Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on Nov 23, 2020


My apologies for any mistake as I didn't proofread it. Comments are welcomed.

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Chapter 5

Both employees were given a large comfortable room which was already booked. Hotel in which they were staying was nice as well. There was a single master bed in the room and both were confused about that. Dom as usual was gonna dominate the bed, Wikling thought. Dom went to take a shower and Wikling took his laptop out. He was reviewing his presentation. Dom has already reviewed it and agreed but he wanted to give it a final check. Dom came out of the bathroom in only a towel around his waist. Wikling looked up and his eyes popped to see the handsome hunk's magnificently carved muscular body. Dom was checking his phone while Wikling continued checking him out. His wife chest like a drum, his round black chewable large nipples, his firm washboard six pack abs that one can use as punching bags. His 6'4 tall dark frame was majestic. He looked like a God of some kingdom. Wikling quickly turned his head as Dom looked at him. He dressed himself up and came near to him.

" was going to eat something wanna come?", Surprisingly Dom was not mean to Wikling but he refused his offer. Dom clenched his teeth as it was going far now.

"What is your problem uh?", Dom asked him frustrated. Wikling looked up at him trying to understand what did he do this time.

"What! Now don't say me you know nothing?", Dom tried to be calm not sounding rude but whenever he would see him, he just gets angry.

"What did I do now?", Wikling asked innocently in his cold tone. Dom couldn't stand his innocent eyes anymore. He was kinda cute he admitted. He didn't believe he was gonna do that.

"Ok Wikling I know I went overboard yesterday and that's it. I have never apologized to anyone and I won't do that to you as well. So buck up and don't gimme attitude", Dom said in his usual tone.

"If you don't realise your wrong doing then I have nothing to say", Wikling started typing on his laptop adding more to his frustration.

"Ok then fuck you", Dom said and left the room slamming the door. Wikling was annoyed at his behaviour as well, he turned his laptop off, took his mobile.

"You will apologise boss, you will. I ll make you. I have not forgiven you boss.", Wikling gave a smirk and left the room as well.

It seemed hotel was specifically booked for the conference as many employees and their bosses could be safe their. Dom had come for other purpose. He wants to bang a nice ass. He looked around to hunt one down that a hand pressed his shoulder from back. Dom turned and smiled to see the six feet tall young man standing there. It was Ivan.

"Hell Sir, so we meet again?", I can said.

"Oh yes bitch. I was thinking about you", both greeted their hands and Dom pressed it tighter to show him his strength.

"Great Sir. So what are you up to?" Ivan asked.

"I was hungry so came down to order some.", Dom told him.

"Is your boss around?", Dom asked.

"Yeah.....let me see....there he is. That chubby man in dark blue suit", Ivan pointed at a short man of about 5'7 with a round abdomen. To Dom he was ugly.

"Oh he is talking to someone which means we have some time.", Ivan smiled and looked at Dom whose face seemed infuriated.

"What happened?", Ivan asked.

"Nothing..", Dom lied. Ivan's boss name was Anthony and he was talking to none other than Wikling. Dom focused on Ivan and continued his conversation. Ivan told him about the reason they come and gave a little bit of background of their company. Dom knew about it so it was not paying specific attention to him instead he was more interested in what Wikling was doing here. He would see at both of them. Anthony was getting really cozy with Wikling. He tried to pat his ass and Wikling removed his hand off his ass but he didn't stop. It would come under sexual harassment and Wikling was handling situation wisely. Dom was not liking that. He was getting restless and wanted to punch that ugly chub. He couldn't understand why he was feeling so protective for his subordinate. Dom felt similar to that child who is playing with his toys when another child comes and steals his toy and plays with it, the feeling that comes in the owner of that toy when his toy is taken from him is what Dom feels right now.

"Mr. Anthony I appreciate your interest in me but it is not the right place and moment for this", Wikling stopped his hand to stop his harassment. Dom couldn't stand it and advanced towards them both.

" are not the stupid one, nice... this is my room number if you come there I promise to offer you the contract. I ll be waiting", Anthony informed his room number and went away. Wikling watched him going in confusion.

