Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on May 10, 2021


So it is the next chapter and pardon me for my mistakes as this week there was no proofreader who can check it. So if someone wants to proofread and wrote the next chapter, email me.

Donate nifty so that it can make you cum like always. Your complements are welcomed on my Gmail. Enjoy the chapter.

What don't you say it boss?", I had just entered my room and put my head on head brim when Wikling opened the door and whispered in my ears. I was taken aback by his question. His double meaning grin was expressing a lot that I couldn't understand.

"What do you want?", I asked frowning.

"John has returned from the tour and we are planning to go on a date", he said with his devious smile.

"So what?", I was pissed off as he said that but I controlled and asked to myself why I was so mad at him?

"So aren't you jealous boss?", He asked innocently. Such angelic devil he was.

"Why would I?", I knew where it was going to.

"Say it boss, just say it now. Tell me you are jealous and you can't see me with John", he touched my arm that I rashly pushed away.

"Shut the fuck up Wikling. It's your life, do whatever you want. Why would I bother?", I said in rage and his excitement changed into gloominess in a second and I for some reason didn't like it. I like the energetic, and cute looking happy Wikling not the depressed one. What the hell am I thinking? Wikling is not my type at all. Oh Dom! You ll get mad like this if you couldn't get hold of yourself soon.

I stood up and turned my face around and almost hit my chest with Wikling's face.

"I love your odor boss", there was lust in his eyes for me and my cock twitched like a frog's throat and I mechanically swallowed my saliva getting intimidated by him. What, now I was getting intimidated by this twinky weakling. I gathered all my confidence and pumped my chest pushing him away from me.

"Wikling, do whatever you want and never ever, and I mean it, never ever mock me like this. I don't get jealous of anyone", I said seeing directly into his eyes. The sad expressions on his face was so weird. It was for the first time that I was feeling sorry for someone and someone like him. Why was I getting so sensitive for him? Wikling turned around and with heavy steps left my room.

"Hey..stop....", It Wikling had left the room. "Fuck", I hit the floor in frustration. What was happening to me? He is getting on my nerves now.

The rest of the day was frustrating as hell. My cock kept on the verge of cumming whenever I would see both Wikling and John together laughing and teasing each other romantically. I hated that guy John and called him in my room. I was gonna ruin their date. I gave him a ton of files to work on so that he would be busy late at night. Wikling again gave me his mocking stare that made me hard for no reason. I tried to avoid his stare and it was another new thing that occurred to me for the first time. My confidence started slowly shattering in his presence now and this feeling was arousing to me. Fuck! What is going on to me? I'm an Alpha.

****** I received an invitation from John that he was holding his birthday party at Saturday night and our department was invited including me who was his boss, of course. So I couldn't reject the invitation if this jerk when all the faculty was going on. I brought out the purple shirt from my closet which Wikling gifted to me. It suits me a lot. Kurt helped in ironing the suit and dressing me up. I ordered him to double clean my Oxfords first with his tongue and then polish them. Humiliating studs like Kurt is always a sight to behold, it is always exciting and enthralling to my alpha demeanor.

I gave myself a full body look and smiled as I was looking like a god as usual.

******* Ok so party was not at all bad. John's apartment was quite big and comfy. It was well organised and the showcase of antique decoration was telling his taste for vintage and classic stuff. Even his dressing style resembled eighties and nineties. I was searching a round for Wikling as he had not come yet so I continued chatting with my office colleagues. Sullivan was there as well and he was giving me lustful stare that I ruthlessly rejected. Teasing Sullivan was so much fun.

After half an hour, I saw Wikling at the entrance with a bouquet of white lotuses. He was dressed nicely in a brown suit. His hair were trimmed and bears shaven. He was looking really handsome by the way. I never saw Wikling like this way and my eyes were sending signals down my crotch and to my sleepy python that woke up and was now vibrating like a motor. Fuck! Not now, calm down you fool. I tried distracting myself and calmed down. John also came he cut the cake. The first bite he gave it to Wikling that made me frowned. The entire office now knew about their affair and encouraged them as a couple except me. After cake ceremony, alcohol was distributed and I tried avoiding too much drink.

