Office Bang

By Wag Stories

Published on Aug 26, 2014


The usual disclaimers apply: If you are too young to read this or are offended by gay sex, please move on. This story is a work of fiction. I retain the copyright to this story and it may not be used by anyone other than Nifty without my express permission.

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By the way, I can't believe I'm on part 10. I enjoy writing this series and hearing your feedback. Thanks guys!

Office Bang 10

By Wag

Frederick's chest made for a great pillow. I could have laid on it for hours. We'd been up for awhile but neither of us wanted to get out of bed. That was fine with me. His hairy chest felt amazing on my face. I nuzzled it and he rubbed my back as we talked.

"Eventually we'll have to get up, you know," Frederick said.

"I know. But eventually can be a long ways off," I replied as I got even closer to him.

"Should I have Phil bring us breakfast in bed?"

"Only if he joins us in bed," I teased. Frederick's hand went lower down my back.

"That's right. You two didn't get to play together yesterday."

"Nope. But we can all play now. I think we can come up with some places to put the pancake syrup," I said. Frederick laughed. His hand found my ass.

"Like here," he asked dipping a finger in my crack.

"For starters."

"Sounds sticky."

"We'll just have to shower together afterwards," I said as I kissed his chest.

"Hmmm sounds like fun. But I do need to get up and do some work," he said. Ugh I was having déjà vu of my morning after with Bruce.

"No problem. I can head out," I said as I sat up.

"No, I don't want you to go. I won't be too long. And there's the party tonight."

"What party?"

"Oh, I didn't get a chance to tell you last night. We were preoccupied," he said with a wink. I thought back to fucking by the pool. Yep, very preoccupied. "It's a birthday party," he finished.

"Whose birthday?," I asked. Frederick smiled.

"Mine, actually."

"You didn't tell me it was your birthday," I said surprised.

"I'm telling you now. I didn't want to do anything. It's just my 49th. But Phil said I need to have a big bash. He's calling it the last of the 40's party. He likes to remind me how old I'm getting," Frederick explained.

"I feel bad that I didn't get you anything."

"Oh I'll think of something you can give me," he said. He kissed me. Our tongues playing around for a bit. "But that's later. Let's get up," he said as he got out of bed. His semi-hard cock bounced as he pulled his underwear on. I reluctantly got up to and got my boxer briefs on, pushing my own semi down into the pouch. Tonight couldn't come soon enough. We went downstairs into the kitchen and were greeted by Phil and a full breakfast.

"Happy Birthday," he exclaimed. He and Frederick hugged. Phil was dressed similarly to us, only a pair of tiny trunks. We all sat down at the kitchen table. "I made your favorite. French toast," he told Frederick with a grin.

"Why do you American's think the French love French toast?," Frederick said with mock annoyance.

"Didn't you invent it," Phil laughed. Frederick playfully swatted him. We dug in. Everything was delicious. As I poured the syrup, I gave Frederick a wink. He grinned back. "Did he tell you about the party?," Phil asked me.

"Just a second ago," I said.

"It's going to be awesome. A huge spread, DJ, and a bunch of hot guys. It's a men only party. And underwear only," Phil explained.

"That does sound like fun. I don't know if I have any sexy underwear, though."

"We'll find you something. I told this one that he should just come in his birthday suit," Phil said poking Frederick playfully.

"That will come later. After I'm drunk," Frederick said. We all laughed. This party had the potential to be very interesting. Moments later we were finished with breakfast. Damn, that French toast was filling. "Thank you for breakfast, Phil," Frederick said.

"Of course."

"But now I have to work," he said getting up from the table and stretching.

"Boo. You can't work on your birthday," Phil told him.

"Tell that to my conference call."

"Ok, I'll tell them you're busy. No work, only play on the b-day," Phil said. He got up from the table and went over to Frederick. He started to rub the bulge in his box briefs. "Right, Tom?" he asked turning to look at me. I got up and put my own hand on Frederick's bulge too.

"Right. No work for you," I said massaging that bulge. Frederick grinned at us both, giving in to our manipulations. After a second, though, he pulled away from us.

"No, no. Don't get me started, you two," he said backing away. Phil and I were ready to pounce again. A splash from outside distracted us. "Is someone here?"

"That must be the pool boy," Phil answered.

"We have a pool boy now? I thought that was part of your job," Frederick said. Phil shot him a look.

"I met this guy yesterday hanging outside the bar. He needed some extra cash, but couldn't get a job at the bar since he's only 20. So I offered to let him clean the pool. I can't do everything around here. Plus he's easy on the eyes," Phil explained. We all went to the sliding glass door to look out at the pool boy. He was wearing a tank top and a pair of red shorts that showed off his body nicely.

"He can stay," Frederick said.

"I thought you might say that. He kind of reminds me of, you Tom," Phil said to me. I took a better look. The pool boy and I had the same height, build, and hair color. Was it completely narcissistic to be attracted to someone who looked like me? "Should I invite him to the party?," Phil asked.

