Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on Mar 3, 2024


Enjoy the latest chapter. I know my black puppies were waiting for so long. So here you go, pups.

Feedback is welcome.

Wikling had arranged the basement for the finale and I was nervous as hell. I, who was famous for his confidence and authority, felt fear inside. I had never been a bottom for so many men, hell it was an orgy, my very first orgy. I had always been a top but willing to change me. With Wikling it was different but I couldn't gather enough confidence to let other men do me. Fuck I was still an alpha, but my cock was hard just to have thought of my first orgy.

"Good luck boss", Wikling lowered my head and we kissed. I looked at him, he was so cruel. How could he let this happen. Maybe he loved seeing me humiliated myself and I was doing everything just to satisfy him. I nodded my head and went into the room. It was a big room with a chair in the center of it. I felt hesitant, thought about something.....but then started stripping.

Wikling gave a small prompt of the final selection process. It was cage, he told them that it was a test to check their problem solving and critical analysis skills.

"The rules are simple, you will attach this blindfold to cover your vision and put on these headphones for the sound, NO ONE must take them off. There is someone waiting inside and If you want to be selected then do your best" and Wikling finished his speech, gave everyone their blindfolds and these headphones. One of them felt extremely anxious, he didn't know what to do and fully doubted himself.

I was standing contemplating the things that how would I proceed with all this shit. Going down from a top Dom black big dick alpha to getting fucked by young white men was not only enthralling considering the fact I was a group member of BBC daddies who nailed white men and now I was hard thinking how many white cocks would I take. I heard someone's footsteps and turned around to see who he was. He was one of the candidates, stammering with a blindfold. I have a whole body look to that twink. How weak, vulnerable and weak was he and here I had to get intimate with him.

It was so humiliating to think about it but my big black cock was vibrating fast hitting my six pack abs to see this weak lowlife was gonna fuck me or whatever he thought. I was just gonna be used by them all. "Is anyone there?", he asked and I with heavy steps moved towards him. Then at one point we were so close that his reached out hands touched my body. He must be 5'7 and I was fucking 6'4 towering over him with my big black body to his fragile figure. His hands touched my abs and he moved over them feeling who I was.

"Are you the one? I really don't know what I have to do, please guide me. I need this job and I will do anything, please help me", willing had told me that I had to say nothing as I was there to suck and get fuck. Plus the headphones were playing music so he won't be able to hear me anyway. I let him touch my body for sometimes, his hands moved all over my chest and abs and then also my hard vibrating dick.

"Wait...why are you naked?", I felt him trembling. "I'm not that kind of a person, I'm straight", he panicked and I actually smirked at his sissy behavior. However, I grabbed his waist and went on my knees to unzip his pants. "Nooo...", and as I touched his zipper, he went crazy and ran out.

"I can't do this....", Wikling saw the panicked candidate running out of the room. Where Dom was happy that he didn't have to face such humiliation, Wikling was perplexed what happened and the other candidates looked anxious as well that he wasn't selected that's why he ran depressed so the same was going to happen to them as well. Wikling saw their anxious faces and requested a few mins for the next candidate.

"What happened to him, boss?", Wikling asked confused.

"I don't know just ask him Wik, I did what you said but he chickened out", Dom smirked crossing his arms around his chest showing off his cleavage that made willing horny as well. Wikling gave Dom a sneaky look and moved towards him sensually. Dom looked confused at his sensual walk. Wikling grabbed Dom's big black hard cock and pulled him towards him which made him taken aback by such bold move.

"Don't forget, if you couldn't do as you promised then you aren't getting this tonight", he signaled to his crotch.

"That's not fair Wik", Dom shouted and Wik gave a middle finger.

"Sending the second candidate, boss", Wik replied and Dom hopped that the other candidates would run as well.

"Ok boys, let's continue with he selection...hmmm Eric you are next", Wikling purposely announced his name as his confidence and boldness might teach Dom a lesson.

"Good luck Eric", Wikling smiled professionally handing him over blindfold and a headphone.

"From what I saw, I think I need it", Eric replied little nervously as the first candidate had scared the shit out of everyone.

"Believe me, Just Do whatever comes is your mind, is the secret tip from my side", Eric didn't understand but he nodded his head and entered the room.

