Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on May 3, 2021


This is the new installment after such a long time. I personally like this story but I didn't receive much praise for it.

Thank you my slave Clay for writing and proof reading this chapter.

Enjoy reading it and tell me how was it?

"This is for you", I looked at my slender colleague who had been shopping for two hours now. We were getting late to board the plane. "We are getting late Wikling. What is this?", I asked surprised.

"A little gift from my side. I was shopping for myself and my cousins and I liked this purple shirt and out of nowhere you came to my mind Boss", Wikling handed over the shirt to me, and I just took it without uttering a word as I couldn't come out of the shocking gratitude he was showing. The thing is I had been planning to buy a "purple" colored shirt since I have never worn one and somehow Wikling bought it for me and gave me as a gift. Nobody has done this for me before.

"I was expecting a thank you boss but nevermind. Let's go or else we ll be late", he turned around and packed his bag.

We boarded the plane and were sitting in our seats.

"Hey, thank you for the gift", I didn't know what happened to me and just thanked him mechanically.

"Oh... you're welcome boss", he replied surprisingly and I turned my face away in shame. For the first time I felt my dominance crumbling. I never say thank you or sorry to anyone but this nerd was something. There was something strange about him.

"I'm so proud of you two", Sullivan was in seventh heaven.

"Unbelievable, we hit the jackpot. We got the contract in one go. It is remarkable", I was standing proudly as Sullivan continued complementing us in front of the entire crew. My beefy muscular chest was so pumped up with confidence that it might explode now.

"It is just because of Sir Dominic, boss", I looked at Wikling with shock.

"It was him or else we'd never get the contract", why was he doing that? Ok I agree I played the biggest part of it, but he did an amazing job as well.

"Don't give me all the credit Wikling. It was a combined effort",

"No boss, you lead the project and all credit goes to you", Wikling was all about making me the star.

"You two did great and because of that I'm thinking you both deserve the reward", Sullivan announced. That was what I was waiting for.

"So guys, meet your new chief executive, Dominic and replacing him from his previous post is Wikling", Sullivan promoted both of us, and I was weirdly was happy for Wikling.

"Congrats weakling", I complimented him.

"Same goes to you boss", we both looked in each other's eyes. There were millions of stars shining in his deep black eyes. For a moment I couldn't take my eyes off him and my cock tingled. He was cute. Even Wikling felt something strange because of the way I was looking at him. I quickly came out of my thoughts and embarrassingly turned my face away.

"What was I thinking? He is not my type", I thought to myself. This weird surge of sexual emotions was driving me nuts. I was really feeling uncomfortable and excused myself. I went into my previous office taking one final glimpse of my old room. I touched my chair and gave and stared down at it. I had waited for this moment for a long time and now I achieved it.

"Why did you come in here boss?", I was in my zone and I didn't even hear the cracking sound of the door. Someone came in and touched my shoulder. I turned around, Wikling was standing innocently looking at me.

"I was not feeling good", I replied and avoided looking at him.

"Boss, are you avoiding me?", He asked.

"No I ...I'm just feeling uneasy that's all", I moved to my table looking at my files aimlessly. Wikling took the file from my hands and saw into my eyes directly.

"Why are you so stubborn boss?", His attitude suddenly became so bold.

"What do you mean?", He didn't reply and we continued staring at each other. Then in a quick fashion, he heeled up his feet and kissed me. My eyes widened on such clueless action but I stood motionless letting him kiss me. Even I closed my eyes and responded to his intimate move. His fragile lips and slender body hit me like a hammer. I put my hands on his slim back and gave a passionate kiss to his lips. We made out for a few minutes when I realised it was not normal for me to kiss since I almost never do. So I quickly broke the kiss and gave him confused expressions. And before he could say something I left the office.

At home I fucked Kurt mercilessly taking out all of my frustration by cumming in him.

"Yes, fuck..I'm gonna cum inside you Wikling. You are my little slut....yeah...are you feeling it", I was saying rubbish that I even didn't realize.

"Yes...I'm fucking you Wikling...your cunt is mine...take it slut", I was fucking Kurt but in my head, it was Wikling. He hadn't gotten out of my head since noon. He had taken over my mind and now I was assuming him instead of Kurt.

After cumming inside him which I managed with difficulty, I don't know but I felt my libido was decreasing and that was concerning because I'm a man who fucks a lot, and I didn't want my stamina and horniness to run down.