"Why not? Just make sure he doesn't drink any alcohol. We don't serve minors," Frederick answered.

"How about you serve him this," Phil said as he grabbed Frederick's crotch again. They both laughed. Frederick moved away.

"Don't scare him," he said.

"I think he's seen one before. He may be young but I got the feeling he's experienced," Phil said. The pool boy looked up and saw us. He waved. We waved back. He must know we're checking him out. He's probably used to it, looking like that. "His name is Garrett, by the way," Phil told us.

"I need to get to work," Frederick said.

"Ok we'll leave you alone. For now. I can show Tom around the Island," Phil offered.

"Cool," I said. I looked over and caught Garrett staring at me. He quickly turned away. Maybe he was recognizing the similarities between us too. Frederick went into his study, while Phil and I got showered and dressed. We set out to see the Island. Phil showed me all the sights. It really was a beautiful place. And full of beautiful men.

"I love it here," I said as we made our way down the main boulevard.

"Me too. It's become a nice home for me. It's even better when Freddy comes out. I'm glad you're here, too, for his birthday," Phil said.

"Glad to be invited. But I need to get him a present."

"No you don't. He doesn't care about that."

"I care. He's been really generous. I need to give him something too," I explained. Phil turned to look at me thoughtfully.

"You're a keeper, Tom. A lot of guys wouldn't bother. They'd just mooch off Freddy. I've seen it in the past. But you're different."

"Thanks. I don't really care about his money. I just like him."

"He's really into you, too. I can tell," Phil said. I blushed.

"I feel the same way, even though we just met. There's a connection."

"I can see it," Phil said. We walked a moment in silence as I contemplated this new thing with Frederick. "But just because you guys are connecting and stuff doesn't mean I'm not going to get into both your pants," Phil said breaking the silence. We both laughed. I looked up and saw a cool little bookshop up ahead.

"Hey, can we go in there? I might be able to find a gift for Frederick," I said, pointing to the shop.

"Oh, yeah. That place has some great stuff," Phil said leading the way. He was right. We found a really cool book called My Life on the Pines. It was written by a longtime resident. Phil said Frederick would love it. Plus with all the time he spent on planes, he'd need a good book to read. After we left the shop, we walked around some more. I got a pair of underwear for the party. Actually a jock strap. It was a green (to go with my eyes) Calvin Klein one. We made our way back to the house. Fredrick was still working. The caterers arrived, so Phil was busy with them. I took a quick nap. I woke up with Frederick laying next to me. I used his chest for a pillow again. Later we got up, ate, and got dressed. Or undressed. I came out of bathroom and found Frederick wearing a pair of small trunks that had a tuxedo pattern on them.

"Don't laugh. It was Phil's present. Since I'm the guest of honor," Frederick explained. I laughed anyways.

"Very formal," I said.

"Look at you. Turn around," he said admiring my jockstrap. I turned for him. He grabbed my exposed ass. "I like this. Easy access," he said massaging my butt cheeks.

"Works great for both of us," I said enjoying the attention. Frederick turned me around and kissed me. His hands never left my ass. We ground our crotches together. After a bit I pulled away. We were both boned up. "Ok before we lose our underwear, let me give you your gift," I said. I pulled out the gift bag that I had hidden under the bed.

"You didn't have to," Frederick said. He pulled out the book. "Oh wow! I love it. Thank you," he said as he pulled me into a hug. "You're very thoughtful, Tom. Thank you for spending my birthday with me."

"I'm happy to be here," I replied. We kissed again.

"Ok let's not get too mushy," he said.

"Yeah, no mushiness. Let's go downstairs. Your guests will be here soon," I said. I took Frederick's hand and led him downstairs. The house looked great. Phil had decorated for the occasion. The cater waiters, dressed in white briefs, were buzzing around. They had trays of finger foods and champagne. Phil appeared wearing a tiny pair of yellow briefs.

"You like it," he asked.

"Everything looks fantastic. Thank you, Phil," Frederick said. One of the cater waiters came over. It was Garrett.

"Let me introduce you to Garrett, our new pool boy slash waiter. I thought he'd like to come to the party and make some money too," Phil explained. Frederick and I shook hands with Garrett. I definitely saw the resemblance up close. Even the same eye color. This version of me was hot. He filled out his cater waiter briefs nicely. "Don't worry. He's only serving food," Phil reassured Frederick.

"Happy Birthday, Mr. Renard," Garrett said.

"Just call me Frederick."

"He's just being respectful of his elders," Phil teased. He and Frederick got into another playful hitting match. "Let me show you rest of the food," Phil said as he took Frederick into the kitchen. Garrett and I stood in silence looking at each other for a second.

"So you're working around town this summer," I asked him.

"Yeah I'm on break. I go to school in the city," Garrett answered.

"Me too. I'm interning at G&T this summer. That's how I met Frederick. He's a client of the firms."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"No. Uh, we're just dating for now. It's casual," I replied.

"Cool. His house is amazing. He must be a billionaire," Garrett said with dollar signs in his eyes.

"I guess. He's a great guy."