I was talking to my employee when the waiter collide with me that loosen grip on the glass and it fell on my coat. I was so mad at him but I didn't bash him. Instead calmly I went to find the bathroom. I was in a master size bed room and found the bathroom. I cleaned my cloth and as I reached for the door to open it, unheard familiar voices.

"I wanted this for so long Wik", it was John and what did he call him, Wik? It's kinda cute.

"John, I want this as well. There is so commotion outside and it won't take much time", Wikling's voice was so authoritative. In office, he is always sounded submissive and humble. My heart skipped a beat when I heard them kissing each other. The memory if Wikling kissing me hit my head. He was indeed a good kisser. Fuck, my cock awakened and was throbbing now. I stayed paralysed there clueless. I had never heard anyone making out with each other.

"Strip me Wik. Make me yours", and the sound of unbuttoning if the shirt was clicking in my head. I couldn't move the handle of the door and got more focused on listening to these love birds on heat. "Spank", "Fuck, what was this for?", John complaint in anguish and I felt the pain of the spank on my butt.

"I love your bouncy butt, you know that John", and he started eating his mouth again. The slurping sound of their saliva mixing with each other was so arousing. I could hear my heart beat clearly right now.

"I should not hear them", I tried to distract myself but couldn't as John now started moaning and it was so exciting to me.

"Now you are naked John, now lay on your back, I'm gonna eat your ass. Is it cleaned as I told you?", Wikling was ordering him confidently. I was really surprised at this new avatar of Wikling.

"Yeah...I did as you wanted Wik", I couldn't resist any longer and wanted to see what was going on. Curiosity killed the cat and I was desperate to see Wikling taking command. It is really weird as an Alpha don't get excited on the thought of weaklings taking commands but this newly inculcated desire if watching a stud like John submitting to Wikling was erotic and arousing. I slightly opened the door without making any squeaking sound. Both were so close to the bathroom. My eyes bulged out and cock ejaculated precum on the scene. I never had seen John naked but I knew he had a built body not like mine but definitely not like Wikling. So, the scene was making me horny weirdly. John was laying on his back while Wikling lifted his massive thighs like they were cotton roll, and exposed his pucker. Watching a black man like me on his back and ass cheeks ripped apart was something brand new for me. I had never seen any black dude like this. I should be infuriated at John as being from the superior race how could he submit to a white guy so easily. He was meant to conquer white race not surrender to them. But instead I was so curious about what was gonna happen. A white dude was commanding a black dude, making him desperate for his desires. My cock was ready to explode at this thought.

Wikling exposed John's hole and entered his tongue.

"Oh my gosh hole craved for your rimming Wik....fuck....enter me", John shouted as Wikling entered his sensitive hole and I got goosebumps on the thought how much pleasure did John get? Was it that much amazing? Is anal pleasure is so exciting? All the questions were hammering my head.

Wikling continued rimming his hole expertly while John's legs waved to and fro in pleasure. His body was shivering, I could see his muscles tensed as Wikling was penetrating deeper into him.

"Oh's amazing Wik....your tongue in my hole....drives me crazy....I'm sorry for leaving you Wik...ahhhhh...I'm....fuck...I acted like a pussy and didn't accept the real me...ohhhhhhh", John's every word was hitting me hard, like a spell. My own hole twitched in anticipation. My heart was beating my ribcage and cock my briefs.

"Fuckk.....yeah...give me your tongu....fuck me with your tongue Wik", John's begging was leading me into a trance. I could never ever imagine a black dude getting penetrated anally by a white guy.

Wikling rimmed him well for good ten minutes after that he came obe rjihn and kissed him passionately. My tongue automatically licked my own lips in thought if getting kissed by Wikling.

"Are you ready to receive your birthday present John?", Wikling asked him romantically and it didn't take me enough time to understand the meaning. I wanted John to say no, but deep down in heart I wanted to see him getting fucked by a white dude.

