Office Gym

By Felly Cee

Published on Nov 14, 2020


OFFICE GYM (adult-friends, authoritarian, interracial) Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at]gmail[dot]com I appreciate all feedback!

Part 3

Not really knowing what to do, I started after the four men, who were just leaving. "Hey, wait up!"

Phil looked back. "What's up, buddy?"

"I'm kind of in a pickle," I began. "My clothes are gone, and looks like the staff is gone for the weekend. Any chance you guys could lend me some clothes?"

The four looked at each other. "I don't know," Mike said. "All my gym clothes are sweaty, and they're too big for you anyway. You'd look ridiculous in them." The others nodded in assent.

"Wait," Randy said. "We can't leave him here, though. Maybe we bring him to my place, we were going there to play poker anyway." "Sounds like a good idea," Phil responded. "But should we check with the guard of the parking garage in the building? Might look a little suspicious having this little guy walking around pretty much naked." Phil flicked my cock cage, and it bounced up and hit my abdomen. The guys laughed, and Andy patted my ass. I shivered gave a shy smile.

"I'll go talk to him," Mike said, and he walked off to find the night guard. While waiting, the rest of the guys conversed about work without me. I stood there naked, ignored, like I wasn't even present.

A minute later, Mike came back with a middle-aged white man in his 40s, with a scruffy red beard and a satchel in tow. "This must be the guy," he mused, and the four associates burst into laughter. "Well, I can release him into your custody, but he's clearly got a penchant for trouble, so you'll need to make sure you can control him." Control? Custody? Those words struck me as odd, since it wasn't like I belonged to the four guys, or anything. But that stirred something in me. My cock swelled up and my nipples perked up. I felt a little precum flow once again.

The guard rummaged around in his bag. "Someone left this dog leash, but I think it should work with the collar. Just to make sure he doesn't go anywhere." He handed it to Mike, who attached it to my collar. I was a little shocked but said nothing. "You probably don't want him running off," the guard continued. Mike gave the leash a hard tug, which jostled me off my balance, and everyone laughed again. "He's not going anywhere we don't let him," Mike declared.

The guard looked in his bag some more. "You probably don't want him distracted either. How about these blinders?" Phil agreed. "He's already very stimulated by the whole situation." He placed them on me and I could not see at all through the thick leather blinders."

"One last thing," the guard said. "He's probably a little freaked out, and probably would be better if kept it shut." I heard some movement, and felt two rough hands hold open my mouth. A clean, leather bit was inserted and locked around my mouth. I could no longer see or speak. But for some reason, it only turned me on more.

"I think that's it!" I heard the guard conclude. "Hope you enjoy this boy and he gives you no more trouble." "Thanks, man," Mike yelled out, as the guard's footsteps indicated he was walking off. "Let's go, boy. Gotta get to the poker game," I heard Phil say. With nothing else to do, I followed as they tugged me along. The four associates continued to talk as if I wasn't there. I wondered where the night would take me.

Next: Chapter 4

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