Office Alpha and Weakling

By Master Primus

Published on Jun 10, 2021


I have written this chapter (again without proofreading) after so many days but disappointingly I didn't get a very good response form my readers who could proofread my chapters. It left me disappointed but there were so many readers who emailed me to continue writing it. If someone can proofread my chapters then I can post chapters quickly otherwise it may take even months.

Enjoy reading it and if there are Alphas/Dom's like Dominic then do email me as I got an email form one black named "Dom" who used to be a top and is a slutty bottom now. Guys like him motivate me to write so any motivation will be good and owning such men and using them for my pleasure will be cherry on the top.

You can email me and keep on donating nifty to get yourself cum.

I couldn't cum even after fucking Kurt thrice. He was tired himself not getting the cum of his master. His cock was fed up shooting load after load and I was kinda jealous of him that why I couldn't ejaculate.

The time in my office was also a torture as Wikling was ignoring me like I had no existence at all. I was pissed off with him and watching him talking amusingly with Josh and kissing him was killing me on other side. Sullivan felt my disturbance and offer me to take a leave. I found it an opportunity to distract myself from Wikling and work load. It might help me from stop thinking about Wikling and feeling the Alpha fucker I was.

I took the leave hoping the things would get better and better but it has been my fourth night of one week leave that I couldn't ejaculate properly. At least I could release my precum but I lost my ability to cum like a stallion.

I spent more and more time in gym and one day while I was lifting weights, a man came to me and appreciated started a conversation. His name was Micheal standing above six feet with a body of a wrestler and white. He had well developed built but little less muscular than I was. His chest was hairy, black jet disheveled hair, sweaty tank top and beefy, muscular thighs. I could see the six pack abs he was hiding under his sweaty tank top. He lifted his arm to arrange his hair and there was tuft if armpit hair as well. His face was azingky handsome with grey eyes and beard. In short he was a handsome hairy beast. "Hi dude. What's up?", "Hi...Do I know you?", I asked in my usual disinterested tone focusing more in lifting my weights. "You don't know me but I do mate. You are the Alpha Beast of California.", Now I understood him. I'm known by this name in California where I usually visited a club and I would fuck white pussies. "Man you are my ideal, the rough and tough Alpha fucker", he was admiring me and I just smiled a this comments as it was not new for me. I stopped my workout and participated in conversation with him. He was I to men as well, of course, and he was an Alpha like me. Actually it should have been unsurprising for me as he knew I was into white pussies like him but he was giving an attitude that was understandable. White dudes like him present themselves so highly until a black Alpha like me is penetrating their pussy and dumping their load into them. The surprising thing was when he said like me he loved interracial play and has fucked every black man he met. I gave him a stare that he understood and acted clumsy. He was boasting of his cock size that was eight inches which was so disappointing as mine was ten. I gave a devious smile and squeezed my crotch revealing my length. He had an idea that I would be bigger than him that's why he tried to hide his jealousy but couldn't and tried to end up our conversation. And when we shook our hands to conclude our conversation, I squeezed his hand to show him who was the boss.

All the things aside, I secured my status as the ultimate Alpha perfectly, but there was one thing I kept on thinking about the man that made me hard the entire time and that was the curiosity of seeing a "White dick" of a man like him.

***** I was standing at door front of the same house where I lost my virginity in hands of my office subordinate. I couldn't understand what made me to come here in the first place. Yes, I wanted to settle things with Wikling but a cocky man like would die rather coming on someone's order. I rang the bell exactly at 8 pm and waited but he didn't come so I rang it again. I was dressed up in purple shirt that Wikling gifted me and again I didn't know that why did I wear it. I had grown a beard and short moustache as well so my look had become more masculine and sexy as my subs would compliment me.

I could hear someone's footsteps and when the door opened my eyes bulged out to see the shirtless Wikling standing smiling at me. My cock jumped at looking his slender hot body and tried to consume my horniness. What the hell?