"It's so dark... This stupid blindfold", Eric took support from the walls and informed Dom about his presence.

Dom turned around and saw the hot and handsome stud. He was the only candidate with good looks and a body. Dom's cock again deceived him by skyrocketing to its max length. But Dom was not as much feeling bad to ride him as others. Atleast he looked at someone to be topped by, only age was the problem. He wished he was older than him.

"Man fuck, what just I hit?", Eric stumbled on the chair and then by feeling it he grabbed and sat down.

"Hello, is someone here, cuz I don't know what to do?", Eric shouted and I couldn't do anything but to go to him. And as I got closer and closer his shoe touched my foot and he realized there was someone.

"So there is someone here after all. So tell me what I am supposed to do?", Eric asked but I couldn't say anything as Wik said. Plus, that dumbass wouldn't hear me too.

"Fuck, I can't hear you cuz of stupid headphones but...", as he raised his hands, they touched my thighs and he realized something was odd. His hand moved over my skin giving me goosebumps and my cock started vibrating again. "Why the fuck are you naked?", he hollered and moved his hands over my waist and belly sliding against my hard on cock making me dive deep into embarrassment.

"You are doing good boss, just feel his touch", I was having an earpiece in my ear as well so I could hear Wikling. The jackass was also watching the entire show from behind the scenes. Eric was feeling me, it was like my body being inspected by this stud of intern.

"Fuck, you have absolutely magnificent built....such a strong body", he felt my abs and held on them.

"I don't know what I am supposed to do...but as you are not bothered, I guess I'm doing right thing", Eric said and man he was right. This is what he was supposed to do.

"Man, your butt is so thick and muscular", he boldly touched and gave my buns a squeeze. Wish he knew the man he was physically harassing was his boss. And this thing was so exciting to me. My cock swung with excitement and slid again this hand that he felt.

"Fuck you are god", he looked surprised.

"So am I supposed to satisfy your lust, you perv"? "Man I didn't sign up for this....but I need this job", he said holding on my butt and my cock was throbbing fast just centimeters away from his handsome face. He reminded me of Kurt and I wanted to fuck his juicy mouth so bad.

Perhaps I could regain some semblance of virility by fucking this twink's mouth. He was shaking my ass to make it jiggle like he would do for his girl and actually it doesn't bother to be his girl....Danm what Wik did to me.

"damn you have a big cock....I...I've never done.... this before...just let me..." He finished his sentence in a whisper as I focused on the gentle warmth of his hand on my cock. He began to masturbate me slowly, extracting a few moans from me.

"That's it Boss, let go off all control and enjoy" Wik said through the device.

I could feel Eric's hot breath land on my balls making me shudder, I would die for any physical contact, his lips, his tongue, his fingers...

"look Man, I want this job I swear but I can't do that...I risk choking on your thing" Eric said. "But I can do this" He continued.

From then on I felt the tip of her tongue licking my balls and it was exquisite.

"Mhhhhhh" I moaned. He continued to pleasure me by initially licking my trunk like ice cream but with much more hesitation. He quickly abandoned my cock in favor of my V-Line and moved sensually up my torso. His hands left my ass to caress my body with great passion.

His lips come to rest on my nipples to tickle them, suck, nibble, he did it really well, neither too strong nor too gentle, just what was needed for my nipples to experience nothing but pleasure. I turned his head so that he attacked my other nipple that I was offering him, it's incredible the pleasure he can bring me just with his mouth, let's imagine with his cock.

My neck did not escape the rule and was subjected to his lips which devoured it. I tilted my head to give him full access while he accelerated the pace of the masturbation he offered me.

"My girlfriend loved it, that I ate her neck" he spoke more for himself than for me. With his other hand he caressed my face, lingering well on my lips, as if it reminded him of something.

"very juicy lips, my ex too, she sucked so well, a real slut, if only I could have a simple booster shot" he spoke while continuing to pass his fingers over my lips. "Let's see, suck my fingers" he said in a humorous tone but I took him at his word.

"Damn, you're really into this, I didn't expect you actually do ." Eric said shocked.

I tried to moisten his fingers well, there is not a square centimeter that I do not salivate. Eric gradually regains his composure and gives me another finger in my mouth. I didn't want to see what I looked like right now, my face twisted with his fingers.