"Yes...yes Wik....fuck me...pleas stake my's has been acting for your dick...make it wet...sprinkle your fountain into it", John's verbal begging was so erotic that it made me rock hard and throbbing. My own dick wanted to cum right away.

"I'm gonna make you pregnant John", Wikling said politely and kissed him and undress himself. I have met seen Wikling naked but watching his naked skin was erotic. I couldn't take my eyes of his slender body and Rick hard seven inches white dick that was gonna fuck a black ass. I was leaking precum like water from a hose. It was so beautiful to watch him jerking and making himself hard. A beautiful white dick throbbing as if it were on a conquest, a conquest claiming a black ass.

"What the hell I'm thinking?", I closed my eyes but I wanted to see more so I opened them. Wikling came over John and planted a passionated kiss taking a lube and stretching his hole with his lubed up fingers.

"I'm gonna make it very special for you John", both were watching into each other's eyes like lovers.

"Are you enjoying my fingers in your pussy?", Wikling asked him.

"Yeah...I love it in my pussy Wik", John's calling his hole a pussy should make me angry but again I was aroused at being called this way. A pussy, a black pussy being stretched by a white dude. No, no it is wrong. I should be watching all this otherwise I ll get mad but still I continued watching it.

"It's stretch now...I'm gonna enter John", Wikling smiled.

"Go ahead...take it", John smiled as well and embraced Wikling tightly and closing his eyes.

"Holy's so fat...fuck....Wik...ahhhhhh", John's body tightened around Wikling's tiny body and he writhed with pain.

"Why the hell he is taking the pain? He is a black dude, he is meant to fuck white dudes not get fucked", I was in shock to find out Wikling was the one who fucked him. I always thought John was fucking Wikling and it always burnt me cuz I claimed Wikling's ass but it was opposite. Watching a black dude writhing and groaning with pain was giving me goosebumps and another level of sexual galvanisation. I had never been this horny in my entire life. I watched through little slit if the door in anticipation what would happen next and as I expected Wikling arched back, aligning his cock at John's backdoor he marche din. The contorted expression in John's face feeling the extreme pain mad me panicked but his "ohhhsss...", And "ahhhhsss" were developing a sense of craving in me. And after few minutes when his painful expressions transformed into the most amazing, arousing and erotic expressions I have ever seen on a black dude just left me breathless. "Is anal pleasure that ecstatic?", I asked myself again and my ass twitched giving me the answer. I again struggled to distract myself but my heart wanted that, I wanted to at least touch the brink of the sea of such pleasure if not swim in it.

"No I'm an Alpha--", my kind resisted.

"Wik fuck me's..feel...gooooodd.....toooooo gooooodd....fuck me..ahhhh..ahhhh..ahhhhhh....ahhhh", but John's groaning and moaning with Wikling's every hit would change my mind and I forgetting my Alpha status momentarily focused on watching Wikling's beautiful body hitting the pleasure spot in John's hole relentlessly.

"I'm close sperms are gonna hit your inside making you pregnant....take them and enjoy yourself.", Wikling said aloud as waves if orgasm hit him hard.

"Breed me Wik....make me pregnant...", Hearing a black dude getting impregnated by a white dude just drove me crazy and I couldn't control anymore and burst my heavy load out of my balls.

"Ahhhh...fuckk..yeah", I slid against the bathroom wall and ejaculate inside my boxers without even touching my cock. It was humiliating. I could hear both of them orgasming like rabid dogs outside. I stayed there breathless before they leave the room and came outside. I tried to calm myself down so that audience wouldn't get a hint of what happened to me. Fortunately I was wearing black pants so my embarrassment was not revealed.

On my way back home, I was still under the trance of such ridiculously amazing orgasm. I wanted more. It was not satisfying enough and my cock was rock hard.

"Be ready in five minutes", I messaged Kurt to get naked and be ready as I was coming to shoot my sperms into his both holes.

"Fuck! I'm an Alpha. How could I enjoy that? No", I hit the staring wheel in anger.