He signalled me to come in. He has a nice comfy apartment with a large lounge and I had blurred memory of his house as I was drunk that night. He directed me to the sofa and went to the kitchen. I was feeling so nervous, can you believe that? An Alpha who has always been the top dog in the room was feeling so uncomfortable and diffident. Wikling came with two glasses and a bottle of flavoured alcohol and I gave him a weird stare. Why did he bring alcohol? It was not like two friends met after so long and decided to have drinks or I was gonna spend night here. He began Pouring the drink in the glass and left them there.

"So what did you wanna talk about boss?", He started so confidently.

" know Wikling", I said. "What?", "It's been days since we are having cold war between us Wikling", "I didn't start that boss.", "I myself don't know how did it start?", I asked him confused. " I wan to know where was I wrong?", "If you didn't know then why are you here boss?", I was pissed at his attitude. "I apologised to you Wikling", I scratched my head. "You apologised for what?", Wikling frowned his brows leaving me speechless as he knew I wouldn't say those words again. "You know Wikling. Let's settle things once and for all", I almost begged out of frustration. I mechanically took the galas and Gulped two drinks down while he was smiling. He stood up and sat next to me.

"Can I ask you something boss?", He asked politely and I was surprised at his sudden change of way of talking. He was piercing into my eyes and his signature smile was melting me away making me more nervous.

"Why did you come here boss?", He asked me seductively placing his hand over my thigh, my heart began to pound hard. My confidence was battering and I felt paralysed. He was rubbing my thigh and I couldn't stop him. I was just looking into his dark shining eyes with crust and trough of emotions emerging in my heart.

"What do you", I asked sliding slowly away from him. "You know what I mean boss.", He moved forward and then there was no space to move away on the sofa. "Tell me much as I know you you would die rather complying to your subordinate's request, boss", he said in a light tone. " I discuss to you Wikling", I stuttered. "Don't lie boss. You can't lie to yourself. You came here for me, don't you?", He whispered rubbing my thigh and advancing slowly to my crotch and surprisingly my crotch was showing a huge bulge now. But how?

"See, you can lie as much you want but the body doesn't", he was smiling and I was getting frustrated as my cock was getting hard continuously.

"Wik...kling....I don't thin--", "Shhhhh", he came even more closer that I could feel the warmth of his breath and sniff his body odour that was adding more to my humiliation. "Boss, don't overthink. You always sacrificed your inner desires following a delusion in your head, making it hard for you to explore yourself and enjoy yourself. Don't you think it is cruel to your manhood and yourself boss?", His one hand was rubbing inner side of my thighs and one hand the back of my head. I knew it was wrong, it was surreal and bizzare for a Black Alpha to let white twink like Wikling to manipulate me like this but my body remained paralysed like it wanted to do things own it's own now without taking any orders from my brain. My brain wanted to run away but the body stayed there and wanted to comply to Wikling's words. So there was a fight going on between these two and my head seemed to loose it.

"Your manhood rises with every touch of my hand, with every word of mine but still you want to live in denial. You want to remain captive in the prison of your self-created thoughts without feeling the freedom of what is awaiting you outside your raised bars, boss", my eyes were shut, his fingers touched my crotch and a slight moan escaped my lips, his breath was hitting my neck and I didn't move at all. I felt my cock leaking precum and throbbing now under his galvanising talk.

" mistaking's not like--", "Yes, it is just like it. You can keep on denying and ignoring the facts but a man's manhood keeps on showing the truth boss", he was cutting me off and it didn't do anything in my defence. I always hated the person who would cut me off but here I felt loosing to him. He was taking the control from me. "You remember the night when we got so close to each other, boss?", He asked me and I opened my eyes slowly facing his beautiful face. How can I forget that night, the memories of which haired me afterwards for days and weeks.

"Oh yes, my bad. You always loose your shit when you are drink boss. How cute of you and what irony, one reveals a lot about itself when drunk.", I frowned.

"And you are not different boss. Sitting in that club taking shots after shots of alcohol. I already had fell in love with you before and that night was the opportunity I needed to love you physically. Your handsome face, the definition of your curves captivated me. You looked so helpless that night and I thought to give you my support", I could recall him from that night but what happened next was blurred. "Initially my intention was to take my revenge but fucking you made me feel that I could never resist you. I sat next to you, bought you another three shots. You were messed up and highly intoxicated. I put my hand on your wide back just like this, and asked about you", I tried to remember what happened but couldn't recall it. His hand was rubbing my back while he was telling me the tale.

