Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on Nov 20, 2020


So this is the fourth installment. Enjoy it and pardon me for mistakes as I didn't proofread it.

Comments are welcomed at my Gmail

Chapter 4

Sullivan had gone to a conference so I had a lot of free time. Stupefied in my office the memories of last night were running like a film. I was as drunk as skunk in previous evening because for the first time I felt a strong fear to loose my job and I drank and drank until I lost my control which is by far the greatest weakness of mine. I could not even remember if I disclosed anything in that embarrassing state to that prick Wikling or not. "Fuck fuck!" I slammed my hand heavily on the office table and stood up with a thunderous roar.

"Fuck you Wikling", I grabbed hold on my chair and ingrained my fingers in its soft back support in anger. Dom didn't notice but he was calling Wikling by his correct name.

"How could I became a hamstring?", The stature that I carry in the office and in real life, no one would even think of doing that to me. Then how did he dare to even try that on me? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I hate these white people. Selfish and destroyers. Dom could remember how was his life tarnished by these white men and he had to struggle hard to survive in this cruel world. He smoked a cigarette and I hated a puff exhaling it out through office window that fleeted in the air over the busy world.

Dom belonged to a persecuted, parochial black family, his father was a hostile man who would always beat him and his mom. He was 14 when his mother died and he ran away escaping the torture his father would do to him. He roamed in the streets for several days, begged to the vendors to give him some food, also did some trivial jobs to earn a livelihood. Life was a labyrinth to him where he was lost in twisted harsh realities. He surfaced in white dominating society where his worth was no less than an ant. He was humiliated and spitted on by white men and women alike. None cared about him and all this was nurturing a strong and intense hatred towards the white race.

One usual day as he was picking up something from trash bin, a tall, good looking, white old man crossed his path. He stopped for a moment walking furlong and turned back to him.

"Hey ", he took over this hat and hollered at him. Young Dom looked at the stranger who was dressed in a nice suit. He was tall may be in his early fifties. Dom looked around to confirm if he was called on.

"Yes I'm talking to you kid", the man confirmed. Dom walked towards him.

"Yes mister", the innocent soul said.

"What's your name?", The stranger stooped down a bit to match his height.

"Dom...Dominic", young Dom said with confidence. Dom was not a typical foolish little boy. He had learnt life in the worst ways possible.

"Such a confidence in your eyes", the man smiled and rubbed his head.

"Wanna come with me?", Man asked.

"Why would you say that?", Dom asked.

"Why would I ask you? Hmmm...the answer is very simple. You see looking at you reminds me of my own son who I lost in an accident recently", He looked sad explaining all this to young Dom.

"Oh, I'm sorry mister", he felt sorry for the stranger.

"Oh..don't be. If you come with me I promise I would take great care of you and will get you admitted to a nice school where you ll make friends of your age.", The stranger's proposal was not that bad but Dom had his doubts that why would a total stranger out of nowhere come to help him.

"You seem confused and you must be. Take this....", The man gave his card to Dom.

"This is my card and if you ever need my help just gimme a call ....and here....have some money as well", the stranger gave him few dollars that were a lot for young Dom.

"No I can't take 'em", Dom was baffled on all this situation. He was given money that was enough to buy him a healthy meal for few days. In heart he actually wanted that. The stranger forced him to take that money and Dom had no other option left. The stranger set his hat on his head and bade him bye. It has been six months since he left his home and it was the first time he felt so much happy.

That evening he had an amazing dinner and everyone looked startled at the young black boy who ordered a hefty meal and was eating in his old, torn clothes. Dom didn't care about those fools and was enjoying the scene. As he was paying for the meal he looked around in scorn and left the place with a grin. Dom located a random place to sleep. Dom didn't notice but a man was following him.

It would be about 3 am when Dom was woken up by a loud smack on his butt.

"What the---", Dom woke up bewildered. He saw a huge white man standing right in front of him whose eyes seemed to ignite fire. Dom felt his heart skipped a beat when that large man promulgated towards him reaching for his shoulder. Dom tried to escape but there was so little space that he struck a wall behind.

