Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Jul 4, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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Work continued to be busy. We had a new client that had approached us asking us to handle the marketing campaign of their new product and my boss was really keen to impress them. That meant I had to spend my time going over the account thoroughly to ensure the client was kept happy.

The deadline for the client was fast approaching, so I wasn't surprised when I got a call from my boss to go and see him in his office. His office was a few floors up from mine so I had to take the elevator up. While in the elevator, I took the opportunity to look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a pair of my tight grey trousers that hugged my ass and a lilac shirt that showed off my biceps and tight body. I also had a purple tie on which I straightened to make myself look presentable. I then turned to check out my ass in the mirror. I had a pair of tie-up backless briefs that I had purchased from BangStrike on, and while I felt hot in them, I wanted to make sure it wasn't too noticeable that my ass was pretty much on show when I met the boss. When I arrived, his secretary sent me straight in.

My boss was called Victor and while he was in his late 40s, he still took really good care of himself and looked really good. He liked to do triathlons so was in really buff shape. I had admired his body on many occasions, as in particular, his bulging biceps gave me plenty of things to think about when I wanked myself off at home at night.

It also helped that he wore impeccably tailored suits. I love a man in a suit, so with his good shape, his stubble, and greying hair, he looked like a stud, and I hoped I looked as good as him when I was his age.

As I entered his room, I noticed he was wearing a pinstripe suit, which was tight on his bulge area and showed off an already impressive package. He had a white shirt, red tie and even had some black braces on that I noticed under his suit jacket. My cock leapt in my trousers.

His room had a row of full length windows which let you look down on the busy streets of London below. He had a large desk which he was sitting behind, and the rest of the walls were all tainted glass so nobody could look in.

"Mike, take a seat, I'd like you to go through this account with me" Victor said and directed me to the grey sofa he kept his office. He stood up from behind his desk and joined me on the sofa.

I set out the project work in front of him and ran him through the different aspects of the project. He nodded in the right places and asked questions when need be. Once I finished with my presentation, he reclined back in the sofa.

"Excellent work Mike, I think our client will be really happy with what we've done. Fancy a drink?" he said.

Without giving me a chance to reply, he stood up and made his way over to a collection of whiskey bottles and glasses. He took one bottle and poured the drink into two glasses. He then carried them both back to me at the sofa and sat down.

He reclined his head back and loosened his tie a little and took a swig of whiskey from his glass. I followed his lead and drank the stuff too. It burned on the way down, whiskey was not my type of drink!

"You know Mike, you have been a really impressive worker since you joined us and I've been happy with the work you've produced"

"Thanks sir," I replied, "that really means a lot coming from you".

"I think you have the potential to go really far in this company, except for one thing" he said.

"What might that be sir?" I asked, worry starting to spread across my face.

"If you decide to fuck in the sauna room, you could have the decency to let me know" he said and moved his hand onto my thigh.

I looked down in shock as his hand started to rub my inner thigh. I'd fantasised about this a number of times, but never thought it would actually happen. I looked up to match his gaze.

"Suck my cock" Victor said.

Not needing any further encouragement, I leaned forward, and undid his the zip on his tight trousers. I went to pull them down, and he batted my hand away.

"No, the suit stays on" he said.

My cock started to harden at that thought. I reached my hand into his trousers to find he was wearing a jockstrap. I pulled his hard cock out of his trousers so that it was sticking out of his zip. It was already hard and leaking precum, and was nearly 9" by my guess.

I started salivating at the prospect of sucking it, and soon engulfed the huge piece of meat. Victor put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me further down on his hard meat. I nearly gagged on it, it was so big but Victor didn't relent and continued to push his hard cock into my mouth. He began to buck his hips to meet my bobbing and soon we had a good rhythm going as I engulfed his cock.

He continued to leak precum down my throat and it was driving me wild. Victor was grunting as he fucked my mouth. He then removed his hand from my head and pulled his suit jacket off. I continued to bob up and down on his meat, as he told me to "suck it, you dirty bastard". I gladly accepted.

I ran my tongue up and down his massive shaft, making sure I licked every part of it. It felt huge in my mouth, and I kept gagging on his cock as he pushed it further down my throat.

As my jaw began to ache from the sucking, Victor pulled me off his meat. He pulled me up from the sofa and dragged me over to the one of the full-length windows. He bent down to my ass, and put his hands on my trousers.

