Office Romance

By Liam Jack

Published on Aug 15, 2015


DISCLAIMER: This story involves scenes involving sex between men. If this is not legal in your area, please do not read. The story is totally fictional and any resemblance to any real life people is entirely incidental.

The story exists in a world where people don't need to worry about STDs, but in the real world, please make sure you use a condom.

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I woke in the morning to feel Dean breathing on the back of my neck and his arm wrapped around me. It felt great to wake up like this, and I couldn't wait to tell him that I wanted this to happen more often.

I could feel his hard cock pressing against my ass as he slept. I began to grind my ass against his cock, and it started to press against my hole. I pushed my ass back and felt his cock slip up my hole.

I let out a gasp and continued to buck my hips, making Dean's cock slide in and out of my hole.

My actions obviously woke Dean up, as I felt him push his cock further up my ass and his arm tightened around my chest

"Mmmm" he moaned in my neck.

He began to increase his rhythm, and fucked his cock into my ass. I was moaning in pleasure and Dean began to kiss my neck, making me moan even more.

He placed his free hand on my hip, and began to fuck me hard. We were both moaning in pleasure. I felt Dean tense, and his cock shot his load up my ass. He let out a soft groan as he came.

Once his cock had finished shooting, he pulled his cock out of my ass. I turned around and we kissed.

"Now, that is one way to wake up in the morning" Dean said with a smile.

"What if this could happen every morning?" I asked.

Dean smiled, "I'd really like that. Are you serious?"

"Dean, I really like you, and I'd really like to see where this goes" I said. "What will you do about your wife?"

He leaned in and kissed me. "Let me worry about that" he said.

Dean got himself out of bed and got dressed. He said he needed to get home to get dressed for work and that he would see me at the office.

Once he had left, I showered with a huge grin on my face, and got dressed for work. Remembering I had my meeting with Victor this morning, I wore a pair of slim fitting trousers. I put on a tight fitting black shirt, and a grey tie. Deciding to feel sexy, I put on a black thong I owned. I knew it wasn't work appropriate, but it made me feel hot.

I made my way into the office thinking about Dean. Upon my arrival at my desk, my friend Rosie came over.

"Victor's been looking for you" she said, "He wants you up in his office".

I made my way up to his office in the elevator and was shown straight in by his secretary.

Victor was sitting behind his large oak desk. He was wearing a tight fitting pink shirt and a purple striped tie. I could see his pecs through his shirt, and I can't lie, my cock did jump in my thong.

"Ah Mike" he said with a smile, "come and take a seat"

I sat down in one of the chairs opposite his desk.

"Did you enjoy yourself on Saturday night" he asked with a devilish grin.

"I did thanks, sir. Your friend Thomas was really friendly" I said back.

Victor let out a laugh. "He enjoyed your company too, as did I. Now Mike, as I mentioned to you on Saturday, I think you could go far in this company. That is why I have decided to put you in charge of social media marketing for the company"

I couldn't believe what he said. Social media was becoming a more and more important tool for marketing nowadays, so being in charge of social media for the company was a big deal.

Victor went on. "This will mean when any client approaches us and tells us they want social media included as part of their marketing campaign, you and your team will be responsible for ensuring all aspects of the social media meet the client's expectations. How does that sound to you?"

"That sounds incredible sir. Thank you very much for the opportunity" I said.

Victor held up his hands. "Not a problem, as I've said, you've earned it. I'll also let you choose the members of your team."

I told him I wanted my friend Rosie as part of the team, with Kevin and Chen also working for me (Chen was a technical wizard and Kevin gave me something nice to look at). I also requested Lewis for admin support. I didn't suggest Dean, if we were going to make a go of things, I didn't want work getting in the middle of that.

"Excellent, you'll be working closely with Greg Boyd, our VP in New Media" Victor said. Greg was one of the hotshots of the company. He was a good looking bloke, and knew it, having a different girl on his arm every time he went out. "The job will also involve some travelling, so I hope that won't be a problem"

"Not at all" I replied.

"Excellent" smiled Victor. "Well, I think we should celebrate". Victor stood up and walked over to his drinks tray. He picked up a bottle of whiskey and two glasses and brought them back to his desk.

"Why don't you come round here" he said.

I stood up and walked round to his side of the desk as he poured the two drinks. As I stood next to me, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I must admit, I think there is something else I'd prefer you to drink" he said and pushed me down on to my knees. With his other hand, he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his already hard cock.

"But sir..." I started as he shoved his cock into my mouth.

"Fuck yeah" Victor moaned, and grabbed onto my head and began to fuck my mouth. I tried not to gag as he fired his cock in and out of my mouth.

Suddenly, his intercom beeped and his secretary's voice came over the line. "Sir, Greg Boyd is here to see you" she said.

Thankfully, I thought that would mean I would be able to leave, but instead Victor growled "Get under the table"

I looked at him, pleading with my eyes but he was having none of it. I moved myself back under his table, as he sat down, with his cock still in my mouth.

"Now, you better suck my cock well, and don't make a sound" he said. He then pressed a button on his intercom and told his secretary to send Greg in.

I heard Greg enter, and Victor welcomed him.

"Greg, take a seat. How are things?" Victor asked.

"Good thanks. Long weekend" I heard Greg reply.

"Well, you'll be pleased to hear I've spoken to Mike Smith, and he has graciously accepted the social media position" Victor said.

"Excellent news, I look forward to working with him" Greg said.

