Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on Oct 26, 2022


Apologies for a long delay, welcome aboard a new chapter. Your emails would motivate me to write. Do tell me how much you like it. I couldn't get a chance to proofread it and if someone wants to do that job for me, he is welcome to do it.

Lastly, looking for black muscle "Doms" who are closeted subs to hear from them and recruiting them as my slaves.

**** Chapter- 14

I felt like a deer caught in a headlight when Micheal almost exposed him. It would be so humiliated and then Wikling would get something to tease me. However, things went smoothly and I took a sigh of relief when we came back from our trip. As usual Sullivan was all praise for getting the contract thanks to our team but mostly me. So he asked me to give him a celebratory fuck that I gladly give him while I was fucking him I asked him to increase my pay and give me a gift that I deserved and by the evening the brand new iPhone 14 was at my doorstep with a.check of an amazing increment in my monthly pay. I was over the moon but despite all the parts of body were overjoyed with happiness there was something missing that I couldn't understand. I spent the night out in bars drinking and fucking dudes even bringing them home and laying myself all the night but even that couldn't fill little empty spot in my mind. Even after fucking dozen of men I could t get that complete satisfaction. Then in the office watching Wikling with John was driving me nuts. Why the hell I was feeling like a jealous kitten? Wikling was not even my type. Yeah I like to fuck twinks but Wikling, he was different and I couldn't understand what made him different from all the other men I fucked. Whenever I would see him the memories of him fucking me that all night would insult me. I'm a Big Back Top, white men die to see the glimpse of my python cock and in the last I was a member of the "Wolf Club" and I could remember how I and Titan would double fuck white men who would cry out of misery taking our cocks. White race has always used black people for they pleasure whether physically, financially or sexually. For them Black people were just a trash bin and the dispensable one. That's why fucking these white men make me feel so much powerful. Using and humiliating them as they once did to us feels like a payback. But something changed when Wikling , I can't even say it, ughhh fuck me. When he...fucked me...I felt different. I hated it but I reminiscent about it. Why was the so? That little prick who seems like an ant to my elephant like stature, was driving me crazy. And also watching him fucking John was so weird. Aren't all black men supposed to fuck white and not other way round? John was also muscular and talk, not like me off course, but still he could easily fuck twink but he loves bottoming, why? All such thoughts were killing me.

As I arrived home, Kurt was doing his usual stuff. I went to the muscular jock and fingered him so badly.

"Ohhhhhhhhh", he moaned aloud taking his soles off the ground.

"Do you like it slut?", Dom cockily asked him forcing his another finger in his hole and pressing his pleasure button hard.

"Ohhh...yes sirrrrrr", Kurt cried out, his biceps rolled back to grab Dom's shoulders and his abs and pecs contracted. This pain was so amazing for him. Dom did this to inflict pain to his white slave but looking at his amazing facial expressions, he went down the memory lane and recalled his own moans of pain and facial expressions while he rode Wikling's cock. Dom quickly left the jock and looked puzzled. Seeing Kurt watching him confused he ordered him to make the table for the dinner and went to take shower. Even in the shower as I dialed my ass I couldn't ignore the craving and itched my hole that made me skipped a whispering moan of joy. I'm the one who would never let anyone touch my ass playfully and here I was enjoying itching myself. I couldn't stop and moved my finger in and "ahhhhhh...oh my god", the feeling I felt couldn't be described in words only my moans could show how much I loved it.

After dinner I was in my the bed only in my briefs when Kurt came crawling to me. He started his usual routine kicking my feet and then moving up licking me. He was my bitch so I trained him to act like one. When his tongue touched my thigh I started feeling hard. He came near to my crotch cutting down the distance and his tongue was tingling the inner sides of my thighs making me hard like a rock. My briefs showed my incredible bulge. I nodded and have him permission to pull my briefs down my legs. Now I was completely naked in front of him showing my fully hard 12 inches cock. As he licked my nutsack I moaned which was unusual. I was feeling so weak like I did before. I haven't called Kurt since the day he ate my hole as it was so embarrassing but I was horny as hell and I needed the jock to serve me. He grabbed my dick and slowly began squeezing it making me moan again. It felt like my pleasure was not under my control, my body was taking charge and expressing on its own. He licked the entire twelve girth if my cock giving me electric currents.

"Yes boy do it....make your Master happy", I responded patting his hair and he opened his mouth enough to take my big fat black cock.

***** I had been fooling myself for last few days but now I had lost it. Watching Wikling on a continuous basis with John was igniting me from inside. I tried hard to thrash Wikling's thoughts away from my head but I couldn't as if he got stuck to me like glue.

"You need to breakup with that jerk", I couldn't control it anymore (my jealousy obviously which I was reluctant to accept).

"What do you want boss?", Little Wikling freed his arm from my grip.

"That useless John", I contorted my face to show my disgust.

"He is my boyfriend boss. What is your problem with that?", He said and turned his face to leave. I was on staircase and couldn't make my voice louder so I pushed him into a spare room on the left.

"I'm your boss and that's why I'm ordering you to leave that jerk", I was curious and came closer to him.

"You are boss in office not in my personal life and now leave, you are obstructing my way", he tried to push me away but he knew this huge wall was not gonna break.

"Get aside boss", he made facing attempts.

"Not until you breakup with him", I was persistent.

"I know why are you doing this boss?", He smiled.

"You are jealous, right?", He said cockily.

"You are jealous of John that why isn't you in his place?", Wikling caught me but I pretended to remain calm and in denial.

"I'm not", I said with seriousness.

"Yes you are. It is so obvious. I'm really annoyed at your stubbornness. If you want me then say it damn it", his last words surprised me. He was looking up directly into my eyes like he wanted me to confess something but I turned away and he started walking off. I couldn't see him go away again. My heart was pounding like I was loosing something or someone.