"ah yeah I admit that you surprise me, it's incredible, it's good huh? » Eric said.

To emphasize his words he spanked me and grabbed my ass vulgarly, the way a guy would do to his girlfriend, to which I did not react.

"Dude, I just spanked you and you don't react? Can I continue then? I love spanking." he asked.

I sighed mentally, I understand that he wants to show off, it's still his job interview but why does he insist on asking questions knowing full well that he won't hear anything. He gave me a second spank shortly after, then a third and so on alternating between each cheek. I was ashamed that my cock was still pointing so hard towards the sky and begging for release, it's a humiliation for someone like me.

"Danmmm!! you didn't move an inch, you took everything like a's quite strange, it's like you were there to serve me and not the other way around."

My heart skipped a beat hearing the word serve. Me ? Serve ? I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when he spoke again.

"But wait.....turn around and bend over, I have to check something" he removed his fingers from my mouth. I noticed that the tone had changed a little, more confident, more sure.

"do what he tells you," Wik informed me. So I obeyed and turned around giving him my butt.

"Where is he?....Found" there was a joy in Eric's way, I wondered why, anyway his finger was placed on my formerly virgin hole, he tapped on it and brought in one of his fingers wet with drooling in it. I gritted my teeth to remain as stoic as possible, but it felt good I can't deny it.

He added two more seeing how easily I was able to take the first.

"It goes in." he said jokingly, but it was humiliating. "Here suck my fingers again" I could clearly feel his authority this time. Suck these fingers, they just came out of my ass, I can't....I can't do this.

"Do it" ordered Wik.

I have no choice, I looked at his fingers hanging in the air, waiting for my lips to land on them. As he retracted his gesture I held his hand and ate his fingers.

"Shit...that's what he meant, all this time I thought it was you who was in charge, but in reality it's me" he stated.

I suddenly felt weird, the atmosphere became more...scary...but only for me. "Give me your ass back and right now!" he said.

I didn't hesitated but obliged. "so I'm facing a starving man, don't worry I'll take good care of you"

He plunged his fingers back into my hole and worked it aggressively, I could feel that he was trying to spread my walls. I was torn in an internal battle, I didn't want to make the slightest moan, that would mean losing but it was fucking good, I wanted him to give me a fourth.

"why are you resisting? Why contain your moans? Do you like it Boss, you can see it from miles away? He can't hear you, let go," Wik dictated to me.

I had tears in my eyes, I know very well that it is only a matter of time before I start to cry but at least I will be able to say that I fought.

"damn your hole is really tight, I wonder what went into it to have such tightness"

he added a fourth finger and I felt my will abandon me. Is four fingers all I can take? All it takes is four measly fingers to take down a stallion like me?

"Mhhhhhhhhh.....mhhhhhhhhhhhh...Ohhhhhh" I started loosing it.

Cum was starting to build up in my cock ready to be expelled, I could finally feel good but it seems like Wik read my mind bringing me back to the sad/pleasant reality.

"Don't even think about it Boss, otherwise you'll forget for tonight... it's not just him I'll remind you, a horde of guys are waiting for you to take them loads,so you have to be in best form. »

"Mhhhhh....Got it Wik....Ohhhhhhh....OHHHNooooooo....put them back" I begged.

My hole was empty and I could feel the air caressing it.

"let's get down to business, you'll be able to take my cock, you're dying for it, you'll see...I'll get this job"

It was so humiliating to see that he didn't even bother to undress, he just pulled his jeans down to his ankles and revealed his hard cock.

"I'm not going to take you dry anyway, suck me and be quick, there are people waiting"

When did I go from his job examiner to his whore? Regardless, his authority strangely put me in a state of disarray. I shouldn't like the way this guy talks to me but it makes me harder every time. I fell to my knees, took his cock in my hand and put it in my mouth.

"Mhhhhhh....yeah go ahead suck me...Show me your's all a bit shy....Yeahhh like that....Mhhhh..spit on it....Mhhhhh....I bet you have a big throat, you'll have to check all that." I cursed myself for doing such a good job, but again I had no choice I didn't want to take him dry, one plus point he couldn't hear me slurping on his cock.