"Yeah. He's a hot daddy."

"Better not let him hear you say that," I warned, half-serious.

"Really? Most guys like it when I call them that. Especially when I moan it," Garrett said giving me a knowing look. Phil was right, this kid was experienced. "Gotta get back to work. By the way, I like your jock. Maybe I could borrow it sometime," he said with a smirk before moving off. He was definitely...something. Phil came up to me.

"Let's go outside," he said pulling me away. We went out by the pool. A lighting system and dance area had been set up. The DJ was unloading his equipment. "That's DJ Ed. He plays at a lot of clubs in the city," Phil informed me. DJ Ed was a 20-something, Latin, tatted up, muscle guy. Huge, but not crazy big. He was wearing a pair of Under Armour boxer briefs that showcased his bubble-butt. He turned around and I stopped for a second.

"He looks so familiar," I said staring at him.

"You probably saw him in one of the clubs," Phil responded.

"I don't think so. I don't go out that much."

"Well let me introduce you," Phil said taking me over. DJ Ed was setting up his laptop. "Hey Ed," Phil greet him.

"What's up, Philly," Ed replied.

"This is my friend, Tom. He thinks he knows you from somewhere," Phil said. Subtle. Ed looked me up and down.

"Nah I don't think so. But it's nice to meet you now," Ed said.

"Maybe you've crossed paths in the city. Tom works in Manhattan," Phil explained.

"Could be. Where do you work?," Ed asked.

"G & T," I responded.

"Oh, my cousin works there too. He's a janitor."


"Yeah, you know Javi," Ed asked. I thought back to hooking up with Javier afterhours in the office. Unfortunately it had only been a onetime thing. Damn that was a good fuck. He and Ed looked more like brothers than cousins.

"Yeah, we've met," I said not wanting to say how exactly. Phil gave me a look. He'd figured it out.

"Cool. I'll tell him you said what's up the next time I see him," Ed said before going back to his music. Phil and I walked away.

"Ok you have to tell me about Javier later. If he's as hot as Ed...damn you're lucky," Phil said with a laugh. Inside the guests were arriving. There was a clothes check near the front door for guys to disrobe. It was a mix of ages, races, and body types. Frederick introduced me to them all. He had a good bunch of friends. I got a lot of compliments on my jock. At one point I looked up to see Bruce coming in the front door.

"Hey. I didn't know you were back in town," I said.

"I got in from England earlier. I couldn't miss Frederick's birthday," Bruce replied.

"Glad to have you here."

"Always great to see you, Tom. Frederick told me how much fun he's had with you. I'm a little jealous. I've missed that tight ass," Bruce said while checking it out. "Its nicely on display tonight," he finished.

"Thanks. Maybe we can make up for the time you've been gone, tonight," I said with a wink.

"Frederick won't mind?"

"Nah. He likes for me to have fun. And vice-versa."

"Very nice," Bruce said. Phil sidled up to us. He and Bruce shared a kiss and a hug. I guessed they were well acquainted. I looked over Bruce's shoulder and saw Derek walk in. I went over to him and gave him a hug.

"I didn't expect to see you here," I said pulling out of our embrace.

"I thought I'd just be driving Bruce up here, but he made me his plus-one," Derek explained.

"I couldn't make you wait in the car and miss all this," Bruce said coming up to us with Phil in tow. Phil and Derek locked eyes. I made the introductions and they shook hands, holding on a little longer than necessary. Derek was definitely checking out Phil's furry cub body.

"You guys are overdressed. Let me show you where you can lose these clothes," Phil said as he gave Derek the eye.

"Works for me," Derek said allowing himself to be led away. Bruce followed. I turned to take a glass of champagne from a waiter. Across the room, I saw Garrett and Frederick chatting. Hmm they seemed to be getting cozy. Or at least Garrett was getting as close to Frederick as possible. I was about to go over when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey, Tommy," he said. I turned and saw Dan standing behind me. Wow, this was turning into a reunion of all my hookups from the summer. It had been a long time since Dan first fucked me in that gang bang with Eric and Josh. And then spit roast me with Josh in the storage closet. Our paths hadn't crossed much in the office. And now he was at Frederick's party. "Long time, no see," Dan continued.

"Hi Dan. How are you?"

"I'm great. Having a fucking fantastic summer. I'm on Renard's account now. Sucks for Eric, but shit happens, ya know?"

"Eric didn't take the news well."

"Ya think," Dan said sarcastically.

"He hates me now."

"Nah he doesn't hate you. I actually think he was a little impressed that you stood up to him."

"Really?," I asked shocked. I couldn't see Eric being impressed that I had stood my ground. He looked like he wanted to kill me the last time I saw him.

"Yeah, but he's still pissed as hell, so I'd keep my distance. I didn't even tell him I got invited to this party," Dan said. A cater waiter came by and Dan took a glass of champagne. "So are you really fucking Renard?," he asked changing the subject.

"It's a recent thing," I answered. Dan got close to my side. He put his hand on the small of my back before sliding it down to my ass.