"What do you want?" Young Dom moved his hands around to fetch something but his bad luck there was nothing. The man was ogling over his small body. He bent and sniffed him. Dom punched him at his face that was as useless as hitting a stone wall with marshmallow. The man rubbed his face and Dom found an opportunity and tried to make his move and run away but the man grabbed him by leg and slid him towards himself.

"You can't go nowhere boy?", The man sniffed him again then looked around. There was no one and it was dark. As Dom gaped his mouth to shout, the man's large hand lowered down his voice. He put his one hand over his mouth and with other hand grabbed Dom's both hands. He took him down and rested his knee over his both arms to restrain his body in the place. Young Dom felt the pain but could do nothing. He was not strong, huge and muscular like he was now. The stranger pulled his pants down and exposed his ass. Cool breeze hit his bare ass and Dom understood what was gonna happen to him next. Dom wriggled and struggled to escape but in vain. And then it happened which left a lasting impression on Dom's mind. The man used him and left him there. Dom was in a shock what happened to him. It was weird. He stood up and the next thing he did was arriving at a nearest payphone and dialed the number on the card that old man gave him. That evening old man came and took him. He took a great care of Dom but couldn't clear the hatred for white men from his persona. Even in the school, which mostly consisted of white children, he was discriminated by his teachers and fellow white students. All this hatred and grudge just made him the way he is now. All that aside but Stanley was the only white man in his life who he respected the most.

After that old man died, his sister came and took over the heritage and kicked Dom out of the house. By then he was old enough to live on his own plus he also got the scholarship as he was an earnest student. He completed his degree. He already had joined a gym and he was handsome as well so it was easy for him to pick up "white dudes" who would bow down before his huge black cock and he would release all his bad past memories by fucking white men in the ass, never receiving himself any dick. He acquired the status of the Alpha fucker of white men. This is how "Dom the Alpha" came into being.

Dom took a deep puff of the cigarette resting his muscular arms over the window's edge. Thinking about his past life never gave him good memories. He is known by the name "The Alpha". His inner dominant top instincts were hit badly. In a whimsical manner he began thinking about the first time he was fucked. It just felt like yesterday to him when that huge white man fucked him and there was no guilty feelings in him or perhaps he was denying it all along. He has weird mix of feelings. He didn't like it but he also didn't hate it. It was new and so weird at the same time that Dom didn't realise at that moment but he had a very slight idea that why getting fucked by Wikling stimulated the memories of his first time getting fucked.

"Is Wikling right?", Dom took a puff and asked himself.

"Do I really like being a-----what the fuck?", Dom threw the cigarette in the bin and took hold of his head.

"What the fuck I am thinking.....Dom you are a dom top don't receive give them", the memories of being fucked hit his mind again and he felt he would go mad.

"Ahhhhhh", Dom shouted louder.

"Fuck you Wikling", Dom shouted again. His dominant stature was shattering. He had to regain his pride back before it is too late.

"So are you ready Sir?", Wikling entered the room without even knocking.

"Have you lost your manners Wikling?", Dom who was still in the mode growled at him by his correct name instead of calling by the usual "weakling". Even Wikling also noticed that but not Dom.

"Woh! I'm really sorry. Has anything happened to you sir?" He asked surprisingly.

"Don't act like you know nothing?", Dom said and stood up in anger inhaling the air his shirt fitting his chest tightly.

"Are you still stuck in last night?", Wikling's change of attitude was new to Dom but he ignored that.

"You just.....", Dom paused

"Fucked you..", and Wikling completed his sentence chuckling.

"You asshole", Dom lifted the light weighed Wikling from the ground and slammed him by the wall.

"This is the reason....your insolent attitude....that's why I went overboard previous night Dom", Wikling's heart raced high.

"Put me down", he looked quite worried.

"How did you do that motherfucker?", Dom asked pressing his fists into his chest.

"It hurts Dom. Put me down", Wikling couldn't stand any more.