"What was he saying?", Before Dom could reach them Anthony had gone.

"None if your business", Wikling totally ignored him. None had ever ignored him before. Dom was angry.

"Wait a sec you bit--", Dom grabbed his arm.

"Don't say that word Dom. You have already abused me yesterday. So now cut your crap", Wikling was getting more and more cock, Dom thought.

"Just tell me what did he say? Why he was harassing you?", Dom asked frowning.

"Oh! Are you jealous that I got another ass to fuck?", Wikling taunted him with a smirk. He was not gonna spend his trip in terror of being humiliated or bullied by Dom.

"What did you just say?", Dom was startled at his cockiness.

"Just go away and let me do what I want", Wikling tried to ignore him again.

" will tell me now what did you mean by that?", Dom forced him and pressed his arm that began to ache.

"Leave me Dom you are hurting me", Wikling winced in pain and Dom smirked.

"Don't call me by my name. I'm your boss", Dom said.

"You are not now. We came as equals to this trip", Wikling stared in his eyes. Dom was surprised at his confidence with which he was tackling his every comment.

"Now leave me", Wikling escaped his hand and fleeted in the crowd. Dom looked startled. Wikling creased his dominance and he could do nothing.

Wikling returned to the room and saw Dom sitting on the sofa like he was waiting for him.

"Now let us--", Dom started the conversation but Wikling didn't look like he was in the mode.

"No Dom no discourse. I quit", Wikling said and fell on the other sofa. Dom couldn't understand what he meant by quitting and why did he cut him off again.

"What do you mean by this?", Dom stood up in anger and came to him.

"I said I quit. I don't want to be the part of this conference. You have a copy if my presentation so give it yourself.", Wikling closed his eyes. He was tired.

"What the fuck? It is your presentation and you came along as well. How come I have to do it alone?", Dom was in shock right now. He didn't expect him to hit at least. He gave his consent to accompany him, he didn't force him.

"Sorry Dom. I'm really tired and I have to sleep", Wikling was not interesting in carry on with the discussion.

"Just wake up you jerk", Dom lifted him. "What is your problem? You said you don't wanna see me and then you abused me and now you want me to participate?", Wikling was annoyed.

"That is another issue. Don't mix them together", Dom was worried as he didn't prepare Wikling's presentation. And there was a lot of pressure going on . Every big name had come in this conference and Wikling cannot walk out in last moment.

"You can't quit right now", Dom said calming himself down. He cannot mess things up.

"If you are so persistent then apologise for what you did", Wikling said in a serious tone.

" you did all this to make me apologise?", Dom frowned.

"Then I cannot be the part of it and if Sullivan ask for the failure you ll be responsible as you are my boss", Wikling said cockily and went to sleep leaving the furious hunk on fire.

"You can't do like that. Hear me prick", Dom was infuriated right now. He would never apologise him, he could die but not do that. He took his laptop and opened Wikling's presentation. He calmed himself down to study it but pressure was so high. He also had to review his own presentation as well. He looked at the sleepy Jarhead Wikling who looked as tranquil as birds.

Dom give damn and was determined to do the presentation on his own. After giving his full attention to the slides for about an hour and two he couldn't do it. There were so many references that Wikling knew and he would have needed time to check those by himself which he had not. But he was not gonna give up. He gave another hour and he quit. Only Wikling could do his own task. He looked at him who lied clumsily on sofa snorting. Dom was angry that why he has to wake up and Wikling sleeps soundly. He continued stared at the cute innocent face of his. Wikling was good looking and can be a good one night stand.

"What the hell am I thinking?", It was uncanny that why would Wikling the person whom he hated the most give him a hard time? He was a cocky bastard himself and things always go smoothly and easy without him putting any effort. But Wikling was not one of those desperate bitches. There was rebellion in his eyes.

"Hey wake up Jarhead?", Dom gave him a hard jerk and Wikling woke up like any disaster had happened.