"Wait...yes I'm jealous. Happy now? You wanted to hear this from me, right Wikling? I have said it. I'm jealous of that freak. Man what even do you se win that jerk?", I shouted at the stunned twink who was just staring at me. I confessed that I would never do but the vicissitudes of my emotions take better of me and I felt defeated. It was worth it, I assumed.

"But why should I break up with him boss? And if I break up who would I turn to?", He said with curiosity and confusion on his face.

"To me Wikling. Turn to me", I quickly responded and got embarrassed at my rushed response while he was smiling.

"So do you want to become my.....boyfriend?", Wikling also looked embarrassed asking me and I gritted teeth that what I was getting myself into. Emotions do betray you. I kept silent and willing knew I won't go that far openly saying that.

"Let's go...on dinner tonight. How's that boss?", He asked and I couldn't say anything.

"I want you to receive me and ll make me happy if you wear the shirt I gave you", I had no words and just nodded mechanically like I was in a trance. Wikling left the room but I stood still there like a statuette.

"What just happened right now?", I asked myself.

******* I didn't want to go and I was sure I wouldn't go but then I was standing in front of the full size mirror dressed in the purple shirt that Wikling have me with grey pants. I looked at myself as I felt butterflies in my stomach. I have never ever went on a date before and never felt such emotions as well. I felt like a girl standing there.

"Fuck, why am I going there?", I was still not opening myself up. Kurt was busy with his exams and was out tonight at his friend's. I unlocked my mercedes and drove away to pick up him.

My heart was beating fast as I rang the bell. The wait was killing me and I wanted to run away because of embarrassment and awkwardness. If anyone from the group saw me dressed in a suit and going on a date they wouldn't have believed it and made fun of me. I imagined Titan laughing out loud at me. The door opened and there he was dressed in dark blue pants and light pink shirt, his hair pressed down by help and a scintillating fragrance hit my nostrils. He was looking beautiful. Yes I intentionally used the term beautiful cuz handsome didn't suit him at all.

"I thought you wouldn't come", he teased me otherwise he wouldn't have dressed at all.

"Ok, so first of all we ll go to watch a movie. I have already booked tickets and then we ll have an amazing dinner and boss you are paying for it", he said in such cheerful innocence that put a smile on my face and Wikling noticed it.

"Why are you smiling?", He said and I put on a serious expression again.

"Boss, it is our date night and I don't want you to be in your usual grumpy state. Do you get it?", He asked and I had to nod after all I agreed to this willingly. we sat in my car and arrived at the cinema. Wikling brought pop-corn Nd we sat together. He might not look like it but he had a good taste in the movies and I enjoyed it. While watching the move, the pack of pop-corn was about to slip when I grabbed it and our hands touched. We both look at each other. He was so close to me and I looked at his luscious lips and remembered the night when we kissed so passionately that would put Romeo and Juliet to shame. The interaction took me by surprise and Wikling started smoking at my confused reaction.

"Stop smiling", I said annoyed.

"I'm not', he replied still grinning.

"I said stop it", I said looking at him.

"I'm not boss", he was repressing his smile that was driving me and even more. I took it as my insult.

"Boss, just relax", he put his small hand over my large one and surprisingly I calmed down like a fairy type Pokémon would calm a dragon. Who and what was this man? I tried reading his face. The movie finished and we came out if the theatre.

"Let's go to a nice restaurant as I'm starving boss", him calling me boss on a date night was really weird. Nevertheless, I was also feeling hungry so I rushed my car to a restaurant.

"So let's here your story boss", he asked.

"What do you wanna know?", I asked him while the waiter served the dinner.

"Like why are you so afraid of being real?", He said and I looked at him with denial.

"I'm not afraid of anything and I'm real", I said.

"Ok, why do you hate white men or only fuck them? I was curious to know that", his question surprised me and also made me hard.

"I feel like there is something that you hide or scare of sharing, Dom. Now, if you have agreed to become my boyfriend, why not sharing that with me. You may not realise but I'm a good listener", he smiled cutely and put his hand over mine and I felt like I should tell him. I started sharing my secret with him, with someone whom I didn't like.

My father was really abusive and my grandfather immigrated from Africa and faced a lot of racism here. My father used to beat my mother and me and after my mother's death I left the home and then started working in hotels and restaurants. Most of the time I would sleep on roads and in parks. I have done all the dirty work for the white people as we were reserved for these jobs. Since my childhood I had attraction towards men but I never accepted my desires as I considered them wrong. Once I was working as a janitor in a club and the manager here was having sex with another man. That night I couldn't stop but thinking about him and that man. I masturbated thinking about him. The next day I saw him again and he caught me jerking. He gave me a creepy smile and I fled front there. The next night he hit on me grabbing my cock. I was naturally blessed with a big one and that was the firs time when I realised I enjoyed man to man sex. I looked at his white cock and touched it but before I could proceed my conscience stopped me and I fled again", willing noticed how Dom emphasized on "white cock" while telling his story.

"Then I went on doing another job and I shared a form with other black and white boys. Once I caught them jerking off and sucking each other. I was really surprised at the black dude sucking that white cock", again he used those words.

"The owner of the shop fired every black worker and again I was on the roads but one night something happened that would never stop me hating white men", Dom paused.

"What happened?", Wikling asked him worriedly.

"Leave it", he wasn't feeling comfortable sharing his misery but every scene of that night starting playing like a film inside his head. He was sleeping in a narrow street full of dirt and gunk when someone touched him and then came over him. He quickly opened his eyes to push the person away but the man was big and bulky and he raped him.

Wikling understood and didn't insist more. They both had their dinner and Wikling asked him to take him to his apartment.

Next: Chapter 15

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