"Come on, that's good, that's've had enough fun, it's my turn now"

no need to ask, I stood up straight and tensed my ass. I moved my ass closer to his spear to give him the signal that I was ready.

"fuck I'm so horny, you're ready I'm going to spread your hole like never before"

I felt his glans force my entrance and it hurt, I opened my hole as much as I could but saliva is not a lubricant.

"Ohhh hurts....Danm....Stop.....Stop it!" I cried. I put my hand on his body to tell him to stop. His monstrous cock was killing my insides. He had a mammoth of seven inches and a fat one.

"sorry, I just lost it.....I'll take it more slowly" we waited a bit and shook my ass as a signal. He started again much more gently and I could feel every inch penetrating me.

"Fuck it feels good to be inside's all hot...and wet...your hole is squeezing my cock..Mhhhh"

I end up taking it all in, he and I try to get over our emotions to continue. He started slowly, slowly.

"Mhhhhh....fuck...tighter than my ex...Ohhhhhhh" "Mhhhhhhhh.....Mhhhhhhh....ghmmmm....ohhhh" the pace accelerated to a crescendo, we were each lost in our own lust with the same objective, enjoyment.

He made me arch a little more to go harder.

"Mhhhhhhhh.....fuck that feels good......Mhhhhhh....I'm going to destroy that ass...Mhhh....I love it...Mhhhh...i'm gonna pound that hole....i wish i hadn't those stupid things, i could hear moan and beg. »

"Mhhhhhhhh....Ohhhhhhhhh....Ohhhhhhhhhhh.....Danmmmmm......Mhhhhhhhhh.....oh good...Mhhhhhhhh" I moaned out.

He was going really hard, making my ass clap everytime and hitting my prostate. Nothing to report, this guy knew how to use his cock.

"MhhhhhhhhHHH....Ohhhhhhh....FUCK YEAHH......Mhhhhhhhh....Mhhhhh" I kept moaning pathetically at the dick hanging from his thrusts.

" really have a good hole...I love stuffing it....My cock has found its new favorite hole I couldn't live without it...Mhhhhhh....Ohhhhh..... you know how much I want this job? one is more qualified than me. »

"Ohhhhhh....yeah.....ohhhhhhhhh......FUCKK....Mhhhhhhhh.......ur Dick is so good boy.....Mhhhhhh"

He continued to fuck me more ardently than before, he really wants this job. Although we didn't change positions too much, the first time was to hold one of my legs in the air making me feel like a real cheerleader and the other was doggy style, the way he made me scream largely compensated.

"I'm going to fucking cum....I can't hold back anymore....I'm going to flood this hole with my it is sauce..MHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....MMHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHH HHHHH DANMMM THAT SHIT FEELS GOOD.....Mhhhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhh »

the sadly familiar sensation of feeling the hot sperm landing at the bottom of my hole indicated that he was releasing all his sperm, a very full stock obviously, for my part I was fighting with all my strength not to cum but also to enjoy as much as possible. this cock again me. When he had finished emptying himself he withdrew from my hole making a big "pop" when withdrawing, I could feel excess sperm running down my balls.

"ah damn that was good.....good and now what do I do" Eric said pulling up his pants and having adapted a calmer breathing.

It was clear he was speaking to Wik. Wik walked in his direction, accompanying him to the exit.

"chubby, you the next" Wik announced once Eric left the room.

"Man, it was so good ....yeah", Eric exited the room raising his both hands up. The other contestants were so surprised as they witnessed the opposite reaction from him that the first contestant.

"Hear me out gentlemen, listen to this man here", Eric pointed at Wikling who was just smiling.

"Just do what you want and give your best...the biggest tip I could give. And I'm sure he was satisfied with my performance", Eric gave a victorious smile.

"We ll call you if you are selected Eric", Wikling informed the happy stud.

"What....even after this?? Ok, no problem Wikling, whether I don't receive any calls, I feel so good. Thanks for the interview. The best one of my life", and he left the place happily making everyone confused.

What the hell? I have nothing against bears but I really wonder where Wik chose these candidates. He couldn't have taken people who look a little more like me, a little more athletic, muscular, virile....there I could have accepted the idea of being fucked by these men but when I see that I don't I only want to imitate the first candidate.