"It is Sir Dom for you prick", Dom roared. Wikling knew he had to comply to his superior and he did.

"Ok I'm sorry....please put me down sir", his request put a smile on Dom's face but he was not done with him yet.


"What are you doing Dominic?", Dom heard a familiar voice and slowly left Wikling. He turned back and saw Sullivan who slammed the file on the table.

"When did he come?", Dom thought.

"What the hell are ya doing Dominic?", He went straight to Wikling who was breathless. Dom ignored him completely.

"Listen me you big guy. I spared you last time but not now.", Sullivan gave his warning that made Dom worry a bit. He didn't give it a thought that his job might again be at stake. He clenched his teeth and looked at Wikling who seemed quite upset at all this.

"Boss it was not Sir Dominic's fault. Actually he is quite upset at what happened before so I added more to his anger unintentionally", Wikling made an excuse.

"But this is no way of treating your colleagues. If it were not this stupid project and you both were not going I would definitely take serious action against you Mr. Dominic.", Sullivan looked in Dom's eyes showing him a reality check. Dom turned his face away.

"This is the file and I want both of you to prepare it by tomorrow and gimme a demo. Your flights to Alaska have been confirmed and you both are going by tomorrow night", Dom quickly looked at Sullivan in shock. He would rather die than to go with this jerk but Wikling seems ok with it.

"Come to my office Wikling, I have something to discuss", Sullivan left the office.

"I ll see you later prick", Dom whispered to Wikling that made him a bit distressed.

"Listen Wikling. I'm sending you along as to overview everything. Dom is a competent man but there is one flaw in him that is his over confidence. He sometimes go beyond the context and there is when he messes up the things. So I'm sending you to handle such situation. Do you understand?", Sullivan put forth his concerns. The reputation of his company was on the stake.

"Yes boss. I understood. You can count on me.", Wikling smiled and assured Sullivan but he was also concerned about Dom's planning. What will he do with him?

"That's more like it Wikling. You can leave now and prepare the presentation.", Sullivan ended the meeting.

"Yes boss I ll do my best", Wikling left the room and came to his department.

"What happened?", John looked at the upset Wikling.

"Man I'm concerned about the conference. I have to go with Dom and you know how he behaves with all of us.", Wikling shared his thoughts.

"I'm really thankful that I'm not going with that barbarian. He is your headache", John teased him.

"You are one bastard fellow", Wikling tried to relief the moment. He doesn't want to think about Dom but he neither can just leave that matter. He had to negotiate with Dom first.

"Let's go somewhere to eat", John suggested. "Sounds good", Wikling agreed and both went to a near restaurant to grab a bite. John was a nice looking straight guy and has a girlfriend named Hannah. Both looked good together and Wikling would always applaud John for his taste. They even went on a date on weekend and John was giving him the details.

"Boss can I talk to you?", Wikling knocked at the door and asked Dom who was busy in editing files. He looked up, cringed and let him in. Wikling looked around trying to figure out how to initiate the conversation as he didn't want to ruin his trip to Alaska. He grabbed the chair and sat in making himself comfortable.

"Now spit it up weakling", Dom said in his usual rude tone and Wikling was but sad that he didn't call him by his correct name. Dom didn't learn his lesson at all.

"I was thinking boss....that...can we keep aside our issue and focus more on the conference. Mr. Sullivan has hopes from us and I don't want....",

"So you think that I'm gonna break his all expectations that I'm not interested in this project?", Dom cut him out.

"No....I..I didn't mean to say that...", Wikling was baffled. Dom always takes him out of context.

"Cut the are trynna say same..don't ya?", Again the insolent personality of Dom was pervading. Wikling kept quiet trying to come up with suitable words but Dom's constant bullying didn't let him.

"Will you shut the fuck up for few minutes?", At last lava exploded. Wikling stood up and shouted at him. Dom was dumbstruck that what happened. Wikling was looking directly into his eyes. Dom couldn't say anything for few seconds. Nobody did ever make him shut like this. How did Wikling dare to do that? Both were looking at each other with a constant gaze when Dom's face flushed with anger and as he tried to hit Wikling back he was again cut by Wikling's words.