Victor and Greg proceeded to discuss clients and on-going projects as I sat there under Victor's table. His cock was still in my mouth, and I could feel his pre-cum slipping down my throat.

Thinking I had no other option, I began to work my tongue up and down his huge shaft. I licked his head, causing more pre-cum to leak, which I happily gobbled up. I took his meat in my mouth, and went all the way down to his balls.

"Very good" I heard Victor which made me think he was impressed.

I continued to suck his cock for 20 minutes as he held his meeting with Greg. Suddenly, I felt him tense, and suddenly shots of cum were shooting down my throat. I struggled to contain it all in my mouth, but just about managed it.

I heard Victor say "Greg thanks for this meeting, but I do have to take another call".

"Of course, I understand. I'll get you those numbers you asked for, and will speak to you once I've sat down with Mike." I heard Greg say. I heard him stand up, and leave the room.

Victor then pulled his cock from my mouth and looked at me under his desk. "Very good Mike, I'm becoming more and more impressed with your talents" he said.

I thanked him and climbed out from under his table.

"If that is all sir?" I said.

"For now" Victor said with a smirk.

I left his office, feeling horribly guilty. I couldn't believe I'd just let my boss order me to suck him off under his table as he held another meeting.

I got the elevator back down to my floor and headed to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, and ran the cold tap to wash my face. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Dean walked in.

He glanced over to me and paced over. "Mike, are you OK? I've been looking for you" he asked.

"I'm fine", I replied. "I was just in Victor's office. He's given me a promotion: to manage social media marketing for the company" I beamed.

Dean broke out in a huge grin. "That's fantastic news!" he said. He walked up to me and kissed me. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in and we began to kiss passionately.

Suddenly, he broke from the kiss with a hurt look in his eyes.

"Who's cum have you been swallowing?" he asked.

Shit, I thought, the taste of Victor's cum will still be in my mouth.

"Nobodies" I lied.

He shot me a quizzical look. "Well, you have the taste of cum in your mouth, which you didn't have this morning, so you've obviously swallowed someone's load". He took a beat, "is it Victors?"

I realised I couldn't lie to him anymore. "Yes" I said. "We've fucked a few times, and he just made me take his load in his office".

"Is that how you got your promotion?" Dean asked.

I looked at him with hurt and anger in my eyes. "Excuse me?" I asked.

"Well, let's face it, I know you've been screwing around behind my back so maybe that's what you've been doing to get ahead in this business" Dean spat.

"Fuck you", I replied. "I got that promotion because I've been doing a damn good job, and I have been shagging other people, but that's because I'm a single man" I shouted back. "Plus you shouldn't be talking to me about shagging behind someone's back when that is what you've been doing to your wife with me"

I regretted it as soon as I said it. Dean looked at me like a wounded puppy.

"I thought we had something special, but clearly, I don't know you at all" he fired back. "Perhaps, we should just end things now"

"Maybe we should" I replied.

"Fine" Dean said, and stormed out the bathroom.

I turned and stared at my reflection in my mirror. What the fuck had I done? I didn't want things to end, and I knew I had messed up, but at the same time, I was angry about what Dean had said about me. How dare he say I was shagging around. Who did he think he was?

I could feel the rage building up inside me. I stormed out of the bathroom and collected things. I turned to my friend Rosie. "If anyone is looking for me, tell them I've taken a half day to celebrate my promotion" I said through gritted teeth.

"Congratulations?" I heard Rosie say to me as I walked off.

I left the building and walked to the nearest pub. I angrily ordered a glass of rum and coke, which I quickly downed, before finishing off a second.

I was still angry with Dean, but decided to head home. I could drink more there; perhaps I'd find a fuck on Grindr just to spite him.

I made my way home, as I arrived at my building, I heard a voice behind shout "Hey, wait up!"

I turned to see Cole, my neighbour from upstairs who had fucked me in the elevator running up to me.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here" he said with a grin.

"Are you stalking me?" I replied with a smirk.

"Guilty" he laughed.

We headed into the elevator. "You look nice" he said looking me up and down.

I turned to him, and started to kiss him. Our tongues thrashed together in our mouths. Suddenly I heard a ping and the elevator doors opened. It was my floor.

I pulled away from Cole, with a sheepish look on my face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" I said.

I said goodbye to him and left the elevator. I went into my flat and shut the door. I stripped down until I was just standing there in my black thong.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Cole there. He looked me up and down.

"Fuck me" he said.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into my flat. We began to kiss passionately as I ripped his clothes off him. He moved his lips down to my nipple, which he began to lick. I moved my hands down to his underwear, and began to rub his cock through his boxers.

"Fuck me" I groaned.

"Gladly" Cole replied.

He turned me round, and pulled down my thong. He pulled down his boxers, and he pushed his hard cock up my ass.

I let out a moan. "Fuck me hard" I said.

Cole grabbed my hips, and began to fuck me like an animal. It felt so good. I reached down and began to wank my cock. Cole moved his hands from my hips, and began to play with my nipples.

"Fuck, your ass feels so good" he moaned.

"So does your cock" I moaned back.

I hadn't cum all day, so it didn't take long before I was spurting cum all over my living room floor. My ass muscles clenched around Cole's cock, and I heard him grunt and his load shot up my ass.

We both panted after we had shot our load. "That was just what I needed" I said. I felt guilty about Dean but I still felt angry.

"Any time" Cole replied in my ear.

"You ready go to again then?" I asked.

Cole laughed and I felt his cock enter my ass again.


Next: Chapter 12

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