Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Sep 21, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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Saturday soon came, and once again, Victor sent a taxi to pick me up from my flat. I was wearing the tailored burgundy suit that I picked at the Savile Row tailor the other day. Max, the tailor who had fucked me in the dressing room there must have sent Victor a picture of the suit as he had commented he liked the look of my suit without even seeing it.

The taxi pulled up to Victor's apartment and once again I climbed the steps to his front door.

Upon ringing the doorbell, the door was answered by a very good-looking Hispanic looking guy. He must have been around 20 years old and was just wearing a pair of skimpy black briefs. He had a great torso, with a killer six-pack.

"Good evening sir, my name is Miguel. Please come in" he said and gestured for me to enter.

I made my way past him, making sure to check out his ass as I walked past.

Miguel signalled for me to follow him and I followed him down the hallway to a set of grand oak doors. Miguel pushed open the doors to reveal a grand dining room, with a large oak table. Victor was sitting at one end of the table, and I noticed four other men sitting around the table.

One of them was Thomas, the curly haired guy who had fucked me the last time I had visited Victors when I dressed up as a schoolboy. Another man I recognised as Greg from work. He had styled his hair and was wearing tailored pin stripe suit, and looked really hot.

One of the other men looked around the same age as Victor, and was bald. He had a grey beard that looked pretty scruffy, and had large biceps that were straining out of the white shirt he was wearing.

The final man at the table surprised me; it was none other than Dean! I'd mentioned I was going to Victor's for dinner, but Dean had never mentioned that he had been invited too. He was wearing a lilac shirt that hugged his torso perfectly. I gave him a quizzical look, and he flashed me one of his smiles.

"Ah Mike, welcome" Victor said, and he rose from his chair.

"I think you know everyone except for my friend Robert" Victor said and gestured to the man around the same age as him.

Robert gave me a smile as I walked to my seat.

"Very pleased to meet you Mike" Robert said.

"Nice to meet you too" I replied.

I sat down at the table, and Miguel poured me a glass of wine. I couldn't help staring at his body, and I noticed everyone around the table was checking him out too.

Miguel disappeared into the kitchen and Victor raised his glass.

"Well gentleman, here's to a lovely evening" he toasted.

We all said cheers and sipped the wine. Conversation soon started and we all made small talk. I glanced down the table towards Dean and he gave me a smile.

The door to the kitchen swung open and Miguel appeared carrying some plates. He set them down, and I noticed the plates had some toasted baugettes and pate on them.

"Starter is served gentleman" he said.

We proceeded to wolf down the three gorgeous courses that Miguel brought out to us. The food tasted divine (although I expected nothing less from Victor). On the dessert course, by which time we had all had quite a lot of wine to drink, I felt Thomas' hand move onto my thigh and begin to stroke it.

Victor seemed to take that as a cue and moved us all into his grand living room.

I noticed as we made our way into the room that we were all sporting hard cocks through our trousers.

We all sat down on available seats. I sat between Thomas and Dean. Greg sat beside Robert while Victor rested in an armchair.

"Well gentleman, as I'm sure you all presumed, tonight we might have a bit of fun. So feel free to strip down and begin to enjoy the finer delights of the evening" Victor said with a glint in his eye.

Immediately, Thomas unzipped my trousers and pulled them down, exposing my red briefs I was wearing. He then proceeded to suck on my cock through my briefs. Dean unbuttoned my shirt, exposing my torso and began to lick my nipples.

I glanced to my left and saw Greg and Robert kissing each other, stroking each other through their trousers. Victor was sitting watching as the action took place around him.

My attention was brought back to Dean as he began to kiss me. I opened my mouth, giving his tongue access as he slipped it into my mouth and began to spar with mine.

Thomas was still sucking on my cock, creating quite a damp spot on my briefs. I then felt him pull my briefs down, exposing my hard cock. He then took my cock into his mouth, making me moan into Dean.

I then felt movement beside me and I turned to see Victor standing beside me with his hard cock standing to attention.

I broke my kiss with Dean and leaned down to take Victor's cock in my mouth. I bobbed up and down on his impressive meat. He moved his hands to the back of my head and began to push me further down onto his cock.