"Does he share this with other guys? Now that I'm working for him I don't want to step on any toes. But I wouldn't mind getting in here again," he said as his fingers danced around my crack. His touch was causing my dick to stir.

"We're not exclusive. But who says I want you again," I said challenging him.

"Oh, Eric was right. You are getting cocky. What happened to that innocent virgin?"

"He got broken in by three bastards on a desk and grew up pretty quickly. Now he knows what he wants and when he wants it. If you're lucky you may get some tonight," I said as I moved away from his grasp. Dan looked surprised yet intrigued by this new side of me. "Catch you later, Dan," I finished before moving off.

I went over to Frederick, who was still pretty chummy with Garrett. "Hey Birthday Boy, it's time we danced," I said pulling him away. Garrett looked peeved by the move. Oh well. I took Frederick out to the pool area. By now it was wall to wall guys. All wearing very little. DJ Ed was pumping the music and everyone was having a great time. Frederick wasn't much of a dancer, but even he was getting into it. I turned my back to him and shook my ass to the beat. He put his arms around me and grinded his cock into my ass. He felt so good. With the warm night air and all the bodies, it got hot quickly. A lot of guys had hopped into the pool, to cool off. Some had decided to skinny dip. I saw Derek and Phil talking. You could see the chemistry between them. They were being very touchy. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up naked in the pool too. The memory of Derek's huge tool and the feel of Frederick's dick grinding on my ass was getting me hot. I turned to Frederick and kissed him. I ran my hands through his chest hair, which was slick with sweat by now. I found his nipple and tweaked it, making it stiff. Frederick grabbed my ass and squeezed it. Unfortunately Phil interrupted our action.

"Hey, it's time for cake, guys," Phil shouted over the roar of the music.

"Go back to Derek," I said before kissing Frederick some more.

"Oh I will. He's fucking hot."

"You haven't seen the half of it," I said.

"Oh I caught the tip poking out of his underwear. I'll get to that later. But it's time for Freddy to get his cake. Come on," Phil said prying us apart and dragging us inside. The temperature was even higher inside, despite the air conditioning. More guys had arrived. It felt like most of the Pines was there. Luckily Frederick had a big house. Phil took us into the living room. Suddenly the lights went out. Garrett appeared, wheeling out a massive cake, lit with a ton of candles. As it got closer we saw that it had a picture of the Eiffel Tower and the words "Bon Anniversaire, Frederick" written on it. It was cheesy but cute. Very Phil. Right on cue, he led everyone in an off key rendition of Happy Birthday. Frederick had a huge smile on his face. He may not have wanted a big party, but he was enjoying this. As the singing thankfully came to an end, Frederick blew out the candles and the crowd applauded.

"Thank you all for coming," Fredrick said.

"We haven't cum yet," someone shouted. Everyone laughed.

"The night is still young, my friend," Frederick exclaimed. There was more laughter. Phil went to hand Frederick a piece of cake. Before Frederick could take it, Phil smashed it into his face. The crowd roared.

"Happy Birthday, Freddy," Phil shouted, laughing. Frederick was laughing too. He grabbed some cake and smashed it into Phil's surprised face.

"Thanks, Philly" Frederick shouted back. They playfully wrestled before Frederick kissed Phil, really smearing the cake on their faces. Now their tongues were wrestling. It was messy, but hot. The two bears wrapped their arms around each other as they continued to make out. I wanted in on that. I pulled Frederick from Phil.

"Give me a taste," I said. He smiled and complied by putting his cake covered lips on mine. Mmm chocolate. My favorite. Frederick broke our kiss.

"Taste some of his," he said as he pushed Phil's face and mine together. I licked the delicious icing from his lips. And then my tongue went into his mouth. Phil kissed me back. His warm wet tongue wrestling with mine. Phil grabbed a handful of cake and smashed it on Frederick's chest, much to his surprise. He bent down and began to eat the cake, smearing it into his hairy chest. Frederick winced when Phil found his nipple and started biting it. Again I wanted in on this, so I took some icing and planted it on Frederick's other pec. I started licking away, like Phil, really getting my face in there. I worked Frederick's right nipple and Phil took the left. He groaned above us. His chest was a mess of icing, spit, and sweat. An amazing combination. Phil grabbed some more icing.

"We need to blow out another candle, Tom," he said with a wink as he sunk to his knees. He pulled down Frederick's underwear and his already hard cock sprung out. Phil took the icing and ran it down the shaft. His mouth soon followed. He licked and sucked the icing off Frederick's dick. Bobbing up and down on it. Frederick moaned. I saw that we had an audience. They watched intently as Phil sucked Frederick's cock. Some were playing with themselves or their friends (or strangers). We had d started something. Bruce was looking on approvingly. I saw Garrett, still standing by the cake, watching the action. Our eyes met and he licked his lips, as his hand massaged the expanding pouch of his white briefs. As I sunk to my knees we kept eye contact, until I finally turned my head to Frederick's crotch. Phil pulled the dick out of his mouth, with a pop. "Get on this," he urged, offering it to me. I took the shaft and went down on Frederick. I could still taste come icing. And some precum. I took up where Phil had left off. Sucking that sweet cock. Going up and down on it. Making Frederick moan as I worked him with my mouth. Phil had gotten some icing on Frederick's balls too. He licked it off. Getting one ball in his mouth completely. Then the other. He came up as I pulled Frederick out of my mouth. We started to lick him together. Up and down that shaft. Sometimes our tongues would meet and we would kiss. Or as much as we could with that big dick between us. Frederick pushed our heads together, sandwiching his meat with our faces. Phi and I took turns blowing Frederick. His cock was never without a mouth for long. Finally he pulled us off.