"What the hell? Why did you wake me up?", Wikling was rubbing his eyes in frustration.

"You are gonna give your presentation yourself Wikling?", Dom sounded a bit less rude and flexible.

"I told you I won't", Wikling was still firm.

"Don't fool around Wikling.", Dom was controlling his anger, he didn't want to mess things more.

"Then do it", Wikling forced him.

"Do what?", Dom asked.

"You know Dom what I mean", Wikling closed his eyes.

"I'm listening and once you say it, I ll participate in the presentation", Wikling gave his decision. Dom clenched his teeth. He won't do that but he couldn't do the presentation alone as well. For the first time he felt helpless.

"Ok.... I...I'm sorry", Dom apologized in a low voice and Wikling's eyes opened.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you properly", Dom's apology was really whimsical.

"I said and I won't repeat it again", Dom said angrily.

"I seriously didn't hear you. If you are sorry then apologise like you mean it Dom", Wikling chuckled and Dom looked at him like he would kill him.

"I AM SORRY for what I said to you the other day. ", Dom emphasised on his apology and was Ryder and louder this time. Wikling stood up and came to the wild beast who looked puzzled at him getting so close. Suddenly his heart began to race high and he felt diffidence which never occurred with Dom before.

"That's more like it BOSS", Wikling's sudden transition from Dom to Boss always annoyed Dom.

"Don't ever address me by name or otherwise I would erase your existance", Dom said in a dead serious tone that scared Wikling momentarily but then he shrugged.

Wikling grabbed his laptop and began over viewing his slides. Dom was in a fit that what was going on with him. He was assertive, dominant and cocky bastard but with Wikling he found a competition and a sort of barrier to overcome. He had showed several men their place but Wikling was giving him a hard time. He even made him apologise to him which he had never done before. Dom changed his thoughts and focused on the coming deal.

They both were preparing for the conference. Dom looked ravishing as usual. He looked at Wikling who was wearing a dark grey suit, his jelled hair and shaved face impressed Dom and he find him really attractive. He felt the sexual rush in his cock as he looked at his round firm ass. Dom was annoyed at his hard on and settled his pants. He started focusing on the conference.

"Should we go now?", Wikling asked and Dom nodded.

The conference went really well and opposite to Wikling's expectations. Every one was impressed by their idea and wanted to know more about it. Both Wikling and Dom were giving more info to the members individually when Anthony came and greeted him from behind. But there were two more threats to counter. There were two more members who were at par with them and their were equal chances for any one win the contract.

"Hello Mr. Anthony", Wikling smiled.

"You and your friend gave an excellent overview of your idea and I was quite impressed.", Anthony told him.

"Thank you Mr. Anthony for your appreciation",

"You didn't come last night? I was waiting for you anxiously", Anthony asked him

"I'm was rather busy Mr. Anthony", Wikling's smile was replaced by boredom and frustration.

"If you had come then I would have given the contract to your company Mr. Wikling but your loss and your colleague is quite a catch. I didn't see him before and I would love to meet him. And if you could send him instead I would be more than happy", Anthony said staring at Dom who was watching them.

"Mr. Anthony it's really nice if you that you like my partner and yes he is an eye candy. But neither nor he is interested in you. So I'm really sorry to turn your offered down", Wikling smiled and was about to go when Anthony stopped him.

"Ok as you wish. But keep one thing in mind. There is not that much of a tough competition and I ll leave no stone unturned to nominate others over you. I gave you a profitable offer but you refused it. This contract could change the destiny of your company. There are high chances of your company to earn it but if you lose it then it would be entirely your fault.", Anthony challenged Wikling and went away leaving him thinking. Dom was constantly looking at him all the time. He read the confusion on his face but he couldn't ask him as he didn't want to hear that he was jealous. Then why he was so concerned about him? Dom didn't know that either.

"Man the conference was amazing and I'm really hoping to get the contract. Sullivan will explode to hear that. Let's hope everything goes well", Dom was walking around in excitement in the room. Wikling looked at his enthralled boss whom he didn't want to make upset. He didn't want to break his bubble of happiness. There was one way of earning that contract. He cannot just ignore Anthony's proposal. He asked him and also gave the option for Dom. He was definitely not going so he had to convince Dom.