"I'm sorry boss and I really am. My sincere apologies as I didn't mean to hurt you. But you won't listen. This is your main problem that you don't let anyone speak and continue your ridiculous blabbering. Where was I? Yes, I was saying...that I know you are as concerned as I am about this project that's why I wanna put both of our energies in this project. With your verbal skills and my analysis we can nail this conference. So what did you say?", Wikling was smiling and expecting Dom to give a reasonable answer to his appreciating words. But Dom was Dom.

"How dare you talk to your boss like that weakling?", Dom stood from his chair as well and shouted louder. Even John who was outside could hear him screaming.

"Please boss calm down....", Wikling tried his best to tame this beast but lion was out of his cage and ready to roar.

"Nobody talks to me like this prick. You are one filthy cunt you hear me. One asshole that no one asked for. You are a scum", Dom continued his bullying and humiliating. This time he was crossing his limit.

"Get outta here you motherfucker", Wikling was really hurt. He never expected Dom to utter such filth for him. He actually gave him the respect of his senior and superior but he lost all his respect for him. He was a sensitive man and couldn't hide his gloomy expressions. He looked up momentarily to see Dom who noticed his eyes shining with tears and for a moment he felt bad for Wikling who shut the door behind him and left his office in dismay.

"Fuck!", Dom cursed. Was he really feeling bad for Wikling? His eyes almost filled with tears were revolving in front of him. "I also used to face such bullying in school and college maybe that's why I am feeling for him", He tried to satisfy himself. "Which means I really feel bad for him. For Wikling?.....hell no. That fag deserves that", Dom thought he had provided good reasons to prove his bullying but he couldn't concentrate on his work. Those water filled eyes were constantly distracting him. He was getting mad now.

"What the fuck!", Dom thrashed the files on the table. Then he rearranged them back, grabbed his coat and locked his office. As he passed through the corridor he didn't find either John or Wikling there. Again a feeling if embarrassment and guilt hit him. Dom sat in his car and drive to home.

"What's this?", Wikling knocked and came into the office. He put a device there and Dom looked at him.

"It is USB containing the presentation. Boss has approved it and you can also see and if you wanna make any changes then do it.", Wikling said in a cold tone and didn't even look at him which kinda made Dom frustrated. He was about to leave but on recalling something he turned back.

"And if you want someone else to accompany you to Alaska then I can suggest boss some names", he just told him, it was not an opinion even, and left the office. Dom surprisingly was acting cool. May be he still was lost in yesterday's dispute.

****** "Did you call me boss?", Wikling asked Sullivan who was busy in his work.

"Ah..yes...come in", Wikling came in.

"So are you both ready for the flight?", Sullivan asked and Wikling looked confused. He thought that Dom would have asked Sullivan to replace him but....

"Haven't Dom told you anything?", Wikling asked.

"About what? If there is any issue tell me. Don't hide it " Sullivan looked concerned.

"No...nothing important.", Wikling assured.

Sullivan then explained some important points that Wikling didn't pay attention to as he was thinking about Dom. Why didn't he ask Sullivan to send someone else? It was a mystery to him.

Wikling arrived at the airport and waited for Dom to arrive as well. There was some time and Wikling was getting bored. He had his concerns about Dom. What if he didn't cooperate with him? What if we failed the conference? Wikling has been on many conferences before but he was hell of nervous.

"Are you ready Wikling?" Upon hearing his name he looked and see the huge building of muscle, Dom who was looking stunning in his branded almond colored suit. He removed his coat to reveal his tight fitting shirt that clang his body defining his bulging melons and flat stomach. His beard was trimmed properly and short hair were cut nicely. He had groomed him well. People walking by would turn to watch the tall handsome hunk. Wikling felt his tool twitching in his crotch and was getting sexually excited but he calmed himself down as he could recall how badly he was berated yesterday by his boss.

"So you have arrived", Wikling asked in his cold tone. Dom understood he was still upset but didn't say a word.