I then felt something up my ass, and realised Dean was pushing his finger into my ass.

I began to moan as I sucked a cock, got my cock sucked and got fingered all at the same time.

I looked over to see Greg was sucking on Robert's cock. Robert looked to be around 7" and Greg was sucking on his cock like an expert. I couldn't believe that just a few weeks ago, I had thought of Greg as a total straight guy, and here he was involved in a gay orgy.

"Time to show Robert Mike's impressive trick" Victor growled and he pulled his cock from my mouth.

Thomas pulled off my cock, and Dean pulled his finger from my ass.

Victor lay down on the rug on the floor, with his hard cock standing to attention. Robert then stood, removing his cock from Greg's mouth and lay down opposite Victor, with their cocks standing to attention next to each other.

I must have looked a bit confused as Greg then said to me "They want to repeat what we did in Edinburgh"

Realising he was talking about double penetration, I stood up and stood over both cocks. I began to slowly lower myself until I could feel both cocks pushing at my hole. I began to moan in both pleasure and pain as both cocks began to enter my hole.

Dean walked in front of me, and pushed his cock into my open mouth. I began to suck on his cock as I lowered myself onto the two cocks, taking my mind off the pain that my ass was experiencing.

I looked over to see Greg was on all fours on the sofa and Thomas was pushing his cock into Greg's ass. I flashed back to the gym when Jason had fucked Greg, where Greg appeared to be in pain. This time was different though, as Greg was moaning in pleasure as Thomas pushed his cock into his ass. Greg had clearly been practicing.

Turning back to my own fucking session, I continued to bob up and down on both Victor and Robert's cocks. Both men were moaning in pleasure, and Robert began to buck his hips, pushing his cock further up my hole.

Dean continued to face fuck me with his hard cock, he put his hands on my head and began to pound my mouth with his hard meat.

"Fuck, take our cocks" Robert moaned as he plowed my ass.

I didn't think he was going to last much longer, and sure enough, I heard him grunt and felt him shoot his loads up my ass.

With his cum lubing up my ass, Victor began to push his huge cock further up my ass, and with the help of Robert's cum, his cock was soon hitting my prostate.

I was in heaven, and felt like I was going to pass out from the pleasure.

"Yeah Mike, you have an amazing ass" Victor grunted and I soon felt him shooting his own load up my ass to join Roberts.

Having just shot two loads up my ass, Victor and Robert pulled their cocks out of my hole. However, I wasn't done yet as Dean then pushed me down onto my back, and pushed his cock into my now gaping cum-filled hole.

"I've been waiting all night to do this" he whispered in my ear as he began to push his cock into my hole.

He leaned forward and began to kiss me as we fucked. Despite the other people in the room, it felt like it was just the two of us.

Dean pushed his cock in and out of my ass slowly, making things really sensual. I could hear Greg moaning as Thomas continued to pound his ass, but all I wanted to focus on was Dean fucking me.

Dean broke our kiss and held onto my legs. He started to quicken up his pace, and began to pound my ass.

He was beginning to sweat and his sweat was dripping down onto my torso.

I reached down and began to stroke my own hard cock that was now leaking precum all over my abs.

I turned to see Victor was watching us fuck and was stroking his cock which was already hard again.

I kept eye contact with him as we both stroked our cocks. Suddenly, I heard Dean grunt and felt his load shoot up my ass.

That was enough to send me over the edge and my cock shot my cum all over my chest. I was moaning in pleasure.

Victor then moved beside me, got down on his knees and then let out a moan as his cock shot its second load all over my chest, with his cum mixing in with mine.

I then heard Thomas let out a moan and I turned to see that he was also shooting his load up Greg's ass. Greg, meanwhile was sucking on Robert's cock like it was his last meal.

Following Dean's load up my ass, I decided I needed to clean up and asked Victor where his bathroom was.

As if on cue, Miguel appeared and said he would escort me to the bathroom.

I got up and followed him out of the living room and up the stairs. I got a great view of his ass as he walked up the stairs. He then took me down the hallway before stopping in front of a door.