I thought he was going to pull them down, but instead he gripped the trousers around my ass and pulled them. I heard a rip and turned to see that my trousers now had a large rip in them, leaving a gaping hole right where my asshole was. I let out a gasp, and due to the fact I was wearing the backless briefs, my ass was easily exposed.

"That is what I like to see, a man who doesn't waste any time" Victor said.

He then stood up, and without any warning or lube, stuck his hard 9" cock right up my ass. I let a sharp cry of pain, and Victor put his hand over my mouth.

"Just stand there and take my manhood" he said.

He then grabbed onto my hips and began to fuck my ass hard. I could hear him grunting as he plowed his hard cock into my ass. While I had been in agony when he first plowed his cock in, I was soon in heaven as the pain subsided into pleasure.

Victor then moved one of his hands round and grabbed hold of my tie. He then pulled the tie back around my neck and was pulling it like a leash.

"Fuck yeah" he said "take my cock you bitch".

I didn't usually like dirty talk, but the feelings were so good (and the fact he was my boss) meant I was happy for Victor to talk to me like that.

There I was being fucked by my boss up against a window for the whole world to see. Luckily I was still fully dressed and wasn't standing there totally stark naked. However, the thought of being fucked while watching people on the street below go about their business got my cock nice and hard.

I turned my head to see Victor was starting to sweat as he continued to fuck me, and he was rolling his head back with his eyes closed. I knew he wasn't far now, and soon enough, I felt his cock explode and his cum shoot up my ass. He let out a roar as he came.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally stopped shooting his load and removed his cock from my ass. "Thanks for that Mike, and all the work you've been doing. Keep that up and I think you will go far. You can let yourself out now". With that, Victor then turned, zipped up his trousers and went back to his desk.

I was now standing there with a hole at my ass in my trousers and realised I still needed to get home. I remembered my gym kit was in my locker down in the changing room and conceded this was the only change of clothes I had to change into. Collecting up my papers, I put them around my back to cover my ass, thanked Victor and left.

Luckily, his secretary wasn't at her desk and I managed to get to the elevator without bumping into anyone. Once in the elevator, I pressed the button for the basement where the gym was located and made my way down.

Once the elevator opened, I made my way to the changing room, and walked in. I walked over to my locker and put the papers on the bench, exposing my ripped trousers and my ass.

"Now, that is a sight to behold" came a voice from behind me.

I turned to see Dean standing there dripping wet in just a towel wrapped around his waist. Water was running down his bulging pecs and abs. My cock (which was still hard from the pounding I had received from Victor) continued to strain in my trousers. Dean then pulled at the towel, so it fell to the floor, revealing his rock hard cock.

He walked over to me, and began to kiss me. My tongue entered his mouth and began to thrash around inside it.

Wasting no time, Dean broke the kiss and lay me down on the changing room floor. He lifted my legs onto his shoulders, and then shoved his rock hard cock up my ass. We didn't need any lube since Victor's load was still up there, which Dean instantly noticed.

"Now, who else has been fucking this hot ass?" Dean asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I replied.

Dean smiled and leaned in to kiss me. We continued to kiss as Dean pounded my ass. After the brutal fucking I had received from Victor, it was a relief to have Dean's cock up my ass, and I realised how much I liked having his cock up there. He started to pick up momentum and soon the water on his tight body was dripping onto my shirt, making it go see through.

As Dean fucked me, he reached his hand down and started wanking my cock through my trousers. It was painfully hard and since I hadn't cum when Victor was fucking me, it didn't take long for the cum to build up.

I let out a loud moan as the cum came shooting out of my cock into my briefs. My ass muscles clenched down on Dean's cock, which tipped him over the edge as he then came in my ass, his cum mixing with Victors.

We continued lying on the floor kissing for a long time. Dean's cock eventually went soft and it slipped out of my ass.

Dean broke the kiss and looked down at my ass.

"I think you've made a mess" he laughed.

I looked to see that the cum was oozing out of my ass onto the changing room floor.

I shrugged my shoulders "Fuck it, someone will clear it up" I said.

Dean laughed and pulled me up. We both got dressed (him into regular clothes, and me into my skimpy gym attire). Dean looked me up and down again and came in for another kiss.

He then grabbed his bag "See you for our next workout session" he said, winked at me and then left.

I couldn't wait.


Next: Chapter 5

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