"You looked distressed and was so rude but I didn't mind it. I rubbed your thigh reaching for your crotch just like this and saw a sense of defencelessness on your face. You quickly pushed my hand away but you didn't do it today boss. I can still remember those insulting words, "take your filthy hands away from me fag. I'm an Alpha", I really felt so bad at my rude behaviour. Did I actually say him that? I didn't remember but I know myself really well and there are 100 percent chances I would have said that. I never liked someone touching my crotch or my ass.

"When you quickly pushed my hand away I got the signal boss.", He was staring me in his eyes. "I knew at that moment you were hiding your real self away behind the armour of a cruel, rude and heartless Alpha. I knew there was the kind hearted, sensitive, and a vulnerable guy behind that mask of yours and I decided to take that off your face right away", he was smiling unzipping my pants that I couldn't notice as I was so shocked at his words. I won't let anyone place his hand near my ass or crotch because....I don't know why....isn't it the attitude of an Alpha?? Don't Alpha behave this way? Wikling was making me confuse altering the concept of Alpha in my mind.

"I ignored your rudeness and the asked you the reason of your distress... Wikling: I know you are mad at Sullivan big guy?", I asked. Dom paused his hands motion for a moment. "Fucking faggot boss fired me...that faggot piece of shit", you said and I smiled that made you mad more. "Why the fuck are you smiling? Are you amusing yourself at an Alpha's bad day?", You asked. "No I didn't mean that. Everything ll be alright boss, believe me", "I patted on your back and you continued the talk. You were boasting about your dick size and how you love fucking white pussies and all that shit while I continued rubbing your crotch and making you hard in your intoxicated state", Wikling was telling all this and it made me horny as fuck. I was showing the biggest bulge ever in my life in such humiliating manner.

"I asked you that have you ever been fucked and again you paused for a moment that indicated me you had. As expected then you growled at me "I'm an Alpha not a pussy like you". You turned around thinking and, again I patted at your back, "it's ok if you don't wanna tell me big guy". You looked at me and tried to stand up stammering your gate",

"Hey boss stop. Lemme help you", I grabbed your hand as you seemed so drunk that you could not even go home on your own. You asked me where were we going and without answering I made you sit in my car front and drove away __ to my house to show you how heaven feels like", he was smiling and I feel like he was mocking at my humiliation.

"You continued using foul language and called me names and told me that I wanted your cock but I had other plans that night. As we entered the room I started taking your shirt away. You know I again asked you how did you get fucked that made you surprised but you were in daze and revealed me your secret you were raped by a white guy when you were young. I still feel sorry for what that bastard did to you boss. You further added after that you wanted to fuck every white guy around and became the "Alpha fucker for white pussies", but when I asked you "Did you enjoy when that man fuck you?", You kinda was shocked and pale, I couldn't hear a word and that moment the secret you had never revealed in your conscious state was revealed through your eyes in drunk state. I smiled and knew my thoughts were right after all. You did enjoy what that man did. Again I'm not saying what that man did without your consent was right but you enjoyed that and you took it to your Alpha persona, felt it was disgusting getting fucked by a white dude. And then I pushed you down on the bed and planted a kiss on your lips", the last line surprised me. I'm not I to kiss, I won't let any white man kiss me. "And then I fucked you boss, I tortured your sensitive nips, edged you, rimmed you but I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to make love with you boss where you ll respond as passionately as I rather you acted like a sissy, but I managed to give you what you always wanted boss and I don't know if you remember, but you actually liked it.", The last world's he whispered in my ears, unzipping my pants and rubbing the cock head that was wet. "You are leaking boss", he whispered mocking at me.

"Wikling's not true...I'm a Top Dom Alpha...I never wanted...not..bottoming", although Wikling every word made me rock hard but it is not possible I would want that.

"Then why are you hard boss? Why is your cock leaking? Answer me ?", He looked at me with demanding eyes and I had no word why was I hard.