Dom and Wikling's promotions created an opportunity for another man, Someone had to fill Wiling's newly vacant position. The financial business is a small world in a way even in this massive city, so it was not surprising that the new man was not a stranger to everyone in the office. Several colleagues knew the new man, and Wikling knew him well, even intimately. As intimately as possible. Wikling knew what the new man looked like first thing in the morning. Wikling also knew what the new man's face looked like when the man was in the ecstasy of orgasm. Most intimately of all, Wikling's knew the pleasure of the new man's long thick cock pulsing inside him as the man emptied his balls.

"Dom and Wikling, come over here. I'll introduce you to the newest member of your team", Sullivan said with a wide smile. "John this is Dominc. He is our star analyst and your new boss, and this is Mr. Wikling. Mr. Wikling has not been with long but he is definitely an up and comer on our team."

John gave Dom a firm handshake and big friendly smile, but he barely looked at Wikling as he said "Mr. Wikling and I have worked together before, no introductions needed."

Sullivan beamed "that is great to hear. You two will hit the ground running since you are already familiar with each other.

Some people noticed, but Mr. Sullivan did not, that both John and Wikling had an odd almost pained expression for just an instant.

Dom tested John during his first week. A series progressively more difficult analysis and presentation edits. John completed each task satisfactorily, but he was not lightning fast nor particularly brilliant. A few minor mistakes in the presentations, but nothing major. By the end of the week, Dom had John pegged as above average and worth keeping but nothing special, as far as his work went anyway. As far as his body, John was more than average, much more. John was tall, athletic and handsome. Curly black hair, pale smooth skin and ice blue eyes. He had the kind of confidence that Dom loved to break in men. Confidence taken from them as he penetrated their asses. Confidence washed away by the cum he pumped into their willing or unwilling cunts. Dom thought he would force John to his knees and then his back, when he got ready, Right now Dom was distracted by Wikling's behavior.

The nerdy little guy was acting strange, even for him. He was polite to John and worked with him when required, but was otherwise cold and distant. Why? Wikling is normally smiling and too friendly. Not to mention Wikling is a gay and a horney dog, and John is almost too handsome, lean, and hard. It made no sense.

If Wikling was unusually cold to John, he was very warm to Dom. He was almost flirtatious. He seemed to find excuses to come into Dom's office. He would come to his office and ask unnecessary questions. Simple things and an intern could handle without help. Several times he brought Dom a fresh cup of coffee just like he liked it and just when Dom needed a cup. It was good to see Wikling adopt a natural servant role to Don's alpha role, but Dom was suspicious of the change of attitude, Wikling also made a habit of leaning in too close to speak to him and violate his personal space. Dom was the Alpha male; he violated a man's personal space when he chose. Even up to and including their most private and tight personal spaces. Other lesser men, especially white men did not dare get too close to Dom, but Wilking was making a habit of doing it, Dom wondered why he allowed it. Sometimes he even thought for just an instant that he liked having Wikling so close to him that he could feel his breath on his skin and inhale the clean smell of soap off Wikling's skin. Those thoughts were short lived. The next time he wanted Wikling close to him, he wanted Wikling on his knees where he belonged, but Wikling was definitely not his type. The weirdness of Wikling behavior peaked during the annual employee training meeting. The training was a mandatory 8 hours and boring as hell. It covered training in areas that Dom was already knowledgeable like fiduciary responsibilities and legal liabilities It also covered training Dom had no interest in like sexual harassment policies and hostile work place rules.

Dom's thoughts:

I deliberately came to the meeting late and sat at a table at the back of the room by myself. Even I had to sit through this bull shit, but at the back of the room I could use my phone and tablet to entertain myself discreetly. I was both surprised and pissed off when Wikling slid into the chair next to me. The table is too small and I am big muscular man, so our shoulders were virtually touching. I tried to stay mad and ignore the pushy nerd, but still in some small way, I like having him next to me during what promised to be a long boring day, What is wrong with me? I don't think like this

Wikling thoughts:

I saw Dom sitting by himself at the back table. He looked more like a bull behind that small table than a financial professional. His clothes were tailored, but his muscular arms and shoulders still looked almost too big for his dress shirt. He looked kind of bored and miserable. I decided to cheer him up. I got two donuts and two cups of coffee and sat down next to him. He did not seem happy to see me, but I was determined to make his day better or at least more interesting. Dom ignored me as he ate his donut and drank his coffee, but came to full attention when I placed my hand on the outline of his cock snaking down this left pant leg. He made a half hearted attempt to push my hand away, but I was persistent. As his impressive manhood grew under my gentle massaging hand, he really had no choice, and so he rearranged himself so his hardening cock was pointed up and dented his dress pants. Lucky for him he was wearing a dark color. I smiled at him with my best innocent smile, and unzipped his fly and fished out his half hard magnificent cock. I thought about going under the table to do the job right, but even I am not that brave. The look he gave me shot daggers, but he did not try to stop me as I very slowly and gently stroked his cock.

