Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Sep 10, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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Every year the company I worked for would throw a lavish party right in the middle of summer. The company said it liked to reward us for all the hard work we did throughout the year, and a party in the summer was much better than a party in winter, but I also liked to think that they did it then to make those of us not on holiday have something look forward.

It was Saturday and the summer party was that night. I'd asked Cole to be my date for the evening. We'd be fucking on a regular basis and I thought it would be nice to invite him. Plus, I knew Dean would be bringing his wife, so I didn't want to go alone.

In order to prepare for the party, I'd been spending the day getting myself ready. I'd hit the gym early to pump up my body. I'd gone to the hairdressers to get my hair cut shorter, as it was starting to look messy. I'd even been to a tanning booth to get myself a nice tan for the party.

I couldn't decide what to wear. The weather had been glorious the past few days, and I wanted to show off my body to Cole and the other guests (I'm not going to lie, I wanted to make Dean jealous).

I was standing at my wardrobe in just a pair of tight navy briefs, when I heard a knock at the door. I went to answer it and there was Cole.

He'd slicked his hair back with gel, but luckily had kept the scruffy beard that I was growing fond of. He was wearing tight black trousers, with a tight white shirt, that you could see his body through. I'd learned he was a yoga instructor, so had a great physique, so I couldn't blame him for wanting to show it off.

He looked me up and down in just my briefs and bit his bottom lip.

"I didn't realise that was the dress code. I feel slightly over-dressed" he said.

I laughed, and pulled him into my apartment.

"You look hot, and you need to help me decide what to wear" I replied.

We went into my bedroom and I stood in front of my wardrobe. I felt Cole stand behind me, and his hands moved around my torso.

"I can't concentrate when you look like this" he whispered in my ear.

He began to nibble on my right ear as his hands moved their way across my body. He moved his hands from my abs up to my pecs, and began to play with my nipples.

I let out a soft moan. "You've got to stop" I said.

He then moved his right hand under my briefs and began to stroke with my hardening cock.

"But you seem to be enjoying it" he said.

I couldn't correct him, I was enjoying it. He continued to stroke my cock in my briefs. I could feel myself leaking precum onto his hand and making a damp spot on my underwear. His left hand was still playing with my nipple, and he moved it away and ran it down my back. His hand came to my briefs, and pulled them down, exposing my ass. I felt his hand against my hole and let out a gasp as the index finger of his hand pushed into my hole.

"Fuck yeah" I moaned, rolling my head back and closing my eyes. Cole began to nuzzle my neck as he wanked and fingered me.

He began to quicken his pace as he stroked my cock, my precum lubing up my hard cock. I felt him push a second finger into my ass.

"That feels so good" I moaned as Cole kept up his rhythm.

"Yeah, you like this don't you?" Cole moaned into my ear.

I moaned back in reply. The feelings were incredible, and my cock was already hard, I knew I wouldn't last long.

I couldn't stop myself and I shot my load out of my cock, and into my wardrobe. My cum fell on some of my clothes that I had considered wearing. I let out a loud moan as I came.

"Well, I won't be wearing that" I said as I looked at a pair of trousers that were now covered in my load.

Cole laughed. "Why don't you go and tidy yourself up and I'll pick something out for you?"

I gave him a kiss and went into my bathroom and washed myself and styled my hair.

I returned to my bedroom to find clothes lay out on my bed. Cole had picked a tight pair of grey trousers and a deep red shirt that I knew was really tight on me since I'd been working out. He'd also left out the mesh Speedos that Dean had got me.

I dressed and went to join Cole in the living room. The grey trousers were tight, so you could clearly see my bulge, and that was without a hard-on. As I said, the red shirt was really tight, it made my biceps bulge in the sleeves, while I couldn't do up the top three buttons so my chest was on show.

Cole gave me a look up and down and licked his lips.

I took that as his seal of approval.

We made our way to the party that was being held in the restaurant area of my company's building.

No expense had been spared, and the place was looking fantastic. Silver and red decorations hung from the ceiling, there were fire breathers at the entrance, and (of course) hot men and women serving us drinks.

Upon our arrival, I made my way over to my friend Rosie and her fiancé Connor. I liked Connor, he was a bit geeky, but had a hot Irish accent which made you feel a little warm inside. He was wearing some jeans with a white t-shirt and brown jacket on. Rosie had joined me on my day of getting ready and was looking fabulous in a slinky black dress and long brown hair.

After introducing Cole to Rosie and Connor, Lewis joined us. He was dressed in a red suit with a white shirt, and I noticed both he and Cole give each other the eye. I had a feeling I might not be going home with Cole tonight.

As we were all chatting, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned round to see Kevin standing there. He looked hot in tight blue trousers, and a light blue shirt. He was standing next to an Adonis of a man. He was well over 6 foot, with shaggy brown hair down to his shoulders. He had a great tan and was wearing a black shirt that hugged his torso beautifully.

"Hi Mike, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Carlos" Kevin said.

Carlos smiled and shook my hand. "Mike, great to meet you, I've heard so much about you" Carlos said with the hint of a Spanish accent.

I wondered whether Kevin had told him everything we had been up to but gave him a smile and returned his handshake. "It's great to meet you Carlos".

We all helped ourselves to a few drinks, and made our way to the impromptu dance floor that had been set up. We were all dancing having a great time, when I felt another tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see Greg standing there. He was wearing a tailored grey suit with a white shirt underneath. He'd clearly been a tan too as his skin was dark, and the white shirt suited him. He had a blonde bimbo on his arm that was wearing a dress that was far too small to hold her breasts.

