Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Jul 26, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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Work had finally quietened down so I managed to get back into the gym. Dean was coming home at the weekend, so I decided to put in a few extra hours to hopefully buff my body up more for his return, and to show I hadn't lost interest with him being away. Also, the decorator's lust for my body had also driven me on to continue training as I wanted more guys to be that fixated over my body.

After a particularly draining workout session, I took to the sauna room. The heat felt good as it helped to relax my aching muscles.

I was sitting on one of the seats naked, with a towel drooped over my cock and my eyes closed when I hear the whoosh of the sauna room door open. I opened my eyes and saw Kevin walk in. He looked as good as always and had a towel wrapped around his waist. His torso was looking at hot as always, and I could see swaet already glistening over his rock hard pecs.

He gave me a smile as he entered and sat down next to me.

"Hey Mike, how are you doing?" he asked.

"Great thanks Kevin, yourself?" I replied and closed my eyes again to relax.

"Good. Been busy with work, not had much chance to swim lately" he said with the sound of a smile in his voice.

"Much chance to see your boyfriend though?" I asked.

"Sadly not. He's away in LA for a few months doing some modelling work (of course he was a model I though). It's a shame really as I'm dying for a fuck" Kevin said.

"Oh, I get that" I replied.

"I bet you do" Kevin said. "Fancy helping me out?"

I opened my eyes and turned to him to see Kevin standing totally naked with his hard cock in my face. Obligingly, I opened my mouth and he stuck his cock in. He began to buck his hips, forcing his cock further and further into my mouth. He put his hands on the back of my head and began to really pump his cock in. I could barely breathe, he was going so fast.

"Fuck yeah, that feels so good" Kevin panted.

I grabbed his ass cheeks to steady myself as he forced his cock into my mouth. Kevin began to slow his motion, which made me think he was going to cum soon. Instead, he pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"Turn around" he said.

I turned myself around on the seat, and stuck my ass in the air. I felt Kevin push his cock into my ass and I grunted as the pain subsided into pleasure.

"Oh god, that feels so good. You have a much tighter ass than my boyfriend" Kevin moaned. He grabbed onto my shoulders, and began to fuck me hard. He kept brushing my prostate with his cock, and it made me moan every time

"Fuck yeah, that's so good" I moaned.

"Yeah, you like that?" Kevin moaned back, and quickened his pace.

We were both in heaven as Kevin continued to plow my ass. His cock was pounding in and out my ass, which was now getting slick with sweat due to our intense fucking.

I reached down and began to wank my hard cock. I was leaking pre-cum over the sauna seat so my hand was sliding easily up and down my hard member.

I heard Kevin begin to pant and soon felt his cock shoot spurts of cum up my ass.

"Oh fucccck" Kevin moaned as he unloaded his sperm up my asshole. He slowed his rhythm down, and removed his cock from my ass.

"That was just what I needed Mike, thanks for that. Maybe we could do it another time?" he asked.

"Sure thing" I replied back.

Kevin wrapped his towel around his waist and left the room.

I began to get my breath back and turned and sat back down on the seat. I closed my eyes again and began to relax when I heard the whoosh of the door once more.

"Coming back for seconds?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

There standing in front of me was my boss Victor. He was totally naked and his cock was rising to attention as he saw me sitting there naked.

"Well, now that you offered" he said with a grin.

He walked over to me and I stood up from the seat. "Lie down on the floor" he commanded.

I lay down on my back, and Victor put my legs on his shoulders. He then lined his now hard cock up to my ass and pushed it in. I was glad Kevin had just cum up there as it provided plenty of lube for Victor's hard 9" cock.

"Mmmm, who else have you been fucking in here besides Dean?" Victor asked as he felt the cum in my hole.

"I'm sure you'll find out" I moaned.

Victor rested his hands on my thighs and began to pump my ass with his cock. I was writhing on the floor in ecstasy as his cock hit my prostate.

"I've been watching you and Dean fuck in here for weeks. I must admit, I've really enjoyed it" Victor said between grunts as he pounded me.

"Lewis that hot intern and I also discussed your ass when I fucked him the other day in my office" he continued. "You do really like to fuck don't you?" he asked.

I moaned as his cock plowed into me. "Yes sir, I do. I love feeling a hard cock pound my ass and cum up there" I panted.

Victor leaned over, and I could feel the sweat dripping off his body onto my own. "I bet you love my cock up there don't you?" he said.

"Oh yes sir" I moaned.

Victor then pulled his cock quickly out of my ass that made me gasp. He ordered me to get up on all fours. I did as I was told. He then lined his cock up, and pushed it all the way into my begging hole. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear

"You are a good fuck Mike. I'm having a party on Saturday night that I think you would enjoy, you should come along" he grunted into my ear.

"Oh yeah" I replied, to both his invitation, and the feeling of his cock up my hole.

Victor, then grabbed my hair with his hands, and proceeded to fuck me as fast and hard as he could. Just as I was feeling he was about to rip me apart, he let out a huge moan and I felt his seed fill my ass

"Fuck yeah" he moaned as nine spurts of cum shot up my ass.

Once he was done, he pulled his cock out and stood up. He offered his hand and pulled me up; I was a bit shaky on my legs after that intense fuck.

"I was serious about this weekend Mike. I think you would really enjoy this party. I am having some friends over, and I think we could have some serious fun" he said with a wicked grin on his face.

I didn't feel like I could really turn him down so I said "That sounds fun sir, I'll definitely be there".

He smiled at me. "Excellent, I'll text you the details" and with that, he walked out of the sauna room.

I smiled to myself, and wrapped my towel around me and left the sauna myself. The sauna room hadn't exactly been the relaxing time I thought it would have been but I still enjoyed it. Plus my mind was thinking about the weekend with Victor's party and Dean's return.

I couldn't wait.


Next: Chapter 9

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