Dom thoughts:

I could have ripped his arm off his body and beaten him to death with it. How was this inferior white man stupid enough or brave enough to try to molest a true Alpha top like me? Why did I allow it like a meek weakling? Part of me wanted to knock the smile off his face, but another part wanted him to keep pleasuring my throbbing cock. It was proper for him to pleasure me, but I should take my pleasure from him and not passively receive it. He was good, keeping me rock hard and pumping precum, but never close to climax. My anger subsided some when he brought his sticky wet fingers to his lips and licked them clean. He seemed to relish the taste of my cock juice, I considered pulling him out of his chair and under the table, but decided now was not the time to risk embarrassment so soon after my promotion. Wikling was providing unexpected and uninvited entertainment, I decided to enjoy it as my due and correct him later. I would see him on his knees and open wide. I would see him swallow my seed. I would see his handsome face take my load. Handsome? Where did that come from?

The day was both pleasure and frustration for Dom and Wikling. Wikling waited on Dom during the breaks and lunch time. Bringing him his food and drinks so Dom never had to stand or leave the table. He also never had to stuff his hard massive cock back into his fly. But as all things must, this had to end. Before the afternoon break, Dom had to stand and walk to the Men's room to empty his bladder. Wikling followed like a well trained puppy. Or maybe like a mischievous puppy.

Dom growled "I can't piss in this state. You caused this issue, drop to your knees and deal with it"

Wikling did not need to be told twice, The Men were too hot to bother going to a cubicle. Wikling knelt at Dom's feet and stroked his massive cock with both hands, his open mouth just millimeters from Dom's piss slit. Hours of edging would prime an ordinary man to release a flood. Dom was much more than ordinary. When the cannon fired ropes of white lava ejected with a volcanic force. Wikling accepted every jet of hot sticky cum filling his mouth full to the brim. They both more than wanted this, they needed it. It was over too soon, Dom let his underling lick his sensitive cock head clean, then stepped up to urinal to take a much needed piss, and Wikling wiped his mouth and licked his fingers.

After Dom's bladder and balls were drained he said "Don't touch me without my permission again, I decide when, if, and how you use your talents for me. Got it?"

"Yes boss" came out of his mouth, but his eyes and that impish smile seemed to bely his words, but Dom's back was turned and he did not see that smile.

The last two hours of the training meeting were ironic, that is when the overweight middle aged woman explained the companies rules that forbid sexual harassment and sexual relationships in the office. Wikling manages to catch Dom's eye during this and first he smelled then licked the tips of his fingers. Dom almost smiled at the joke.

Mr. Sullivan pulled Wikling to the side as the long training meeting was ending, "I've noticed you and Dom seemed to be working together closely recently. I assume that whatever issues caused the altercation a few days ago have been resolved. I'm very pleased that you have found a way to accommodate Dom's demanding management style. You are both very talented in somewhat different areas, but when you do work as a team, the results speak for themselves. I know from experience Dom can be a handful to work with, whatever you are doing to create a constructive team, keep up the good work. I also want you to find a way to bring John fully into the team as quickly as possible. A business like ours needs more than a dynamic duo to succeed."

With that Mr Sullivan literally patted Wikling on the back and left. Wikling guessed that John had received similar encouragement because John literally ran after him down the hall to ask if they could have an after work drink.

At a private both in a nearby bar, John: "Why have you been treating me like a pariah?

Wikling: " We have to clear this up. We have to work to gather, and I can not work with you till you make me understand what the hell happened to you. I deserve at least that. Not only did you dump me, you ghosted me, No explanation, no goodbye, no anything. I did everything for you. My ass was your cock's personal playground, I get it. I topped you and you did not like it, get over it. I still deserved better. Did it kill you to let me be on top just for once?"

John: "No you do not get it at all. I did like it. Actually I loved it, The feel of your thick cock penetrating my ass and your tongue penetrating my mouth. It was good, too good. You were not my first, but you were the first to make me love it, I could not handle that or face you. I was a Top ! Top's don't cum when they're getting fucked. I could not face that or you, so I ghosted you while I tried to figure out what the hell was going on with me.