"hey there....if you could guide me please, I can't see or hear" chubby guy said waving his hands in the air looking for any smallest object that could help him find his way around the space that surrounds it.

"can you hear me?...what the fuck is that...A chair? Look, I don't know what I'm supposed to do, we haven't been given any information." poor thing he was completely lost, I was very tempted to leave him stuck here, but a gesture from Wik pointing at the candidate dissuaded me. I sighed and walked towards him.

Always looking for the slightest clue his hands ended up grabbing my cock in midair.

"Oh fuck what is that?.......a dick?....Wait what....are you hard? » He made all his observations while he fiddled with my tail. I remained more still than a pole but the previous candidate really made me want to cum so his touches were welcome.

His hands explored my body for a mental representation and could not help but congratulate me on my well-built body. He focused on my pectorals which he grabbed like a pair of oranges and squeezed them.

"That's not what I had in mind for a job interview man, I guess we have to.....I'm not sure I'm ready explore that side of me."

It made me happy that he saw himself directly as the bottom in the story.

"but sometimes we have to do things that we don't like....this job is a necessity for I'll do what it takes....should I undress? I guess so otherwise how could's so weird"

his anxiety exasperated me I wanted to enjoy this moment I swear but I also wanted to end it as quickly as possible. Once up I didn't waste time and attacked his belt buckle to remove his pants, I came face to face with his flaccid cock, respectable size with a fleece around it not very maintained.

"Wow you're in a hurry....I've never done this with a man....and I didn't intend to do it one what do we do? »

that he bores me with his questions, I'm very glad that Wik gave me instructions to be a pretty dumb hole, anyway it would be useless.

Seeing no reaction from me, he placed himself back on the chair, spreading his thighs and inviting me to have him on top like a good boy. I placed my legs on either side of his hips and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"we could start slowly know" He places his lips on mine and I don't know if it's my excitement that fogs my brain but he's a good kisser, like really good. I shyly participated in the kiss leaving him in charge. Our lips finally separated and he let out another "too weird".

His hands roamed my shoulders, while he ate my breasts like his last meal. My nipples were already sensitive from the passage of the other so I found myself waddling on his hips.

"do you like it? This is new to me but strangely it doesn't bother me. » his hands continued their exploration further down, firmly gripping my ass.

"you have a big ass man, two big peaches" he was having fun shaking them and his cock was starting to wake up under my ass, If only he knew who I was not in relation to him, we'll see if he would dare do all these things again.

His Hand caressing my crack made me lick my lips instinctively, I hadn't calmed down yet and foreplay isn't going to change that, I needed a good cock.

"What the fuck is that?....cum? you have cum leaking out of your hole??" it's so disgusting! Get that off my fingers" cried chubby. "Oh're too queer for me man...there's something I don't understand, why are you the one with cum leaking from your hole? I thought we were supposed to satisfy you." Sammy commented.

"Waittt!...You're my slut actually!?....Oh my muscle slut.....So i can do anything to you.....that's interesting like taking cocks, huh? I never thought such a big guy with big pics will play bottom. I never had any relationship but imagining such a big guy whoring himself out is something that excites me", Sammy squeezed his hard on. I was just frustrated at this fatso who never had been in a relationship and I assumed the first sex he would have was gonna fuck me??? Seriously? I was a dream of every man in the world even his but...would I let any man fuck me?

"What are you thinking boss?? Don't think, just act", and yes, Wikling was there to remind me of who have I really become. A bottom.

We didn't move an inch, it will always be a shame to see the candidates understand my real role in this situation, they all think that pleasing me amounts to categorizing them as Bottom, so when they understand that they are in charge , it hurts my pride even more.

He lowered his pants and I saw his average sized cock. He was nothing special at all. He had no charisma as Eric.

I got off his knees and went on mine to grab his cock and jerked it to make it hard. As it was raising my own cock started throbbing fast, but why? For this stupid ugly jerk? Was I so desperate for 'his' cock?

"Ohhhhhh...fuck I can't believe it....all those muscles for sucking're doing this must have practiced a lot....Mhhhhhh.... It's weird to get sucked off by a guy but you have to admit that it's better than with girls." He stroked the head like a master praising his dog. This thought made me hard, all the more the tumultuous link between our skin colors.