"Victor is looking for you" Greg said, "come with me". He turned to his date "why don't you stay here and I'll come find you".

"Don't be too long" said the bimbo as she rubbed Greg's crotch through his trousers. Well, I couldn't blame the girl for being so forward.

I made my way through the crowd ahead of Greg, and I felt him move his hand onto my ass as we walked through the crowd. We found Victor who was wearing a kilt and accompanying suit jacket and shirt. He looked hot.

He flashed me a smile

"Mike, great to see you" Victor smiled. "Are you having a good time?"

"Yes sir, this is a really great party" I replied.

Victor reached his arm around me into an embrace and I felt his hand slide down my back to rest on my ass

"You are looking particularly stunning this evening" he whispered into my ear.

I was about to reply when I glanced up and through the crowd came Dean. He was wearing black trousers that hugged his bulge and ass. He also wore a black shirt, and he had left the top three buttons open so you could get a good view of his chest.

He saw me with Victor and made his way over. Following him was a woman with long ginger hair down to her waist and was wearing a blue dress that went down to the floor. I guessed it was his wife.

"Victor, Mike, hi" said Dean and shook both our hands. He turned to the ginger woman and said "I'd like you to meet my wife Carmel".

Carmel extended her hand out, and I instinctively took it. "Pleasure to meet you both" she smiled.

Victor returned the smile. "The pleasure is all ours" he said, knowing about mine and Dean's fucking. His left hand remained on my ass.

This was getting too much of me. I made my apologies and made my way to the nearby bathroom. I went up to one of the sinks and began to run the cold tap, wanting to cool myself down. I glanced at myself in the mirror.

I heard the door open but didn't look, expecting it to be one of the many party guests. I could feel someone to my right so I turned to see Dean standing there with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Are you OK?" he asked.

"I'm fine, I just needed some air" I replied. I cupped my hands and splashed some water on my face.

He put his hand on my back and began to rub my shoulders.

"It just took me by surprise seeing your wife is all" I said.

He moved his right hand to my chin and pulled my face round to meet his.

"I've missed you" he said.

"I've missed you too" I replied.

We leaned in and began to kiss passionately. I'd missed this so much; I was practically eating his face. We were both moaning.

Our hands moved across our bodies as we made out with his each other. My hands moved to the buttons of his shirt, and began to undo them. Once his shirt was open, and with his hot torso on display, I moved my hands to begin to play with his nipples.

Dean grabbed a hold of my shirt and pulled it, ripping it open and causing some buttons to fly off. He broke our kiss and moved his head to my left nipple and began to circle it with his tongue.

I rolled my head back in pleasure as Dean's tongue played with my nipple. I moved my hands from Dean's nipples and began to rub his cock through his trousers. I could feel he was already hard.

Dean moved his tongue from my nipple to my armpit and began to lick at it. After wetting that, he moved his tongue down my abs to my trousers. He unzipped my trousers and pulled them down, exposing my mesh Speedos.

Dean looked up at me with a grin. "Glad to see you still wear them" he said.

He began to suck my cock through the briefs. I put my hands on the back of his head, and began to push him further into my crotch. Taking the hint, Dean pulled down my briefs, exposing my hard cock. He opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around it.

He began to go up and down on my cock and I was moaning in pleasure. His tongue lapped up and down my shaft, and he ran it along my head which was leaking precum. He then proceeded to take the whole thing in his mouth and I let out a loud moan.

"I want you to fuck me" I moaned.

Dean pulled off my cock and gave me a smile. He beckoned towards one of the toilet cubicles and we made our way in.

He sat down on the toilet seat, and unzipped his trousers. He pulled them down to expose his hard cock standing to attention. I decided I didn't want any lube, so turned away from Dean and straddled his cock. I lowered myself onto it, until I could feel myself sitting on him.

We both let out loud moans as his hard meat pushed into my hole.

"Fuck, I've missed your ass" Dean moaned.

"Fuck, I've missed your cock" I moaned back.

I began to buck up and down on his cock, feeling it almost leave my ass before it pushed its way all the way in.

Dean began to buck his hips to meet my rhythm, and soon I could feel his cock hitting my prostate, which made me moan even louder.

Realising we needed to up the tempo, Dean pushed me up so I was standing. I braced myself against the cubicle door. Dean stood behind me, still with his cock on my ass, and put his hands on my hips.

He then began to pound his cock into my ass, hitting my prostate, and making me moan. My cock was leaking precum all over the floor.

Dean grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. I turned and we began to kiss as he fucked me. His other hand moved to my nipple and began to play with it.

I was in heaven and began to pant. I moved my hand down to my cock and began to wank myself, when I felt myself shoot my load all over the cubicle door.

My ass clenched as I came, which made Dean moan, and I felt his cum shoot into my ass. He shot nine loads up my ass; so much that I could feel it begin to leak out and run down my leg.

Once we had both finishing cumming, Dean pulled his cock from my ass.

I turned to him.

"I'm really sorry about what I said. I've really missed you" I said.

"I'm sorry for what I said too. You were right, I couldn't expect you not to sleep with other people" Dean replied.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

Dean stepped towards me and gave me a long, hard kiss. He moved his right hand around my ass to my hole, and stuck his index finger up my well-spunked hole.

He broke the kiss. "I want to keep doing this" he said, as he slid his finger in and out of my ass. "If I have to share you then so be it".

I smiled at him and gave him a kiss back. "Maybe you can share me just now, and we'll see how things go?" I said.

We started to kiss again as he continued to finger fuck my ass. We both started to get hard again, so Dean turned me around and pushed his cock back up my hole.

I was glad to be doing this again.


Next: Chapter 15

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