"I'm definitely going to have a promotion.", Dom was so materialistic and passionate alongside and Wikling knew this. He would go to any extreme to get the contract.

"We are not gonna get the contract", Dom was living his moment when his mode spoiled by the depressing comment of Wikling.

"And why do you say that?", Dom asked rudely.

"Cuz I know we are not gonna", Wikling said in a serious tone. Dom can know from the seriousness of his attitude that he had real concerns.

"What do you mean by that?" Dom asked concerned.

"The committee members won't let us.", Wikling said with the shear disappointment.

"Come to the point Wikling", Dom said.

" you remember that chubby man who was talking to me in the conference? The one you were jealous of", Wikling said innocently.

"The one who was .....wait what? I'm not jealous of anyone I told you weakling", Dom lost his control again and Wikling chuckled at his wild behaviour. He was now used to it.

"Nevermind.....yes that dude. He told me that he is among the members of the committee and he won't let us unless and until....", Wikling stopped. Dom was waiting for him to proceed.

"Unless and until what weakling?", Dom asked curiously. He wanted to know why did that ugly man harassed him but again why was he so concerned?

"He said I had to come to his room tonight", Wikling told him embarrassed. Dom didn't say anything. He was shocked and kinda hated that someone wanted to sleep with his colleague.

"Hey boss. What do you say? Should I go? By the way he seemed to be interesting in you more than me", Wikling asked. Dom was furious but he didn't loose his cool.

"I dont think so the members would do such a thing.", Dom said pretending to be confident.

"Are you sure boss? Cuz he said he would put pressure on the other members to give contract to the William's instead of us. And if Sir Sullivan get to know about this he would be mad at us and you ll loose your promotion and I my chance to shine", Wikling faked a sorrow expression that would make Dom think about it and he did. Seeing that Wikling used his ace,

"That jerk also said if could know what I mean", Wikling said slowly and Dom looked at him furiously.

"Don't get me wrong but I know you can teach that bastard a good lesson. That cocky bastard thought that he could make his move at your ass but I told him clearly that my boss could wreck your hole with his python", Wikling gave his best to act like a professional fawny and Dom seemed to be getting influenced.

"So you are saying that I should go instead of you?", Dom asked with a smirk.

"Kind of....see boss I cannot go to that ugly, chubby bastard and I request you to ------", Wikling knew his response.

"Fuck off, no way he called you then go yourself I m not gonna get involved.", Wikling planned was failing.

"Please boss this is the only way and will you let anyone eye your subordinate?", Wikling pleaded, he couldn't get it why he use those words but he had now spoken them. Dom quickly turned back hearing his words and his cock twitched. He actually didn't want that but the question was why? Why did he feel bad when Anthony get so cozy with his junior? Why did he want to beat that chubby faggot? He didn't understand and Wikling's words created even more confusion. Dom took heavy steps towards Wikling who seemed afraid at his expressionless face anticipating him to beat him or like that.

"Look weakling I don't care what he or anyone do to you so just fuck off", Dom emphasized on every word and went to bathroom to take shower leaving Wikling disappointed.

Why was he doing this? Dom was standing in his white dress shirt and grey pants right in front of the door which was numbered as "222". He knocked at the door.

"Why I'm doing this? Why I came here?", He asked himself. He heard the twisting sound of the door as his heart beat picked the pace. He wanted to run but he didn't. He remain there. A small chubby man in his trousers opened the door and was surprised to see the handsome dark hunk.

"Hmm...I didn't expect you to come?", Anthony looked really shocked.

"Won't you ask me to come in?", Dom asked with his sensual smile that made Anthony melt away.

"My bad...I really sorry....come in", Anthony let the door wide open as if a prince had entered his room. Dom stepped in a confused state of mind. He really didn't k ow why he come here. But as he has now stepped in there was no way going back now.

Next: Chapter 6

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