I continued to do my work while waiting for what he wanted next. His cock wasn't so bad in reality I enjoyed having it in my mouth, I could go at my own pace. He was definitely a grower and I could feel his cock grow in my mouth.

"mhhh I want to taste your hole...but remove the excess cum first...fuck I'm going to fuck a guy for the first time...let's see if the guys' holes are as good as they say . »

His fears disappeared suddenly it seems given his impatience. He searched for the tissue box on the table and wiped my hole. He took his cock in hand and was waving it, he then pushed me on his cock pulling my waist and I shrieked when my slimy hole slid down his cock hitting my prostate.

"Mhhhh....oh fuck yeah....Ohhhh....mhhhhhh.....danm....Ohhhh" "Fuck you're tight man....ohhhhhhhhh......I feel your hole tightening on my cock there.....amazing......oh fuck it feels's totally worth it" chubby said.

as soon as I impaled myself, He didn't wait and started pounding my hole.

"Mhhhhhhhhh...Fuckkk yeahh....that ass......Mhhhhhhh......Fuck it's better than a you like it?...Mhhhhhh"

"Ohhhhhhh......Mhhhhhhhhhh......Mhhhhhhhhhhh....Ohhhhhhhhh......there yeah.......Ohhhhhhhh fuck Man" It was good.

He stood up suddenly and thrust me on the table and spread my legs apart.

"Fuck you are really good and I can want have made me crazy to fuck you", Sammy hugged me tightly from behind and thrust his average cock inside my hole deep. He started fucking me on such a rougher pace that every hit was hitting directly on my prostate. I moaned "Ahhhhhh", I shrieked with pleasure, "ohhhhhh", I held on to his arms hurled around my chest tighter. I never thought this ugly man would fuck the hell out of me. Eric had a big fat cock and I enjoyed his fuck style, he had stamina and was hitting me on different spots but this dude's cock just fit my hole length so perfectly that his every hit exactly hit my g-spot. He was so good at fucking that I was completely lost in pleasure. I even forgot what he was doing to me besides fucking. His hands were pulling my tits out of my chest so painfully that it felt like pleasure. His hard thrusts were so amazing that I instantly chosen him.

"I would die to hear you moan.....It sounds like you're sucking my ass....but so much better....Ohhhhhhh...I want this job you hear me....I'm going to tear you down so that you remember me during the selection....Mhhhh.....break.....this.....hole....Mhhhhhhhhh »

He then made me bounce on his cock like his girl, I held on to his neck to keep up, but as soon as I went back down on his cock I met his thrusts which brought me back to paradise, my prostate was well hit.

"Ohhhhhhhh.....Mhhhhhhhhhhhhh......Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......Mhhhhhhhhhhhh........O hhhhhhhh.....fuck me yeah......Ohhhhhh" drool was about to come out of my mouth as I couldn't close it, my eyes almost popping out of their sockets, my incessant moans flooding the room, I was finally starting to enjoy the orgy.

I was so lost in my pleasure that I didn't notice that he was letting me do all the work on his cock while he attacked sensitive areas of my body like my neck, ears...

"Mhhhhhh.....Mhhhhhh.....your anus is I feel the juice coming up.......I'm going to spit soon....Mhhh" Hearing that I accelerated my rebounds.

" you want want it inside'll get my cum don't's take itall....MHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..............OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....FUCKKKKKKKKKK... OHHH HHHH...OHHHHHHHHHHH" the guy's body was spasming as the jets of cum came out and I also shot loads after loads of my manjuice without. This strong way shis fuck style.

Once finished, I passed on to Chubby, who repeated the same pattern done previously. I was fully satisfied.

"Boss, I told you not to cum but you did", I realized I couldn't control my list and I just jizzed.

"I'm sorry Wik", I felt guilty. How did that ugly Sammy made me cum??

"Nevermind, I'm calling the next one", he said disappointed.

"Asia, your turn" Wik announced. He wasn't bad, you could tell he was taking care of himself, but what we can say is that he made a sensational entrance.

******* You cannot hide, bitch. Yes I'm talking to you. You think you can pretend like a Dom top and no one could know your dirty naughty secret. You are a slut and I want you to come to daddy and serve Me. You are not an alpha black Dom but a bottom slut. So stop fooling yourself and come to Me.

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