"Don't run from it boss. You are an Alpha, you act like one but your destiny is not fucking white men boss. You like their cock, their white superior cock. That's what makes you hard even now. You are still an Alpha..... Not a Dom Alpha but... a Sub Alpha,", he stared me in my eyes and said in a dead serious tone.

" Wikling...imm--", "Yes boss you are", he gave my cock a tight squeeze and I squirted more pre cum. This was the feeling I wanted, the feeling of ejaculating cum, loads of loads of cum and I knew why balls had produced and stored gallons but I lost my stimulation and Wikling knew how to make me cum perfectly. What if I surrender to him? If I do that I ll be cumming like I used to and if don't I ll be rendered helpless and dependent on Kurt to make me shoot my load by finger fucking me. No I can't let that happen but I wanna shoot my juice badly.

"Ohhh...Wik....hnnn..please...", I begged him vulnerably but begged for what?

"Please what boss. By the way nobody calls me Wik except for Josh", and I opened my eyes.

"Where did you hear that boss?", He asked smiling.

"It ...ahhhh...just came automatically", Wikling was stimulating me badly.

"No, you are lying. You know when Josh invited us on his birthday party, what I gave him the gift?", He asked but I knew what was the answer and didn't respond.

"You know boss. Ok let me answer, I fucked him hard for his birthday present and while we both were making love..", every scene of that night came into my mind and I lost my control. The way Wikling fucked a black stud like me was so erotic and I almost wanted to shoot my load.

"Ahh...", "I won take you cum that easily boss", he stopped and I was frustrated.

"That night there was someone who watching both if us. Do you know who was that?" Was he asking I telling me? But I knew who he was.

"Josh few days ago gave me a tie clip and I had seen it somewhere. Actually seen someone wearing it. Who might that person be?", My heart was beating faster, he was teasing me.

"Oh yes, he was you....who was watching us from the bathroom. Dont you boss?", I was caught. But didn't respond as my face was painted red with shame.

"You are so naughty man, boss. If you don't want me to fuck you then why were you watching us? Why are you wearing the purple shirt I have you if you don't like me?" Wikling's answers were valid but I couldn't answer them.

"I...Wik...I", I was stammering and he started jerking my dick through my underwear.

"Answer me boss", he was squeezing it hard and I hardened within nano seconds ready to shoot and as I was about to he stopped, edging me badly.

"Ahhhh....please Wikling stop...", I begged as I couldn't face more humiliation. I'm an Alpha.

"First I need the answers", he was serious and started edging me again.

"Wikling ahhhh....please....I..don't know....", "You know boss you fucking know it...answer me", "Wikling ahhhh", as I felt shooting near, he stopped again. "I ll continue to edge you, torture you unless you get true to yourself boss", he again started doing it and I was hard again. "I can't stand this anymore please make me cum Wikling..", I shouted. "Not until you accept you want me, you liked Josh getting fucked and you want the same thing as well...", I was close and helpless. His hand movement was making me leak precum torturing to other level. My Alpha status was on stake and it was time to choose to either cum or my Alpha status.

"Ahhhhh...fuckk....yeah...yes...I want you Wikling, I loved the way you make Josh stop torturing me please...", And I chose to surrender to Wikling.

" was not that difficult. Accepting who you are is not that difficult Dom. Don't you think?", he stopped edging me even squeezing me. Him calling me by name was weirdly erotic and making me horny. I still felt ashamed that I couldn't control my list for him and surrendered to a twinky subordinate of mine. But it was no use to cry over spilt milk now. Turning my head down, I looked defeated and powerless. All my Alpha cockiness disappeared after shouting out loud those words to Wikling.

"Now don't be sad Dom. Now I'm gonna show you what real pleasure is", he grabbed me by my muscular arm and took me to his bed room and I followed him mechanically like a robot.

******* We both were standing in centre Wikling's room. There was pin drop silence and we both were just staring at each other. I wanted to run and I could but as I said previously my body wanted to stay there and curious about what was gonna happen next despite the repercussion that I could loose my Alpha demeanor forever. Wikling was smiling but this time it was not a devious, mean or mocking smile but a polite, kind and loving one. His hands reached for my upper button of the his gifted shirt.