I parked my car and thrashed opened the door.

"Master you have arrived...I'm ready--", Kurt was obediently waiting naked for me.

"Get you face her and suck me of", I threw my coat on the sofa sat in cutting him off. He nodded his head and droop down on his knees unbuckling and unzipping my pants. Watching his handsome well built jock sucking me off was amazing and exciting but soon I realised it was not as exciting as watching Wikling doing with John. My cock was hard but I couldn't satisfy myself. Kurt was doing his best to arouse me but it was not doing it. No, did I lost my expertise to produce cum? It cannot happen to me. I was in panic. I'm a huge cummer, my balls produce tons of sperms a day and I can release those tons anytime, I get recharged within minutes but this time I couldn't get off. I was hard but couldn't make sperms. Even Kurt realise my tension and he grabbed my balls pulling them down lightly, it gave a weird sensation to me and I let him do it. He engulfed my full 10 inches fat cock and then chewed the tip nibbling it a bit.

"Ahhh...", And I felt it. The stimulation that made my cock throb was there, I could feel the excitement building up and horniness returning.

"Yes Kurt, do it boy", I ordered him to do his thing and he took his mouth if my cock and licked the entire length with his tongue. I felt the pleasure I needed and I didn't notice what was I imagining. I was again lost in the memory of Wikling fucking John and his moans were echoing in my head. As Kurt moved down, I relaxed myself widening my thighs. My eyes were close and I was focusing on that thought. I replaced myself with John and imagined Wikling doing all the forbidden stuff that is a nightmare for an Alpha. I arched back and moved my hips up that moved my cock away from Kurt's tongue exposing my hole to his face.

"Lick me boy, don't stop", I think as an Alpha I couldn't say him to rim me but deep down I wanted him to gimme a rimjob that's why I deliberately exposed my ass assuring myself it was by mistake. Kurt was licking my coxk and now my balls were in front so he started licking my tennis ball sac.

"Fuck...", My body trembled on feeling his sensitive tongue on my nutsac and I went down even more exposing my crack. I couldn't say him so I forced his face in my arse.

"'s feels so good", I never imagined feeling a tongue in my arse would be so euphoric. I pushed Kurt's tongue deeper widening my things and it happened that should have never been occurred. Kurt's tongue was licking my sensitive entrance and was few centimetres away from penetrating in.

"Ahhh...ohhhh my goshhhhhhh", I gasped, my chest pumped up feeling the mysterious waves of pleasure hitting my brain and I mechanically pushed Kurt in my ass feeling his wet tongue probing into my entrance.

"Ahhhhh....ohh...god.....fuckkkkk...yeahhhhhh", I tried clenching my sphincter muscle but on the same time I pushed Kurt further driving me crazy in pleasure. The position I made was really awkward. If someone would see me in that position he would definitely make fun of me. I was lying on my back on the sofa with my neck pressing against its back and my legs up feeling Kurt's tongue. Kurt's fingers were ingrained in my bubble butt but I didn't care. I just wanted to explode my load that's all. And for the second time I put my Alpha status at stake.

"Yes Kurt...I'm gonna explode....just lick me out", I was imagining what Wikling did to John and let Kurt do the same which was really humiliating but I was desperate to cum. Kurt without even asking grabbed my ten inch fat cock and started jerking it. I had no time to think about that as I could do anything to ejaculate so I ignored Kurt's self tasking and let him do what he wanted to as his every action was driving me mad to cum.

"Kurt I'm close", and he does up the pace of my jerking.

"Ahhhhh...yeah boy....jerk me...make me cummmmm", and here I said those forbidden words that ALPHAS are not allowed to say ever. Instead using my own self my slave was milking me, making me cum. I was paralysed there feeling every jolt of pleasure.

"Here I cummmmmmmm", and I exploded lava of my hot juice. I couldn't even remember how much shots I released. The only thing I remember was the euphoria I felt. I got what I want. I was now feeling dizzy. I pushed Kurt away with my foot and went to bed in shame.

Next: Chapter 9

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