"Let us go then", he signaled Wikling and started walking to get aboard pulling his suitcase while Wikling followed him drooling over his wife back and nice firm ass. His cock was getting hard so he distracted his mind by looking around and focusing on his presentation.

Both sat in their seats. Wikling got the one near widow so he made himself comfortable. Dom settled down as well. There was silent between both during the flight. Wikling didn't even look at him watching outside through the window. Dom was frustrated at the boredom partly by Wikling who didn't even look at him. He took a magazine and turned it's pages forward watching over Wikling through the corner of his eyes. Out of frustration he called hostess and asked for drinks. He surprisingly asked Wikling if he wanted one but he refused with his head. The guilt was making Dom restless. The hostess brought the drink and gulped it down at once. What was happening with him? Fuck! What should he say? Should he apologise? Hell no. He has never done that in his life. Doms never apologise even if they are wrong. Fuck again.

Dom lifted his hand to take an initiative and start the conversation because it was really getting boring but he put it down again. He looked around to feel better. He caught sight of a handsome young man who was staring at him but turned his gaze down as Dom looked at him. Dom recalled that this guy was staring at him constantly as they were departing but he ignored him. He didn't know that he would be in their flight. Dom hit a great idea to overcome his boredom. He continued to stare at the boy who would time to time look back and would blush in embarrassment as Dom now knew he was into him. Dom gave his seductive smile and the man blushed again and smiled back. Dom stood up and started walking towards him. The dude looked alert as he was not alone. He thought Dom was coming towards him but he passed by him winking at him. Dom actually gave him a signal to follow him he understood but was cautious whether should he go or not. But Dom knew he was horny and would never miss the opportunity. And it happened, the boy was outside the bathroom door as Dom opened it. He smiled and signaled him to come in. The guy looked around to see if the cost was clear and with racing heart entered the bathroom.

Dom hurled his arms spring his thin waist and squeezed his ass cheeks tighter. The slim dude shuddered feeling the strong hands on his ass. He looked at the handsome jock who was eating him from his eyes.

"You are so handsome", the dude commented.

"And you are cute", Dom replied.

"How should I address you Sir?", The slim dude asked him with utter respect that Dom expected from it.

"Hmm you know well how to call your superior....I'm me Dom", Dom said.

"Oh yes are my Dom", the young man said sensually feeling his beard with his hands and sniffing the amazing scent of his cologne.

"What's your name slut?", Dom asked.

"I'm Ivan sir.", He replied spreading his hands over Dom's muscular pecs feeling their warmth and then reaching for his biceps that Dom proudly flexed. Ivan pressed his hands on the bulge of his both biceps.

"These are magnificent", he said in enthusiasm.

"You like them slut?", Dom moved forward and pressed his back against the sink rubbing his bulging crotch against his which was stimulating him even more.

"Yes Sir. I love 'em. I love muscular studs and you are one muscle giant", Ivan skipped no moment to impress this hulk of a muscle god feeling his bulge against his arousing dick.

"Good boy, now get to the real deal slut", Dom whispered in his brand new bottom slut's ears and turned him around towards the mirror. Mirror could see both of them, how his huge fucker unbuckled his pants along with kissing on his neck sensually keeping in his horny state. The huge man was handling him expertly like a total top should do. Ivan looked like a little deer caught in the arms of a huge bear. He saw this black Alpha at the airport. The moment he entered a huge proportion of people were staring at him like some movie star or a model has arrived. Like others he was enticed by his personality and grace and being in such intimate scene with him could only be possible in his dream. He was feeling lucky to be picked up by himself.

Dom lowered his pants down and unzipped his own pants. He rubbed his dick against his bottom's ass teasing him a bit. As he was about to penetrate the tight hole of his bottom they were interested by a smack on the door.

"Ivan hurry up what are you doing inside for such long?", Ivan shivered upon hearing his boss's thunderous sound.

"Who's he?", Dom asked not leaving him instead penetrating his huge cock into his aching hole.

