Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Jul 20, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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It was reaching the end of the first week of Dean being away and I hadn't had sex with anyone. This meant I was starting to climb the walls out of horniness. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I needed sex constantly, but when you do end up having sex on a nearly daily basis, you miss it when it's gone.

Work had been busy again and I hadn't had the chance to make it to the gym. The place was also busy as the company had decorators in. Senior management had decided that since business was going well, the walls deserved a fresh lick of paint, although I must admit, I'd rather see the money going into our pockets.

As promised, Dean had been sending me some sexy pictures from his holiday, including a topless selfie showing off his tan, and one of his hard cock.

He had just sent me another one of him wearing a pair of skimpy red Speedos (I was glad to see my influence was rubbing off on him). I was busy looking at my phone and not paying attention to where I was going and the next thing I knew, I had paint spilt all down the left side of my shirt.

"Awww, sorry mate, didn't see you there" came a voice. I looked up and a slim but hot young blonde guy with a buzz cut was standing in front of me with a roller of paint. He was wearing white overalls tied at the waist and a white t-shirt.

"Don't worry about it" I said, "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going"

I headed off to the nearest toilet and examined myself in the mirrors over the sink. My pink shirt now had a long line of magnolia paint running down it. Deciding I need to soak my shirt, I filled the sink with hot water, took my shirt off, and put it in the water to soak.

The door to the bathroom and in walked the blonde decorator.

"Look mate, I'm sorry..." he started but stopped when he saw me standing there with my top off. "Fucking hell mate, you're built like a house" he exclaimed.

I gave him a smile. "Thanks, I put plenty of effort in at the gym so glad someone thinks it is paying off" I said.

He approached me, still fixated on my torso.

"Mind if I touch it?" he asked.

I gave him the go ahead and he reached out and grabbed my right bicep. I flexed to show him how big I was (well, why not?) and he gave out a gasp. After feeling my bicep, his hand ran along my shoulder to my right pec and gave that a squeeze too. I could feel my cock starting to stir in my trousers, and I noticed his free hand had moved to inside his overalls.

After groping my pec, he then moved down to rub his hand along my abs.

"Fuck man, you have a hot body" he breathed, "look at mine", and without further ado, he yanked up his white t-shirt. Since he was so slim, he had the definition of abs, but this more due to the fact he was so skinny rather than working out.

"I really want to bulk up like you" he said.

I reached out and began to stroke his abs.

"Just get yourself to a gym, doing the right exercises and eating the right sort of food and you'll bulk up in no time" I replied, "I'd be happy to go through it with you sometime"

"Yeah, I'd like that" he said and he reached out again to stroke my abs.

He stood transfixed stroking my abs for some time, and I could feel my cock starting to get hard. His other hand was still down his overalls and he was clearly jacking himself off.

"Do you want me to help you with that?" I asked and nodded towards his crotch.

Without any further encouragement, he pulled down his overalls to expose his hard cock. I bent down on my knees and took his cock in my mouth. I licked up and down the shaft, and ran my tongue along the head.

He moved one of his hands up to his left nipple and began to play with it, while he moved the other around to his ass. I could tell he was playing with his ass. Now, I am no top but I'm happy to help someone out when they need it. I moved my right hand around, batted away with his hand and stuck my index finger up his ass.

He gave out a moan and began to buck his hips, bucking his cock into my mouth.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened.

"Oi Lee, where are you man?" came a voice and in walked another decorator. He too had white overalls tied at the waist, but had on a white vest splattered with paint that nicely showed off his biceps. He also had a shaved head.

"Fuck Lee, why do you get all the fun?" he said

"Get over here Jason and join in" Lee panted.

Jason gave a smirk and came over. He pulled his cock out of his overalls and stood next to Lee. I pulled my mouth off of Lee's hard meat, and sucked on Jason's. His was much larger and tasted so good. He was already leaking precum and I lapped it up from his head.

I continued to finger fuck Lee who was writhing in pleasure as he tried to impale himself on my finger.

Once Jason was suitably lubed up, he took his cock from my mouth. He moved round behind, and undid my trousers. He pulled my trousers and underwear down exposing my open hole.

He bent down and begun to lick out my hole. I went back to sucking Lee's cock and was moaning as Jason worked my ass. The next thing, I felt Jason's cock push into my hole.

I let out a huge moan as Jason said "Fuck yeah, this is one tight ass"

He grabbed my shoulders and began to pound his cock into my ass like an animal. I continued to suck Lee's cock and stuck another finger up his hole and began to finger fuck him. That seemed to drive him over the edge as his cock erupted in my mouth, spurting five jets of cum down my throat.

His moaning seemed to get Jason going as I soon heard him panting and felt his cock shoot his load up my ass.

Once they had both stopped panting and had spent their load, Jason removed his cock from my ass, and they both stood up to face me.

"Thanks for that, and I'd be happy to take you up on that offer to work out with you sometime" said Lee.

"And if there is an offer to fuck that ass of yours again, I'd be happy to take that too" said Jason.

I gave them both my number and they left me alone in the bathroom.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I had some of Lee's cum dripping down my chin and I could feel Jason's cum running down my leg. My trousers were round my ankles, and my cock was standing to attention. I looked fucking hot.

I admired my body and decided to get out my phone. I wiped the cum of my chin, pressed record on the video on my phone and placed the phone at the mirror.

"This is for you Dean" I said, and grabbed my cock. I began to jack myself off and moved my other hand around my body, playing with my nipple, and rubbing my hand along my abs like Lee had done earlier.

Soon, I could feel my cock tensing, and I shot a load of cum out of my cock. Some of it landed on the mirror, while the rest landed on the floor.

I stopped the video and sent it to Dean. I thought it was only fair he got something from me while he was away.

I pulled up my trousers and took my shirt out of the sink. Following my fuck with Victor, I had started to bring in an extra pair of work clothes (because you never know). I got my spare shirt out of my bag, got changed and headed home.

Later that night, I got a picture from Dean of his cock, covered in cum with a message that read: look what your message did to me.

I smiled. I couldn't wait for him to come back.


Next: Chapter 8

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