Wikling: "What do you mean you were a Top? What are you now?" So what, are you versatile now?"

John: "I think so. It is still confusing, I still Top, but it does not seem to be enough, but bottoming for other Men is not what I need either, It is very confusing?"

Wikling's roguish grin was plastered on his face as he took John's hand in his "Finish your drink . We'll have another drink at my place, I'll help you figure out the confusion."

Single malt Scotch must be a miracle elixir. All it took was half a liter of the Scottish water of life and Wikling's talented tongue worming in his ass hole to get John thinking that maybe he was a bottom, for Wikling at least. 20 more minutes of expert rimming convinced John he had to have Wikling's cock in his spit lubricated hole. Another 5 minutes of Wikling's tongue in his ass made him beg for Wikling's cock in his pussy. Wikling does not have the longest cock by any means, but it is nicely thick, and he has the skill and saying power to use it properly. He was on a mission this night as he fucked and edged John. Fucked and edged John for more than an hour in multiple positions. Near the end, John promised Wikling that he would be in charge from now on and Wikling would always be top, if he would only make him cum and promise to fuck him everyday for the rest of his life, The moan's John made did not sound human as Wikling finally took him over the edge. The involuntary and rhythmic contractions of John's newly confirmed pussy pulled Wikling past the point of no return too. It was easily the best and strongest orgasm of John's life, he would never forget the fuck that made him a bottom. As they lay in bed in post organic bliss, Wikling thought to himself, I did not plan this, but it could not have worked out better if I had. He had this beautiful man back, and he had him back on his terms. He would be fucking his ass every day, maybe not for the rest of his life, but for a long time, the ass was just too good to be true.

John stayed at Wkling's place all weekend. Despite his fears just after his first orgasm, John had no regrets Monday morning as Wikling pounded his morning wood into John's sore pussy. As Wikling fucked him ever closer to orgasm, John even thought about asking Wikling to call in sick, so they could spend another day in his bed getting his brains fucked out. Maybe he had already fucked his brains out, he could not call in sick, he just started his job, and as good as the cock felt sliding in and out of his lubed ass and pressing against his prostate, his pussy was getting sore.

John's thoughts:

Damn, this man knows how to hit my prostate with his cock. He knows all my sensitive points now. How did I not know how good my hole could feel for so many years? He knows how to keep me on the edge too, It hurts when he pulls all the way out then forces his big mushroom head past my pussy lips. Did I just call my ass a pussy? He definitely fucked my brains out and I want him to keep doing it NO, I need him to keep doing it.. If he keeps this up I'll cum hands free with my long hard cock flopping between my legs. Fuck he did that to me last night. With no one touching my cock, just his jack hammer dick hitting my prostate over and over till he made me cum, and he is doing it again, FUCK I am so close. I don't want to beg like a nympho, but fuck I need to cum. I can hear myself moaning like a teenage slut on prom night, He seem to like that, Fuck it, I'll moan like a bitch for him, He has both hands working my tits, Ahhhhhh fuckkkkkk I'm cumming.

Wikling's thoughts:

He has taken to my cock like a true cum slut. Hard to believe this bitch used to top me. Sure, I'm versatile, but John was never the one I could give my ass permanently. An true top would never moan like this while letting a real man use him, he was always a bitch, just needed a man to show him. Lucky me, this tight pussy is mine to use now, and the pussy is going to be conveniently near me all day at work. He does not know it yet, but he is going to get fucked at work today, I'll find some out of the way place with just a little danger of getting caught to add spice when I breed this black man. But now, I need to drive it home and dump my first load of the day into my colleague and junior. I can make him cum anytime I want, Make him cum with only my dick working his cunt. Fuck he sounds like a cat in heat now. Time to make his cunt quake and his big cock shoot, That's right bitch, I'm fucking the cum out of you, and your cunt will milk my cock dry, Ahhhh ..... so fucking good!

As Mr. Sullivan predicted, creativity and work flow improved dramatically once Dom's team stopped acting like aloof ally cats in the office and started communicating. A new client was even stolen from right under their chief rivals nose. Mr. Sullivan was more than pleased. Stealing a client from his rival was almost more important than the money, almost.