"Time to cool off guys. I don't want to cum just yet," he said. He helped Phil and me to our feet. We all hugged and kissed some more. I think the crowd was disappointed that the action had ended. They moved off. Some stayed to eat cake.

"I'm going to look for Derek," Phil told us as he went off. Frederick looked down at the chocolate mess we had made of his body. He laughed.

"Time to wash this off," he said. He pulled his underwear off completely and handed it to me. Then he took off running. I watched as he dashed through the crowd and did a cannonball into the pool, making a huge splash. The crowd cheered. He had gotten into his birthday suit after all. Bruce was suddenly at my side.

"Why don't we join him?," he suggested as guided me outside. The music was still going strong. And now so was the action. Most everyone had lost their underwear. Soft, semi, and steel hard dicks were all around. Guys were hooking up left and right. The heat had literally put everyone in heat. The air was thick with testosterone and sexual energy. I looked over to the Jacuzzi and saw that Phil had found Derek. They were naked and making out. Their hands were all over each other. Next to them other guys were doing the same or more. One cute Asian twink sunk down into the bubbly water so that he could blow his new found buddy underwater. Bruce and I found Frederick in the pool, watching a group of guys jack off and suck each other in the shallow end. He looked up and saw us. Before we could get in he was up and out.

"It's getting too crowded in there," Frederick said. He was right. More people were getting in and hooking up.

"Too bad. I was looking forward to a skinny dip with this one," Bruce said gesturing to me.

"We can still get him naked and wet," Frederick joked. "Let's go up to my room," he continued. The thought of getting together with the two of them was making me hard. But at the same time, I wanted to stay in the mix at the party. Frederick saw me staring out at crowd. "Don't worry, we won't miss anything," he told me. We made our way through the naked men that filled the house. Sometimes stepping over guys on their knees. Or backs. Finally we got to Frederick's room, which was off limits to the guests. I excused myself to go to the bathroom to wash the leftover cake from my face. When I came out, Frederick and Bruce were out on the balcony overlooking the pool area. I stood between them, resting my arms on the rail.

"I see what you meant. Now we have a bird's eye view," I said as I took in the writhing bodies down below.

"Exactly. So I loved the book you gave me, but now I want my other birthday present," Frederick said.

"What's that," I asked. Frederick moved in close to me.

"I want to run a train on you," he said seductively. I was not expecting that. I thought we'd just have a three way with Bruce. But this sounded even better. "I want to watch them fuck you. Right here on the balcony, so the whole party can see too," he said gesturing to the crowd below. The thought of fucking in front of a huge audience made my cock twitch.

"Let's do it," I said. This was going to be the best birthday present I'd ever given.

"Bruce is first," Frederick replied. Bruce turned to me.

"Fine with me," he said, excited. He moved behind me and rubbed his crotch on my butt. I felt his underwear come down and his dick made contact with my exposed ass. Frederick had ducked inside for a moment, but returned with a sizeable bottle of lube.

"I think we'll need this," Frederick said.

"But we won't need these the rest of the night," Bruce replied as he pulled my jock strap down and off. He tossed it to the side. Frederick handed him the bottle of lube. Bruce coated his dick with it and then my hole. He slid a finger inside me. I pushed my ass back. Frederick stood next to us in anticipation. He was stroking his stiff cock.

"Put it in him," he ordered. Bruce responded by pointing his rod at my hole and sliding in. With all the prep work he went in easily. I felt his 8 inch cock fill me up. A moan escaped my lips. Bruce left little time for me to adjust as he pulled out and then went right back in. He started to fuck me slowly holding onto my hips. In and out. Back and forth. Soon enough he was ready to really go at it. His strokes became shorter and harder. He grunted as he shoved his cock in me. I held onto the railing for support. Looking down, I saw the party raging below. A few guys happened to look up and see what was going on. Soon word spread and more guests were craning their necks to see the balcony action. I smiled as more people watched us. Bruce was inspired by the crowd. He began to fuck me harder. His grip on my hips tightened as he slammed my ass. I moaned loudly as he went faster.

"Fuck yeah. Love hearing you moan," Bruce shouted. He smacked my ass as he fucked it.

"Take that ass," Frederick encouraged him. He jacked his cock with one hand and tweaked my nipples with the other. Pinching hard, as Bruce fucked me harder. He was really into the show. From time to time he would look at the crowd watching me. He was getting off on seeing them watch me as well. He loved putting me on display and seeing how they were so turned on that they started messing around with each other. A guest was face fucking a cater waiter as he watched Bruce and me.