"I'm happy that you wear this tonight", he said in his polite voice and automatically I smiled for no reason. I don't wanna tell this but I don't know why seeing him happy stirs something positive in me. I cannot stand him sad or depressed. He started undressing me and unbuttoned my shirt pulling out the corners from inside of pants tucking it out. My shirt was open and my massive bare chest was expose and surprisingly I didn't mind his lustful stare at it. He moved the shirt behind my shoulders and touched my pecs with innocence of a child that spread a smile on my face again. I could see him drooling over my muscular built and he spread his hands all over my beefy pecks and washboard abs.

"I always wanted to feel them Dom, touch them and kiss them", he said directly I to my eyes and moved closer to kiss my right dark nipple. Fuck my nipples are so sensitive and my dick instantly rose up. The feeling was mesmerising. His hands expertly removed the shirt of my body and arms and I even aided him in removing and then he hugged me touching my nipples with his sensitive tongue. He was not torturing, tweaking or nibbling it instead he was licking, and sucking softly on my nipples like I was a breastfeeding women and he my child sucking milk out of my nipple. The thought of being sucked on like a woman was so disgusting but to me it was arousing me crazily and I just wanted to cum so badly. His sensitive to give was awakening an emotional rush in my body that in my past ten years of being an Alpha I never experienced. It was romantic, sexual, wild and heavenly. Wikling knew my weaknesses very well when he explores my body the first time. After wetting my nipples, he softly tweak them and my cock throbbed hard. I looked at his cute face, the drool was advancing down his mouth, he was looking so sexy that in the spur of the moment and I kissed him despite the fact how much I hated this I still did. My body reacted on its own and we both began making out passionately. Wikling hugged me tightly while I had his face in my hands and my lips were locked with his. I kissed him for long time and then I broke it facing him.

"And you said you didn't like kissing", he smiled leaving me embarrassed and ashamed. Then he grabbed my belt and in a quick motion undressed me completely leaving me only in my briefs.

"You are so handsome and sexy Dom", he was staring at me with list. My muscle packed body was on the show for a man to look at. I never felt objectified in my life. I grabbed my hard on 10 inch dick and squeezed it. "ahhhhh" ,a moan escaped my mouth. He pulled my briefs down and I was standing fully naked with my ten inches wet dick throbbing in front on me. He was smiling and I dove in the sea of humiliation. He grabbed my python and pulled me closer with his thumb he was scratching my sensitive mushroom head. "Ahhhh", I moaned again and felt like cumming. It was so mysterious that I was throbbing like a vibrator and erupting so much precum. He understood my confusion and then threw me on the bed. He came over and started kissing me to which I responded a little. "Remain still", he walked around and brought a lube from the drawer and my heart sank down. Where I would fucking around me few days ago and today I was giving my ass to a twin like Wikling.

"Are you ready?", He asked but I didn't respond. "Doesn't matter", he pushed me down on my back and raised my legs up. "Wik let's---", "Shhhhh, keep quite Dom. I can't stop this now besides you want to cum badly. Don't you?", He said and rotated the cap and inserted the tip into my hole slowly. My sphincters were closed tightly and he spanked at my perfectly round ass. "Loose it Dom", and then he inserted it in. "Ahhhh", I felt a little pain and then the feeling of being wet by a good liquid just shoot few drops of precum from my cock. "You are desperate to be fucked Dom", he whispered into my ears and I turned my head down in humiliation.

"I have emptied almost entire tube in your tight hole Dom", he threw the empty tube on the floor, taking my massive legs up and arranging them onto his weak shoulders he exposed the maroon colored rosebud and spitting on his five inch cock he inserted it slowly in my well lubed hole. The entire time I closed my eyes and felt his thickness tearing my anal sphincters apart.

" is hurting like hell...please take it out...ahhhhhh...ohhhhh", I was moaning and groaning with pain but Wikling didn't let it go.

"Dom, just think about the pleasure that will prevail after you endure this little pain, my big guy", Wikling came closer over me exposing my hole even more for his cock to enter my door with ease and whispered me. After that he started kissing me together with penetrating my private territory while I hurled my arms around him enduring the pain. He penetrated continuously making me burn in pain but his words just kept me endure it as I was badly waiting to shoot my load after so long.