He opened the door and turned to me. "The bathroom is in here" he said. I looked down and could clearly see his hard cock straining in his briefs.

"You should have joined in" I said and stroked his cock as I walked past him into the bathroom.

He gave me a grin and followed me into the bathroom and closed the door.

He pulled his briefs down, exposing his thick hard cock.

I bent down, exposing my ass and thanks to three loads of cum already up there, Miguel slid his cock up there with ease.

"Fuck" he moaned as he began to pound his cock in and out of my ass. He grabbed onto my hips, and began to fuck me like an animal.

"I was watching you get fucked all night. I couldn't wait to get my cock up your ass too" he moaned.

"I'm glad you liked what you see" I moaned back, "your cock feels incredible".

Miguel picked up his pace, and moved his hands up to my shoulders. This gave him a better grip and he began to pound me hard.

I thought he was going to rip me apart, when I heard him let out a moan and he shot his load up my ass.

After about six spurts of cum, he stopped and slowly pulled his cock from my ass.

"That was so hot" he panted.

"It really was. We should do it again sometime" I said.

He gave me a grin and leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips. He then left me in the bathroom to clean myself up.

After cleaning myself up, I headed back downstairs. It seemed like the party was dying down so I decided to get dressed. I put back on my suit, and Dean followed suit, putting back on his clothes.

Greg was still sucking on Robert's cock and now Thomas was sucking on his. Dean and I realised they would be at it for a while and decided to call a taxi.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and Dean and I got into the taxi together. I gave the driver my address and he set off.

I relaxed back into the seat, and then felt Dean move beside me. I opened my eyes as he began to kiss me on the lips. I opened my mouth and our tongues began to thrash together as we kissed passionately.

"I don't think I can wait until we get back to your flat" Dean moaned as he kissed me.

He put his hands down the front of my trousers and began to stroke my cock through my briefs. I returned the favour by unzipping his trousers, giving me better access to his cock and began to stroke it through his boxers.

I looked ahead at the taxi driver and could see he was watching us through his rear view mirror.

Dean didn't seem to care though, as he unzipped my trousers and pulled them down. He put his hand into my briefs and put his hand underneath my balls. I realised he was trying to get access to my ass so I lifted my hips off the taxi seat to give him better access. It seemed to help as I felt Dean's finger at my hole and he began to push it in.

I let out a moan as I felt his finger push into my ass.

I pulled down his briefs and began to wank off his cock.

We felt the taxi stop and we both turned to look at the driver. He was watching us through the rear view mirror and it was clear he had stopped on a quiet road and was wanking himself as he watched us.

"Don't stop on my account lads" he replied.

Dean and I took that as permission to carry on, and we began to strip off, kissing each other as we both wanked each other off.

Happy that Dean was hard enough, I straddled him and lowered myself onto his hard cock.

It felt so good to have his cock up my ass again, and I began to bob up and down on his cock, and started kissing him again. Our hands were roaming each other's bodies, we were in heaven.

I lowered myself all the way down onto Dean's cock, and then stayed there, feeling his cock fill me up on the inside.

"I love having your cock up my ass" I moaned.

"I love having my cock up your ass" Dean moaned back.

"I wish you would fuck his brains out" came the moan of the taxi driver.

Dean seemed happy to grant the taxi driver his wish, as he picked me up off his lap, and began to pound his cock in and out of my hole. I braced myself against the side of the taxi as Dean fucked my brains out.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum" came the moan from the taxi driver, and Dean and I both turned to look as he shot his load. It flew straight into the air and landed on his rear view mirror.

"I'm going to cum in your ass" Dean moaned, and sure enough, I felt his cock spurt its second load of the night into my ass.

I had so much cum up my ass now, that his cum started to leak out of my ass and began to drip down my leg.

Once Dean had finished cumming, he pulled his cock out of my ass and we both settled on the back seat of the taxi.

"Well guys, that was definitely a fare to remember" joked the taxi driver and he drove us back to my flat. He very kindly also didn't charge us for the journey, so he must have enjoyed the show.

Dean and I made our way up to my flat, where Dean proceeded to fuck my brains out one more time before we fell asleep in each other's arms.


Next: Chapter 18

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