"Oh fuck. I'm getting close," Bruce warned as he slammed me again.

"Shoot it in his ass," Frederick told him. A few strokes later and Bruce did just that. He let out a loud groan as he seeded my hole. So many spurts. His body shook from the power of his orgasm. He held onto me as he steadied himself. Down below the crowd cheered. Even if they couldn't hear Bruce cum, they could tell by his body language what had happened. He gave them a small wave, showing his appreciation. My hard dick bobbed up and down. I didn't dare touch it. I was determined not to cum until the last guy, whoever that may be, had my ass. Slowly, Bruce pulled his cock out. I felt a warm breeze hit my now empty hole.

"Fantastic as always, Tom," Bruce exclaimed. I looked down and saw that he was still rock hard.

"Damn, you're still up after all that," I said.

"Well that's not all me. I had an idea about what this party could turn into, so I took a little blue helper before I got here," Bruce explained.

"Good thinking," Frederick said. He kissed my lips. "That was incredibly hot," he told me.

"Who's next?" I asked kissing him back.

"Your choice. Pick someone from the crowd," Frederick responded. I looked down and saw several guys looking back. Some were very hot and fuckable. Then a change in the music caught my attention. Ah, DJ Ed. I almost forgot about Javier's cousin. He was preoccupied with spinning his music. I wondered if he had seen any of the show.

"The DJ," I said. Frederick looked over and smiled.

"Perfect. I'll go get him," he said.

"No let me. I want to go down and "mingle" anyways. This thing isn't going down anytime soon," Bruce said as he wagged his hard cock. He smacked my ass again before exiting the balcony. Soon enough Frederick and I saw Bruce walk over to DJ Ed. They spoke for a second, before Bruce pointed up to the balcony. Ed looked up and smiled. He hit some buttons on his laptop before walking off inside. Soon there was a knock on Frederick's door. I heard him open it and greet Ed. They both appeared on the balcony.

"What's up?" Ed said as he saddled up next to me. "That guy said you were doing a train up here and wanted me to hop on," he continued.

"Are you up for that?," I asked looking him over, paying attention to that huge basket in his boxer briefs.

"Sure. I got a little time before I need to get back down there. Going on autopilot for now," he told us. He ran his hand down my ass. "Nice," he complimented. He soon had his finger in my hole.

"He's ready for you," Frederick told him. He pulled down the front of Ed's underwear. His fat uncut Latin cock tumbled out. Frederick stroked and lubed up Ed's dong. It rose quickly. My mouth watered at the sight.

"Fuck me, man" I urged. Ed took his position behind me. Soon I had the 8.5 inches in me to the hilt. Oh fuck. Without warning Ed slid out and punched it back in, nearly knocking me over. He did that again and again. Beating my hole with his cock, as Frederick watched. The crowd below cheered us on. The beat of the music got faster and so did Ed. He really started to nail me. Harder and harder up against that railing. He leaned in close to my ear.

"Yeah, you like that? Thick cock in your tight ass," he said as he fucked my hole. "I bet my cousin fucked you too. He and I love little white bitches like you. They always go crazy for our vergas," he said as he slammed my hole for emphasis. He had me figured out.

"Yeah I love that verga. Your cousin gave it to me hard," I told him. Ed grinned.

"Maybe we'll tag team you some day," he said. Ed moved his hips to the music. The throbbing bass from the music and the DJ who had engineered it went through my body. Both overtook me. Ed fucked me harder, almost pushing me over the railing. Slamming me so good. His fat uncut cock was tearing up my hole. Just how I wanted it.

"I want that cum," I screamed.

"Fuck, you're gonna get it bitch," he yelled. As the music climaxed, Ed's leche gushed inside me. My thirsty hole swallowed it all. So many squirts.

"Yeah, nice DJ," Frederick said. "You too, baby," he added. He gave me another kiss. Ed pulled his thick verga out of me. Cum dripped out of his slit and onto the concrete balcony. A spectator from the crowd caught my eye. Dan. He gave me a nod. I returned it. Ed pulled his underwear back up.

"Thanks guys," he said.

"Thank you. You're playing all my parties from now on," Frederick said slapping him on the back. Ed was about to head off when I stopped him.

"Hey. Could you do us a favor when you go downstairs? Grab that guy down there and have him come up," I said as I pointed to Dan.

"Sure thing. I'll definitely tell Javi you said what's up," Ed said with a grin. I hoped he'd tell Javier all about what happened tonight.

"So it's Dan's turn," Frederick said pulling me back to reality.

"Why not? I haven't had him in awhile," I said. A few minutes later, Dan appeared in Frederick's room.

"I was summoned?" he deadpanned as he came in.

"Looks like you're getting lucky after all," I shot back. Dan grinned.

"Not surprised. How could you resist?"