"Sir he is my ahhhh.... boss and he is so strict....ah...We have to do this another time. I'm really sorry ahhhh", Ivan apologized feeling the pain his top was giving him.

"You are leaving your Master unserved slut", he whispered.

"Sir I wanna get fuck by your magnificent tool really bad Sir. But.....ok just fuck me Sir. I don't wanna leave you unsatisfied.", There was honesty in Ivan's tone and Dom expected this from him.

"That's like my shut you stupid boss up and let me give you what you want", Dom whispered.

"I'm coming in a while boss. I have bad bowel you know.", Ivan said.

"Hurry up turtle", his boss went away.

Dom invaded his thick fuck tool grabbing his light weighed body in his strong muscular grip. He lifted him up a bit with his tool penetrating hard. Ivan couldn't stand the pain his fucker was giving him. He clenched his teeth and fists and let his Dom ruin his dick.

" are so big....ahhhh...fuckk", Ivan put his hand on his mouth so that his screams could not be heard by others. He was used to taking dicks but never ever he had taken such a huge meant in his hole.

" are breaking me....go slow...please", Ivan couldn't stand more and pleaded.

"No boy...I like it rough and take it like a good bitch boy", Dom always did what he want. He would totally ignore his bottom's pleading and crying cuz he was an Alpha and according to him bottoms are to satisfy their tops instead of getting them satisfied.

"Oh...fuckkkk....ok...ok....fuck what you like Sir....I'm your slut...fuck me hard.", Ivan screamed.

"Thats like my boy. Now stay still and let me give you the fuck of your life.", Dom was horny as hell. And then Dom pounded his bottom harder and rougher with Ivan enduring all the hammering with patience and pleasure. Dom was breathing hard and was struggling to release his load which never happens before.

"Uh...fuck bitch you are so tight", Dom was breathing fast as well. He was worried about his ejaculation. He never took time before. He was hard then why his dick couldn't explode his load. He was fucking Ivan with full force who was now in bliss and loved getting fucked by such amazing fucker. Dom along with the real action began to think about his past fuck sessions that how he fucked so many dudes before. One after one in a chronological order his every sex session was sinking in his mind and when the recent sex with Wikling ran in his mind for some weird reason his dick began to throb. He recalled how Wikling gave him an amazing rim job. He didn't even think about that sex but while fucking Ivan suddenly the sights of being bottom prevailed his mind and gave sensual, erotic stimulations to his throbbing cock. Feeling the urge to explode his load he stuck in his bottom thoughts where Wikling was fucking him, he even put his top stature on stake in urge of shooting his juice.

"Oh fuck....I'm gonna come bitch..right into your hole...", Dom said feeling the wave of flood ready to destroy his bottom's hole.

"Oh yes Sir shoot your juice....I ll keep it in for your next load", what a slut Ivan was.

Dom grabbed his pecs tightly and lifted Ivan up in air and with one full force his cock exploded deep into his hole. Dom grunted louder and shoot eight to nine loads of his thick creamy juice in Ivan's juicy cunt.

"Oh my God are amazing", Ivan contained his fucker's load by clenching his hole.

"You were amazing slut", Dom complemented him and buckled up his pants.

"Where are you staying?", Dom asked.

"I have come for a conference and I'm staying in a hotel with my boss", Ivan zipped up.

"So you are also gonna attend the conference?", Dom asked.

"Yes", Ivan replied.

"It means there are chances of us to meet again boy", Dom said.

"Sure Sir", Ivan was excited to meet him again.

"Ok let's go then see ya soon boy", Dom opened the door and came out. Ivan's boss saw him coming and after few mins seeing Ivan coming out him in doubt.

"Ah...I'm relaxed now. Aren't you weakling?", Dom returned to his normal attitude which was surprising for Wikling and he didn't reply. Dom realised he was still upset with him so he kept silent again. Suddenly he remembered that he was thinking about that humiliating night with Wikling fucking him. But why did he think about that? And why the hell did that thought excite him so much? He turned his face to see Wikling who was looking outside the window.

Next: Chapter 5

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