age as me. They then asked each of us to parade in front of them, asked us to turn around if need be to show off our bodies and cocks and spoke between themselves. I was beginning to feel like a cow at the cattle market, but everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves and I didn't want to spoil the mood.

After around five minutes, the men stood up and left the room. Victor left and after a couple of minutes returned with five envelopes. He handed one to each of us and said: "The numbers on these envelopes match the number of the room you are to go to. Your man for the evening will be waiting just behind the door. Have fun" and gave us all a wink.

My envelope said 2 so I collected my clothes and went to door number 2. On opening it, I was relieved to see that sexy curly hair guy was standing there. He gave me a smile

"Hi, I'm Thomas, nice to meet you" he said and extended out his hand.

"Mike" I replied and returned the handshake.

"There are some clothes on the bed I'd really appreciate you trying on" Thomas said and inclined his head towards the huge four poster bed that had red satin sheets across it.

I walked over and saw a school uniform lay out on the bed.

Thomas appeared beside me. "I'm a headmaster at a private all boy's school" he said, "and while I know I can't do anything with the pupils, Victor lets me use these nights to act out my fantasies".

"That's alright, I think the schoolboy/teacher thing is hot" I said.

I reached down a picked up the small black jockstrap and pulled it on. It could barely contain my cock and balls. Next I pulled on the grey shorts that were so short they barely even reached my thighs. I then put on the white shirt, but it was about two sizes too small, and I could only do up a couple of buttons. Instead, I left it open to keep my pecs and abs on show. Finally I tied the school tie around my neck and let it hang down against my torso.

I turned to face Thomas and show myself in the uniform. Thomas licked his lips, and pounced on me, opening my mouth with his tongue and thrashing his around in my mouth. He then bent down and took my right nipple in his mouth. His tongue circled it a few times before he bit it, hard! I let out a small gasp of pain.

He then moved his tongue down my abs, licking them as he made his way to my shorts. He pulled my shorts down exposing my jockstrap. Just when I thought he was going to start sucking my cock, he turned me around, and pushed my shoulders so I was hunched over the end of the bed with my ass in the air.

He started slapping ass hard and calling me a naughty boy. I wasn't really into this sort of thing but didn't think Victor would be happy if I made one of his "friends" stop so I made all the right noises in all the right places.

Once my ass was suitably raw, Thomas then stuck one of his fingers in my ass. Now this, I could enjoy as I started to moan in pleasure. Realising I liked this; he started to pound his finger in, before adding a second. After a couple of minutes, he removed his fingers, and then I felt something wet on my hole.

I realised he was rimming me and moaned in pleasure. I could feel his tongue licking the inside of my hole, and I was pushing my ass back onto his tongue to make sure he could get further entry.

Once he was happy that I was suitably lubed up, Thomas stood up and undressed himself. I glanced behind myself, and saw that the hair did not stop at his chest, and he had a light covering over his abs and all down his legs. He looked really hot. He then lay down on the bed with his hard cock sticking in the air. He told me to straddle his cock but face away from him.

I did what I was told, and let out a cry as his large 8" cock pushed into my hole. I was soon bobbing up and down and Thomas was panting.

"Oh yes Carter" he was saying. I was about to tell him my name was Mike when I realised Carter was probably the name of the student he was fantasising about.

We both continued to moan as I bobbed up and down on his cock.

"Get off me" Thomas said, and I jumped off, thinking I had done something wrong.

"Lie down on the bed" he said, "with your face down and your ass up in the air".

I lay down and stuck my ass up. He then rammed his hard cock into me and started pumping my ass. I was moaning in ecstasy, while Thomas kept saying "Fuck yeah, Carter" over and over.

After a few minutes, I felt Thomas tense and felt him shoot his load into my ass. He let out a huge sigh as he did this. Once he finished shooting, he took his cock out of my ass.

"Thanks for that" he said, "you were incredible. Feel free to stay here for a while, there isn't any rush for you to leave". And with that, he got himself dressed and left the room.

I lay on the bed with my face down for a few minutes as I collected my thoughts. What the hell had I just done? I was all for enjoying sex, but I had basically just been used by someone else. I was busy thinking about what to say to Victor when I heard the door open. I thought Thomas had perhaps come back for more, when a hand grabbed my hair and yanked my head up.

I turned to see Victor standing there in his tuxedo with a sly smirk on his face.

"I told you would go far in this company Mike. Thomas has just given you a glowing review of your services, so I thought I should come and congratulate you in person"

And with that, he pulled his hard 9" cock out of his trousers, and rammed it up my ass. I cried out in pain as he started to fuck me on all fours on the bed while still holding my hair.

He reached down and loosened the tie around my neck. He then pulled the tie up over my eyes and tightened it again like a blindfold.

"You like me fucking you, don't you Mike?" Victor whispered in my ear.

"I love your cock up my ass" I panted back.

"Good and I love plowing it" he replied, "but I think we need to move off this bed".

He withdrew his cock from my ass and pulled me off the bed. I could feel him guide across the room, when he told me to put my hands out. I extended my hands out and felt glass and realised I was standing in front of one of the large windows in the room. He forced me up against it, lined himself up and thrust his cock back up my arse

"I remember you loved me fucking you like this in my office, do you remember?" Victor panted in my ear and he fucked me senseless. He moved his hands from my hips to reach round and grab my nipples. He began to roughly tweak them.

"Uh huh" was all I could manage due to both the pain and pleasure I was feeling.

"You know, I think our fuck sessions should be a bit more regular don't you?" he said.

"Uh huh"

He continued to pound my ass, until I couldn't take any more and my cock spurted streams of cum into the jockstrap I was still wearing. This made my ass clench around Victor's cock, which made him moan with pleasure as he came up my ass.

Once he was finished, he removed his cock and whispered in my ear "you make a fucking hot schoolboy too."

"Thank you sir" I replied as I got my breath back.

"Come and see me on Monday morning and we can discuss what further opportunities you might have at the company. A taxi is waiting outside for you to take you home" Victor said, and gave my ass a slap.

I was now alone in the room, and decided it was time to leave. I took off the schoolboy outfit and left them in a pile. I then put back on my shirt and trousers and left the room. As I walking to the front door, I passed a room with a 4 on it. I glanced in to see the rugby player pounding Lewis' ass and Lewis moaning. "Good for him" I though.

I climbed into the waiting taxi and got home. As I arrived outside my apartment building, I saw a figure waiting outside the door. I made my way towards the door, and the figure turned to face me.

"Dean!" I said surprised

"Hi Mike" Dean said, "sorry but I couldn't wait to see you..."


Next: Chapter 10

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