"Shut up and fuck me," I ordered. Dan smiled. I think he liked me being more assertive. He yanked his underwear down. His dick flopped out, semi-hard. Frederick came up beside Dan.

"Let me help with that," Frederick said. He already had lube on his hand when he grabbed Dan's cock. He stroked it up and down as he stared intensely at him. I could tell Dan was a little taken aback. But his dick was responding fine. It reached its full length under Frederick's guidance. Dan let out a little sigh, enjoying the handjob. Frederick reached up and flicked one of Dan's nipples, starling him. Frederick just smiled. "Get to it," he said releasing Dan's stiff prick. Dan nodded and walked a few steps to the balcony.

"Round three," some shouted down below. I saw as the guests again turned their attention to the balcony. I felt Dan step up to the plate behind me. He placed one hand on my hip while the other guided his dick to my hole.

"Looks like I'm third, again, Tommy," he said referring to the order in which he Eric and Josh had fucked me the first time. Just as he did back then, Dan suddenly shoved his cock into me. I groaned loudly. "I know how you like it," he hissed in my ear. He pulled out and shoved right back in. From there it was a rabbit fuck. Dan pounding my ass with quick short thrusts. Hitting it as hard as he could. I gripped the railing tightly as I took it. Fuck he was rough. The crowd downstairs loved it. They fistpumped to the music as Dan fucked the shit out of me. Suddenly he froze, mid-stroke. I turned to see what was wrong and saw that Frederick was right behind Dan, pressed closely to him.

"Slow down there. This isn't a race. Enjoy him," Frederick whispered. Dan had a look of confusion in his eyes. Then he gasped and went rigid.

"Um, Frederick..." Dan began.

"Relax. It's just one finger," Frederick said with a grin. What the hell? Frederick had his finger up Dan's ass! The look on Dan's face said it all. I could tell that he wanted to push Frederick away, but he couldn't say no. Not to his best client.

"It's just I don't usually, uh, do that," Dan managed to get out.

"Well you do tonight. It's my birthday. My rules," Frederick said with a chuckle. "Besides I think you like it. Is he still hard, Tom?" he asked me.

"Yeah still hard," I confirmed. Frederick gave me a wink. He was enjoying this. Controlling Dan.

"Then don't stop, Dan. Just take your time. Enjoy that hole," Frederick urged. Dan responded by thrusting into me. In and out but at a slower pace, doing as Frederick told him. "Right. Savor it. He's so tight, isn't me?" Frederick asked.

"Yeah his ass is amazing. Oh fuck," Dan groaned.

"Yeah, you're tight too," Frederick said. I turned to look. I couldn't actually see his finger going in, but by the look of his arm moving back and forth I knew what was happening. Frederick was digging in that hole. And despite his reluctance, Dan was into it. He thrust into me as Frederick went into him. They worked in unison, each working a hole. I moaned too as Dan went deep inside me. Searching for my spot and finding it each time. Frederick gripped Dan's shoulder as he fingered below. He put his lips next to his ear and every once in awhile his tongue would come out and lick it. This only spurred Dan on. His fucking picked up, not rabbit-like, but still hard and fast.

"Oh shit," Dan shouted.

"Mmm two fingers now. Take it, Danny," Frederick ordered. Dan's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he took Frederick and pounded me at the same time. I pushed back on his cock. Frederick and I had turned him into our sandwich. It must have been too much for him. "Ohhh fuck. Yeah," he yelled. His body shook as his cock shot out cum into my waiting hole. Frederick finger banged him through his entire orgasm, causing Dan to shake. He held onto me as he slowly came back to earth. We were all silent, except for our ragged breathing. Finally Frederick stepped back. Dan pulled out of me. His cock was covered with cum. He looked at us both and then away. He was embarrassed that he had revealed how much he liked taking something in his ass. Frederick bent down and picked up Dan's underwear. Dan looked up and reached for it. Frederick grabbed him instead and pulled him into a kiss. Dan resisted at first, but Frederick held on tightly to his neck. I saw his tongue come out and push at Dan's lips. Dan finally opened his mouth and Frederick was inside his mouth. Kissing him hard. Dan started to kiss him back. They tongued for a moment, before Frederick let him go.

"Very nice, Dan. I look forward to doing this again. I'll really loosen you up next time," Frederick said with a wink. Dan clearly understood what that meant. He could only nod, take his underwear, and go. The bedroom door closed behind him. Frederick turned to me and smiled. "That was fun," he said with a laugh.

"You turned the tables on him."

"If he's going to work for me he had better get used to the unexpected," Frederick said with wicked grin.

"So who's next?" I asked scanning the crowd. They were eagerly waiting to see who the next top would be, as well. Frederick turned to me.

"Me. I can't wait anymore," he said. I reached down and took hold of his rod. It was hard as hell.

"This is like a brick," I said as I stroked him.

"Seeing those guys fuck you, made me so hard. Now I want in that hole," he moaned.

"It's yours," I told him. I turned my back to him and bent over the railing slightly, inviting him to take his place inside me.

