Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Sep 25, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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I was sitting waiting for a massage appointment. I'd been having pains in my thighs recently when at the gym, so Dean had told me to arrange an appointment with a masseuse to help with the pain.

Begrudgingly I'd made the appointment and here I was.

"Mike Smith" came a voice.

I looked up and saw a hunky twentysomething. He had cropped black hair, and was wearing a black vest and black shorts.

I licked my lips.

I made my way over to him and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Will" he replied, "just follow me, and we'll see what we can do".

I followed him into a massage room. There was a massage table in the middle, with a towel across the middle. There was incense burning, with some awful whale music playing. I could see a variety of lotion bottles dotted around too.

"Just get undressed, and I'll be with you in a moment" Will said.

"Do I get totally naked, or wear underwear?" I asked.

Will gave me a wink. "Whichever you prefer" and left the room.

Deciding to be a bit frisky, I stripped totally naked and lay face down on the massage table. I put the towel across my ass.

I heard Will enter the room and took his place around my torso.

"OK, let's get started" he said.

He squirted oil across my back, and began to work his hands across my back. It felt so good, and he was pressing down on my muscles in all the right places, I felt so relaxed.

He then moved down to my legs and began to work his hands up and down my left leg, and then my right. His hands would get closer to my balls, and then move back down again.

"I need to get a bit more access" he said, and removed my towel, exposing my ass.

"Glad you went with the natural look" he commented. He went back to massaging my legs, particularly around my thighs. It felt amazing, and I was soon moaning in pleasure as he massaged the muscles in my legs.

His hands continued to creep up, and I felt him begin to massage my butt cheeks.

I wasn't complaining about that, and let him work my ass muscles. Every so often, his hands would graze around my hole, making me give out a little gasp.

Realising I clearly enjoyed that, his hands kept grazing my hole more and more.

Suddenly, I felt oil drizzle across my hole. It felt so warm against it.

I then felt Will insert a finger into my hole, pushing the warm massage oil into my ass.

I let out a loud moan as he pushed his middle finger further into my ass.

"I think we need to massage all the muscles" Will said.

I couldn't disagree, and I could feel my cock harden as he pushed his finger in and out of my ass.

Will pushed his finger in and out of my ass for a while as his other hand massaged my ass cheeks.

He then rolled me over exposing my hard cock.

He removed his finger from my ass, and poured massage oil all over my chest, including my cock.

His hands worked across my pecs, massaging my muscles, and paying particular attention to my nipples. His hands worked their way down my body, before his hands reached my shaft.

Using the massage oil as lube, his hand worked up and down my shaft, wanking my hard cock as it got stiffer and stiffer.

"You like that, don't you?" he said.

I just moaned in reply.

Will began to quicken his pace as he wanked me, and move his right hand back to my ass and pushed his finger back up my hole.

That was enough to set me off, and I let out a moan as I shot streams of cum across my chest. I shot seven loads of cum across my chest, even hitting my face with one of them.

Once I had finished shooting, Will pulled his finger from my ass and passed me a towel.

"Well, I hope you found that relaxing" he said.

"Oh, I certainly did" I replied.

I wiped myself down, got dressed and thanked Will for the massage, and extras.

I said I'd meet Dean at the gym at our work, so I headed there. I felt relaxed and rejuvenated. My legs were no longer giving me cramp, and I felt pretty good after the excellent wank I had received as well.

Arriving at my work's gym, I changed into a pair of tight blue Speedos, and made my way to the sauna room where Dean would be waiting.

Upon entry to the sauna, I noticed that both Dean and Kevin were there, both sitting with towels wrapped around their waists.

They both shot me a smile as I entered and I made my way over to them. Kevin moved over to allow me to sit between them both.

"Hi Mike, Dean was just telling me all about Victor's party you went to the other day" Kevin said.

"I was just telling him what fun we all had" Dean said with a glint in his eye.

"Oh, it was definitely a lot of fun" I replied.

"Think we could have some fun here?" Kevin asked.

In reply, I leaned forward and kissed Kevin, my tongue pushing its way into his mouth. We began to make out, and I could feel Dean rubbing his hands up and down my thighs.

Pulling down Kevin's towel, I exposed his hardening cock. I leaned forward and took his meat into my mouth, licking it up and down. Kevin let out a moan as I engulfed his cock.

Dean's hand moved towards my own crotch and he began to rub my cock through my hardening Speedos.

I pulled myself off Kevin's cock and turned my attention to Dean. He'd already thrown away his towel and was sitting there with his hard cock standing to attention. I bent down and took his cock in my mouth, licking it from the head to the bottom of his shaft.

I reached over and began to wank Kevin as I sucked Dean off.

"Fuck, I need to be in your ass" Kevin moaned.

He got up and lay down on his back on the sauna room floor. "I want to see what Dean was telling me about" Kevin said.

Dean pulled his cock from my mouth and also lay down on the floor, standing his cock next to Kevins.

Realising what they wanted me to do, I took off my Speedos, I straddled them both, and lowered myself onto both of their waiting cocks.

The pain was excruciating as I lowered myself onto both of their cocks at the same time.

Luckily, thanks to the massage oil that Will had worked up there earlier, it wasn't quite as painful, and the massage oil served as lube for me to take them both up my ass.

Soon, both of their cocks were fully up my ass. Kevin began to push his cock up and down in my ass, rubbing his cock against Dean's that was planted in there.

"Fuck, this is so hot" Kevin moaned.

I just moaned in ecstasy as Kevin and Dean both pushed their cocks further into my ass.

Kevin began to moan and I felt his cock tense and shoot shots of cum up my ass. That seemed to spur Dean on, and soon he was shooting his own load up my hole. They both shot so much, my ass couldn't contain both of their loads, and I could feel the cum leak out of my ass onto their cocks.

Panting, Kevin pulled his cock from my ass.

"Fuck, that was hot. You are a fucking good bottom Mike" he said.

He stood and wrapped the towel around his waist. "See you guys around, we should do that again sometime."

We said goodbye, and Kevin left the sauna room.

Dean still had his cock, which was still hard in my ass. I turned to him and leaned forward. He opened his mouth, and we both began to kiss.

I began to bob up and down on his hard shaft, which was pushing further into my ass thanks to the two loads of cum up here.

Dean pushed his cock up to match my thrusts, and we were soon both panting again.

"Get on all fours" Dean said.

I pulled myself off his cock, and got onto my hands and knees. Dean got behind me, and pushed his cock into my waiting hole.

Without waiting any longer, Dean grabbed onto my hips and began to fuck me like an animal. He reached around and grabbed my cock and began to wank me.

I was already close thanks to the double fuck, and soon my cock was shooting my load all over the sauna room floor.

My ass clenched around Dean's cock, and he was soon shooting a second load up my ass.

"Fuck, Kevin was right, that was hot" Dean panted as he pulled his cock out of my ass.

We both got up and left the sauna room. We both changed and I invited Dean back to mine for some food.

We could barely keep our hands off each other. We made our way to my apartment building, and entered the lift.

We were like animals in heat and as soon as the lift doors closed, we began to kiss each other. I pushed my hand down the front of Dean's trousers and began to rub his crotch.

Neither of us had been paying attention to the elevator, and neither of us turned when we heard the doors ping open.

"Dad?" came a voice.

Dean and I stopped kissing and turned to the elevator doors. Standing there was emo guy (who had recently been involved in a three-way with Dean and I in this very elevator) and a girl who looked a lot like Dean.

"Vicky?" Dean said, as he stepped away from me, and I pulled my hand from out of his trousers.

`Shit' I thought


Next: Chapter 19

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