"And I'm in Dom", he smiled and said. He had already taken my virginity but this time I was giving it up myself.

"You are so tight, do you know that? Might be tighter than a woman Dom", his comparison was so disgusting but again kept me hard on other hand.

"Actually you can be my woman, Dom", I opened my eyes on this disgusting remark but he was smiling. I was shocked was Wikling really considering this but then the back to back hits form his cock didn't let me think more about it. I was feeling shots if pain after pain as my hole was really really tight but I knew the best had yet to come. Wikling started fucking me like jackhammer but in a slow and steady pace not hurting me.

I still can't believe I was being fucked and consciously without any resistance. I was glued to his thin slender body taking the raw pounding. "Ahhhh...ahhhhh...yeahhh...ohhhh fuckk...holy shit", I was softly but erotically saying all this and my hot breaths were hitting his neck driving him crazy.

"Whose the alpha now, Dom...fuck", he hit me harder this time", I just moaned on that. "Who is fucking you boss, huh?" He slammed his rod into my tunnel with a hard stroke and I tightly hugged him. He pushed my thighs and slammed them against the mattress taking more access to inside my hole pounding me harder and humiliating me together.

"Answer me boss, who is the Alpha Dom Top now?", He asked me and I just "ahhhh..."

"Who is breaking the Alpha?", He fucked me with full power almost hitting the sensitive spot that awakened the amazing sensation in me.

"Ahhhh...please slow down....a bit", I begged him to slow down but he continued hiring me wildly like a mad dog.

"Just shut up boss and take it like an Alpha....the Alpha are not the Top dog here. I am, so take my cock like a good Alpha bottom", he took out his cock completely and rammed it in hitting my prostate.

"Fuckkk...ahhhhhhh...ahhhhh...oh my gooooodd....yeahh....yes...", I tried to stand up in feeling the waves of pleasure but Wikling pulled me back down.

"Slow down tiger, the fun has just started", and he started fucking me raw with all his might hitting my prostate.

" feels amazing....yes....fuckkkk", I completely forgot who I was and just concentrate on getting fucked and feeling the ecstasy. My cock was almost about to cum.

"I'm gonna cum Wik....yes...make me cum", "I ll boss....I ll make you cum like a stallion ...just keep on arousing me.", He growled. "Yes Wik...I lll......ahhhhh", "So who is the alpha boss", he took his cock out and rammed it in taking my should away. "You are...Wik", I said without even thinking what I'm saying. I just wanted to cum that's all and for that I would go to any extreme now. "Who is The too Dom Alpha?", He asked. "You are Wik..ahhhh", "Who is your Top?", "You are....fuck", I was in heaven. Wik was right after all. "Are you a top Dom Alpha, boss?", The most humiliating question but I had to answer quickly as my cock throbbed faster and was about to cum. "Fuck ....No Wik....I'm not aToo Dom Alpha are Wik...fuck..ahhhhhh...ahhhh.ohhhhh",

"Yes boss, you are a Bottom Sub Alpha. Got it?", He hit the last mail in the coffin hard and I exploded accepting my new role.

"Yes Wik....ohhh...yes...I'm Bottom Sub .. ALPHAAAAAAA......fuckkk...I'm cumming...I'm fucking cumminggghhg....yeah...oh my god...fuck me...Wik...fuck the shit outta me...", And he started fucking me harder while I was experiencing the best orgasm of my life shooting gallons of cum I used to erupt. I felt like I would continue to cum like this forever. It was so much relieving and satisfying to cum like usual after so many days. I was still in aftermath of orgasm hugging Wikling tightly and degrading myself.

"Fuck me Wik....never stop fucking me....fuck me hole....yes",

"I'm about to cum as well boss....take my cum and cherish it", and he exploded as I was in my after math another blissful experience awaited me. That amazing feeling of being wet.

"Oh fuck yes....yes...cum inside me Wik....yes....shoot it all...fuck....I love this feeling the most....I cannot explain how much I love my hole being wet....fuckkk....just don't stop", I was completely out of control now. The Alpha Dominic has died and born the Bottom Sub Alpha.

Do tell me how much you like it. Apologies for mistakes.

Next: Chapter 12

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