"I want to taste them first," Frederick said. He dropped to his knees and pushed me further over the balcony. My ass was up in the air. I felt him spread my cheeks. Oh fuck I couldn't believe he was about to eat me out. After taking three big loads I knew my hole would be full. I could even feel a little cum sliding out and dripping down my leg. And then there was Frederick's tongue. Inside me. Licking and slurping. And then his entire face. I felt his beard rub against my cheeks as he really got in there to munch on my hole. Eating out Bruce, Ed, and Dan's loads. Tasting their sweet cream. He made satisfied sounds as he continued on. He loved being so dirty. And I loved that he was doing it. I scanned the area below and saw Phil and Derek still in the hot tub. Phil was sitting on Derek's lap. Well, more like bouncing. The water splashed around them as he rode Derek. Phil had the happiest look on his face. The look you could only get from having the pleasure of taking a 10 inch dick up your ass. Frederick finally came up for air. His face was wet with spit and cum. He grabbed my head and kissed me. Now I could taste those loads for myself. They were sweet and salty. Mainly delicious. He swapped spit and cum for a minute before Frederick broke the kiss and moved behind me. He rubbed his throbbing cock down my crack. Humping me. Teasing me.

"Put it in," I begged. He spread my cheeks and entered me. Sliding his shaft inside as easily as a knife goes into a birthday cake. I grunted. Even after taking three other cocks, his still felt huge. Frederick backed out slowly and then went in again. Slicing through me. A fantastic seesaw. I threw my head back and moaned, loving it. He fucked me into that rail. Getting more urgent with each thrust. Going in, holding for a moment, coming out, and then back again. Bottoming out each time. He kissed and licked the back of my neck. Biting it at one point, too. I loved it all. I squeezed my ass around his dick, trapping him inside. We moaned together.

"God, I love your ass," he shouted. He picked up my right leg and put my knee on the railing. This caused my hole to stretch even further, giving Frederick even more access. He held it there as he continued to fuck me. Slamming my ass with his thick cock. Fuck, it felt good. I could swear I heard the crowd below chanting: Fuck him! Fuck him! Fuck him! It was hard to tell with the loud music. But they were definitely watching. Making me even harder. I saw Garrett staring up at me. His hand was inside his white briefs working his cock. Our eyes locked. I liked seeing him get off to me and he knew it. He had a lustful smile on his face. Bruce appeared behind him. He was still hard from the Viagra. He rubbed his dick against Garrett's ass, pulling him close. Garrett turned to see who was about to fuck him. He approved and pushed his ass back against Bruce. He took his hand out of his briefs and slowly pulled them down. He cock sprang out. It looked to be the same size as mine. This twin-like thing we had going on was getting freaky. But still hot. Garrett's eyes never left mine as he bent over. He licked his lips in anticipation. Bruce entered him right away. He grabbed onto Garrett's shoulder as he preceded to fuck him in the middle of the crowd. It looked like Garrett had found his own daddy. And now he was mimicking me. Frederick took my face in his hands and turned me away from Garrett. He kissed me as his cock continued to invade me. Hard firm thrusts. I cried out from the intensity. He dug his fingers into my thigh. Licking my lips and cheek with his tongue. Stretching my hole with his fat dick. He was going over the edge soon. His speed picked up. Banging me relentlessly until finally he moaned loud enough to be heard over the music. At the same time his cum shot inside me, joining the loads from the others. Frederick continued to thrust, pouring out every drop into my hole. He held me as the wave washed over him. "Amazing," was all he could say between deep breaths. He regained his senses and saw that I hadn't cum yet. "Get up on the rail," he said.

"What?" I asked, still a little dazed. He guided me up into a sitting position on the rail. He held onto me tightly, from behind, so I wouldn't fall. It was a little scary, but I trusted him to keep me from going over. And it was cool to be up there and look down at the sea of hot naked guys.

"Stroke yourself for them," Frederick ordered. I looked down at my painfully hard dick. Everyone else had gotten off and now it was my turn. I wrapped my hand around my cock and began to stroke. Working my fingers over my wet cock. I spread my legs wide giving all the guys a good view. It was a exhibitionist's wet dream. Jacking off in front of a huge group of people. Feeling their eyes on me as I pleasured myself. Knowing that I was the center of attention. And also knowing that I was turning them on. Causing them to jack off themselves, suck & fuck their partner harder, or just plain cum at the sight of me enjoying myself. I leaned into Frederick warm embrace and took it all in. The heat of the night air, the smell of sweat and cum, and the feel of his hairy body surrounding me. And also the feel of my own manipulations. I was almost there. I stroked my cock faster. This time I know I was hearing them. The crowd chanted: Cum! Cum! Cum! "Cum all over them," Frederick yelled. The hot liquid shot out of my dick and into the air, before raining on the men below. It wasn't enough to drench everyone, of course. But I'm sure a few appreciative guests got a taste. They all cheered none the less. Meanwhile, I shuddered and gasped. This was one of the best orgasms of my life. I turned to look Frederick in the eye.

"Happy Birthday," I said.

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