Dom was pleased. Very pleased with Mr Sullivan's praise. Nice to have Mr Sullivan back in his corner, and back to servicing his BBC. Something was so very satisfying to Dom when a powerful white man got on his knees to worship his cock. Even more satisfying when a powerful white man like Mr Sullivan was at his mercy impaled on his massive cock. Dom could fuck a man up, hurt him bad so easily with a dick his size and the muscular body to drive the spear up to the hilt at any angle. Dom had all the power as soon as his cock head pushed inside a white man's hole. Still something about this last week was gnawing at him. He couldn't point it out. At home he had continued to be exceptionally rough when he fucked Kurt.

Dom got a massage on Thursday. His massage parlor bitch Louis had commented and complemented him on the hard fuck he had given him after his rub down. Louis was clearly an jack of spades, so no fuck from a black muscle god like Dom would ever be to hard even if it broke his ass.

Friday after lunch Dom finally saw clearly what he had been missing, what had been just outside his conscious mind. He saw John and Wikling coming out of the stairwell door. No one used those stairs. The stairs were basically a fire exit. Seems his two subordinates were getting some lunch time exercise. John had an embarrassed almost panicked look when he saw Dom looking their way, Wikling had that infernal smile on his face that drove Dom nuts. No mystery here.

Dom had a weekend of new conquests. Picking out his targets at the clubs and bars then hunting them with skill. Hunting is easy when you look like Dom, have muscles like Dom and a club like Dom. As Dom left another well fucked hole in a Men's room cubical of a dance club, he thought to himself it was almost too easy. Cumming in a tight hole is always good, but even after seeding five new bitches in less than two days, he was not satisfied. His mind wandered to Weakling and what he was doing. Then he was angry at himself for letting the prick into his head, again. He was not his type and he could have any man he wanted, Why was weakling in his head now?

John and Wikling had another weekend in Wikling's apartment. They fucked in every room of the place and in every possible position imaginal. The only constant was Wikling calling the shots and topping everytime, It was not exactly romantic, but compared to the brutal fucks Dom was delivering to his bitches, it was as sweet as a fucking Harlequin Romance novel. Late on Sunday, they finally came up for air and went out for a quiet drink in a neighborhood pub. As luck would have it, Dom stopped off at the same pub for one final pint of the evening. Neither John nor Wikling could figure out why Dom told them to go fuck themselves when they asked him to join him. Everything has been so smooth lately. What was the man's problem?

Monday morning was not good for anyone at the office. Dom had a hangover, John got 3 day's work rejected by Dom and his head was handed to him for turning in a shit job like that. Redo the presentation and get it right, make it pop, do it by tomorrow at quitting time or consider quitting. Wikling fared a little better. He was sent to make a client visit in Portland in Dom's place. It was a good opportunity, but he would have to leave tomorrow and be out of town almost all week. Wikling smiled up at Dom and said "Sure thing Boss" That kind of attitude should have placated and pleased him, but it just annoyed Dom, but he did not say anything.

Dom was still pissed for no obvious reason. Why should he care if the two of them fucked like rabbits ? He could and did fuck any man he chose. He was a real man and an Alpha, lesser men submit to ALPHAS, He could make John willingly bend over his desk and gratefully take his meat. He could wreck John's hole. But why? Why the fuck did he care? None of this really matters, he guessed.

In one sense, the week was a success. Wikling's visit to the client was very well received and Mr Sullivan was pleased. Mr Sullivan was also pleased that Dom had let John assume more responsibility by presenting his presentation to the customer in person. The reworked presentation was very good, so he should be given an opportunity to present it. John would leave on Saturday morning to fly to the customer's city. There would be dinner and drinks with the customer on Sunday and then two more days of real work. Mr Sullivan said he was sure John could handle this. Mr Sullivan might also have been in a good mood because Dom had just fucked the cum out of him and made him his little bitch just like the old days.

Wikling's thoughts:

I'm horny and I'm frustrated. I have a 5 day load in my balls that I planned to flood John's ass with, I barely saw John long enough for a kiss goodbye as he was leaving for the airport. What a FUCKING coincidence. Dom lets me take a high profile plumb business trip in his place because he is such a SWEET guy, and John has to leave on the same day I get home. What a coincidence. If I didn't know better I would think Dom planned it this way. But why? Why would that handsome mountain of muscle and testosterone want to separate John and I? I wonder. I FUCKING wonder why. Why would an alpha god of a man care who a geek like me was fucking? One would almost think he was jealous.

The smile on Wikling's face was not innocent or impish as he thought this. His face had not changed, but still somehow his smile was transformed. What makes a friendly smile become a knowing smile? Wikling was finally figuring Dom out.

Next: Chapter 8

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